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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wie kann eine christliche Gemeinde interkulturell werden?: eine praktisch-theologische Untersuchung von drei evangelischen Freikirchen in Deutschland / Hoe kan ʼn Christengemeente interkultureel word?: ʼn praktiese teologiese ondersoek van drie evangeliese vrye gemeentes in Duitsland

Marquardt, Felix Maximilian 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German, with summaries in German, English, Afrikaans and Shona / Includes bibliographocal references (leaves 184-191) / Christliche Gemeinden in Deutschland finden sich zunehmend in einer interkulturell zusammengesetzten Gesellschaft wieder und viele fragen danach, wie eine Integration von Migranten in ihre bestehenden Gemeinden gelingen kann. In dieser qualitativ-empirischen Studie wurden drei evangelische Freikirchen in Deutschland dahingehend untersucht, wie sie sich von einer ehemals monokulturell-deutschen Gemeinde in eine interkulturelle Gemeinde entwickelt haben. Dabei wurden in besonderer Weise die Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung, der Veränderungsprozess und besondere Merkmale der Gemeinden untersucht. Als Grundlage für die Forschung wurde ein aus verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammengeführtes Modell aus Erkenntnissen zu interkulturellem Gemeindebau entworfen. In der Studie wird deutlich, dass interkultureller Gemeindebau sowohl bereichernd als auch herausfordernd und konfliktgeladen erlebt wird. Besonders wichtig sind dabei eine strategisch kompetente Leitung, eine missionarische Grundausrichtung, ein liebevoller und wertschätzender Umgang miteinander, die Einigung auf gemeinsame Leitlinien, das Feiern von Erfolgen, Beziehungsaufbau, das Einladen zur Mitarbeit auf Augenhöhe, interkulturelle Leitungsteams, die Übersetzungsarbeit, Geduld und Flexibilität sowie die Bereitschaft, voneinander zu lernen. / German society is becoming increasingly intercultural, and many Christian churches are asking how migrants can be successfully integrated into established churches. In this qualitative-empirical study, three free evangelical churches in Germany were examined to determine how they developed from a previously monocultural German church into an intercultural church. In the course of the study, the prerequisites for development, the change process and special features of the churches were specifically examined. An integrated model designed on the basis of insights of various disciplines regarding the intercultural construction of churches served as the foundation for the research. It became clear in this study that building an intercultural church not only enriches the church, but is also experienced as challenging since it has the potential to give rise to conflict. The following elements are especially important: strategic and competent leadership, a basic missionary orientation, a loving and esteeming manner in associating with one another, consensus on common guidelines, a celebration of successes, building of relationships, an invitation for others to minister on equal terms, intercultural leadership teams, translation work, patience and flexibility, and a willingness to learn from one another. / Die Duitse samelewing raak toenemend interkultureel, en talle Christengemeentes wonder hoe migrante in gevestigde gemeentes opgeneem kan word. Wyses waarop drie Evangeliese gemeentes in Duitsland ontwikkel het van eens monokulturele Duitse gemeentes in interkulturele gemeentes, is in hierdie kwalitatief empiriese studie ondersoek. In die besonder die voorvereistes vir verandering, die veranderingsproses en die unieke kenmerke van die gemeentes is in hierdie studie verken. ʼn Geïntegreerde model wat berus op die insigte van verskeie dissiplines wat hulle op die interkulturele samestelling van kerke toespits, het die basis van die navorsing gevorm. Dit blyk uit hierdie studie dat die totstandkoming van ʼn interkulturele gemeente nie slegs verrykend kan wees nie, maar dat dit moontlik ook tot onenigheid aanleiding kan gee. Die volgende is van besondere belang: strategiese en bevoegde leiers, ʼn sendingoriëntasie, liefdevolle en respekvolle omgang met mekaar, eenstemmigheid oor algemene riglyne, ʼn viering van suksesse, die bou van goeie verhoudinge, ʼn versoek dat ander op gelyke voet dien, interkulturele leierskapspanne, vertaalwerk, geduld en toegeeflikheid, en die gewilligheid om by mekaar te leer. / Tshitshavha tsha German tshi khou ṋaṋa u vha na mvelelo dzo ṱanganelanaho, nahone kereke nnzhi dza Tshikhiresite dzi khou vhudzisa uri ṱhunḓu dzi nga ṱanganyiswa hani zwavhuḓi kha kereke dzi re hone. Kha ngudo iyi ya khwaṱhisedzwaho nga tshenzhelo na ndeme, kereke tharu dza evangeli yo vhofholowaho dza ngei Germany dzo lingwa u vhona uri dzo bvelela hani u bva kha u vha dza tshikale dza Germany dza mvelele nthihi u ya kha kereke ya mvelele yo ṱanganelanaho. Kha khoso iyi ya ngudo, ṱhoḓea ya u bvelela, maitele a tshanduko na zwiṱaluli zwo khetheaho zwa kerekezwo lingululwa. Tshiedziswa tsho ṱanganelanaho tsho itwaho ho sedzwa luvhonela lwa masia o fhambanaho mayelana na u fhaṱa kerekedzo ṱanganelanaho tsho shuma sa mutheo wa ṱhoḓisiso. Zwo bvela khagala kha ngudo iyi uri u fhaṱa kereke yo ṱanganelanaho a zwi pfumisi fhedzi kereke, zwi dovha zwa vha tshenzhelo ire na khaedu saizwi i na khonadzeo ya u vusa dzikhakhathi. Zwipiḓa zwi tevhelaho ndi zwa ndeme vhukuma: vhurangaphanḓa vhu re na tshiṱirathedzhi nahone ho ṱalifhaho, u pfumbudzwa ha mutheo kha zwa vhufunzi, nḓila ua lufuno na ndeme kha matshilisano, u tendelana kha nyendedzo dzi fanaho, u pembelela mvelaphanḓa, u fhaṱa vhushaka, thamba ya vhaṅwe kha u funza nga milayo i linganaho, thimu dza vhurangaphanḓa ha mvelele yo ṱanganelanaho, mushumo wa vhupinduleli, u konḓelela na u tenda u shanduka, na u ḓiimisela u guda kha vhaṅwe. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Christian leadership)

Developing a conceptual framework for accountability in Namibian NGOs / Ontwikkeling van 'n konseptuele raamwerk vir aanspreeklikheid in Namibiese NRO's / U bveledza furemiweke ya zwishumiswa zwa u saukanya vhuḓifhinduleli ha dzi NGO kha ḽa Namibia

Simasiku, Andrew 11 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) play an important and growing role within the global economy and towards public good. Given the escalating economic and social significance of NGOs, the practical importance of being able to demonstrate their accountability in a robust and comprehensive manner is increasingly being recognised. Perhaps surprisingly, the ability to demonstrate their non-financial accountability is also becoming increasingly important. However, various institutional logics have shaped the face of NGOs’ work, as well as their reporting and their accountability mechanisms. This study therefore examined annual reports of sampled NGOs within Namibia and analysed various institutional accountability logics that shape accountability and reporting in the sector. Extending the literature on accountability logics of NGOs to include local regulations logics, financial and non-financial logic and integrated reporting logic, the study adopted a qualitative illustrative case study of the HIV and AIDS sector in Namibia. To this end, it used 13 purposively selected NGOs, subjecting their documents to analysis and through the conducting of interviews to build both theory and practice. The data were then analysed using content analysis to theme the findings towards the novel contribution it was intended to make. The findings of the study are analysed and interpreted through the lens of the institutional logics theory. The findings indicated that, currently, NGOs do not disclose decision-useful information suitable for all major groups of stakeholders. It is clear from the study that funder and local context regulation logics are the dominant logics in shaping the accountability mechanisms of NGOs in Namibia. The results have an implication for understanding the reporting systems of NGOs, particularly in developing countries such as Namibia. It is argued that extended accountability logics, such as local accountability, financial and non-financial and integrated reporting, are emerging in the NGO sector. / Nie-regeringsorganisasies (NROs) speel 'n belangrike en groeiende rol in die globale ekonomie en in openbare belang. Gegewe die toenemende ekonomiese en sosiale rol van NROs, word hul praktiese belang en aanspreeklikheid meer prominent. Hul vermoë om nie-finansiële aanspreeklikheid te demonstreer, word ook toenemend belangrik. Institusionele logika het die werking, verslagdoening en aanspreeklikheidsmeganismes van NROs gevorm. Hierdie studie het die jaarverslae van NRO's in Namibië ondersoek en die institusionele logika wat aanspreeklikheid en verslagdoening in die sektor vorm, ontleed. 'n Kwalitatiewe illustrerende gevallestudie van die HIV en Vigs-sektor in Namibië bestaande uit 13 geselekteerde NROs is ingesluit om plaaslike regulasie-, finansiële- en nie-finansiële logika met verslagdoeningslogika in NROs te integreer. ‘n Ontleding en interpretasie, deur gebruikmaking van institusionele logika-teorie, het bevind dat NROs tans nie beslissingsinligting bekendmaak wat vir alle hoofgroep belanghebbers geskik is nie. Dit is duidelik uit die studie dat befondsings- en plaaslike konteksregulasie-logika die dominante invloede is wat die aanspreeklikheidsmeganismes van NROs in Namibië gevorm het. Die resultate het 'n invloed op die verstaan van verslagdoeningstelsels van NROs, veral in ontwikkelende lande soos Namibië. Die studie bevind dat uitgebreide aanspreekliksheidslogika, wat plaaslike aanspreeklikheid, finansiële en nie-finansiële asook geïntegreerde verslagdoening insluit, in die NRO-sektor na vore kom. / Zwiimiswa zwine zwa sa vhe zwa muvhuso (dzi NGO) dzi shuma mushumo wa ndeme na wa nyaluwo kha ikonomi ya ḽifhasi kha vhuḓi ha tshitshavha. Ho ṋetshedzwa u gonya ha ikonomi na ndeme ya matshilisano ya dzi NGO, ndeme ya nyito ya u kona u sumbedza vhuḓifhinduleli hadzo nga nḓila yo khwaṱhaho yo fhelelaho i khou engedzea na u dzhielwa nṱha. Ṱhaṅwe tshine tsha mangadza, vhukoni ha u sumbedza vhuḓifhinduleli hadzo hu si ha masheleni na hone ho engedza ndeme. Naho zwo ralo, zwiitisi zwo fhambanaho zwa zwiimiswa zwo fhaṱa mbonalo ya mushumo wa dzi NGO, na nḓila dzadzo dzou vhiga na vhuḓifhinduleli hadzo. Ṱhoḓisiso heyi nga zwenezwo yo ṱola mivhigo ya ṅwaha nga ṅwaha ya tsumbo dza dzi NGO kha ḽa Namibia na u saukanya zwiitisi zwo fhambanaho zwa vhuḓifhinduleli ha zwiimiswa zwine zwa fhaṱa vhuḓifhinduleli na kuvhigele kha sekithara. U engedza maṅwalwa nga ha zwiitisi zwa vhuḓifhinduleli ha dzi NGO u katela zwiitisi zwa ndaulo dzapo, zwiitisi zwa masheleni na zwi si zwa masheleni na tshiitisi tsha u vhiga ho ṱanganelaho, ṱhoḓisiso yo shumisa ngudo ya tsumbo ya khwaḽithethivi ya sekhithara ya HIV na AIDS kha ḽa Namibia. U swika zwino, yo shumisa dzi NGO dza 13 dzo nangwaho ho sedzwa vhukoni, u ṱana maṅwalo avho kha u saukanya na kha u ita inthaviwu u fhaṱa vhuvhili hazwo thyeori na nyito. Data yo ḓo saukanya nga murahu hu tshi khou shumiswa u saukanya zwi re ngomu kha u wana thero zwi tshi ḓa kha u bveledza phambano ine ya fanela u bveledzwa. Mawanwa a ngudo a saukanya na u ṱalutshedzwa nga kha kuvhonele kwa vhushaka ha tshiimiswa, maitele a matshilisano na zwine ha tendwa khazwo. Mawanwa o sumbedzisa zwauri, zwazwino, dzi NGO a dzi bviseli khagala mafhungo a tsheo a ndeme o teaho zwigwada zwoṱhe zwihulwane zwa vhadzhiamukovhe. Zwi tou vha khagala u bva kha ngudo uri vhalambedzi na zwiitisi zwa ndaulo ya nyimele yapo ndi zwiitisi zwihulwane kha u fhaṱa kuitele kwa vhuḓifhinduleli kha dzi NGO kha ḽa Namibia. Mvelelo dzo baḓekanywa na u pfesesa sisiṱeme dza kuvhigele kwa dzi NGO kha ḽa Namibia, nga maanḓa kha mashango ane a kha ḓi bvelela a nga ho sa Namibia. Ho rerwa nga ha u pfi zwiitisi nyengedzedzwa zwa vhuḓifhinduleli, zwi ngaho sa vhuḓifhinduleli hapo, u vhiga ho ṱanganelaho hu si ha masheleni na ha masheleni, hu bveledzwa kha sekhithara ya NGO. / Financial Accounting / D. Phil. (Accounting Science: Financial Accounting)

Wie kann eine Christliche gemeinde interkultell Werden?: eine praktisch-theologische untersuchung von drei Evangelischen Freikirchen in Deutschland / How can a Christian Church community become intercultural?: a practical theological study of three Evangelical free churches in Germany / Hoe kan ʼn Christengemeente interkultureel word?: ʼn Praktiese teologiese ondersoek van drie Evangeliese vrye gemeentes in Duitsland / Tshitshavha tsha kereke ya Tshikhiresite tshi nga vha hani tsha mvelele dzo ṱanganelanaho? Ngudo ya vhukuma ya zwa vhufunzi ya kereke tharu dza Evangeli yo vhofholowaho ngei Germany

Marquardt, Felix Maximilian 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German, English, Afrikaans and Southern Sotho / Text in German / Christliche Gemeinden in Deutschland finden sich zunehmend in einer interkulturell zusammengesetzten Gesellschaft wieder und viele fragen danach, wie eine Integration von Migranten in ihre bestehenden Gemeinden gelingen kann. In dieser qualitativ-empirischen Studie wurden drei evangelische Freikirchen in Deutschland dahingehend untersucht, wie sie sich von einer ehemals monokulturell-deutschen Gemeinde in eine interkulturelle Gemeinde entwickelt haben. Dabei wurden in besonderer Weise die Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung, der Veränderungsprozess und besondere Merkmale der Gemeinden untersucht. Als Grundlage für die Forschung wurde ein aus verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammengeführtes Modell aus Erkenntnissen zu interkulturellem Gemeindebau entworfen. In der Studie wird deutlich, dass interkultureller Gemeindebau sowohl bereichernd als auch herausfordernd und konfliktgeladen erlebt wird. Besonders wichtig sind dabei eine strategisch kompetente Leitung, eine missionarische Grundausrichtung, ein liebevoller und wertschätzender Umgang miteinander, die Einigung auf gemeinsame Leitlinien, das Feiern von Erfolgen, Beziehungsaufbau, das Einladen zur Mitarbeit auf Augenhöhe, interkulturelle Leitungsteams, die Übersetzungsarbeit, Geduld und Flexibilität sowie die Bereitschaft, voneinander zu lernen. / German society is becoming increasingly intercultural, and many Christian churches are asking how migrants can be successfully integrated into established churches. In this qualitative-empirical study, three free evangelical churches in Germany were examined to determine how they developed from a previously monocultural German church into an intercultural church. In the course of the study, the prerequisites for development, the change process and special features of the churches were specifically examined. An integrated model designed on the basis of insights of various disciplines regarding the intercultural construction of churches served as the foundation for the research. It became clear in this study that building an intercultural church not only enriches the church, but is also experienced as challenging since it has the potential to give rise to conflict. The following elements are especially important: strategic and competent leadership, a basic missionary orientation, a loving and esteeming manner in associating with one another, consensus on common guidelines, a celebration of successes, building of relationships, an invitation for others to minister on equal terms, intercultural leadership teams, translation work, patience and flexibility, and a willingness to learn from one another. / Die Duitse samelewing raak toenemend interkultureel, en talle Christengemeentes wonder hoe migrante in gevestigde gemeentes opgeneem kan word. Wyses waarop drie Evangeliese gemeentes in Duitsland ontwikkel het van eens monokulturele Duitse gemeentes in interkulturele gemeentes, is in hierdie kwalitatief empiriese studie ondersoek. In die besonder die voorvereistes vir verandering, die veranderingsproses en die unieke kenmerke van die gemeentes is in hierdie studie verken. ʼn Geïntegreerde model wat berus op die insigte van verskeie dissiplines wat hulle op die interkulturele samestelling van kerke toespits, het die basis van die navorsing gevorm. Dit blyk uit hierdie studie dat die totstandkoming van ʼn interkulturele gemeente nie slegs verrykend kan wees nie, maar dat dit moontlik ook tot onenigheid aanleiding kan gee. Die volgende is van besondere belang: strategiese en bevoegde leiers, ʼn sendingoriëntasie, liefdevolle en respekvolle omgang met mekaar, eenstemmigheid oor algemene riglyne, ʼn viering van suksesse, die bou van goeie verhoudinge, ʼn versoek dat ander op gelyke voet dien, interkulturele leierskapspanne, vertaalwerk, geduld en toegeeflikheid, en die gewilligheid om by mekaar te leer. / Tshitshavha tsha German tshi khou ṋaṋa u vha na mvelelo dzo ṱanganelanaho, nahone kereke nnzhi dza Tshikhiresite dzi khou vhudzisa uri ṱhunḓu dzi nga ṱanganyiswa hani zwavhuḓi kha kereke dzi re hone. Kha ngudo iyi ya khwaṱhisedzwaho nga tshenzhelo na ndeme, kereke tharu dza evangeli yo vhofholowaho dza ngei Germany dzo lingwa u vhona uri dzo bvelela hani u bva kha u vha dza tshikale dza Germany dza mvelele nthihi u ya kha kereke ya mvelele yo ṱanganelanaho. Kha khoso iyi ya ngudo, ṱhoḓea ya u bvelela, maitele a tshanduko na zwiṱaluli zwo khetheaho zwa kerekezwo lingululwa. Tshiedziswa tsho ṱanganelanaho tsho itwaho ho sedzwa luvhonela lwa masia o fhambanaho mayelana na u fhaṱa kerekedzo ṱanganelanaho tsho shuma sa mutheo wa ṱhoḓisiso. Zwo bvela khagala kha ngudo iyi uri u fhaṱa kereke yo ṱanganelanaho a zwi pfumisi fhedzi kereke, zwi dovha zwa vha tshenzhelo ire na khaedu saizwi i na khonadzeo ya u vusa dzikhakhathi. Zwipiḓa zwi tevhelaho ndi zwa ndeme vhukuma: vhurangaphanḓa vhu re na tshiṱirathedzhi nahone ho ṱalifhaho, u pfumbudzwa ha mutheo kha zwa vhufunzi, nḓila ua lufuno na ndeme kha matshilisano, u tendelana kha nyendedzo dzi fanaho, u pembelela mvelaphanḓa, u fhaṱa vhushaka, thamba ya vhaṅwe kha u funza nga milayo i linganaho, thimu dza vhurangaphanḓa ha mvelele yo ṱanganelanaho, mushumo wa vhupinduleli, u konḓelela na u tenda u shanduka, na u ḓiimisela u guda kha vhaṅwe. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Leadership)

Assessment of the factors that influence firewood use among households in Ga-Malahlela Village, Limpopo Province

Masekela, Mahlodi Esther January 2019 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Sepedi and Venda / Access to firewood and other affordable energy sources is essential to the livelihoods of rural households in developing countries. Studies have been conducted to understand the reasons behind an extensive reliance on firewood in rural areas, especially in developing countries, despite improved electrification rates and a number of government policies introduced to encourage rural households to switch from traditional to modern fuels. This study aimed at assessing and thus understand the factors influencing the use of firewood by households in Ga - Malahlela village in Limpopo Province. Limited research has been conducted on firewood use, subsequent to improved electrification in rural areas in South Africa, hence it was to shed light on this little-explored subject on which the study was carried out. The assessment was based on household demographics and household energy use patterns, with a structured questionnaire being utilised to arrive at a detailed understanding of the factors that drive firewood use. It was established that firewood was still used to a significant degree, to satisfy household energy needs such as cooking, water heating and space heating. This was mainly due to the socioeconomic status of households. Socio-economic factors such as income, education level, household size and preference were found to be the factors exerting the greatest influence on the use of firewood among households in the study area. Psychological variables and the geographical location of the study area were also shown to promote the use of firewood. The study further revealed that, as indicated in the reviewed literature, households in the study area fuel stack and do not ascend the energy ladder. The reviewed literature further indicated that not all factors have equivalent significance in determining the behaviour and pattern of household energy use. This indicates that energy sources such as firewood are not completely discarded but are instead used in conjunction with modern energy sources such as electricity. In conclusion, this study established that despite the availability of electricity, as a result of poverty and the lack of free basic services such as free basic electricity, reliance on firewood in rural areas will continue. / Go hwetša dikgong le methopo ye mengwe ya dibešwa tšeo di rekegago go bohlokwa go mekgwa ya malapa a dinagamagaeng go hwetša dilo tše bohlokwa tša bophelo dinageng tšeo di hlabologago. Dithutelo di phethagaditšwe go kwešiša mabaka ao a thekgago kholofelo go dikgong mafelong a dinagamagaeng a dinaga tšeo di hlabologago le ge go na le ditekanyo tše di kaonafaditšwego tša tlhagišo ya mohlagase le palo ya melaotshepetšo ya mmušo yeo e tsebišitšwego go tutuetša malapa a dinagamagaeng go fetoga go tloga go dibešwa tša sekgale go iša go tša sebjale. Thutelo ye e ikemišeditše go lekola ka gona go kwešiša mabaka ao a huetšago malapa a Motsaneng wa Ga-Malahlela ka Profenseng ya Limpopo go diriša ya dikgong. Dinyakišišo tše lekantšwego di phethagaditšwe ka ga tirišo ya dikgong ka morago ga tlhagišo ya mohlagase yeo e kaonafaditšwego mafelong a dinagamagaeng ka Afrika Borwa, gomme e be e swanetše go fa tshedimošo ka ga hlogotaba yeo e hlohlomišitšwego gannyane gore thutelo ye e phethagatšwe. Tekolo ye e theilwe go dipalopalo ka ga malapa setšhabeng le mekgwa ya malapa ya go dirišwa dibešwa, ka go diriša lenaneopotšišo leo le beakantšwego gore go fihlelelwe kwešišo ye e hlalošago ka botlalo mabaka ao a hlohleletšago tirišo ya dikgong. Go lemogilwe gore dikgong di sa dirišwa ka bontši bjo bo bonagalago go kgotsofatša dinyakwa tša malapa tša enetši tše bjalo ka go apea, go ruthetša meetse le go ruthetša lefelo. Se se be se swanela gagolo ka lebaka la boemo bja ka moo ekonomi e amago tšwelopele ya malapa. Mabaka a ka moo ekonomi e amago tšwelopele ya setšhaba a go swana le ditseno, boemo bja thuto, bogolo bja lelapa le tšeo di ratwago go hweditšwe go ba mabaka ao a hlohleletšago khuetšo ye kgolokgolo go tirišo ya dikgong gare ga malapa thutelong ye. Dielemente tšeo di ka fetolwago le lefelo tikologong ye e itšeng tša thutelo le tšona di bontšhitšwe go godiša tirišo ya dikgong. Thutelo ye gape e utollotše gore, bjalo k age go šupilwe dingwalong tšeo di lekotšwego, malapa a lefelong la thutelo a latela mekgwa ya dibešwa tša mehutahuta gomme ga a latele manamelo a enetši. Dingwalo tšeo di lekotšwego di laeditše go ya pele gore ga se mabaka ka moka ao a nago le bohlokwa bjo bo lekanago go šupeng boitshwaro le mokgwa tša tirišo ya enetši ka malapeng. Se se šupa gore methopo ya enetši ye bjalo ka dikgong ga se ya tlogelwa ka gohlegohle eupša e dirišwa mmogo le methopo ya sebjale ya enetši ye bjalo ka mohlagase. Go ruma, thutelo ye e utollotše gore le ge go na le mohlagase, ka lebaka la bohloki le tlhaelo ya ditirelo tša motheo tša mahala tše bjalo ka mohlagase wa motheo wa mahala, kholofelo go dikgong dinagamagaeng e tlo tšwela pele. / U swikelela khuni na zwiṅwe zwiko zwa fulufulu zwine zwa swikelelea ndi zwa ndeme kha u tsireledza zwo teaho zwa vhutshilo kha miṱa ya vhupo ha mahayani kha mashango o no khou bvelelaho. Ngudo dzo farwa u itela u pfesesa zwiitisi zwa u ḓitika zwihulwane nga khuni kha vhupo ha mahayani kha mashango ane a khou ḓi bvelela zwi si na ndavha na u khwiniswa ha u dzheniswa ha muḓagasi na tshivhalo tsha mbekanyamaitele dza muvhuso dzo ḓivhadzwaho u ṱuṱuwedza miṱa ya vhupo ha mahayani u bva kha u shumisa zwivhaswa zwa kale u ya kha zwa ano maḓuvha. Ngudo iyi yo livhiswa kha u asesa na u pfesesa zwiṱaluli zwine zwa ṱuṱuwedza u shumiswa ha khuni nga miṱa ya Muvhunduni wa Ga-Malahlela Vunduni ḽa Limpopo. Ṱhoḓisiso dzi si nngana dzo itwa nga ha u shumiswa ha khuni hu tshi tevhela u dzheniswa ha muḓagasi vhuponi ha mahayani Afurika Tshipembe, ho vha u bvisela khagala nga ha zwiṱuku zwo wanululwaho kha thero heyi ye ngudo ya i bveledzisa. U linga ho vha ho ḓisendeka nga ngudamirafho ya miṱa na kushumisele kwa fulufulu miṱani, hu na mbudzisombekanywa dzo dzudzanywaho dzo shumiswaho u swikelela kha u pfesesa nga vhuḓalo zwiṱaluli zwine zwa ta u shumiswa ha khuni. Ho dzhielwa nṱha uri khuni dzi kha ḓi shumiswa nga maanḓa u ḓisa ṱhoḓea dza fulufulu miṱani u fana na u bika, u vhilisa maḓi na u dudedza vhudzulo. Hezwi zwo tea nga maanḓa kha vhuimo ha matshilisano a zwa ikonomi miṱani: zwiṱaluli zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano zwi ngaho sa mbuelo, vhuimo ha pfunzo, vhuhulu ha muṱa na zwo no takalelwa ho wanwa uri ndi zwiṱaluli zwine zwa shumisa ṱhuṱhuwedzo khulwane ya u shumiswa ha khuni vhukati ha miṱa ya vhupo ha ngudo. Variabuḽu dza saikhoḽodzhikhaḽa na vhupo ha ḓivhashango zwa vhupo ha ngudo zwo sumbedziswa u ṱuṱuwedza u shumiswa ha khuni. Ngudo yo isa phanḓa na u wanulusa uri, sa zwo sumbedziswaho kha maṅwalwa o sedzuluswaho, miṱa kha vhupo ha ngudo i kuvhanganya fulufulu ngeno hu sina u gonya ha tshanduko ya kushumisele kwa fulufulu. Maṅwalwa o sedzuluswaho o sumbedzisa a tshi i sa phanḓa uri a si zwiṱaluli zwoṱhe zwine zwa vha na ndeme i linganaho kha u ta vhuḓifari na kushumisele kwa fulufulu miṱani. Hezwi zwi sumbedza uri zwiko zwa fulufulu zwi ngaho sa khuni a zwo ngo laṱelwa kule tshoṱhe fhedzi zwi shumiswa zwo ṱanganyiswa na zwiko zwa fulufulu zwa ano maḓuvha zwi ngaho sa muḓagasi. Ri tshi pendela, ngudo iyi i ta uri na musi muḓagasi u hone, nga nṱhani ha vhushayi na ṱhahelelo ya tshumelo dza muḓagasi wa mahala wa mutheo u fana na muḓagasi wa mahala wa mutheo, u ḓitika nga khuni vhuponi ha mahayani hu ḓo ḓi bvela phanḓa. / Department of Environmental Science / M.A. (Environmental Science)

Evaluating the factors that influence fuelwood consumption in households at the Thulamela Local Municipality. South Africa

Netshipise, Lusani Faith 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English with summaries and keywords in English, Venda and Sepedi / Fuelwood remains a crucial source of energy among the vast majority of rural households because of its availability and affordability in comparison with most energy alternatives. Approximately 17 million people in South Africa live in communal lands where fuelwood can be harvested easily and freely by households, with 80% of the overall fuel consumed for domestic purposes extracted from burning fuelwood. The rapid-excess trends of fuelwood consumption – aggravated by population growth, agricultural and household settlement expansions – pose utmost challenges for community development. Overharvesting of fuelwood can result in fuelwood scarcity, loss of biodiversity, excessive land clearance and soil erosion. This study evaluated the factors that influence fuelwood consumption in households at the Thulamela Local Municipality. The study utilised mixed research methods, comprising quantitative and qualitative methods. A semi-structured questionnaire consisting of both closed and open-ended questions was used to collect data from the households. The collected data was mainly qualitative data (nominal and categorical data) and the researcher used the frequency menu to summarise the data and cross tabulation menu in the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 25. For cross tabulation, the researcher used the Chi-square (χ2) test to measure the degree of association between two categorical variables. If the p-value is less than 0.05, there is a significant association between variables – thus, the variables dependent on each other. The study found that socio-economic characteristics such as monthly income, employment status, gender, educational level of the household head, number of employed household members, energy expenditure and type of occupation play a significant role in the factors that influence fuelwood consumption. As a result of these factors, fuelwood energy is still being used as a primary energy source by most households to meet their domestic needs for cooking and water heating – despite most of them being electrified. Additionally, lack of environmental education, the erratic electricity supply and staggering living conditions which drive widespread poverty in rural areas contribute to the extensive fuelwood consumption among households. The study highlighted the recommendations on mitigation measures that can be used to reduce extensive fuelwood consumption. These recommendations include encouraging the use of renewable energy and modern energy technologies such as biogas and solar energy, together with improved cooking stoves to help reduce overexploitation of natural resources and prevent indoor air pollution which is associated with heart disease and immortality. There is also a need to raise environmental awareness. It is through education that people’s perceptions, attitudes and behaviour regarding fuelwood consumption practices can be changed. The promotion of sustainable development through harvest control and afforestation can significantly reduce deforestation, loss of biodiversity, fuelwood scarcity and soil erosion. / Khuni dzi kha ḓi shumiswa sa tshiko tshihulwane tsha mafulufulu kha miṱa minzhi ya mahayani ngauri dzi a wanala na u swikelelea musi dzi tshi vhambedzwa na dziṅwe nḓila dza mafulufulu. Vhathu vha swikaho miḽioni dza 17 Afrika Tshipembe vha dzula mahayani hune vha kona u reḓa khuni hu si na vhuleme nahone nga mahala, ngeno zwivhaswa zwi swikaho 80% zwi shumiswaho miḓini zwi tshi bva kha khuni. Maitele maṅwe a tshihaḓu a kushumiselwe kwa khuni – a tshi ṋaṋiswa na nga nyaluwo ya vhathu, u engedzea ha vhulimi na vhupo ha vhudzulo – zwi ḓisa khaedu kha mveledziso ya tshitshavha. U reḓa khuni lwo kalulaho zwi nga vhanga ṱhahelelo ya khuni, u xelelwa nga mutshatshame wa zwi tshilaho, u ṱangula mavu na mukumbululo wa mavu. Ngudo iyi yo ḓiimisela u ela zwivhumbi zwi ṱuṱuwedzaho u shumiswa ha khuni miḓini ngei kha Masipala Wapo wa Thulamela. Ngudo yo shumisa ngona dza ṱhoḓisiso dzo ṱanganaho dzi re na ngona khwanthethivi na khwaḽithethivi. Mbudzisambekanywa dzo dzudzanywaho dzi re na mbudziso dza phindulo nthihi na dza phindulo ndapfu dzo shumiswa u kuvhanganya data miḓini. Data yo kuvhanganyiwaho kanzhi ndi yo sedzaho ndeme (ya tshivhalo na khethekanyo) ngeno muṱoḓisisi o shumisa menyu wa tshivhalo tsha zwithu u nweledza data na menyu wa thebulu dzi leluwaho kha Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) vesheni ya vhu 25. U itela thebulu dzi leluwaho, muṱoḓisisi o shumisa ndingo dza Chi-square (χ2) u ela tshikalo tsha nyelelano vhukati ha zwithu zwivhili zwo fhambanaho. Arali ndeme ya p i ṱhukhu kha 0.05, hu na u elana hu hulwane vhukati ha zwithu zwi vhambedzwaho – zwithu izwi zwi dovha zwa ṱalutshedzana. Ṱhoḓisiso yo wana uri zwiṱaluli zwa ikonomi na matshilisano sa mbuelo ya ṅwedzi, tshiimo mushumoni, mbeu, ḽeveḽe ya pfunzo ya ṱhoho ya muḓi, tshivhalo tsha vhathu vha shumaho muṱani, mbadelo dza fulufulu na mushumo une muthu a u shuma zwi na mushumo muhulwane kha zwithu zwi ṱuṱuwedzaho u shumiswa ha khuni. Nga ṅwambo wa zwithu izwi, khuni dzi kha ḓi shumiswa sa tshiko tshihulwane tsha fulufulu kha miḓi minzhi u swikelela ṱhoḓea dzavho dza hayani dza u bika na u wana u dudedza – naho vhunzhi havho vhe kha muḓagasi. Nṱhani ha izwo, u sa vha na pfunzo ya vhupo, nḓisedzo ya muḓagasi ine ya dzula i tshi shanduka na maga a kutshilele a konḓaho ane a vhanga vhushai ho andaho kha vhupo ha mahayani zwi vhanga u shumiseswa ha khuni miḓini. Ngudo dzo sumbedzisa themendelo kha maga a u lulamisa ane a nga shumiswa u fhungudza u shumiseswa ha khuni. Themendelo idzi dzi katela u ṱuṱuwedza tshumiso ya mafulufulu ḽo vusuludzwaho na thekhinoḽodzhi dza fulufulu dza musalauno sa bayogese na fulufulu ḽa masana a ḓuvha, kathihi na zwiṱofu zwa u bika zwo khwiniswaho u thusa u fhungudza u tambiseswa ha zwiko zwa mupo na u thivhela tshikafhadzo ya muya nga ngomu zwine zwa vhanga vhulwadze ha mbilu na dzimpfu. Hu na ṱhoḓea ya u ita mafulo a zwa vhupo. Ndi nga kha pfunzo hune kuvhonele kwa vhathu, kusedzele kwa zwithu na vhuḓifari havho maelana na kushumiselwe kwa khuni zwa nga shandukiswa. U bveledzwa ha mveledziso i sa nyeṱhi nga kha ndango ya khaṋo na u ṱavhiwa ha miri zwi nga fhungudza vhukuma u fhela ha maḓaka, u lozwiwa ha mutshatshame wa zwi tshilaho, u konḓa ha khuni na mukumbululo wa mavu. / Dikgong tša go bešwa di tšwela pele go ba methopo o bohlokwa wa enetši gareng ga bontši bja malapa a dinagamagaeng ka lebaka la ge di hwetšagala le go se ture ga tšona ge di bapetšwa le mekgwa ye mengwe ya enetši. Tekano ye e ka bago batho ba dimilione tše 17 ka Afrika Borwa ba dula mafelong a magaeng fao dikgong di ka kgonago go rengwa gabonolo le ka tokologo ke malapa a, fao e lego gore 80% ya palomoka ya dibešwa tšeo di šomišwago ka gae di hwetšwago go dikgong. Lebelo leo ka lona dikgong di hwetšago ka lona gore di tle di bešwe – leo le mpefatšwago ke go gola ga setšhaba, temo le go oketšega ga madulo a batho – le tliša ditlhohlo tše kgolo tlhabollong ya setšhaba. Go rema dikgong go fetišiša go ka feletša ka go hlaelela ga tšona, tahlegelo ya phedišano ya diphedi tša mehutahuta, go rema mehlare ka fao go fetišišago le kgogolego ya mobu. Dinyakišišo tše di ikemišeditše go sekaseka mabaka ao a huetšago go šomišwa ga dikgong ka malapeng ka Masepaleng wa Selegae wa Thulamela. Dinyakišišo tše di šomišitše mekgwa ya dinyakišišo ye e hlakantšwego, ye e lego wa dinyakišišo tša bontši le wa dinyakišišo tša boleng. Dipotšišonyakišišo tšeo di beakantšwego ka seripa tše di nago le bobedi dipotšišo tša di nago le dikgetho le dipotšišo tšeo di nyakago gore motho a fe maikutlo a gagwe di šomišitšwe go kgoboketša tshedimošo ka malapeng. Tshedimošo ye e kgobokeditšwego e bile kudu tshedimošo ya boleng (ya dipalo le ya go hlophiwa) gomme monyakišiši o šomišitše menyu wa bokgafetšakgafetša go dira kakaretšo ya tshedimošo le go menyu wa go bea dilo ka dintlha ka Sehlopheng sa Dipalopalo sa Bašomi ba tša Mahlale a Leago (SPSS) bešene ya 25. Go bea dilo ka dintlha, monyakišiši o šomišitše teko ya Chi-square (χ2) go ela bogolo bja kamano magareng ga diphapano tše pedi tša magoro. Ge p-value e le ye nnyane go 0.05, go na le kamano ye bohlokwa magareng ga diphapano – ke gore, diphapano di a hlalošana. Dinyakišišo di hweditše gore dipharologantši tša ekonomi ya setšhaba tša go swana le letseno la kgwedi ka kgwedi, maemo a mošomo, bong, maemo a thuto a hlogo ya lapa, palao ya maloko a ka lapeng ao a šomago, tšhomišo ya tšhelete go enetši le mohuta wa mošomo di raloka tema ye bohlokwa ka mabakeng ao a huetšago go šomišwa ga dikgong. Ka lebaka la mabaka a, enetši ya dikgong e sa šomišwa bjalo ka methopo o bohlokwa wa enetši ke malapa a mantši ka nepo ya go fihlelela dinyakwa tša bona tša ka gae tša go apea le go ruthufatša dintlo – go sa kgathale gore bontši bja tšona ke tša mohlagase. Godimo ga fao, tlhokego ya thuto ya mabapi le tikologo, kabo ya mohlagase ye e sa tshepišego le maemo a bophelo ao a hlobaetšago ao a hlohleletšago bohloki ka dinagamagaeng di tsenya letsogo go tšhomišo ya dikgong go fetišiša ka malapeng. Dinyakišišo di hlagiša ditšhišinyo tša mabapi le go fokotša tšhomišo ya dikgong go fetišiša. Ditšhišinyo tše di akaretšwa go hlohleletša tšhomišo ya mohlagase wa go dirišwa leswa le ditheknolotši tša enetši tša sebjalebjale tša go swana le gase ya tlhago le mohlagse wa sola, gotee le ditofo tša go apea tšeo di kaonafaditšwego ka nepo ya go fokotša go šomiša kudu methopo ya tlhago le go thibela tšhilafatšo ya moya ya ka dintlong e lego seo se amantšhwago le bolwetši bja pelo le mahu. Gape go na le tlhokego ya go tliša temošo ya tša tikologo. Ke ka go diriša thuto fao e lego gore maikutlo a batho, ditebelelo le maitshwaro a bona mabapi le ditiro tša tšhomišo ya dikgong a tlago fetošwa. Tšwetšopele ya tlhabollo ya go ya go iule ka taolo ya go rema dikgong le go bjala mehlare fao go ka fokotšago go rengwa ga mehlare, tahlegelo ya mehutahuta ya diphedi, tlhaelelo ya dikgong le kgogolego ya mobu. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environment Management)

The development of critical thinking in the first-year financial accounting curriculum at an open distance and e-learning institution in South Africa / Ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in die eerste jaar van die kurrikulum vir finansiele rekeningkunde by 'n oop e-afstandsleerinstelling in Suid-Afrika / Mveledziso ya vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzanaho kha nwaha wa u thoma wa kharikhulamu ya akhaunthini ya masheleni kha tshiimiswa tsha u guda u kule nga lubuvhisia Afrika Tshipembe

Dry, Hendrina Jacoba 12 1900 (has links)
For the knowledge economy of the twenty-first century, intellectual skills (such as critical thinking) have been identified as imperative for success. Educational institutions have a responsibility to equip students with the knowledge and skills required for future employment. The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants has identified critical thinking as one of the skills that should be developed in Financial Accounting students who wish to become chartered accountants. For this limited-scope dissertation a qualitative study was done, applying a constructivist paradigm to a case study design, to explore the development of critical thinking in first-year Financial Accounting students in an open distance and e-learning context in South Africa. To achieve this, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with twelve academics and the use of document analysis. As the focus of the study was limited to two first-year financial accounting modules which form part of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants accredited programme taught at an open distance and e-learning institution, the findings cannot be generalised. While the perceptions of students were not considered in the study, the findings provide valuable insight into the development of critical thinking in accounting modules. The findings revealed that, although academics believe critical thinking skills and good thinking habits should be developed in first-year Financial Accounting students, it is currently only done through a content-centred approach, or not at all. Furthermore, only technologies which academics are comfortable using, are being incorporated, mainly for the delivery of content. The recommendations made for curriculum evaluation and professional development relate specifically to these findings. / Vir die een-en-twintigste-eeuse kennisekonomie is intellektuele vaardighede (soos kritiese denke) geïdentifiseer as noodsaaklik vir sukses. Opvoedkundige instellings het 'n verantwoordelikheid om studente met die kennis en vaardighede toe te rus wat nodig is vir toekomstige indiensneming. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters het kritiese denke geïdentifiseer as 'n vaardigheid wat studente in Finansiële Rekeningkunde, wat geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters wil word, moet ontwikkel. Vir hierdie verhandeling van beperkte omvang, is 'n kwalitatiewe studie gedoen deur 'n konstruktivistiese paradigma toe te pas op 'n gevallestudie-ontwerp om die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in eerstejaarstudente in Finansiële Rekeningkunde in 'n oop e-afstandsleerkonteks in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Om hierdie doel te bereik, is data versamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude te voer met twaalf akademici en dokumentontleding te gebruik. Omdat die studie beperk was tot twee eerstejaar finansiële rekeningkunde modules, wat deel vorm van die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters se geakkrediteerde program wat by 'n oop e-afstandsleerinstelling aangebied word, kan die bevindinge nie veralgemeen word nie. Alhoewel die studente se persepsies nie in die studie in ag geneem is nie, bied die bevindings waardevolle insig oor die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in rekeningkundemodules. Die bevindings dui daarop dat, alhoewel akademici glo dat vaardighede in kritiese denke en goeie denkgewoontes in die eerste jaar van Finansiële Rekeningkunde onderrig moet word, word dit tans slegs deur 'n inhoudgebaseerde benadering gedoen, of glad nie. Verder word slegs tegnologieë geïnkorporeer waarmee akademici gemaklik is, hoofsaaklik vir die oordrag van die inhoud. Die aanbevelings vir kurrikulumevaluering en professionele ontwikkeling hou spesifiek verband met hierdie bevindings. / Kha ikonomi ya nḓivho ya ḓanwaha fumbili nthihi, zwikili zwa nḓivho (zwi ngaho vhukoni ha u humbula nga nḓila yo dzudzaneaho) zwo topolwa sa ndaela ya mvelaphanḓa. Zwiimiswa zwa pfunzo zwi na vhudifhinduleli u lugisela matshudeni nga ndivho na zwikili zwine zwa ṱodea mishumoni ya tshifhingani tshidaho. Tshiimiswa tsha Afrika Tshipembe tsha Vhomakone vha Akhaunthini tsho topola vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho vhune ha tea u bveledzwa kha matshudeni a Akhaunthini ya Masheleni vhane vha tama u vha vhomakone vha muvhalelano. Ho itwa ngudo dza khwalithathivi dza desithesheni ya tshikoupu tsho pimiwaho, hu tshi khou u fhaṱwa ndivho na kupfesesele nga kha tshenzhemo kha u bveledza ngudo, u wanulusa vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho kha nwaha wa u thoma kha matshudeni a Akhaunthuni ya Masheleni kha nyimele ya tshiimiswa tsha u guda u kule na kha lubuvhisia Afrika Tshipembe. U swikelela izwi, data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu dzo dzudzanywaho na vhoraakademi vha fumimbili na u shumisa musaukanyo wa linwalo. Sa musi ngudo yo vha yo sedza fhedzi kha mimodulu mivhili ya nwaha wa u thoma ya Akhaunthini ya masheleni ine ya vhumba tshipida tsha mbekanyamushumo ya akhiredithesheni ya Tshiimiswa tsha Afrika Tshipembe tsha Vhomakone vha Akhaunthuni ine ya funzwa kha tshiimiswa tsha u guda u kule na kha Lubuvhisia, mawanwa a nga si angaredzwa. Ngeno kuvhonele kwa matshudeni ku songo dzhielwa ntha kha ngudo, mawanwa o ṋetshedzwa ndivho ya ndeme kha mveledziso ya vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho kha mimodulu ya akhaunthini. Mawanwa o dzumbulula uri, naho vhoraakademi vha tshi tenda uri zwikili zwa vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho na maitele a kuhumbulele kwavhudi zwi fanela u bveledziswa kha nwaha wa u thoma wa matshudeni vha Akhaunthini ya Masheleni, zwa zwino zwi khou itwa fhedzi nga kha maitele o disendekaho nga zwi re ngomu, kana zwa sa itwe na luthihi. Zwi tshe zwo ralo, ndi thekhinolodzhi fhedzi dzine vhoraakademi vha takalela u dzi shumisa, zwo tanganyiswa, nga maanda ndisedzo ya zwi re ngomu. Themendelo dzo itwa kha u ela kharikhulamu na mveledziso dzi re na vhushaka na mawanwa anea o tiwaho. / Institute for Open and Distance Learning (IODL) / M. Ed. (Open and Distance Learning)

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