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The It-Narrator as Moral Agent: Social Guardians in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic LiteratureDouglas, Christopher Charles 01 May 2016 (has links)
Despite shifts in marketing and ideological emphasis from the 1730s to the 1890s, the it-narrative genre (wherein objects and animals recount their own histories) remained surprisingly consistent in the nature of the social commentary it provided. In contrast to earlier studies, mainly devoted to small segments of the phenomenon in Britain or America, this study brings out the transatlantic persistence of the it-narrator’s functioning as a model of moral agency, cognizant of his/her/its obligations within a societal grid. A lens to the contemporary perception of what made it-narratives important is available in the writings of Thomas Reid, an eighteenth-century philosopher who emphasized the tangible reality of moral judgment as a force in "practical ethics." Widely known in Britain and America during this period, Reid’s paradigm, in dialogue with modern histories of material and popular culture, informs my account of how the it-narrative, while certainly responding to specific cultural trends, became ever more solidly perceived as an intertextual forum for understanding moral agency and social justice.
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Is home where the heart is? : landscape, materiality and aesthetics in Tibetan exileClark, Imogen Rose January 2015 (has links)
In 2000, Tim Ingold argued: 'people do not import their ideas, plans or mental representations into the world, since that very world ... is the homeland of their thoughts. Only because they already dwell therein can they think the thoughts they do' (2000: 186). He thus stressed the importance of place in the construction and reproduction of culture. How does this play out, however, among refugees who by virtue of their displacement must 'import' cultural concepts into alien environments? For those outside a 'homeland' how do they make sense of the world? In this thesis I examine the relationship between Tibetan refugees, the landscapes of their exile and their wider material environment. Drawing on theory in material anthropology and thirteen months' ethnographic fieldwork conducted in two contrasting Tibetan refugee settlements in northwest India, I analyse how Tibetan refugees are affected by, and in turn exert agency over their material world. Through this discussion, I reflect on the multiple and mutable meanings of home for Tibetan refugees, many of whom were born and/or raised in India. Few scholarly discussions of home encompass both its affective and imaginary dimensions; this thesis achieves this by focusing on the material and aesthetic aspects of home. Through this lens, I explore how refugees both work hard to develop a sense of home in exile, yet simultaneously destabilise this by orienting themselves towards an imagined home in a future 'free Tibet'. The discussion unfolds thematically, through chapters focusing on several material categories: landscape, the built environment, dress and objects. I develop my analysis via existing theoretical literature in material anthropology and its sub-disciplines, transnational and migration studies, and area-specialist literature in Tibetology.
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This paper presents the current research in the Archaeological Site Corredor do Bolso, located at Santa Margarida do Sul munipality, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brasil. The site, excavated in 1998, was impacted by agricultural activities, but still preserved two partially intact mound structures, known in the literature as Cerritos . The studied collection is composed of chipped lithic artifacts from various raw materials and ceramic fragments. The diversity of raw materials used in chipping reflects the various geological formations of the region and the mobility of prehistoric groups for resources acquisition. The study of material culture shows the occurrence of two distinct prehistoric occupations: a hunter-gatherer group s occupation, responsible for the construction of Cerritos and a posterior Guarani horticulturalists groups. Thus, attempted to interpret the chipped materials lithic linked to the huntergatherers
group and their insertion into the archaeological context in an attempt to understand the construction of Cerritos. And finally, connect these data with the Guarani occupation. / O presente trabalho visa apresentar as atuais pesquisas no Sítio Arqueológico Corredor do Bolso, localizado no município de Santa Margarida do Sul, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O sítio, escavado em 1998, foi impactado por atividades
agrícolas, mas mesmo assim conservou parcialmente integras duas estruturas monticulares, conhecidas pela bibliografia como Cerritos . A coleção estudada é composta por artefatos líticos lascados de diversas matérias-primas e fragmentos cerâmicos. A diversidade de matérias-primas utilizadas no lascamento reflete as várias formações geológicas da região e a mobilidade dos grupos pré-históricos para a captação de recursos. A pesquisa da cultura material mostra a ocorrência de duas ocupações pré-históricas distintas: uma ocupação de grupos caçador-coletores,
responsável pela construção dos cerritos e uma posterior de grupos horticultores Guarani. Assim, buscou-se interpretar os materiais líticos lascados ligados ao grupo caçador-coletor e sua inserção no contexto arqueológico na tentativa de entender a construção dos cerritos. E por fim, relacionar esses dados com a ocupação Guarani.
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The Voodoo Spiritual Temple: A Case Study of New Orleans' Spiritual ChurchesJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation takes the material culture of New Orleans’ Spiritual Churches as its point of the construction and application of academic categories in studies of religions of the African diaspora. Because I am interested in what emic explanations reveal about scholarly categories and methods, a dialogic approach in which I consult practitioners’ explanations to test the appropriateness of academic categories is central to this work. Thus, this study is grounded in an ethnographic study of the Voodoo Spiritual Temple, which was founded and is operated by Priestess Miriam Chamani, a bishop in the Spiritual Churches. The Spiritual Churches first emerged in the early twentieth century under the leadership of Mother Leafy Anderson. Voodoo, Pentecostalism, Spiritualism, and Roman Catholicism have been acknowledged as their primary tributary traditions. This study examines the material culture, such as statues and mojo bags, at the Voodoo Spiritual Temple as it reflects and reveals aspects of Temple attendees’ world views. In particular, material culture begins to illuminate attendees’ understandings of non-human beings, such as Spirit and spirits of the dead, as they are embodied in a variety of ways. Conceptions of Spirit and spirits are revealed to be interconnected with views on physical and spiritual well-being. Additionally, despite previous scholarly treatments of the Spiritual Churches as geographically, socially, and culturally isolated, the material culture of the Voodoo Spiritual Temple reveals them to be embedded in transnational and translocal cultural networks. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Religious Studies 2016
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Patrim?nio, Mem?ria e Espa?o: a constru??o da paisagem a?ucareira do Vale do Cear?-MirimBertrand, Daniel 05 October 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-10-05 / This work aims to understand how the installation of sugar culture along the river Cear?-Mirim defined the spatial organization of the Valley, and thus setting the landscape. This space has begun to be defined only in the second half of the nineteenth century, when the sugarcane growth had atarted on land located on the banks of the river Cear?-Mirim. The passage of this period of great prosperity can be seen through the heritage material which is still presented in the region. Walking through the Valley, we found a considerable number of architectural buildings, many in ruins, linked to this historical moment. This perception, caused by these buildings, will take us on a trip to the past, back to a time characterized by great-houses, mills, sugarcane plantations, planters, slaves, etc. The references that lead us to consider the sugar mills located along the valley of Cear? Mirim as a patrimony, which carry an entire historical baggage, guide us to the first half of the twentieth century. During this period, the role of intellectuals from the Rio - Sao Paulo through the modernist movement will be decisive in the formation of a national identity. The heritage material identified along the valley of Cear? Mirim defined its current spatial organization, setting the landscape. But we must conceive this landscape into two ways: first, as a material representation of social practices carried out in this space, where social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects have interacted to their training; as well as a landscape that carries a whole historical baggage which was built throughout the twentieth century / Este trabalho tem o objetivo de entender como a instala??o da cultura a?ucareira ao longo do rio Cear?-Mirim definiu a organiza??o espacial do Vale, configurando assim a paisagem. Esse espa?o come?ou a ser definido somente na segunda metade do s?culo XIX, quando se iniciou o cultivo da cana de a??car nas terras localizadas nas margens do rio Cear?-Mirim.
A passagem deste per?odo de grande prosperidade pode ser observada atrav?s do patrim?nio material ainda presente na regi?o. Percorrendo o Vale, verificamos um n?mero consider?vel de constru??es arquitet?nicas, muitas em ru?nas, ligadas a esse momento hist?rico. Essa percep??o, causada por essas constru??es, nos leva h? uma viagem ao passado, para um tempo caracterizado por casas-grande, engenhos, planta??es de cana, senhores de engenho, escravos, etc.
Os referenciais que nos levam a considerar os engenhos de a??car localizados ao longo do Vale do Cear?-Mirim como patrim?nio, que carregam toda uma bagagem hist?rica, remete-nos a primeira metade do s?culo XX. Nesse per?odo, a atua??o de intelectuais do eixo Rio S?o Paulo atrav?s do movimento modernista ser? decisivo na constitui??o de uma identidade nacional.
O patrim?nio material identificado ao longo do Vale do Cear?-Mirim definiu a sua atual organiza??o espacial, configurando a paisagem. Mas devemos conceber essa paisagem de duas formas: primeiro, como uma representa??o material das praticas sociais realizadas neste espa?o, onde aspectos sociais, culturais, econ?micos e ambientais interagiram para a sua forma??o; como tamb?m, uma paisagem que carrega toda uma bagagem hist?rica formada ao longo do s?culo XX
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Museum Networks: The Exchange of the Smithsonian Institution's Duplicate Anthropology CollectionsJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation examines a practice of scientific museums in the 19th and early 20th centuries: the exchange of their duplicate specimens. Specimen exchange facilitated the rise of universal museums while creating a transnational network through which objects, knowledge, and museum practitioners circulated. My primary focus concerns the exchange of anthropological duplicate specimens at the Smithsonian Institution from 1880 to 1920. Specimen exchange was implemented as a strategic measure to quell the growth of scientific collections curated by the Smithsonian prior garnering to the broad political support needed to fund a national museum. My analysis examines how its practice was connected to both anthropological knowledge production, particularly in terms of diversifying the scope of museum collections, and knowledge dissemination. The latter includes an examination of how anthropological duplicates were used to illustrate competing explanations of culture change and generate interest in anthropological subject matter for non-specialist audiences. I examine the influence of natural history classification systems on museum-based anthropology by analyzing how the notion of duplicate was applied to collections of material culture. As the movement of museum objects are of particular concern to anthropologists involved in repatriation practices, I use specimen exchange to demonstrate that while keeping objects is a definitive function of the museum, an understanding of why and how museum objects have been kept or not kept in the past, particularly in terms of the intentions and value systems of curators, is critical in developing an ethically oriented dialogue about disposition of museum objects in the future. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Anthropology 2014
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(Sobre) viver no SertÃo: um estudo acerca das configuraÃÃes sÃcio patrimoniais de Limoeiro/CE (1850-1884) / (About) live in the SertÃo: a study about the settings equity partner Limoeiro/CE (1850-1884)Luciana Meire Gomes Reges 14 July 2014 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Esse estudo objetiva compreender e analisar os modos de vida que se constituÃam nas formas de organizaÃÃo e instituiÃÃo do patrimÃnio familiar de indivÃduos, que tiveram seus bens inventariados, do SertÃo de Limoeiro (CE), no perÃodo que decorre entre os anos de 1850 a 1884. A anÃlise dos patrimÃnios familiares, bem como, da Cultura Material do SertÃo de Limoeiro, na conjuntura da segunda metade do sÃculo XIX, possibilita compreender as tipologias dos bens familiares, que constituem indÃcios produzidos no meio social, econÃmico e cultural, especÃficos e datados. Esse estudo à embasado pelo uso dos inventÃrios post-mortem, relatos de viajantes, registros paroquias de terra, censo de 1872, registros paroquiais (nascimento, casamento e Ãbito), relatÃrio de presidente de provÃncia e balanÃos e relatÃrio da CÃmara da Vila de Limoeiro acerca da Seca de 1877-79, essenciais, no sentido, que cercam o objeto, possibilitando construir leituras sobre a vida material desses indivÃduos. A temporalidade recortada decorre dos anos de 1850, com a Lei de Terras, que buscava instituir uma organizaÃÃo fundiÃria no Brasil, e se estende atà 1884, ano em que foi instituÃdo o fim da escravidÃo no CearÃ, pensando que esses dois marcos foram incisivos para que ocorresse uma (re)configuraÃÃo social e econÃmica na forma adquirida pelos patrimÃnios familiares nesse perÃodo. / This research aims understand and analyze the ways of life that constituted in forms of organization and the institution of familiar patrimony of people that had their assets inventoried of the SertÃo de Limoeiro do Norte (CE) , in the period between the years 1850 to 1884.The analysis of family assets and of Material Culture from the SertÃo de Limoeiro, in the second half of XXI century enables understand the typologies of familiar goods that constituted traces produced in social, economic and cultural, specific and dated environment. This study is grounded by the use of the inventories post-mortem, registers of travelers, parish register of land, 1872 census, parish registers (birth, marriage and death), president of the provincial report and statements and report of CÃmara da Vila de Limoeiro about drought of 1877-79.They were essentials because they surround the object, allowing make reading about the material life of these individuals. The time frame elapses of the years 1850, with Lei de Terras, that sought establish a land organization in Brazil and it extends until 1884, year of the end of slavery in CearÃ. These two marks were incisive for that occurred a social and economic reconfiguration in the acquired form by the familiar goods in this period.
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A Tradição Tupiguarani na Bacia do Alto Tocantins / The Tupiguarani Tradition in the Bay of the Upper TocantinsRute de Lima Pontim 16 September 2011 (has links)
O estudo apresenta uma análise sobre os sítios arqueológicos filiados à Tradição Tupiguarani e da cultura material deles decorrentes, de modo a favorecer uma discussão sobre os elementos constituintes dessa filiação cultural na Bacia do Alto Tocantins. Os trabalhos foram executados no âmbito de projetos de salvamento arqueológico, parte integrante da modalidade da pesquisa arqueológica de contrato, realizados pelo Laboratório de Arqueologia do Museu Antropológico da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Os registros arqueológicos foram identificados na área dos empreendimentos hidrelétricos da UHE Serra da Mesa e UHE Cana Brava, localizados na Bacia do Alto Tocantins, região norte do estado de Goiás. O trabalho tem como objetivo relatar as características observadas na constituição do processo de ocupação da área pela Tradição Tupiguarani, mesmo que seus assentamentos sejam significativamente reduzidos neste território, cuja predominância está relacionada aos grupos filiados às Tradições Aratu e Uru. O propósito não é contestar a existência breve ou perene desses grupos na região, se existiram apenas como circulantes de uma rota de migração, mas buscar compreender a partir do cenário arqueológico encontrado, manifestações que configurem a dinâmica de ocupação pelos grupos ceramistas pré-coloniais relacionados à Tradição Tupiguarani. / This study shows an analysis of the archaeological sites related to the Tupiguarani tradition and the material culture arose from it, in a way to enhance a discussion on the principles of such cultural relationship in the Bay of the Upper Tocantins. The work was done in the scope of projects of archaeological rescue, integrating part of the feature of the archaeological research of contract, realized by the Archaeology Laboratory of the Anthropological Museum of the Federal University of Goiás. The archaeological records were identified in the area of the hydroelectric venture of the Hydroelectric Power Station of Serra da Mesa and the Hydroelectric Power Station of Cana Brava, located in the Bay of Upper Tocantins in the north of the Goiás State. The objective of the work is to report the characteristics observed in the constitution of the occupation process of the area by the Tupiguarani Tradition, even though its settlement was quite reduced in this territory, which was predominantly related to the Aratu and Uru Traditions. The aim is not to contest the brief or perennial existence of these groups in the area, if their settlement there was just part of a migratory movement, but to try to understand the manifestation that represents the dynamic of the occupation by the pre-colonial ceramist groups related to the Tupiguarani Tradition according to the archaeological scenery found.
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Estandartes – bandeiras de festa e tradição: uma análise da simbologia e linguagem visual dos estandartes dos clubes e troças do carnaval de Recife e OlindaSILVA, Hugo Vandré Cavalcanti da 28 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-09-21T12:51:20Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-01-28 / CAPES / Dentre as festas públicas e coletivas, podemos citar o carnaval como uma das mais importantes quanto à sua capacidade de representar simbolicamente a formação social e política da sociedade pernambucana. Atualmente, com a devida importância dada aos estudos sobre cultura material e imaterial, em suas formas de expressão consideradas como tradicionais ou populares e a sua salvaguarda, o presente estudo, tendo como “pano de fundo” o carnaval e o surgimento dos clubes carnavalescos pedestres, realizou uma investigação sobre o estandarte dos clubes e troças do carnaval do Recife e Olinda. Sendo o estandarte o principal elemento simbólico dessas agremiações, no qual se confunde, muitas vezes, o sagrado e o profano e sendo ele também um dos primeiros e mais importantes meios de expressão visual do frevo, o nosso estudo realizou, através da revisão bibliográfica das principais obras de viés histórico antropológico que tratam dessa temática e de pesquisa de campo, a análise de uma amostra representativa de estandartes pertencentes aos acervos dessas agremiações e do Paço do Frevo, além de entrevistas com artífices e carnavalescos. Identificou e classificou os elementos estéticos e simbólicos presentes nesses estandartes, integrando as informações levantadas pela revisão bibliográfica com o conteúdo reunido durante a pesquisa, contribuindo com informações importantes sobre os estandartes carnavalescos, sua origem, evolução e simbologia, e obtendo assim, uma compreensão do objeto de estudo na sua totalidade. / Among the public and collective parties, we can mention the carnival as one of the most important as at all, considering its capacity of symbolic representation in two ways: social construction and Pernambuco’s society politics. Actually with the correct magnitude given to academic studies about expressions of material cultures believed traditionals or popular and your safeguard, the present research, realized an investigation into the “carnival gonfalons” of Recife’s and Olinda’s carnival clubs. Emphazing that the “carnival gonfalon” like the principal symbolic element of these refered clubs, mingling, many times, the sacred and the profane, and considering it is one of the begginig and most important ways of Frevo's visual expression as well. Our study performed by literature review of the major works of anthropological historical bias that address this theme and field research, the analysis of a representative sample of “carnival gonfalons” belonging to the assets of these associations and Frevo’s Palace, as well as interviews with artificers and carnival’s people. Identified and classified the aesthetic and symbolic elements contained in these “carnival gonfalons”, integrating the information gathered by literature review content gathered during the research, contributing important information about the “carnival gonfalons”, its origin, evolution and symbols, and obtaining, an understanding of the subject matter in its entirety.
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Saberes em ciências naturais = o ensino de física e química no Colégio Culto à Ciência de Campinas - 1873/1910 / Natural Sciences acknowledgement : the teaching of physics and chemistry at Colégio Culto à Ciência of Campinas - 1873 - 1910Meloni, Reginaldo Alberto 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Cristina Menezes / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T12:48:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A tese trata do início do ensino das ciências Física e Química na educação secundária no Brasil, tendo como objeto de estudo o Colégio Culto à Ciência de Campinas. O período analisado compreende os anos entre 1873 e 1910 que é quando ocorreu uma maior valorização destes saberes em relação à educação predominantemente humanística que se praticava. Esta investigação insere-se no campo da História Cultural, e trabalha com conceitos como, "apropriação", "representação coletiva", "cultura escolar" e "cultura material" e, com isto, procura entender os nexos deste processo de transformação da educação com o contexto sócio/cultural do período. O texto está estruturado em quatro capítulos: o primeiro analisa a recepção e a circulação no Brasil das idéias relativas à valorização da educação em ciências e a disputa entre os que valorizavam estes conhecimentos e os que defendiam uma educação essencialmente humanística. O segundo capítulo aborda a forma como esta discussão aconteceu no Brasil e, neste sentido, a principal questão estudada foi o debate que ocorreu quando da elaboração dos Regulamentos dos Gymnasios de São Paulo: o da Capital e o de Campinas. O acompanhamento deste processo possibilitou entender tanto a forma como foi normatizada a educação em ciências, como alguns aspectos relativos às contradições entre as forças políticas que atuavam na sociedade paulista. O terceiro capítulo investigou a estruturação da escola de Campinas para o ensino das ciências. Primeiro constatou-se que, no final dos oitocentos, foi destinada muita atenção a este tema. Neste período foi construído no Colégio Culto à Ciência um espaço próprio para as ciências com gabinete, laboratório e museu, para o ensino da Física, da Química e da História Natural, respectivamente. Além disso, verificou-se que estes espaços receberam o que havia de melhor em termos de materiais pedagógicos, sendo que a maior parte deles era importada de fabricantes franceses e alemães. Este acervo, que ainda hoje encontra-se na escola, foi identificado e catalogado para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa. Finalmente, o último capítulo tratou do uso deste material escolar. A partir de pistas e vestígios da prática pedagógica foi possível fazer uma maior aproximação do que era o ensino das ciências naquele período. / Abstract: The thesis is about the beginning of Physics and Chemistry in the secondary educational system in Brazil and the aim of this study is ""The Colégio Culto à Ciência" from Campinas. The period between years 1873 and 1910 is analyzed, which a greater valuation of sciences occurred in relation to the predominantly humanistic education practiced by that time. The inquiry goes through Cultural History and tries to understand the nexus with the context of the period. First chapter analyzes the reception and the circulation of the ideas related to the education of sciences in Brazil and investigates the dispute between that those who valued such knowledge and the ones who defended an essentially humanistic education. Second chapter approaches the involved debates in the dispute and, in this direction, the main issue studied was the discussion occurred during the elaboration of the Gymnasios Regulations of São Paulo. Third chapter investigated the structure process of sciences education in the schools of Campinas, focusing the construction of specific spaces for the education of Physics, Chemistry and Natural History and the acquisition of French and German pedagogical materials, imported for that purpose. The assets of the educational instruments that are still in the school was identified and catalogued for the development of this research. Finally, the last chapter is about the use of this school material. From traces and vestiges of pedagogical practice, it was possible to get a closer idea of what was the education of sciences at that period. / Doutorado / Historia, Filosofia e Educação / Doutor em Educação
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