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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A fully coupled dynamic framework for two-scale simulations of SHCC

Tamsen, Erik 26 March 2021 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation wird eine allgemeine zweiskalige Homogenisierungsmethode für große Deformationen entwickelt, welche die Trägheitskräfte der Mikroskala konsistent berücksichtigt. Die energetische Skalenkopplung der Methode basiert auf der erweiterten Hill-Mandel Bedingung für Makrohomogenität. Darüber hinaus wird die kinematische Skalenkopplung diskutiert und eine Volumenintegrals-Verschiebungsbedingung aufgezeigt, die eine allgemeine dynamische Betrachtung ermöglicht. Um einen effizienten Algorithmus zu gewährleisten, werden vier makroskopischen Tangenten-Module in geschlossener Form hergeleitet. Es werden zwei Rechenbeispiele genutzt, um allgemeine Eigenschaften der Methode zu analysieren. Dazu gehören das makroskopische Konvergenzverhalten und die Übereinstimmung mit einskaligen Referenzsimulationen. Des Weiteren wird der Einfluss der Verschiebungsbedingung und die Wahl der Einheitszelle als representatives Volumenelement auf die Antwort der Makroskale untersucht. Der Fokus der Arbeit wird im Anschluss auf die Modellierung hochduktiler Betone (Engl.: Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites – SHCC) unter Stoßbelastung gelegt. Zunächst wird anhand von experimentellen Daten ein vereinfachtes Materialmodell kalibriert, welches das homogenisierte Faserauszugsverhalten repräsentiert. Danach wird dieses Faserauszugsmodell auf der Mikroskale eingesetzt und mit der vorgestellten Homogenisierungsmethode untersucht. Schließlich wird ein Split-Hopkinson-Bar Zugversuch numerisch repliziert. Dieser wird verwendet um die Funktionaltät der Methode aufzuzeigen, wie dynamische Effekte des Materials und der Struktur untersucht werden können. / A general numerical two-scale homogenization method for large strains is developed, which consistently takes into account inertia forces at the microscale. The energetic scale coupling of the framework is based on the extended Hill-Mandel condition of macro-homogeneity. Furthermore, kinematic scale links are discussed and a volume integral displacement constraint is proposed. To enable an efficient algorithm, closed form formulations of four macroscopic tangent moduli are derived. These consistently include the microscale inertia effects as well as the proposed displacement constraint. Two numerical examples are presented, a layered microstructure and a locally resonant material. These examples are used to analyze general properties of the presented framework, namely the macroscopic convergence behavior and the overall match with single-scale reference calculations. In addition, both the displacement constraint and the choice of unit cell as representative volume element are studied with respect to their influence on the macroscopic response. Subsequently, the thesis focuses on the modeling of strain-hardening cementitious composites under impact loading. First, a simplified material model representing the homogenized fiber pullout behavior is calibrated using experimental data. Then, this fiber pullout model is used at the microscale and studied using the proposed dynamic homogenization framework. Finally, a split Hopkinson bar tension test is numerically replicated and used to showcase the ability of the framework to thoroughly study the dynamic effects of the material and structure.

Macroscopic and microscopic characterization of non-reacting diesel sprays at low and very high injection pressures

Giraldo Valderrama, Jhoan Sebastián 10 December 2018 (has links)
En la exploración de nuevos métodos para el mejoramiento de la eficiencia y rendimiento del motor diésel, es claro que un gran esfuerzo debe estar enfocado en el proceso de inyección de combustible. La eficiencia de la combustión y las emisiones, se ven muy afectadas por el proceso de atomización, y se ha demostrado que incrementos en presiones de inyección conllevan un gran potencial para mejorar el ahorro de combustible, producir mejores mezclas de aire y combustible, y por tanto menor generación de emisiones contaminantes. Últimamente, las presiones de inyección han aumentado de alrededor de 50 MPa en los años 70 hasta 250 MPa en los días actuales. Presiones de inyección muy altas (250-300 MPa) o incluso ultra altas (> 300 MPa) vienen siendo materia de investigación con el fin de ser implementadas de manera comercial en un futuro próximo. La estructura y desarrollo del spray diésel pueden ser caracterizados desde un punto de vista microscópico por medio de la medición del tamaño de gotas del spray y sus velocidades. En condiciones no-evaporativas, técnicas como el PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) vienen siendo utilizadas para la obtención de perfiles de diámetros y velocidades de gota con una alta resolución temporal. Desde el punto de vista macroscópico, existen parámetros específicos que permiten caracterizar a un chorro diésel, estos son: la penetración de vapor y líquida junto con el ángulo de apertura del chorro. La penetración líquida es un indicador claro de la capacidad de evaporación del combustible utilizado, mientras que la penetración de vapor, por su parte, es indicativo del proceso de mezcla y la probabilidad de colisión con las paredes de la cámara de combustión; factores claves a la hora de la generación de emisiones contaminantes. En esta tesis se estudia la influencia de presiones bajas, medias y muy altas presiones inyección, sobre un amplio espectro de condiciones y diagnósticos experimentales, y desde el punto de vista macroscópico y microscópico. Se realizaron experimentos para tres diferentes inyectores, 2 solenoides y un piezo eléctrico, este último con la capacidad de alcanzar presiones de inyección cercanas a 270 MPa. Las medidas incluyen una caracterización hidráulica, compuesta por tasa de inyección; una visualización de alta velocidad del chorro líquido isotermo; una visualización de alta velocidad del chorro inerte evaporativo, con captura simultánea de las fases líquida y vapor; y finalmente, una caracterización microscópica por medio de la obtención de distribución de tamaño de gotas y sus velocidades. Con respecto a los ensayos microscópicos, se desarrolló una metodología para el aislamiento y alineación de sprays con un error de medición muy bajo de 0,22°. Se llevaron a cabo mediciones de velocidad de gotas, cuyos resultados mostraron buen ajuste con perfiles teóricos de velocidad. De igual manera, una correlación para el tamaño de gota SMD se obtuvo mostrando un alto nivel de ajuste y siendo representativa para todo el rango de presiones de inyección estudiados. En el caso de la caracterización macroscópica del chorro isotermo, se han detectado variaciones macroscópicas en el desarrollo del chorro con propiedades de gas, inclusive en condiciones de motor comunes. Para estimar estos efectos y otros que las presiones de inyección muy altas tendrían sobre la estructura del chorro, se incentivó la aparición de ondas de choque controlando la velocidad del sonido del ambiente. Se usaron tres gases ambientales (SF6 N2 y CO2) con diferentes velocidades de sonido, promoviendo de esta manera chorros supersónicos en determinados casos. Al comparar ensayos con mismas densidades y diferentes gases ambientales, se encontró que todas las tendencias cercanas al estado transónico (0.8 <M <1.2) tenían una mayor penetración y menor ángulo de chorro. / En l'exploració de nous mètodes per al millorament de l'eficiència i rendiment del motor dièsel, és clar que un gran esforç s'ha enfocar en el procés d'injecció de combustible. L'eficiència de la combustió i les emissions, es veuen molt afectades pel procés d'atomització, i s'ha demostrat que increments en pressions d'injecció comporten un gran potencial per a millorar l'estalvi de combustible, produir millors mescles d'aire i combustible, i per tant menor generació d'emissions contaminants. Últimament, les pressions d'injecció han augmentat d'al voltant de 50 MPa en els anys 70 fins a 250 MPa en els dies actuals. Pressions d'injecció molt altes (250-300 MPa) o inclús ultra altes (> 300 MPa) vénen sent matèria d'investigació a fi de ser implementades de manera comercial en un futur pròxim. L'estructura i desenrotllament de l'esprai dièsel poden ser caracteritzats des d'un punt de vista microscòpic per mitjà del mesurament de la grandària de gotes de l'esprai i les seues velocitats. En condicions no-evaporatives, tècniques com el PDPA (Phase doppler particle analyzer) vénen sent utilitzades per a l'obtenció de perfils de diàmetres i velocitats de gota amb una alta resolució temporal. Des del punt de vista macroscòpic, hi ha paràmetres específics que permeten caracteritzar a un doll dièsel, estos són: la penetració de vapor i la penetració líquida junt amb l'angle d'obertura del doll. La penetració líquida és un indicador clar de la capacitat d'evaporació del combustible utilitzat, mentres que la penetració de vapor, per la seua banda, és indicatiu del procés de mescla i la probabilitat de col·lisió amb les parets de la cambra de combustió; factors claus a l'hora de la generació d'emissions contaminants. En esta tesi s'estudia la influència de pressions d' injecció baixes, mitges i molt altes, sobre un ampli espectre de condicions i diagnòstics experimentals, i des del punt de vista macroscòpic i microscòpic. Es van realitzar experiments per a tres injectors diferents, 2 solenoides i un piezo elèctric, este últim amb la capacitat d'aconseguir pressions d'injecció pròximes a 270 MPa. Les medides inclouen una caracterització hidràulica, composta per taxa d'injecció; una visualització d'alta velocitat del doll líquid isoterm; una visualització d'alta velocitat del doll inert evaporativo, amb captura simultània de les fases líquida i vapor; i finalment, una caracterització microscòpica per mitjà de l'obtenció de distribució de grandària de gotes i les seues velocitats. Respecte als assajos microscòpics, es va desenrotllar una metodologia per a l'aïllament i alineació d'esprais amb un error de mesurament molt davall de 0,22°. Es van dur a terme mesuraments de velocitat de gotes, els resultats van mostrar bon ajust amb perfils teòrics de velocitat. De la mateixa manera, una correlació per a la grandària de gota SMD es va obtindre mostrant un alt nivell d'ajust i sent representativa per a tot el rang de pressions d'injecció estudiats. En el cas de la caracterització macroscòpica del doll isoterm, s'han detectat variacions macroscòpiques en el desenrotllament del doll amb propietats de gas, inclusivament en condicions de motor comú. Per a estimar estos efectes i altres que altes pressions d'injecció tindrien sobre l'estructura del doll, es va incentivar l'aparició d'ones de xoc controlant la velocitat del so de l'ambient. Es van usar tres gasos ambientals (SF6, N2 i CO2) amb diferents velocitats de so, promovent d'esta manera dolls supersònics en determinats casos. Al comparar assajos amb mateixes densitats i diferents gasos ambientals, es va trobar que totes les tendències pròximes a l'estat transónic (0.8 < M < 1.2) tenien una major penetració i menor angle de doll. Respecte al doll evaporatiu, per a pressions d'injecció molt altes com 270MPa, els efectes dels paràmetres ambientals i d'injecció van romandre iguals respecte a totes les carac / In the exploration of new methods for improving the efficiency and performance of the diesel engine, it is clear that a great effort should be focused on the fuel injection process. The efficiency of combustion and emissions are greatly affected by the atomization process, and it is considered that injection pressures increments have a great potential to improve fuel economy, produce better air and fuel mixtures, and thus low generation of polluting emissions. Lately, injection pressures have increased from around 50 MPa in the 70's to 250 MPa in the current days, even very high injection pressures (250-300 MPa) or ultra high pressures (> 300 MPa) have been the subject of the scientific community in order to be implemented in future injection systems. The structure and development of the diesel spray can be characterized from a microscopic point of view by means of estimation of droplets size and velocities. At non-evaporative conditions, techniques such as PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) are being used to obtain diameters and velocity profiles a with high temporal resolution. From the macroscopic point of view, there are specific parameters that allow characterizing the diesel spray, these are: the liquid and vapor penetration along with the spray angle. The liquid penetration is a clear indicator of the evaporation capacity of the fuel used, whilst the vapor penetration, on the other hand, is an indicative of the mixing process and the probability of collision with the combustion chamber walls; key factors when generating polluting emissions. In this thesis the influence of low and very high injections pressures over the macro and micro characteristics of the diesel spray is studied, over a wide spectrum of conditions and experimental diagnoses. Experiments were carried out for three different injectors, two solenoids and one piezoelectric, the latter with the capacity to reach injection pressures close to 270MPa. The measurements include a hydraulic characterization; a high speed visualization of the liquid spray at isothermal conditions; a high-speed visualization of the evaporative spray, with simultaneous capture of the liquid and vapor phases; and finally, a microscopic characterization. Regarding the microscopic tests, a methodology was developed for the spray isolation and alignment with a very low measurement error of 0.22° Droplets velocity measurements were carried out, the results showed good adjustment with theoretical velocity profiles. Similarly, a correlation for SMD droplet size was obtained showing a high level of adjustment and being representative for the entire range of injection pressures studied. In the case of the macroscopic characterization of the isothermal spray, variations have been detected in the development of the jet with gas properties, even at common engine injection conditions. To estimate these effects and others that very high injection pressures would have on the spray structure, the apparition of shock waves was enhanced by controlling the speed of sound of the environment using three ambient gases with different speed of sound (SF6, N2 and CO2). When comparing tests with same densities and different ambient gases, it was found that all the tendencies near the transonic state (0.8 <M <1.2) had a higher penetration and lower spray angle. With respect to the evaporative jet, for very high injection pressures like 270MPa, the effects of the environmental and injection parameters remained the same with respect to all the macroscopic characteristics. / Giraldo Valderrama, JS. (2018). Macroscopic and microscopic characterization of non-reacting diesel sprays at low and very high injection pressures [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/113643

Grid-Based Focus Stacking InMicroscopic Photography : Utilizing Grid Systems For Noise Reduction

Abrahamsson, William, Theo, Davnert January 2024 (has links)
Microscope cameras possess high zoom capabilities and are frequently used for quality control in various industries. Visus Technology is a company that manufactures and sells these cameras, along with control software. The problem is that these cameras can only be set to one focus depth at a time. Therefore, we were tasked with implementing a fast focus stacking algorithm that combines multiple input images with different focus depths, resulting in a composite image with consistent focus throughout. This will later be integrated into the control software. We initially approached the problem by choosing pixels with the highest Laplacian intensity. This resulted in very noisy output images since the blurry images could sometimes produce high-intensity pixels where they were not supposed to be. To address this, we implemented a grid-based focus stacking algorithm. The algorithm divides the input images into tiles, filtering out the blurriest tiles to exclude them from the stacking process. The result is a composite image with significantly reduced blur.

Assessment of the influence of the tumor microenvironment on the microscopic tumor extension in esophageal cancer patients

Igbo, Benjamin Terfa 09 July 2024 (has links)
The definition of clinical target volume (CTV) margins around gross tumor volume (GTV) for radiotherapy of esophageal cancer (EC) and many solid tumors is still a challenge hence the currently available in-vivo imaging techniques still fail to detect areas of microscopic tumor extension (MTE). Many parameters of the tumor microenvironment (TME), e.g., tumor cell proliferation, cancer stem cells, hypoxia, kinases, immune architecture and patient-specific parameters are hypothesized as inducers of MTE in esophageal cancer and other tumors. The correlation of these TME biomarkers with MTE before, during or after radiochemotherapy (RCHT) is crucial in the era of image-guided, adaptive high-precision photon or particle therapy. In this thesis, two study cohorts were used to assess some selected TME biomarkers and their predictive value on MTE for an improved CTV definition. The first study used immunohistochemistry analysis for the assessment of TME marker namely HIF-1α, Ki67, p53, CXCR4 and PD1 in a cohort of retrospectively collected formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) blocks of EC patients treated with either neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy plus resection (NRCHT+R) or resection alone (R). The subsequent study employing a multiplex-immunofluorescence technique assessed the expression of various markers, i.e., FAK, ILK, CD44, HIF-1α and Ki67, in a cohort of prospectively prepared FFPE resection specimens of EC patients with implantable fiducial gold markers at the proximal and distal tumor borders illustrating the GTV prior to NRCHT+R and correlated those markers to the MTE. The findings from our first study showed upregulation of HIF-1α, Ki67, p53, CXCR4 and PD1, within squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and adenocarcinoma (AC) patients treated with R compared to those having undergone NRCHT+R. In the second study higher expression of FAK+, CD44+, HIF-1+, and Ki67+ cells in tumor-nests than in tumor-stroma of both SCC and AC patients was found, although ILK+ cells were higher in tumor stroma. In addition, MTE reaching up to 31 mm beyond the fiducial markers was found in three patients (all cT3N1) with a stronger expression of FAK+, CD44+ and ILK+ cells in tumor-nests in between the fiducial markers (former GTV) and beyond those (former CTV), even after NRCHT. In conclusion, there is thus far no evidence that the TME influences the CTV margin on an individual patient basis, hence differences in the TME between patients with residual tumor cells in the original CTV compared to those without were not detected.

Water dispersible electrically conductive poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene) nanospindles by liquid crystalline template assisted polymerization

Devaki, Sudha J., Sadanandhan, Neethu K., Sasi, Renjith, Adler, Hans-Juergen P., Pich, Andrij 09 January 2020 (has links)
In this work, we demonstrate an inimitable liquid crystalline template strategy for the preparation of water dispersible electrically conducting poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) nanospindles (PEDOTSs). PEDOTSs were formed during the polymerization of the spindle shaped liquid crystalline phase of “EDOT–PDPSA” which was formed by the specific interactions of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) with 3-pentadecyl phenol-4-sulphonic acid (PDPSA). Liquid crystalline phases were characterized by Polarized Light Microscopic (PLM) analyses, rheology and XRD. Morphology and solid state ordering of conducting nanospindles were characterized by SEM, TEM and XRD. PEDOTSs exhibited an electrical conductivity of ~2.79 S cm⁻¹ and a good thermal stability (~300 °C), which suggests their applicability in fabricating high temperature electronic devices. Furthermore, electrochemical studies of PEDOTS modified glassy carbon electrodes (GCEs) showed an oxidation peak of ascorbic acid at a lower potential of 0.046 V with a peak current about 10 times (91.68 µA) higher than that of the bare GCE with excellent electrode stability, proposing that it can be used as a steady electrode for the electro-catalytic oxidation of similar molecules.

Komparacija kliničkog i patološko-morfološkog nalaza akutnog respiratornog distres sindroma / Comparison of clinical and pathomorphological finding in acute respiratory distress syndrome

Lovrenski Aleksandra 17 July 2015 (has links)
<p>Akutni respiratorni distres sindrom (ARDS) predstavlja klinički sindrom koji se manifestuje te&scaron;kom respiratornom insuficijencijom sa razvojem akutnog edema pluća u odsustvu znakova popu&scaron;tanja leve polovine srca. S obzirom da ovaj sindrom ima heterogenu etiologiju, progresivan tok i visoku stopu mortaliteta, pravovremena i tačna dijagnoza esencijalna je u primeni efektivne i rane terapije, a samim tim i u pobolj&scaron;anju prognoze bolesti. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita povezanost kliničke i patohistolo&scaron;ke dijagnoze ovog sindroma, kao i da se analiziraju i uporede vrednosti kliničkih parametara neophodnih za postavljanje dijagnoze ARDS-a sa patohistolo&scaron;kim parametrima o&scaron;tećenja plućnog tkiva. Studija je obuhvatila 67 pacijenata Instituta za plućne bolesti Vojvodine koji su umrli pod kliničkom slikom ARDS-a i/ili kod kojih je na obdukciji patohistolo&scaron;ki dokazan ARDS. Za postavljanje kliničke dijagnoze ARDS-a kori&scaron;ćeni su kriterijumi The American-European Consensus Conference iz 1994. Nakon semikvantitativne analize patohistolo&scaron;kih parametara difuznog alveolarnog o&scaron;tećenja određivan je histolo&scaron;ki stadijum ARDS-a i svi pacijenti podeljeni su u dve grupe: I grupa - pacijenti u eksudativnoj fazi i II grupa - pacijenti u proliferativnoj fazi difuznog alveolarnog o&scaron;tećenja. Formirane grupe pacijenata upoređivane su u odnosu na vrednosti kliničkih parametara 12h pre smrtnog ishoda. U cilju procene prisustva komorbiditeta analizirani su indeks telesne mase (engl. body mass index- BMI) i podaci o prethodno dijagnostikovanoj arterijskoj hipertenziji. Kod svih pacijenata uključenih u studiju upoređivane su kliničke dijagnoze sa obdukcionim nalazom. Za klasifikaciju autopsijskih dijagnoza kori&scaron;ćena je Goldman-ova klasifikacija. Na osnovu provedenog istraživanja, do&scaron;lo se do zaključka da slaganje klinički dijagnostikovanih i patohistolo&scaron;ki potvrđenih slučajeva ARDS-a iznosi 68%. Senzitivnost kliničke dijagnoze ARDS-a iznosi 82%, a pozitivna prediktivna vrednost 80%. Pacijenti sa nalazom eksudativne faze DAD-a u plućnom tkivu su u najvećem procentu imali klinički težak ARDS, dok su se pacijenti sa nalazom proliferativne faze sindroma če&scaron;će manifestovali pod kliničkom slikom srednje te&scaron;kog ARDS-a, odnosno utvrđeno je da postoji statistička povezanost između nižih vrednosti PaO2/FiO2 i teže faze ARDSa. Patohistolo&scaron;kom analizom promena u plućnom tkivu nađeno je da najvažnija obeležja eksudativne faze ARDS-a predstavljaju: hijaline membrane, edem i krvarenje, dok su se kao najvažnija obeležja proliferativne faze ARDS-a izdvojili: proliferacija pneumocita tipa II, intersticijalna i mutilantna fibroza i organizirajuća pneumonija. Kod pacijenata sa kliničkom dijagnozom ARDS-a kod kojih ARDS nije i patohistolo&scaron;ki dokazan, najče&scaron;ći nalaz na plućima bila je fibrinozno-purulentna bronhopneumonija. Analizom etiolo&scaron;kih faktora koji doprinose razvoju ovog sindroma otkriveno je da je ARDS najče&scaron;će nastao kao posledica delovanja direktnih/pulmonalnih činilaca: pneumonije i virusa gripa H1N1. Najzastupljeniji komorbiditeti prisutni kod pacijenata sa ARDS-om bili su sistemska hipertenzija i gojaznost. Najzad, kod svih pacijenata uključenih u istraživanje upoređivane su kliničke dijagnoze sa obdukcionim nalazom i na osnovu Goldman-ove klasifikacije kliničke dijagnoze i obdukcioni nalaz slažu se u 72% slučajeva. Rezultati ove studije mogli bi se upotrebiti u daljim istraživanjima kako bi omogućili bolji dijagnostički pristup ovom problemu, a samim tim i bolji terapijski pristup i smanjivanje stope mortaliteta.</p> / <p>Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a clinical syndrome characterized by severe respiratory failure with development of acute pulmonary edema in the absence of left heart failure signs. Since this syndrome has a heterogeneous etiology, progressive course and high mortality, timely and accurate diagnosis is essential in the implementation of effective and early treatment, and therefore in improving the prognosis of the disease. The aim of this PhD thesis was to examine the association between clinical and pathohistological diagnosis of this syndrome, as well as to analyze and compare the values of clinical parameters necessary for the diagnosis of ARDS with pathohistological parameters of diffuse alveolar damage. The study included 67 patients of the Institute for Lung Diseases who died under clinical picture of ARDS and / or in which, at the autopsy, pathohistological diagnosis of ARDS was set. To set up a clinical diagnosis of ARDS the criteria of the American-European Consensus Conference in 1994 were used. After a semi-quantitative analysis of histopathological parameters of diffuse alveolar damage, all patients were divided into two groups: Group I - patients in the exudative stage and Group II - patients in the proliferative phase of diffuse alveolar damage. Formed groups of patients were compared with respect to clinical parameters values 12 h before death. In order to assess the presence of comorbidities body mass index (BMI) and data on previously diagnosed arterial hypertension were analyzed. In all patients included in the study the clinical diagnosis were compared with autopsy findings according to Goldman&#39;s classification. According to this study, agreement of clinically diagnosed and histologically confirmed cases of ARDS is 68%. The sensitivity of clinical diagnosis of ARDS is 82%, and positive predictive value is 80%. Patients with exudative phase of DAD most frequently had a severe form of ARDS, whereas patients with proliferative phase often manifested with moderate form of ARDS, ie it was found that there is a statistical association between lower values PaO2 / FiO2 and more severe phase of ARDS. Pathological analysis of changes in lung tissue revealed that the most important characteristics of exudative phase of ARDS are: hyaline membrane, edema and bleeding, while the most important features of the proliferative phase of ARDS are: the proliferation of type II pneumocytes, interstitial fibrosis and mutilating and organizing pneumonia. In patients with a clinical diagnosis of ARDS in which ARDS was not pathohistologically proven, the most common finding in the lungs was fibrinous-purulent bronchopneumonia. The analysis of etiological factors that contribute to the development of this syndrome discovered that ARDS usually develop as a result of pulmonary factors: pneumonia and influenza virus H1N1. The most common comorbidities present in patients with ARDS were systemic hypertension and obesity. Finally, in all patients included in the study clinical diagnosis and autopsy findings were compared and based on Goldman&#39;s classification clinical diagnosis and autopsy findings are in agreement in 72% of cases. The results of this study could be used in further research to enable better diagnostic approach to this problem, and therefore a better therapeutic approach and reducing mortality rates.</p>

Análise estrutural e comparativa do genoma de Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli. / Structural and comparative analysis of the genome of leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli.

Gagliardi, Paulo Roberto 26 September 2003 (has links)
Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Davis et al.; 1984; Evtushenko et al.; 2000) é agente causal de uma das mais importantes doenças da cana-de-açúcar: o raquitismo-da-soqueira (Gillaspie Jr. & Davis, 1992; Davis et al.; 1994). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal usar métodos de análise cromossômica para corroborar o mapa genômico da estirpe CTC B07 de L. xyli subsp. xyli obtido através do seqüenciamento por "shotgun", realizado pelo grupo de seqüenciamento de Genomas Agronômicos e do Meio-ambiente (AEG) da rede ONSA-FAPESP. A identidade do isolado foi confirmada com a amplificação e seqüenciamento da região 23S do rRNA bem como por meio de testes sorológicos de microaglutinação com antissoro específico. Além destes, foram realizados testes de microscopia eletrônica de varredura da bactéria cultivada em meio líquido para confirmar a pureza do isolado. O tamanho do genoma de L. xyli subsp. xyli foi estimado com base na análise de fragmentos de restrição gerados por digestões com as enzimas de restrição XbaI e SpeI e eletroforese de campo pulsado (PFGE). As estimativas de 2.540 kb e 2.530 kb com XbaI e SpeI respectivamente ficaram próximas ao valor obtido pelo seqüenciamento genômico (2.596.959 pb). Em adição, o número de seqüências repetidas e de genes ribossomais identificados pelo projeto genoma foram confirmados por meio de hibridizações com sondas apropriadas. Comparações genômicas de L. xyli subsp. xyli, L. xyli subsp. cynodontis e duas espécies de Clavibacter também foram objetivos deste trabalho. As comparações foram baseadas em análise de RFLPs após a hibridização do DNA genômico utilizando como sondas elementos genéticos móveis presentes no genoma de L. xyli subsp. xyli. As estimativas dos números estimado de cópias destes elementos no genoma de L. xyli subsp. xyli obtidas por hibridizações concordam com aquelas obtidas pelo seqüenciamento, considerando fragmentos RFLPs menores que 9 kb. Informações referentes à fragmentos maiores não foram obtidas uma vez que estes não foram adequadamente resolvidos na corrida eletroforética. Finalmente, comparações através de análise de RFLP e rep-PCR mostraram diferenças entre L. xyli subsp. xyli e L. xyli subsp. cynodontis bem como entre estas e espécies de Clavibacter. Não foram verificadas diferenças entre a estirpe CTC B07 de L. xyli subsp. xyli e a estirpe australiana. / Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Davis et al.; 1984; Evtushenko et al.; 2000) is the causal agent of one of the most economically important disease of sugarcane worldwide, i.e, ratoon stunting disease (Gillaspie Jr. & Davis, 1992; Davis et al.; 1994). The main objective of this study was to confirm the assembly of the genome of L. xyli subsp. xyli obtained after shotgun sequencing by the Agronomic and Enviromental Genomes group of the ONSA/FAPESP network. The identity of the strain was confirmed by amplification and sequencing of the 23S rRNA region as well as by microaglutination serological tests with specific antiserum. Besides this, scanning electron microscopic analysis was used to assess the purity of the strain culture. The size of the genome of L. xyli subsp. xyli was estimated based on restriction analysis after digestion of genomic DNA with SpeI and XbaI followed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The estimates of 2,530 kb and 2,540 kb, respectively for SpeI and XbaI, are in agreement with the one obtained by whole genome sequencing (2,596 kb). In addition, the number of repeated sequences and ribossomal genes predicted by thesequencing project was confirmed by hybridization experiments with the appropriate probes. Genomic comparisons of L. xyli subsp. xyli, L. xyli subsp. cynodontis and two Clavibacter species comprised a second objective of this study. Comparisons were based on RFLP analysis after hybridization of digested genomic DNA using mobile genetic elements present in the genome of L. xyli subsp. xyli as probes. The estimates of number of copies of these elements in the genome of L. xyli subsp. xyli obtained by this approach agreed with the ones obtained by sequencing if RFLP fragments smaller than 9 kb are considered. Data from larger fragments were not obtained since they were not adequately resolved by electrophoresis. Finally, RFLP and rep-PCR comparisons unveiled differences between L. xyli subsp. xyli and L. xyli subsp. cynodontis as well as between these and Clavibacter. No differences were found between strain CTC B07 of L. xyli subsp. xyli and an Australian strain.

Capilaroscopia na DMTC: um processo dinâmico associado ao envolvimento intersticial pulmonar e à gravidade de doença / Capillaroscopy in MCTD: a dynamic process associated to lung interstitial involvement and disease severity

Diogenes, Adriana de Holanda Mafaldo 03 October 2006 (has links)
Selecionamos consecutivamente 63 pacientes com doença mista do tecido conectivo (DMTC) (Kasukawa, 87) para determinar a relevância do padrão SD. Ter uma capilaroscopia periungueal (CPU) até cinco anos antes do início do estudo foi o principal critério de inclusão. Na entrada, avaliamos o envolvimento de órgãos e os auto-anticorpos. A idade média e o tempo de doença foram 45,3 + 10 e 8,45 + 5,42 anos, respectivamente. O padrão SD foi observado em 41 pacientes na entrada (65%) e em 45 na CPU prévia (71,5%), p = 0,20. Dez pacientes (16%) alteraram a CPU, 7 normalizaram e 3 desenvolveram padrão SD. O tempo de doença, número e freqüência de órgãos envolvidos foram semelhantes em pacientes com e sem padrão SD. Em contraste, a análise de cada parâmetro do padrão SD mostrou uma freqüência significativamente menor de áreas avasculares (AA) moderadas/graves na entrada, comparada com a CPU anterior (26,5 e 53%, p = 0,013). Além disto, 76% dos pacientes com doença intersticial pulmonar (TCAR) tiveram AA na entrada, enquanto apenas 24% dos pacientes com esta alteração não apresentavam este achado à CPU (p = 0,017). Adicionalmente, reduzida densidade capilar foi freqüentemente observada em pacientes submetidos à terapia imunossupressora, quando comparados com o grupo sem este tratamento (66,7 e 33,3%, p = 0,001). A CPU na DMTC é um processo dinâmico e a análise de cada parâmetro do padrão SD parece ser um bom indicador de doença intersticial pulmonar e gravidade de doença. / For determining the clinical relevance of SD-pattern in MCTD, sixty-three MCTD patients (Kasukawa´s criteria) were consecutively selected. The main inclusion criterion was availability of previous nailfold capillaroscopy (NC) 5 years before inclusion. At entry, organ involvement and autoantibody evaluation were performed. The mean age and disease duration were 45.3 + 10 and 8.45 + 5.42 years, respectively. SD-pattern was observed in 41 patients at entry (65%) and in 45 at previous NC (71.5%), p = 0.20. Ten patients (16%) changed NC, 7 normalized, and 3 developed SD-pattern. Disease duration, number and frequency of organ involvement were similar in patients with and without SD-pattern. In contrast, analysis of each SD-pattern parameter revealed a significant lower frequency of moderate/severe avascular areas (AA) at entry compared to previous examination (26.5 vs. 53%, p = 0.013). Moreover, 76% of patients with interstitial lung disease (HRCT) had AA at entry, whereas only 24% of patients with this alteration did not have this NC finding (p = 0.017). Furthermore, reduced capillary density was frequently observed in patients taking immunosuppressive therapy than those without (66.7 vs. 33.3%, p = 0.001). NC in MCTD is a dynamic process and analysis of each SD-pattern parameter seems to be a good indicator of lung involvement and disease severity

The quantum vacuum near time-dependent dielectrics

Bugler-Lamb, Samuel Lloyd January 2017 (has links)
The vacuum, as described by Quantum Field Theory, is not as empty as classical physics once led us to believe. In fact, it is characterised by an infinite energy stored in the ground state of its constituent fields. This infinite energy has real, tangible effects on the macroscopic clusters of matter that make up our universe. Moreover, the configuration of these clusters of matter within the vacuum in turn influences the form of the vacuum itself and so forth. In this work, we shall consider the changes to the quantum vacuum brought about by the presence of time-dependent dielectrics. Such changes are thought to be responsible for phenomena such as the simple and dynamical Casimir effects and Quantum Friction. After introducing the physical and mathematical descriptions of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum, we will begin by discussing some of the basic quasi-static effects that stem directly from the existence of an electromagnetic ground state energy, known as the \textit{zero-point energy}. These effects include the famous Hawking radiation and Unruh effect amongst others. We will then use a scenario similar to that which exhibits Cherenkov radiation in order to de-mystify the 'negative frequency' modes of light that often occur due to a Doppler shift in the presence of media moving at a constant velocity by showing that they are an artefact of the approximation of the degrees of freedom of matter to a macroscopic permittivity function. Here, absorption and dissipation of electromagnetic energy will be ignored for simplicity. The dynamics of an oscillator placed within this moving medium will then be considered and we will show that when the motion exceeds the speed of light in the dielectric, the oscillator will begin to absorb energy from the medium. It will be shown that this is due to the reversal of the 'radiation damping' present for lower velocity of stationary cases. We will then consider how the infinite vacuum energy changes in the vicinity, but outside, of this medium moving with a constant velocity and show that the presence of matter removes certain symmetries present in empty space leading to transfers of energy between moving bodies mediated by the electromagnetic field. Following on from this, we will then extend our considerations by including the dissipation and dispersion of electromagnetic energy within magneto-dielectrics by using a canonically quantised model referred to as 'Macroscopic QED'. We will analyse the change to the vacuum state of the electromagnetic field brought about by the presence of media with an arbitrary time dependence. It will be shown that this leads to the creation of particles tantamount to exciting the degrees of freedom of both the medium and the electromagnetic field. We will also consider the effect these time-dependencies have on the two point functions of the field amplitudes using the example of the electric field. Finally, we will begin the application of the macroscopic QED model to the path integral methods of quantum field theory with the purpose of making use of the full range of perturbative techniques that this entails, leaving the remainder of this adaptation for future work.

Mélange d’isospin et désintégration Beta

Le Bloas, Julien 19 September 2011 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à la brisure de la symétrie d'isospin dans les noyaux N≈Z et à son effet sur l'élément de matrice de transitions β de Fermi super-permises 0+ ➝ 0+ dans le cas de la décroissance β+ du Mn50.Dans le cadre de l'approche microscopique Highly Truncated Diagonalization Approach (HTDA), dédiée à la description des corrélations au-delà du champ moyen et conservant explicitement de nombre de particules, nous avons étudié (en particulier) le rôle joué par les corrélations d'appariement dans les mécanismes de brisure de la symétrie d'isospin dans l'état fondamental de noyaux N≈Z. Une étude de sensibilité du degré de cette brisure, en fonction de l'intensité de l'interaction résiduelle décrivant l'appariement dans HTDA, a été menée et une interprétation des mécanismes recherchés a été proposée à l'aide d'une approximation développée dans ce travail. Cette étude a mis évidence toute la complexité d'un bon traitement de la symétrie d'isospin, tant au niveau de la description de la source de brisure qu'au niveau de la limitation des biais du modèle. Nous avons également montré la nécessité d'une description très fine des fonctions d'onde corrélées dans un tel problème. Plus précisément, nous avons obtenu une valeur de la correction δc de mélange d'isospin à l'élément de matrice de transition de Fermi de (0.2±0.1)%. Cette valeur a été confrontée à celles obtenues dans d'autres approches. Compte tenu des effets négligés dans notre travail, notre valeur de δc est supposée représenter une borne minimum. / In this work, we are interested in the breaking of the isospin symmetry in the N≈Z nuclei and in its effect on the matrix element of super-allowed 0+ ➝ 0+ Fermi β transitions in the case of the β+ decay of the Mn50. Within the framework of the Highly Truncated Diagonalization microscopic Approach, dedicated to the descritption of correlations beyond the mean field and conserving explicitely the particle number, we have studied (in particular) the role played by pairing correlations in the breaking mechanisms of this symmetry in the ground state of N≈Z nuclei. A sensitivity study of the isospin mixing, as a function of the strength of the residual interaction decribing the pairing correlations in HTDA, has been carried out and an interpretation of the mechanims at work has been proposed in terms of an approximation developped in this work. This study has pointed out the complexity of a good treatment of the isospin symmetry, in the description of the breaking sources as well as in the reduction of model biases. We have also paid attention to the necessity of a very fine description of the correlated wave functions in such a problem. More precisely, we have obtained a value for the isospin mixing correction δc to the Fermi transition matrix element of (0.2±0.1)%. This value has been compared to those obtained in other approaches. Taking account of the neglected effects in our work, our value of δc is expected to be a lower bound.

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