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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of mycorrhizal fungi and nematodes on growth of Andropogon gerardii Vit., soil microbial components and soil aggregation

Hu, Ping January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / Charles W. Rice / Biotic interactions among mycorrhizal fungi, nematodes, plants and other microbial communities can have significant effects on the dynamics of C and nutrient cycling. The specific objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the effects of grazing and mycorrhizal symbiosis on the allocation and storage of C, especially for plant above-and belowground biomass, (2) evaluate the biotic rhizosphere interactions and their role in C cycling, (3) determine the soil microbial community structure as a result of the plant-mycorrhizal symbiosis, and (4) determine the effect of mycorrhizal fungal abundance on soil aggregation. The soil for the experiment was sampled from the Ap horizon of a fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Cumulic Hapludolls located at Konza Prairie Biological Station, Manhattan KS. The experiment was a three-way factorial in a complete randomized block design with four replications. The three factors were mycorrhizae (M), nematodes (N), and phosphorus (P). In a greenhouse study, 96 microcosms (52×32×40cm) were planted to Andropogon gerardii Vit. so that a third of the microcosms could be destructively sampled at the end of each growing season for three years. Plant biomass was separated into aboveground, rhizomes, and roots. All components were dried and weighed at harvest. Mycorrhizal fungi and P increased plant aboveground biomass, while nematodes decreased plant aboveground biomass compared to non-inoculated controls. As expected, P increased plant root biomass, while mycorrhizae increased plant rhizome biomass. Nematodes decreased both above- and belowground biomass. Phospholipid and neutral lipid fatty acid (PLFA and NLFA) analysis were determined for both soil and roots. Water-stable aggregates were separated using a modified Yoder wet-sieving apparatus and analyzed for mass, total C and N, and the isotopic composition of C. There was a positive relationship between AM fungal abundance in the soil and the mass of the largest macroaggregates (>2000µm) after the 3rd year (r=0.67). The effect of roots on the macroaggregate (>2000µm) fraction was not apparent. Phosphorus significantly increased smaller macroaggregates (250-2000µm), along with significantly enhanced plant root biomass, which indirectly demonstrated the effect of roots on the formation of macroaggregates (250-2000µm). The addition of P induced more plant derived C into the aggregates than the non-P amended microcosms as suggested by the [superscript]13C content of the aggregates. Our results confirmed the importance of biotic and abiotic interactions among mycorrhizae, nematodes, and phosphorus on plant growth and the resulting effect on the soil C cycle and soil aggregation.

Studies in vegetable and high tunnel production on the Central Great Plains

Knewtson, Sharon Joy Blanton January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources / Edward E. Carey / A series of four investigations was conducted from 2005 to 2007 focusing on vegetable or high tunnel production. In the first study (chapters 1 & 2), the effect of high tunnels on soil quality was investigated. Grower perceptions of soil quality were assessed from 81 responses to a questionnaire. Indicators of soil quality were evaluated at two KSU research centers. Soil quality was then quantified in high tunnels and adjacent fields at 79 farms, where high tunnels ranged in age from two to fifteen years. Particulate organic carbon as a fraction of soil total carbon was used as an indicator of soil quality. At 80 % of locations, particulate organic matter carbon was greater under high tunnels than adjacent fields. Soil quality was not adversely affected by the continuous presence of high tunnel covering. Management and cropping history in high tunnels was also collected and reported as this information is of interest to growers and the universities and agricultural industries that serve them. Tomato was the most common high tunnel crop. It was grown by 86 % of survey respondents in the previous four year period. Organic soil amendments were applied by 89 % of growers; 35 % use organic soil amendments exclusively. In the second study (chapter 3), two microbial tea solutions were applied to collard green (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala cv. Top Bunch) or spinach (Spinacea oleracea L. cv. Hellcat) crops at Olathe and Haysville, Kansas, without significant effects on crop yield or soil microbial biomass. Finally, preliminary results from two studies were formatted for reporting as extension publication (chapters 4 and 5). Autumn production, over-wintering, and spring bolting were assessed for 26 spinach cultivars in a 3-season multi-bay Haygrove high tunnel. Also, the effect of autumn planting date on harvest date and yield was observed for two spinach cultivars (cv. Avenger and PVO172) planted on six dates in October and November, under high tunnels at Olathe, Kansas. Spinach planted in the first half of October was harvested in the winter, without loss of spring yield for both cultivars.

Soil aggregation and carbon sequestration following a single tillage event in no-till soils in a semi-arid environment

Asmus, Chad Donald January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / Charles W. Rice / The sequestration of atmospheric CO[subscript]2 into soil through no-till management is an economic and viable method for reducing greenhouse gases, but maintaining no-till practices are necessary to sequester C in the long-term. Our study focused on the effects of a single tillage operation on soil organic C and N and aggregation in no-till soils when no-till practices are immediately resumed after tillage. Three locations in western Kansas were selected that had been in continuous dryland no-till for at least 5 years – Wallace, Tribune, and Spearville. Tillage treatments were administered in 2004 and consisted of no-till (NT), disk plow (DP), sweep plow (SwP), and chisel plow (CP). Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Soil samples were taken at 0-5, 5-15, and 15-30 cm depths. Composite samples were taken from each block prior to tillage and tested for whole soil organic C and N. Further soil samples were collected in spring 2005 at approximately nine months after tillage (MAT) and again in fall 2005 at approximately 12 MAT and tested for whole soil organic C and N and aggregate size distribution. Bulk density was measured for each plot and depth prior to sampling at 12 MAT. Twelve MAT samples were also tested for aggregate-associated C and N. The DP tillage had a greater C concentration than NT and CP when averaged over depth and time, but C mass did not vary between tillage systems. Changes in whole soil C and N over time varied by location, but the differences were similar between tillage treatments. Tillage treatments DP and SwP also had a greater mass of macroaggregate (250-1000 [Mu]m) associated C relative to CP (but not to NT) for Wallace in the surface 0-5 cm at 12 MAT. No other differences between tillages in aggregate-associated C were observed. A single tillage event did not have a significant impact on aggregate size distribution. The greatest amount of aggregate-associated C and N existed in the large microaggregate (53-250 µm) fraction. Changes in aggregate distribution or aggregate-associated C or N did not directly correlate to changes in whole soil C and N. We therefore conclude that a single tillage operation using these implements will not result in a measurable loss in sequestered C over time for dryland soils in a semi-arid climate such as western Kansas.

Managing nitrogen in grain sorghum to maximize N use efficiency and yield while minimizing producer risk

Tucker, Andrew Neil January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / David B. Mengel / Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is one of the most drought and stress tolerant crops grown in Kansas. For this reason, much of the sorghum is grown in high risk environments where other crops are more likely to fail or be unprofitable. Efficient sorghum cropping systems should not only produce high yields and use inputs such as nitrogen efficiently, but they should also remove as much risk as possible for a successful crop, and give farmers more flexibility in making input decisions. The price of nitrogen (N) fertilizer has increased substantially in recent years. Current retail prices for commonly used N fertilizers range from $0.88 to $1.50 per kilogram of N in Kansas. Thus, a farmer could easily invest $50-$100 per hectare in N, depending on the rate of N needed and the source used. Practices which allow farmers to assess crop potential as late as possible after planting before applying costly inputs like fertilizer, can increase the potential for a profitable return on those inputs in risky environments. Currently, most sorghum growers routinely apply all the N fertilizer prior to planting, sometimes as much as 6 months prior. The current Kansas State University (KSU) nitrogen recommendation is yield goal based and performs well when the grower is able to predict yield six months or more in advance of harvest. However, yield is quite variable and difficult to predict. Because long range weather and yield predictions are not very reliable, could deferring making N application decisions until later in the season when yield can be more accurately predicted reduce risk? Can the use of active sensors provide a better estimate of yield potential and nitrogen needs sometime after planting? If they can, how late can the decision be made and how best should the fertilizer N be applied? Several studies were conducted throughout Kansas to look at the effect of N rate, N application timing (pre-plant, side dress, or combinations of the two) and method of application on sorghum yield and N use efficiency. The studies were also designed to examine the potential of using optical sensors to predict optimum N rate for post-planting applications as a means of avoiding the use of soil tests to estimate soil N contributions. The objectives of this research were: a. to validate the KSU N fertilizer recommendations for grain sorghum grown in rotation with crops such as soybeans and wheat, b. to determine the effect of both preplant and midseason N applications on the growth and yield potential of grain sorghum, and to determine the optimal timing and method for midseason N applications on grain sorghum, and, c. to assess the potential of optical sensing of the growing crop to refine N recommendations using in-season applications during the growing season. This thesis will summarize the results from the various experiments we completed to achieve these objectives. The KSU N fertilizer recommendations for grain sorghum may need some revisions. This research suggests that including coefficients relating to N use efficiency may be necessary to get more accurate N recommendations. Both pre-plant and midseason N applications increased the yield of grain sorghum whenever a response to N was observed. There was no negative effect of applying all the nitrogen midseason at 30-40 days after planting when compared to pre-plant applications. Injecting nitrogen fertilizer below the soil surface had higher yields than other methods of midseason N applications such as surface banding or surface broadcasting, especially when a significant rainfall event did not occur within a few days of application. The optical sensors used in this study were very effective at making N recommendations 30-40 days after planting. These sensors will provide for more accurate N recommendations compared to the current soil test and yield goal method.

Impacts and correction of potassium deficiency in no-till and strip-till soybean and corn production

Blocker, Shannon M. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / David B. Mengel / This study was initiated to determine if potassium (K) deficiencies seen in soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) under no-till and strip-till production systems are impacting soybean yields, and if so, what fertilizer application practices including: rate of K application; broadcast or deep band methods of application; and the use of starter fertilizer at planting; could be used to correct the problem. The residual impacts of K fertilization and placement were also evaluated on corn (Zea mays L.) grown in rotation with soybeans. This research was conducted on-farm in cooperation with local producers. Soybeans sites in 2007 were near Harris, Ottawa and Westphalia, Kansas with corn planted in 2008 at the sites near Ottawa and Westphalia. Soybean sites in 2008 were located near Ottawa and Welda, Kansas. Selected sites were generally near or below the current soil test K critical level of 130 mg per kg extractable K, based on sampling histories provided by the cooperators. Sampling in the spring of 2007 confirmed these soil test (ST) K levels. Soybean leaf tissue potassium levels in 2007 were less than the critical level of 17 mg per kg in the unfertilized control plots, and were significantly greater when potassium fertilizer was deep banded or a high-rate of K fertilizer was broadcast. No significant difference in yield of soybeans due to K fertilization was seen, likely due to significant water stress during the grain fill period, which severely limited soybean yield in 2007. Soil test K levels at all the research sites increased dramatically between 2007 and 2008, even where no K was applied. Different weather conditions experienced these two years may have contributed to this occurrence. No residual impacts of K fertilization in 2007 on soybeans were seen in soil tests, corn leaf tissue K levels or corn yield in 2008. Soybean sites in 2008 also showed a dramatic increase in K ST levels in 2008 as compared to farmer records. No effects of K fertilization on soybean growth or yield were seen in 2008. The 2008 Ottawa soybean site had very low P soil tests. A significant response to P fertilization contained in the starter treatments was observed. This suggests that the dominant farmer practice of applying P and K fertilizer to corn, and not applying fertilizer directly to soybeans, even at low soil test levels, may not be supplying adequate P to soybeans, and is likely costing farmers yields and profits.

Impact of avail® and jumpstart® on yield and phosphorus response of corn and winter wheat in Kansas

Ward, Nicholas Charles January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / David B. Mengel / The increasing price of phosphorus (P) fertilizers has created interest among producers in ways to enhance the efficiency of applied P fertilizers. Research has long focused on increasing phosphorus efficiency through the use of fertilizer placement techniques (banding, strip applications, and in furrow placement with the seed). Recently, various products have been introduced and marketed claiming to increase efficiency of applied P or increase availability of native soil P. The objective of this study was to test the use of two such widely advertised products: Avail®, a long chain, organic polymer created to reduce the fixation of fertilizer P by aluminum and calcium, and JumpStart®, a seed inoculant containing a fungus (Penicillium bailii), which is said to increase the availability of fertilizer and native soil P to plant roots through the colonization of the root system and producing organic acid exudates. This study was conducted at multiple locations across Kansas with corn (Zea mays L.) in 2008 and 2009 and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in 2009. Selected sites varied in soil test P, with a majority of the locations having a Mehlich III P test of < 20mg kg-1, where a P response would be expected. Treatments consisting of P rates from 0 to 20 kg P ha-1 with and without the addition of Avail were applied at planting. At many locations, each of the fertilizer/Avail treatments were planted with and without Jumpstart seed treatment. Plant samples were collected at early and mid-season growth stages. Harvest data consisting of grain yield, grain moisture content at harvest, test weight or bushel weight and grain P content also were collected to measure treatment response. Plant samples for both trials failed to show consistent responses to the addition of either product. Excellent corn grain yields were obtained at seven of eight site years with location averages above 12,500 kg ha-1. One location displayed a significant grain yield response to P in both 2008 and 2009. There were no significant responses to enhancement products where a response to P was seen. At two of the five wheat trials, a significant tissue P response to the addition of P was seen. At one location with very low soil test, 6 mg kg-1, P fertilization increased rate of maturity. No effect on growth or yield at either P responsive or unresponsive sites was seen in wheat due to the use of enhancement products. A series of 20 single replications sites were conducted with the JumpStart product in cooperation with County Extension Agents as a part of wheat variety demonstrations. Analysis of this data showed a significant decrease in wheat yield with the addition of JumpStart in 2009. Overall, this study showed a lower than expected frequency of response to applications of P fertilizer based on soil test and the KSU P fertilizer recommendations. It also showed no response across locations, years and crops to the use of P fertilizer enhancement products.

Cover crops in no-tillage crop rotations in eastern and western Kansas

Arnet, Kevin Broc January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / Johnathon D. Holman / Kraig L. Roozeboom / Replacing fallow periods with cover crops can provide many benefits including soil quality improvements and reduced nitrogen fertilizer requirements. Field experiments were established near Garden City, KS with winter wheat and fallow phases as main plots, thirteen legume or non-legume cover crops, continuous winter wheat, and fallow as subplots, and cover crop termination method as sub-subplots. Treatments containing triticale had greatest water use efficiency (19.9 kg ha[superscript]-1 mm[superscript]-1) and aboveground biomass (3550 kg ha[superscript]-1), but subsequent winter wheat yields were reduced due to a reduction in volumetric water content. Increased soil residue through greater cover crop biomass resulted in increased precipitation storage efficiency during the fallow period, but water requirements to produce biomass depleted soil moisture more than growing a low biomass crop or fallow. In years of above-average precipitation, low biomass cover crops might be grown with little to no negative effect on subsequent wheat yields. A second field experiment was established near Manhattan, KS with fallow, double crop soybean, and four cover crop treatments planted after wheat harvest in a winter wheat-grain sorghum-soybean no-till cropping system, with five nitrogen treatments applied to the sorghum crop to estimate nitrogen contribution of the cover crops. Greatest above ground biomass production and nitrogen accumulation was observed with sorghum-sudan grass. At the 0 kg ha[superscript]-1 N rate, grain sorghum yields were reduced 1200 kg ha[superscript]-1 following sorghum-sudan grass, while all other cover crop treatments provided a 20-30 kg ha[superscript]-1 N equivalent benefit. Sorghum yields might be reduced following large biomass producing cover crops when nitrogen is limiting, but a small nitrogen benefit might be realized following low C:N ratio cover crops. Cover crop productivity and their subsequent effects on grain sorghum performance were evaluated in field studies established near Manhattan and Hutchinson, KS in 2008 and 2009. Sixteen summer or fall cover crop species were planted in no-tillage winter wheat stubble and evaluated for biomass production, nitrogen concentration, and nitrogen accumulation. Summer annual grass species produced the greatest biomass, 3392 kg ha[superscript]-1 and greater, and legume species accumulated the greatest amounts of nitrogen, averaging 43 kg ha[superscript]-1. Grain sorghum yields were 867 kg ha[superscript]-1 greater following summer cover crops compared to fall cover crops. Cover crops had a significant effect on sorghum performance, with yields 1240 kg ha[superscript]-1 greater following legume cover crops.

In situ remediation of Pb/Zn contaminated materials: field- and molecular-scale investigations

Baker, Lucas R. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Agronomy / Gary M. Pierzynski / The bioavailability of Pb and Zn is linked to the solubility of solid phases and other soil chemical characteristics, which is associated with their environmental risk, suggesting that in situ stabilization of these elements can be accomplished by influencing their chemistry. However, more research is needed to investigate the effectiveness of different soil amendments on reducing Pb and Zn bioavailability. A lab study was conducted to evaluate the effects of five different P amendments and time on Pb/Zn speciation in a contaminated soil using synchrotron-based techniques, while a field investigation studied the effects of composted beef manure on plant biomass production and the influence on microbial function, size, and community shifts. In the lab study, the Pb-phosphate mineral plumbogummite was found as an intermediate phase of pyromorphite formation, which has not been documented until now. Additionally, all fluid and granular P sources were able to induce Pb-phosphate formation, but fluid phosphoric acid (PA) was the most effective with time and distance from the treatment. However, acidity from PA increased the prescence of soluble Zn species, which can have negative environmental consequences. Granular phosphate rock (PR) and triple super phosphate (TSP) reacted to generate both Pb- and Zn-phosphates, with TSP being more effective at greater distances than PR. In the field study, compost additions of 269 Mg ha[superscript]1 significantly decreased bioavailable Zn, while increasing estimated available water, plant nutrients, and plant biomass as compared to a contaminated control and low addition of compost (45 Mg ha[superscript]1) over three years. Additionally, compost additions of 269 Mg ha[superscript]1 significantly increased microbial enzyme activities, nitrification, and microbial biomass over the contaminated control through the duration of the study. Increases in microbial activity and biomass are related to increases in total C, available water, and extractable P, while negative relationships were found with electrical conductivity and with bioavailable Zn. The addition of lime or lime plus bentonite with compost did not further reduce metal availability, increase plant biomass, or improve the size or function of microbial communities. High compost additions caused a slight shift in microbial community structure according to phospholipids fatty acid analysis. Increases in the mole percents of both Gram-positive (Gm[superscript]+) and Gram negative (Gm[superscript]-) bacteria were found depending on site. Microbial biomass of Gm[superscript]+, Gm[superscript]-, and fungi were also increased by high compost additions. Results indicate that large additions of compost are needed to increase microbial biomass, improve microbial activity, and re-establish a healthy vegetative community. This study proposes that organic matter and P amendments can be used to stabilize and reduce the bioavailability of heavy metals in soils and mine waste materials, but must be managed carefully and intelligently.

Analysis of a rapid soil erosion assessment tool

Bussen, Patrick January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering / Stacy L. Hutchinson / Soil erosion is a serious problem resulting in degradation of soil systems and nonpoint source (NPS) pollution of water resources. Concentrated overland flow is the primary transport mechanism for many NPS pollutants including soil, and locating areas where sheet flow transitions into concentrated flow is useful for assessing the potential for soil erosion. The ability to predict areas where overland flow transitions to concentrated flow and soil erosion potential is high assists land managers in implementing best management practices (BMPs) to reduce soil erosion and NPS. An erosion model, called the nLS model, was developed to identify transitional overland flow regions. The model is based on the kinematic wave overland flow theory and uses Manning’s n values, flow length, and slope as inputs to determine where overland flow transitions to sheet flow and soil erosion potential increases. Currently, the model has only been tested and validated for watersheds within Kansas. In order to assess model uncertainties and evaluate the model’s applicability to other regions, a sensitivity analysis on key input parameters was conducted. To assess model operations, several sensitivity analyses were performed on model inputs, including digital elevation models (DEMs) and landuse/landcover data (LULC). The impact of slope was assessed using two methods. First, by modifying the DEMs in a stepwise fashion from flatter to steeper terrains, and second, by modifying the elevation of each DEM cell based on the associated elevation error. To assess difficulties that might arise from the parameterization of surface roughness, LULC classes were assigned Manning’s n values within the suggested range using a Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, the critical threshold value used for locating erosion potential sites was modified, and alternative model calculations were used to assess the potential for improving model accuracy. Finally, the model was run using data from multiple sites, including two study areas in Hawaii and two in Kansas. The outputs for each site were analyzed in an attempt to identify any trends caused by site characteristics. Results from this study showed that the nLS model was sensitive to all of the inputs. Modifying the Manning’s roughness coefficient significantly altered the final nLS values and shifted the critical threshold points, especially in areas of the upper watershed. Changes in the slope value modified the nLS model outputs in a predictable manner, but there was some variability, especially in areas with lower slope values. In addition, discrepancies in the DEM, which may be present due to measurement or processing error, were shown to significantly alter the flow paths of a watershed. These findings suggest that accurate roughness coefficients and LULC data are especially important for regions with a steeper topography, and accurate elevation data is important for regions with lower slope values. The results also suggest that the threshold value for the model plays a vital role in locating potential soil erosion sites, and adjustments to this value could possibly be used as a method for calibrating the nLS model. Finally, the alternative model calculations used in this study did not significantly improve the accuracy of the nLS model, so the existing model is sufficient for obtaining accurate nLS estimates. The information gained from this study can improve the assessment of soil erosion processes due to concentrated overland flow. By successfully implementing a land management program that makes use of the nLS models, it should be possible to improve BMP placement and design, helping to improve water and soil quality.

Grain sorghum in the hybrid-era, 1957-2008: yield with hybrid advancement and improved agronomic practices

Assefa, Yared January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Agronomy / Scott A. Staggenborg / Grain sorghum yield has notably increased from the beginning of hybrid production and commercialization in the late 1950s. The yield increases were the result of improved agronomic practices and hybrid advancement. The objectives of my research were: (1) to determine the magnitude of yield change in the hybrid era in irrigated and rain fed sorghum production, (2) to determine the contribution of agronomic and hybrid changes for yield in the hybrid era, (3) to investigate changes in sorghum morphology, physiology, and water use that contributed to yield increases, (4) to investigate changes that accompanied yield increase with hybrid improvement, and (5) to understand sorghum water and nutrient use and variations between hybrids in these regards. Fifty-two years of grain sorghum hybrid performance trial data (1957-2008), were analyzed and greenhouse and field studies were conducted on five selected hybrids to meet our objectives. The greenhouse and field studies were conducted from the summer of 2007 to the fall of 2009 on five selected hybrids, each representing a decade from the past fifty years. Results indicated that there was an increase in hybrid yield of nearly 50 kg ha-1 yr-1 in dryland sites over the 52 yrs (1957-2008) analyzed. Irrigated grain sorghum yields, however, remained unchanged over the same period. Agronomic practices such as planting date, phosphorus fertilizer use, and planting density changed over these years but were not found to contribute to increased dryland sorghum yields. There was no difference found between old and new hybrids tolerance to different densities. Hybrid advancement and increased nitrogen fertilizer application were responsible for changes in dryland yields. Total water use changed with hybrid advancement. New hybrids used the greatest total water and also had greater root-to-total biomass ratio than the old hybrids. Leaf biomass was also greater for the newest hybrid. There was a difference in amount of total nutrients extracted by hybrids, and there were differences among hybrids in allocation of nutrients to different tissues. In general the yield focus of sorghum hybrid development was effective in dryland sorghum production, likely because of intentional or inadvertent selection of hybrids with better drought tolerance. Results indicated that breeding programs created hybrids with improved morphological characteristics that might have resulted in better resource use (water and nutrient) and ultimately increased yield.

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