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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caravaggio, Guercino, Mattia Preti : das halbfigurige Historienbild und die Sammler des Seicento /

Gianfreda, Sandra. January 2005 (has links)
Dissertation--Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät--Bern--Universität, 2001. / Bibliogr. p. 153188. Index.

"Terribile Disegno" and "Eroico Componimento" : Mattia Preti's Artistic Practices and their Reception in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Italy

Therien, DEVIN 30 April 2012 (has links)
The following study examines the artistic strategies of the Italian Baroque painter Mattia Preti (1613-99) in conjunction with their early reception in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Italy. In addition to studying the first descriptions of the painter's art and his early biographers' characterization of his style, Bernardo De Dominici's comprehensive "Vita del Cavalier Fra' Mattia Preti" is analyzed in order to establish Preti's place in the history of Neapolitan Baroque painting. In so doing, descriptions of the painter's art are compared and contrasted with those of his contemporaries. Following the investigation of the early sources and biographies, the painter's strategies are studied through selected paintings executed between circa 1650 and 1680. These include such works as the Aquila 'Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew', the London 'Wedding at Cana', the Naples 'Feast of Absalom', and the Siena 'Canonization of St. Catherine'. The case studies highlight a number of practices the artist used to distinguish himself from his peers. In sum, this study argues that the early biographical accounts, while only partially conveying the breadth of the painter's art, function as a point of departure for accessing and comprehensively examining his representational strategies. Ultimately, this dissertation demonstrates that Preti was an artist who actively and continuously experimented with a range of pictorial possibilities. / Thesis (Ph.D, Art History) -- Queen's University, 2012-04-29 18:26:13.056

Luigi Pirandello: l'umorismo ne Il Fu Mattia Pascal / Luigi Pirandello: humor in his novel Il Fu Mattia Pascal

SEDLÁČKOVÁ, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with an italian writer Luigi Pirandello and with one of his most famous novel: Il fu Mattia Pascal. The main aim is to find the examples of Pirandellos humour in this novel and to prove, that the novel is rightly called one of his first humour compositions. At the beginning of the thesis I introduce the writer and his works generally. Than I focus on his essay LUmorismo, which is important for analysis of the novel. In this essay Pirandello summarized the concept of his conception of humour. On the basis of the essay I analyse the novel.

Pirandello e as inquietações de uma época em Il fu Mattia Pascal: da imprensa, do intelectual, da literatura popular e da crise do Novecentos / Pirandello and the restlessness of an era through the Il fu Mattia Pascal: the press, the intellectual, the popular literature and the crisis of the Twentieth Century

Burin, Mariana 26 September 2016 (has links)
A passagem do século XIX para o século XX acarretou muitas dúvidas e incertezas no pensamento e na cultura ocidentais. A crise do positivismo, que impulsionou os literatos e os intelectuais a se questionarem sobre o conceito de real, gerou um nítido conflito entre tudo aquilo que remetia ao racional e à ciência em contraposição a um renovado tipo de subjetivismo e de relativismo, definindo, assim, uma nova abordagem da literatura e das artes na primeira metade do século XX. Neste trabalho é feita uma análise do papel da imprensa e do intelectual no final do século XIX, para depois retomá-la no período no qual se insere a obra de Pirandello. Estuda-se, ainda, a presença estrangeira nos periódicos italianos e o conceito de literatura popular e cultura de massa que estão intrinsecamente ligados à função do intelectual e sua relação com o povo/nação. Pirandello é um escritor que tem a maior parte de sua produção literária publicada no início do século XX, a qual vai desde obras em dialeto siciliano, nas quais são trabalhados os aspectos mais regionais - como tradições e costumes rurais e folclóricos, crenças populares e místicas e, por isso, de certa forma mais populares, até obras que atingem uma complexidade narrativa comparadas a grandes clássicos literários nacionais e europeus. Nesta pesquisa será apresentada de que forma se dá o comprometimento do intelectual e do artista Pirandello com a sociedade daquele período e de que modo algumas questões subjetivas do autor também influem em sua obra. Como base e modelo que guiará toda a discussão deste trabalho, apresentamos, ainda, uma análise de Il fu Mattia Pascal (1904), uma das obras mais representativas da modernidade europeia e na qual se encontram os elementos principais da poética e da filosofia do autor que, além de resgatar algumas técnicas do romance-folhetim francês, as emprega na publicação seriada desta obra, traduzindo toda a crise da modernidade e resgatando, mesmo que de maneira atenuada, alguns aspectos do romance popular. / The passage between the XIX and the XX centuries brought a lot of doubts and uncertainties in the occidental thought and culture. The positivism crisis, which forced the men of letter and the intellectuals to debate the concept of real, generated a sharp conflict between everything which concerned the logical and the science and a renewed kind of subjectivism and relativism, defining in this manner a new approach to arts and literature at the first half of XX century. This work presents an analysis about the press and the literate man at the end of the XX century, to be introduced again during the period in which Pirandello is set in. Moreover is studied the foreign presence in the italian magazines and the concepts of popular literature and mass culture which are strictly connected to the intellectuals function and his relationship with the population/nation. Pirandello is a writer whose literary productions was published at the beginning of the XX century and it goes from sicilian dialect works, in which more characteristic and regional aspects can be found such as popular and folkloristic customs and traditions, popular and mystic lores and therefore more popular, to works where a complex narrative is involved until reaching a national and european level. The aim of this research is to show the compromise between the artist Pirandello and the society of that period and in what way a few personal issues of the author influence his opus. To enlighten the whole discussion is introduced an analysis of Il fu Mattia Pascal (1904) - one of the most representative works of european modernity - in which can be found characteristic elements of Pirandellos poetry and philosophy. Pirandello revives some tecniques from the french roman-feuilleton and employs them in a serial publication of this play that, beyond traslating the whole crisis of modernity, partially rescues some aspects of the popular novel.

Pirandello e as inquietações de uma época em Il fu Mattia Pascal: da imprensa, do intelectual, da literatura popular e da crise do Novecentos / Pirandello and the restlessness of an era through the Il fu Mattia Pascal: the press, the intellectual, the popular literature and the crisis of the Twentieth Century

Mariana Burin 26 September 2016 (has links)
A passagem do século XIX para o século XX acarretou muitas dúvidas e incertezas no pensamento e na cultura ocidentais. A crise do positivismo, que impulsionou os literatos e os intelectuais a se questionarem sobre o conceito de real, gerou um nítido conflito entre tudo aquilo que remetia ao racional e à ciência em contraposição a um renovado tipo de subjetivismo e de relativismo, definindo, assim, uma nova abordagem da literatura e das artes na primeira metade do século XX. Neste trabalho é feita uma análise do papel da imprensa e do intelectual no final do século XIX, para depois retomá-la no período no qual se insere a obra de Pirandello. Estuda-se, ainda, a presença estrangeira nos periódicos italianos e o conceito de literatura popular e cultura de massa que estão intrinsecamente ligados à função do intelectual e sua relação com o povo/nação. Pirandello é um escritor que tem a maior parte de sua produção literária publicada no início do século XX, a qual vai desde obras em dialeto siciliano, nas quais são trabalhados os aspectos mais regionais - como tradições e costumes rurais e folclóricos, crenças populares e místicas e, por isso, de certa forma mais populares, até obras que atingem uma complexidade narrativa comparadas a grandes clássicos literários nacionais e europeus. Nesta pesquisa será apresentada de que forma se dá o comprometimento do intelectual e do artista Pirandello com a sociedade daquele período e de que modo algumas questões subjetivas do autor também influem em sua obra. Como base e modelo que guiará toda a discussão deste trabalho, apresentamos, ainda, uma análise de Il fu Mattia Pascal (1904), uma das obras mais representativas da modernidade europeia e na qual se encontram os elementos principais da poética e da filosofia do autor que, além de resgatar algumas técnicas do romance-folhetim francês, as emprega na publicação seriada desta obra, traduzindo toda a crise da modernidade e resgatando, mesmo que de maneira atenuada, alguns aspectos do romance popular. / The passage between the XIX and the XX centuries brought a lot of doubts and uncertainties in the occidental thought and culture. The positivism crisis, which forced the men of letter and the intellectuals to debate the concept of real, generated a sharp conflict between everything which concerned the logical and the science and a renewed kind of subjectivism and relativism, defining in this manner a new approach to arts and literature at the first half of XX century. This work presents an analysis about the press and the literate man at the end of the XX century, to be introduced again during the period in which Pirandello is set in. Moreover is studied the foreign presence in the italian magazines and the concepts of popular literature and mass culture which are strictly connected to the intellectuals function and his relationship with the population/nation. Pirandello is a writer whose literary productions was published at the beginning of the XX century and it goes from sicilian dialect works, in which more characteristic and regional aspects can be found such as popular and folkloristic customs and traditions, popular and mystic lores and therefore more popular, to works where a complex narrative is involved until reaching a national and european level. The aim of this research is to show the compromise between the artist Pirandello and the society of that period and in what way a few personal issues of the author influence his opus. To enlighten the whole discussion is introduced an analysis of Il fu Mattia Pascal (1904) - one of the most representative works of european modernity - in which can be found characteristic elements of Pirandellos poetry and philosophy. Pirandello revives some tecniques from the french roman-feuilleton and employs them in a serial publication of this play that, beyond traslating the whole crisis of modernity, partially rescues some aspects of the popular novel.

Estudo do comportamento da borracha natural e da borracha de estireno-butadieno no teste de fadiga De Mattia

Calhabeu, Anderson Muniz January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Henrique Scuracchio / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nanociências e Materiais Avançados, 2013

Le caravagisme à Naples : polymorphisme de la poétique caravagesque méridionale / Caravaggism in Naples : polymorphism of Southern Caravagesque Poetics

Philippon, Carole 15 June 2010 (has links)
Mon travail cherche à mettre en valeur la richesse de la Scuola Napoletana du XVIIème siècle (qui prend vie après les deux séjours du Caravage à Naples, entre 1606 et 1610). L'art napolitain est injustement sous-estimé ; la première moitié du Seicento est pourtant extrêmement importante puisque Naples est le seul centre artistique qui continue à considérer le caravagisme comme une force vitale de la peinture, et ce jusqu'en 1656 (année de la Grande Pestequi emporte avec elle les derniers peintres d'"origine" caravagesque). Je mets donc en exergue la période méridionale du Caravage (qui est trop souvent délaissée par rapport à sa période romaine), ainsi que l'extrême diversité des peintres caravagesques qui composent le milieu artistique napolitain, unis par une passion commune pour le langage du Caravage mais dont l'expression artistique intègre peu à peu d'autres influences. Le caravagisme méridional se distingue par son polymorphisme et par la diversité des influences extérieures avec lesquelles les artistes enrichissent leur caravagisme originel : si les premiers naturalistes (tels que Battistello) restent toujours fidèles au Maître, nombreux sont ceux qui suivront le courant ribéresque (Ribera, Fracanzano, le Maître de l'Annonce aux Bergers...) qui se caractérisepar sa portée sociale. Mais, parallèlement, certains peintres tissent des liens entre caravagisme et classicisme (Stanzione, Guarino), tandis que d'autres se focalisent sur un caravagisme narratif (Artemisia Gentileschi est réputée pour son talent de storyteller) ; dans le domaine chromatique, de nombreux artistes (dont Pietro Novelli ou Ribera) succombent au néovénétisme et au vandyckianisme en vogue à partir des années 1630. Enfin, le caravagisme se fait plus raffiné avec Bernardo Cavallino, qui apparaît comme un précurseur du goût rococo, tandis que l'oeuvre de Mattia Preti oscille entre caravagisme et baroque. / The aim of this work is to emphasize the richness of the Scuola Napoletana in the 17th Century (after it came to life following Caravaggio†s two stays in Naples between 1606 and 1610). Neapolitan art does not get the appreciation it deserves, and yet the first half of the Seicento was an extremely important period as Naples was the only major artistic centre where Caravaggism was still a driving force of painting, and would do so until 1656 (the year of the Great Plague that wiped out the last "original" Caravaggesque painters). I am therefore emphasizing Caravaggio†s Southern period, which is all too often neglected as compared to his Roman period, as well as the great diversity of Caravaggesque painters making up the artistic milieu in Naples, united by a shared passion for Caravaggio's language but progressively incorporating other influences into their artistic expression. Southern Caravaggism stands out because of its polymorphism and the highly diverse outer influences with which these artists enhance their original Caravaggism: while the first naturalists, such as Battistello, are always true to the Master, many will follow into Ribera's footsteps (Ribera,Fracanzano, the Master of the Announcement to the Shepherds...) and adopt a more socially oriented stance. At the same time, some painters draw links between Caravaggism and Classicism (Stanzione, Guarino), while others focus on narrative Caravaggism (Artemisia Gentileschi is famed for the storytelling talent). In the field of colour, many artists (including Pietro Novelli and Ribera) yield to the Neo-venetism or Vandyckianism that were fashionable as of the 1630†s. Finally,Caravaggism becomes more refined with Bernardo Cavallino, who appears to be a precursor of Rococo taste, while Mattia Preti balances on the verge between Caravaggism and Barocco.

(Intorno a) Leonardo Corona (1552-1596) : documenti, fonti e indagini storico-contestuali / (Autour de) Leornardo Corona (1552-1596) : documents, sources et recherches historiques et contextuelles

Sapienza, Valentina 06 July 2011 (has links)
Malgré son indéniable talent, le peintre vénitien Leonardo Corona est négligé : la seule étude systématique qui lui ait été consacrée remonte à une quarantaine d’années (E. Manzato, « Leonardo Corona da Murano », Arte veneta, XXIV, 1970, p. 128-150). Grâce aux nombreux documents inédits que nous avons découverts dans les archives vénitiennes, nous sommes parvenue à reconstituer au moins en partie sa « vraie vie », fixant la date de mort de Corona à 1596.L’exploration des fonds d’archives nous a permis également de mettre en lumière l’une des caractéristiques les plus fascinantes des chantiers vénitiens de la fin du XVIe siècle : leur « esprit choral », les intervenants étant toujours très nombreux, tant du côté des commanditaires que du côté des artistes. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressée tout particulièrement à quatre chantiers (les églises de San Zulian, Santo Stefano, Santa Maria Formosa et San Bartolomeo), à fin de reconstituer le contexte historique et social de chacun d’entre eux / Despite his undeniable talent, the Venetian painter Leonardo Corona, has been strongly neglected in recent studies: the only contribution dedicated to him goes back to forty years ago (E. Manzato, “Leonardo Corona da Murano”, Arte veneta, XXIV, 1970, pp. 128-150). Thanks to numerous unknown and unpublished documents discovered in Venetian archives, it was possible to reconstruct the ‘real life’ of Corona, died in 1596.After long and exthensive archival researches it was possible, as well, to highlight one of the most fascinating aspect in Venetian ‘cantieri’ at the end of Sixteenth century: the choral spirit which involved a variety of patrons and artists in several artistic adventures. The research focused on four main Venetian ‘Cantieri’ (the Church of San Zulian, Santo Stefano, Santa Maria Formosa and San Bartolomeo). The intent was to reconstruct the social and historical context that charaterized each of them / Nonostante l’innegabile talento, il pittore veneziano Leonardo Corona è stato fortemente trascurato dalla storia degli studi: l’unico contributo a lui dedicato risale ormai a una quarantina d’anni fa ((E. Manzato, “Leonardo Corona da Murano”, Arte veneta, XXIV, 1970, pp. 128-150). Grazie a numerosi documenti inediti ritrovati negli archivi veneziani, è stato possibile ricostruire almeno in parte la “vera vita” di Corona, morto in realtà nel 1596. L’esplorazione dei fondi d’archivio ha permesso ugualmente di far luce su uno degli aspetti più affascinanti di cantieri veneziani della fine del XVI secolo: lo spirito corale, che vuole coinvolti una molteplicità di attori, tanto fra i committenti che fra gli artisti chiamati ad intervenire. In lavoro si è concentarto su quattro cantieri veneziani (le chiese di San Zulian, Santo Stefano, Santa Maria Formosa e San Bartolomeo), con l’obiettivo di ricostruire il contesto storico-sociale caratteristico di ciascuno di essi


BOLPAGNI, GAIA 21 March 2012 (has links)
A fronte dell’ampia e varia tipologia di studi dedicati all’episodio del “beato” Simone da Trento (1475), emergeva la mancanza di informazioni riguardanti uno dei maggiori protagonisti della vicenda: il bresciano Giovanni Mattia Tiberino, autore della Passio beati Simonis tridentini, ovvero il testo che determinò la fortuna letteraria degli avvenimenti trentini. A lungo limitato al ruolo che svolse nella difesa della causa di Simonino, l’interesse nei confronti di questo personaggio non ha mai varcato il confine dell’erudizione locale, impedendo una ricostruzione esauriente della sua figura di uomo e d’intellettuale: questa tesi desidera definire meglio i lineamenti biografici e culturali del Tiberino, per mostrare le varie sfaccettature di questo complesso profilo di letterato e umanista, pur riconoscendo l’importanza che ebbe l’esperienza trentina per la sua formazione e affermazione come intellettuale. La tesi presenta tre capitoli: il primo si concentra sulla vita e le opere del Tiberino, delineando una biografia completa e documentata; il secondo comprende il censimento e la catalogazione di tutti i testimoni, manoscritti ed edizioni a stampa, delle opere dedicate a Simone da Trento, mostrando l’entità della loro diffusione e le modalità di circolazione; il terzo è dedicato all’edizione della Passio, corredato di un apparato delle fonti ed un commento. / Considering the wide and various kinds of studies dedicated to the case of the “blessed” Simone from Trento (1475), it stood out the lack of information about one of the most important actors of this story: Giovanni Mattia Tiberino from Brescia, author of the “Passio beati Simonis tridentini”, that is the text which established the literary success of these events. For a long time the only interest for this character was related to his role in defence of Simonino’s case, and this interest never crossed the borders of local erudition; in this way it was not possible to have a full image of his figure as a man and as a scholar. This thesis aims to define better his biographical and cultural outlines, in order to show all the different faces of his complex profile as a man of letters and scholar. This thesis is composed by three chapters: the first one is about Tiberino’s life and works, and it outlines a complete and documented biography. The second one comprehends census and cataloguing of all attestations, manuscripts and printed editions of works related to Simone from Trento; it also shows the extent of their spreading and the manners of their circulation. The third is dedicate to the Passio’s edition, with enclosed an critical apparatus and a commentary.

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