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Immaterial labor in Chinese social networking site : a preliminary case study of the Renren networkXia, Bing Qing January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Communication
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傳媒在政府議事程式中的作用 : 以山西繁峙礦難事件為例 / 以山西繁峙礦難事件為例宋薇 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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The influence of social media on chinese college students' social activismGu, Xiaoting 01 January 2012 (has links)
Guided by Uses and Gratifications Theory, this study investigated the relationship between Chinese college students' use of social media and their social activism. Data collected from a goup-administered survey of 309 undergraduate students at a large university in eastern China was used to answer four research questions. The results indicated that Chinese college students who used social media for information seeking were likely to participate in individual social activism. Besides, students who used social media for self-status seeking and information seeking were likely to participate in collective social activism. No significant correlation between entertainment motivation and social activism were found. Neither can socializing motivation predict Chinese college students' social activism. In addition, gender had an impact on individual social activism and frequency of social media use could affect both individual and collective social activism.
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女性幻想男男之爱: 中国网络耽美与酷儿性研究 = Female fantasy of male homosexuality : queering boy's love fandom on the Chinese internet. / 中国网络耽美与酷儿性研究 / Female fantasy of male homosexuality: queering boy's love fandom on the Chinese internet / Nü xing huan xiang nan nan zhi ai: Zhongguo wang luo dan mei yu ku er xing yan jiu = Female fantasy of male homosexuality : queering boy's love fandom on the Chinese internet. / Zhongguo wang luo dan mei yu ku er xing yan jiuJanuary 2014 (has links)
"耽美"来源于日本,是以女性读者群为主要受众、描写男性与男性之间浪漫关系或性关系的文学或艺术作品,也被称为BL(Boy’s Love)。喜爱耽美的女性爱好者被称为"腐女"。耽美文化自1990 年代后期随着日本流行文化进入中国,至今已在中国网络空间中逐渐发展成为一个主要由女性网民所组成的,包含文本创作、阅读与交流的文化圈。与此同时,耽美文化的流行亦引发了中国当下种种对性与性别问题的思考。 / 本研究将耽美文化解译为"女性幻想男男之爱"的欲望结构,从精神分析幻想理论与酷儿理论的视角来考察中国网络中的耽美文化现象。论文所围绕的一个问题是,耽美文化与中国社会文化中的性/别话语产生了怎样的关系,以及如何从腐女的耽美幻想中搭建起与现实性/别政治的联系。研究首先分析了两类网络耽美小说文本,分别来看它们与1990年代以后的"男同性恋"身份话语,和2000年代以后对"中国古典文化"想象之间的吸收、挪用与再创造;其次以网络腐女圈的论坛讨论与配对狂欢为对象,研究网络耽美式恶搞对官方媒体、主流男性形象和异性恋规范的权威所潜在的颠覆性;最后以2011年一桩"腐女被抓案"新闻报道为契机,来观察耽美文化与网络淫秽色情审查的纠葛、冲突与可能的出路。 / 欲望幻想的流动性决定着它边界的模糊与开放,以及它承载、影响乃至侵扰"现实"秩序的功能。因此,作为一种女性的男性同性情欲幻想,本研究视耽美文化最引人注目的地方不在于其本身的出现与流行程度,而在于它与各种性/别话语的相互建构与矛盾冲突。此外,在对幻想文本、网络话语以及腐女群体的调查中,本研究也期待探索某种"酷儿"政治在中国网络文化中生产的可能性。 / Boy’s love (BL in short; danmei in Chinese) is a Japanese term for female-oriented fictional media, which focuses on love, sex and romance between beautiful androgynous boys or young men. Apart from the gay self-representations, BL is a genre of male homoeroticism by and for mostly heterosexual women. In China, the BL fans call themselves "Fu Nu", which means "rotten girl", to describe their enthusiasm for fantasizing male homosexuality. BL originated from Japanese amine, comic and game youth culture, and has since become a transnational phenomenon all over the world with a global fan base. As such, the phenomenon of boy’s love had already aroused a lot of discussions in relation to ideologies of gender and sexuality from different cultural and social perspectives. BL fandom in China’s culture context with its "Chinese characteristics" also deserves particular attention, when it opens up a fantastic space for Chinese woman to practice their sexuality beyond non-heterosexual norms. / However there is limited work that considers the queer sexuality of female BL fans in China, in relation to the queer texts and queer discourses they create. There is also little research that explores the capacity of boy’s love netizens to resist the on-going internet surveillance by the Chinese government of information deemed ‘sexually inappropriate’ and outside the heterosexual norm. Therefore there remains a paucity of studies that examine the political potentialities of anti-homophobic and queer discourses of sexuality as manoeuvred by the Chinese BL fan base that continue to populate online communities. Based on previous studies about the phenomenon of boy’s Love in China, this paper analyses the queer politics of the online BL fandom in terms of the interactions between BL and the other gender and sexuality discourses on the Chinese Internet. It will be argued that the online BL fandom opens up a virtual space for girls and young women to author practice their male homosexual fantasies. Moreover, it will be maintained that boy’s love appropriates the queerness from the different sides of cyber culture into its narrative fantasies, thus forming a queer continuum made up with the conflicts, complicities and political potentialities of the gender and sexuality on the Chinese internet. This paper concludes with an analysis of the ambiguous relation of BL with Chinese Internet censorship, and traces the capacities of boy’s love netizens in subverting and resisting government surveillance of what it terms ‘obscene’ information. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 周舒燕. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 151-162). / Abstracts also in English. / Zhou Shuyan.
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電影作為大眾媒介在上海的傳播(1896-1937). / Development of film as a mass medium in Shanghai (1896-1937) / Dian ying zuo wei da zhong mei jie zai Shanghai de chuan bo (1896-1937).January 2007 (has links)
胡霽榮. / "2007年8月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2007. / 參考文獻(leaves 185-197). / "2007 nian 8 yue". / Abstract also in English. / Hu Jirong. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2007. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 185-197). / Chapter 第一章 --- 引言 --- p.1 / Chapter 一、 --- 上海一一乍爲媒介的城市 --- p.1 / Chapter 二、 --- 上海電影史硏究的意義與新的角度 --- p.4 / Chapter 三、 --- 文章結構與行文思路 --- p.7 / Chapter 第二章 --- 電影院的建立與電影放映空間的更替 --- p.11 / Chapter 一、 --- 傳統娛樂場所裏的影戲“演´ح映 --- p.11 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 電影最初放映的時間與地點問題 --- p.11 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 寄居傳統娛樂場所與影戲“演´ح映 --- p.13 / Chapter 二、 --- 電影院的建立與影院放映電影的開始 --- p.20 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 上海第一家影戲院建立 --- p.21 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 影院電影放映與觀影規則 --- p.22 / Chapter 三、 --- 電影院與都市社會文化的變遷 --- p.28 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 電影院的建立與都市空間建築風格的變遷 --- p.28 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 電影院的規模化與都市新文化區域的産生 --- p.31 / Chapter 3 ´Ø --- 都市新文化消費與市民摩登心境 --- p.33 / Chapter 第三章 --- 中國電影製片業的興起與電影審查之濫觴 --- p.39 / Chapter 一、 --- 中國影業公司與中國電影的興起 --- p.39 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 上海電影活動之端倪 --- p.39 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 中國影業公司的勃興 --- p.41 / Chapter 3 ´Ø --- 中國影片的興起 --- p.46 / Chapter 4 ´Ø --- 早期電影觀:“影戲´ح觀 --- p.50 / Chapter 二、 --- 上海電影審查制度之濫觴 --- p.55 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 民國電影檢查之初始 --- p.55 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 上海電影審查制度的雛形 --- p.56 / Chapter 第四章 --- 中國電影的主體性建構與中國電影制度的建立 --- p.65 / Chapter 一、 --- 中國左翼電影運動與中國電影觀念的確立 --- p.65 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 中國左翼電影運動的剪影 --- p.65 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 電影觀念的變革與中國電影定位的確立 --- p.69 / Chapter 二、 --- 左翼電影的傳播革命:市場阻力與博 弈 --- p.77 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 好萊塢電影與觀眾口味 --- p.78 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 左翼電影的傳播策略與觀眾主體的培育 --- p.85 / Chapter 三、 --- 國民政府電影審查與電影制度的建立與影 響 --- p.96 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 中央電影檢查委員會的成立與對左翼電影的嚴禁 --- p.96 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 繼續打壓神怪武俠片與外國辱華片 --- p.100 / Chapter 3 ´Ø --- 電影審查與中國電影制度建立的意義 --- p.103 / Chapter 第五章 --- 印刷媒介與電影的傳播 --- p.106 / Chapter 一、 --- 印刷媒介在上海的發 展 --- p.106 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 印刷與攝影技術的傳入 --- p.106 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 近代上海印刷出版業的發展 --- p.108 / Chapter 二、 --- 印刷媒介對電影發展的影 響 --- p.110 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 上海早期電影報刊業掃描 --- p.110 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 上海早期電影刊物槪述 --- p.117 / Chapter 第六章 --- 圖像與影像之間:都市形象與都會現代性建構 --- p.133 / Chapter 一、 --- 《良友畫報》與電影:圖像上海的營 造 --- p.133 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 《良友》的代表性 --- p.133 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 電影對於《良友》的影響 --- p.135 / Chapter 3 ´Ø --- 現代都市圖景的建構 --- p.142 / Chapter 二、 --- 早期電影中的“上海´ح --- p.155 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 都市經驗的上海模式 --- p.155 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 對於“上海´ح的影像批判 --- p.159 / Chapter 三、 --- 上海的記憶與想 像 --- p.167 / Chapter 1 ´Ø --- 今日“上海´ح的歷史鏡像 --- p.167 / Chapter 2 ´Ø --- 結語:今日影像“上海´ح的懷舊製造 --- p.169 / Chapter 第七章 --- 總結 --- p.172 / 圖表目錄: / Chapter 圖1: --- 〈做影戲〉(《圖畫日報》) --- p.18 / Chapter 圖2: --- 〈虹口影戲院〉(《良友》) --- p.21 / Chapter 圖3: --- 〈四馬路影戲之喧嘩〉(《圖畫日報》) --- p.25 / Chapter 圖4: --- 〈大光明電影院〉(《上海檔案資訊網》) --- p.29 / Chapter 圖5: --- 〈徐園〉(《圖畫日報》) --- p.29 / Chapter 圖6: --- 〈國泰大戲院之外牆廣告〉(《良友》) --- p.33 / Chapter 圖7: --- 〈大學生之電影熱〉(《電影月刊》) --- p.84 / Chapter 圖8: --- 《影戲雜誌》創刊號 --- p.119 / Chapter 圖9: --- 《良友畫報》第一期封面 --- p.137 / Chapter 圖10: --- 〈范朋克、黃柳霜與伍聯德的合照〉(《良友》) --- p.139 / Chapter 圖11: --- 「電影專刊」封面,(《良友》) --- p.140 / Chapter 圖12: --- 〈阮玲玉〉(《良友》第30期封面) --- p.144 / Chapter 圖13: --- 〈阮玲玉〉(《良友》第99期封面) --- p.144 / Chapter 圖14: --- 〈女人女人女人〉(《良友》) --- p.145 / Chapter 圖15: --- 〈美的佈景〉(《良友》) --- p.147 / Chapter 圖16: --- 〈體育皇后〉與醫藥廣告(《良友》) --- p.148 / Chapter 圖17: --- 〈上海的聲.光.電〉(《良友》) --- p.150 / Chapter 圖18: --- 〈都會的刺激〉(《良友》) --- p.151 / Chapter 表1: --- 1920 ´ؤ1930年代美國影片公司發行機構 --- p.40 / Chapter 表2: --- 1909年至1937年上海各電影製片公司出品數量 --- p.49 / Chapter 表3: --- 1933年1月至6月上海各影院映片出品國別統計(《明星月刊》) --- p.78 / Chapter 表4: --- 1931年上海規模大的影戲院列表(《影戲雜誌》) --- p.80 / Chapter 表5: --- “到電影院去的目的´ح(〈大學生與電影〉,《電影月刊》) --- p.83 / Chapter 表6: --- 1920-1937年上海出版的主要電影期刊 --- p.111 / Chapter 表7: --- 1930年代上海主要電影副刊與專欄 --- p.115 / 附錄: / 附表1 : 1935年放映外國影片之上海電影院 / 附表2:1935年放映國片之上海電影院 --- p.179 / 附表3:1909-1937年上海各電影公司出品數量統計表 --- p.180 / 附表4:1926-1937年《良友畫報》之部分電影內容列表 --- p.181 / 附表5 : 1926-1937年《良友畫報》刊載的上海地方素描 --- p.184 / 參考資料 --- p.185
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Research into Chinese television development: television industrialisation in China / Television industrialisation in ChinaDiao, Ming Ming January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Division of Society, Culture, Media and Philosophy, Department of International Communication, 2009. / Bibliography: p. 431-447. / Introduction -- Literature review -- Methodology -- The development and the actual situation of television industry in China -- Commercial television in the U.S. and public television in the U.K. -- Results and discussion -- Conclusions and recommendations -- Bibliography. / Over the past five decades, China's television industry has gone through various historical periods, which have seen marked changes in China's political and economic spheres, indeed in Chinese society overall. Over the last thirty years, since the reform and opening up of China in 1978, transformation of the original television systems, structure and industrial market chain has been attempted concomitant with the gradual relaxation of the restrictions applicable to China's television industry. Within these circumstances, the Chinese government, media practitioners, and scholars are actively exploring long-term, feasible and sustainable approaches to the further development of the television industry in China. The research examines China's approaches to the development of its television industry, using McQuail's political, economic and social framework, the relevant political economy traditions involving the neoclassic paradigm and the heterodox approach, and the principles of media economics and the 'market chain' theory of the television industry. This thesis first presents a concise review of how television developed in China: it then seeks to map perceived changes and to ascertain the problems throughout the process. Research methods employed are secondary data analysis, in-depth interview and focus group. Chinese scholars, officials and media practitioners are the participants of interviews and focus groups. The discussion draws on previous analyses and discussions, to assess the overall picture of television industrialisation reformation in China, additionally drawing on discourses surrounding commercial television in the United States and public television in the United Kingdom for valuable reference material that will support China's television development. The significance of this research lies in its providing an insight into China's television reformation and adding, to the field of communication and development, the Chinese experience. The research expects to propose a television development pathway with Chinese characteristics, drawing on Chinese as well as Western theories. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / xix, 461 p. ill
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How media image influences audience's attitudes & stereotypes toward the elderly: a cultivation analysis.January 1996 (has links)
Tam Pui Ching, Maria. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 67-73). / Questionnaire also in Chinese. / Chapter Chapter One: --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter Two: --- Literature Review --- p.5 / Cultivation Theory --- p.5 / Stereotypes and Attitudes toward the Elderly --- p.8 / Factors Affecting Stereotypes --- p.9 / Media Influence on Attitudes toward the Elderly --- p.12 / Cultural Values of Family and Ageing --- p.15 / Chapter Chapter Three: --- Rationale and Hypotheses --- p.20 / Rationale --- p.20 / Hypotheses --- p.23 / Chapter Chapter Four: --- Methodology --- p.29 / Sample --- p.29 / Measurement of Chinese Cultural Values --- p.30 / Measurement of Attitudes toward the Elderly --- p.33 / Measurement of Stereotypes about the Elderly --- p.37 / Media Exposure --- p.39 / Chapter Chapter Five: --- Findings --- p.41 / Testing Hypothesis H1 --- p.46 / Testing Hypothesis H2 --- p.47 / Testing Hypothesis H3 --- p.47 / Testing Hypothesis H4 --- p.48 / Testing Hypothesis H5 --- p.48 / Testing Hypothesis H6 --- p.49 / Testing Hypothesis H7 --- p.50 / Chapter Chapter Six: --- Discussion and Conclusion --- p.52 / Appendix1 --- p.62 / References --- p.67
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媒體、集體行動與公共性的建構: 番禺反建垃圾焚燒廠的個案研究. / 番禺反建垃圾焚燒廠的個案研究 / Media, collective action and the construction of publicity: a case study of an anti-incinerator event in Panyu / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Mei ti, ji ti xing dong yu gong gong xing de jian gou: Panyu fan jian le se fen shao chang de ge an yan jiu. / Panyu fan jian le se fen shao chang de ge an yan jiuJanuary 2013 (has links)
現有的媒體-抗爭互動機制研究,其結論多是主流媒體傾向非法化、瑣碎化社會運動。但針對威權語境中的媒體-抗爭互動現象,這一論點不再適用。本研究通過2009年廣州番禺反建垃圾焚燒廠事件,探究地方媒體與草根環境運動在與政府協商公共議題時,形成何種互動機制。本文以公共性概念為理論起點,以參與式公共性與可視性公共性這兩種模式作為分析工具,來理解媒體與運動的實踐及其互動。 / 本研究使用多種方法考察事件發展過程,同時試圖建構出媒體-運動的互動機制。主要研究材料包括媒體文本、新聞從業者與抗爭居民的口頭和書面陳述。本文用內容分析方法考察媒體如何再現抗爭居民與當地政府的話語鬥爭,以及新聞框架如何發展演變。研究者與20位新聞從業者與抗爭居民進行深度訪談,以瞭解其行動的目的、策略與束縛,並探索雙方如何理解與評價自身、對方與社會語境。 / 本文的主要貢獻,是通過考察威權語境中的媒體-運動的互動實踐現象來豐富原有的公共性概念。研究發現雙方形成了深度互動、平等、共存的關係。首先,媒體的報道使與抗爭相關的公共論述得以生成、發展、充實。多角度的媒體報道涵蓋了環保與民主參與等話題,由此挑戰了官方對抗爭的打壓式論述。其次,在運動的架構過程中,抗爭居民創造出媒介互動策略,具體表現為抗爭者認識到傳統媒體記者所受的束縛,並與其合作突破這種束縛。他們同時也使用新媒體平台直接動員公眾展開集體行動。最後,新聞從業者發展出抗爭新聞劇目的生產機制,使得抗爭事件停留於報端,令抗爭者成為公共論述的參與者。新聞從業者在追求職業認同與獨立時還借用抗爭的概念,將其用作由下至上新聞改革的資源。 / 以上發現表明,媒體與社會運動作為社會行動者,其互動機制中體現出一種具有建構性與矛盾性的公共性。通過這一媒介化的抗爭事件,雙方發展出針對官方論述的話語抗爭,使得原本屬於越軌範疇的抗爭話語得以進入可公開爭議的合法範疇,由此得以重新界定公開話語空間中的意識形態邊界。 / Existing studies of media-movement interaction have argued that mainstream media tends to illegitimize and trivialize social movements. However, when applied to the newly emerged media-movement interactions in the context of an authoritarian regime, such argument becomes untenable. This study takes an anti-incinerator event taken place in Panyu, Guangzhou in 2009 as its foci of investigation. It examines how local media and the grassroots environmental movement cooperatively negotiated public issues with the government. The concept of publicity and two models of publicity (participatory publicity and visibility publicity) will be introduced. These two models will be used as analytical tools to understand the practice of and the interaction between the media and the movement. / Methodologically, this study adopts multiple methods to trace the process of the event and model the media-movement interaction mechanism. This research constructs the case by analyzing the media texts, together with both oral and written accounts of the journalists and the activists. Content analysis is employed to measure how the media represent the discursive struggles between local residents and local government, as well as how the media frames have evolved during the event. In-depth interviews have been conducted with 20 activists and journalists to explore their intentions, strategies and constraints. Questions were also asked about how they understand and evaluate themselves, each other and the social context. / The primary significance of this study is to explore how the notion of publicity is enriched by the dynamics of the media-movement interaction mechanism within an authoritarian context. The findings demonstrate that both parties have developed an increasingly interactive, equal and co-dependent relationship with one another. First, public discourses surrounding the movement have emerged and survived through the cooperation between journalists and activists. The media has developed diversified reporting angles covering not only environmental issues but also notions of democratic participation that challenged the suppressive official discourse. Second, during the framing process of the movement, the activists have invented an interactive media strategy that helped to break the constraints of journalistic practice within traditional media organizations. Meanwhile, they also adopted new media platforms to directly mobilize for collective action. Third, the journalists have developed a “journalistic repertoire of contention by which they successfully kept the story staying in the newspaper and incorporated the protesters’ voice into the public discussion. Moreover, while in search of their professional identity, the journalists also borrowed the idea of protest as a resource for the bottom-up media transformation. / The above findings suggest that the notion of publicity constructed by the media-movement interaction in this study could be described as constructive and inconsistent. Against the official discourse, journalists and activists have collaborated on the discursive contention by means of the mediated event. By doing so, the previously marginalized “deviant contentious discourse was allowed to enter into the sphere of legitimate controversy, while the ideological boundaries of the public discursive space were also redefined. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 鄧力. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 139-149). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Deng Li. / Chapter 第1章 --- 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- 案例描述與研究對象介紹 --- p.3 / Chapter 1.1.1 --- 案例描述 --- p.3 / Chapter 1.1.2 --- 研究對象 --- p.3 / Chapter 1.1.3 --- 研究對象關係圖 --- p.6 / Chapter 1.2 --- 論文的結構 --- p.8 / Chapter 第2章 --- 理論框架與研究問題 --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1 --- 關於媒體與抗爭政治的互動機制的文獻綜述 --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- 媒體與衝突的關係機制 --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- 民主社會語境下的媒體與社會運動關係研究 --- p.12 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- 威權社會語境下的媒體與社會運動關係研究 --- p.16 / Chapter 2.1.4 --- 本文研究路徑 --- p.18 / Chapter 2.2 --- 理論框架及研究問題 --- p.20 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- 理論旅行:情境視角下的公共性概念 --- p.20 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- 公共性概念的發展及其雙重屬性 --- p.22 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- 研究問題 --- p.31 / Chapter 第3章 --- 研究方法 --- p.34 / Chapter 3.1 --- 案例描述 --- p.34 / Chapter 3.1.1 --- 案例背景 --- p.34 / Chapter 3.1.2 --- 第一階段:內部動員及組織化抗爭 --- p.35 / Chapter 3.1.3 --- 第二階段:廣泛動員階段 --- p.36 / Chapter 3.1.4 --- 第三階段:遊行事件及以後 --- p.38 / Chapter 3.2 --- 個案研究設計 --- p.39 / Chapter 3.3 --- 數據類型與分析層次 --- p.40 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- 整體事件分析 --- p.41 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- 兩種政治及其互動機制的分析 --- p.42 / Chapter 3.4 --- 研究實施 --- p.43 / Chapter 3.4.1 --- 架構分析方法與實施 --- p.43 / Chapter 3.4.2 --- 深度訪談方法與實施 --- p.50 / Chapter 第4章 --- 抗爭事件的媒體呈現 --- p.55 / Chapter 4.1 --- 媒體再現:對媒體文本的定量框架分析報告 --- p.55 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- 主體資格(standing)與框架(framing)指標的對比 --- p.55 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- 爭奪媒體框架:框架發展與框架鬥爭 --- p.57 / Chapter 4.2 --- 媒體話語的邊界:關鍵事件的文本分析 --- p.66 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- 反腐敗話語的擴展 --- p.66 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- 未被報道的抗爭 --- p.70 / Chapter 4.3 --- 小結:媒體話語的可視性公共性和參與式公共性 --- p.73 / Chapter 第5章 --- 環保抗爭政治的話語策略--框架轉換與媒體使用 --- p.75 / Chapter 5.1 --- 環境抗爭政治的框架轉換 --- p.75 / Chapter 5.1.1 --- 背景:環保運動與轉型社會 --- p.75 / Chapter 5.1.2 --- 框架轉換與提升:從鄰避運動到環保運動 --- p.77 / Chapter 5.1.3 --- 作為話語策略的框架轉換 --- p.82 / Chapter 5.2 --- 抗爭政治與媒體 --- p.82 / Chapter 5.2.1 --- 抗爭政治與傳統媒體的互動策略 --- p.83 / Chapter 5.2.2 --- 抗爭政治的新媒體使用 --- p.89 / Chapter 5.3 --- 小結:作為媒介化公民的環保抗爭者 --- p.96 / Chapter 第6章 --- 媒體公共性的建構--抗爭新聞劇目與媒體轉型政治 --- p.99 / Chapter 6.1 --- 抗爭新聞劇目的概念、表現與生產機制 --- p.99 / Chapter 6.1.1 --- 媒體與抗爭政治:以事件為中介的互動模式 --- p.99 / Chapter 6.1.2 --- 製造抗爭新聞劇目:抗爭事件對新聞實踐的形塑 --- p.103 / Chapter 6.1.3 --- 以事件為中介累積機制的特點、意義及其局限性 --- p.111 / Chapter 6.2 --- 尋求媒體公共性的媒體轉型政治:“一場重新公共化的運動 --- p.117 / Chapter 6.2.1 --- 概念提出:媒體轉型政治 --- p.117 / Chapter 6.2.2 --- 抗爭政治如何作用於媒體轉型政治的“類社會運動實踐 --- p.119 / Chapter 6.3 --- 小結:兩種公共性模式之外的互動實踐 --- p.125 / Chapter 第7章 --- 總結與討論 --- p.128 / Chapter 7.1 --- 威權語境中媒體-抗爭的互動機制 --- p.128 / Chapter 7.1.1 --- 可視性公共性模式下的互動模式 --- p.129 / Chapter 7.1.2 --- 參與式公共性模式下的互動模式 --- p.130 / Chapter 7.1.3 --- 媒體轉型政治與抗爭政治深層互動機制 --- p.131 / Chapter 7.2 --- 威權語境中公共性的建構 --- p.133 / Chapter 7.2.1 --- 公共性的建構性 --- p.133 / Chapter 7.2.2 --- 公共性的矛盾性 --- p.134 / Chapter 7.3 --- 研究意義、研究不足與研究建議 --- p.135 / Chapter 7.3.1 --- 公共性建構模式的可推廣性 --- p.135 / Chapter 7.3.2 --- 公共性建構模式的局限性 --- p.136 / Chapter 7.3.3 --- 對未來研究的建議 --- p.137 / 參考書目 --- p.139
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