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中国跨地域人群风险偏好对海外投资的影响分析January 2019 (has links)
abstract: 理性决策理论基于“完全理性”假定,追求帕累托最优即个体的利益最大化。但是实际决策过程中,人的行为具备“有意识的理性,但这种理性又是有限的”,投资者也是并不是完全理性、同质的。海外投资也是如此,其背景特征诸如地域、性格、年龄、财富等特征都会对海外投资决策产生重大的影响,其程度大小势必也会因投资者背景特征的差异有所不同。考虑到投资者风险偏好与海外投资活动的关系鲜有文献涉及,笔者愿意做“第一个吃螃蟹的人”,选取该视角展开论述。
再次,本文对风险偏好水平进行综合评价和度量。在此基础上,设定了研究变量和研究模型,采用回归分析的方法,对跨地域人群风险偏好、跨地域人群风险偏好对海外投资影响两块进行了实证分析,并验证了相关假设。本文认为,跨地域人群具有较为明显的风险偏好,其中一线城市人群风险偏好最高,高于海外华人群体,高于二三线大城市人群和小城市城镇人群。基于教育水平、财富程度和信息获取的风险偏好对海外投资影响的实证分析结果显示,风险偏好越高的区域,海外投资总额越多。充分验证了跨地域人群不同的风险偏好,以及风险偏好对海外投资的显著正向影响关系。最后,本文针对实证结果提出了相应的对策建议。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2019
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台商赴中國大陸與海外其他地區投資之進入模式比較 / A Comparison of entry modes for Taiwan investment in Mainland China and other overseas areas林佳蓉, Lin, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
企業從事海外投資首先面臨的重要課題即為選擇適當之「進入模式(entry mode)」,因進入模式之適當與否將對日後的經營管理與營運績效產生重大影響。企業進入國際市場的策略類型很多,每一類型都與其企業經營目標息息相關。而台商面對眾多影響進入模式的因素時,若無正確的衡量標準而逕赴海外投資,勢必增加其投資風險。
本研究以描述性統計分析、交叉分析及變異數分析等統計方法實證分析台商赴中國大陸及海外其他地區投資之進入模式之比較及影響因素。經實證結果指出,企業之投資動機、企業規模、對外投資國家地區及產業類別對台商赴中國大陸或其他海外地區投資之進入模式之選擇具顯著性影響;國際化經驗對台商赴中國大陸或海外其他地區投資之進入模式無顯著影響。 / In the 1980s, Taiwan’s outward investment mainly went to Southeast Asian countries. However, in the late 1990s, the island’s investment there declined significantly, while in mainland China it rapidly increased. Recently, mainland China has made its promotion of investment by domestic and foreign enterprises alike more selective by implementing a new labor law and a unified corporate income tax rate; and Vietnam and other developing countries have moved vigorously to attract investment from Taiwan. As a result, some Taiwan businesses have shifted their investment to Vietnam, India, Indonesia and other developing countries. This appears to constitute a new trend in Taiwanese overseas investment.
The foremost issue for an enterprise investing overseas is choosing an appropriate “entry mode”, because the entry mode will affect the enterprise’s management and performance. There are many kinds of strategies that enterprises use to enter international markets, and every kind is closely related to the goals of the investor. When Taiwan enterprises investing overseas and face numerous factors that affect their entry mode, the lack of appropriate measurement standards will inevitably increase their investment risk.
This study uses descriptive statistical analysis, cross-analysis, and ANOVA to analyze empirically the differenced of entry modes and the factors that influence Taiwanese investment in mainland China and other overseas areas. The statistics show that the investment motivation, scale of investing business, outward investment destination, and industry category significantly affect the entry mode that Taiwan enterprises adopt when investing in mainland China and other overseas areas; international experience, however, does not significantly affect the entry mode that Taiwanese enterprises adopt.
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China¡¦s National Development strategy and State-Owned Enterprise¡¦s Oversea InvestmentsFU, JIAN-XIONG 14 September 2012 (has links)
In 1978, Deng Xiaoping proposed the "internal reform and opening up policy guidelines, the development strategy as a key turning point for social and economic development. Since then, by "bringing in" strategy, has successfully attracted a large number of foreign investment in China, the Chinese economy to maintain rapid growth of nearly 30 years. After the Chinese government in order to ensure that sufficient resources for economic development and accelerate the speed of industrial upgrading. In 2002, the "going global" strategy, through the assistance of the preferential policies to encourage Chinese enterprises to invest overseas, which large-scale state-owned enterprises is the main body of the Chinese enterprises to invest overseas. Select the large state-owned enterprises as the main body of the overseas investment, because the state-owned enterprises and the Chinese Government had had a close relationship between the overall planning of national development strategies, and able to cope with overseas investment. Therefore, we can find state-owned enterprises in China's overseas investment by the country's development strategy guide.
The research based on national development strategies for the study means to illustrate the relationship between Chinese state-owned enterprises overseas investment and national development strategies. Through the analysis of the state-owned enterprises to invest overseas location, industry type and investment options, which implied the national strategic significance. In addition to the Chinese state-owned enterprises overseas investment cases to examine in detail the close relationship of the overseas investment activities with national development strategies of the state-owned enterprises. Through the perspective of national development strategies, analysis of the Chinese state-owned enterprises overseas investment behavior can be found in the state-owned enterprises overseas investment by the country's development strategy guide, behind an important national strategic significance, which includes improving foreign economic relations, the promotion of domestic industry upgrade and strengthen the multi-use of foreign exchange reserves, and promote the internationalization of the RMB, as well as ensuring energy security.
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服務業海外投資進入策略之研究-以海運業為例 / The Research of the Service Firms' Entry Mode Choice陳偉康, Chen, Wel l Come Unknown Date (has links)
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政治風險管理之研究-以台商海外投資為例 / The Research of Political Risk陳素慧, Chen, S.H. Unknown Date (has links)
1. 大部份台商不認為其海外投資面臨了高度政治風險,而其對政治風險的認知著重在「地主國的政治情況穩定度」,忽略其他來源(如:地主國與他國的關係),顯示政治風險的慨念尚待推展。
2. 七成的台商有進行海外投資相關訊息的搜集,但基本上台商大多缺乏系統性的評估機制,以主觀的評估為主,但多會將評估的結果納入長期規劃的考量中;而評估機制的完善與否會影響公司海外投資的績效。
3. 進入策略的選擇與政治風險有關,當面臨高度政治風險時,台商多不願進入投資,若必須進入則會採取「合資」的方式,以降低風險。
4. 台商對政治風險的管理會因風險所造成的影響不同而有異,但普遍說來,台商主要是採「適應策略」與「規避策略」,主控性較高的「經濟上的嚇阻策略」在運用上尚不普遍。這與台商對投資國的依賴度太深有關。
5. 研究中發現不同的產業別其所面臨的政治風險並無顯著不同,這與國外文獻的採討結果有所差異。
6. 海外投資的規模與企業所面臨的政治風險無顯著相關,公司的規模愈大,其評估證制會較有系統,但未達統計上的顯著性。
7. 高階管理者的個人特質會影響公司對政治風險的因應對策:主管特質為「混合型」者,偏向於採行建立人際網路、從事公關活動的方式來降候風險;具「冒險/好挑戰」特質的高階主管喜採取經濟上的嚇阻策略來因應政治風險;「保守型」的高階主管則較常以規避風險策略來因應。
8. 針對上述發現,本研究的建議為:(1)台商應擴大對政治風險的認知、將風險的評估機制制度化、並在進行海外投資時掌握關鍵活動,如此一來可以增加管理政治風險的彈性;(2)由於目前台商偏向以規避的方式來因應政治風險,因此政府應扮演更積極的角色,提供管理政治風險的具體協助,如:與投資國訂定保障投資條款、非商業風險投保的推動等。
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台商在中國大陸投資醫療服務業之經營策略研究─以湖南旺旺醫院為例 / Strategy of Investing and Managing Medicare Services in China by Taiwanese: the Case of Hunan Want Want Hospital李素芳, Lee, Sue Fang Unknown Date (has links)
至於兩岸醫療交流合作議題,由於台灣醫師薪資普遍較高,未必是符合成本的必然選項,建議應善用台灣管理經驗,就地建置系統性人才來源,方能掌握雙贏契機。總之,無論台資企業或醫療機構,唯有入境問俗、順勢而為,改變傳統思維與既有作法,才能在競爭激烈的中國醫療市場占有一席之地。 / Since China started to adopt the reforming and opening-up policy, it has seen rapid economic growth and ever-increasing medicare demand. To join WTO, China opened its medicare service industry for foreigners to invest in year 2000. Given such a background, the Want Want Group pioneered to found the Hunan Want Want Hospital—the first Chinese-foreigner joint ventured large general hospital following the dictum of “Interim Measures for Administration of Chinese-foreign Joint Venture and Cooperative Medical Institutions”. The hospital consequently sets an example of such joint ventures.
In addition to discuss the environment of the Chinese medicare service industry and corresponding policies/regulations, this study explores the founding motivations, the entry mode, and the set of management strategies of Hunan Want Want Hospital. Through in-depth interviews and secondary data analysis, the study finds that owing to the still-small number and the still-short history of which, Chinese-foreigner joint hospitals have not yet gained the high ground to challenge public hospitals’ position in China. However, the study also finds that large private hospitals, renowned for their efficiency and quality, own substantial competitive advantage and expansion potentials. As an example for followers to emulate, Hunan Want Want Hospital has nurtured trust among its customers and performed well on several fronts because it developed a comprehensive information system to handle details of complicated medicare procedures, set up concrete rules for layers of management, and well-utilized human resources after more than two years’ operation.
As far as the cross-straight medicare cooperation is concerned, this study finds that disparity in human resource cost across the straight may be an issue for Chinese-foreigner joint hospitals in China to address, and suggests that a win-win situation is achievable through the import of Taiwanese management expertise as well as the localization of human resource management. To conclude, Taiwanese medicare services, just like Taiwanese businesses in China, should adapt to Chinese local market environment and change accustomed management mindset so as to survive and grow in the Chinese medicare market.
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企業國際化與避稅天堂的關聯 / Business internationalization and tax havens陳雍居, Chen, Yung-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
企業在海外的子公司數越多、海外子公司的投資損益金額越大,代表企業國際化程度越高,越有動機使用避稅天堂。本研究的第一個假設為企業在避稅天堂以外的國家所設立的海外子公司數與在避稅天堂的子公司數呈正相關;第二個假設為企業在海外子公司的投資損益金額與在避稅天堂的子公司數呈正相關。另外,到中國直接投資經常被台灣企業當成國際化手段。企業在中國的子公司數越多,其國際化程度也越高。但兩岸的特殊關係與台灣過去實施管制,增加了企業經營的風險與成本,企業因此有動機到避稅天堂等第三地設立子公司。本研究的第三個假設為企業在中國的子公司數與在避稅天堂的子公司數呈正相關。本研究對象為台灣上市企業,研究期間為民國100年至民國104年。研究結果顯示,企業在避稅天堂外的海外子公司數越多、在海外子公司的投資損益金額越大、在中國的子公司數越多,在避稅天堂的子公司數目也會越多。社會普遍詬病企業利用避稅天堂避稅,但企業也會基於其他國際化因素使用避稅天堂。對此,企業及政府應該採取作為,消除大眾對企業使用避稅天堂的疑慮,增加企業國際化時的彈性。 / Since the leaked Panama Papers, the public’s attention to “who are using tax havens” has peaked. As setting up subsidiaries in tax havens is a usual practice businesses adopt when going global, this study identifies three “corporate traits” of such businesses and explores their link to the number of subsidiaries such businesses have in tax havens.
The greater the extent of a business’s internationalization, the greater its motivation to use tax havens. This study assumes that both the number of overseas subsidiaries (excluding those in tax havens) and the net income of overseas investment positively correlate with the number of subsidiaries a business has in tax havens. Also, when a Taiwanese company has more subsidiaries in China (thus more internationalized), its motivation to register in tax havens tends to be even stronger facing the peculiar cross-Strait relations and regulations imposed by the governments. This study further assumes the number of subsidiaries set up in China positively correlates with the number of subsidiaries a business has in tax havens.
In closing, this study shows that the number of subsidiaries a business has in tax havens positively correlates with (1) the number of its offshore subsidiaries (excluding those tax havens); (2) the net income of its overseas investment; and (3) the number of its subsidiaries in China.
Having a presence in tax havens is sometimes an expedient in the internationalization process of a business. We suggest that both the government and the business recognize the upside of using tax havens rather than just play up its downside.
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