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Polyfunkční dům / Polyfunctional buildingChocholouš, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
In Master´s thesis I evolved a projected documentation of newly designed building ofthe polyfunctional house. The project is completed as a professional docummentation for the planning permission. This suggested conception respects valid standards and announcements (organization of the stability and area, orientation to cardinal points, fire safety of the building, noise protection, energy saving demands etc).
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GSM alarm pro motocykly / GSM alarm for motorcyclesBeníček, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The main target of this work is to design and to implement unfailable safety appliance for motocycles with use any GSM technology. In my masters’s thesis I applied to individaul fields which I had to knows for realization of this work. The introductory chapter tells the reader about evaluation of former semestral projects and about brief description of the realized mechanism. It is followed by descripctoin of principles of communication between PC and mobile phone. The main part of my work is dedicated to application itself. The applicaton is called motoalarm. The last chapter creates description service of localisation mobil phones which is called Kde je... The conclusion includes evaluation of this master´s project and general description of the realized mechanism.
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Novostavba nákupního centra / New build of shopping centerNovotná, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is decribing documentation of brand new shopping center building at the terms of project specification for the building permit. There are requirements set to the draft for the layout of the building in connection with ensuring construction in terms of static, thermal technical, fire safety, energy saving and safety in usage. The project is created in software AutoCad, the calculation for the assessment of thermal properties is created in the software Teplo a Ztráty. Calculation for the fire safety and static calculation of reinforced concrete panel is processed by manual calculation.
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Administrativní budova / Administrative buildingKoprivňanský, Rastislav January 2014 (has links)
In my thesis is made set part of project documentation for a office building in Trencin. The design respects the relevant technical standards, regulations, rules, requirements of architectural layout solution of underground garage, office spaces, retail operation and coffee bar . The project contains technical thermal, acoustic evaluation, fire safety solution of the building and construction safety in use.The project is processed by computer program Nemetschek Allplan 2013.
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Určení vertikálních posunů objektu kolejí JAMU v Brně / Vertical Displacement Measurements at JAMU dorm in BrnoDörrer, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is a height measurement done within several time periods, in order to detect vertical displacements of an object of dormitories of JAMU on Novobranska street in Brno. The thesis includes selection of the method and its accuracy verification and also processing of the measurements and suitable interpretation of achieved results.
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Urbanistická studie obce Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem / Urban study village Kunčice under OndřejníkKasan, Michal January 2009 (has links)
I deal with the development of village Kunčice under Ondřejník in my master´s thesis. The task is a finding of an optimal positron of the center in the inhomogenous building structure. After many considerations I choose the villagecenter in the place of today´s office and the supermarket. The new center will be consist from the three parts. First is a part of the commerce, services, post office, and the doctor. In this part will be rebuilded old officebuilding and supermarket and will be builded new supermarketstore and new building of stores, and new apartment building. In the second part will be rebuilded schoolbuilding and the kindergarden. The old playground will be recultivated and also livingdistrict for seniors will be builded,for zouny merrids and families. In the third part of new center the apartaments building and wellness centre will be builded. I proposed a new function´s use of landscape of Kunčice under Ondřejník together with villagecenter.
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Urbanistická studie obce Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem / Urban study village Kunčice under OndřejníkKasan, Michal January 2009 (has links)
I deal with the development of village Kunčice under Ondřejník in my master´s thesis. The task is a finding of an optimal position of the center in the inhomogenous building structure. After many considerations I choose the villagecenter in the place of today´s office and the supermarket. The new center will be consist of the three parts. First is a part of the commerce, services, post office, and the doctor. In this part will be rebuilded old officebuilding and supermarket and will be builded new supermarketstore and new building of stores, and new apartment building for strart young people. And a turistic accommodation. In the second part will be rebuilded schoolbuilding and the kindergarden. The old playground will be recultivated and also livingdistrict for seniors will be builded,for zouny merrids and families. I proposed a new function´s use of landscape of Kunčice under Ondřejník together with villagecenter.
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När fler behöver mer : Vilka organisatoriska förutsättningar får vård och omsorgschefer i den demografiska utvecklingen? / When more people need more : what organizational conditions receive health and socialcare managers in the demographic trend?Wiström, Veronica January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att genom intervjuer och sammanställning av policydokument ta fram chefers upplevelse av deras förutsättningar i sitt yrke och arbetsgivarens förväntningar och krav på chefernas prestation i den demografiska utvecklingen. Den teoretiska referensramen grundar sig i organisationsteori och organisationskultur för att ta med organisationernas strukturer kontra de kulturer som råder på arbetsplatser och synen på olika arbetsroller. Resultatet visar att chefernas förutsättningar i olika kommuner är relativt lika men att deras upplevelse av förutsättningar är olika beroende på den ledning och styrning som finns ovanför. Chefer med stora enheter och högt antal medarbetare ansågs sig ha bättre förutsättningar när det kom till både utvecklingsarbete och förändringsarbete än chefer med färre medarbetare och mindre enheter även om de i praktiken hade väldigt lika arbetsförhållanden. Det som skiljde sig åt var respondenternas beskrivning av sina arbetsgivare. De som hade större enheter och därav en högre arbetsbelastning hade en god relation till sin chef och ett högt förtroende vilket gjorde att upplevelsen av bättre förutsättningar blev högre. Resultatet visar också att samtliga respondenter arbetar med att leda på distans men att ingen av de tillfrågade upplever att det är någonting som de får stöd med från sin arbetsgivare. Samtliga respondenter visade också ett intresse för ämnet och kunde tydligt problematisera hur det påverkar en chef och ledare att inte ha daglig tillgång till sina personalgrupper. Det framkommer även tydligt hos samtliga respondenter att det inte diskuteras ledarskap i ledningsgrupperna utan att arbetet till största delen är operativt och praktiskt. / The purpose of the study is to, through interviews and compilation of policy documents, present managers' experience of their conditions in their profession and employers' expectations and demands on managers' performance in demographic development. The theoretical frame of reference is based on organizational theory and organizational culture to include the structures of the organizations versus the cultures that exist in the workplace and the view of different work roles. The result shows that the managers' conditions in different municipalities are relatively similar, but that their experience of the conditions is different depending on the management and governance that is above. Managers with large units and a high number of employees were considered to have better conditions when it came to both development work and change work than managers with fewer and smaller units, although in practice they had very similar working conditions. What differed was the respondents' description of their employers. Those who had larger units and therefore a higher workload had a good relationship with their manager and a high level of confidence, which made the experience of better conditions higher. The results also show that all respondents are working to manage remotely, but that none of the respondents feel that it is something they receive support from their employer. All respondents also showed an interest in the topic and could clearly problematize how it affects a manager and leader not to have daily access to their staff groups. It is also clear in all respondents that leadership is not discussed in the management groups, but that the work is largely operational and practical.
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Vinný sklep ve Vlkoši / Wine cellar in VlkošŠpaček, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
Master´s thesis, "Wine Cellar in Vlkoš “, is processed in the form of project documentation. The proposed facility is located on plot No. 2468. It is a brick building from the elements Porotherm, concrete blocks BTB, from the wood-beamed ceiling and a gabled roof. The building has two above ground and one underground floor. In the basement is a wine cellar with the production. On the first floor is a tavern with a kitchen and social rooms.V second floor rooms for accommodation.
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Zastřešení sportovního stadionu / Roof structure of sport stadiumPijáčková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis was to develop a conversion and a variant of the existing steel structure roofing ice rink in Třinec. The building has a rectangular plan on pages 90 m x 60 m, minimum headroom inside the building is given with regard to the requirements of operation. The roof structure is stored in steel and concrete columns around the perimeter at a distance of 7.5 m. Variant solution for the design of new steel roof structure was chosen arc grate. The design consists of 13 main arc lattice girders in the transverse direction for a distance of 7.5 m in the longitudinal direction of the structure consisting of planar lattice strips (girders) and purlins. All this is complemented by a reinforced system. Two dimensions are retained.
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