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Experimental Determination of Required Lateral Restraint Forces for Z-Purlin Supported, Sloped Metal Roof SystemsLee, Spencer Ross 17 July 2001 (has links)
Supplement No. 1 to Section D3.1 of the 1999 AISI Cold-Form Specification contains the current provisions for predicting required lateral restraint forces in Z-purlin supported, sloped metal roof systems under gravity loads. A proposed prediction equation, relying heavily on engineering principles, has been developed because the current provisions in the specification are empirical and based on statistical analysis. The provisions treat roof slope and system effects incorrectly, which necessitates refinement. Also, an assumed roof panel stiffness value was used for the development of the current design provisions, ignoring the effect that varying stiffness values have on the required restraint forces. To determine the validity of the new restraint force prediction equation, experimental testing was conducted on single span and multiple span metal roof systems. Z-purlins were used extensively with through-fastened and standing seam roof panel. Two, four, and six purlin lines were used for the single span tests while only four purlin lines were used for the multiple span tests. Restraint forces were measured at five restraint locations in each span: support, third-point, midpoint, quarter-point, and third-point plus support. Each restraint configuration was tested at six roof slopes: 0:12, 0.5:12, 1:12, 2:12, 3:12, and 4:12. For each restraint configuration and roof slope, the restraint forces were measured and compared to predicted forces using the proposed design equation. The proposed equation contains the term "δ" which is the resultant eccentricity of the applied gravity load acting on the top flange of a purlin. A value of 1/3 was assumed for d in the development of the proposed equation and many of the test results were in agreement with this value. However, other results were in better agreement with a value of 0 for d and some of the measured forces were between the predicted forces with d = 0 and d = 1/3. No consistent correlation between the results and the proposed prediction equation was found. / Master of Science
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In-Situ Measurement of Wind Loads for Roof Edge Metal ConfigurationsBysice, Jason January 2015 (has links)
The role of a roof on any building is to separate the interior environment of the building from the exterior environment, thereby making it a crucial component of the building design. Metal roof edges are the first line of defense against wind-induced loads on the roof system; however, data on the nature of these loads acting on the roof edge system is scarce. Previous studies with field measurements of wind pressure acting on the roof edge reported that metal flashings experienced negative pressure. These findings suggest that current building codes in North America (i.e. NBCC and ASCE codes) do not accurately identify wind design loads acting on roof edge systems. The Roof Edge Systems and Technologies (REST) project is a consortium of academia, government and roof industries, which was created to develop testing protocols and design guidelines for roof edges. The work presented in this thesis contributes to the collection and analysis of wind loads acting on metal roof edges, which were installed on the Canada Post building in Vancouver, Canada. The thesis presents the findings and analysis of the measured wind-induced pressure acting on all surfaces of three different edge configurations, namely the Anchor Clip Configuration (ACC), Continuous Cleat Configuration (CCC) and Discontinuous Cleat Configuration (DCC). The analysis showed the presence of negative pressure acting on all three faces of the configurations, in which the type of configuration had minimum effect on the magnitude and nature of the wind-induced loads. Furthermore, the top face of the edge configurations was found to experience the highest suction, and the front face of the edge coping was subjected to a net outward suction force due to the combination of the suction experienced by the coping front face and the positive pressure acting on the cleat. Comparison of these results with current NBCC and ASCE building codes highlight a need to update these codes in order to adequately design metal roof edges against wind action.
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Estimation of Required Restraint Forces in Z-Purlin Supported, Sloped Roofs Under Gravity LoadsNeubert, Michael Christopher 04 September 1999 (has links)
The current specification provisions for the prediction of lateral restraint forces in Z-purlin supported roof systems under gravity loads are in Section D3.1 of the 1996 AISI Cold-Formed Specification. The design equations contained in these provisions are empirical and based on statistical analysis. They were developed using elastic stiffness models of flat roofs and were verified by experimental testing. The provisions need refinement, because the treatment of roof slope and system effects is incorrect. Also, the current design provisions are based upon an assumed panel stiffness value, ignoring the significant difference in required restraint force that occurs when panel stiffness is varied.
Therefore, a new restraint force design procedure, having a stronger reliance on engineering principles, is proposed. This new treatment of the static forces in Z-purlin roofs led to a more accurate method of addressing roof slope. Elastic stiffness models, with varying roof slope, panel stiffness, and cross-sectional properties, were used to develop the proposed procedure. The basis of the procedure is to determine the lateral restraint force required for a single purlin system and then extend this result to systems with multiple restrained purlin lines. Roof slope is incorporated into the calculation of the single purlin restraint force, which includes eccentric gravity loads and forces induced by Z-purlin asymmetry. The procedure includes a system effect factor to account for the observed nonlinear increase in restraint force with the number of restrained purlins. An adjustment factor varies the predicted restraint force depending on the shear stiffness of the roof panel. The proposed procedure applies to five bracing configurations: support, third-point, midspan, quarter point, and third-point plus support restraints. / Master of Science
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En jämförelse mellan gröna-, metall- och gråa tak för ett oisolerat parkeringshus utifrån dess olika temperaturer och dagvattenhanteringAndersson, Emelie, Aziz, Shniar January 2019 (has links)
Since climate change increases and changes constantly, it contributes to higher average temperatures, ice melting and has a great impact on our ecosystem. This will then lead to a warmer climate, which means increased precipitation and milder winters. One of the reasons to climate change is urbanization, meaning people moving to the cities. To succeed in changing the climate, international cooperation and common goals are required. At the northern part of Brynäs, in the municipality of Gävle, work is currently in progress around the area where the factory of Läkerol was once standing. The area continues to be rebuilt and the outcome will eventually be called Godisfabriken. There, amongst other, a car park will be built for the newly built homes. The aim of this study is to compare metal roofs, grey concrete roofs and green roofs within the two aspects of stormwater management and temperature. Then analyse which alternative of these three roofs would be most advantageous for the car park of Godisfabriken. The focused roofs are green, metal and concrete. A green roof is when it's completely or partly covered by a layer of vegetation and metal roofs are different sheet roofs with steel and aluminium-zinc. Grey roofs are made of concrete which works as both floor and ceiling. A building's roof affects which air temperature the surroundings has with its slope, vegetation and surrounding buildings. Another problem with urbanization and a warmer climate is stormwater management, which means rain and melted snow from roofs, parking areas and other hard surfaces. The method includes a literature study and calculations. The literature study gave research on temperature for all roofs as well as stormwater management for green roofs. Calculations were made for stormwater management and temperature with its flow, absorption, reflectance and heat transfer. The literature study and the calculations showed that green roofs have a high SRI value of 80 while the remaining roof is at around 40. The higher SRI, the lower surface temperatures on the material. This is proven in both methods when green roofs according to the literature study received a maximum surface temperature of 38 °C and 48 °C. According to the literature study green roofs can preserve more than 50 % of the rainwater. They also had a water flow rate of 1.97 l/s, which is less than half of what the metal roof got in the calculations. Since green roofs had both low air and surface temperatures, as well as longer drainage times and most absorbed water, green roofs are a more suitable choice than metal and grey concrete. / Eftersom klimatförändringarna förändras och konstant ökar bidrar det till en högre medeltemperatur, att isen smälter och att ekosystemet påverkas. Detta kommer då leda till ett varmare klimat vilket medför ökad nederbörd och mildare vintrar. En av orsakerna är urbanisering vilket betyder att människor flyttar till städer. För att lyckas förändra klimatet krävs internationellt samarbete och gemensamma mål. Vid norra Brynäs i Gävle kommun pågår just nu arbete runt området där Läkerolfabriken en gång stod. Gamla Läkerolområdet kommer slutligen bli Godisfabriken. Där kommer det uppföras ett parkeringshus till det nybyggda bostäderna. Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra metalltak, gråa betongtak och gröna tak inom de två aspekterna dagvattenhantering och temperatur, därefter analysera vilket alternativ av dessa tre tak som skulle vara mest fördelaktigt för Godisfabrikens parkeringshus. De fokuserade taken var grönt-, metall- och betong tak. Ett grönt tak är då taket är helt eller delvis täckt av ett lager vegetation. Metalltak är olika plåttak med stål och aluminium-zink, gråa tak syftar på betongbjälklag som fungerar både som golv och tak. En byggnads tak påverkar vilken lufttemperatur omgivningen har, även takets lutning samt växtlighet och byggnaderna runt om. Ett annat problem med urbanisering och varmare klimat är dagvattenhanteringen, vilket innebär regn- och smältvatten från bland annat tak, parkeringsytor och andra hårdgjorda ytor. Metoden innefattar en litteraturstudie samt beräkningar. Litteraturstudien gav forskning om temperatur för samtliga tak samt dagvattenhantering för gröna tak. Beräkningar genomfördes för dagvattenhantering och temperatur med dess flöde, absorption, reflektans och värmeöverföring. Litteraturstudien och beräkningarna visade att gröna tak har ett högt SRI (Solar Reflectance Index) värde på 80 medan resterande tak låg på runt 40. Ju högre SRI desto lägre yttemperaturer på materialet. Detta bevisas i båda metodvalen då gröna tak enligt litteraturstudie fick en maximal yttemperatur på 38 °C och 48 °C enligt beräkningarna. De hade även ett dagvattenflöde på 1,97 l/s, vilket är mindre än hälften av vad metalltaken på 4,93 l/s fick vid beräkningarna och kan enligt litteraturstudien bevara mer än 50 % av regnvattnet. Då gröna tak hade både låga luft- och yttemperaturer samt längre avrinningstid och mest absorberat vatten visar det att gröna tak är ett mer lämpligt val än metall- och gråa betongtak.
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Penzion pro seniory / Senior's Boarding HouseUheríková, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is design the project documentation for building realisataion. The project is solved as study for real building The subsequent bed health care settled in category of acomodation for seniors in Ostrava – Vratimov location. The building is available for maximal period 3 weeks. The buiding is equiped by 21 rooms for 42 patients. The new building is design as block disposition for future redesign or construction. The building is three floor structure with respect to surrounding building architecture on which the design of building is based. In the building there are also terrace with green roof part. Vertical structure are mede from ceramic blocks Porotherm with mineral wool infill combined with reinforced concrete monolithic slab. The roof structure is from repeated pitched roofs with metal roof covering.
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