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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A micromorphological analysis of continuity and discontinuity at PPNC Beisamoun Pond 11, Israel

Greenberg, Harris 13 February 2016 (has links)
Archaeologists working in the Eastern Mediterranean do not fully understand the relationship between the earliest known farming communities of the Early Neolithic and the earliest known proto-urban communities of the Late Neolithic, despite more than a century of intensive study. The ongoing excavations at Beisamoun Pond 11, in the Hula Valley of northern Israel (ca. late 8th – early 7th millennia BCE), provide a rare opportunity to better understand this transition. For this study, micromorphological analyses were performed on the earthen construction materials and the surrounding sediments from a large, multiphase structure and several partially preserved architectural features. These analyses were performed alongside excavation in order to clarify the stratigraphic relationships, site formation processes, and degree of preservation of context at the site. Five main conclusions are drawn. First, the earliest exposed layers were built on a sloping, irregularly surfaced wetland soil. Second, construction material at the Pond 11 area was composed of local silty clay loam mixed with ashes, dung, and plant temper. Third, construction material and archaeological accumulation degraded during a period of semi-abandonment, ca. 6700 – 6600 BCE, and the degradation products (e.g., adobe, ash, coprolites, and charcoal) are spread over 175 m. Fourth, several walls of the early Pond 11 structure survived for centuries and were reused during later periods of rebuilding. Finally, bioturbation and pooling water have greatly disturbed the upper layers; the earlier layers are better preserved. The micromorphological results lead to a discussion of community continuity and social memory during this period. The extent of the deposits indicates a large early site, which may have continued elsewhere after ca. 6600 BCE. The reuse and reoccupation of the main structure suggest continuity social values in the wider Beisamoun site, even as new forms of mortuary practice suggest social change. The conclusion adds to recent data that the Early to Late Neolithic transition was more gradual and subtle than claimed previously. At the methodological level, this dissertation provides a further example of the benefits of integrating micromorphology during ongoing excavation.

Influências de aspectos estruturais no colapso de solos do norte do Paraná / Influences of structural aspects in soil collapse on the north of Paraná

Nelcí Helena Maia Gutierrez 19 August 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o comportamento colapsível, sob o aspecto estrutural, de três perfis de solos tropicais típicos, que ocorrem na região norte do Paraná e que podem ser considerados representativos do território brasileiro. Dois desses perfis são classificados pela pedologia como Latossolos Vermelhos, um de textura argilosa e outro de textura média e o terceiro perfil, de textura argilosa, como Nitossolo Vermelho. Tem por objetivo, também, em função da abordagem pedológica adotada para a caracterização dos solos, poder associar comportamentos característicos observados para as diferentes classes estudadas, visando a extrapolação e aplicação desses conhecimentos a outros solos de ocorrência em zona tropical que se enquadrem nas mesmas classes dos materiais estudados. Ensaios edométricos simples e duplos foram conduzidos para a avaliação da colapsibilidade dos solos. O acompanhamento da evolução da macro e da microestrutura dos solos, antes e após colapso, através de análises micromorfológicas, permitiu estabelecer correlações com a dinâmica do colapso. Os resultados apontam um comportamento colapsível em todos os níveis dos perfis dos Latossolos enquanto que, para o horizonte característico do Nitossolo, as deformações volumétricas por inundação não foram suficientes para classificá-lo como colapsível. Os resultados ressaltam, ainda, a influência da tensão de pré-adensamento virtual e dos fatores pedogenéticos na variabilidade das características físicas dos solos analisados e na magnitude do colapso. Os maiores coeficientes de colapso parecem estar associados principalmente à presença, em maior proporção, de plasma microagregado com porosidade intermicroagregado fortemente comunicante; porosidade total elevada e existência de macroporos / Collapsible soils behavior, under the structural aspect, of three typical tropical soil profiles that occur in the region of North Paraná, considered representative in the national territory, are analysed at this thesis. Two of these profiles are classified by the pedology as Red Oxisoil, one of clayey texture and the other of medium texture. The third profile, of clayey texture is classified as Red Nitosols. The objective of this study is also to be able to extrapolate the result and behavior observed at this soil profiles for other sites which present similar characteristics on a pedological point of view. Double and simple oedometric tests were conducted for soil collapsibility evaluation. The evolution of the macro and microstructure of the soil were observed, before and after the collapse, through micromorphological analysis, allowing the establishment of correlations with the collapse dynamics. Test results point out to a collapsible behavior in all the levels of Oxisoil profile while for the characteristics horizon on Nitosol the volumetric deformation because of soaking was not sufficient to classify it as collapsible. Test results also highlight the influence of virtual pre-consolidation and pedogenetic factors in the variability of the physical characteristics of soil and in collapse magnitude. Highest collapsibility coefficient may to be mainly associated to the presence, in greater proportion, of microaggregate plasma with strongly communicating intermicroagregated void; high total porosity and the presence of macropores

Quantification par approche micromorphologique couplée à de l’analyse d’images de l’effet de la mise en culture et de l’apport de matières organiques sur l’intensité et la dynamique des processus de lessivage et de bioturbation à l’échelle pluri décennale / Quantification by a combination of a micromorphological approach with image analysis of lessivage and bioturbation rates in soils in response to land use and agricultural practices changes at a pluri-decennial time scale

Sauzet, Ophélie 18 November 2016 (has links)
La capacité du sol à fournir de nombreux services écosystémiques dépend de propriétés qui évoluent en permanence sous l’effet de multiples processus. Or, malgré leur importance, les dynamiques des processus de lessivage et de bioturbation de la fraction < 2 μm sont peu connues. Nous nous sommes alors fixés pour objectifs de i) développer et valider une méthode de quantification par analyse d’images de l’intensité de ces deux processus, ii) quantifier l’effet d’un à deux siècles de mise en culture et d’une dizaine d’années d’apports répétés de fumier sur leur intensité, et iii) d’en déduire des informations sur leur dynamique. Notre procédure d’analyse d’images repose sur une approche colorimétrique et texturale permettant de prendre en compte les différents niveaux d’organisation des sols. Le volume de sol bioturbé depuis 10 000 à 15 000 ans, est compris entre 65% du volume total à 40 cm de profondeur et 20 à 30% du volume total à 150 cm de profondeur soit une masse de sol déplacée de l’ordre de 6 500 t.ha-1 ou 1 700 t.ha-1 de fraction fine. Le processus d’illuviation est, quant à lui, à l’origine d’un flux de fraction fine de 1 100 t.ha-1. Les processus étudiés se sont montrés sensibles et étonnement réactifs aux forçages anthropiques. Deux cents ans de mise en culture ont eu pour résultats : i) une évolution de la structuration des sols sur au moins un mètre de profondeur, ii) une modification de l’architecture du volume de sol remanié par les vers de terre, et iii) une intensification du processus de lessivage. Une dizaine d’années d’apports répétés de fumier ont à l’inverse été en mesure de tamponner la plupart de ces évolutions. Cette réactivité inattendue des sols représente une opportunité en ce qu’il est possible d’orienter ces évolutions en fonction d’un objectif d’atténuation des effets du changement climatique notamment. / The intensity at which soils provide ecosystem services are function of soil properties that permanently evolved according to numerous processes. Lessivage and bioturbation are of crucial importance as they imply the clay size fraction but are still poorly characterized. This study aims at i) developing a digital 2D image analysis method to quantify both processes intensity, ii) quantifying the effect of two centuries of continuous cultivation and of a decade of organic amendments spreading on their intensity, and iii) characterizing their dynamics. We succeeded in quantifying those processes by carefully considering different levels of soil organization while combining a colorimetric and a textural approach. The percentage volume of worm-worked soil since 10 000 to 15 000 years is 65% at 40 cm depth and between 20 and 30% at 150 cm depth that corresponds to a soil mass flow of 6 500 t.ha-1, i.e. 1 700 t.ha-1 of clay size fraction. Illuviation is responsible for a clay size fraction mass flow of 1 100 t.ha-1. On a time scale as short as two centuries, cultivation was found to induce i) a change of the soil poral network characteristics until 1 meter depth, ii) a modification of the structure of the worm-worked soil volume, and finally iii) an increase of the lessivage intensity. A decade of organic matter spreading tended to lower the intensity of lessivage. Finally, our study points out the fact that soils are highly reactive and that our method may be particularly helpful to predict soil evolution while facing climate change among others.

Geoarchaeology of the Palaeolithic in the Aegean Basin, Greece: a deposit-centered approach and its implications for the study of hominin biogeography in the Pleistocene

Holcomb, Justin A. 09 November 2020 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three articles that develop and implement geoarchaeological approaches to the study of hominin biogeography in the Greek islands, a region that may have played a key role during the initial peopling of southeastern Europe in the Middle to Late Pleistocene (770 – 13 ka). The first article addresses the need to find Palaeolithic sites in the Greek islands by reviewing geoarchaeologically informed archaeological surveys that prioritize deposits – Pleistocene sediments and soils – on mainland Greece. I operationalize and implement a four-phase approach for future deposit-centered surveys in the islands. I conclude that future surveys should target geomorphic settings conducive to paleosol preservation, such as in near-shore coastal areas (e.g., uplifted hillslopes and actively eroding alluvial fans) marked by paleo-sea-level-indicators (sea notches, marine terraces, and aeolianites), as well as sediment depo-centers (e.g., internally drained basins) in non-coastal geomorphic settings. The second article develops and employs a multiscalar geoarchaeological approach for investigating and interpreting complex hillslope formation processes at the newly excavated Palaeolithic site of Stelida, located on the island of Naxos, Greece. Here, I integrate traditional geoarchaeological methods (lithostratigraphy, pedostratigraphy, allostratigraphy) with microarchaeological techniques, such as thin-section soil micromorphology and portable x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (pXRF) to separate sediments and soils aiding in the construction of a stratigraphic framework for Stelida.The third article further develops the method of integrating pXRF and soil micromorphology applied at the site-specific scale. In this article, I developed an Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) method for visualizing geochemistry-facies relationships through the application of pXRF to a resin-impregnated block sample preserving an Archaic (seventh century BCE) ash midden (eschara) from the site of Kalopodi, Greece.This dissertation addresses a primary research effort in Greece’s Aegean Basin (Greek islands): the search for and study of Palaeolithic archaeology dating to Middle and Late Pleistocene. Geoarchaeologically informed research designs, such as deposit-centered surveys in open-air environments, can increase Palaeolithic site inventories for the region by focusing on finding geomorphic settings conducive to paleosol preservation. Moreover, the multi-scalar geoarchaeological approaches here, which integrate sedimentology, pedology, micromorphology, and geochemistry, provide an effective approach for the identification and compositional (mineralogic and geochemical) study of paleosols within those settings.

Genesis, mineralogy, and micromorphology of vertic soils in southeastern Kansas

Hartley, Paul Evan January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / Michel D. Ransom / Many soils in southeastern Kansas are characterized by high clay contents and high shrink-swell potentials. Their vertic properties and claypan characteristics cause soil management to be difficult and pose problems for agricultural, environmental, and engineering uses. Thus, collecting more information and improving our understanding of these soils is an important step towards bettering our soil management techniques. The objectives of this study were to examine the morphology, processes of soil genesis, clay mineralogy, micromorphology, and potassium fixation potential of the soils of interest and how these characteristics varied between and within individual pedons. Ten pedons expected to represent varying degrees of vertic expression were selected. Methods included the use of field descriptions, routine soil laboratory characterization, micromorphological investigations, the determination of clay mineralogy by X-ray diffraction, and the measurement of potassium fixation potential. Field morphology reflected the geologic parent materials available in the region. The fine sediments that compose these clayey soils are primarily provided by the Pennsylvanian and Permian shales and limestones underlying this region and the Flint Hills to the west. Dominant pedogenic processes currently at work are clay illuviation and shrink-swell processes. Silty, non-expansive surface soils at all but sites 6 and 7 are thought to buffer the rapid wetting and drying cycles needed for maximum vertic expression. Four of the soils were dominated by smectitic minerals in the clay fraction while the rest exhibited a more mixed mineralogy. Disruption of illuvial clay features by shrink-swell movement was evident in thin section. Striated b-fabrics dominated the micromorphology except in non-expansive surface soils. K fixation of the soil surface was found to be negative in all soils, thus K fixation potential is considered very low. In subsurface horizons, K fixation generally increased with increasing vermiculite content. In addition to limited quantities of K-fixing clay minerals, naturally high K levels limited the amount of K fixation in this study. The information presented can be used to improve our understanding and management of high clay, vertic and claypan soils in southeastern Kansas.

Soil micromorphology and image analysis : a study of Bronze Age to recently improved soils at Lairg, Sutherland, Scotland

Acott, Timothy G. January 1993 (has links)
The applications of multispectral and morphometric image analysis to soil thin section descriptions is examined. It is shown that unsupervised classification and contrast stretching can be used to enhance and label features of interest. Morphometric measurements, allow the shape and abundance of features in thin sections to be compared and statistical relationships established. This method of analysis offers a precision beyond that which is possible using a qualitative approach. Using soil micromorphology as the main analytical technique a case study was carried out to evaluate the applicability of image analysis to an investigation of an archaeological site at Lairg in northern Scotland. The interactions of anthropogenic activity and pedogenesis since the Bronze Age is examined. The condition of the soils prior to the Bronze Age is not known because no buried soils predated this period. Evidence suggests that in freely draining situations complete podzols might have formed by this time. During the Bronze and Iron Age intensive cultivation of soils occurred with associated erosion. In areas of the site, where human activity is dated to the Post Medieval period, deepening of A horizons is apparent and the soils are maintained as Brown Podzols. In many areas where human activity stops stagnopodzols are the dominant soil type. The potential of image analysis to aid soil micromorphological descriptions is demonstrated. Contrast stretching aided a qualitative subdivision of thin section slides during the case study. Morphometric analysis confirmed a relationship between shape of voids and c/f ratios in an Iron Age buried A horizon, A PM buried A horizon and an undated deep topsoil. It is concluded that the full benefits of image analysis, when used as a routine tool to aid thin section descriptions, will only be realised when procedures become more interactive and processes can be speeded up.

Ornithogalum sect. Heliocharmos Baker (Hyacinthaceae, Ornithogaloideae) na Balkanskom poluostrvu i Panonskoj niziji: revizija nomenklature,taksonomije i rasprostranjenja / Ornithogalum sect. Heliochamors Baker (Hyacinthaceae, Ornithogaloideae) in Balkan Peninsula and Pannonian Plain: revision of nomenclature, taxonomy and distribution

Rat Milica 19 June 2019 (has links)
<p><em>Ornithogalum </em>sect.<em> Heliocharmos</em> je takson izuzetnih karakteristika koje ga čine istovremeno varijabilnim i prostim. Sa rasprostranjenjem na području Severne Afrike, Evrope i jugoistočne Azije jeste takson sa velikim arealom u familiji Hyacinthaceae. Iako je poznat iz pre-Lineovog perioda, sistematičan pristup u istraživa nju je bio<br />redak i vezan za određene geografske oblasti. Kako bi doprineli savremenom poznavanju taksona postavljeni su ciljevi istraživanja koji u osnovi imaju reviziju nomenklature, taksonomije i rasprostranjenja na području Balkanskog poluostrva<br />i Panonske nizije. U istraživanje je uključeno 15 taksona: serija <em>Platyphylla </em>i vrste <em>O</em>. <em>comosum, O.montanum, O. oligophyllum i O. fimbriatum</em>, i serija <em>Tenuifolia</em> i vrste <em>O</em>. <em>exscapum, O. dalmaticum, O. kochii, O. orbelicum, O. umbellatum, O. divergens,</em><br /><em>O. refractum, O. sibthorpii</em> i neimenovani hibrid. Uz pregled&nbsp; nomenklature dat je&nbsp; kritički osvrt na etimologiju roda <em>Ornithogalum</em>. Taksonomski status je određen na osnovu morfometrijskih i citotaksonomskih istraživanja. Morfometrijske analize su uključile morfolo&scaron;ke karakteristike &sbquo;herbarskih podataka&lsquo;, cveta i plodnika, kao i<br />uporednu anatomsku građu lista i cvetnog stabla. Osim toga posebno su analizirane&nbsp; kvalitativne morfolo&scaron;ke&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; i mikromorfologija semena i semenjače. Podaci su analizirani standardnim statističkim metodama za definisanje taksonomski informativnih karakteristika i određivanje zasebnih grupa u okviru analiziranih taksona: multivarijantna korespondentna analiza za kvalitativne karaktere i analize varijanse i diskriminantna analiza za kvantitativne karaktere. Za objedinjenu analizu kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih karaktera upotrebljena je Faktorska analiza me&scaron;ovitih podataka. Rezultati statističke obrade podataka su poslužili za kreiranje dihotomog ključa vrsta sekcije<em> Heliocharmos</em>. Citotaksonomska istraživanja, broj hromozoma i veličina genoma kod odabranih taksona su uključena u istraživanje i na<br />osnovu njih je dat citotaksonmski status za date vrste. Kako bi se ispitao uticaj sredinskih faktora na vrste sekcije<em> Heliocharmos</em>, ispitivana je&nbsp; korelacija odabranih ekolo&scaron;kih indikatora i fitohemijskih jedinjenja kod vrste <em>Ornithogalum umbellatum</em>.<br />Taksonomskim zaključcima prethodila je i revizija regionalnih i evropskih herbarijumskih kolekcija: BEO, BEOU, BP, BUNS, K, LJS, LJU, MKNH, PO, SARA, SOM, SO, SOA, W, WU, ZA, ZAGR, ZAHG, ZAHO; pregledane su i digitalne kolekcije:<br />B, BM, BRNU, E, F, FI, G, GE, GZU, HAL, JE, MJG, NAP, OXF, PI, U, MW. Na osnovu rezultata i zaključaka prethodnih analiza, i uz rezultate koji se nalaze u kreiranoj bazi podataka herbarskih eksikata, prikazano je rasprostranjenje vrsta Ornithogalum sect. Heliocharmos. Osim pregleda rasprostranjenja dat je osvrt na op&scaron;ti areal vrsta i<br />stani&scaron;ta. Revizija nomenklature, taksonomije i rasprostranjenja vrsta <em>Ornithogalum</em> sect. <em>Heliocharmos</em> na području Balkanskog poluostrva i Panonske nizije dala je pregled trenutnog znanja o istraživanom taksonu. Potvrđen je nesumnjiv značaj<br />istraživanog područja za diverzitet roda <em>Ornithogalum</em>. Sve ispitivane karakteristike su<br />pokazale određen stepen varijabilnosti ali su takođe i potvrdile svoj taksonomski značaj. Upotrebom različitih kombinacija taksomomskih karaktera svaka od vrsta sekcije može biti jasno opisana. Takav predlog istovremeno ukazuje i na nedostatke<br />u sistematskom pristupu <em>Ornithogalum </em>sect. <em>Heliocharmos</em>.&nbsp;</p> / <p><em>Ornithogalum </em>sect. <em>Heliocharmos </em>is a taxon of exceptional characteristics that make it concurrently variable and simple. With the distribution in North Africa, Europe and Southeast Asia, it is a large-scale taxon in the Hyacinthaceae family. Although known &nbsp; from the pre-Linean period, a systematic approach to research was rare and related to certain geographical areas. In order to contribute to the modern knowledge of the taxon, the goals of the research primarly have the revision of the nomenclature, taxonomy and distribution in the area of the Balkan Peninsula and the Pannonian Plain. The study included 15 taxa: ser. <em>Platyphylla </em>and species <em>O. comosum, O. montanum, O. oligophyllum and O. fimbriatum, and ser. Tenuifolia and O. exscapum</em>,&nbsp; <em>O.dalmaticum, O. kochii, O. orbelicum, O. umbellatum, O. divergens, O. refractum, O. sibthorpii a</em>nd unnamed hybrid. A review of the nomenclature includes a separate chapter a critical overview of the etymology of the genus<em> Ornithogalum</em>. Taxonomic status is determined based on morphometric and cytotaxonomic studies. Morphometric analyzes included&nbsp; morphological characteristics of &lsquo;herbarum data&#39;, flowers and ovary, as well as comparative anatomical structure of leaf and scape. In addition, qualitative morphological characteristics and micromorphology of seeds and testa were analyzed in particular. Data were analyzed by standard statistical methods for defining taxonomic information characteristics and determining separate&nbsp; groups within the analyzed taxon: Multivariate correspondent analysis for qualitative characters and analysis of variance and Discriminant analysis for quantitative characters. For the analysis of qualitative and quantitative characteristics, the Factoraial analysis of mixed data was used. The results of statistical data were used to create a dichotomous key of the <em>Heliocharmos</em> section type. Cytotaxonomic studies, the number of chromosomes and the genome size in selected taxons are included in the study, and cytotoxonomic status for the date of the species is presented. In order to examine the influence of the&nbsp; environmental factors on the section Heliocharmos, the correlation between selected ecological indicators and phytohemical compounds in the species<em> Ornithogalum</em> umbellatum was examined. Taxonomic conclusions were preceded by the revision of regional and European herbarium collections: BEO, BEOU, BP, BUNS, K, LJS, LJU, MKNH, PO, SARA, SO, SO, SOA, V, VU, ZA, ZAGR, ZAHG, ZAHO; digital collections were also revised: B, BM, BRNU, E, F, FI, G, GE, GZU,HAL, JE, MJG, NAP, OKSF, PI, U, MV. Based on the results&nbsp; and conclusions of the taxonomic part of study, and with the results deposited in the created herbarium database, the distribution of the species<em> Ornithogalum</em> sect. <em>Heliocharmos </em>is shown. In addition to reviewing the distribution of data, there is an overview of the general range of species and habitats preferences.Revision of nomenclature, taxonomy and distribution of the species <em>Ornithogalum</em> sect. <em>Heliocharmos </em>in the Balkan Peninsula and the Pannonian Plain gave an overview of the current knowledge of the investigated taxon. The undoubted importance of the investigated area for the diversity of the genus Ornithogalum was confirmed.&nbsp; All the characteristics, have shown a degree of variability but they also confirmed their taxonomic significance. Using different combinations of taxonomic characters, each species can be clearly described. Such a proposal also points to disadvantages in the systematic approach of <em>Ornithogalum</em> sect. <em>Heliocharmos</em>, that need to be further investigated.</p>

Influência da transformação floresta - pastagem nos atributos do solo em área de agricultura familiar no oeste do Estado do Pará / Influence of forest-pasture transformation on soil attributes in family farm areas in the west county of Pará

Castilho, Selene Cristina de Pierri 02 July 2014 (has links)
O crescente número de assentamentos na região Amazônica vem despertando discussões sobre sua importância no desmatamento da região, visto que a implantação dos assentamentos é sucedida pelo desmatamento e implantação de pastagens, modificando as condições químicas, físicas e biológicas do solo. O presente trabalho tem como hipóteses que 1 - a mudança de uso do solo de floresta para pastagem afeta negativamente os atributos físicos e químicos do solo; 2 - a mudança de uso do solo de floresta para pastagem reduz a abundância e diversidade da fauna do solo; 3 - As alterações nas condições físico-hídricas pela mudança de uso do solo condicionam a ocorrência de táxons da macrofauna e de espécies de minhocas. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar análise qualitativa e quantitativa dos atributos físico-hídricos, químicos e da fauna do solo em dois usos do solo no Projeto de Assentamento Agroextrativista Praialta Piranheira, Nova Ipixuna, PA. Foram realizadas amostragens em duas topossequências (floresta e pastagem) nas posições topográficas de topo (T1), meia encosta (T2) e sopé (T3). As coletas foram realizadas em julho de 2012 (período seco) e janeiro e março de 2013 (período úmido), em cinco repetições para cada posição nas profundidades 0-0,1, 0,1-0,2 e 0,2-0,3 m. As amostras deformadas foram utilizadas para determinação da granulometria, densidade de partícula, análise química e umidade do solo e as amostras indeformadas para determinação da densidade, curva de retenção da água no solo e análise micromorfométrica. Também foram coletadas amostras para determinação da matéria seca vegetal e da macrofauna do solo de acordo com o método Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF). A porosidade total (PT) e o índice S foram calculados. A fauna edáfica foi separada de acordo com morfoespécies, contabilizada e calculados riqueza e índice de diversidade. Os dados foram analisados de forma univariada as relações entre atributos do meio físico e a fauna do solo de forma multivariada. Os solos apresentaram distribuição e densidade de partículas homogêneas, com aumento do teor de argila em profundidade. As áreas sob floresta apresentaram maiores valores de matéria seca (MS), acidez, umidade, macroporosidade, índice S, riqueza taxonômica e específica, maior quantidade de coleópteros e formigas. Áreas sob pastagem apresentam maiores valores de MO, microporosidade, maior abundância de larvas, Isopteras e minhocas (exceto em T3). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas quanto à densidade do solo (Ds) (exceto para T3), PT, abundância de macrofauna total e de engenheiros do ecossistema (exceto na camada de serrapilheira). A curva de retenção de água no solo (CRA) indica que a mudança de uso do solo reduz a quantidade de macroporos em pastagem e as inclinações das curvas. As mudanças provocadas pela mudança de uso do solo estão relacionadas à quantidade e composição da serrapilheira e também ao tipo e tamanho dos poros, modificando a fauna presente. As análises multivariadas mostram que as alterações na distribuição dos poros são suficientes para alterar os nichos ecológicos, diferenciando a composição da fauna e as condições físico-hídricas do solo, acarretando em consequências à circulação hídrica e à diversidade ecológica da região Amazônica. / The increasing number of rural settlements created in Amazonia is creating discussions about their responsibility on deforestation, because their implementation is succeeded by deforestation and pasture implementation, modifying soil chemical, physical and biological conditions. The present work has as main hypothesis that 1 - soil use change from forest to pasture negatively affects soil physical and chemical attributes; 2 - soil use change from forest to pasture reduces soil fauna abundance and diversity; 3 - Alterations on soil hydrophysical conditions by land use changes affects the occurrence of macrofauna taxa and earthworm species. The objectives of this work are to do a qualitative and quantitative analysis of soil hydro-physical and chemical attributes and of soil fauna along two topossequences in the Agroextractivist Settlement \"Praialta Piranheira\" in the municipality of Nova Ipixuna, PA. . Soil sampling was conducted on two topossequences (forest and pasture) on three topographic positions: top (T1), slope (T2) and bottom (T3). Samples were taken in July 2012 (dry period) and January and March 2013 (moist period), in 5 replicates for each sampling point (T1, T2 and T3), on soil depths of 0-0.1, 0.1-0.2 and 0.2-0.3 m. Disturbed samples were used to particle-size, particle density, chemical and moisture analysis and undisturbed samples for density, soil water retention curve and micromorphometric determinations. Samples for vegetal dry mass and macrofauna were also collected according to Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) method. Total porosity (PT) and index S were calculated. Soil fauna were separated according to morphospecies, counted and richness and diversity rates were calculated. Data were analyzed by univariate statistical analysis and relations between physical attributes and soil fauna were obtained by multivariated statistical analysis. Soils presented homogeneous particle-size and particle density distribution, with clay increment on soil depth. Areas under forest presented higher values of vegetal dry mass (MS), acidity, moisture, macroporosity, S index, taxonomic and specific richness, higher quantity of coleopteran and Formicida. Areas under pasture presented higher values of organic matter, microporosity, higher abundance of larva, Isoptera and earthworms (except for T3). No significant differences were found regarding to soil density (Ds) (except for T3), PT and macrofauna and abundance of ecosystem engineers (except for litter). Soil water retention curves (CRA) showed that soil use change leads to lower quantity of macropores and flattened curves for pasture. Changes observed for forest-pasture change are related to quantity and composition of litter and kind and size of pores, changing macrofauna composition. Multivariate analysis showed that alterations on pore distribution are sufficient to modify ecological niches, to change fauna composition and hydro-physical conditions, leading to alterations on water circulation and ecological diversity in the Amazon

Influência da transformação floresta - pastagem nos atributos do solo em área de agricultura familiar no oeste do Estado do Pará / Influence of forest-pasture transformation on soil attributes in family farm areas in the west county of Pará

Selene Cristina de Pierri Castilho 02 July 2014 (has links)
O crescente número de assentamentos na região Amazônica vem despertando discussões sobre sua importância no desmatamento da região, visto que a implantação dos assentamentos é sucedida pelo desmatamento e implantação de pastagens, modificando as condições químicas, físicas e biológicas do solo. O presente trabalho tem como hipóteses que 1 - a mudança de uso do solo de floresta para pastagem afeta negativamente os atributos físicos e químicos do solo; 2 - a mudança de uso do solo de floresta para pastagem reduz a abundância e diversidade da fauna do solo; 3 - As alterações nas condições físico-hídricas pela mudança de uso do solo condicionam a ocorrência de táxons da macrofauna e de espécies de minhocas. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar análise qualitativa e quantitativa dos atributos físico-hídricos, químicos e da fauna do solo em dois usos do solo no Projeto de Assentamento Agroextrativista Praialta Piranheira, Nova Ipixuna, PA. Foram realizadas amostragens em duas topossequências (floresta e pastagem) nas posições topográficas de topo (T1), meia encosta (T2) e sopé (T3). As coletas foram realizadas em julho de 2012 (período seco) e janeiro e março de 2013 (período úmido), em cinco repetições para cada posição nas profundidades 0-0,1, 0,1-0,2 e 0,2-0,3 m. As amostras deformadas foram utilizadas para determinação da granulometria, densidade de partícula, análise química e umidade do solo e as amostras indeformadas para determinação da densidade, curva de retenção da água no solo e análise micromorfométrica. Também foram coletadas amostras para determinação da matéria seca vegetal e da macrofauna do solo de acordo com o método Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF). A porosidade total (PT) e o índice S foram calculados. A fauna edáfica foi separada de acordo com morfoespécies, contabilizada e calculados riqueza e índice de diversidade. Os dados foram analisados de forma univariada as relações entre atributos do meio físico e a fauna do solo de forma multivariada. Os solos apresentaram distribuição e densidade de partículas homogêneas, com aumento do teor de argila em profundidade. As áreas sob floresta apresentaram maiores valores de matéria seca (MS), acidez, umidade, macroporosidade, índice S, riqueza taxonômica e específica, maior quantidade de coleópteros e formigas. Áreas sob pastagem apresentam maiores valores de MO, microporosidade, maior abundância de larvas, Isopteras e minhocas (exceto em T3). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas quanto à densidade do solo (Ds) (exceto para T3), PT, abundância de macrofauna total e de engenheiros do ecossistema (exceto na camada de serrapilheira). A curva de retenção de água no solo (CRA) indica que a mudança de uso do solo reduz a quantidade de macroporos em pastagem e as inclinações das curvas. As mudanças provocadas pela mudança de uso do solo estão relacionadas à quantidade e composição da serrapilheira e também ao tipo e tamanho dos poros, modificando a fauna presente. As análises multivariadas mostram que as alterações na distribuição dos poros são suficientes para alterar os nichos ecológicos, diferenciando a composição da fauna e as condições físico-hídricas do solo, acarretando em consequências à circulação hídrica e à diversidade ecológica da região Amazônica. / The increasing number of rural settlements created in Amazonia is creating discussions about their responsibility on deforestation, because their implementation is succeeded by deforestation and pasture implementation, modifying soil chemical, physical and biological conditions. The present work has as main hypothesis that 1 - soil use change from forest to pasture negatively affects soil physical and chemical attributes; 2 - soil use change from forest to pasture reduces soil fauna abundance and diversity; 3 - Alterations on soil hydrophysical conditions by land use changes affects the occurrence of macrofauna taxa and earthworm species. The objectives of this work are to do a qualitative and quantitative analysis of soil hydro-physical and chemical attributes and of soil fauna along two topossequences in the Agroextractivist Settlement \"Praialta Piranheira\" in the municipality of Nova Ipixuna, PA. . Soil sampling was conducted on two topossequences (forest and pasture) on three topographic positions: top (T1), slope (T2) and bottom (T3). Samples were taken in July 2012 (dry period) and January and March 2013 (moist period), in 5 replicates for each sampling point (T1, T2 and T3), on soil depths of 0-0.1, 0.1-0.2 and 0.2-0.3 m. Disturbed samples were used to particle-size, particle density, chemical and moisture analysis and undisturbed samples for density, soil water retention curve and micromorphometric determinations. Samples for vegetal dry mass and macrofauna were also collected according to Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) method. Total porosity (PT) and index S were calculated. Soil fauna were separated according to morphospecies, counted and richness and diversity rates were calculated. Data were analyzed by univariate statistical analysis and relations between physical attributes and soil fauna were obtained by multivariated statistical analysis. Soils presented homogeneous particle-size and particle density distribution, with clay increment on soil depth. Areas under forest presented higher values of vegetal dry mass (MS), acidity, moisture, macroporosity, S index, taxonomic and specific richness, higher quantity of coleopteran and Formicida. Areas under pasture presented higher values of organic matter, microporosity, higher abundance of larva, Isoptera and earthworms (except for T3). No significant differences were found regarding to soil density (Ds) (except for T3), PT and macrofauna and abundance of ecosystem engineers (except for litter). Soil water retention curves (CRA) showed that soil use change leads to lower quantity of macropores and flattened curves for pasture. Changes observed for forest-pasture change are related to quantity and composition of litter and kind and size of pores, changing macrofauna composition. Multivariate analysis showed that alterations on pore distribution are sufficient to modify ecological niches, to change fauna composition and hydro-physical conditions, leading to alterations on water circulation and ecological diversity in the Amazon

Approche archéologique et expérimentale des structures de combustion au Paléolithique supérieur ancien : analyse multiscalaire (micromorphologie et géochimie organique) appliquée aux sites de Régismont-le-Haut et des Bossats / An archaeological and experimental approach to combustion structures in the early upper Palaeolithic : applied multiscalar analyses (micromorphology and organic geochemistry) at Régismont-le-Haut and les Bossats

Lejay, Mathieu 20 February 2018 (has links)
Ce travail aborde l’étude d’une sélection de structures de combustion provenant de Régismont-le-Haut (Hérault, France) et des Bossats (Seine-et-Marne, France) en suivant une méthode multiscalaire. Ces deux sites de plein air livrent une documentation archéologique riche permettant de renseigner pour le premier une phase récente de l’Aurignacien et une phase ancienne du Gravettien, entre autres, pour le second. Du point de vue méthodologique, la démarche retenue implique de débuter par l’analyse des données de terrain (échelle macroscopique), de poursuivre les investigations grâce à la micromorphologie (échelles méso- et microscopique) et finalement d’avoir recours à la géochimie organique (échelle moléculaire). Afin d’affiner les clefs de lecture des résultats archéologiques et de proposer de nouvelles pistes de réflexion, un programme d’expérimentation a également été conduit. La mise en œuvre conjointe de ces différentes approches complémentaires dans l’optique de croiser leurs résultats et leurs hypothèses interprétatives fait notamment la part belle à la prise en compte de la matière organique présente dans les sédiments des structures de combustion. Les résultats obtenus permettent à la fois de mieux cerner les modes de fonctionnement et d’utilisation des différentes structures tout en prenant en compte leur évolution taphonomique. Les questions des aménagements, de l’intensité du fonctionnement, des types de combustible et de la fonction sont abordées dans le cas des structures primaires, les foyers, mais les structures secondaires apportent également des informations en ce qui concerne les activités d’entretien. La mise en perspective de ces résultats acquis sur deux sites particulièrement bien préservés permet une discussion plus large de la place des structures de combustion au début du Paléolithique supérieur, période pour laquelle les pyrotechnologies demeurent un domaine encore trop méconnu des comportements humains. / This study treats a selection of combustion structures from Régismont-le-Haut (Hérault, France) and les Bossats (Seine-et-Marne, France) using a multiscalar approach. These two open-air sites provide an extremely rich archaeological documentation of, respectively, a recent phase of the Aurignacian and an early phase of the Gravettian (among others). Methodologically the study entails treating three scales of analysis, beginning with field data (macroscopic scale), followed by micromorphological investigation (meso- and microscopic scales), and finishing with geochemical analyses (molecular scale). An experimental program was also developed in order to refine our tools for interpreting our archaeological datasets, as well as to propose novel avenues of reflexion. The concomitant application of these complementary approaches and subsequent cross-examination of their respective results underlines the important role of organic matter in the combustion structure sediments. The results obtained allow for a better understanding of fire structure operation and use, as well as the taphonomic evolution. For primary structures questions regarded additional construction of the structures, intensity of use, types of fuel, and their function, while secondary structures brought to the table information regarding maintenance activities. The contextualization of results obtained from these two particularly well-preserved sites allows us to reflect more widely upon the role of combustion structures in the Early Upper Palaeolithic, a period during which pyrotechnology remains a little explored sphere of human behaviour.

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