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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investicinio projekto efektyvumo vertinimas / Evaluation of investment project performance

Žagunienė, Agnė 27 June 2014 (has links)
ŽAGUNIENĖ, Agnė (2011) Investicinio projekto įvertinimo metodika. Magistro baigiamasis darbas. Vilniaus Universitetas Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas. 74p. SANTRAUKA Temos aktualumas. Investicijų didinimas į šalies ūkį yra viena iš veiksmingiausių priemonių, skatinanti ne tik bendrą ekonomikos augimą, bet ir prisidedanti prie struktūrinių permainų, kurių dėka ekonomikos augimo tempai įgytų stabilumo. Nors valstybių investicijos ir prisideda prie šio proceso spartinimo, tačiau tik įtraukus privatų sektorių galima tikėtis esminių permainų. Kartu reikia paţymėti, kad investicijos ne mažiau reikšmingos ir įmonėms. Investicijos yra vienas iš svarbiausių veiksnių, turinčių įtakos įmonių finansinei būklei, veiklos plėtrai, tęstinumui ir konkurencingumui. Tik retais atvejais įmonės imasi įgyvendinti nuostolingą investicinį projektą, turėdamos kitų nekomercinių tikslų ir iš anksto sutikdamos su patiriamais nuostoliais. Magistro darbe išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių investicinių projektų efektyvumo įvertinimo būdai, reiškinių plėtros prognozavimo bei rodiklių tarpusavio ryšių tyrimo modeliai. Išsamiai išnagrinėta įmonės esamos veiklos finansinė būklė, atliktas investicinės plėtros planavimas bei įvertinta jos įtaka bendrai įmonės finansinei situacijai. Atlikta uždaros akcinės bendrovės investicinio projekto efektyvumo vertinimas. Darbą sudaro Darbą sudaro trys dalys, 74 puslapiai, 18 paveikslų, 13 lentelių , 2 priedai, 77 literatūros šaltiniai. / ŽAGUNIENĖ, Agnė. (2011) Investment project evaluation methodologies. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. 74 p. SUMMARY Relevance of the topic. Increasing investments in the national economy is one of the most effective means to promote both the overall economic growth and the structural reforms in order to achieve stable economic growth rates While public investments contribute to the process, substantial changes can only be expected if the private sector is involved. It should be noted that investments are not less significant on the level of companies as they represent one of the most important factors influencing a company„s financial position, business development, going concern and competitiveness. Only in very rare cases companies launch loss-making investment projects having other, non-business objectives and agreeing to losses in advance. This master’s final work formulates problems of investment projects’ evaluation methodologies. It analyzes and systemizes theoretical and practical aspects into methods of investment projects’ The state of the company's financial activity was investigated thoroughly, the investment project for the development was made and its impact on the company's general financial situation was evaluated. Potentiality of investment project development was analyzed and its efficiency was assessed. Aim of the work. Investment project evaluation methodology. The work consists of 74 pages including, 13... [to full text]

Metodika vyšetřování sexuálních trestných činů (vybrané problémy) / Methodology for investigation of sex crimes (selected issues)

Úlovec, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Methodology for investigation of sex crimes (selected issues) Summary This diploma thesis called Methodology for investigation of sex crimes (selected issues) is focused on making the united methodology for rape investigation, pointing out the most important factors that influence knowledge of crime of rape using my own research and comparison of secondary victimization before and after the new victim`s rights act. I chose this theme because of it`s relevancy. I also had a good access to the court and to files. The thesis is divided into eleven chapters. First ten chapters are more theorecital and the last one is focused on my own research and analysis of results. First chapter deals with the theoretical aspects of rape. First part is focused on the history of this crime, second part is focused on the current criminal aspects of rape and third part is focused on the criminological aspects of rape. Second chapter is focused on criminal characteristic of rape, which is very important for the future investigation. It mainly contains information about the offender. Third to ninth chapters are focused on object of rape investigation, stimulus to investigation, typical investigative situations, frequent criminal actions and methods used during the rape investigation. The most frequent criminal actions are...

Netradiční výuka hry na housle / The Non-traditional Teaching Of Violin

Němcová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with alternative and non-traditional methods of violin playing especially for young children. The master's thesis describes the philosophy, history and use of these methods. Shinichi's Suzuki Talent Education Method, Szilvay Colourstring Brothers Method, Violin.nu - Swedish Method. It contains questionnaire for teachers, pupils and parents, and its final evaluation.

Zhodnocení současného stavu a péče o vybraná chráněná území Jesenicka

Šmerda, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Návrh metodiky hodnocení rekreačního potenciálu území

Carbol, Stanislav January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Tepelná stabilita mléka

Patrovský, Jiří January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

Zhodnocení současného stavu a péče o vybraná chráněná území Znojemska

Randusová, Kristýna January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Návrh metodiky pre podporu pracovného postupu automatizovaného testovania

Dupkala, Dávid January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Dupkala, D. Design of methodology to support automated testing workflow. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. The main theme of this diploma thesis is software testing process and automation of this process. Diploma thesis was written in collaboration with chosen software development company, in which the methodology will be implemented together with automated tests. The main goal of the thesis was to design methodology and approach for automated tests based on current state analysis of given area and also current state analysis of chosen company. Diploma thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. In theoretical part, necessary information and knowledge for creation of methodology are summarized. The output of practical part is designed methodology and subsequent implementation of automated tests.

Viešosios informacijos ir transporto portalų kūrimo ir testavimo metodika / Developing and testing method of the public information and transport portal

Lacitis, Aurimas 08 September 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos ir aprašomos viešosios informacijos ir transporto portalų kūrimo ir testavimo metodikos. Metodikos aprėpia visą portalo kūrimo ciklą t.y. analitinį procesą, siekiant apibrėžti funkcionalumą bei parinkti tinkamą transporto priemonių buvimo vietos nustatymo technologiją, portalo projektavimo, programavimo ir testavimo procesus paremtus moderniomis instrumentinėmis priemonėmis. Remiantis išnagrinėtomis metodikomis atliktas praktinis darbas – sukurtos tam tikros viešosios informacijos ir transporto portalo funkcijos, kurių viena iš pagrindinių yra transporto priemonės buvimo vietos nustatymas ir pavaizdavimas. Praktinėje dalyje aprašytos sukurtos funkcijos, vidiniai informaciniai srautai, sukurtų priemonių testavimo scenarijai, pagal kuriuos testuojamas portalas ir nustatomos jo veikimo kritinės vietos. Darbo metu yra suprogramuota dalis portalo funkcijų, LAS imitatorius, duomenų mainai tarp portalo ir LAS. Praktinis darbas parodo, kaip naudojant tinkamas metodikas išsprendžiamos transporto portalų, o kartu ir informacinių sistemų kūrimo, kokybės įvertinimo ir perdavimo užsakovui problemos. / Development and testing methods of public information and transport portals are studied and described in the final master work. The methods range whole cycle of the portal development including analysis, which lets you to define a functionality and choose right technology of determination of a transport vehicle position, design and generation, which include testing process. These processes are maintained by modern means. The practical work - developed public information and transport portal, which has main function to determine and show a position of a transport vehicle, is made and tested according to the studied methods. There are described developed functions, internal information flows, testing scenarios, which are used to test the portal and to find the most critical it’s working places, in the practical work. There is developed some part of the portal functionality, LAS imitator, data exchange between the portal and LAS. The practical work shows how development, quality rating and system acceptance problems can be solved if system is developed using right information system including information and transport portals development and testing methods.

Programų sistemų judriųjų (AGILE) kūrimo metodų analizė ir tyrimas / Analysis and research of agile software development methods

Paražinskas, Audrius 23 June 2014 (has links)
Paskutiniu metu vis daugiau įmonių naudoja Agile metodologiją kuriant programinę įrangą. Darbe aš analizuoju sistemos kūrimo modelius bei Agile metodologiją. Pagrindinis objektas ir yra Agile metodų analizė ir jų pritaikymas kuriant informacines sistemas. Pirmoje dalyje buvo analizuojami sistemos kūrimo metodų analizė. Buvo surašyti privalumai bei trūkumai klasikinių kūrimo metodų bei Agile metodų. Tolimesnei analizei buvo pasirinkta Agile metodologija. Antroje dalyje buvo sukurtas naujas metodas paremtas Agile metodologija, tam, kad pagerinti ir pagreitinti informacinių sistemų kūrimą. Eksperimentas buvo atliktas trečioje dalyje. Jis buvo daromas, kad patikrinti, ar naujasis metodas yra tikrai tinkamas informacinių sistemų kūrimui. Projekto rezultatai. Naujasis metodas vykdomas greičiau ir kainuoja pigiau palyginus su tradiciniais sistemų kūrimo metodais. Metodo esmė yra ta, kad vartotojo reikalavimai gali kisti bet kuriuo metu ir tai nesumaišys projekto planui. / In recent years more and more companies use the Agile methodology to create software. In this paper I analyze the system creation models and Agile methodology. The main object of the paper is the analysis of Agile methods and their application in creating information systems. Analysis of methods, the system creation methods was represented in the first part of the paper. The advantages and disadvantages of traditional creation methods and Agile methods were described in this part of the paper. The Agile methodology was chosen for the further analysis According to Agile methodology a new method was introduced in the second part of the paper. It was represented in order to improve and speed up the creation of information systems. The experiment was made in the third part of the paper. It was carried out in order to check the effectiveness of this new method for creating information systems. The results of the project. It is important to note that this new method is implemented faster and cost less compared to the traditional system creation methods. The main point of this method is that requirements of the user can change at any time but it will not change the cost and duration of the project.

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