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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Control of E. coli in biosolids

Fane, Sarah Elizabeth January 2016 (has links)
Achieving microbial compliance levels in biosolids storage is complicated by the unpredictable increase of Escherichia coli (E. coli), which serves as an important indicator for pathogen presence risk. Meeting required microbial specifications validates sludge treatment processes and ensures that a safe product is applied to agricultural land. Controlled indicator monitoring provides confidence for farmers, retailers and the food industry, safeguarding the sludge-to-land application route. Following mechanical dewatering biosolids products are stored before microbial compliance testing permits agricultural application. During storage, concentrations of E. coli bacteria can become elevated and prevent the product from meeting the conventional or enhanced levels of treatment outlined in The Safe Sludge Matrix guidelines. Literature research identified innate characteristics of sludge and ambient environmental parameters of storage which are factors likely to influence E. coli behaviour in stored biosolids. The research hypothesis tested whether E. coli growth and death in dewatered sewage sludge can be controlled by the modification of physical-chemical factors in the cake storage environment. Parameters including nutrient availability, temperature, moisture content and atmospheric influences were investigated through a series of laboratory-scale experiments. Controlled dewatering and the assessment of modified storage environments using traditional microbial plating and novel flow cytometry analysis have been performed. At an operational scale, pilot trials and up-scaled monitoring of the sludge storage environment have been conducted enabling verification of laboratory results. Understanding the dynamics of cell health within the sludge matrix in relation to nutrient availability has provided a valuable understanding of the mechanisms that may be affecting bacterial growth post-dewatering. The importance of elevated storage temperatures on E. coli death rates and results showing the benefits of a controlled atmosphere storage environment provide important considerations for utilities.

Identification des mécanismes mis en jeu lors de la déshydratation assistée thermiquement par suivi de la pression de pores / Identification of the physical phenomena involved during thermally assisted mechanical dewatering by pore pressure measurement

Chantoiseau, Étienne 02 December 2009 (has links)
Ce travail s'intéresse a` l'identification des mécanismes physiques en jeu lors de la déshydratation assistée thermiquement. Une cellule de filtration/compression a été instrumentée avec des capteurs de pression liquide. Ces mesures permettent de suivre la formation du gâteau de filtration, sa consolidation puis les évolutions thermomécaniques induites par l’apport de chaleur. Sous l'effet du chauffage, elles montrent l'apparition d’un gradient de pression liquide, qui induit un écoulement additionnel. Un modèle mathématique est ensuite proposé. Des caractérisations en cellule de compression/perméabilité sont utilisées pour de´terminer les lois d'évolution des propriétés du milieu poreux. Le modèle permet de retrouver les évolutions des grandeurs macroscopiques et locales mais pas les cinétiques. Ceci a été attribué au modèle de déformation du milieu poreux choisi. / In the scope of thermally assisted mechanical dewatering process, this work focuses on the identification of physical mechanisms involved in the thermally assisted mechanical dewatering. Operating conditions ensure that the water is expelled in liquid phase. An experimental study on talc and cellulose saturated suspensions highlights the gains in terms of final dry solid contend involved by the thermal intensification. The filtrationcompression test cell is instrumented with pore liquid sensors along the cake thickness that allows to measures the pressure of the interstitial liquid phase. Obtained data highlight an increase of the liquid pressure in the heated side of the cake during thermally assisted mechanical dewatering. Indeed, as the temperature increases the water density decrease. As the cake consolidation restricts the flow a liquid pressure gradient reappears inside the cake. As the temperatures on the filter side of the cake increase, the thermally induced liquid pressure gradient vanishes with an additional filtrate outflow. In order to measure the porous media properties a compression-permeability cell has been build. This apparatus allows permeability measurement to be conducted for different temperature and loading on the porous media. A physical model including the thermal pressurization has been implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics in order to simulate the process. The model confirms the thermal pressurization occurring during thermally assisted mechanical dewatering, but because of deviation in the calculated mechanical behavior and temperature of the porous media, the model can’t depict the experimental additional filtrate outflow.

Energi- och miljöeffekter av mekanisk avvattning som försteg till torkning av träflis vid pelletsproduktion / Energy and environmental effects of mechanical dewatering as a pre-stage to thermal drying of wood chips in a pellets production

Lingman, Oskar January 2018 (has links)
Med rådande klimathot i form av ökande koldioxidhalter i vår jords atmosfär krävs stora gemensamma insatser för att minska utsläppen. Genom att välja bort fossila bränslen och istället använda miljövänliga energikällor skapar vi tillsammans en hållbar framtid. Träpellets är ett biobränsle tillverkat på biomassa i form av träflis och dess förbränning kan i princip ses som koldioxidneutral. Tillverkningen av bränslepellets är emellertid en energikrävande process där termisk torkning av råvaran står för en majoritet av energianvändningen under pelletstillverkningen, där träflisen torkas från 55–10% fukthalt genom kondensering. I och med den ökande efterfrågan av pellets kommer även större möjligheter till effektivisering, där torksteget i produktionen har stort fokus. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka energi- och miljöeffekter av en ny tvåstegsteknik bestående av mekanisk avvattning som försteg till termisk torkning av träflis i en pelletsproduktion. Den mekanisk avvattningsteknik som undersökts är Drinor CDP - Continuous Dewatering Press. Det primära målet med arbetet har varit att undersöka Drinors CDP som försteg till en bandtork och pneumatisk tork för att slutligen svara på vilken av kombinationerna som ger lägst energianvändning och miljöpåverkan i form av utsläpp. Som referens kommer torkprocessen hos Stora Enso Timber Gruvön användas, där en bandtork i dag används som torksteg. Som delmål kommer två olika partikelstorlekar undersökas vid pneumatisk torkning bestående av spån och flis, detta för att utreda partikelstorlekars påverkan på pneumatisk torkning och om det ens är möjligt att pneumatiskt transportera större flis. Resultaten visar att mekanisk avvattning är en bra lösning för pelletsindustrin. Fallet med CDP i kombination med bandtork ledde till en energireducering med ca 50% och 35% minskade utsläpp som en följd, jämfört med referensfallet bestående av endast bandtork. Resultaten visade även att stora träflispartiklar kunde transporteras pneumatiskt vid en lufthastighet på drygt 23 m/s. Pneumatisk torkning bidrog till en hög användning av el på grund av höga temperaturer, vilket i sin tur leder till stora mängder koldioxidutsläpp. / With the occurring climate threats in the form of increasing levels of carbon dioxide in our Earth's atmosphere, major joint efforts are needed to reduce our emissions. By opting out of fossil fuels and instead using environmentally friendly energy sources, we help create a sustainable future. Wood pellets are a biofuel made from biomass in the form of woodchips and its combustion can in principle be seen as neutral. However, the production of wood pellets is an energy-consuming process where thermal drying of the wet wood chips accounts for a majority of the total energy use during pellet production, where wood chips are typically dried from 55 – 10% moisture by condensation. With an increasing demand for pellets, there will also be more opportunities for efficiency, where the drying stage in production has a large focus. The purpose of this study has been to investigate the energy and environmental effects of a new two-stage technique consisting of mechanical dewatering as a prestage to thermal drying of woodchips in a pellet production. The mechanical dewatering technology studied is the Drinor CDP - Continuous Dewatering Press. The primary goal of the work has been to investigate the Drinors CDP as a pre-stage to a packed moving bed and a pneumatic dryer to finally answer to which of the combinations provides the lowest energy use and environmental impact in terms of emissions. As a reference, the drying process of Stora Enso Timber Gruvön is used, where a packed moving bed is used as a single-stage dryer. As a secondary goal, two different particle sizes will be examined for pneumatic drying consisting of saw dust and wood chips, to investigate the impact of particle sizes on pneumatic drying, and whether it is even possible to pneumatically transport larger wood chips. The results show that mechanical dewatering is a good solution for the pellet industry. The case with a CDP in combination with a packed moving bed led to an energy reduction of about 50% and 35% reduced emissions as a result, compared to the reference case consisting only of a packed moving bed. The results also showed that large wood chip particles could be transported pneumatically at an air velocity of just over 23 m/s. Pneumatic drying contributed to a high use of electricity due to high temperatures, which in turn leads to large quantities of emissions.

Déshydratation assistée thermiquement couplant essorage et micro-ondes / Dehydration by coupling centrifuge drainage with microwave drying

Apaolaza Pagoaga, Xabier 19 December 2014 (has links)
Dans de nombreux procédés industriels apparaît une étape de séparation liquide/solide qui est très souvent effectuée en combinant en série une séparation mécanique et une séparation thermique (séchage). L'intégration d'un apport thermique dans un équipement de séparation mécanique offre de nombreux avantages (investissement réduit, productivité améliorée, encombrement limité...). Par ailleurs, l'utilisation simultanée des effets mécaniques et thermiques peut conduire dans certains cas à des synergies permettant une utilisation optimisée de l'énergie. Un apport thermique par chauffage diélectrique peut être adapté à une essoreuse. L'objectif de la thèse est de concevoir et réaliser un prototype à l'échelle semi-industrielle dans le but de démontrer l'intérêt énergétique d'une telle technique. Les résultats obtenus sont : le développement et l'instrumentation complète d'un pilote d'essoreuse autorisant l'insertion des micro-ondes. La mise en évidence d'une synergie entre les phénomènes de séchage induits par un chauffage diélectrique et les effets centrifuges liés à la rotation du panier dans de cas des bobines textiles.La modélisation de différents phénomènes physiques liés à l'essorage de gâteaux de filtration, à l'évaluation de leur permittivité complexe, à la connaissance du champ électromagnétique, aux écoulements d'air utilisés pour l'extraction de la vapeur et à la détermination des transferts de masse et de chaleur. / In a lot of industrial processes, liquid/solid separation is carried out by combination of mechanical and thermal separation (drying). Thermal drying in a mechanical separation device offers a lot of advantages (lower investment, higher productivity, limited footprint. . . ). Moreover, coupling mechanical and thermal effects may lead in some cases to synergic effects allowing an optimal use of energy.Thermal input by dielectric heating may be adapted to a centrifuge. The objective of the project is to design and produce a prototype at pilot scale in order to point out the energetic interest of such a process. So, mechanical separation (centrifuge filtration, drainage) and dielectric heating have to be used simultaneously. Pilot instrumentation will allow to control key parameters of the coupled operation and the global energy consumption. Main results are : the development and the full instrumentation of a centrifuge pilot allowing implement of microwaves. The demonstration of a synergy, in the case of textile spools, between drying effects generated by dielectric heating and centrifuge effects generated by centrifuge basket rotation. The simulation of different physical phenomena linked to filtration cake drainage, dielectric constants assessment, determination of electromagnetic field, air flow used for vapor extraction and determination of heat and mass transfers.

Effekter av förpressad granflis för pelleteringsbarheten i en single pellet press / The effects of pre-pressing spruce wood chips for the pelletability in a single pellet press

Malm, Simon January 2018 (has links)
I en värld med ökande koldioxidhalter i atmosfären och höjd medeltemperatur, råder det inga tvivel om att vi står inför en rad utmaningar för att minska användandet av bland annat fossila bränslen som generar skadliga utsläpp. Det finns många alternativ till oljebaserade bränslen, och ett som har ökat markant de senaste åren är bränslepellets. Bränslepellets är ett träbaserat biobränsle som i sitt kompakta tillstånd erbjuder ett bra värmevärde och är klimatneutralt. För att tillverka pellets måste råmaterialet först termiskt torkas, från en fukthalt på ca 55 % till ca 10 %, vilket i dagsläget kan motsvara upp till en fjärdedel av hela energiåtgången i pelleteringsprocessen. Med den ökade efterfrågan av bränslepellets finns också ökade förutsättningar för energieffektiviseringar i pelletsproduceringen, speciellt i torkningssteget.  Drinor AB har tagit fram en avvattningsmaskin av biomaterial som heter CDP, och med den är det möjligt att avvattna biomaterial till ca 30 %, vilket skulle reducera både tiden och energin det tar att termiskt torka materialet. Avvattningen sker under tryck på minst 40 ton, där vattnet mekaniskt pressas ut ur råmaterialet. Hur avvattningen påverkar råmaterialet, speciellt i en pelletframställning, är oklart och syftet med detta arbete var att ta reda på hur pelleteringsegenskaperna påverkas efter pressning med CDP, och om det finns möjligheter att spara energi i malningsdelen i pelleteringsprocessen. Målet med arbetet var att ta reda på hur CDP påverkar pelletskvaliteter i form av hårdhet och densitet, samt om friktionsutvecklingen i pelleteringsmatrisen förändras, genom att framställa pellets ur 3 scenarion. I ett scenario ska en traditionell pelletsframställning liknas, med endast termisk torkning och i de resterande två scenarion implementeras CDP som försteg till den termiska torkningen. I ett av dessa två scenarion mals inte träflisen innan pelletering, för att se om energi kan sparas utan att offra pelletskvalitet. Ett annat mål var att, per scenario, ta reda på vid vilken fukthalts- och temperaturkombination de bästa pelletsen tillverkades med avseende på hög densitet och hårdhet samt låg friktionsutveckling. Resultaten visade att scenariot med CDP som komplement till termisk torkning och utan malningprocess, producerade pellets med högst hårdhet, högst densitet och lägst friktionsutveckling under båda fukthalterna på pelleteringsmaterialet och nästintill samtliga matristemperaturer. Det scenario som hade endast termisk torkning producerade pellets med lägst densitet och hårdhet samt högst friktion under nästan alla temperaturer och fukthalter. När den bästa fukthalts- och temperaturkombinationen togs fram per scenario, så var scenariot med CDP och utan malning bäst. Pellets producerade där hade ökad densitet, nästan tredubblad hårdhet samt mer än halverad friktionsutveckling i pelleteringsmatrisen, jämfört med scenariot som imiterade traditionell pelletsframställning med endast termisk torkning. Skulle det scenariot med CDP och utan malningsprocess implementeras i en verklig industriell skala skulle det innebära stora förutsättningar för ökad produktion av pellets med bättre kvalitet, samt ett minskat energianvändande i form av reducerad termisk torkning och minskat användande av malningsprocessen. / In a world with growing carbon dioxide contents in the atmosphere and elevated average temperature, there is no doubt that we are faced with a number of challenges to reduce the use of, among other things, fossil fuels that generate harmful emissions. There are many alternatives to oil-based fuels, and one that has increased markedly in recent years is fuel pellets. Fuel pellets are a wood-based biofuel that, in its compact state, offers a good thermal value and is climate neutral. In order to produce pellets, the raw material must first be thermally dried, from a moisture content of about 55 % to about 10 %, which can currently account for up to at least a quarter of the total energy consumption in the pelleting process. With the increased demand for fuel pellets, there are also increased possibilities for energy efficiency in the pellet production, especially in the drying stage. Drinor AB has developed a biomaterial dewatering machine called CDP, with which it is possible to drain the biomaterial to a moisture content of about 30%, which would reduce both the time and the energy it takes to thermally dry the material. The dewatering pressure is at least 40 tonnes, where the water is mechanically squeezed out of the raw material. How the dewatering affects the raw material, especially in a pellet production, is unclear and the purpose of this work was to find out how the pelleting properties are affected after pressing with CDP and if there is potential for saving energy in the grinding process in the pelleting process. The aim of the work was to find out how CDP affects pellet qualities in terms of hardness and density, and if the friction development in the pelleting dye changes, by making pellets out of 3 scenarios. In one scenario, traditional pellets production should be resembled, with only thermal drying, and in the remaining two scenarios, CDP is implemented as a complement to thermal drying. In one of these two scenarios, the wood chips were not milled before pelleting, to see if energy can be saved without sacrificing pellet quality. Another goal was to determine, by each scenario, what moisture and temperature combination the best pellets were produced with respect to high density and hardness and low friction development. The results showed that the CDP scenario, as a complement to thermal drying and without grinding process, produced the hardest pellets, highest density and lowest friction development during both moisture levels of the pelleting material and almost all die temperatures. The scenario that only had thermal drying produced pellets with the lowest density and hardness, as well as maximum friction under almost all temperatures and moisture levels. When the best moisture and temperature combination was achieved by each scenario, the scenario with CDP and without grinding was the best. Pellets produced there had increased density, almost triple the hardness, and more than half the friction development in the pelleting die, compared to the scenario that imitated traditional pellets production with only thermal drying. Should the scenario with CDP and without grinding process be implemented on a real industrial scale, it would provide great conditions for increased production of better quality pellets, as well as reduced energy use in the form of reduced thermal drying and reduced use of the grinding process.

Déshydratation naturelle et mécanisée de sédiments : étude des processus mis en jeu et applications / Natural and mechanical Dewatering of sediments

Boullosa Allariz, Beatriz 12 December 2018 (has links)
Les opérations de dragage génèrent d’importants volumes de sédiments à teneur en eau élevée qui sont difficilement transportables. Toute opération de valorisation ou stockage des sédiments implique de réduire la teneur en eau. Le séchage naturel et la déshydratation mécanisée des sédiments répondent à cette attente. Le séchage naturel des sédiments est la technique de déshydratation la plus économique et la meilleure du point de vue environnemental. Le temps de séchage peut être réduit par des moyens techniques adaptés (retournement, scarification) mis en action par l'application de critères d’aptitude au séchage naturel. Pour ce faire, le processus de séchage naturel a été reproduit à l’échelle du laboratoire à l’aide d’essais d’Égouttage et de Séchage et d’essais de Séchage et de Retrait couplés à des essais scissométriques. Ils ont porté sur neuf sédiments : sept sédiments de barrage, deux sédiments marins et une kaolinite. Une relation Su=f(IP) a été établie. Cette relation permet d’obtenir la cohésion non drainée Su à partir d’une mesure de teneur en eau. Elle permet aussi de définir ou cerner le moment le plus propice au retournement des sédiments à l’aide d’engins spécifiques sur site. Une autre méthode mécanique pour réduire le temps de séchage est suggérée. Il s'agit de pratiquer une scarification des sédiments à l’aide d’outils mobiles, voire robotisés, comme un rouleau scarificateur ou d'une rangée d'outils transportés par un treillis mobile adapté. En ce qui concerne la déshydratation mécanisée des sédiments, une nouvelle méthode de déshydratation en continu a été proposée à partir d'une presse à boues KDS®. Pour des raisons de conception et d'application, la presse à boues KDS® n’a jamais été utilisée pour déshydrater des sédiments. Un plan expérimental a été développé. Il est démontré que la presse KDS® est capable de déshydrater un sédiment fin sableux sans une maintenance démesurée. Des adaptations de la presse KDS® à la déshydratation de sédiments et des améliorations sont finalement proposées. / Dredging operations produce large amounts of sediments with high water content, that are difficult to handle. Storage management and future reuses need to reduce the water content of sediments. Natural and mechanical dewatering of sediments meet this need. The most economic and eco-friendly method of dewatering is natural dewatering. Dewatering period can be reduced with suitable technical means such as adapted plough or scarifier for sediments, operating under defined dewatering criteria. The natural dewatering process was investigated and reproduced at the laboratory scale by performing Natural dewatering test and Shrinkage test coupled with shear measurements (vane shear testing). Nine sediments have been considered: seven dam sediments, two marine sediments and a kaolinite clay. A relationship Su = f(IP) has been established. It allows to deduce the undrained shear strength Su from only a measurement of water content. It allows to state on the right moment to put in operation the specific tools for ploughing and returning over or scarifying sediments stored. These tools can move in the sediments (adapted plough) or roll on the sediments (scarifiying roller) or roll on banks of sediment storage basin. Another way to dewater high water content sediments concerns a mechanical device. Thus a new method of continuous dewatering has been investigated using a prototype machine patented and referenced as KDS® sludge press. This type of press was not adapted for dewater sediments. Full of dewatering tests have been undertaken and performed with this prototype concerning some of sediments (see natural dewatering testing) and sandy clayey mixtures. It has been shown that KDS® press is able to dehydrate sediments including fine sandy sediments without excessive maintenance. Some adaptations and improvements of KDS® press to dewatering sediments are finally suggested.

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