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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molecular studies of metronidazole resistance development in Giardia intestinalis

Collins, Christopher January 2022 (has links)
Giardia intestinalis is a two-staged flagellated protozoan parasite which infects the lumen of the small intestine causing the gastrointestinal disease called giardiasis. This disease infects millions of people per year, commonly caused by inadequate water treatment and proximity to livestock. The main line of treatment against this disease has been metronidazole, a member of the nitroimidazole family of prodrugs, which when activated cause non-specific damage to the proteins and genetic material within anaerobic cells. Until recently, G. intestinalis has shown little resistance to metronidazole, but as resistance climbs it has become clear that genetic regulation is key. This study attempts to investigate a select number of key genes through the use of modified transfected plasmids for overexpression and with knockdown using morpholino oligos. Wild type (WB) G. intestinalis cells, transfected with plasmids modified to both overexpress specific genes and incorporate the human influenza hemagglutinin tag (HA-tag) were seen to change in survival rate when exposed to metronidazole. Localization of a select group of these genes was also found using the HA-tag. Two of these genes (quinone oxidoreductase and nitroreductase 1) had protein folding simulations run in order to be visualizee and compare their structures to closely matching equivalents. Finally, morpholino oligo nucleotides were used to knockdown expression in these two genes, leading to a significant decrease in survival for those targeted against quinone oxidoreductase when exposed to metronidazole.

Utvärdering av Hästblod i Blodagar för Odling av Bakterier : Säkerställande av diagnostik inför byte till hästblod som tillsatts i agarmedium till följd av IVDR, en förordning från Europeiska unionen / Evaluation of Horse Blood in Blood Agar for Bacterial Cultivation

Broberg, Adam, Hammar, Filippa January 2022 (has links)
Bacterial cultivation from patient samples is the foundation of proper antibiotic treatment. A frequently used cultivation medium is agar with an additive of blood, so-called blood agar. The recommended additive of blood is horse blood while human blood is currently used as an additive at the microbiological laboratory Ryhov, Jönköping. The study aimed to evaluate horse blood in blood agar prior to a change in blood from human to horse blood according to a regulation from the European Union. The method consisted of cultivation from reference strains, clinical isolations and clinical patient samples on both blood agar with human blood and blood agar with horse blood. The comparison included a visual assessment for both blood agar based on the criteria of haemolysis, colony size and bacterial growth. In the assessment of clinical patient samples, in addition to the previously mentioned criteria, mixed flora was also assessed. The study resulted in a more distinct demonstration of haemolysis on blood agar with horse blood than on blood agar with human blood for haemolytic bacteria. An equivalence for both blood agar was presented regarding the remaining criteria. Based on these results a change can be made according to the regulation without negative impact.

Towards spatial host-microbiome profiling

Lötstedt, Britta January 2021 (has links)
Sequencing technologies and applications have pushed the limits and enabled novel studies of biological mechanisms, evolutionary relationships and communication networks between cells. The technical developments leading to single cell RNA-sequencing have enabled detection of rare cell populations while spatial resolution added insights into larger biological environments, like tissues and organs. Massively parallel sequencing has paved the way for integrated high-throughput analyses including that of studying gene expression, protein expression and mapping of microbial communities. This thesis starts with an introduction describing the technical and biological advancements made in recent years with focus on spatially resolved approaches. Then, a summary of recent accomplishments is presented, which enabled ongoing work in a novel field of spatial hostmicrobiome profiling. Lastly, the concluding remarks include both a future perspective and a short reflection on the current developments in the spatial multi-omics field. 16S sequencing is often used for taxonomic classification of bacteria. In Paper I, this sequencing technique was used to study the aerodigestive microbiome in pediatric lung transplant recipients. Many of these patients regretfully reject the organ after transplant, but the underlying cause is, in many cases, unknown. In this paper, multiple factors influencing rejection were examined including that of the aerodigestive microbiome. Pediatric lung transplant recipients often suffer from gastrointestinal dysmotility and the focus of this study was also to analyze changes in the microbiome in relation to irregular gastric muscle movements. The results showed that lung transplant recipients had, in general, lower microbial diversity in the gastric fluid and throat and also that the microbial overlap between lung and gastric sampling sites was significantly less in transplant recipients compared to controls. In addition, gastrointestinal dysmotility was shown to influence the gastric microbiome in lung transplant recipients, but, given the small sample size available in this study, the correlation to patient outcome could not be examined. Integrated analysis of the transcriptome and the antibody-based proteome in the same tissue section was enabled using the method developed in Paper II. Spatial Multi- Omics (SM-Omics) uses a barcoded glass array to capture mRNA and antibody-based expression of selected proteins in the same section. The antibody-based profiling of the tissue section was enabled by either immunofluorescence or DNA-barcoded antibodies that were then decoded by sequencing. The protocol was scaled-up using an automated liquidhandling system. Using this method, simultaneous profiling of the transcriptome and multiplexed protein values was determined in both the mouse brain cortex and mouse spleen. Results showed a high correlation in spatial pattern between gene expression and antibody measurements, independently of the antibody labelling technique. SM-Omics generates a high-plex multi-omics characterization of the tissue in a high throughput manner while exhibiting low technical variation. / Tekniker och applikationer som använder sekvensering har flyttat fram gränsernaoch tillåtit nya undersökningar av biologiska mekanismer, evolutionära släktskap ochkommunikationsnätverk mellan celler. De tekniska utvecklingarna som har lett fram tillRNA-sekvensering av enskilda celler har möjliggjort upptäckten av sällsynta cellpopulationer medan den rumsliga upplösningen har inneburit en ökad förståelse av störrebiologiska miljöer, såsom vävnader och organ. Massively parallel sequencing har banat vägför integrerade analyser med hög kapacitet, vilket inkluderar analys av genuttryck,proteinuttryck och kartläggning av bakteriella samhällen. Den här avhandlingen börjar meden introduktion som beskriver tekniska och biologiska framsteg som gjorts de senaste åren,med fokus på den rumsliga upplösningen. Sedan följer en summering av de senasteprestationerna som har möjliggjort det pågående arbetet i ett nytt fält som avhandlarrumslig profilering av bakterien och dess värd. Slutligen innehåller slutordet både ettframtida perspektiv samt en kort reflektion av den nuvarande utvecklingen inom fälten förrumslig mång-omik. 16S-sekvensering används ofta för att taxonomiskt klassificera bakterier. Dennasekvenseringsteknik användes i artikel I för att studera mikrobiomet i luft- ochmatspjälkningskanalen hos barn med transplanterad lunga. Dessvärre är det vanligt medavstötning av lungan efter transplantationen hos många av dessa patienter, men denunderliggande orsaken till avstötningen är, i många fall, okänd. I denna studie undersöktesflertalet faktorer, inklusive mikrobiomet i luft- och matspjälkningskanalen, som kan tänkaspåverka bortstötningen. Barn med transplanterad lunga lider ofta av störningar i magtarmkanalens rörelser och artikelns fokus var därmed även att analysera förändringar imikrobiomet i relation till dessa avvikande rörelser i mag-tarmkanalen. Resultatet visade attpatienter med transplanterad lunga generellt hade lägre bakteriell mångfald i magsaft ochhals, samt att det bakteriella överlappet mellan lunga och magsaft var signifikant mindre ipatienter med transplanterad lunga jämfört med kontrollerna. För övrigt visade det sig attstörningar i mag-tarmkanalens rörelser påverkade magsaftens mikrobiom hos patientermed transplanterad lunga, men på grund av studiens storlek på urvalet, kunde det inteundersökas hur detta korrelerade till utfallet hos patienterna. Integrerad analys av transkriptomet och antikroppsbaserad analys av proteomet isamma vävnadssnitt har möjliggjorts genom metoden som utvecklats i artikel II. SpatialMulti-Omics (SM-Omics) använder ett avkodningsbart mönster av korta DNA-segment påen glasyta för att fånga mRNA och antikroppsbaserat uttryck av utvalda proteiner frånsamma vävnadssnitt. Den antikroppsbaserade profileringen av vävnadssnittet uppnåddesgenom antingen immunofluorescens eller antikroppar märkta med DNA-segment somkunde avkodas genom sekvensering. Protokollet skalades upp genom ett automatiseratsystem för att behandla vätskor. Genom användning av denna metod kunde simultanprofilering av transkriptomet och flertalet proteiner uppnås i både hjärnbarken och mjältenhos en mus. Resultaten visade en hög korrelation i det rumsliga mönstret mellangenuttrycket och de antikroppsbaserade mätningarna, oberoende av hur antikropparnahade märkts. SM-Omics genererar en storskalig karaktärisering av vävnaden av flera omikermed hög kapacitet samtidigt som den har låg teknisk variation. / <p>QC 2021-02-02</p>

Potential Application of Multiplex Automated Genome Engineering (MAGE) and One-Step Curing Plasmid System for Environmental Cambodian Enterobacterial Isolates

Alexandra, Olivia January 2021 (has links)
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is concerning because it limits antimicrobial drug treatment options. AMR occurs by the overuse and misuse of antimicrobial drugs. In environmental settings, AMR can disseminate from places of high use, which leads to increased exposure to humans and animals. A previous study from our laboratory group showed extended-spectrum cephalosporinase-producing Escherichia coli/Klebsiella pneumoniae were isolated from fecal samples obtained in rural Cambodian community settings. Based on these isolates, this study has two aims. The first aim was characterization of selected Cambodian isolates with random amplification polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and antibiotic susceptibility test. From RAPD, the selected six isolates are diverse, except for C61 and C66 bacteria isolates with potential clonality. Additionally, the selected isolates are multidrug resistant (MDR) with reduced susceptibility to beta-lactams and fluoroquinolones. The second aim was to assess two developed methodologies, multiplex automated genome engineering (MAGE) and One-Step Curing Plasmid, by validation in bacteria laboratory strain and development for six Cambodian isolates. To modify AMR genetic elements, MAGE uses pMA7-SacB for homologous recombination with oligos for chromosomal gene disruption. Meanwhile, One-Step Curing Plasmid uses pFREE with the CRISPR/Cas9 system for plasmid and self-curing. Validation showed that MAGE can modify 8% of E. coli MG1655 with lacZ control screening oligos and almost 90% are cured from pFREE. Selected Cambodian isolates have antibiotic-resistance plasmids of IncR or IncFII replicon. For usage in Cambodian isolates, pFREE was modified to be pCAM-FREE by cloning IncR and IncFII plasmid as gRNA1 and gRNA5, respectively. Sequencing results showed pCAM-FREE have gRNA5. In conclusion, our study managed to characterize selected Cambodian isolates as MDR and diverse. In a laboratory strain, MAGE and One-Step Curing Plasmid are functional methods. Furthermore, pCAM-FREE was constructed to target IncFII and in the future, MAGE and pCAM-FREE could be tested in Cambodian isolates.

Uttrycksmönster av kiseltransportörgener hos Chaetoceros affinis med realtids-PCR

Gubonin, Nikolaj January 2021 (has links)
Diatoms are photosynthetic protists that reside in aquatic environments. A unique feature of diatoms is their cell wall structure made of silica. Silicon is a limiting nutrient for diatoms. The bioavailable form of silicon in aquatic environments is silicic acid. Since the intracellular concentration of silicon is many times greater than the extracellular concentration in aquatic habitats, silicon transporters (SIT) are required that actively transports silicic acid into the cell. In the diatom Chaetoceros affinis two such transporters have been reported, SIT1 (CaSIT1) and SIT2 (CaSIT2). Gene expression of CaSIT1 is increased at low extracellular concentration of silicic acid (&lt;30 µM), while at higher concentrations the transportation is dominated by diffusion. On the contrary, CaSIT2 does not seem to be affected by variations in environmental silicic acid concentrations, and its role in the transportation of silicic acid remains unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relative gene expression of CaSIT1 and CaSIT2 in C. affinis, using realtime-PCR. The diatom was cultivated in two media: one with full nutrients (control) and one without added silicon (-Si). In addition, C. affinis was also cultivated with a second diatom, Cylindrotheca fusiformis, in respective media (mixed cultivation). Due to extensive primer-dimers, CaSIT2 was excluded from the proceeding analysis of the samples. Analysis showed that the relative gene expression of CaSIT1 was increased by silica limitation (ANOVA: p &lt; 0,05), in accordance with previous studies. The effect of competition however resulted in a decrease of gene expression (ANOVA: p &lt; 0,05). The combined effect, the interaction of competition and silica limitation, did not result in a significant change of the gene expression (ANOVA: p = 0,38). However, there was an increased variation among the mixed cultures, which could be a result of RNA degradation considering the poor RNA quality of the samples. The results from this study show that realtime-PCR is an effective method to measure gene expression of silica transporters, provided that the primers have been correctly evaluated. / Diatomer är vattenlevande, fotosyntetiska protister som kännetecknas av att dess cellväggsstruktur är uppbyggd av kiseldioxid. Kisel är ett begränsande näringsämne för diatomer. Den biotillgängliga formen av kisel i akvatisk miljö är kiselsyra. Eftersom den intracellulära koncentration av kisel är mångfaldigt högre än den extracellulära i de flesta akvatiska habitat, krävs kiseltransportörer (SIT) som aktivt pumpar in kiselsyran. Hos diatomen Chaetoceros affinis har två kiseltransportörer rapporterats, SIT1 (CaSIT1) och SIT2 (CaSIT2). Genuttrycket av CaSIT1 ökar vid låg koncentration av extracellulär kiselsyra (&lt;30 µM), medan vid högre koncentrationer domineras transporten av diffusion. I motsats tycks CaSIT2 inte påverkas av variationer i tillgänglig kiselsyra, och dess roll vid transport av kiselsyra är oklar. Syftet med föreliggande arbete var att med realtids-PCR undersöka det relativa genuttrycket av CaSIT1 och CaSIT2 hos C. affinis. Diatomen odlades i två medium: en med komplett näringsinnehåll (kontroll) och en med samma näringsinnehåll förutom kisel (-Si). Därutöver odlades även C. affinis tillsammans med Cylindrotheca fusiformis, i respektive medium (mixad kultur). På grund av omfattande primer-dimers uteslöts CaSIT2 primers från analys av proverna. Det relativa genuttrycket av CaSIT1 ökade vid kiselbegränsning (ANOVA: p &lt; 0,05), i enlighet med tidigare studier. Effekten av konkurrens resulterade däremot i en minskning av genuttryck (ANOVA: p &lt; 0,05). Den kombinerade effekten (konkurrens och kiselbegränsning) resulterade inte i en signifikant förändring av genuttrycket (ANOVA: p = 0,38). Det var en ökad variation bland de mixade kulturerna, vilket eventuellt förklaras av degraderat RNA då RNA-kvalitén över lag var väldigt låg för de flesta prover. Resultaten i denna studie visar att realtids-PCR är en effektiv metod för att undersöka genuttryck av kiseltransportörgener, under förutsättning av primers utvärderats korrekt.

Diatom and Cyanobacterial Symbioses : Identifying Environmental MAGs by Comparisons with Known Symbiotic Draft Genomes

Hultman, Cecilia January 2021 (has links)
The partnerships, or symbioses, between diatom hosts and cyanobacteria are widespread in the tropical and subtropical oceans. Many populate low nutrient waters where the heterocystous cyanobacteria fix N2 and provide reduced nitrogen (N) to the host. These types of symbioses are believed to be important in the global ocean biogeochemical cycle of N and carbon (C). The cyanobacteria morphology, cellular locations differ as well as genome size and content. The genome size and content are related to the cellular location: internal symbionts have smaller more eroded genomes, while external symbionts have larger genomes more similar to free-living cyanobacteria. Based on previously identified characteristics the aim of this report is to classify taxonomically, unidentified environmental metagenomic assembled genomes (MAGs) to the heterocystous symbionts of diatoms: Richelia and Calothrix. A select number of targeted gene sequences will be compared. MAGs and four draft genomes of Richelia and Calothrix were collected from public repositories (GTDB, NCBI and Tara project) and an initial comparison of GC-content and genome size was made. Based on this comparison, seven of the MAGs were determined as similar as the draft genomes of the known symbionts. After, a heatmap was created based on 27 targeted genes, some of which are highly conserved, to further characterize the phylogeny of the MAGs (Appendix 2). Results from the GC-content and genome size graph and the heatmap indicated similar trends which could connect one of the MAGs being most similar to the RintRC01 draft genome whereas the other five MAGs resembled the RintHH01 draft genome. Based on these results, conclusions can be drawn that the unknown MAGs are likely derived from symbionts of diatoms and could also possess similar characteristics, such as their cellular location, function and role in the N and C cycles.

The influence of diel cycles on the bacterial community composition of two boreal lakes : A case study in Jämtland

Papadopoulou, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
In the Boreal region, the length of day and night varies extremely over the year and organisms are exposed to different diel (24 h) fluctuations of light and temperature. Among them are pelagic populations of bacteria that are ubiquitous in freshwater ecosystems. The structure of prokaryotic assemblages in lakes is regulated by both abiotic and biotic parameters known to have diel patterns; yet, knowledge on changes of the active bacterial community composition (aBCC) over diel cycles is limited, especially at short temporal scales. Here, measurements of physicochemical parameters, nutrient levels and chlorophyll a concentrations, characterization of the carbon pool and 16S rRNA sequencing were used to elucidate the aBCC in a peat bog and the oligotrophic lake Klocka in Jämtland county, Sweden. I show that the activity of bacterioplankton communities remained relatively stable at 6-h intervals and did not follow any diel patterns during an uneven light regime period in June. However, the activity of peat bog communities changed in a cyclic pattern over three diel cycles during an even light period in September, whereas diel changes did not substantially differentiate between sampling periods and among depths in Klocka. The results of the thesis provide valuable insights into the importance of diel cycles in bacterial diversity and community dynamics in lentic habitats.

Impact of Viral Geometry and Cellular Lipid Environment on Virus-Endosome Fusion Kinetics

Aguilar Quiñones, Valeria January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The use of a CRISPR-Cas9 system to protect probiotic strains from transferrable drug resistance genes

Lundberg, Sara January 2021 (has links)
The discovery of antibiotics have revolutionized modern medicine, facilitating the treatment of a variety of bacterial infections, enabled surgeries otherwise impossible to perform and increased life expectancy in all countries. However, the rapid development of resistance among microorganisms and the increasing numbers of clinical outbreaks caused by multiresistant bacteria have accelerated the need for new alternatives to antibiotics. Probiotic bacteria armed with defense systems have been studied as potential substitutes of antibiotics. These probiotic competitors can still contribute to the spread of resistance genes among microorganisms through horizontal gene transfer. The aim of this study was to investigate whether constructed CRISPR-Cas9 systems have the potential to protect probiotic bacteria against horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes. Transformation, transduction and conjugation assays in strains carrying or not carrying a plasmid-bourne CRISPR-Cas9 system were performed in order to compare the frequencies of transfer of the most common resistance genes. The transformation and transduction assays demonstrated that the constructed CRISPR-Cas9 system entails a decrease in efficiency of transfer for targeted resistance genes. Moreover, it can be concluded that potentially increasing Cas9 levels by reducing its degradation results in increased prevention of horizontal gene transfer through transformation and transduction. Finally, we state that the CRISPRCas9 system does not result in protection against antibiotic resistance genes entering the cells through conjugation.

To monitor the microbial biodiversity in soil within Uppsala

Godow Bratt, Tora, Stigenberg, Mathilda, Elenborg, Andreas, Ågren, Sarah, Medhage, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
This is an exploration of the potential for a citizen science project, with the goal to get the general public involved in microbial soil biodiversity around Uppsala, Sweden. Biodiversity serves an important role in how an ecosystem performs and functions. A large part of Earth's biodiversity exists below ground in soil, where microorganisms interact with plants. It would be beneficial to analyse the abundance and spread of some microorganisms in order to gain a better understanding of soil biodiversity. We suggest that one species family to study could be Phytophthora. Phytophthora is a genus of oomycetes that often are pathogenic, causing disease in various trees and other plants. It is unknown exactly how widespread the genus is today, making it extra interesting for the proposed study. For the general public to be able to do this a device needs to be developed that is easy to use and preferably could be used directly in the field. An isothermal amplification method is suitable for identifying the microorganism under these conditions. Many isothermal amplification methods are expensive, perhaps too expensive for a citizen science study, but have great potential for easy field testing. We propose a device utilizing RPA and lateral flow strips. RPA - Recombinase Polymerase Amplification is a method for amplification that might be suitable since it is simple, sensitive, and has a short run time. It is however expensive, which is an issue, but isothermal amplifications are expensive across the board. Lateral flow strips can be used to visualize the results. They utilize antibodies to detect the previously amplified amplicons, and give a positive or negative test answer that would be understandable to even untrained study participants. One of the biggest obstacles identified in this project concerns amplifying DNA from a soil sample, because an extraction step is necessary. The methods we have identified for extraction are not performable in the field, since they require centrifugation. In the proposition for a device a possible work-around for this is proposed, but since it has yet to be tested it is not yet known whether it will work or not.

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