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Effects of surface plasmons in subwavelength metallic structuresIyer, Srinivasan January 2012 (has links)
The study of optical phenomena related to the strong electromagnetic response of noble metals (silver (Ag) and gold (Au) being most popular) over the last couple of decades has led to the emergence of a fast growing research area called plasmonics named after 'surface plasmons' which are electron density waves that propagate along the interface of a metal and a dielectric medium. Surface plasmons are formed by the coupling of light to the electrons on the metal surface subject to the fulfillment of certain physical conditions and they are bound to the metal surface. Depending on whether the metallic medium is a continuous film or a structure having dimensions less than or comparable to the wavelength of the exciting light, propagating or localized surface plasmons can be excited. The structure can be either a hole or an arbitrary pattern in a metal film, or a metallic particle. An array of subwavelength structures can behave as an effective homogeneous medium to incident light and this is the basis of a new class of media known as metamaterials. Metallic metamaterials enable one to engineer the electromagnetic response to incident light and provide unconventional optical properties like negative refractive index as one prominent example. Metamaterials exhibiting negative index (also called negative index materials (NIMs)) open the door for super resolution imaging and development of invisibility cloaks. However, the only problem affecting the utilization of plasmonic media to their fullest potential is the intrinsic loss of the metal, and it becomes a major issue especially at visible-near infrared (NIR) frequencies. The frequency of the surface plasmon is the same as that of the exciting light but its wavelength could be as short as that of X-rays. This property allows light of a given optical frequency to be conned into very small volumes via subwave lengthmetallic structures, that can be used to develop ecient sensors, solar cells, antennas and ultrasensitive molecular detectors to name a few applications. Also, interaction of surface plasmons excited in two or more metallic subwavelength structures in close proximity inuences the far-eld optical properties of the overall coupled system. Some eects of plasmonic interaction in certain coupled particles include polarization conversion, optical activity and transmission spectra mimicking electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT) as observed in gas based atomicsy stems. In this thesis, we mainly focus on the optical properties of square arrays of certain plasmonic structures popularly researched in the last decade. The structures considered are as follows: (1) subwavelength holes of a composite hole-shape providing superior near-eld enhancement such as two intersecting circles (called' double hole') in an optically thick Au/Ag lm, (2) double layer shnets, (3) subwavelength U-shaped particles and (4) rectangular bars. The entire work is based on electromagnetic simulations using time and frequency domain methods. Au/Ag lms with periodic subwavelength holes provide extraordinarily high transmission of light at certain wavelengths much larger than the dimension of the perforations or holes. The spectral positions of the maxima depend on the shape of the hole and the intra-hole medium, thereby making such lms function as a refractive index sensor in the transmission mode. The sensing performance of the double-hole geometry is analyzed in detail and compared to rectangular holes. Fishnet metamaterials are highly preferred when it comes to constructing a NIM at optical frequencies. A shnet design that theoretically oers a negative refractive index with least losses at telecommunication wavelengths (1.4 1.5 microns) is presented. U-shaped subwavelength metallic particles, in particular single-slit split-ring resonators (SSRRs), provide a large negative response to the magnetic eld of light at a specic resonance frequency. The spectral positions of the structural resonances of the U-shaped particle can be found from its array far field transmission spectrum at normal incidence. An effort is made to clarify our understanding of these resonances with the help of localized surface plasmon modes excited in the overall particle. From an application point of view, it is found that a planar square array of SSRRs eectively functions as an optical half-wave waveplate at the main resonance frequency by creating a polarization in transmission that is orthogonal to that of incident light. A similar waveplate eect can be obtained purely by exploiting the near-eld interaction of dierently oriented neighbouring SSRRs. The physical reasons behind polarization conversion in dierent SSRR-array systems are discussed. A rectangular metallic bar having its dipolar resonance in the visible-NIR is called a nanoantenna, owing to its physical length in the order of nanometers. The excitation of localized surface plasmons, metal dispersion and the geometry of the rectangular nanoantenna make an analytical estimation of the physical length of the antenna from the desired dipolar resonance dicult. A practical map of simulated resonance values corresponding to a variation in geometrical parameters of Au bar is presented. A square array of a coupled plasmonic system comprising of three nanoantennas provides a net transmission response that mimicks the EIT effect. The high transmission spectral window possesses a peculiar dispersion profile that enables light with frequencies in that region to be slowed down. Two popular designs of such plasmonic EIT systems are numerically characterized and compared. / <p>QC 20121017</p>
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Metamaterial : A field magnitude dependent and frequency independent modelArdavan, Mehdi January 2008 (has links)
In all attempts to analyze and realize Left-Handed materials, so far, most researchers have used the same idea of extracting only some or certain behaviors of Metamaterials from a set of unit cells gathered together in a designed order. Nevertheless meeting all criteria in order to consider a media as real double-negative material has never come true. Starting with criticizing and arguing the validity of calling any set of unit cells as a medium of propagation, the work at hand will go further demonstrating analogies between a medium which could be assigned permittivity or permeability factors and the medium consisting a set of unit cells. After presenting the critical analysis on previous studies in the field, here it is shown that it is impossible to build Metamaterials using any number of passive unit cells. A deep insight into the concept of phase and group velocities as well as Poynting’s vector will reveal weakness of the public perception of their relation with each other. Unlike the past and current trend in analyzing these two velocities in meta-materials, they will be proven to possess the same direction. Moreover, in this work, a solid proof over violation of energy conservation in the intersection plane between a normal material and a Left Handed material is presented which requires us to believe and accept generation of energy at this plane. This view will consequently leave meaningless all attempts to build meta-materials by passive elements. In present work a method is proposed at which a material with positive permittivity and permeability can behave like and yield all characteristics of Metamaterials only if the foregoing parameters, while remaining positive, can vary and be governed by the magnitude of the electromagnetic field. Independence of this method from frequency broadens the range of its application and also the interest it may attract.
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Characterizing Engineered Nanomaterials: From Environmental, Health and Safety Research to the Development of Shaped Nanosphere Lithography for MetamaterialsLewicka, Zuzanna 06 September 2012 (has links)
In this thesis two issues in nanotechnology have been addressed. The first is the comprehensive characterization of engineered nanomaterials prior to their examination in toxicology and environmental studies. The second is the development of a method to produce nanostructure arrays over large areas and for low cost.
A major challenge when assessing nanomaterial’s risks is the robust characterization of their physicochemical properties, particularly in commercial products. Such data allows the critical features for biological outcomes to be determined. This work focused on the inorganic oxides that were studied in powdered and dispersed forms as well as directly in consumer sunscreen products. The most important finding was that the commercial sunscreens that listed titania or zinc oxide as ingredients contained nanoscale materials. Cell free photochemical tests revealed that ZnO particles without any surface coating were more active at generating ROS than surface coated TiO2 nanoparticles. These studies make clear the importance of exposure studies that examine the native form of nanomaterials directly in commercial products.
The second part of this thesis presents the development of a new method to fabricate gold nanoring and nanocrescent arrays over large areas; such materials have unique optical properties consonant with those described as metamaterials. A new shaped nanosphere lithography approach was used to manipulate the form of silica nanospheres packed onto a surface; the resulting array of mushroom structures provided a mask that after gold evaporation and etching left either golden rings or crescents over the surface. The structures had tunable features, with outer diameters ranging from 200 to 350 nm for rings and crescent gap angles of ten to more than a hundred degrees. The use of a double mask method ensured the uniform coverage of these structured over 1 cm2 areas. Experimental and theoretical investigations of the optical properties of the arrays revealed the optical resonances in the infrared region. Finally, in the course of developing the nanorings, etch conditions were developed to deposit large area arrays of polystyrene nanodoughnuts with diameters from 128 to 242 nm. These non-conductive structures provide an ideal template for further attachment of magnetic of optically emissive nanoparticles.
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Sensitivity Enhancement of Near Field Probes Using Negative MaterialsBoybay, Muhammed Said January 2009 (has links)
In the last decade, design and application of negative materials have been one of the most interesting subjects in the electromagnetic research. The extraordinary properties of double negative (DNG) and single negative (SNG) materials have been studied extensively over this period. In this thesis, one of the unusual properties of negative materials, the evanescent amplification, is used to improve the sensitivity of the near field probes.
The effect of placing DNG and SNG layers between the near field probes and the targets are investigated theoretically. A sensitivity definition is introduced for evanescent probes and it is shown using quantitative measures that the sensitivity can be increased using DNG and SNG materials for a target in vacuum and for a buried target. The electromagnetic loss of the negative materials and the mismatch between the material properties of the host medium and DNG and SNG materials are studied. Using an unmatched DNG layer or SNG layer enhances the sensitivity within an evanescent spectrum range while a lossless and matched DNG layer improves the sensitivity of entire evanescent spectrum.
The idea of using negative materials is implemented over conventional near field probes by numerical experiments. Sensitivities of open-ended waveguides and open-ended coaxial lines for a specific application are studied in the presence of negative materials. In the case of precursor pitting detection on airplane bodies, the sensitivity of an open-ended waveguide probe is increased by 35 times for a λ/10 sized cubic crack. It is also shown that the negative material increases the quality of the image generated by the probe. The sensitivity improvement is also verified for an open-ended coaxial line. A 11 times improvement is achieved for a similar detection practice, with a λ/20 sized crack. The effect of coaxial line size and the dielectric material on the sensitivity enhancement are studied.
The improvement is studied theoretically and numerically for an electrically small dipole. Theoretical studies show that when a small dipole is placed within a spherical shell made of DNG materials, the antenna parameters of the dipole becomes more sensitive to the position of a target placed outside the negative material shell. The field distribution generated by a small dipole in a multilayered spherical medium is studied for this purpose. Numerical analysis of a small dipole placed next to a planar DNG layer is presented. The DNG layer increases the sensitivity of the dipole due to a λ/30 sized metallic target by 5.5 times.
To provide experimental verification, the sensitivity of an electrically small loop is studied. SNG materials with a negative permeability around 1.25 GHz are designed using modified split ring resonators (MSRR). By using the effective parameters of the designed structure, a sensitivity improvement of 10 times is achieved numerically. The improvement is verified using fabricated MSRR structures. The sensitivity of the small loop is enhanced by 9 times for a λ/12.2 sized metallic target. The sensitivity improvements are achieved within the frequency band where the MSRR structures behave as a μ-negative SNG material.
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Theory, Design and Development of Artificial Magnetic MaterialsYousefi, Leila January 2009 (has links)
Artificial Magnetic Materials (AMMs) are a subgroup of metamaterials which are engineered to provide desirable magnetic properties not seen in natural materials. These artificial structures are designed to provide either negative or enhanced positive (higher than one) relative permeability. AMMs with negative permeability are used to develop Single Negative (SNG), or Double Negative (DNG) metamaterials. AMMs with enhanced positive permeability are used to provide magneto-dielectric materials at microwave frequencies where the natural magnetic materials fail to work efficiently. AMMs are realized by embedding metallic resonators in a host dielectric. These inclusions provide desirable magnetic properties near their resonance frequency.
Artificial magnetic materials used as SNG, or DNG have many applications such as: sub-wavelength cavity resonators, sub-wavelength parallel-plate wave guides, sub-wavelength cylindrical and spherical core–shell systems, efficient electrically small dipole antennas, super lenses, THz active devices, sensitivity enhancement near-field probes using double and single negative media, and mutual coupling reduction between antennas. On the other hand, artificial magnetic materials used as magneto-dielectrics have other applications in developing enhanced bandwidth efficient miniaturized antennas, low profile enhanced gain antennas using artificial magnetic superstrates, wide band woodpile Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structures, EBGs with enhanced in-phase reflection bandwidth used as artificial magnetic ground planes.
In this thesis, several advances are added to the existing knowledge of developing artificial magnetic materials, in terms of analytical modeling, applications, realization, and experimental
To realize AMMs with miniaturized unit cells, new inclusions based on fractal Hilbert curves are introduced, and analyzed. Analytical models, numerical full wave simulation, and experimental characterization are used to analyze, and study the new structures. A comprehensive comparison is made between the new inclusions, and perviously developed inclusions in terms of electromagnetic properties. The new inclusions have advantages of miniaturization, and less dispersion when compared to the existing structures in the literature.
To realize multi-band AMMs, unit cells with multiple inclusions are proposed, designed, and analyzed. The new unit cells can be designed to give the desired magnetic properties either
over distinguished multiple frequency bands, or over a single wide frequency band. Numerical full wave simulation is used to verify the proposed concept, and analytical models are provided for design, and optimization of the new unit cells. Unit cells with different configurations are optimized to get a wideband responce for the effective permeability. Space mapping technique is used to provide a link between analytically optimized structures, and full wave numerical simulation results.
Two new methods are proposed for experimental characterization of artificial structures using microstrip, and strip line topologies. Using numerical results, the effect of anisotropy on the accuracy of the extracted parameters are investigated, and a fitting solution is proposed, and verified to address this challenge. New structures based on 2nd , and 3rd order fractal Hilbert curves are fabricated, and characterized using microstrip line, and strip line fixtures. Experimental results are presented, and compared with numerical results. The new experimental methods have advantages of lower cost, easier to fabricate and measure, and smaller sample size when compared to the existing methods in the literature.
A new application is proposed for use of magnetic materials to develop wide band artificial magnetic conductors (AMC). Analytical models, and numerical analysis is used to validate the concept. A new ultra wideband AMC is designd, and analysed. The designed AMC is used as the ground plane to develop a low profile high gain ultra wide band antenna. The designed antenna is simulated, and its return loss, and gain is presented over a wide range of frequencies.
A comprehensive study is presented on the performance of AMMs for the application of miniaturized antennas. A miniaturized antenna, using fractal Hilbert metamaterials as substrate, is fabricated, and measured. Measurement results are presented, and compared with numerical results. A parametric study is presented on the effect of the constitutive parameters of the artificial
substrate on the performance of the miniaturized antenna. In this study, the effect of magnetic loss of AMM on the gain, and efficiency of the antenna, as well as the effect of dispersion of AMM on the bandwidth of the antenna is investigated.
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Sensitivity Enhancement of Near Field Probes Using Negative MaterialsBoybay, Muhammed Said January 2009 (has links)
In the last decade, design and application of negative materials have been one of the most interesting subjects in the electromagnetic research. The extraordinary properties of double negative (DNG) and single negative (SNG) materials have been studied extensively over this period. In this thesis, one of the unusual properties of negative materials, the evanescent amplification, is used to improve the sensitivity of the near field probes.
The effect of placing DNG and SNG layers between the near field probes and the targets are investigated theoretically. A sensitivity definition is introduced for evanescent probes and it is shown using quantitative measures that the sensitivity can be increased using DNG and SNG materials for a target in vacuum and for a buried target. The electromagnetic loss of the negative materials and the mismatch between the material properties of the host medium and DNG and SNG materials are studied. Using an unmatched DNG layer or SNG layer enhances the sensitivity within an evanescent spectrum range while a lossless and matched DNG layer improves the sensitivity of entire evanescent spectrum.
The idea of using negative materials is implemented over conventional near field probes by numerical experiments. Sensitivities of open-ended waveguides and open-ended coaxial lines for a specific application are studied in the presence of negative materials. In the case of precursor pitting detection on airplane bodies, the sensitivity of an open-ended waveguide probe is increased by 35 times for a λ/10 sized cubic crack. It is also shown that the negative material increases the quality of the image generated by the probe. The sensitivity improvement is also verified for an open-ended coaxial line. A 11 times improvement is achieved for a similar detection practice, with a λ/20 sized crack. The effect of coaxial line size and the dielectric material on the sensitivity enhancement are studied.
The improvement is studied theoretically and numerically for an electrically small dipole. Theoretical studies show that when a small dipole is placed within a spherical shell made of DNG materials, the antenna parameters of the dipole becomes more sensitive to the position of a target placed outside the negative material shell. The field distribution generated by a small dipole in a multilayered spherical medium is studied for this purpose. Numerical analysis of a small dipole placed next to a planar DNG layer is presented. The DNG layer increases the sensitivity of the dipole due to a λ/30 sized metallic target by 5.5 times.
To provide experimental verification, the sensitivity of an electrically small loop is studied. SNG materials with a negative permeability around 1.25 GHz are designed using modified split ring resonators (MSRR). By using the effective parameters of the designed structure, a sensitivity improvement of 10 times is achieved numerically. The improvement is verified using fabricated MSRR structures. The sensitivity of the small loop is enhanced by 9 times for a λ/12.2 sized metallic target. The sensitivity improvements are achieved within the frequency band where the MSRR structures behave as a μ-negative SNG material.
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Theory, Design and Development of Artificial Magnetic MaterialsYousefi, Leila January 2009 (has links)
Artificial Magnetic Materials (AMMs) are a subgroup of metamaterials which are engineered to provide desirable magnetic properties not seen in natural materials. These artificial structures are designed to provide either negative or enhanced positive (higher than one) relative permeability. AMMs with negative permeability are used to develop Single Negative (SNG), or Double Negative (DNG) metamaterials. AMMs with enhanced positive permeability are used to provide magneto-dielectric materials at microwave frequencies where the natural magnetic materials fail to work efficiently. AMMs are realized by embedding metallic resonators in a host dielectric. These inclusions provide desirable magnetic properties near their resonance frequency.
Artificial magnetic materials used as SNG, or DNG have many applications such as: sub-wavelength cavity resonators, sub-wavelength parallel-plate wave guides, sub-wavelength cylindrical and spherical core–shell systems, efficient electrically small dipole antennas, super lenses, THz active devices, sensitivity enhancement near-field probes using double and single negative media, and mutual coupling reduction between antennas. On the other hand, artificial magnetic materials used as magneto-dielectrics have other applications in developing enhanced bandwidth efficient miniaturized antennas, low profile enhanced gain antennas using artificial magnetic superstrates, wide band woodpile Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structures, EBGs with enhanced in-phase reflection bandwidth used as artificial magnetic ground planes.
In this thesis, several advances are added to the existing knowledge of developing artificial magnetic materials, in terms of analytical modeling, applications, realization, and experimental
To realize AMMs with miniaturized unit cells, new inclusions based on fractal Hilbert curves are introduced, and analyzed. Analytical models, numerical full wave simulation, and experimental characterization are used to analyze, and study the new structures. A comprehensive comparison is made between the new inclusions, and perviously developed inclusions in terms of electromagnetic properties. The new inclusions have advantages of miniaturization, and less dispersion when compared to the existing structures in the literature.
To realize multi-band AMMs, unit cells with multiple inclusions are proposed, designed, and analyzed. The new unit cells can be designed to give the desired magnetic properties either
over distinguished multiple frequency bands, or over a single wide frequency band. Numerical full wave simulation is used to verify the proposed concept, and analytical models are provided for design, and optimization of the new unit cells. Unit cells with different configurations are optimized to get a wideband responce for the effective permeability. Space mapping technique is used to provide a link between analytically optimized structures, and full wave numerical simulation results.
Two new methods are proposed for experimental characterization of artificial structures using microstrip, and strip line topologies. Using numerical results, the effect of anisotropy on the accuracy of the extracted parameters are investigated, and a fitting solution is proposed, and verified to address this challenge. New structures based on 2nd , and 3rd order fractal Hilbert curves are fabricated, and characterized using microstrip line, and strip line fixtures. Experimental results are presented, and compared with numerical results. The new experimental methods have advantages of lower cost, easier to fabricate and measure, and smaller sample size when compared to the existing methods in the literature.
A new application is proposed for use of magnetic materials to develop wide band artificial magnetic conductors (AMC). Analytical models, and numerical analysis is used to validate the concept. A new ultra wideband AMC is designd, and analysed. The designed AMC is used as the ground plane to develop a low profile high gain ultra wide band antenna. The designed antenna is simulated, and its return loss, and gain is presented over a wide range of frequencies.
A comprehensive study is presented on the performance of AMMs for the application of miniaturized antennas. A miniaturized antenna, using fractal Hilbert metamaterials as substrate, is fabricated, and measured. Measurement results are presented, and compared with numerical results. A parametric study is presented on the effect of the constitutive parameters of the artificial
substrate on the performance of the miniaturized antenna. In this study, the effect of magnetic loss of AMM on the gain, and efficiency of the antenna, as well as the effect of dispersion of AMM on the bandwidth of the antenna is investigated.
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Electromagnetic Metamaterials for Antenna ApplicationsSajuyigbe, Adesoji January 2010 (has links)
<p>This dissertation examines the use of artificial structured materials -- known as metamaterials -- in two antenna applications in which conventional dielectric materials are otherwise used. In the first application, the use of metamaterials to improve the impedance matching of planar phased array antennas over a broad range of scan angles is explored. A phased array antenna is composed of an array of antenna elements and enables long-distance signal propagation by directional radiation. The direction of signal propagation is defined as the scan angle. The power transmission ratio of a phased array is the ratio of the radiated power to the input power, and depends on the scan angle. The variation in the power transmission ratio is due to the different mutual coupling contributions between antenna elements at different scan angles. An optimized stack of dielectric layers, known as a wide-angle impedance matching layer (WAIM), is used to optimize the power transmission ratio profile over a broad range of scan angles. In this work, the use of metamaterials to design anisotropic WAIMs with access to a larger range of constitutive parameters -- including magnetic permeability -- to offer an improved power transmission ratio at a broad range of scan angles is investigated. </p>
<p>In the second antenna application, a strategy to create maximally transmissive and minimally reflective electromagnetic radome materials using embedded metamaterial inclusions is introduced. A radome is a covering used to protect an antenna from weather elements or provide structural function such as the prevention of aerodynamic drag. A radome should be made from a fully transparent and non-refractive material so that radiated fields from and to the enclosed antenna are not disrupted. The aim of this research was to demonstrate that embedded metamaterial inclusions can be used to isotropically adjust the dielectric properties of a composite material to a desired value. This strategy may lead to the creation of a structural material with electromagnetic properties close to air, thus reducing the detrimental scattering effects often associated with conventional radome materials.</p>
<p>Chapter 1 introduces the concept of metamaterials and discusses the use of subwavelength metallic structures to artificially engineer constitutive parameters such as permeability of permittivity. In Chapter 2, the analytical formulations that enable the characterization of the transmission performance of a planar phased array covered with anisotropic impedance matching layers are developed. Chapter 3 discusses the design rules that must govern the design parameters of anisotropic WAIMs realizable using metamaterials, and also presents examples of anisotropic impedance matching layers that provide a maximum power transmission ratio for most scan angles. In addition, numerical and experimental results on a metamaterial placed over a phased array are presented. In Chapter 4, the feasibility of using metamaterials to realize a minimally transparent and fully transmissive radome material is numerically investigated. In Chapter 5, experimental results that corroborate earlier numerical simulation results are analyzed.</p> / Dissertation
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Microwave Metamaterial Applications using Complementary Split Ring Resonators and High Gain Rectifying Reflectarray for Wireless Power TransmissionAhn, Chi Hyung 2010 August 1900 (has links)
In the past decade, artificial materials have attracted considerable attention as potential solutions to meet the demands of modern microwave technology for simultaneously achieving component minimization and higher performance in mobile communications, medical, and optoelectronics applications. To realize this potential, more research on metamaterials is needed.
In this dissertation, new bandpass filter and diplexer as microwave metamaterial applications have been developed. Unlike the conventional complementary split ring (CSRR) filters, coupled lines are used to provide larger coupling capacitance, resulting in better bandpass characteristics with two CSRRs only. The modified bandpass filters are used to deisgn a compact diplexer. A new CSRR antenna fed by coplanar waveguide has also been developed as another metamaterial application. The rectangular shape CSRRs antenna achieves dual band frequency properties without any special matching network. The higher resonant frequency is dominantly determined by the outer slot ring, while the lower resonant frequency is generated by the coupling between two CSRRs. The proposed antenna achieves about 35 percent size reduction, compared with the conventional slot antennas at the low resonant frequencies.
As a future alternative energy solution, space solar power transmission and wireless power transmission have received much attention. The design of efficient rectifying antennas called rectennas is very critical in the wireless power transmission system. The conventional method to obtain long distance range and high output power is to use a large antenna array in rectenna design. However, the use of array antennas has several problems: the relatively high loss of the array feed networks, difficultiy in feeding network design, and antenna radiator coupling that degrades rectenna array performance.
In this dissertation, to overcome the above problems, a reflectarray is used to build a rectenna system. The spatial feeding method of the reflectarray eliminates the energy loss and design complexity of a feeding network. A high gain rectifying antenna has been developed and located at the focal point of the reflectarray to receive the reflected RF singals and genterate DC power. The technologies are very useful for high power wireless power transmission applications.
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Sub-wavelength electromagnetic phenomena in plasmonic and polaritonic nanostructures: from optical magnetism to super-resolutionUrzhumov, Yaroslav A., 1979- 29 August 2008 (has links)
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