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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台商在中國大陸投資醫療服務業之經營策略研究─以湖南旺旺醫院為例 / Strategy of Investing and Managing Medicare Services in China by Taiwanese: the Case of Hunan Want Want Hospital

李素芳, Lee, Sue Fang Unknown Date (has links)
中國自推動改革開放政策以來,經濟成長迅速,國民所得不斷提升,醫療需求與日俱增;再加上中國為順利加入WTO,2000年起更釋放醫療利多措施,放寬外資投入中國醫療服務市場限制。為此,旺旺集團旗下之湖南旺旺醫院搶得機先,於2005年底開業,不惟成為《中外合資、合作醫療機構管理暫行辦法》頒布後,中國第一家中外合資大型綜合醫院;亦是台商在大陸興建完成且正式營運之首家醫療機構,甚具指標性意義。 本研究除介紹中國醫療產業環境及相關政策法令外,更以個案研究法探討湖南旺旺醫院之興建動機、進入模式及經營策略。透過深入訪談並輔以次級資料分析,本研究發現,目前中外合資醫療機構由於數量少、進入時間短,尚不足以撼動公立醫院的地位,但在中國「看病難,看病貴」問題依然無法有效解決的情況下,以效率及品質著稱的民營大型醫院,應有相當之競爭優勢與發展空間。湖南旺旺醫院營運迄今已兩年餘,其透過醫院資訊系統建構整體醫療流程、以制度及人才奠定厚實根基等著重內部發展之經營策略,已逐漸獲得病人信賴並在經營實績上漸受肯定,應可供作其他跟進者發展布局參考。 至於兩岸醫療交流合作議題,由於台灣醫師薪資普遍較高,未必是符合成本的必然選項,建議應善用台灣管理經驗,就地建置系統性人才來源,方能掌握雙贏契機。總之,無論台資企業或醫療機構,唯有入境問俗、順勢而為,改變傳統思維與既有作法,才能在競爭激烈的中國醫療市場占有一席之地。 / Since China started to adopt the reforming and opening-up policy, it has seen rapid economic growth and ever-increasing medicare demand. To join WTO, China opened its medicare service industry for foreigners to invest in year 2000. Given such a background, the Want Want Group pioneered to found the Hunan Want Want Hospital—the first Chinese-foreigner joint ventured large general hospital following the dictum of “Interim Measures for Administration of Chinese-foreign Joint Venture and Cooperative Medical Institutions”. The hospital consequently sets an example of such joint ventures. In addition to discuss the environment of the Chinese medicare service industry and corresponding policies/regulations, this study explores the founding motivations, the entry mode, and the set of management strategies of Hunan Want Want Hospital. Through in-depth interviews and secondary data analysis, the study finds that owing to the still-small number and the still-short history of which, Chinese-foreigner joint hospitals have not yet gained the high ground to challenge public hospitals’ position in China. However, the study also finds that large private hospitals, renowned for their efficiency and quality, own substantial competitive advantage and expansion potentials. As an example for followers to emulate, Hunan Want Want Hospital has nurtured trust among its customers and performed well on several fronts because it developed a comprehensive information system to handle details of complicated medicare procedures, set up concrete rules for layers of management, and well-utilized human resources after more than two years’ operation. As far as the cross-straight medicare cooperation is concerned, this study finds that disparity in human resource cost across the straight may be an issue for Chinese-foreigner joint hospitals in China to address, and suggests that a win-win situation is achievable through the import of Taiwanese management expertise as well as the localization of human resource management. To conclude, Taiwanese medicare services, just like Taiwanese businesses in China, should adapt to Chinese local market environment and change accustomed management mindset so as to survive and grow in the Chinese medicare market.

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