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Bland skotthål och minnesmonumentHjortman, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Följande rapport utgör den teoretiska delen av Emma Hjortmans examensarbete för kandidatexamen i journalistik vid JMK vårterminen 2016. Den praktiska delen består av en radiodokumentär om hur Falun förändrades i grunden efter massmordet som utspelade sig i staden 1994. I rapporten presenterar jag ett teoretiskt underlag för de etiska och källkritiska överväganden jag gjort under projektets gång. Jag berättar även om mina olika undersökningsmetoder och redogör för radioreportagets genre, ämne, stilistik och hur jag anpassat detta för min tänkta publik. Slutligen sammanfattar jag mitt arbete och berättar vad jag tar med mig från mitt försök att skildra en hel stads gemensamma historia.
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Är olika statiner ekvipotenta : en analys av kontemporär evidens inklusive farmakologi och läkemedelskemiDavidsson, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
Background: Statins are among the most used drugs in Sweden. There are currently four statins available on the Swedish market; atorvastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin and rosuvastatin. Statins act by inhibiting 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme-A reductase, also known as HMG-CoA-reductase. HMG-CoA-reductase is the rate-limiting enzyme of the cholesterol synthesis. Decreased hepatic cholesterol leads to increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) clearance from plasma to liver cells. Having a high level of LDL cholesterol is potentially dangerous as it can lead to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Statins significantly reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with and without coronary heart disease. Purpose: The aim of this work was to investigate if there are any differences between the different statins according to contemporary evidence. Method: This is a literary analysis. Studies included were searched from PubMed. A total of five studies were included. Results: The result of this study indicates rosuvastatin to be most efficacious in lowering LDL cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides and total cholesterol. It also improved the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) better than atorvastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin. Study 1 showed rosuvastatin to lower LDL-C with statistical significance (P<0.001) across dose ranges (10-40 mg) after 12 weeks. Study 2 compared a dose ratio of 1:2 between rosuvastatin and simvastatin in lowering LDL-C with a 3.24% (95% CI 4.10 to 2.38) favor of rosuvastatin. Study 4 compared effects of atorvastatin 80 mg and rosuvastatin 20 mg in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction in a 4-week therapy. Rosuvastatin 20 resulted in a 35% compared with atorvastatin 80 mg 34% (P=0.59) reduction in LDL-C levels. Study 1 demonstrated rosuvastatin to improve HDL-C levels in daily doses of 40 mg with statistical significance compared with atorvastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin. Study 1 demonstrated rosuvastatin to lower total cholesterol with statistical significance (P<0.002) across doses compared with atorvastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin. Study 1 also demonstrated rosuvastatin to lower triglycerides more. In daily doses of 40 mg rosuvastatin had a statistical significance (P<0.002) versus simvastatin and pravastatin, but not atorvastatin. The P value between rosuvastatin and atorvastatin was not mentioned, neither the P-value between atorvastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin. Conclusion: Statins are not equipotent. Rosuvastatin showed greater results in reducing LDL-C, triglycerides and total cholesterol with no increased risk of adverse events compared with atorvastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin. Rosuvastatin still lacks in clinical experience which makes needs for further studies on this topic.
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Mervärdesskatt : Ekonomisk brottslighet inom EUSavci, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
Inom den Europeiska unionen har vi idag principen om den fria och gemensamma marknaden där moms ska tas ut i det land där varan konsumeras. Detta innebär att företag inom unionen kan handla varor momsfritt. Det var år 1993 som man inom unionen avskaffade momstullen, vilket i sin tur ledde till att det blev svårare att kontrollera momssystemet. Brottsligheten och bedrägerierna ökade i samband med avskaffandet av tullarna och skattekontrollen blev betydligt sämre då man inte längre betalade momsen vid tillförandet. Detta öppnade för bedrägerier såsom ökad karusellhandel, fiktiv handel- och penningtvätt. Det medför stora kostnader för staterna som utsätts för bedrägeri i form av moms. Med hjälp av den rättsdogmatiska metoden har det i uppsatsen redogjorts för gällanderätt avseende den ekonomiska brottsligheten för att avslutningsvis komma fram till ett förslag till lösning på det aktuella problemet. Ett förslag när det gäller momskarusell är att det inte ska förekomma moms vid handel av två företag inom landet, utan att de företag som säljer till slutkonsument istället ska påföra moms.
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Det omänskliga lidandets diskurs : En diskussion kring FN:s definition av tortyrbegreppet i dialog med postkolonial teoriBäckman, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis has been to discuss whether remainders of colonial influences exist within the UN's definition of torture or not. The discussion has been presented from a postcolonial point of view, in dialogue with contemporary power critical theorists. In order to raise awareness of a potential colonial influence, the following questions were intended to be answered: – Are there any reasons, if so – which ones, to regard the UN's definition of torture as a colonial project? And; – To what extent is the term “inhumane” limiting for the prohibition against torture from a postcolonial perspective? One of the most central arguments of the chosen theories is that the term “inhumane” evokes prejudices that a racializing apparatus within the social norms of the UN automatically produces. These prejudices are, according to the theorists, influenced by images of people in non-western and non-secular (especially muslim) societies as more prone to exercise “violence” and “cruelty” towards their own citizens as well as towards the population of the world in general. Thereby, these people's state of being leave them with no access to the human rights – they are not acting in a humane way and are therefore not allowed to be treated humanely. Even though the reasoning of the theorists are understandable at a theoretical and emotional level, the language of the convention against torture leaves no substantial evidence for this assumed cultural bias and colonial tendency. Where the theories point out some human suffering as excluded from the definition, the solutions on how to include more aspects of suffering might be too intangible to be sustainable within the context of international law. One of the theorists however, Talal Asad, makes an appealing effort by introducing a paragraph of consent within the definition of torture. A paragraph of consent makes it, according to him, easier to account for emotional experiences of suffering. At the same time it makes it possible to exercise self-selected suffering (such as religious rituals and certain sexual preferences) between two or more consenting adults, without them being stigmatized within the discourse of suffering. By introducing the paragraph of consent and the elimination of the word “cruel” (because of its tendency of being linked to racializing factors) from the definition, Asad's argumentation points out a way to possibly improve the prohibition to include more aspects of suffering.
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“The Post-Christian Christian Church” : Ecclesiological Implications ofMattias Martinson’s Post-Christian TheologyHallonsten, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Starting in the socio-cultural changes associated with the recent proliferation of various post-terms, this essay explores Mattias Martinson’s proposal for a theological response to these developments. Based on Martinson’s Post-Christian Theology and The Cathedral in the Center, the essay sketches a post-Christian theology that attempts to transcend both traditional Christian theology and atheism as a response to a societal situation of widespread disbelief. To address the ambivalence of the post-Christian society, post-Christian theology needs to be open, adaptable, and provisional, characterized by a ‘neither/nor’ and an ‘in-between,’ rather than by strong metaphysical claims. In a second step, the essay investigates the post-Christian Christian church. To this end, the essay develops an ecclesiological heuristic model to examine the ecclesiological implications of Martinson’s proposal. Situating the Christian church in the nexus of tensions between the divine and the human, the past and the future, and the open and the bounded, the essay demonstrates how the post-Christian church breaks with the established ecclesiological thinking about the church, rejecting the divine elements, the normativity of past and future, and the boundedness of the church. The result is a flattened or weakened church that is better described as a post-Christian atheist church.
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Klumpigt eller blockerande? Analys av två fotografer på Instagram / Analysis of two photographers on InstagramAlexandersson, Jon January 2016 (has links)
Instagram är ett socialt medium med ett stort antal användare, inklusive flera professionella och kända fotografer. Det har dock många begränsningar och egenheter som gör att det skiljer sig en del från en del mer konventionella kanaler. Målet med undersökningen är att svara på frågan: Hur skiljer sig fotografierna som två professionella fotografer publicerar på Instagram kontra på sina egna hemsidor? Den här undersökningen fokuserar på fotograferna Ira Block och Mattias Klum och analyserar fotografier som de publicerat på Instagram samt fotografier som publicerats på deras egna hemsidor. Analyserna görs ur semiotisk synpunkt samt med Gert Z Nordströms metoder för bildanalys, både på makro- och mikronivå. Totalt har 120 bilder analyserats på makronivå och fyra bilder på mikronivå. Analyserna visar att båda fotografer har gjort skillnader i vilka bilder de väljer att publicera på Instagram och på sina hemsidor – i många fall föredras bilder som är lättare att ta till sig på Instagram. Fotograferna har dock använt sig av olika metoder för detta, bland annat genom att ta fler närbilder eller undvika att ha för många individer i sina bilder. / Instagram is a social medium with a large number of users, including several professional and famous photographers. However, the medium has several limitations, which makes it stand out from other more conventional channels. The goal of this study is to answer the question: How do the photographs that two professional photographers publish on Instagram versus on their websites differ? This essay focuses on the photographers Ira Block and Mattias Klum and analyses photographs that they have published on Instagram and photographs published on their websites. The analyses are performed from a semiotic point of view and with Gert Z Nordströms methods of image analysis, both on a macro and micro level. A total of 120 photographs have been analysed on a macro level and four photographs on a micro level. The analyses show that both photographers have made differences in what images they choose to publish on Instagram and on their websites – in many cases images that are easier to comprehend are preferred on Instagram. Nevertheless, the photographers have used different methods to accomplish this, for instance by publishing close-ups or making sure that there aren’t too many individuals present in their photographs.
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Sceniskt gestaltad musikLithell Flyg, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Vad är för- och nackdelarna med att sceniskt gestalta musik? Intervju med Karin Rehnqvist, Kent Olofsson, Mattias Petersson och Martin Fröst. Reflektioner egna arbeten: Föreställningen Någon borde ta tag i det här... på Folkoperan 26 april 2014. Rörelse, röst och spel för stråktrio ensemble recherche. / <p>Bilaga: 1 DVD</p><p>Titel: Någon borde ta tag i det här...</p><p>Text och Musik: Maria Lithell Flyg</p><p>Medverkande: KammarensmbleN (Jörgen Pettersson, Anders Kilstrom, Kristian Möller, Ivo Nilsson, Jonny Axelsson) Thomas Sepp, Disa Krosness, Jonas Jurström, samt förinspelad röst Maria Lithell Flyg.</p><p>Dirigent: Andreas Eriksson</p><p>Koreografi: Disa Krosness</p><p>Scenografi och rekvisita: Maria Lithell Flyg</p><p>Kostym: SaraLo Serra</p><p>Smink/Mask: Amelia Cazorla</p><p>Ljudtekniker LarsEmil Öjeberget och Jerker Eklund</p><p>Ljus och Ljussättning: Mats Andreasson</p><p></p><p>Föreställningen gavs två gånger kl 14.00 och 20.00</p> / examensprojekt
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