Spelling suggestions: "subject:"micromorphological.""
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Wood Plastic Composites made from Modified Wood : Aspects on Moisture Sorption, Micromorphology and DurabilitySegerholm, Kristoffer January 2007 (has links)
<p>Wood plastic composite (WPC) materials have seen a continuous market growth worldwide in the last decade. So-called extruded WPC profiles are today mainly used in outdoor applications, e.g. decking, railing and fencing. In outdoor conditions, moisture sorption in the wood component combined with temperature induced movements of the polymer matrix causes deformations of such composites. On the macroscopic scale this may lead to unacceptable warp, cup and bow of the WPC products, but on a microscopic scale, the movements will cause interfacial cracks between the particles and the matrix, resulting in little or no ability to transfer and re-distribute loads throughout the material. Moisture within the composite will also allow fungi and micro organisms to attack the wood particles.</p><p>The conceptual idea of this work is to use a chemically modified wood component in WPCs to enhance their long term performance. These chemically modified wood particles exhibit reduced susceptibility to moisture, resulting in better dimensional stability and a higher resistance to biological degradation as compared to that of unmodified wood. The objective of this thesis is to study the effects of using modified wood in WPCs on their moisture sorption behaviour, micromorphology and microbiological durability. The modification methods used were acetylation, heat treatment and furfurylation.</p><p>Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) and sorption behaviour of WPCs were determined by water vapour sorption experiments. The use of thin sections of the composites enabled EMC to be reached within a comparably short time span. The micromorphology was studied by LV-SEM (low vacuum-scanning electron microscope) using a specially designed sample preparation technique based on UV laser. The biological durability was evaluated by laboratory fungal test methods.</p><p>The moisture sorption experiments showed lower moisture levels for all the composites when modified wood particles were used. This was also reflected in the micromorphological studies where pronounced wood-plastic interfacial cracks were formed due to moisture movement in the composites with unmodified wood particles. The sample preparation technique by UV laser proved to be a powerful tool for preparing surfaces for micromorphological studies without adding mechanical defects caused by the sample preparation technique itself. Results from the durability test showed that WPCs with modified wood particles are highly resistant to decay by fungi.</p>
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Pohřbené půdy jako odraz vlivu člověka a klimatu na krajinu od svrchního pleistocénu po středověk / Buried Soils as a reflection of Human and Climate influence on Landscape from Upper Pleistocene to Middle AgesVejrostová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
Přízřenice, Česká Bělá), Slovakia (Bíňa Čata) and The detection of climatic changes within the glacial palaeosols of the Bíňa Čata locality was Přízřenice, made of Phaeozem and Chernozem with intensive anthropogenic influence methods. In the case of medieval alluvial sediments in the Březina floodplain near Česká Bělá,
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Dynamique d'occupation des sols au Capsien et au Néolithique au Maghreb oriental : approche géoarchéologique des Rammadiyat / Occupation dynamics of archaeological soils in Capsian and Neolithic sites in eastern Maghreb : geoarcheological approach of RammadiyatEddargach, Wassel 03 December 2018 (has links)
L’approche géoarchéologique a pour objectif de discuter l’intérêt des archives sédimentaires des rammadiyat pour appréhender les dynamiques d’occupation des sols au Capsien et Néolithique. Les rammadiyat se présentent sous forme de monticules dont la stratigraphie est peu exprimée. Les fouilles récentes ont mis en évidence des sols d’occupation renouvelant les questionnements sur les modes d’occupation de ces populations capsiennes. L’approche géoarchéologique repose sur la micromorphologie des sols. Elle a été menée sur 5 sites capsiens de Tunisie et d’Algérie. Elle a permis de caractériser les modes de formation de ces rammadiyat. Les informations recueillies montrent que les rammadiyat relèvent principalement des processus liés aux activités humaines, qui ont interagi à des degrés variables avec les processus naturels. Elles ont permis de construire un modèle qualitatif de la dynamique de formation des rammadiyat, exprimé par une classification des faciès sédimentaires identifiés, selon les pratiques d’aménagement, selon les activités et selon le degré de fréquentation. Ce modèle met en évidence un premier schéma de l’organisation spatiale des sols d’occupation, matérialisant trois types espaces : un espace construit (bâtiment), un espace de cour segmenté avec des aires domestiques, voies de passage et zones de rejets et un espace peu fréquenté, en marge de l’occupation principale. L’enregistrement sédimentaire témoigne d’un mode d’occupation continu, localement rythmé par des variations dans le degré de fréquentation. Des épisodes d’abandon temporaire ou de très faible fréquentation sont ainsi observés. Cependant, leur généralisation à l’ensemble du site reste à préciser. / The aim of the geoarchaeological approach is to discuss the interest of sedimentary archives of rammadiyat, in order to understand the dynamics of soil occupancy at the Capsian and Neolithic period. The rammadiyat present the shape of a small mound, whose stratigraphy is quite undifferentiated. Recent excavations show the presence of occupation surfaces, renewing the questions about the settlement strategies and of these capsian populations. The geoarchaeological approach is based on soil micromorphology .This research was conducted on 5 capsian sites in Tunisia and Algeria and allowed us to characterize the formation processes of these rammadiyat. The collected data show that rammadiyatis mainly formed by anthropic processes related to human activity interacting with natural processes on varying degrees. It’s then possible to construct a qualitative model relating to the formation dynamics of rammadiyat, expressed by a classification of the identified sedimentary facies, according to the building practices, the activities and the intensity of human occupation. This model highlights a first framework of the spatial organization of occupation surfaces, materializing three types of spaces: a built space (dwelling), a segmented yard space with domestic areas, passageways and dump areas, and a marginal area, showing a sporadic occupation. The sedimentary record shows a continuous occupancy, locally punctuated by variations in the intensity of human occupation. Episodes of temporary abandonment or very low occupation are observed. However, their generalization to the whole site remains to be clarified.
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Wood Plastic Composites made from Modified Wood : Aspects on Moisture Sorption, Micromorphology and DurabilitySegerholm, Kristoffer January 2007 (has links)
Wood plastic composite (WPC) materials have seen a continuous market growth worldwide in the last decade. So-called extruded WPC profiles are today mainly used in outdoor applications, e.g. decking, railing and fencing. In outdoor conditions, moisture sorption in the wood component combined with temperature induced movements of the polymer matrix causes deformations of such composites. On the macroscopic scale this may lead to unacceptable warp, cup and bow of the WPC products, but on a microscopic scale, the movements will cause interfacial cracks between the particles and the matrix, resulting in little or no ability to transfer and re-distribute loads throughout the material. Moisture within the composite will also allow fungi and micro organisms to attack the wood particles. The conceptual idea of this work is to use a chemically modified wood component in WPCs to enhance their long term performance. These chemically modified wood particles exhibit reduced susceptibility to moisture, resulting in better dimensional stability and a higher resistance to biological degradation as compared to that of unmodified wood. The objective of this thesis is to study the effects of using modified wood in WPCs on their moisture sorption behaviour, micromorphology and microbiological durability. The modification methods used were acetylation, heat treatment and furfurylation. Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) and sorption behaviour of WPCs were determined by water vapour sorption experiments. The use of thin sections of the composites enabled EMC to be reached within a comparably short time span. The micromorphology was studied by LV-SEM (low vacuum-scanning electron microscope) using a specially designed sample preparation technique based on UV laser. The biological durability was evaluated by laboratory fungal test methods. The moisture sorption experiments showed lower moisture levels for all the composites when modified wood particles were used. This was also reflected in the micromorphological studies where pronounced wood-plastic interfacial cracks were formed due to moisture movement in the composites with unmodified wood particles. The sample preparation technique by UV laser proved to be a powerful tool for preparing surfaces for micromorphological studies without adding mechanical defects caused by the sample preparation technique itself. Results from the durability test showed that WPCs with modified wood particles are highly resistant to decay by fungi. / QC 20101116
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Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios (K-AD; Figure 1) is a Late Bronze Age (LBA) settlement on Cyprus. It is notable for having among the earliest examples of urbanism and monumental architecture on the island along side the sites of, for example, Kition, Alassa, Enkomi, and Maroni (Philokyprou 2011; Fisher et al. in press). The LBA on Cyprus marked the beginning of urban society, economy and architecture in Cyprus (Fisher et al. in press). This study explores the social processes associated with the transition to urbanism represented by the entangled relationship between the architectural creation of social spaces and the use of these spaces as platforms for the creation and negotiation of power and influence (Fisher 2009a, 2009b; Fisher et al. in press). Specifically this study will concentrate on the construction of plaster surfaces, the immobile architecture of these social spaces, as indexes of the social development at K-AD during the LBA.
Analysis of pyrogenic lime and gypsum plasters was carried out using high-resolution microscopic methods based on the integration of petrography and soil micromorphology. These techniques are employed to optically examine in-situ and oriented plaster samples in laboratory thin section. Laboratory Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis was applied to loose sediments to obtain spectroscopic data when necessary.
Following the findings that lime plaster recipe variation is the result of human choice (Kingery et al. 1988; Love 2011, 2013a) the results of this analysis shows that the LBA architects at K-AD produced different recipes for different utilitarian uses and also that the construction of elite spaces demanded complex recipes that extend beyond utilitarian requirements, which can be classified as more “expensive,” resource-draining procedures (Kingery et al. 1988; Love 2011). Plaster is used at K-AD for both functional purposes and as an active component in societal creation and transformation. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA) / Craft specialization is a core feature of urban life but the process of specialization is not perfectly understood. This thesis seeks to explore the use of lime plaster for constructing surfaces at the Late Bronze Age (LBA) site of Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios (K-AD) on the island of Cyprus. Previous research has revealed a central, monumental complex, among the first of its kind on the island, surrounded by an early city. How did the LBA people create their living environment in this new setting? This thesis has shown, through the analysis of lime plaster features, floors and walls that the LBA inhabitants of K-AD were able to create diverse, specialized surfaces with a specialized lime plaster tradition in a scale and complexity that went beyond structural requirements, suggesting these surfaces were constructed with the explicit intent for creating space imbued with social meaning.
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[pt] Desde o século passado estuda-se no Brasil a seqüência de
resultante da decomposição de uma rocha. Estes perfis de
alteração são desde
então objetos de estudo de vários autores pela grande
importância que
apresentam na Engenharia Geotécnica, principalmente em
países de clima
tropical, como o Brasil. Os diferentes tipos e graus de
intemperismo que ocorrem
em um perfil de solo residual afetam o comportamento
geotécnico dos materiais
resultantes. O conhecimento detalhado de sua gênese pode
contribuir para um
melhor entendimento do seu comportamento geomecânico. A
dissertação visa contribuir para uma definição de
características bio-físicoquímico-
mineralógicas e microestruturais que possam servir como
da evolução do grau de intemperismo de um dado perfil de
solo residual. Tal tipo
de estudo compreende parte de investigações requeridas
para o
desenvolvimento de um modelo de comportamento de solos
residuais onde seja
possível incluir efeitos de grau de intemperização.
Investigações neste sentido
estão sendo efetuadas dentro do projeto PRONEX-Rio
intitulado Geotecnia
Aplicada à Avaliação, Prevenção e Remediação de Problemas
Ambientais, em
desenvolvimento junto ao Núcleo de Geotecnia Ambiental do
que se enquadra na linha de pesquisa Geotecnia Ambiental
do Setor de
Geotecnia do DEC/PUC-Rio. / [en] Since the last century, the resultant layers sequence of
rock decomposition
is studied in Brazil. For the great importance that
present in Geotechnical
Engineering, these alteration profiles are objects of
study of some authors, since
then, mainly in countries of tropical climate, as Brazil.
The different weathering
types and degrees that occur in a residual soil profile
affect the geotechnical
behavior of the resultant materials. The knowledge
detailed of its gênesis can
contribute for the better agreement of its geomecanical
behavior. The present
dissertation aims at to contribute for a definition of bio-
and micromorphological characterization that can serve as
indicating of the evolution of weathering degree of a
residual soil profile. This
study is a part of required inquiries for development of a
residual soil behavior
model where it is possible to include effect of weathering
degree. This
investigation are being effected in the project PRONEX-Rio
intitled Geotechnic
Applied to the Evaluation, Prevention and Remediation of
Ambient Problems, in
development in the Nucleus of Environmental Geotechnic of
DEC/PUC-Rio and it
is in the research line of Environmental Geotechnic of the
Sector DEC/PUC-Rio.
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Micromorfologia de sítios concheiros da Ameroca do Sul: Arqueoestratigrafia e processos de Formação de Sambaquis (Santa Catarina, Brasil) e concheros (Terra do Fogo, Argentina / Micromorphology of South American shell sites: archaeostratigraphy and formation processes of sambaquis (Santa Catarina, Brazil) and concheros (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)Villagran, Ximena Suarez 09 November 2012 (has links)
O estudo de oito sambaquis do litoral sul do Estado de Santa Catarina e de um concheiro da Terra do Fogo permitiu entender a dinâmica dos processos de formação de diferentes tipos de concheiros. No caso dos sambaquis catarinenses, o objetivo principal foi compreender os processos de formação culturais(atividades humanas) e naturais (tafonômicos) e suas mudanças ao longo do tempo, a partir da análise estratigráfica de sítios cuja cronologia envolve todo o período de ocupação humana pré-histórica da região (c. 7400-1000 anos AP). No caso fueguino, realizou-se o estudo micro-estratigráfico de um concheiro etno-histórico, para servir como modelo interpretativo na formulação de hipóteses sobre a formação dos concheiros. Os métodos utilizadospara caracterização dos sedimentos arqueológicos incluíram: granulometria, zooarqueologia, isotopia de C e N ( \'? POT.13\'C e \'? POT.15\' N), micromorfologia e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Utilizou-se também a analogia experimental com fogueiras acesas em diversos contextos conhecidos e queima controlada de moluscos. Três tipos de sambaquis foram analisados: quatro de padrão estratigráfico conchífero; dois de núcleo arenoso; e dois em montículo ictiológico. A formação do primeiro e terceiro tipos seguiu um padrão recorrente e contínuo que envolve retrabalhamento de elementos depositados e queimados em localdiferente do final. Estes elementos incluem resíduos alimentares, como conchas, restos de peixe (ossos e tecidos) e material vegetais (carvões e plantas de ciclo fotossintético \'C IND.3\'), assim como componentes terrígenos relacionados com o substrato sedimentar nos arredores do sambaqui e com sedimentos provenientes dos bancos de moluscos explorados. Os sambaquis de núcleo arenoso representam ocupações efêmeras, mas planejadas. A sua formação envolveu levantamento de montículos de areia e/ou aproveitamento de dunas eólicas, com posterior deposição de moluscos e resíduos de fogueiras. Desta análise, extraem-se duas implicações substanciais: 1) o hábito de retrabalhamento de resíduos pode ter incluído a destruição dos locais de moradia, nunca achados até o momento, associados aos grandes sambaquis; 2) a correspondência entre o processo de formação identificado nos montículos ictiológicos e nos sambaquis conchíferos sugere continuidade na atividade deposicional, apesar da mudança dematéria prima (substituição das conchas por restos de peixe) e da adoção da tecnologia cerâmica em tempos recentes. O concheiro etno-histórico analisado paracomparação geo-etnoarqueológica foi formado a partir de ocupações domésticas, recorrentes durante pelo menos um século. A análise do anel de conchas periférico possibilitou caracterizar micromorfologicamente os episódios de deposição massiva de conchas, pisoteamentoe abandono do sítio. A análise das fogueiras localizadas na área central do concheiro permitiuidentificar estruturas de combustão de temperatura alta e moderada (superior e inferior a 500° C, respectivamente). A comparação das microfácies do concheiro fueguino com as microfácies identificadas nos sambaquis catarinenses mostra diferentes trajetórias pré-deposicionais, relacionadas, no primeiro caso, com a deposição imediata e secundária de detritos de alimentação nos arredores do local de moradia, e, no caso dos sambaquis, com a sucessão intrincada de ações de deposição, queima e transporte, associada à formação de depósitos terciários. Estas observações corroboram a maior complexidade no processo de formação dos sambaquis. / To understand site formation processes in shell sites, eight sambaquis(shell mounds) from the southern coast of Santa Catarina and one shell midden (conchero) from Tierra del Fuego were studied. For the sambaquis of Santa Catarina, the aim was to understand the cultural and natural formation processes (human activities and taphonomy) and the way they changed through time through the whole period of prehistoric human occupation in the region (c. 7400-1000 years BP). In Tierra del Fuego, the micro-stratgraphic study of an ethnohistoric shell midden was done to serve as model for hypothesis on formation processes of shell sites. The methods used for characterization of archaeological sediments included: grain-size analyses, zooarchaeology, C and N isotopy (\'? POT.13\'C e \'? POT.15\' N), micromorphology and scanning electron microscopy. Experimental archaeology was done using different hearths lit on known contexts and by controlled burning of mollusk shell. Three types of sambaquis were analyzed: four shell mounds; two sand mounds; and two fish mounds. Formation of the first and third group followed a recurrent and continuous pattern of reworking of items, accumulated and burnt in a different location than the final. These items included food refuse, like shell, fish remains (bone and tissue) and plant material (charcoal and residues of \'C IND.3\' plants), as well as terrigenous components from the sedimentary substrate of the surroundings of the site and from the exploredshell beds. Sand mounds are ephemeral but planned occupations. Their formation involved rising of a sand mound and/or occupation over sand dunes, with deposition of shells and plant remains on top. Two substantial implications are extracted from this analyses: 1) the reworking of food residues may be destructing the remains of daily occupations associated with the large sambaquis, that have never been found to this moment; 2) the correspondence of formation process in shell mounds and fish mounds suggests continuity in the depositional activities, besides the change in material (substitution of shell by fish remains) and adoption of ceramic technology in recent times. The ethnohistorical site analyzed for geo-ethnoarchaeological comparison was formed by recurrent domestic occupations that lasted for a century. Analyses of the peripheral shell ring allowed the micromorphological characterization of episodes of massive shell deposition, trampling and site abandonment. Analyses of hearths located in the central habitation area showed micromorphological indicators of high temperature and moderate temperature combustion structures (over and under 500° C, respectivley). Comparison of microfacies from the fueguian shell midden and microfacies from the sambaquis shows different pre-depositional trajectories. In the first case, deposition is related with the immediate and secondary discard of food refuse around the living space. In the second case, formation is related with an intricate succession of deposition, burning and transport of items that resulted in a tertiary deposit. These observations corroborate the great complexity in the formation processes of sambaquis.
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Identificação e caracterização do comportamento físico de solos coesos no estado do Ceará. / Identification and characterization of the physical behavior of hardsetting soils in the state of Ceara.Lima, Herdjania Veras de 02 March 2004 (has links)
Os solos coesos ocorrem por quase toda a faixa litorânea brasileira ocupada pelos Tabuleiros Costeiros, e caracterizam-se por apresentar um incremento acentuado na sua resistência, a qual causa restrições no seu preparo e no crescimento das plantas. Isso ocorre devido ao mesmo apresentar-se duro a extremamente duro, quando seco e friável quando úmido. Dentre os Estados da região nordeste que possuem uma extensa área litorânea ocupada pelos Tabuleiros está o Ceará, com mais de 10.000 km2 ocupados por solos que podem ser enquadrados dentro do contexto de solos coesos. Com isso levantou-se a hipótese de que os solos coesos do Estado do Ceará apresentam as mesmas restrições físicas e químicas encontradas em outros solos pertencentes aos Tabuleiros Costeiros. O objetivo geral desta tese foi identificar a ocorrência de solos coesos no Estado do Ceará, bem como, avaliar o seu comportamento através do uso de atributos morfológicos, físicos, micromorfológicos e análise de imagens. Para alcançar o objetivo geral foram estabelecidos três objetivos específicos. Cada objetivo específico contemplou um trabalho e é apresentado como um capítulo desta tese. No primeiro procurou-se identificar e caracterizar a ocorrência de solos coesos no Ceará, usando atributos morfológicos, químicos e físicos. No segundo, foi feita uma análise do comportamento de um Argissolo Acinzentado coeso através do uso de atributos físicos, especificamente: resistência tênsil (RT), resistência do solo à penetração (RP), densidade do solo (Ds) e distribuição da porosidade total (PT). No terceiro e último trabalho realizou-se um detalhamento microscópico dos solos estudados, dando ênfase à distribuição, tamanho e orientação dos poros nas áreas adensadas e abertas (menos adensadas) do horizonte coeso, através do uso da análise de imagens. Os resultados do primeiro trabalho mostraram que os horizontes coesos encontrados no Ceará, apresentam-se semelhantes aos horizontes coesos encontrados em outros Estados brasileiros. Os resultados referentes ao segundo trabalho evidenciaram que os valores de RT, RP e Ds, mostraram-se mais elevados no solo coeso do Ceará, do que em outras áreas de Tabuleiros Costeiros estudadas no Brasil. No terceiro trabalho foi observado que o adensamento natural existente nos horizontes coesos do Ceará, além de influenciar a quantidade de poros, também influencia o seu formato e a sua orientação, e que as áreas adensadas, medidas por análise de imagem, foram os principais fatores que influenciaram o espaço poroso do solo, sendo responsável pelo aumento na resistência do solo. / The hardsetting soils may be found for almost the whole Brazilian coastal area of the Coastal Tablelands. They are characterized by presenting an accentuated increment in their mechanical resistance, which causes restrictions in the soil preparation and in the plants growth. These happen due to hardsetting soils become hard to extremely hard when dry, and crumbly when humid. Ceara is one of the northeast States that possess an extensive coastal area of Coastal Tablelands, with more than 10.000 km2 of hardsetting soils. Taking this into account, it was hypothesized that hardsetting soils of Ceara State had the same physical and chemical restrictions identified in hardsetting soils in other of Coastal Tablelands. The general objective of this thesis was to identify the occurrence of hardsetting soils in the Ceara State as well as to evaluate their behavior by using the morphological, physical, and micromorphological attributes, and image analysis. To accomplish the general objective three specific objectives were established. Each specific objective led to the accomplishment of one research, and is presented as a chapter of this thesis. In the first research was identified and characterized the occurrence of hardsetting soils in Ceara by using morphologic, chemical and physical attributes. In the second research, it was studied the behavior of a hardsetting Gray Argisol by using soil physical attributes, specifically: tensile strength (RT), soil resistance to penetration (RP), soil bulk density (Ds), and pore size distribution (PT). In the last research, the soil micromorphological features were studied, giving emphasis to the distribution, size and orientation of the pores in the more denser and less denser areas of the hardsetting horizon, by using image analysis. The results of the first research showed that the hardsetting horizons found in Ceara are similar to the hardsetting horizons found in other Brazilian States. The results regarding the second research indicated that the RT, RP and Ds values were higher in the hardsetting soil of Ceara than those measured in other hardsetting soils of the Coastal Tablelands. In the third research was observed that the existent natural compaction in the hardsetting horizons of Ceara influences the amount of pores as well as their shape and orientation, and that the denser areas, measured by image analysis, were the main factor that influenced the soil porosity, being responsible for the increase in the soil mechanical resistance.
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Efeito da aplicação de composto orgânico sobre o processo de encrostamento e a recuperação de solos degradados pela erosão hídrica / Effect of the application of organic compost on the process of crust formation and the recuperation of degraded soils by water erosionToma, Raul Shiso 07 April 2008 (has links)
A geração de resíduos orgânicos juntamente com a erosão, são dois grandes problemas ambientais mundiais. São responsáveis pela redução da produtividade agrícola e pelos altos impactos ambientais. O presente projeto teve como objetivo a utilização de resíduos orgânicos gerados na agropecuária, na forma de composto orgânico, para a recuperação de áreas degradadas pela erosão hídrica. Foram avaliados os efeitos de quatro doses de composto (0, 20, 40 e 100 Mg.ha-1) na recuperação dos solos degradados por erosão. Somado a isto foi também avaliado o efeito da dose de composto sobre o processo de encrostamento superficial do solo. O projeto foi composto por dois experimentos, um com a ausência da erosão e o outro com presença de erosão (remoção de uma camada de 50 cm de solo), sendo realizados concomitantemente na mesma área. O delineamento experimental usado para cada experimento foi o inteiramente casualizado com 4 tratamentos (0, 20, 40 e 100 Mg.ha-1) e 4 repetições. Para o monitoramento da recuperação do solo e do processo de encrostamento em função das diferentes doses de composto, amostras deformadas e indeformadas de solo foram coletadas para análises físicas e químicas de rotina, para medidas da densidade do solo, para confecção de curvas características de retenção de água, e para análises micromorfológicas e de imagens. No campo foram realizados o monitoramento da chuva, da condutividade hidráulica e da infiltração de água no solo. Ficou claro que com o aumento da dose de composto orgânico aplicado no solo, melhor era a condição química do mesmo. Os valores dos elementos aumentavam conforme a dose de composto era também aumentada. A ação da matéria orgânica no solo colaborou com um aumento na retenção de água no solo a partir das doses de 40 e 100 Mg.ha-1. Esta melhor retenção de água favoreceu juntamente com a química, o crescimento das culturas no período seco garantindo assim uma maior produção de matéria seca das culturas implantadas, principalmente na dose de 100 Mg.ha-1. Com o aumento da porosidade do solo ao longo do tempo estudado em todas as doses de composto aplicado, a densidade do solo diminuiu onde o composto estava presente, se tornando mais constante em altas doses seus valores. A condutividade hidráulica do solo foi reduzida ao longo dos dois experimentos para todas as doses de composto aplicado. Essa redução pode ser explicada pelo aumento do encrostamento superficial do solo ao longo do tempo principalmente nas doses de 0 e 20 Mg.ha-1, dificultando a infiltração de água no solo. Portanto, a aplicação de altas doses de composto orgânico aceleram a recuperação dos atributos químicos e físicos do solo, assim como colaboram na redução da formação de vesículas nas crostas superficiais e diminuem os efeitos do impacto das gotas de chuvas na formação do encrostamento. / The generation of organic waste along with soil erosion are two major environmental problems worldwide. They are responsible for the reduction of agricultural productivity and high environmental impacts. The objective of this dissertation is the use of organic waste generated in agriculture, in the form of organic compost, for the recovery of degraded areas by water erosion. The effects of four doses of compost (0, 20, 40 and 100 Mg.ha-1) in the recovery of degraded soils by erosion, was tested. Added to this, the effect of the dose of compost on the process of soil surface crusting surface was also tested. The project was composed of two experiments, one with no erosion and the other with erosion (removal of a layer of 50 cm of soil), conducted concurrently in the same area. The experimental design for each experiment was completely randomized with 4 treatments (0, 20, 40 and 100 Mg.ha-1) and 4 replications. For the monitoring of the recovery of soil and the process of crusting according to the different doses of compost, deformed and undeformed soil samples were collected for routine physical and chemical analyses soil density evaluation, determination of the characteristic water retention curve, and for micromorphological and image analysis. In the field, rain, hydraulic conductivity and soil water infiltration were monitored. It was clear that with the increasing doses of organic compost used in the soil, the chemical condition meliorated. The content of the nutrients increased as the dose of compost was also increased. The action of organic matter in the soil collaborated with an increase in its water retention mainly for doses of 40 and 100 Mg.ha-1. This better water retention helped, together with the chemical recuperation, in the growth of the crops in the dry season thereby ensuring a higher dry matter yield, mainly in the dose of 100 Mg.ha-1. The increasing soil porosity over time observed in all doses of compost applied, led to a decrease in the soil density. The hydraulic conductivity of the soil was reduced in both experiments for all the applied compost doses. This reduction can be explained by the increase of the soil crusting process over time, especially in the doses of 0 and 20 Mg.ha-1, hampering the water infiltration in the soil. Therefore, the application of high doses of organic compost accelerates the recuperation of the chemical and physical attributes of the soil. It also collaborates in reducing the formation of vesicles in the superficial crust and decreases the effects of the impact of the raindrops on the crust formation.
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Caracterização física, química, mineralógica e morfológica de uma sequência de solos em Lins/SP. / Physical, chemical, mineralogical and morphological characterization of a soil series in Lins/sp.Ibrahim, Liliane 08 March 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo a caracterização de um sistema de solos, evidenciando os parâmetros que possam esclarecer sua dinâmica e contribuir para a definição de critérios que possam determinar a aptidão destes solos como receptores de efluentes. Trata-se de uma área experimental de estudos, contígua à Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto do município de Lins (SP), onde efluentes são gerados a partir do tratamento de esgoto por sistema de lagoas de estabilização. Nesta área, vem sendo aplicada a técnica de irrigação com efluentes (fertirrigação). Os solos, situados ao longo de uma vertente com ligeira inclinação, foram caracterizados através de análises morfológicas, granulométricas, químicas, mineralógicas e micromorfológicas, realizadas em amostras coletadas em seis trincheiras abertas ao longo de duas topossequências, dispostas segundo o eixo de maior declive da vertente. Os solos são desenvolvidos a partir dos sedimentos arenosos da Formação Adamantina (Grupo Bauru) e constituem um sistema Latossolo - Argissolo, onde a transição Bw - Bt ocorre lateralmente do topo para a base da vertente. Foram identificadas quatro fases pedogenéticas nesta associação de solos. As duas primeiras, argiluviação e adensamento de partículas, responsáveis pela formação dos horizontes texturais, foram superpostas pelos processos de latossolização e hidromorfismo, atuantes na dinâmica atual destes solos. Análises micromorfológicas mostraram tratar-se de solos com intensa porosidade, caracterizada pelo empilhamento dos grãos do esqueleto quartzoso, amplamente predominante, e pelo arranjo entre os microagregados granulares. A permeabilidade é ainda favorecida pela intensa ação da mesofauna. Os solos são distróficos, com alta saturação por alumínio e compostos por caolinita e óxidos de ferro. Por se constituirem num sistema frágil, a disposição de quaisquer tipos de resíduos nestes solos, requer o monitoramento constante de suas propriedades, tanto para a manutenção, quanto para a recuperação da qualidade desta cobertura pedológica. / The purpose of this study is to characterize a soil system, identifying the properties which can elucidate its dynamics and to define criterions for the ability of these soils to constitute an effluent disposal land. The experimental area is located nearby the Sewage Treatment Station (STS), in Lins (SP) and the effluent is proceeded for secundary treatment. In this area, is being applied the technique of fertirrigation. The soils are situated on a downslope and were characterized beside morphological, particle size, chemicals, mineralogicals and micromorphologicals analyses on samples collected in six profiles along two toposequences, across the axis of maximun gradient on downslope. These soils are expanded from sandstones of Adamantina Formation (Bauru Group) and compose an Oxisol-Ultisol system. The Bw-Bt transition accurs laterally, from the upper to the lowest part of downslope. It was recognized four pedogenetic phasis. Both first, argilluviation and compressed layer, explain the formation of argillic horizons and were superimposed from latossolization and hydromorphism, both last actuating on the actual dynamics of these soils. Micromorphological analysis showed that these soils are too porous, characterized for packing of skeletic grains and between granular aggregates. The permeability is increased by the activity of mesofaunal. These soils are dystrophics, have high aluminium saturation and are composed for kaolinite and iron oxides. This system is fragile, thus, the deposal of any kind of residues on these soils, needs the constant warning of all of their properties, so to the maintenance and also the recover of the quality of this pedologic cover.
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