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中國大陸奇異果商品化研究-以紐西蘭為借鏡 / The research of commercialization of Chinese Kiwifruit-lessons from New Zealand experience

毛舞雲 Unknown Date (has links)
獼猴桃源出於中國,卻成就於紐西蘭,並有了「奇異果」此一新名稱。而且,來自中國大陸的奇異果,價格比其本土的獼猴桃高出數倍,兩者於口感、外型等其他方面,亦存在明顯差距;如何使中國獼猴桃轉變為奇異果,是本論文的研究重心。在此目標下,本論文分為「紐西蘭奇異果」與「中國大陸獼猴桃」兩部分,以文獻閱讀、資料搜尋、田野調查、專家訪談等方式,先從紐西蘭出發,研究促成奇異果產業形成的關鍵因素,再將此關鍵因素提供中國大陸獼猴桃發展參考,最後得出結論與建議。本論文發現,在形塑產業的過程中,「政府」在法律保障、制度規劃、外部產業環境的營造上,扮演著重要角色,因此本論文之立場選擇,係以「中國大陸獼猴桃盛產區政府」之角度,借鏡紐西蘭的發展經驗,在政策規劃的思維下,為獼猴桃尋找建設性的出路,並以此作為結論與建議。 紐西蘭提供的經驗,包括制訂專法規範奇異果產業、立法保護單一出口機制、建立誘因機制、打造產業群聚、以資料庫進行科學化管理、重視品種研究,以及政府為扶植紐西蘭奇異果產業所做的其他措施。而中國大陸獼猴桃產業尚處於發展初階,加上各地方獼猴桃的適生度不同,經營集中度低,資源難以匯聚,使獼猴桃一直無法有效商品化。但由於獼猴桃栽種面積與產量皆為世界第一,近年來更開發出多元食用與藥用等用途,再加上中國大陸法制建設逐步完善,投資風險降低,若以紐西蘭奇異果產業的經驗為借鏡,調整措施並加強整合,獼猴桃發展前景仍值得期待。 有鑑於此,本研究以「公私協力八卦模型」作為結論,並建議中國大陸首先應擇定試點集中經營之區域,以便日後將商品化經驗複製於其他省份。在試點經營措施上,本論文建議以平台為依托進行整合;針對獼猴桃制訂相關法規,促使能夠引領產業整體發展的龍頭集團形成;建立誘因機制,讓龍頭集團的經營利潤回饋果農;並在品種培育、收購標準、資料庫管理等方式下,逐步形成標準化生產,再加上獼猴桃基金的保險機制,讓中國大陸獼猴桃逐步從產業化邁向商品化。 / Mihoutao originated from China but thrived in New Zealand under the name of “kiwifruit”; however, the price of kiwifruit is vastly higher than that of Mihoutao, and their taste and shape are of evident differences. As such, this thesis seeks to answer the question of “how to turn mihoutao into kiwifruit” by looking into the management and operation of New Zealand kiwifruit industry and providing lessons from such experience to the commercialization of China mihoutao. This thesis adopts methodologies of material reading, data collecting, field works, and expert interviewing to reach the final conclusions and suggestions, and it is discovered that the government plays a key role in the process of agriculture industrialization. Therefore, the proposed suggestions are for “the government of China mihoutao province” to echo with my topic. This thesis concludes with “Eight-trigram Model” to express the partnership with public and private sectors. Furthermore, it suggests China to construct the mihoutao commercialization mechanism on the regional basis as an experiment, which can be later duplicated in other provinces. More specifically about the measures, referring to New Zealand kiwifruit industry’s policies, mihoutao regulations, leading corporation, incentives, plant cultivation, scientific management via database, mihoutao fund are recommended. With all these policies in order, it is believed that a more institutionalized and commercialized mihoutao industry will be gradually shaped, and the Chinese “mihoutao” will also be commercialized as “kiwifruit” eventually.

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