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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studium dynamických vlastností magnetických nanostruktur a nanostrukturovaných metamateriálů pomocí magneto-optických metod / Magneto-optical study of the dynamic properties of magnetic nanostructures and nanostructured metamaterials

Flajšman, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
Magnonika je novým odvětvím výzkumu, který se zabývá fyzikou spinových vln. Magnonika jako vědní obor nabízí nové možnosti například v nediskrétních výpočtech na základě vlnového charakteru spinových vln. Při výrobě magnonických prvků klasickými metodami není možné příliš měnit charakter materiálů, ze kterých jsou jednotlivé prvky vyrobeny. Tento fakt silně omezuje univerzálnost vyrobených struktur. Cílem této práce je aplikovat nový typ materiálu do oboru magnoniky. Specifikum daného materiálu je možnost zápisu magnetických struktur pomocí iontového svazku. Ukazuje se, že tyto struktury mají velice zajímavé magnetické vlastnosti, které lze velice přesně řídit právě strategií ozařování iontovým svazkem. Na základě fázově rozlišené Brillouinovy spektroskopie jsme získali disperzní relaci spinových vln v tomto systému a tím i důležité parametry systému. Pozorování podkládáme mikromagnetickými simulacemi a analytickými modely. Vlastnosti systému pro magnonické aplikace prezentujeme na třech prototypických sadách struktur, které nelze vyrobit pomocí klasických materiálů.

Studium růstu metastabilních tenkých vrstev fcc Fe na Cu/Si(100) substrátech / Growth of metastable fcc Fe thin films on Cu/Si(100) substrates

Horký, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the preparation of epitaxially grown metastable paramagnetic Fe films alloyed by Ni on Cu/Si(100) substrates at RT. Molecular beam epitaxy of Cu(100) buffer layer was performed on H-Si(100) native SiO2 free samples treated by etching in HF or thermal treatment. The epitaxially grown Cu layers with thickness ranging from 50 up to 130 nm serves as suitable substrate for the deposition of 44-ML-thick paramagnetic Fe78Ni22. The film growth was taking place in CO atmosphere and as well as Ni it led to paramagnetic film stabilization. The structural and magnetic ion-beam-induced transformation of desired Fe-Ni structure was performed and propeties of irradiated films were characterized afterwards by MOKE. Then some specific patterns on Si(100) by e-beam litography were fabricated and they served as suitable matrix for Cu(100) buffer layer and paramagnetic Fe. Prepared Si(100), globally and locally deposited metal films were examined by LEED, XPS, AFM, AES, SEM a STM. The recorded results showed the possibility of paramagnetic films preparation on H-Si(100) where it was possible to make ferromagnetic patterns on paramagnetic background by irradiation of specific ion dose.

Fázové transformace a mikrostrukturní změny ve slitině TIMET LCB / Fázové transformace a mikrostrukturní změny ve slitině TIMET LCB

Šmilauerová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
In the present work, phase transformations in TIMETAL LCB tita- nium alloy and their influence on mechanical properties were studied. Different initial conditions were prepared by solution treating above β-transus immedi- ately followed by heat treatment in α/β temperature regime. These resulted in different grain boundary α thicknesses and contiguities at a fixed α vol- ume fraction. The subsequent ageing response of this material was studied by low temperature ageing at 400 ◦ C, 450 ◦ C and 500 ◦ C. Phase transformations were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and resistivity measurements. Mechan- ical properties were investigated using microhardness measurements and tensile tests. It has been proved that metastable ω phase is formed during annealing at 400 ◦ C and 450 ◦ C. ω particles further transform to very fine precipitates of α phase when exposed to annealing for longer time periods. These fine precip- itates significantly contribute to increase of microhardness and achieving high value of yield stress. Keywords: Metastable beta Ti alloys, phase transformations, microstructure changes, ω phase 1

Optical and Mass Spectrometric Studies of a Helium Dielectric-Barrier Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet Used as an Ambient Desorption Ionization Source

Heywood, Matthew Spencer 06 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Recently there has been a surge in the field of mass spectrometry centered around the concept of rapid analysis of target analytes with minimal or no sample preparation. The target analyte undergoes desorption from its surface of origin and is subsequently ionized under ambient conditions. The technique is termed ambient desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (ADI-MS). Since the introduction of ADI-MS in 2004, there has been an explosion of research based around the development of novel ambient desorption/ionization (ADI) sources with the capability of desorbing and ionizing a variety of target analytes from various sampling surfaces. One type of ADI source uses the properties of an electrical discharge, typically a helium gas plasma, for desorption and ionization. For electrical-discharge-based sources, ionization is the result of an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) process. The initiation of the APCI process it generally attributed to the Penning ionization of atmospheric nitrogen (N2) by highly energetic helium metastable species (Hem). In this work, I describe the direct imaging of the densities of helium metastable atoms in atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) of a helium-based dielectric-barrier discharge (DBD) using collisionally-assisted laser-induced fluorescence. Axial Hem distributions are compared to the emission of excited helium (He*) and nitrogen ion (N2+*) species in the plasma. A correlation is found between Hem densities and the performance of the ionization source in ADI-MS. Fluorescence images also show that Hem densities increase substantially when a glass slide is placed 10 mm from the discharge capillary in a geometry typical for desorption/ionization experiments. Advantage is taken of the time-varying nature of the plasma to produce axial profiles of temporally and spectrally resolved fluorescence images of Hem atoms and ground state nitrogen ions in the plasma jet. The axial distribution and similarities in the temporal behavior of the helium metastable and ground state nitrogen ion species give strong evidence that nitrogen ion species are created via Penning ionization by helium metastable atoms. Although axial distributions of He*,N2+*, and N2* emission support the fluorescence data, temporally-resolved emission measurements show that emission from key plasma species is almost entirely the result of excitation by a temporal energy wave. The effect that hydrogen (H2) has on the helium metastable atom densities is also presented. The addition of hydrogen to the discharge gas severely quenches the metastable state, leaving it virtually undetectable. The addition of 0.9% H2 to the helium in the source provides an order of magnitude increase in ADI-MS signal for target analytes despite the quenching of the Hem population.

Transformations de phase et évolutions des microstructures dans l'alliage de titane beta Ti-B19 / Phase transformations and microstructure evolutions in metastable beta titanium alloy Ti-B19

Chang, Hui 28 October 2010 (has links)
Les évolutions de microstructures du nouvel alliage chinois Ti B19 ont été étudiées au cours de divers traitements thermiques et des relations entre microstructures et propriétés mécaniques ont été établies. Les cinétiques de transformations isothermes ont été établies par des mesures de résistivité électrique. Les structures et microstructures ont été caractérisées par DRX synchroton, Microscopies Optiques et Electroniques (MEB, MET). Les cinétiques de transformation et les caractéristiques microstructurales. Les cinétiques de transformation isothermes ont été obtenues, analysées (loi JMAK), et cet ensemble de résultats a conduit à l'établissement du diagramme TTT de l'alliage TiB19. Enfin il a été montré que la vitesse de chauffage a une très forte influence sur les transformations mises en jeu, et qu'une pré déformation plastique accélère les cinétiques de transformation (introduction de nouveaux sites de germination). Enfin les cinétiques de transformation ont été caractérisées en refroidissement continu depuis le domaine monophasé bêta. Une première approche de la modélisation des cinétiques de transformation a été menée en utilisant le loi JMAK et le principe d'additivité de Scheil. Enfin les relations entre microstructures et propriétés sont discutés / The phase transformations and microstructure evolutions has been characterized for different thermal treatments, and the relationships between final microstrures and properties have been investigated in the new metastable Ti-B19 alloy. The isothermal phase transformation kinetics and the influence of different heat treatment phaths have been establisheb by using in-situ electrical Resistivity. The structures have been determined by synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction and the microstructures were observed by SEM and TEM. The results show that phase transformation kinetics and microstructure characteristics are strongly dependent on the aging temperature (ranging from 300 to 700°C). The global isothermal phase transformation phase transformation kinetics has been got and anallyzed with JMAK equation, and the TTT diagram of Ti-B19 alloy has been established. We have also shown that the heating rate has remarkable influence on the isothermal phase transformation behaviors and the pre-deformation accelerates the transformation kinetics. The microstructure evolutions during cooling are obviously dependent on the cooling rates. A first attempt has been made to calculate the transformation kinetics during cooling using JMAK law and Scheil principle. Finally, the relationship between mechanical properties and microstructure has been discussed

Studium fázových transformací ve slitinách Ti / Studium fázových transformací ve slitinách Ti

Zháňal, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
In this work phase transformations in metastable β Ti-15Mo alloy were studied using electrical resistivity measurements. The alloy was subjected to a solution treatment at a temperature higher than β- transus and quenched in water. In this condition, the microstructure of Ti-15Mo alloy consists of a metastable β - matrix and ω-phase particles. During in-situ electrical resistivity measurement in a specially designed furnace, significant temperature points which indicate phase transformations in the material were detected. The dependence of electrical resistivity on the temperature changes during heating between increasing and decreasing according to the ongoing phase transformation. The changes were observed at temperatures 225, 356 and 560 řC. A further study of these phase transformations using electrical resistivity measurements was performed on various heat treated specimens. In order to control the microstructure evolution in the material, scanning and transmission electron microscopy was used. Mechanical properties were studied using Vickers microhardness testing. The obtained results serve to identify the type and sequence of phase transformations which take place in the Ti-15Mo alloy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Traitement de l’acétaldéhyde par décharges électriques impulsionnelles dans les mélanges de gaz atmosphériques : cinétique et efficacité énergétique / Treatment of acetaldehyde by pulsed electric discharges in mixtures of atmospheric gases : kinetic and energy efficiency

Faider, Wilfrid 14 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’analyse de la cinétique de la conversion de l’acétaldéhyde, CH₃CHO, à des concentrations initiales inférieures ou égale à 5000 ppm dans un mélange de gaz à base d’azote et contenant jusqu’à 20% d’oxygène, à température ambiante. L’étude a été réalisée en utilisant trois réacteurs mettant en œuvre des décharges de qualités spatiales différentes. Il s’agit d’un réacteur (UV510) à décharge pré-ionisée (photo-déclenchée) par rayonnement UV produisant un plasma homogène, et de deux réacteurs à décharge à barrière diélectrique (DBD), de géométrie plane (plan-plan) et de géométrie cylindrique (tige-tube) alimentés par impulsion HT et produisant des plasmas non homogènes à faible (plan) ou forte (cylindre) filamentation ; un diagnostic d’imagerie rapide (ns) de la DBD de géométrie plane montre que le plasma peut être considéré quasi-homogène. En s’appuyant sur une modélisation 0D auto-cohérente de la décharge photo-déclenchée, l’étude de la cinétique du mélange N₂/CH₃CHO montre l’importance des états métastables de la molécule d’azote, triplet A³Σu⁺, et singlets (groupe a' ¹∑⁻u, a ¹∏g, et w ¹Δu) dans la dissociation de l’acétaldéhyde. Un coefficient minimum de 6.5×10⁻¹¹ cm³.s⁻¹ est estimé pour le quenching des singlets par l’acétaldéhyde. Le coefficient du triplet est estimé entre 4.2×10⁻¹¹ cm³.s⁻¹ et 6.5×10⁻¹¹ cm³.s⁻¹. Cette dissociation produit des radicaux (CH₃, CH₃CO, HCO, H, O) et des molécules (CH₄, CH₂CO, C₂H₄, C₂H₂, H₂, CO). Ainsi les sous-produits majoritaires mesurés à la fin de la post décharge temporelle sont le méthane, le dihydrogène, le monoxyde de carbone et l’éthane. Les minoritaires sont l’acétylène, l’éthène, l’acétone et l’acétonitrile. Dans les mélanges contenant de l’oxygène, l’importance de la dissociation de CH₃CHO par quenching des états métastables de N₂ diminue au profit des processus d’oxydation par le radical hydroxyle, OH, et l’oxygène atomique, O (³P). La mesure résolue en temps du radical OH dans la post-décharge du réacteur UV510 montre une très forte réactivité de ce radical avec les sous-produits de conversion de l’acétaldéhyde. Une densité maximum de OH égale à 3.5×10¹⁴ cm⁻³ a été mesurée pour 10 % d’oxygène et 5000 ppm d’acétaldéhyde. Le schéma cinétique adopté pour ces mélanges donne, par la modélisation auto-cohérente, une valeur de densité plus élevée. Toutefois, la conversion de l’acétaldéhyde dans N₂/O₂/CH₃CHO est bien expliquée par le modèle, de même que les concentrations produites de méthane et d’éthane. Enfin, la comparaison de l’efficacité énergétique des trois réacteurs étudiés montre que l’homogénéité de la décharge favorise, pour des milieux pauvres en oxygène (moins de 2 %), la conversion de l’acétaldéhyde. / The present study deals with the kinetics analysis of acetaldehyde (CH₃CHO) conversion in electrical discharges with different spatial qualities et at room temperature. Acetaldehyde concentrations up to 5000 ppm in nitrogen-based gas mixture containing up to 20% of oxygen have been investigated. Three different plasma reactors were used: an UV510 reactor producing a homogeneous plasma thanks to a pre-ionization by UV radiation (photo-triggered), a plane-to-plane and a rod-tube dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs) reactors, In both DBDs reactors discharges were driven by high voltage pulses allowing the production of weakly inhomogeneous plasma in the plane geometry and highly filamentary discharges in the cylindrical one. A high speed imaging diagnostic (ns range) of the plane-to-plane DBD shows that the plasma can be considered quasi-homogeneous. Based on a self-consistent 0D model, the kinetics study of the N₂/CH₃CHO mixture conversion in the photo-triggered discharge shows the importance of nitrogen molecule metastable states , i.e. the triplet A³Σu⁺ and the singlets group a' ¹∑⁻u, a ¹∏g, et w ¹Δu, in the acetaldehyde dissociation process. A minimum coefficient of 6.5×10⁻¹¹ cm³.s⁻¹ has been estimated for the quenching of N₂ singlets state by acetaldehyde. For the triplet states quenching the coefficient of has been evaluated between 4.2×10⁻¹¹ cm³.s⁻¹ and 6.5×10⁻¹¹ cm³.s⁻¹. This dissociation process produces radicals as CH₃, CH₃CO, HCO, H, O, and molecules like CH₄, CH₂CO, C₂H₄, C₂H₂, H₂, CO. Thus, the major by-products detected at the end of the post-discharge time are methane, hydrogen, carbon monoxide and ethane; smaller amounts of acetylene, ethene, acetone and acetonitrile were also detected. In containing oxygen mixtures, the importance of the CH3CHO dissociation processes due to N₂ metastable states quenching of decreases in favor of oxidation processes promoted by the hydroxyl radical, OH, and atomic oxygen, O (³P). Time-resolved measurements of the OH radical in the photo-triggered post-discharge show a very high reactivity of this radical with the by-products of acetaldehyde conversion. A maximum density of OH radical equal to 3.5×10¹⁴ cm⁻³ was measured for 10% oxygen and 5000 ppm of acetaldehyde. The kinetic scheme adopted in the self-consistent model for the same gas mixture gives a higher density value; by the way the model is in good agreement with the acetaldehyde conversion in N₂/O₂/CH₃CHO mixtures, as well as with the methane and ethane produced concentrations. Finally, the comparison of the three studied reactors energy efficiency shows that, for low oxygen content (less than 2%), the homogeneity of the discharge promotes the acetaldehyde conversion.

Molecular cluster cations of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

Bulat, Muhammer 27 December 2010 (has links)
Diese Dissertation handelt vom metastabilen Zerfall und von der Oberflächenwechselwirkung im hyperthermalen Energiebereich relativ schwach gebundener molekularer Kohlenmonoxid und Kohlendioxid Clusterkationen mit einer Edelstahloberfläche und einer Siliziumoberfläche. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein hierfür geeignetes spezielles Flugzeitmassenspektrometer entwickelt und aufgebaut. Entwurf, numerische Optimierung der Auflösung, ionenoptische Simulationen und Aufbau der jeweiligen Komponenten wie Elektronenquellen, Beschleuniger, Ablenkplatten, Massenfilter und Reflektron werden detailliert beschrieben. Das entwickelte Flugzeitmassenspektrometer besitzt mit einer kompakten Gesamtfluglänge von ~1.5m eine hohe Massenauflösung von m/Delta m = 3000. Es bietet die Möglichkeit, eine Massentrennung von Clusterionen mit einer Größe von bis zu n = 190 vorzunehmen. Diese massenselektierten Clusterionen können daraufhin auf metastabilen Zerfall und auf ihre Wechselwirkung mit einer Oberfläche untersucht werden. Dazu wurden Kohlendioxid-Clusterionen mit n / This thesis deals with the metastable decay and the surface scattering in the hyperthermal energy range of relatively weakly bound molecular cluster cations. With carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide two related model systems were chosen for a systematic size dependent study. Surface impact experiments were carried out with stainless steel and silicon surfaces. Results were obtained by a new, reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer (Re-TOFMS). Additional to the experimental data we present in this work a detailed description of the instrumental design considerations, numerical optimization, ion optical simulations. Hence each ion optical component like electron guns, accelerator, deflector, mass gate and reflectron are described. Despite the compact dimensions with a total flight length of ~1.5m the developed instrument possesses a high mass resolution above m/Delta m = 3000. Additionally it offers the possibility to perform mass separation of big cluster ions with sizes n

Condensados em redes ópticas periódicas / Condensates in periodic optical lattices

Matsushita, Eduardo Toshio Domingues 06 August 2007 (has links)
Utilizamos o modelo de Bose-Hubbard para estudar as estabilidades dinâmica e termodinâmica dos condensados numa rede óptica periódica circular. O nosso principal objetivo foi investigar a existência de condensados metaestáveis no sistema. Deduzimos e resolvemos a equação de Gross-Pitaevskii e, a partir da análise das soluções, foi possível mostrar que o sistema se condensa em estados com momento modular bem definido. Esses estados formam uma base que diagonaliza o termo que descreve o tunelamento atômico no hamiltoniano de Bose-Hubbard. No contexto da teoria de Bogoliubov deduzimos para cada condensado, o hamiltoniano efetivo cuja diagonalização determina o espectro das excitações coletivas do sistema. Identificamos corretamente o modo de energia zero, conseqüência da violação da conservação do número de átomos, e verificamos que este possui momento modular igual ao do condensado. No estudo da estabilidade vimos que todos os condensados com momento modular nos 2º e 3º quadrantes são termodinamicamente instáveis e as respectivas condições de estabilidade dinâmica dependem dos parâmetros de controle do sistema. Por outro lado os condensados com momento modular nos 1º e 4º quadrantes são todos dinamicamente estáveis enquanto que, nesse caso, é a estabilidade termodinâmica que depende dos parâmetros de controle do sistema. Nessa análise verificamos que o condensado com momento modular zero, que corresponde ao mínimo global da energia, é sempre estável. Determinamos exatamente o intervalo nos parâmetros de controle a partir do qual podemos encontrar condensados metaestáveis no sistema. Examinamos como a competição entre as intensidades dos termos de tunelamento e repulsão local afeta a estabilidade dos condensados. Essa competição define dois regimes distintos: Rabi, onde a coerência entre estados localizados nos sítios é mantida, e Fock, onde não há mais essa coerência e a aplicabilidade da aproximação de Bogoliubov é questionável. / We use the Bose-Hubbard model to study the dynamical and thermodynamical stabilities of condensates in a circular periodic optical lattice. Our main goal was to investigate the existence of metastable condensates in the system. We derive and solve the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and from the analysis of the solutions it was possible to show that the system condenses in states with well-defined modular momentum. These states constitute a basis that diagonalizes the term of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian which describes the dynamics of atomic tunneling. In the framework of Bogoliubov theory we determine, for each condensate, the effective Hamiltonian whose diagonalization give us the collective excitation spectrum of the system. We show that the mode associated to a zero eigenvalue, which is a consequence of the violation of atoms number conservation, has the same modular momentum of the condensate. The condensates with modular momentum in the 2nd and 3rd quadrants are all thermodynamically unstable whereas the dynamical stability depends on the control parameters. On the other hand, the condensates with modular momentum in the 1st and 4th quadrants are all dynamically stable whereas the thermodynamical stability depends on the control parameters. Our analysis shows that the condensate with modular momentum zero, which corresponds to a global minimum of energy, is always stable independently of the control parameters. We determine, exactly, the range on the control parameters where it is possible to detect metastability in the system. We have studied how the competition between the intensities of the tunneling and local interaction terms affects the stability of the condensates. This competition defines two distinct regimes: Rabi, where the coherence between states localized in the sites is achieved, and Fock, where this coherence is not achieved and the validity of Bogoliubov approximation is questionable.

Création et caractérisation d’une source ajustable de paires d’atomes corrélés / Creation and characterization of a tunable source of correlated atoms pairs

Ruaudel, Josselin 11 December 2013 (has links)
Ce mémoire de thèse décrit la création expérimentale et la caractérisation d'une source de paires d'atomes corrélés. Cette source ajustable repose sur l'utilisation du mélange à quatre ondes dans un réseau optique. Les paires ainsi créées sont similaires aux paires de photons produites par conversion paramétrique et ouvrent la porte à la réalisation d'expériences élaborées d'optique atomique quantique. En plaçant un condensat de Bose-Einstein dans un réseau en mouvement, les conditions d'accord de phase sont vérifiées et des atomes jumeaux sont alors produits spontanément. Grâce à un détecteur d'atomes uniques résolu à trois dimensions nous avons pu caractériser la source de paires obtenue. Nous avons ainsi étudié en profondeur les conditions d'accord de phase, prouvant que les atomes sont diffusés de manière préférentielle dans deux fines classes de vitesses qui conservent l'impulsion et l'énergie. En modifiant la vitesse et la durée du réseau par rapport aux atomes, il est possible de choisir les modes de sorties et leurs populations ce qui rend ce processus ajustable. De plus, nous avons pu mettre en évidence l'importance des interactions et en particulier des effets de champ moyen qui viennent modifier la conservation de l'énergie. La détection d'atome unique permet également d'étudier les propriétés statistiques des atomes jumeaux, nous avons ainsi pu mettre en évidence de fortes corrélations entres les atomes issus d'une même paire. Nous avons également observé une réduction sous le bruit de grenaille du bruit sur la différence du nombre d'atomes dans les modes corrélés. Cette réduction est une indication forte du caractère non classique des paires produites / This thesis describes the experimental realization and characterization of a source of pairs of correlated atoms. This tunable source is based upon four waves mixing in an optical lattice. The created atomic pairs are similar to photon pairs made by parametric down conversion and open the way toward more elaborate quantum atom optic experiments. By placing a Bose-Einstein condensate in a moving optical lattice the phase matching conditions are fulfilled and twins atoms are spontaneously produced. Thanks to a single atom detector with three-dimensional resolution, we were able to characterize our source of pairs. By studying the phase matching conditions, we proved that the atoms are preferentially produced in two narrow velocity classes conserving both momentum and energy. By modifying the duration and the velocity of the lattice with respect to the atoms, one can tune the output modes and their populations providing a fully tunable process. Moreover, we have demonstrated the important effect of interactions -especially of mean field effects- that modifies the energy conservation. The single atom detection provided also a convenient way to look at statistical properties of the twins atoms: we have demonstrated strong correlation between atoms from the same pair and also we have observed a reduction below the shot noise of the noise on the number of atoms in correlated modes. Such a reduction is a strong indication of the non-classical nature of the produced atomic pairs.

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