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Virtual Learning Environments' Impact on Adult Learners' Motivation in the WorkplaceBashshar, Clarence Eugene 01 January 2017 (has links)
Virtual learning environments have become prevalent in the workplace to improve talent development. However, because there are so many different types of design options, not all learners are finding success in the virtual learning environment. This mismatch can negatively impact employees' motivation and learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to explore how design features of a virtual learning environment impacted adult learners' motivation in the workplace. Constructivist and self-determination theories were used as theoretical frameworks. The research question in this study explored how social and external contextual factors influence an adult learner's motivation to learn in a virtual learning environment. A qualitative case study was used to explore the data collected from 8 federal employees who used a virtual learning environment for professional development. Data were collected from interviews, surveys, and direct observations and analyzed using inductive coding to determined patterns and themes for study. The results from the study indicated the participants viewed visual learning, learner control, ease of use, technical competence, instructor support, and technical support as critical factors that must be addressed when using a virtual learning environment to improve talent development. The findings from the study can provide insights that could be used by training developers for how to design virtual learning environments to provide a positive environment. The social change impact will be to improve the virtual learning environments for the federal workforce to improve motivation and create a culture of talent development for individual growth and organizational capabilities.
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Exploring Teacher Perceptions of Blended LearningSorbie, Jill I 01 January 2015 (has links)
Although research supports the blended learning methodology as a way to personalize and engage students, research also documents the widespread hesitation among educators when it comes to embracing technology. District leaders believe that such is the case in an upper Midwest school district where all high school students are provided devices, yet these leaders note that few teachers are fully exploiting the tools. Framed by the connectivism and social constructivism theories, this qualitative case study focused on teachers' views of blended learning, its influence on their teaching practices, and how they see it helping students to learn. The guiding research questions addressed the successes and challenges of blended learning, including how Moodle was used for formative e-assessment. Data were collected from 12 purposefully selected high school teachers by a questionnaire, 3 different observations in each of their classrooms, computer screenshots provided by participants, and 3 semi-structured interviews per teacher. Open coding produced common themes during the data analysis. Findings show that these teachers believe that blended learning promotes individualization, collaboration, organization, engagement, real-world relevance, and student-centered learning. While they agreed that blended learning supported their practice, challenges were cited such as students disengaging in the learning process, device and infrastructure concerns, and the time to integrate technology effectively. Based upon these findings, professional learning communities were designed to improve teacher pedagogy for using blended learning. This study may serve as a model for staff from other schools who are integrating higher levels of technologies as they try to level the playing field and prepare students to be global citizens with the necessary 21st century skills.
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Identifying Professional Development Needs of High School Teachers Tasked with Online Course DesignLugar, Debbie Jean 01 January 2017 (has links)
To satisfy demand for online learning opportunities at the high school level, 3 school districts in the northeast United States established a consortium to share resources to develop and deliver online courses. High school teachers who volunteered to develop courses for the consortium attempted the task without previous training in online course design and facilitation. High school students enrolled in the courses often did not successfully complete them, which obstructed the mission of the consortium. The purpose of this qualitative single critical case study was to explore teachers' experiences with and perceptions of designing and developing online courses without accompanying professional development. The iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Courses (v2) and technological, pedagogical, content knowledge (TPACK) served as the conceptual frameworks for the study. Five teachers who developed and facilitated an online course for the consortium, without companion professional development, volunteered to be interviewed. Data were reduced using NVivo software and analyzed using a priori codes based on NACOL standards then open-coded for emerging themes. Results indicated that other than content expertise, teachers did not believe they had sufficient competencies in any of the areas identified in the iNACOL standards. Based on these results, an online professional development course for teachers was designed to provide introductory training and to model elements of quality online course design using the Moodle learning management system. Positive social change may be achieved if teachers have the knowledge and skills required to develop high-caliber, innovative, and convenient education opportunities that encourage students' course completion which leads to learning and academic success.
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The Experiences of Middle School Teachers with Integration of Digital Media into the CurriculumBrothers, Martha Sue 01 January 2016 (has links)
Middle school teachers at a school district integrated digital media into the math and literacy curriculum by using programs such as Success Maker and Reading 180 in the classroom. Teachers received training on best practices for integrating digital media in their teaching. No research had been conducted to examine the experiences of these middle school teachers with the integration of digital media into the curriculum. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to address that gap. The research questions focused on teachers' outlooks on digital media as a teaching tool and the instructional strategies they used. The conceptual framework of this study was based on Bandura's social cognitive theory because students may achieve higher levels of academic achievement through the integration of digital media into the curriculum. Purposeful sampling was used to select 6 urban public regular middle schools teachers who taught either math or language arts and had integrated digital media into the curriculum. Face-to-face interviews were conducted. Archival documents on the school district's digital media use were also examined. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings revealed strategies that literacy and math teachers used to individualize instruction, make instruction relevant to students, and integrate digital media throughout their lessons on a daily basis. Study findings may offer insight on instructional strategies that middle school math and literacy teachers may use to integrate digital media into the curriculum. Such knowledge may help students at this school pass standardized tests and graduate.
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Predicting the Probability for Adopting an Audience Response System in Higher EducationChan, Tan Fung Ivan 01 January 2015 (has links)
Instructional technologies can be effective tools to foster student engagement, but university faculty may be reluctant to integrate innovative and evidence-based modern learning technologies into instruction. It is important to identify the factors that influence faculty adoption of instructional technologies in the teaching and learning process. Based on Rogers' diffusion of innovation theory, this quantitative, nonexperimental, one-shot cross-sectional survey determined what attributes of innovation (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability) predict the probability of faculty adopting the audience response system (ARS) into instruction. The sample for the study consisted of 201 faculty who have current teaching appointments at a university in the southeastern United States. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine the attributes of innovation that predict the probability of faculty adopting the ARS into instruction. The data indicated that the attributes of compatibility and trialability significantly predicted faculty adoption of ARS into instruction. Based on the results of the study, a professional development project that includes 3 full days of training and experiential learning was designed to assist faculty in adopting ARS into instruction. Because the current study only included the faculty at a single local university, future studies are recommended to explore a more holistic view of the problem from different institutions and from other stakeholders who may contribute to the process of instructional technology adoption. The project not only contributes to solving the local problem in ARS adoption, but it is also instrumental in promoting positive social change by fostering evidence-based teaching strategies and innovations that maximize student learning.
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A Study of Satisfaction With Online Learning in Workplace TrainingJones, M. Anita 01 January 2016 (has links)
The American workplace and American culture have rapidly transitioned to online learning and are now more dependent on technology. Yet, in spite of a multitude of studies that explored online learning, it has not been established whether managers are satisfied with application of technology to training. The purpose of this study was to examine receptiveness as expressed by satisfaction with effectiveness of online training among managers to determine if a relationship exists for age, position, and length of service. The research was based on theoretical foundations of Herzberg's theory of motivation and Herzberg's theory of job satisfaction. The goal of the study was to evaluate receptiveness as reflected by managers' level of satisfaction with the use of online learning in workforce training, and the presence of age, lengths of service, or position differences in satisfaction with online training. This quantitative study used nonexperimental stepwise multiple regression analysis, based on secondary data from the 2011 Senior Executive Service survey administered by the Office of Personnel Management of the United States government (n = 4,954). Results indicated that the number of employees managed was an influential factor in determining receptiveness, and supported age, length of service, and position differences in satisfaction with online training among managers. Results linked usage and effectiveness to satisfaction with effectiveness of online training. Based on the results, managers should add or increase online training to provide greater training capability and flexibility. The application may promote positive social change as these results could better equip managers in the public sector with greater training flexibility.
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Teacher Beliefs on Personal Learning, Collaboration, and Participation in Virtual Communities of PracticeArnell, Rose 01 January 2014 (has links)
Virtual communities of practice have been used to improve teachers' instructional practice; yet, many of these communities do not take into account the effect of teachers' personal learning and collegial collaboration beliefs on engagement within this model. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine if teaching was enhanced through participation in virtual communities of practice and determine if teachers' personal beliefs prior to entering these communities influenced their engagement. Wenger's social learning theory served as the conceptual framework. The research questions asked how teachers' beliefs on personal learning and their beliefs on collaboration influenced their engagement in virtual communities of practice and how personal learning networks facilitated extended technology-based learning in the classroom. Data were collected through 2 semi structured interviews with 9 teacher participants and analysis of digital records from the Classroom 2.0 and Flat Connections Nings. Manual, open-coding of the data revealed themes which explained the use of personalized learning networks for instructional growth and social networking for collaborative practice. Findings indicated that while teachers' previously held ideas were not significantly altered, the social, supportive environments created through virtual learning communities made a suitable setting for professional development. These findings may effect positive social change as virtual communities of practice for teachers evolve into professional development environments that challenge teacher beliefs, use progressive technologies, and engage teachers in collaborative activities.
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Postsecondary Instructor Attitudes Toward Tablet Use for Collaboration and Critical Thinking DevelopmentHubbard, Jerry 01 January 2017 (has links)
Although research has identified critical thinking (CT) as an objective of higher education, limited quantitative research has focused on how postsecondary instructors view using handheld devices for classroom collaboration to support CT. There are studies examining how the use of tablet technologies influence collaborative learning (CL), showing a link between CL and CT, and connecting CT to academic achievement. However, understanding how instructors perceive the intersection of these factors has not been well studied. Applying Vygotsky's social cognitive theory as a foundation of CL, using adapted questions from two questionnaires (Technology Acceptance Model and Cooperative Learning Implementation) and two frameworks, this quantitative survey study examined the relationship between tablet application and implementation of CL, and then between CL implementation and the development of CT dispositions (CTD). An email with a link to the survey was sent to a population of 1,932 instructors in a professional education technology organization. From a sample of 59, the key findings indicated instructors accepted the use and usefulness of tablets in the classroom, and used applications for completing collaborative tasks. The Pearson's product moment correlations between tablets and CL, acceptance and implementation appear to be affected by instructor's professional views and teaching practices. Perceptions about the development of CTD were positive with limitations of statistical significance. Results of this study may provide insights into using tablets in effective ways to enhance learning outcomes as one social benefit. Improving the CT of students may support developing citizens who contribute to communities and society in positive ways as lifelong learners.
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Principals' Perceptions of the Bully Busters Program in Combating Cyberbullying in Elementary SchoolsCuffy, Sheila Ann 01 January 2015 (has links)
Over time and with both the increasing ubiquitousness of the Internet and children's technological knowledge at young ages, cyberbullying has grown more widespread and acts of bullying have become more intense. However, little is known about the effectiveness of different antibullying programs for decreasing cyberbullying behaviors. This study addressed that gap in the literature by exploring one elementary school's use of the Bully Busters program for combating cyberbullying. The decision-making model was used as the conceptual framework for this qualitative interview study. Participants were 3 principals from 3 schools using the program. Data were gathered from the participants via interviews and classroom observations. NVivo software was used to organize the data analysis processes through open coding to identify themes and patterns. Principals indicated the Bully Busters program was effective for preventing bullying and believed it would be effective for combating cyberbullying; they also demonstrated clear plans for implementing the program more widely to combat cyberbullying. As noted during observations, the principals effectively implemented the Bully Busters program. Results of this study may contribute to positive social change by providing school principals with insight into how the Bully Busters program may be implemented to deter cyberbullying in their schools. Decreased rates of cyberbullying in schools may result in improved school experiences for all children.
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Increasing Collaboration, Shared Values, and Authentic Teaching Practices Through Technological Professional DevelopmentBlackford, Jennifer Louise 01 January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this outcome-based program evaluation project study was to investigate how professional development (PD) influenced the shared values of 25 district teachers regarding instructional technology and their collaboration and instructional practices using instructional technology. Inclusion criteria included (a) participants had to be 18 years or older and (b) participants had to be a certified teacher. Guided by Mishra and Koehler's TPACK theory and Guskey's model for PD evaluation, the research was designed to determine (a) how teachers demonstrate collaboration using instructional technology as a result of PD, (b) what shared values teachers have adopted regarding instructional technology as a result of PD, and (c) how the authentic teaching practices of participants have changed because of the technology PD. Data were collected through Likert surveys, interviews, and classroom observations. Data analysis included descriptive statistics for the quantitative portion, and identification of emerging themes for the qualitative portion. The results reflected ways technology is being implemented into instructional strategies. The implication of this study for social change includes support for including collaboration and shared values in professional development to improve instructional strategies incorporating technology, which can lead to improved learning environments. Teachers and the school can benefit by having the knowledge of how technology and PD provided by the OETT grant enhanced instruction. Social changes that may occur due to the findings of this study include the school gaining a better understanding of the influence of technology in instruction on student learning and identifying tools that potentially increased teacher uses of the technologies purchased as well as teacher application of the knowledge gained in the PD provided through the grant.
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