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Previous issue date: 2010-12-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this work is described the development and application of a didactic activity of teaching that uses an analogy and Modellus software to assist in learning the concepts involved in the microscopic theory of electrical conduction. This work uses as a theoretical basis the theory of Meaningful Learning of David Ausubel and modeling Schematic proposed by Ibrahim A. Halloun. The use of analogies is modeled on TWA -Teaching-With-Analogies developed by Glynn by and modified Harrison and Treagust. To represent the microscopic theory of electrical conduction was used a mechanical analogy proposed by Bagnato and Rodrigues and adapted by Orengo. During the implementation of this activity the students were very interested and motivated to participate. In a qualitative analysis of the results is evidence that most students achieved learning significant. / Neste trabalho está descrito o desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma atividade didática de ensino que utiliza analogia e o software Modellus para auxiliar na aprendizagem dos conceitos envolvidos na teoria microscópica da condução elétrica. Este trabalhou utiliza como fundamentação teórica a Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de David Ausubel e a modelagem esquemática proposta por Ibrahim A. Halloun. A utilização de analogias segue o modelo TWA - Teaching-With-Analogies (ensinando com analogias) desenvolvido por Glynn e modificado por Harrison e Treagust. Como situação análoga a teoria microscópica da condução elétrica foi utilizado o análogo mecânico proposto por Bagnato e Rodrigues e adaptado por Orengo. Durante a aplicação desta atividade os alunos mostraram-se bastante interessados e motivados a participar. Analisando qualitativamente os resultados da aplicação há indícios que a maioria dos alunos atingiu uma aprendizagem significativa. Read more
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Simulação de multidões com agentes brownianos e modelo de forças sociais modificado / Crowd simulation with brownian agents and modified model of social forcesSaboia, Priscila Corrêa 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Siome Klein Goldenstein / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T21:25:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Atualmente, estima-se que a população mundial seja de cerca de seis bilhões e oitocentos milhões de habitantes (6.800.000.000), dos quais metade mora em aglomerados urbanos. Nestes centros, é corriqueiro o fen¿omeno da movimentação de multidões. Tecnicamente, entende-se multidão como um grande grupo de indivíduos em um mesmo ambiente físico, compartilhando um objetivo comum e podendo agir diferentemente do que quando estão sozinhos. Compreender a movimentação destas multidões é de vital import¿ancia para o planejamento e a melhoria dos locais públicos, não só no sentido de facilitar e agilizar o deslocamento dos cidadãos, mas também garantir-lhes segurança, especialmente em condições de perigo iminente, onde pode haver a necessidade de evacuação de tais locais. Além disso, existem várias áreas do conhecimento que têm potencial para se beneficiar do estudo do comportamento de multidões. Na indústria de entretenimento, por exemplo, simulações de multidões podem ser utilizadas na produção de animações e jogos de computador. No treinamento policial e militar, simulações podem ser usadas para demonstração e controle de rebeliões. Na área de engenharia de segurança, simulações podem ser utilizadas para estudo de desocupação emergencial de construções, navios e aviões. Em todas as áreas citadas, observa-se que a necessidade por simulações de multidões advém de duas situações que podem ocorrer no mundo real. Primeiramente, pode ser perigoso para os indivíduos realizar as ações objetivadas (como cair de um prédio em um filme, ou evacuar uma sala de cinema em chamas, por exemplo), bem como é antiético submetê-los a tais condições. Segundo, é muito complexo e oneroso lidar com um grande número de indivíduos no mundo real. Ambas as situações podem ser evitadas pela simulação computacional da situação real. Nestes termos, o objetivo desta dissertação é modelar a movimentação de multidões, tendo em vista a simulação em computador. Para tanto, sistemas multiagentes brownianos são introduzidos como uma alternativa tecnológica 'a implementação dos modelos encontrados na literatura, bem como 'a implementação de um novo modelo de movimentação de multidões, híbrido por reunir conceitos de modelos que lançam mão das chamadas forças sociais, com conceitos de modelos baseados na estratégia Lattice-Gas. Como resultado prático, um novo simulador de sistemas multiagentes construído para a tarefa de simulação de movimentação de multidões é apresentado / Abstract: Currently, it is estimated that world population is about six billion and eight hundred million inhabitants (6.8 billion), of whom half live in urban areas. In these centers, it is common the phenomenon of moving crowds. Technically, a crowd can be seen as a large group of individuals put in the same physical environment, sharing a common goal and acting differently than when they are alone. Understanding the movement of these crowds is very important for planning and improving public places, not only in order to facilitate and expedite the movement of citizens, but also in order to guarantee their safety, especially in conditions of imminent danger, where it can be necessary the evacuation of such sites. Furthermore, there are several areas of knowledge that can gain benefits from the study of crowd behavior. In the entertainment industry, for example, crowd simulations can be used to produce animations and computer games. In Police and military training, simulations can be used for demonstration and control of riots. In the area of safety engineering, simulations can be used to study the urgent evacuation of buildings, ships and aircrafts. In all mentioned areas, it is observed that the need for crowd simulations comes from two situations, taking into consideration the real world. First, it can be dangerous for individuals to perform the desired actions (like falling from a building in a movie, or evacuating the room on fire of a failing movie session). It is also unethical to expose them to such conditions. Second, it is very complex and expensive to handle a large number of individuals in the real world. Both situations can be dealt by simulating the real world into a computer. Thus, this dissertation aims to model the movement of crowds, always having in mind the computer simulation. For this, Brownian multi-agent systems are introduced as a technological alternative to implement the models found in literature, as well as to implement a new hybrid movement model, that gathers together concepts from solutions based on social forces, and solutions based on Lattice- Gas. As a practical result, a new simulator for multi-agent systems is presented, built for the task of simulating moving crowds / Mestrado / Sistemas de Informação / Mestre em Ciência da Computação Read more
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Curvas de isopropriedades da madeira em árvores de Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis / Curves of isoproperties in Wood from Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis treesSandra Monteiro Borges Florsheim 26 August 2010 (has links)
O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi determinar parâmetros qualitativos da madeira de Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis em 3 classes de diâmetro com uma classe comum, nos plantios 1969 e 1992, da Floresta Estadual de Manduri do Instituto Florestal - SP. Foram coletadas 3 árvores por classe e retiradas toras de 3 m. de altura. De cada tora foi retirada a prancha principal e desta retiradas amostras da região da base e do topo. Foram realizadas medições do lenho inicial e tardio de cada anel de crescimento para construção do gráfico de distribuição dos anéis de crescimento de cada árvore. Também foi realizada a amostragem paralela à medula, a amostragem acompanhando o anel de crescimento e na primeira tora a amostragem acompanhando o anel no topo da tora para a realização dos ensaios físicos e mecânicos. As curvas das isopropriedades puderam então ser determinadas. Nas árvores de mesma idade e diâmetro diferentes, as variações das dimensões das traqueídes foram observados nos 3º, 6º, 9º, 12º e 15º anel de crescimento e entre o lenho inicial e tardio. Entre as diferentes idades foi determinado se as variações no 16º(último anel de crescimento) das árvores jovens foram correspondentes ao 16º(anel de crescimento) nas árvores adultas. Também foi determinado se havia variações das dimensões das traqueídes nos últimos anéis de crescimento nas duas idades. Os resultados demonstraram: a)- as características anatômicas foram compatíveis para a espécie; b)- as dimensões das traqueídes variaram no sentido radial, entre idades diferentes e mesma classe e mostraram nas árvores jovens o menor valor de comprimento e espessura da parede e o maior valor de diâmetro tangencial e lume das traqueídes; o crescimento variou entre o 9º e 12º anel de crescimento,. c) a variação entre o lenho inicial e tardio nos 16º anéis de crescimento das árvores de menor idade comparada com os das árvores adultas, não apresentou um padrão definido; (d)- na comparação entre os últimos anéis de crescimento das árvores de idades diferentes o lenho inicial e tardio apresentou um padrão mais homogêneo. As curvas de isopropriedades mostraram o mesmo padrão de distribuição tanto das isopropriedades físicas como das mecânicas. Os tipos de amostras adotadas não apresentaram variações entre si. Os valores médios de cada isopropriedade no sentido axial mostraram os maiores valores de isodensidade aparente nas árvores adultas; para isoproporção de lenho inicial os maiores valores foram verificados nas árvores mais jovens e foram decrescentes no sentido radial; para isoproporção de lenho tardio e para isomódulo de elasticidade e ruptura, os maiores valores foram observados nas árvores adultas e foram crescentes da medula para a casca. Entre as idades estudadas verificam-se diferenças de distribuição das isopropriedades. O conhecimento da distribuição das curvas de isopropriedades possibilita um melhor aproveitamento de madeira. / The objective of this research has been to determine qualitative parameters of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis wood in three diameter classes with a common base in 1969 and 1992 plantations from Floresta Estadual from the Manduri Instituto Florestal SP. three trees per class were collected and 3-m high logs were removed. From each log the main plank was removed and from this samples were taken from the base and top regions. Measurements of the early and late wood from each growth ring were made so that the distribution graph of the growth rings from each tree could be made. In order for the physical and mechanical tests to be made samplings were taken parallel to the pith, following the growth ring, and, in the first log, a sampling following the ring at the top of the log. The isoproperty curves could then be established. In the trees of same age and different diameters the variations in tracheid dimensions were examined at the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, and 15th growth ring, and between early and late wood. Among different ages it was determined whether the variations at the 16th (last growth ring) of the young trees were equivalent to the 16th (growth ring) in adult trees. It was also determined whether there was any variation in tracheid dimensions in the last growth ring of the two ages. The results showed that: a) the anatomical characteristics were compatible for the species; b) the tracheid dimensions varied in the radial direction among different ages and same class, and showed in the young trees the lowest value for length and wall width, and the largest value for tangential diameter and tracheid lumen; the growth varied between the 9th and the 12th growth ring; c) the variation between early and late wood in the 16th growth rings of the youngest trees, as compared to adult trees did not show a definite pattern; d) in the comparison among the last growth ring of trees of different ages the early and late wood showed a nore homogeneous pattern. The isoproperty curves showed the same distribution pattern, both of the physical and mechanical isoproperties. The kinds of samples used did not show variations from each other. The average values for each isoproperty in the axial direction showed the greatest values of apparent isodensity in adult trees; concerning the isoproportion of early wood, the greatest values were found in the youngest trees and decreased in the radial direction; concerning the isoproportion of late wood, and elasticity and rupture isomodule the greatest values were found in adult trees and decreased from pith to bark. Among the ages studied differences in the distribution of isoproperties can be found. The knowledge of the distribution of the isoproperty curves permits an improved use of the wood. Read more
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Estudo anatômico descritivo dos órgãos genitais masculinos do macaco-prego (Cebus apella Linnaeus, 1758) / Descriptive anatomical study of male genital organs of the tufted capuchine monkey (Cebus apella Linnaeus,1758)Dulcinea Gonçalves Teixeira 19 December 2005 (has links)
A Anatomia comparada de mamíferos é tema de grande interesse em pesquisas e tem como objetivo buscar conhecimentos que possam auxiliar o entendimento do binômio unidadevariedade. O conhecimento da Anatomia de qualquer animal silvestre é de importância capital para a sua preservação e proteção (RIBEIRO, 2002). Os primatas do novo mundo estão distribuídos na Região Neotropical das Américas Central e do Sul, (RYLANDS; MITTERMEIER; RODRÍGUEZ-LUNA, 1997). O Cebus apella, animal das matas do continente sul-americano, geogra. camente distribuído por quase todo o Brasil, adapta-se bem à vida em cativeiro, onde se reproduz com facilidade (HILL, 1960). O estudo da macro- e micro-anatomia dos órgãos genitais masculinos do macaco Cebus apella é de suma importância para estabelecer os parâmetros morfológicos comparativos com outros primatas. Neste estudo, foram utilizados oito exemplares de macacos Cebus apella, machos, adultos (de aproximadamente sete anos de idade). Estabeleceu-se um padrão anatômico da espécie, e os resultados então obtidos permitem discutir a sua correlação morfo-funcional. Os dados do Cebus apella foram comparados aos de outros primatas já estudados (chimpanzé, gorila, babuíno, rhesus e outros). / Comparative Anatomy of mammals is theme of relevant interest in researches and has the aim to achieve knowledge which could help the understanding of the unit-variety binomial. The knowledge of the Anatomy of any wild animal is of capital importance for his preservation and protection (RIBEIRO, 2002). New world primates are distributed in the Neotropical Region of the Central and South America (RYLANDS; MITTERMEIER; RODRÍGUEZ-LUNA, 1997). The Cebus apella, animal of the South American continent forests, geographically distributed for almost the whole Brazil, is well adapted to the captive life, where reproduces with easiness (HILL, 1960). The macro and micro-anatomical study of the male genital organs of the monkey Cebus apella is of great importance to establish the comparative morphologic parameters with other primates. In this study, eight adult male Cebus apella monkeys (about seven years old) were used and an anatomical pattern was established for the specie. The obtained data allow discussing his morfofunctional correlation. Results for the Cebus apella monkey were compared with that ones of other primates already studied (chimpanzee, gorilla, baboon, rhesus and others). Read more
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Driver Model for Mission-Based Driving CyclesAlmén, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
When further demands are placed on emissions and performance of cars, trucks and busses, the vehicle manufacturers are looking to have cheap ways to evaluate their products for specific customers' needs. Using simulation tools to quickly compare use cases instead of manually recording data is a possible way forward. However, existing traffic simulation tools do not provide enough detail in each vehicle for the driving to represent real life driving patterns with regards to road features. For the purpose of this thesis data has been recorded by having different people drive a specific route featuring highway driving, traffic lights and many curves. Using this data, models have then been estimated that describe how human drivers adjust their speed through curves, how long braking distances typically are with respect to the driving speed, and the varying deceleration during braking sequences. An additional model has also been created that produces a speed variation when driving on highways. In the end all models are implemented in Matlab using a traffic control interface to interact with the traffic simulation tool SUMO. The results of this work are promising with the improved simulation being able to replicate the most significant characteristics seen from human drivers when approaching curves, traffic lights and intersections. Read more
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Conception et Développement d’une Plateforme Multi-Agent en Réalité Virtuelle de Pilotage de Véhicules Intelligents / Multiagent-based Virtual Reality Intelligent Vehicles Simulation PlatformYu, Yue 09 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la conception et au développement d’une plateforme multi-agent, en réalité virtuelle, de pilotage de véhicules intelligents pour la simulation du comportement microscopique du trafic. D’abord, un système de simulation intelligent des véhicules en réalité virtuelle (VR-ISSV), basé sur les multi-agents, est proposé : c’est un système modulaire hiérarchique de modélisation et de simulation, comprenant une couche matérielle, réseau et système d’exploitation ; une couche de gestion de la visualisation ; une couche de multi-agents et une couche d’interface homme-machine. Ensuite, pour le modèle d’agent du véhicule intelligent, un paradigme de conception décentralisée est utilisé basé sur l’approche multi-contrôleurs, où le comportement du suivi des véhicules et le comportement du dépassement des véhicules sont réalisées par coordination entre multi-contrôleurs. L’agent d’environnement est construit en tenant compte de l’interaction entre les véhicules et l’environnement naturel synthétique. Un système d’information géographique (GIS) est par ailleurs utilisé afin de définir l’agent d’environnement. Enfin, pour assurer la sécurité dans les manœuvres microscopiques du trafic, plusieurs contrôleurs du véhicule intelligent, adaptés à l’environnement complexe, sont considérés. Les contrôleurs, basés sur la logique floue, sont proposés pour envoyer les commandes appropriées aux actionneurs du véhicule - volant de direction, accélérateur, frein... Les modèles de comportement microscopique du trafic basé sur l’agent de véhicule intelligent sont étudiés considérant différents scénarios et l’environnement / This PhD thesis is dedicated to the modeling and simulation of microscopic traffic behavior in virtual reality system, with the intent of providing a new approach to effectively ensure traffic safety. At first, Virtual Reality Intelligent Simulation System of Vehicles (VR-ISSV), based on multi-agent, is proposed to simulate the intelligent microscopic traffic, which is a hierarchical modular modeling and simulation system consisting of hardware, network and operating system layers, visualization management layer, multi-agent layer, human-machine interface layer. The multi-agent layer includes entity agents (intelligent vehicle agents and around vehicle agents), service agent and environment agent. Second, for the intelligent vehicle agent model, a decentralized design paradigm is used for developing the multi-controller based intelligent vehicle, whereby the car following behavior and the overtaking behavior could be realized by the coordination of the multi-controller. The environment agent is constructed based on the conception of Synthetic Natural Environment (SNE), taking into account the interaction between the vehicles and the natural environment. Geographic Information System (GIS) is used to establish environment agent. Finally, to ensure the safety in microscopic traffic maneuver, the intelligent vehicle controllers adapting to complex environment are considered. Fuzzy logic based controllers are designed for sending the appropriate outputs to the vehicle’s actuators – the steering wheel and the throttle/brake pedals. Microscopic traffic behavior models based on the intelligent vehicle agent involving environment are studied Read more
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Microscopic cluster model of elastic scattering and bremsstrahlung of light nuclei / Etude microscopique de la diffusion élastique et du bremsstrahlung entre noyaux légers par un modèle en amasDohet-Eraly, Jérémy 12 September 2013 (has links)
Microscopic approaches enable one to study nuclear bound states as well as nuclear collisions in a unified framework.<p>At non-relativistic energies, all physical quantities are determined by the solutions of the many-body Schrödinger equation based on an interaction potential between nucleons.<p>The difficulty of solving this equation for collisions and taking the antisymmetrization principle into account restricts these approaches to light nuclei and requires the development of nuclear models based on some simplifying assumptions.<p>One of these assumptions, which is done in this work, is to consider that the nucleons are aggregated in clusters in the nuclear systems. <p><p>Another major problem of the microscopic description is the difficulty of determining a reliable interaction potential between nucleons.<p>In spite of many years of efforts to establish such potentials, none has yet been proved to accurately describe both the spectroscopic properties of nuclei and the reactions between light nuclei.<p>For this reason, many effective NN interactions, adapted to the model space and to the studied collision, have been built and used in microscopic models.<p>In parallel, for a few years, some efforts have been done to use in the microscopic models more realistic NN interactions, adjusted to reproduce the two-nucleon properties.<p>However, this requires solving much more accurately the Schrödinger equation by relaxing, for instance, the cluster assumption.<p>These approaches therefore need large computational times, which limits the size of the systems that can be studied.<p><p>In this work, a two-body realistic interaction has been adapted to the simple microscopic cluster model by using the Unitary Correlation Operator Method. This new realistic effective interaction has been adjusted so that the α+α elastic phase shifts obtained with the microscopic cluster model agree rather well with the experimental data.<p>This interaction has been used to study α+N and α+3He scattering.<p>The calculated phase shifts give a rather good agreement with experimental data without additional adjustment, without three-body interactions and with simple basis functions. <p><p>Besides this study of elastic scattering between light nuclei, this work deals with the nucleus-nucleus bremsstrahlung.<p>Previous microscopic models of nucleus-nucleus bremsstrahlung were based on a photon-emission operator fully neglecting the meson-exchange currents. <p>In this work, a microscopic cluster model of bremsstrahlung is developed, which implicitly takes them partially into account by using an extension of the Siegert theorem. <p>Then, the photon-emission operator can be deduced from the charge density rather than from the current density.<p>Although this extension of the Siegert theorem does not fully remove the nuclear-current dependence, the effects of the meson-exchange currents should be largely reduced, especially at low photon energy.<p><p>The microscopic cluster model of nucleus-nucleus bremsstrahlung developed in this work has been applied to the α+ α and α+N systems. This model is based on an effective NN interaction, which enables a good reproduction of the elastic phase shifts for the α+ α and α+N systems.<p>The agreement with experimental bremsstrahlung cross sections is rather good but the comparison between theory and experiment requires more numerous and more accurate data to be conclusive. With an extension to the p shell, the present model could also describe heavier cluster systems such as 12C+p and 16O+p for which experimental data exist at low energies.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished Read more
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Microscopic description of three-body continuum states / Description microscopique des états du continu à trois-corpsDamman, Alix 21 December 2011 (has links)
Durant le milieu des années quatre-vingt, le développement des faisceaux radioactifs a permis l’étude de noyaux exotiques situés à la limite de la stabilité nucléaire. Parmi ceux-ci, l’6He possède une structure particulière constituée d’un cœur α et de deux neutrons de valence faiblement liés. Il fait partie des noyaux à halo. Il s’agit également d’un système possédant au moins un état lié à trois amas (α+n+n) alors qu’aucun des sous-systèmes à deux amas (α+n ou n+n) n’est lié. Un tel système est dit borroméen. Deux autres exemples de systèmes borroméens sont le 9Be=n+α+α et le 12C=α+α+α. Les noyaux borroméens possèdent un ou deux états liés dont les propriétés sont maintenant bien connues. En revanche, les propriétés des états du continu le sont moins. Il existe aussi des systèmes à trois amas non liés mais caractérisés par une ou plusieurs résonances étroites à basse énergie. Par exemple, nous pouvons citer le 6Be=α+p+p et le 9B=p+α+α qui sont les noyaux miroirs de l’6He et du 9Be. L’étude des états du continu à trois corps est un sujet important de la recherche en physique nucléaire actuelle.<p><p>D’un point de vue théorique, les modèles en amas permettent de décrire les noyaux possédant une structure à plusieurs corps. En particulier, les modèles en amas microscopiques tiennent compte de tous les nucléons et le principe de Pauli est traité de manière exacte à l’aide de l’opérateur d’antisymmétrisation. Les modèles microscopiques, plus réalistes, requièrent de longs temps de calculs et sont difficiles à implémenter.<p><p>Dans le présent travail, nous avons développé une méthode de calcul semi-analytique plus rapide et plus précise qu’une méthode purement numérique. Notre modèle est basé sur la méthode des coordonnées génératrices dans le formalisme hypersphérique. Les états du continu sont étudiés à l’aide de la méthode des déphasages. Ces derniers sont obtenus à partir de la méthode de la matrice R microscopique.<p><p>Avec ce modèle, nous avons étudié les effets d’antisymmétrisation dans les noyaux d’6He, 6Be, 9Be, 9B et 12C. Nous avons montré que ces effets restent non négligeables mêmes à grandes distances dans le cas des noyaux 9Be, 9B et du 12C. <p><p>Nous avons ensuite étudié les états du continu du 6He et du 6Be. Nous avons déterminé des valeurs théoriques pour les propriétés des résonances connues expérimentalement. Nos résultats sont en bon accord avec l’expérience. Nous avons également observé des structures larges dans les déphases associés aux états 0+ et 1- de l’6He et 1- du 6Be.<p><p>Finalement, nous avons étudié les états du 12C à travers la collision 8Be+α. Dans notre calcul, le 8Be est considéré comme un système comportant deux amas α. Nous avons montré que les états 2+ et 4+ du 8Be devaient être pris en compte pour une étude appropriée des états 0+, 2+ et 4+ du 12C. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished Read more
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Dysregulated mucosal immune responses in microscopic colitis patientsGünaltay, Sezin January 2016 (has links)
Microscopic colitis (MC), comprising collagenous colitis (CC) and lymphocytic colitis (LC) is a common cause of chronic watery diarrhea. The diagnosis relies on typical histopathological changes observed upon microscopic examination. The studies in this thesis investigated innate and adaptive immune responses in the colonic mucosa of MC patients, also comparing patients with active disease (CC and LC) and histopathologically in remission (CC/LC-HR). We first analyzed expression of interleukin-1/Toll-like receptor (IL-1/TLR) signaling regulators in MC patients (Paper I). Our results showed enhanced IRAK-M, microRNA-146a, -155 and -21 expressions, whereas IL-37 gene expression was reduced in CC and LC patients as compared to non-inflamed controls. These results suggest different pathophysiological mechanisms in MC patients. The mixed inflammatory cell infiltrations seen in the lamina propria of MC patients might be a result of dysregulated expression of chemotactic mediators. In Paper II, we showed that MC patients display mainly an increased expression of chemokines and chemokine receptors in active disease as compared to noninflamed controls. In Paper III, we examined if the decreased IL-37 expression seen in Paper I could mediate the upregulation of chemokines seen in Paper II. We showed that a relatively small reduction in the ability of epithelial cells to produce IL-37 results in mainly increased chemokine expressions in a pattern similar to the findings in Paper II. In order to understand the nature of infiltrating T cells commonly observed in MC patients, we analyzed the T cell receptor (TCR) β chains in colonic biopsies of MC patients (Paper IV). Our results showed significant differences in TCRβ repertoire, which suggests selectively expanded T cell clones in active MC and histopathologically in remission patients. Altogether, these results i) increase the knowledge of MC pathogenesis by showing changes in TLR signaling regulators, enhanced chemokine and their receptor expressions involved in a mixed immune cell infiltrations and selectively expanded T cell clones in CC and LC patients, as well as in histopathological remission ii) might potentially increase the possibility of more target-specific therapies based on IL-37 induction, chemokines or chemokine receptor inhibitions, or hindering T cell infiltration according to TCR clonality. Read more
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Hétérogénéités des fluides piétonniers : une matière active individuelle et collective / Heterogeneities of pedestrian fluids : an individual and collective active matterCissé, Fabien 29 February 2016 (has links)
Des ensembles complexes, tels que les foules de piétons peuvent être soumis à de très fortes fluctuations de vitesses et de densités. Les individus formant ces ensembles sont les propres vecteurs de leur mouvement. Ils répondent à des règles locales microscopiques de déplacement qui, sous certaines conditions de densité, peuvent avoir un impact macroscopique sur la dynamique de l'ensemble. A la différence des animaux purement collectifs, comme ceux composant les bancs de poissons, les nuées d'oiseaux ou bien les troupeaux de gnous, les piétons partagent des intentions à la fois collectives et individuelles. De cette nature particulière apparaissent des comportements d'auto-organisation singuliers, dépendant de la nature cognitive des interactions entre les piétons, de la géométrie de l'espace, de la pluralité des objectifs, ainsi que la densité et la vitesse. L'objectif de cette thèse a été de reproduire via la simulation numérique les principaux phénomènes observés à l'aide d'hypothèses physiques et comportementales. Nous avons adopté une approche microscopique continue prenant en compte leur capacité d'anticipation via la recherche des différents temps de collision et l'utilisation d'une fonction d'estimation des angles de déviation possibles. Nous avons alors comparé notre modèle avec ceux dont il s'inspire face à différentes géométries. Nous avons aussi étudié des situations types comme l'évacuation à travers une porte avec différents jeux de paramètres : la taille de la porte, la vitesse et l'injection d'un bruit. Enfin, nous avons reproduit le phénomène d'oscillation de passages de deux groupes autour d'une porte en introduisant quelques règles de priorité. / Complex bodies, as crowds of pedestrian can present Strong Velocity and Density fluctuations. The persons shaping theses bodies are their own Drive motors. They follow local microscopic motion rules which, under certains Density conditions, can play a major role on the whole dynamics at the macroscopic scale. Unlike the purely collective animals, as those composing schools of fish, flocks of birds or herds of wildebeest, the pedestrians share at the same time collective and individual intentions. From this particular nature appear singular self-organisation behaviors, depending on the cognitive aspect of the pedestrian interactions, the geometry of the space, the plurality of targets, as well as the density and the velocity. The goal of this thesis has been to reproduce via numerical simulation tools the principal observed phenomena using physical and behavioral hypothesis. For that, we have adopted a continuous microscopic approach. The dynamics for each pedestrian is done locally trough a Newton-like equation which takes in account their anticipation ability via the search of the different collision time and the use of an estimation function of the possible deviation angles. Then, we have compared the behaviour differences between our model and those that inspired it in differents Spatial geometries. We have also studied generic situations as the evacuation trough a door with different sets of parameters : the size of the door, the velocity and the injection of a noise in the equation of forces. Finally, we have reproduced the oscillation phenomena of passings of two groups around a door by introducing some priority rules. Read more
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