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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Diabetes Risk Assessment study: Elucidating the inflammatory profile of the Metabolically Healthy Obese

Perreault, Maude 27 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates the complexity of the obesity phenotype by characterizing the inflammatory status of Metabolically Healthy Obese (MHO) individuals. More specifically, this work has examined circulating inflammatory markers in MHO individuals and compared it to Lean Healthy (LH) and Metabolically Abnormal Obese (MAO) subjects. Thirty participants (n=10/group) were recruited as part of the Diabetes Risk Assessment (DRA) study, and classified according to adiposity and metabolic status. Despite a similar level of adiposity compared to MAO individuals, MHO subjects presented a more favourable inflammatory profile. Specifically, MHO individuals had levels of hsCRP and IL-6 comparable to LH subjects and lower than MAO subjects. Also, MHO subjects presented similar levels of high molecular weight adiponectin as the MAO group, but PDGF-ββ levels were intermediate to those of the LH and MAO groups. Overall, the distinct inflammatory profile observed in MHO subjects demonstrates the unique status of these individuals, reinforcing that obesity is a complex and heterogeneous phenotype. / Public Health Agency of Canada, Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology, Canada Foundation for Innovation

Serum uric acid levels as an indicator for metabolically unhealthy obesity in children and adolescents: Uric acid in metabolically unhealthy obesity children

Alves Accioly Rocha, Edrienny Patricia 20 December 2018 (has links)
Übergewichtige Personen, die keine fettleibigkeitsbedingten metabolischen Komplikationen zeigen, wurden als 'metabolisch gesund fettleibig' (MHO, Metabolically healthy obesity) definiert. Im Gegensatz zu metabolisch ungesunden fettleibigen (MUO, Metabolically unhealthy obesity) Individuen zeigen MHOs keine metabolischen Störungen wie Bluthochdruck, Dyslipidämie, Insulinresistenz und Entzündung [50]. Aufgrund des Mangels an allgemein akzeptierten Kriterien ist die genaue Definition des MHO-Status jedoch immer noch umstritten. Es wird allgemein angenommen, dass die MHO-Definition von der Einführung zusätzlicher Biomarker profitieren könnte, welche wiederum zur Klärung der zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen metabolischer Komplikationen herangezogen werden können [24]. Darüber hinaus hat sich die klinische Forschung hauptsächlich auf Erwachsene konzentriert, und es liegen nur wenige Studien zu MHO bei jungen Menschen vor. Daher wird die Untersuchung des MHO-Status in der jungen Bevölkerung unter Verwendung gut etablierter und potentiell neuer Indikatoren als wesentlich angesehen, um einen positiven Beitrag zur Prävention und/oder Behandlung von zukünftigen fettleibigkeitsbezogenen Krankheiten zu leisten. Unter den möglichen neuen Biomarkern wurde festgestellt, dass Serumharnsäure (Serum-UA) eine wichtige Rolle als kardiometabolischer Risikofaktor [22] für Adipositas-assoziierte Komorbiditäten bei Kindern und Jugendlichen spielt. Dennoch haben nur wenige Studien den Zusammenhang zwischen dieser biochemischen Variablen und MHO in der jungen Bevölkerung untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Studie lag auf der Identifizierung potenzieller klinischer und metabolischer Indikatoren, die zur Unterscheidung zwischen MHO- und MUO-Phänotypen beitragen können. Die anthropometrischen, klinischen und biochemischen Merkmale von 458 Kindern und Jugendlichen wurden analysiert und diskutiert. MHO- und MUO-Individuen repräsentieren 38% bzw. 16% der dieser Grupe. Der häufigste kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktor bei MUO-Patienten war Hypertriglyceridämie (54,2%), gefolgt von niedrigem Serum-HDL-C (45,8%), Hypertonie (19,5%) und gestörter Glukosetoleranz (14,7%). Zusammenfassend deuten diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass eine frühzeitige Identifizierung von MUO in der Jugend möglich ist, wodurch eine frühzeitige Erkennung möglicher metabolischer Komplikationen gewährleistet ist. Verglichen mit der MUO-Gruppe zeigten MHO-Individuen niedrigere Nüchterninsulinwerte, Triglyceride, Blutdruck, Nüchternglucose und höhere Insulinsensitivität sowie niedrigere Serumharnsäure-, hs-CRP-, Albumin- und C-Peptidspiegel. Interessanterweise wurden im Gegensatz zu früheren Studien in den MHO- und MUO-Gruppen ähnlich hohe Werte für die Marker der Leberfunktion, einschließlich der zirkulierenden Konzentrationen von ALT, AST und alkalischer Phosphatase, festgestellt. Dieses Ergebnis legt nahe, dass niedrigere Leberenzyme zu dem günstigen metabolischen Profil von MHO-Individuen beitragen könnten. Darüber hinaus fördert diese Forschung ein besseres Verständnis der Wirkung potenzieller Indikatoren, die verwendet werden können, um MHO von MUO zu unterscheiden, insbesondere mit dem Fokus auf Serum-UA. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass Serum-UA mit mehreren kardiometabolischen Risikofaktoren assoziiert ist, die normalerweise mit Fettleibigkeit in Verbindung gebracht werden, wie Serumtriglycerid SDS, systolischer Blutdruck, C-Peptid und Cystatin C. Keine signifikante Beziehung zwischen Glukose-SDS und Serum-UA-Spiegeln wurde gefunden. Höhere Serumspiegel von UA erwiesen sich als signifikanter Indikator für den MUO-Phänotyp. Höhere C-Peptid-Spiegel, Taillenumfangs-SDS und Pubertätstadium sind mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit des MUO-Status assoziiert. Umgekehrt zeigte das Geschlecht der Person keine signifikante Wirkung. Hs-CRP und Albumin waren keine signifikanten MUO-Indikatoren, wenn sie nach Alter, Geschlecht, Pubertät und BMI-SDS kontrolliert wurden. Die in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Ergebnisse könnten für eine bessere Unterscheidung zwischen MUO- und MHO-Phänotypen nützlich sein und adipositasbedingte Komorbiditäten frühzeitig im Leben behandeln. Längsschnittstudien in größeren Kohorten mit jüngeren Individuen werden als ein vernünftiger nächster Schritt angesehen, um das Ergebnis dieser Arbeit zu bestätigen und zu erweitern. Mögliche zukünftige Untersuchungen könnten zusätzliche Eigenschaften und Wirkungen von MHO/MUO-Indikatoren betreffen. Zum Beispiel, wie der Serum-UA-Spiegel durch Konsum zuckergesüßter Erfrischungsgetränke und Alkohol beeinfluss wird.:LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS III I. BIBLIOGRAPHISCHE BESCHREIBUNG IV 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Obesity and associated diseases, a world health threat 1.1.1 Definitions and classifications of overweight and obesity 1.2 A ‘metabolic healthy’ type of obesity 1.2.1 Distinguishing characteristics of healthy obesity 1.3 Physiology of uric acid (UA) 1.3.1 Serum UA and cardiometabolic risk factors 1.3.2 Serum UA and type 2 diabetes 1.3.3 Serum UA and hypertension 1.3.4 Serum UA and kidney-related complications 1.3.5 Connection between Serum UA levels and metabolic health status THE PROJECT RESEARCH 1.4 Research question and hypotheses 1.5 The LIFE-Child study 2 PUBLICATION MANUSCRIPT REFERENCES 3 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER ARBEIT REFERENCES ANLAGEN II. Supplement Material III. Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit IV. Curriculum Vitae V. List of publications and conference participations VI. Acknowledgments / Obese individuals that do not show obesity-related metabolic complications have been defined as “metabolically healthy obese” (MHO). Unlike metabolic unhealthy obese (MUO) individuals, MHO do not show several metabolic disorders, such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and inflammation. However, due to the lack of universally accepted criteria, the precise definition of the MHO status is still controversial. It is widely believed that the MHO definition might benefit from the introduction of additional biomarkers, which in turn can be used to clarify the underlying mechanisms of metabolic complications. Futhermore, clinical research has mostly focused on adults and few studies addressing MHO in young individuals are available. Therefore, the investigation of the MHO status in the young population, by using well-established and potential new indicators, is considered essential to positively contribute to prevention and/or treatment of future obese-related diseases. Among the possible potential new biomarker, serum uric acid (serum UA) has been found to play an important role as a cardiometabolic risk factor44 for obesity-related comorbidities in children and adolescents. Nonetheless, very few studies have investigated the association between this biochemical variable and MHO in the young population. The focus of the present study was to identify potential clinical and metabolic indicators that may help to distinguish between MHO and MUO phenotypes. The anthropometric, clinical and biochemical characteristics of 458 children and adolescents were analyzed and discussed. MHO and MUO individuals represent 38% and 16% of the overweight/obese population, respectively. The most frequent cardiovascular risk factor found in MUO individuals was hypertriglyceridemia (54.2%), followed by low serum HDL-C (45.8%), hypertension (19.5%) and impaired glucose tolerance (14.7%). Altogether, these findings suggest that early identification of MUO is possible during youth, thereby ensuring the early addressing of potential metabolic complications. Compared to the MUO group, MHO individuals showed lower fasting insulin values, triglycerides, blood pressure, fasting glucose and higher insulin sensitivity, as well as lower serum uric acid, hs-CRP, albumin and C-peptide levels. Interestingly, in contrast to previous studies, markers of liver function, including circulating concentrations of ALT, AST and alkaline phosphatase, were found to be similarly high in MHO and MUO groups. This finding suggests that lower levels of hepatic enzymes could contribute to the favorable metabolic profile of MHO individuals. In addition, the research promotes a better understanding of the action of potential indicators that can be used to distinguish MHO from MUO, especially focusing on serum UA. The results of this thesis revealed that serum UA is associated with several cardiometabolic risk factors usually linked with obesity, such as serum triglyceride SDS, systolic blood pressure, C-peptide and Cystatin C. No significant relationship between glucose-SDS and serum UA levels has been found. Higher levels of serum UA were found to be a significant indicator of the MUO phenotype. Higher levels of C-peptide, waist circumference SDS and pubertal stage are associated to higher likelihood of MUO status. Conversely, the individual’s gender showed no significant effect. Hs-CRP and albumin were non-significant MUO indicators when controlled for age, gender, pubertal stage and BMI-SDS. The results presented in this thesis might be valuable for a better distinction between MUO and MHO phenotypes and to properly address obesity-related comorbidities early in life. Longitudinal studies in larger cohorts with younger individuals are seen as a sensible next step to confirm and expand the outcome of this work. Possible future investigations might address additional properties and effects of MHO/MUO indicators, for instance by studying how serum UA levels are affected by alcohol consumption and sugar-sweetened soft drinks.:LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS III I. BIBLIOGRAPHISCHE BESCHREIBUNG IV 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Obesity and associated diseases, a world health threat 1.1.1 Definitions and classifications of overweight and obesity 1.2 A ‘metabolic healthy’ type of obesity 1.2.1 Distinguishing characteristics of healthy obesity 1.3 Physiology of uric acid (UA) 1.3.1 Serum UA and cardiometabolic risk factors 1.3.2 Serum UA and type 2 diabetes 1.3.3 Serum UA and hypertension 1.3.4 Serum UA and kidney-related complications 1.3.5 Connection between Serum UA levels and metabolic health status THE PROJECT RESEARCH 1.4 Research question and hypotheses 1.5 The LIFE-Child study 2 PUBLICATION MANUSCRIPT REFERENCES 3 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER ARBEIT REFERENCES ANLAGEN II. Supplement Material III. Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit IV. Curriculum Vitae V. List of publications and conference participations VI. Acknowledgments

Solid phase microextraction of amino-dinitrotoluenes in tissue.

Tsui-Bowen, Alethea 12 1900 (has links)
TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene) readily and predominantly transforms to 2ADNT (2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene) and 4ADNT (4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene) in environmental matrixes and tissues. Solid phase microextraction (SPME) was used to extract ADNTs (amino-dinitrotoluenes) from tissue as a potential method to investigate the recalcitrance of metabolically-generated ADNTs versus absorbed ADNTs. Tubifex tubifex was allowed to metabolize TNT into ADNTs in 24-hr static non-renewal exposure test followed by 24-hr depuration in clean reconstituted hard water. Polyacrylate-coated (PA) SPME fibers were then deployed and agitated in tissue homogenates containing metabolically-generated ADNTs for 48 hr to provide a measure of available ADNTs. Extractability of ADNTs from T. tubifex tissue containing metabolically-generated ADNTs was significantly less than extractability of ADNTs from T. tubifex tissue containing absorbed ADNTs: 50-60% and 81-90% of expected extractability based on fiber-water partition ratio. The lower SPME extractability of metabolically-generated ADNTs may stem from the unavailability of metabolically-generated ADNTs sequestered in tissue or bound to tissue macromolecules during metabolism of TNT to ADNT. Tissue extractions using SPMEs may be able to estimate such bound organic residues in tissue and serve as potential indicators of toxicological bioavailability and biomagnification potential of tissue-associated organic compounds.

Microvascular Function in Metabolically Healthy Groups Differing in BMI and Waist Circumference

Earl, Nathan R 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
BACKGROUND: Microvascular dysfunction (MD: impaired performance of blood flow, tissue perfusion, blood pressure, etc.) is one of the earliest stages in the progression of various chronic diseases. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine if a difference in microvascular function existed between two metabolically healthy groups that differed in BMI and waist circumference. DESIGN: This study employed a causal comparative design, with two groups: I) normal weight (n =14, BMI 28 kg/m2). METHODS: Microvascular function was assessed by measuring skin blood flow (SkBF) using laser Doppler flowmetry during postocclusive reactive hyperemia (PORH). The area under the SkBF time curve during the 60-second PORH response was used to quantify the magnitude of the microvascular response. RESULTS: Group I (control) had a significantly higher average area under the SkBF time curve (3240 ± 879) than Group II (1948 ± 808) (Z= -3.0094, p = 0.0026). CONCLUSIONS: The overweight/obese subjects exhibited a diminished skin blood flow response to occlusion compared to their normal-weight counterparts. This supports the hypothesis that overweight/obese subjects who are otherwise metabolically healthy exhibit a biological change that is linked to chronic disease.

Design and Synthesis of Metabolically Stabilized Lipid Probes for the Investigation of Protein–Lipid Binding Interactions

Rajpal, Ashdeep Kaur 01 May 2011 (has links)
Protein–lipid binding interactions play crucial roles in various physiological and pathological processes, making it very important to study these interactions at the molecular level. However, investigation of these interactions is complicated by several issues, including the inherent complexity of membranes as well as the diverse mechanisms by which proteins interact with the membrane surfaces. As a result, many of these interactions remain poorly characterized. Synthetic probes are useful tools employed for studying protein–lipid binding interactions. This thesis will detail the design and synthesis of metabolically stabilized analogues of various signaling lipids, which mimic the natural species and are not easily modified by enzymes present in biological systems. A modular approach is employed for synthesizing these lipid probes, giving access to a wide range of derivatized lipid probes that can then be used for several studies. Although a wide variety of metabolically stabilized lipid analogues have been synthesized, their activity has not yet been characterized and quantified in detail. So, there is a great need to synthesize biologically active phosphorothioate and phosphonate analogues of various signaling lipids in order to properly characterize and compare the binding affinities and activity of these analogues. Synthesis of metabolically stabilized lipid analogue would take us one step closer towards understanding protein–lipid interactions in biological systems and in trying to find answers to the myriad of questions pertaining to these systems.

Attached Bacterial Communities in Lakes – Habitat-Specific Differences

Haglund, Ann-Louise January 2004 (has links)
For many years, the importance of microorganisms attached to surfaces in littoral zones and wetlands has been disregarded when describing aquatic ecosystem dynamics. Supporting evidence is scarce but convincing that these microbial communities are not only very productive but can often serve as major regulators of nutrient and carbon dynamics in many freshwaters. In order to determine the quantitative importance of epiphytic bacteria for the overall carbon turnover, I compared the relative contribution of epiphytic bacteria on the submerged macrophyte Ranunculus circinatus, sediment and free-living bacteria to the total bacterial production. Sediment bacteria generally dominated total bacterial biomass in the littoral zone. Although the epiphytic biomass on R. circinatus was ten times lower than the biomass of sediment bacteria, it often contributed at least equally to the total bacterial production. Thus, the results presented in this thesis confirm that most bacterial biomass and production in shallow lakes is associated with surfaces, and that in littoral zones with dense macrophyte stands, epiphytic bacteria can contribute significantly to the overall carbon turnover. There is increasing evidence that not all cells in natural bacterial communities are metabolically active. In Lake Erken, there were large differences in the fraction of active bacteria between different habitats, while the within-habitat differences were small. The sediments had the largest bacterial fraction, followed by epiphytic bacteria, while in the water column only a few percent of the bacteria were active. In this thesis the fraction of active bacteria is connected to environmental fluctuations. I hypothesize that smaller fluctuations in chemical, biological or physical factors result in large active bacterial fractions. Thus, small environmental fluctuations within a habitat allow large active bacterial fractions, while the active fraction is constrained when the environmental fluctuations are large.

Exploring amino acid metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for improved eco-efficient production of chiral amine

Karlsson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Kirala aminer används idag både som aktiva substanser och som bindningsmedel i flertalet läkemedel, dock är dagens produktion med kinetic resolution ineffektiv vilket gör att mer effektiva och miljövänliga produktionssätt eftersträvas. Biotransformation har visat sig både vara miljövänligt och en effektiv metod för att producera kirala aminer. Aminosyror kan användas som aminodonatorer för att producera den kirala aminen 1-methyl-3-phenylpropylamine (MPPA) från prokirala ketonen bensylaceton (BA) med hjälp av aminetransaminas. I denna studie användes metaboliskt konstruerad Saccharomyces cerevisiae med enzymet CV-ωTA för att identifiera vilka aminosyror som var bäst lämpade för MPPA produktion. MPPA produktion kunde detekteras för alla testade aminosyror. Aminosyrans koncentration hade ingen tydlig påverkan på produktionen av MPPA. Alanin vara den aminosyra som gav högst produktionsutbyte följt av lysin. Ingen tydlig relation mellan produktion av MPPA och aminosyrornas koncentrationer kunde ses. Produktionen av MPPA var snabbare än förväntat och var klar redan dag tre för flera av aminosyrorna. Det fanns en antydan att BA kunde vara toxiskt för cellerna i högre koncentrationer och därmed påverka produktionen av MPPA. / Chiral amines are used in several types of pharmaceuticals as both active substrates and building blocks, and there is an endeavor to find new and more eco-efficient ways to produce them than today’s production with kinetic resolution. Biotransformation in yeast has shown great potential for production and is also seen as an eco-friendly way to produce chiral amines. Amino acids can be used as an amino donor for the production of chiral amines, e.g. 1-methyl-3-phenylpropylamine (MPPA) from prochiral ketones, e.g. benzylacetone (BA) with aminotransaminase. In this study the production was done with metabolically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with the gene for the enzyme CV-ωTA transformed. Ten different amino acids were screened in up to three different concentrations for each amino acid. Production of MPPA was observed for all amino acids, with alanine as the most efficient followed by lysine. No clear relationship was seen between amino acid concentration and MPPA production. The production of MPPA for several amino acids were quicker than expected and was completed at day three. Our data indicated a cytotoxic effect of BA at higher concentrations, that negatively affected the production of MPPA.

Desenvolvimento e validação de método para a identificação de micro-organismos metabolicamente ativos em biofilmes de amostras ambientais através da análise de rRNA 16S. / Development and validation of method for the identification of metabolically active microorganisms in biofilms of environmental samples by 16S rRNA analysis.

Nammoura Neto, Georges Mikhael 19 February 2018 (has links)
A otimização e padronização de métodos moleculares são fundamentais para evitar distorções nos resultados causadas por processamento de ácidos nucleicos da abundância relativa de micro-organismos de uma amostra. Nos estudos sobre identificação microbiana, a etapa de validação é, na maioria dos casos, negligenciada. As principais etapas em que podem ocorrer vieses capazes de alterar a informação sobre a composição da comunidade microbiana são a extração e a RT-PCR. O rRNA é a molécula ideal para identificar os micro-organismos metabolicamente ativos por estar em maior quantidade dentro da célula. A inexistência de um protocolo de extração de RNA gold standard e de kits comerciais específicos para cada tipo de amostra ambiental pode comprometer as etapas posteriores à extração. O protocolo de extração de RNA adaptado neste trabalho mostrou alta eficácia na lise celular e na remoção de contaminantes co-extraidos, garantindo a integridade e a qualidade do rRNA extraído de amostras contendo altas concentrações de contaminantes. Devido as diferentes características químicas das amostras ambientais, o uso deste protocolo adaptado pode preservar a informação sobre os indivíduos metabolicamente ativos de uma comunidade microbiana. Foram utilizados consórcios artificiais na validação da etapa de PCR. O efeito sinérgico do uso de aditivos, da Taq polimerase de alto rendimento, do programa de sub-ciclagem e da limitação do programa de amplificação em 10 ciclos, mantiveram a proporção dos moldes dos consórcios analisados próximo ao esperado. Após a padronização da técnica de ARDRA, foi definido que há necessidade de entre 500 e 550 UFC para uma cobertura completa da diversidade de lodo ativado. O uso de enzimas combinadas MspI/HaeIII e HhaI/RsaI em uma mesma reação double digest proporcionou a separação dos clones de lodo ativado utilizando menos etapas de ARDRA. E o critério de corte em 3% do total agrupamentos, possibilitou selecionar os perfis mais representativos sem a perda de grupos importantes para a análise das bibliotecas. Foi concluído que, o uso de um protocolo inadequado de extração de RNA de amostras complexas pode gerar extratos contendo contaminantes co-extraidos que interferem na atividade da Taq polimerase e nas enzimas de restrição. Após o sequenciamento de nova geração, foi observado que o uso de diferentes iniciadores de PCR e do pré-processamento manual para os dados obtidos, foram essenciais para ampliar a cobertura observada para a amostra de lodo e melhorar a resolução dos resultados e a profundidade de identificação taxonômica, respectivamente. / The optimization and standardization of molecular methods are fundamental to avoid distortions in the results caused by nucleic acid processing of the relative abundance of microorganisms in a sample. In the studies on microbial identification, the validation step is, in most cases, neglected. The main steps in which biases capable of altering the composition of the microbial community can occur are extraction and RT-PCR. The rRNA is the ideal molecule to identify metabolically active microorganisms because they are in the greatest amount within the cell. The lack of a gold standard RNA extraction protocol and specific commercial kits for each type of environmental sample may compromise the post-extraction steps. The RNA extraction protocol adapted in this work showed high efficacy in cell lysis and in the removal of co-extracted contaminants, guaranteeing the integrity and quality of the rRNA extracted from samples containing high concentrations of contaminants. Due to the different chemical characteristics of the environmental samples, the use of this adapted protocol can preserve the information about the metabolically active individuals of a microbial community. Artificial consortia were used to validate the PCR step. The synergistic effect of the use of additives, the high yield Taq polymerase, the sub-cycling program and the limitation of the amplification program in 10 cycles, kept the proportion of the molds of the consortia analyzed close to the expected. After standardization of the ARDRA technique, it was defined that there is a need for between 500 and 550 CFU for a complete coverage of the diversity of activated sludge. The use of MspI / HaeIII and HhaI / RsaI combined enzymes in the same double digest reaction provided the separation of activated sludge clones using fewer ARDRA steps. And the criterion of cut in 3% of the total groupings, allowed to select the most representative profiles without the loss of important groups for the analysis of the libraries. It was concluded that the use of an inadequate RNA extraction protocol from complex samples can generate extracts containing co-extracted contaminants that interfere with Taq polymerase activity and restriction enzymes. After the sequencing of the new generation, it was observed that the use of different PCR primers and manual preprocessing for the obtained data were essential to increase the coverage observed for the sludge sample and to improve the resolution of the results and the depth of taxonomic identification, respectively.

Hepatic Hedgehog Signaling Participates in the Crosstalk between Liver and Adipose Tissue in Mice by Regulating FGF21

Ott, Fritzi, Körner, Christiane, Werner, Kim, Gericke, Martin, Liebscher, Ines, Lobsien, Donald, Radrezza, Silvia, Shevchenko, Andrej, Hofmann, Ute, Kratzsch, Jürgen, Gebhardt, Rolf, Berg, Thomas, Matz-Soja, Madlen 09 October 2023 (has links)
The Hedgehog signaling pathway regulates many processes during embryogenesis and the homeostasis of adult organs. Recent data suggest that central metabolic processes and signaling cascades in the liver are controlled by the Hedgehog pathway and that changes in hepatic Hedgehog activity also affect peripheral tissues, such as the reproductive organs in females. Here, we show that hepatocyte-specific deletion of the Hedgehog pathway is associated with the dramatic expansion of adipose tissue in mice, the overall phenotype of which does not correspond to the classical outcome of insulin resistance-associated diabetes type 2 obesity. Rather, we show that alterations in the Hedgehog signaling pathway in the liver lead to a metabolic phenotype that is resembling metabolically healthy obesity. Mechanistically, we identified an indirect influence on the hepatic secretion of the fibroblast growth factor 21, which is regulated by a series of signaling cascades that are directly transcriptionally linked to the activity of the Hedgehog transcription factor GLI1. The results of this study impressively show that the metabolic balance of the entire organism is maintained via the activity of morphogenic signaling pathways, such as the Hedgehog cascade. Obviously, several pathways are orchestrated to facilitate liver metabolic status to peripheral organs, such as adipose tissue.

Évaluation de la relation entre la fibrose des tissus adipeux et la résistance à l’insuline chez l’humain obèse, avant et après chirurgie bariatrique

Chabot, Katherine 07 1900 (has links)
L’obésité est associée au développement de plusieurs complications métaboliques, dont la résistance à l’insuline (RI). Or, certains sujets obèses ne développent pas de RI. Ces obèses sensibles à l’insuline (ISO) représentent un modèle humain unique pour étudier les facteurs impliqués dans le développement de la RI. La fibrose du tissu adipeux a été directement associée au développement de la RI chez le rongeur. Nous avons donc évalué la fibrose dans les tissus adipeux sous-cutané (TASC) et viscéral (TAV) d’individus obèses ISO, résistants à l’insuline (IRO) et diabétiques de type 2 (DT2), avant et six mois après leur chirurgie bariatrique. Malgré un âge, IMC et pourcentage de masse grasse semblables, les ISO présentaient une RI inférieure à celle des IRO avant la chirurgie (p < 0,05). Aucune différence n’a été observée entre les sujets ISO, IRO et DT2 en ce qui concerne la fibrose totale et les niveaux d’expression de gènes associés à la fibrose, ni dans le TASC ni dans le TAV. Toutefois, le log du pourcentage de fibrose dans le TASC était positivement corrélé avec le log de HOMA-IR (r = 0,3847, p = 0,0476) avant la chirurgie. Six mois plus tard, les niveaux de fibrose demeurent inchangés dans le TASC, mais la RI est significativement réduite dans tous les groupes, particulièrement chez les DT2. Aucune corrélation n’a été observée entre la fibrose du TASC et l’HOMA-IR après la chirurgie. Ces résultats montrent une association significative, mais éphémère entre la fibrose du TASC et la RI chez l’humain obèse. / Obesity is associated to the development of metabolic complications, including insulin resistance. Yet, a distinctive subset of obese patients seems protected from insulin resistance. Such insulin-sensitive obese subpopulation (ISO) offers a unique opportunity to investigate factors underlying the development of insulin resistance in humans without the confounding effect of major differences in adiposity. Adipose tissue fibrosis has been directly linked to the development of obesity-associated insulin resistance in rodents. Therefore, we quantified total fibrosis and examined the expression of fibrosis-related genes in subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral (VAT) adipose tissue biopsies of diabetic (T2D) and non diabetic obese patients stratified into ISO or insulin-resistant obese (IRO) based on the OGTT-derived ISIMatsuda index, before and six months after bariatric surgery. Despite similar age, BMI, and percent fat mass, ISO had lower insulin resistance than IRO subjects (p<0.05) at baseline. No difference was found between ISO, IRO and T2D, neither in terms of total fibrosis, nor in the expression of fibrosis-related genes in the adipose tissues before surgery. However, log SAT fibrosis positively correlated with log HOMA-IR at baseline (r = 0.3847, p < 0.05). Six months after surgery, fibrosis levels remained unchanged in SAT, but insulin resistance was significantly reduced in all groups, especially in T2D patients. No correlation was found between SAT fibrosis and HOMA-IR after surgery. These results show a significant, yet ephemeral association between SAT fibrosis and insulin resistance in obese humans.

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