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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of newsroom convergence at the MoAfrika media company in Lesotho and its implications for gatekeeping: a qualitative case study

Senthebane, Teboho January 2009 (has links)
This research is based on a case study of MoAfrika, a news organisation that has embraced digitisation to produce and distribute content across three platforms. It draws upon observation and in-depth interviews to show how MoAfrika's embrace of a degree of convergence has led to a fragmentation for journalists whose daily work now include additional responsibilities and pressures of time. While there is an increase in the quantity of news disseminated via radio, newspaper and online, questions arise about the quality of such news produced in a multi-skilled, multiple media news production environment. The result is repurposed stories with little original content and augmented employee workloads without training and compensation. The study examines these issues drawing on theories of gatekeeping and convergence. The decision to include a news story at MoAfrika depends partly on which medium it fits into most easily. News values, deadlines, organisational norms and national trends are some of the considerations which factored into gatekeepers' decisions. Primary decision-making was made within a group which also considered expense and expertise, and where the Managing Editor made the final call and set the frameworks for how content played across the enterprise's three platforms.

A comparison of the views of South African and American photojournalists to the digital manipulation of news photographs

Cass, Taryn May January 1999 (has links)
Digital technology has now become pervasive at most publications in South Africa and in America. Pictures are routinely digitised by publications for ease of handling in the layout process, and this makes it relatively easy to alter or manipulate the pictures using computer software programmes. This thesis attempts to gauge the views of South African photojournalists about the digital manipulation of news photographs, and compare these to the views of American photojournalists. It is based on the hypothesis that South African and American photojournalists have different views of what is acceptable manipulation of news photographs, and that their reasons for this will also be different. This thesis also suggests that the manipulation of news photographs is ethically problematic and can damage the credibility of both the photojournalist and the publication in which the photographs appear. The study involves a comparison of the results from a questionnaire given to South African photojournalists and a similar questionnaire given to American photojournalists. The questionnaires were then supplemented by interviews with six South African photojournalists. The thesis then draws conclusions from the responses to the questionnaires and interviews. These conclusions partially support the initial hypothesis, in that there are some differences between the views of South African and American photojournalists, but, on the whole, these are remarkably similar. Photojournalists do seem to find the manipulation of news photographs to be ethically problematic, but they may find the manipulation of other kinds of images (eg fashion or soft news) to be acceptable. South African photographers also find the manipulation of images by other means (eg different lenses or darkroom techniques) to be more acceptable than Americans do. Although the underlying reasons for these views may differ, maintaining the credibility of the photographer and the publication does seem to be the major issue for avoiding digital manipulation. South African photographers seemed to think that if the photographer had done his or her job well, there would be no need for manipulation, and both groups (but especially the Americans) felt that manipulation could often be equated to lying to the reader, and that this might damage their reputation, and that of their publications.

Strength of Weak Ties Theory and College-University Marketing: A Case Study of ETSU's Clemmer College

Nobles, Sarah 01 May 2022 (has links)
As scholarly institutions enter a new era of hyper-competition, seeking innovative ways to engage with student populations has become central to social media marketing efforts. Developing strategies and tactics to interact with existing student populations presents new challenges for marketing departments, as well as the stakeholders who are often asked to provide user-generated content. Strong ties among stakeholder relationships can enhance communication with effective outcomes; however, it is the weak ties that may have the most impact. This study draws on existing literature regarding Strength of Weak Ties Theory and faculty and student surveys in East Tennessee State University’s Clemmer College were conducted, to explore how ethos, pathos, logos, and Kairos can be leveraged in earned, owned, and shared media. This data is then used to inform future marketing campaigns that use professor-student engagement.

Die alte und die neue Welt: Eine Fortbildungsveranstaltung stimmte Bibliotheken auf digital-analoge Strategien ein

Schirmer, Rita, Wagner, Petra, Zakrzewska, Paulina 11 March 2016 (has links)
Informationen nachschlagen auf Wikipedia, Filme schauen per Netflix und Musik hören bei Spotify ist so normal geworden wie telefonieren oder fernzusehen. Wie können Bibliotheken darauf eingehen und was müssen sie tun, um mit der Herausforderung der Digitalisierung umzugehen? Eine Fortbildung lieferte Antworten.

Det strategiska arbetet kring säkerhet på en nöjespark : En fallstudie om Lisebergs risk- och krishantering

Petersson, Emelie, Wahlström, Nina, Karazeimbeki, Vicky January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie är en kvalitativ studie med syftet att undersöka hur en nöjespark i Sverige arbetar med förebyggande risk- och krishantering. Nöjesparken som har undersökts är Liseberg som ligger i Göteborg. En fallstudie på Liseberg har gjorts med hjälp av kvalitativa metoder och ett deduktivt förhållningssätt. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer gjordes med fyra personer från Lisebergs företagsledning samt en person från företaget Göteborg: Co. Studien baseras även på sju mailintervjuer med parkmedarbetare på Liseberg. Studiens resultat visar att organisationen följer de kriterier som de valda teorierna förespråkar att en organisation bör följa. Både i förebyggande syfte men även hur en kris ska hanteras när den inträffar. Lisebergs främsta värdeord är säkerhet, vilket återspeglar deras arbete kring säkerhetsfrågor. De övningar och utbildningar inom risk- och krishantering som de anställda på nöjesparken genomgår kan ses som otillräckliga. Detta kan leda till att en kris inte kommer kunna hanteras på det mest effektiva sättet. Resultatet för denna studie visar alltså att Liseberg teoretiskt skulle klara av de flesta risker och kriser. Studien går att applicera på andra nöjesparker samt liknande turistföretag vilket är positivt för att i dagens forskning fylla de luckor som finns inom detta forskningsområde. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how a theme park in Sweden works with preventive risk management, and how they handle crisis management in case of incidents. The theme park which has been studied is located in the city Gothenburg and is called Liseberg. A field study of Liseberg has been made with a qualitative research. Five semi -structured interviews have been held in Gothenburg and seven mail interviews have been held to collect the empirical results. The results shows that Lisebergs risk and crisis management sees at the current situation on paper to be able to handle most types of incidents. The organization follows the criteria according to what the theories in the study says an organization should follow, both preventively and how the actions when an incident occurs should be taken. Training in risk and crisis management, however, is considered low for all employees to be able to handle major incidents. This may mean that a crisis is not handled in the most efficient way. The study can be applied to other amusements parks and similar tourist companies which is positive for the current research to fill the gaps contained in this research area.

Seat at the table(s) : an examination of senior public relations practitioners' power and influence among multiple executive-level coalitions

Neill, Marlene Sue 08 November 2013 (has links)
Scholars have advocated that public relations executives need to seek a seat at the table among the most senior officers in the organization, referred to as the dominant coalition. However, this study found that public relations practitioners also need to seek a seat among the division leadership team and executive-level committees to fulfill a valuable internal boundary spanning role, a role that has been neglected in public relations theory. Consistent with social capital theory, the contacts that public relations practitioners developed allowed them to gather intelligence across the company and then they used that information to help their companies make better strategic decisions and avoid costly mistakes. Through in-depth interviews with 30 senior executives from a variety of disciplines, three other services were identified that enhanced public relations’ power and influence: online reputation management, external boundary spanning and advocacy, and stakeholder analysis. Factors that enhanced or hindered public relations practitioners’ ability to perform these services were also identified. Favorable conditions included the use of integrated decision teams, Theory Y management, perceptions of public relations as a strategic business partner, commitment to transparency in communication, internal relationship building, and the integration of public relations’ activities with core business objectives and operations. The study also examined why informal coalitions are formed and found they existed in both companies with strong adherence to hierarchy and those with decentralized management, a finding that contradicts previous theory. / text

The impact of the broadcast legislative reforms on the newsroom staff's perceptions of the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC)'s editorial operations and news content

Hamasaka, Clayson January 2008 (has links)
The 1980s and 1990s saw major changes in the political landscape of the media in many countries that were either reverting or emerging from repressive nondemocratic regimes. Among the notable changes in media industry was the opening up of the national airwaves, which had been a state monopoly, to private sector and community participation. The democratic dispensation also put state broadcasters in the spot-light regarding their editorial content which was previously ‘institutionalised’ as belonging to the ruling regimes. This study set out to investigate the extent to which broadcasting reform legislation meant to address the unfair coverage of contending voices on Zambia’s public broadcaster has had an impact in reversing the situation in the newsroom. Using qualitative methods of investigation, the study established that while the ZNBC staff understand aspects of their role in their newsroom in relation to the principles of public service broadcasting and in line with the enacted legislation, they perceive that, in practice, they have to ensure that the news content still remains a reserve of a few voices in favour of the ruling regime. This was evidenced by testimonies from the news staff’s complaints of continued editorial interference in their work by government leaders and government appointed gatekeepers, as well as selfcensorship. The study recommends, among other things, the full implementation of the recently enacted laws on the operations of ZNBC in order to achieve some minimum levels of being a public broadcaster. It further recommends a serious re-orientation of the ZNBC newsroom and management staff to the current legislative requirements so as to shift their mindset away from their traditionally-held views of thinking that news at that station is only for the ruling regime.

A Single-Minded Market for Digital Assets? : Copyright clearance of orphan works in the digitisation ecosystem

Andersdotter, Karolina January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation assesses the Swedish and the United Kingdom (UK) legislative frameworks for cross-border copyright clearance of orphan works in mass-digitisation schemes. By reviewing relevant copyright frameworks and practices around the world, interviewing Swedish and British experts in the field of libraries and copyright, and discussing the national solutions applied in Sweden and the UK, conclusions are drawn to form a roadmap for future policy work in the area. The findings are that even though copyright clearance systems for orphan works work well in their national context, they wouldn’t be transferable to a cross-border context due to the different legal and societal traditions in the EU Member States. Solutions for cross-border access could be a general copyright law exception (which is a time-consuming process and therefore less usable in practice in the next 5-10 years), create and build on rightsholder registers with increased collaboration with CMOs, changed management of digital collections (e.g. only digitising orphan works that are in the public domain), or work towards soft legislative solutions (such as an MoU). / <p>Licens: CC BY 4.0</p>

The Power of Ephemerality : An explorative study on the influence of personality traits in the use of Snapchat and the potential of the app for the music business / Snapchat som nytt marknadsföringsverktyg : En explorativ studie om påverkan av personlighetsdrag vid användningen av Snapchat samt potentialen för appen inom musikbranschen

Landström, Isabella January 2017 (has links)
In recent years, there has been extended research on the Big Five and social media, especially Facebook. Snapchat, a fast-growing photo-sharing app, has however not been thoroughly researched yet. This paper aimed at closing this research gap and at investigating the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and Snapchat users and nonusers. Additionally, it researched the potential of the app to advertise new music published by music labels. The sample consisted of 124 self-selected Snapchat users and non-users (94 Snapchat users and 30 Snapchat non-users), between the ages of 18 and 55. Approximately 53% of the participants were from Sweden, 24% from Germany and the rest from other countries. Participants were asked to complete an online questionnaire comprising the Big Five Inventory and demographic questions. Snapchat users also completed a Snapchat usage questionnaire. Additionally, a short interview about Snapchat was held with a representative of a music label. The results showed that there are only minor differences between Snapchat users and non-users regarding the Big Five personality traits. However, male Snapchat users tend to be more open to new experiences. The usage of specific Snapchat features could be connected to more extraverted, neurotic and conscientious individuals. The overall interest for musicrelated content on Snapchat was rather low. Therefore, Snapchat can be used as a complementary marketing action to raise awareness, but cannot stand alone. / Under de senaste åren har det gjorts utökad forskning om Big Five och sociala medier, särskilt Facebook. Snapchat, en snabb växande bilddelning app, har dock inte undersökts noggrant. Detta examensarbete syftade till att undersöka det outforskade området kring förhållandet mellan Big Five personlighetsdrag och Snapchat-användare och icke- användare. Dessutom undersökte den möjligheten för skivbolag att annonsera ny musik i appen. Urvalet bestod av 124 självvalda Snapchat-användare och icke-användare (94 Snapchat-användare och 30 Snapchat-icke-användare), mellan 18 och 55 år. Ungefär 53% av deltagarna var från Sverige, 24% från Tyskland och resten från andra länder. Deltagarna blev ombedda att fylla i ett online frågeformulär som omfattade Big Five Inventory och demografiska frågor. Snapchat-användare slutförde också ett Snapchat-användningsformulär. Dessutom hölls en kort intervju om Snapchat med en representant från ett skivbolag. Resultaten visade att det endast finns mindre skillnader mellan Snapchatanvändare och icke-användare angående Big Five-personlighetsdragen. Manliga Snapchat-användare tenderar att vara mer öppna för nya upplevelser. Användningen av specifika Snapchat-funktioner kan kopplas till mer extravert, neurotiska och samvetsgranna individer. Det övergripande intresset för musikrelaterat innehåll på Snapchat var ganska lågt. Därför kan Snapchat användas som en kompletterande marknadsföringsåtgärd för att öka medvetenheten, men inte som enda marknadsföringsåtgärd.


張文強, Chang Wen-chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在討論報社知識管理問題,將報業管理焦點從傳統的有形資產管理,轉移到知識資產管理。知識是一種重組織資產,可做為報社長期競爭優勢來源,並提升新聞品質。而報社組織知識是以個別新聞工作者平日累積知識為基礎,知識管理工作則在轉換與整合這些個人知識,使其超越個人層次,讓報社其他成員使用。不過由於知識具有本質與型式上的差異,因此,本研究將知識區分為外顯程序性知識,與默識兩種,分別討論其管理方式,前者包含外顯程序性知識、路線情境知識、報社組織情境知識,後者則包含默識程序性知識與後設認知知識。 經由以三家個案觀察報社,一家雜誌社為主,共二十六位新聞工作者深度訪談,以及相關內部資料蒐集分析後,本研究發現,現今報社並沒有建立制度化的外顯知識儲存機制,只有部份外顯知識被零散藏放在編採手冊、社刊、新聞剪報資料室,與報社相關書籍刊物之中。相對地,報社也缺乏系統化的默識分享機制,報社沒有建立師徒制,雖然若干管理作為具有知識分享功能,例如新聞改稿、比報工作、小組團隊劃分,但它們現今主要還是被當成報紙產製流程控管工具,未能充份發揮知識管理功能。 綜合以上討論,本研究進一步發現,現今台灣報業並未建立知識資本與知識管理觀念,仍以傳統人力資源管理策略間接處理知識問題,同時因為缺乏制度化的知識儲存與分享機制,所以與知識管理相關工作成效,往往因主管人格特質而異,新聞工作者不是主動、計劃性的進行知識學習,而是跟隨偶發新聞事件,進行事後學習。造成現狀原因除了新聞工作特性、傳統知識觀與報業結構性因素影響有關。

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