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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Krovinių vežimo perspektyvos AB "Lietuvos geležinkeliai" ekonominiai aspektai / The economic aspects of freight transportation by the joint-stock company 'Lietuvos geležinkeliai'

Demidov, Vitalij 28 June 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama geležinkelio vagonų, reikalingų tam tikros apimties krovinių vežimams, poreikio problema. Ypatingas dėmesys atkreipiamas į vagonų parko rezervo sudarymą. Pagal pateiktas matematines formules, įvertinus visas vagonų eksploatavimo sąnaudas, nustatomas reikalingų vagonų skaičius. Taip pat yra aprašomas „MS Excel“ programa sudarytas matematinis modelis operatyviniam bei planiniam vagonų poreikiui apskaičiuoti. Šiuo modeliu apskaičiuota reikšmė yra optimali ir yra 1,4 % mažesnė, negu vagono poreikio reikšmė, apskaičiuota remiantis praėjusių metų statistiniais rezultatais. Siekiant visapusiškai išnagrinėti problemą, papildomai buvo tiriamas prekinių vagonų parko amžius, atlikta vagonų prastovų laiko analizė, nustatyti prekinių vagonų poreikio ekonominiai aspektai. / This paper considers the need of the rail cars for the determined volume of the freight traffic. The special attention is drawn to the composition of the railway wagon reserve park. The mathematical equations evaluating the operational elements of the wagons are determined. An experimental mathematical model which describes the operational need of wagons is calculated using supportive software Excel; the model estimates that the optimized need for wagons are by 1.4 % lower then the need has been calculated by last year statistical data. Furthermore the work also observes the performance and the age of the freight Wagon Park. The analysis performed to analyze the wagons idle time and other economic issues concerning the matter of the freight wagons are observed.

Amperometrinio biojutiklio su chemiškai modifikuotu elektrodu vykstančių reakcijos-difuzijos procesų kompiuterinis modeliavimas ir tyrimas / Modeling and exploration of reaction-diffusion processes in amperometric biosensor with chemically modified electrode

Poltorak, Sergej 27 June 2014 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo tikslas yra sukurti kompiuterinį amperometrinio biojutiklio su chemiškai modifikuotu elektrodu modelį ir ištirti jo savybes. Modelis papildo egzistuojančius modelius mediatoriaus sluoksniu. Mediatoriaus koncentracija sluoksnyje nėra konstanta, tirpsta biojutiklio veikimo eigoje. Darbe apžvelgiama medžiaga apie amperometrinius biojutiklius, biojutiklio modeliavimo aspektus, mediatoriaus tirpimo priežastis ir veikimo principus. Vėliau suformuluojamas pasirinkto biojutiklio matematinis modelis. Matematiniame modelyje pateikiamos diferencialinės lygtys su dalinėmis išvestinėmis, aprašančios biojutiklyje vykstančias reakcijas ir difuzijas. Pagal matematinį modelį yra sudaromas skaitinis modelis. Pagal žinomus analizinius sprendimus modelis yra ratifikuojamas. Remiantis skaitiniu modeliu buvo sukurta programinė įranga įgyvendinanti diferencialinių lygčių su dalinėmis išvestinėmis sprendimo metodą (išreikštinę baigtinių skirtumų schemą) ir simuliuojanti biojutiklio veikimą. Programinė įranga yra karkasas, leidžiantis nagrinėti sumodeliuoto biojutiklio savybes bei charakteristikas. Buvo ištirtos substrato ir mediatoriaus koncentracijų, mediatoriaus, fermento, difuzijos sluoksnių, bei mediatoriaus sluoksnio difuzijos koeficiento įtakos biojutiklio generuojamos srovės tankiui. Be to gauti dviejų modelių palyginimo rezultatai parodė sumodeliuoto biojutiklio modelio skirtumus ir panaudojimo prasmingumą. / The aim of master thesis is to model amperometric biosensor with chemically modified electrode, introducing into existing model one more additional mediator layer. Mediator concentration inside the layer is changing during the biosensor action. Master thesis content consists of: enzyme kinetics introduction, biosensor modeling peculiarities exploration, chemically modified electrode information, biosensor action aspects description. Following chapter concentrates on mathematical modeling of particular biosensor type. Mathematical model represents differential equations with partial derivatives describing the reactions and diffusion inside biosensor. Next, numerical model is formulated. The explicit method technique was used. Based on numerical model software was made and validated. Using software the biosensor action was simulated in order to investigate biosensor properties and characteristics. In this work several properties were analyzed: impact of substrate and mediator concentrations, size of mediator, enzyme and diffusion layers, mediator layer diffusion coefficient on biosensor response. This model was compared with previous introduced model and it was shown that there is some difference between them and there is a reason to use new model.

Automobilio svyravimai ekstremalaus stabdymo metu / Oscillations of the vehicle in emergency braking

Pečeliūnas, Robertas 24 February 2005 (has links)
The suspension of the motor vehicle is one of the most important elements of the flexible mounted and inflexible mounted masses of the vehicle bodywork, and most attention is paid to its exploration and improvement. Analysis of models of equivalent oscillation systems of motor vehicles testifies that the evaluation of motor vehicle oscillations and modelling of its motion modes is still very topical and requires further research. Suspension models of motor vehicles offered in publications regard only the influence of road irregularities, and the modernisation of these models is directed towards the improvement of passengers’ comfort. However not much research has been done on the influence of oscillations of flexible mounted and inflexible mounted masses of the bodyworks of vehicles in the process of braking; also there is not much investigation of the post-accident identification of the vehicle’s movement mode corresponding to the deformations of the suspension and the longitudinal pitch of the bodywork. Research of oscillations in the conditions of emergency braking is primarily important for the work in two practical directions: 1) improvement of calculation methods of motor vehicle’s response to external impact in the conditions of real operation; 2) further improvement of research methods on the road, and analysis of fait accompli road accidents related to oscillations in the emergency braking. Methodology defining the oscillations occurring in the braking may be applied... [to full text]

Automobilio svyravimai ekstremalaus stabdymo metu / Oscillations of the vehicle in emergency braking

Pečeliūnas, Robertas 25 February 2005 (has links)
The suspension of the motor vehicle is one of the most important elements of the flexible mounted and inflexible mounted masses of the vehicle bodywork, and most attention is paid to its exploration and improvement. Analysis of models of equivalent oscillation systems of motor vehicles testifies that the evaluation of motor vehicle oscillations and modelling of its motion modes is still very topical and requires further research. Suspension models of motor vehicles offered in publications regard only the influence of road irregularities, and the modernisation of these models is directed towards the improvement of passengers’ comfort. However not much research has been done on the influence of oscillations of flexible mounted and inflexible mounted masses of the bodyworks of vehicles in the process of braking; also there is not much investigation of the post-accident identification of the vehicle’s movement mode corresponding to the deformations of the suspension and the longitudinal pitch of the bodywork. Research of oscillations in the conditions of emergency braking is primarily important for the work in two practical directions: 1) improvement of calculation methods of motor vehicle’s response to external impact in the conditions of real operation; 2) further improvement of research methods on the road, and analysis of fait accompli road accidents related to oscillations in the emergency braking. Methodology defining the oscillations occurring in the braking may be applied... [to full text]

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