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ETBE as an additive in gasoline: advantages and disadvantagesYuan, Hong January 2006 (has links)
The most widely used gasoline additive methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) has been questioned recently, since frequent detection of this compound in groundwater indicates that it could be a risk to our environment. Consequently, legislative efforts have been made by some local governments to phase out the use of MTBE. Among a number of alternative substitutes, ethyl tert-butyl (ETBE) seems to be the more promised one due to its lower water solubility, suggesting that it could pose less impact to our water supply. However, a thorough understanding of its environmental fate is needed before ETBE is widely accepted as a more environmentally friendly gasoline additive. As a part of this effort, the degradation of MTBE and ETBE as well as their effects on the fate of aromatic gasoline components, i.e. BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and xylenes) were studied on two soils contaminated with MTBE-blended or ETBE-blended gasoline. During a period of 5 months, the general aerobic degradation of the gasoline and its different additives were monitored by gas chromatography – thermal conductivity detection (GC-TCD) and concentration changes of MTBE and ETBE were monitored with the help of gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results of this study showed that the degradation of MTBE, ETBE and BTEX occurred in all the systems, nevertheless MTBE and ETBE degraded far more slowly in contrast with the degradation of BTEX, indicating that MTBE and ETBE are more persistent. When the degradation of MTBE and ETBE were compared, ETBE decreased a little faster than MTBE, implying that ETBE advantages slightly in degradation over MTBE. Concerning the effects of MTBE and ETBE on the fate of BTEX, the results showed that MTBE might enhance whereas ETBE might inhibit the degradation of BTEX though at a lower level. In addition, less degradation of MTBE and ETBE was observed in organic-rich soil in all the cases, probably because that there are more other substrates available for the microorganisms in organic-rich soil.
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The effects of heavy metals on denitification in a wetland sediment..Aigbavbiere, Ernest January 2006 (has links)
Wetlands water quality is influenced by the anthopogenic activities in the catchments’ areas. Wastewaters from the urban storm, agricultural runoff and sewage treatment often end up in wetlands before flowing to rivers, lakes and the sea. A lot of pollutants are readily transported in these wastewaters, thus subjecting the wetland ecosystem into a continuous resilience. Importantly, heavy metals like Cu, Zn, and Pb etc. are constituents of such pollutants in the wastewaters. The study has as a specific objective to investigate the effects of heavy metal Cu, Zn and Pb on denitrification, an important ecosystem process and service. In a wetland situation, denitrification is a permanent nitrogen removal process accounting for about 90% of the total nitrogen removal. The research was carried out in the laboratory and sediment samples were taken from a constructed wetland in Linkoping. We employed acetylene inhibition technique in obtaining N2O as a product resulting from nitrate reduction. The treatments (Cu, Zn and Pb) levels were 100 mg/kg, 250 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg of sediment, in three replicates and a control. Samplings of the assay were taken within 24hours. Gas chromatography was used to analyse and quantify N2O in the various samples. A linear regression analysis was carried out with Windows Excel and SPSS to compare the various treatments with the control at 95% confidence level. The results show that there were no inhibitions of denitrification at 100 mg/kg sediment treatment level for any of the element. Inhibition of denitrification was observed at treatment levels 500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg of sediment. The rate of nitrate reduction was compared from the slope of the regression curve. The rate for Cu at 500 mg and 1000 mg /kg of sediment was moderately related to that of the control, Zn shows a similar trend but a higher rate in some samples, while Pb shows more inhibition.
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Occurrence of organochlorine compounds in a forest bog at Stubbetorp, Kolmården : -Indication for a natural formation? / Förekomst av organiska klorämnen i en skogsmosse vid Stubbetorp, Kolmården : - Indikation på en naturlig formation?Hoppe, Sabina, Thomsen, Frida January 2005 (has links)
Volatile organochlorine compounds emitted from natural sources can participate in environmentally relevant processes affecting life on Earth, such as stratospheric ozone destruction and warming of the troposphere. The aim of this study was to investigate if forest bogs contribute to the environmental input of naturally produced volatile organochlorine compounds. The concentrations of four different volatile organochlorine compounds were determined in ambient air, rainwater, surface water, and sub-surface water. For chloroform, up to 10-times higher concentrations were detected in the surface water compared to the sub-surface water taken at 40 cm depth. As the concentrations of chloroform in rainwater where almost in the same range as the concentrations in the sub-surface water, a formation of chloroform is suggested in the surface water. The results of this study indicate forest bogs as a possible new natural source for the input of volatile organochlorine into the environment.
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Utvärdering av kontrollprogram för det förorenade markområdet Grimstorp LillesjönJaki Borg, Maria January 2010 (has links)
En utvärdering av befintlig data från referensfasen av kontrollprogrammet för Grimstorp Lillesjön har utförts. De studerade parametrarna i rapporten är ytvatten- och grundvattenhalter (grundvattenrör och brunnar) av arsenik och tre utvalda PAH (acenaften, fluoren och naftalen) ämnen samt fysikaliska-kemiska stödparametrar. För att bidra med information till kontrollprogrammet har i denna rapport statistiska parametrar beräknats i form av kontrollmål för årsmedelvärde och stickprov för de studerade parametrarna. Det har även i förväg angetts den förändring från kontrollmålet som kan påvisas enligt planerad provtagning. Arsenikhalterna har 1-5 ggr mindre relativa standard avvikelsen (CV) än för de tre valda PAH ämnena, där CV i många fall är över ett. Det största bidraget till variationen i data kommer från säsongsvariationer, där temperaturen har den största inverkan till variationen. För ytvatten- samt brunnsdata för de undersökta parametrarna kan halvårsvisa säsongsmässiga indelningar ses och genom att dela in data enligt säsongsvariationen kan variationskoefficienten minskas. Från jämförelse med andra genomförda impregneringprojekt vid före detta impregneringsanläggningar kan konstateras att i entreprenadfasen sker ett läckage av arsenik. I uppföljningsfasen påverkas visa grundvattenrör nedströms det före detta impregneringsområdet med högre halter av arsenik och PAH. Dessa haltökningar kan påvisas tre år efter utförd sanering. Sammantaget är bättre att köra kontrollprogrammet för Grimstorp Lillesjön mindre intensivt men under en längre tidsperiod och då ta prover under samma säsong, vilket ger jämförbara resultat. Detta medför att totalt sett kan färre prov tas jämfört med planerad provtagning eller en mindre förändring av halter kan detekteras i entreprenad och uppföljningsfasen.
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Organic chlorine in soilwater : Influence of Clear-cuttning and NitrogenFredriksson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>Chlorine is one of most common element on earth and it is essential in every living organism, but can also cause problems in the environment. Chlorine can exist both as inorganic (Clin) and organically bound (Clorg). Earlier was the common opinion that Clorg only occurs from anthropogenic sources, but the last years, research has shown that chlorine is a part of the biogeochemical cycle and Clorg also can have natural sources. Many chlorinated substances are poisonous, so the fact that they have a natural source created attention. Fertilizations with nitrogen in forest areas have shown unexpected consequences, such as an increase leakage of nitrogen to ground and surface water. Clear-cutting is a disturbance on the ecosystem and the environment is sensitive for disturbances. Because of the fact that both chlorine and fertilization can be environmental problems and that clear-cutting is a big disturbance in the nature, this study will investigate if there are changes of organic chlorine (Clorg) in soil water after clear-cutting and if fertilization with nitrogen has any influence on the concentration of Clorg. This study was made in a forest area in Värmland, Sweden (Hagfors). Chemical analyses were made in the laboratory though measuring AOX (absorbable organic halogens). The result of this study showed that clear-cutting probably has some effect on the Clorg concentration and that nitrogen doesn’t have any influence.</p>
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Effect of Khartoum City for Water Quality : chemical analyses / تأثير مدينة الخرطوم علي نوعية مياه نهر النيل : تحاليل كيميائيهBastway Mohammed, Omer Abdalrahim January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis assesses the water quality of the River Nile around the city Khartoum in Khartoum State, Sudan Republic, and investigates eventual influences of the city on the River Nile by analysis of the following parameters: temperature, pH, and conductivity, and Adsorbable Organic Halogen (AOX), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), Total Organic Carbon(TOC) and Nitrate (NO3− ). A survey of the area is also included. It was concluded that the city Khartoum added small but legible concentrations of cadmium, lead, chromium and TOC to the river Nile. However, the resulting concentrations were all within acceptable levels. Also, the observed results showed that the Blue and White Nile, which merge together upstream on the outskirts of Khartoum, had concentrations of AOX resp. chromium, which were not suitable for drinking water.</p>
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Microbial Transformation of Organotin Compounds under Simulated Landfill Conditions / Mikrobiell omsättning av tennorganiska föreningar under simulerade deponiförhållandenBjörn, Annika January 2007 (has links)
Mono- and di-alkyltins are used extensively as heat stabilizers for processing of poly vinyl chloride (PVC). Tin mercaptide stabilizers are some of the most effective PVC stabilizers available. The main applications for tin stabilizers are building/construction products, such as pipes, fittings, siding and profiles (windows etc.), packaging and flexible PVC plastics. Most PVC products have been and are subjected to landfilling, when their use is terminated. The structure of the polymer itself and the substances used as additives have been a concern for environmental authorities in many countries since long, which also includes their presence in landfills. In the case of the organotin stabilizers their leaching out from (PVC) plastics into the leachate phase of landfills with the risk for further transport to ground and surface waters is in focus. The main objectives of this thesis take their start in this background and, thus, included the elucidation of whether organotin compounds (OTs) in stabilized PVC products contribute to the pool of OTs observed in landfill leachates and if these compounds are degradable by the microorganisms developing under anaerobic landfill conditions. To reach these aims and the research questions raised the forwarded PVC materials were added to muniscipal solid waste (MSW) processed in containers used to simulate the ageing of landfills under forced conditions. These include traditional landfill simulation reactors (LSRs) at a scale of ca 100 L and also at a smaller scale ca 5 L constructed for the purpose of this study, i.e. the modular environmental test system (METS). The latter were used to investigate temperature effects on the possible release of OTs from different types of PVC materials. The capacity by microorganisms in landfill environments were used to investigate their capacity to degrade or transform organotin stabilizer compounds focused on in this thesis. Differences in this capacity in relation to the ageing of landfills and exposure to the alkyltin stabilizers were studied with microorganisms sampled from LSRs spiked with PVC over time and from landfill site. Access to sensitive and reliable equipment and analytical protocols for the analysis of OTs and their transformation intermediates and end products are prerequisites for this kind of studies. This necessitated an adoption and adaptation of analytical methods for the low concentrations occurring in the environment. Two methods were established and well served the requirements. Indeed OTs migrated out from especially flexible PVC materials, while rigid PVC was less prone for OT release as judged from the METS simulations. The METS studies showed that the OT release increase substantially at higher temperatures and especially so when the temperature was higher than the glass transition of the PVC.materials. The organotin stabilizers were transformed, partly or completely degraded, by anaerobic microorganisms derived from landfill environments. Upon prolonged exposure to OTs leaching from PVC in LSR simulations the microorganisms displayed a higher efficiency in degradation of the leached OTs. The microorganisms would methylate inorganic tin and metyltin present in the MSW material as well as perform dealkylation depending on the tin concentrations prevailing. During these studies it was discovered that the organotin stabilzers were inhibiting the methanogens and fermentative bacteria, which lead to a retardation of the anaerobic mineralisation of the MSW in the assays. An in depth study revealed that the OTs themselves but also their ligands and degradation products from these together effected the inhibition. However, given the extent of leaching in relation to the water flows in landfills, the concentrations will mainly be too low to pose any risks to the surrounding environment.
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Dygnsvariation av metanemission från en anlagd våtmark / Diurnal patterns of methane emission from a constructed wetlandHeiberg, Lisa January 2000 (has links)
<p>The aim of the study was to investigate if methane emission in a constructed wetland changed in a diurnal pattern correlating to temperature, humidity or light conditions. The gas measurements were carried out with a static chamber technique. The wetland (in Nykvarn outside of Linköping, Sweden) takes care of wastewater to reduce the nitrogen loads. Measurements were carried out at three different occasions in the summer of 1998 on two sites in the wetland. One site was close to the inflow, inhabited by Lemnaceae, and another site was located further downstream inhabited by the emergent macrophyte Typha latifolia. The results showed a variation, but no discernible diurnal pattern. The Typha site had a methane emission rate of 166 mg CH<sub>4</sub> m-2d-1 and the Lemnaceae site had an methane emission rate of 712 mg CH<sub>4</sub> m-2d-1. In all experiments at the Typha site, the highest methane emission rate was obtained at sunrise.</p>
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Chemical reactions in ventilation systems : Ozonolysis of monoterpenesFick, Jerker January 2003 (has links)
<p>Chemicals in indoor air, either emitted from a source or from a reaction, have been suggested to cause ill health in buildings. However, no clear correlations between exposure and health effects have been made. </p><p>In this thesis we studied the reaction between monoterpenes, a group of biogenic unsaturated C10 hydrocarbons, and ozone. Ozonolysis of monoterpenes was used as model reactions for unsaturated compounds in ambient air. Also the products formed from these reactions have been suggested as important participants in the occurrence of discomfort and ill health in buildings.</p><p>To enable a reliable and sensitive measurement of ppb-ppt levels of monoterpenes and the formed products in the presence of ozone an evaluation of available scrubber materials was made. Potassium iodide was shown to remove ambient levels of ozone and have a recovery of >95% for all monoterpenes and formed products included in the investigation.</p><p>Experimental conditions showed to have a large impact on the initial steps of the ozonolysis, and also on the composition of the formed products. We showed that water plays an important and complex role both in the initial stage of ozonolysis of ∆<sup>3</sup>-carene and in the formation and composition of products from the ozonolysis of ∆-pinene. The use of experimental design facilitated the evaluation of the investigated reactions. We showed that the formation of OH radicals could be studied using multiple linear regression models and that the presence or absence of OH radicals had a profound impact on the formation of many of the formed products. We also made an observation of the lack of formed OH radicals in the ozonolysis of limonene and discussed probable causes of this observation.</p><p>Despite the short reaction times and the ambient levels of ozone and monoterpenes used in our experiments we showed that a number of oxidation products were formed, and that the reaction rate is significantly increased in a ventilation system. This formation is underestimated by theoretical calculations and leads to high amounts of known irritants in the indoor air. We showed that theoretical calculations underestimate the formation of these oxidation products 3-13 times, depending on ventilation system and monoterpene. </p>
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Organic Phosphorus Compounds in Aquatic Sediments : Analysis, Abundance and EffectsAhlgren, Joakim January 2006 (has links)
<p>Phosphorus (P) is often the limiting nutrient in lacustrine and brackish eco-systems, and enhanced input of P into an aquatic system might therefore negatively impact the environment. Because modern waste water manage-ment have reduced external P input to surface waters, internal P loading from the sediment has become one of the main P sources to aquatic ecosys-tems, in which relatively unknown organic P compounds seem to be more active in P recycling than previously thought.</p><p>This thesis focus is on improving analysis methods for organic P com-pounds in lacustrine and brackish sediments, as well as determining which of these compounds might be degraded, mobilized and subsequently recycled to the water column and on what temporal scale this occur. In both lacustrine and brackish environments, the most labile P compound was pyrophosphate, followed by different phosphate diesters. Phosphate monoesters were the least labile organic P compounds and degraded the slowest with sediment depth. In regulated lakes, it was shown that pyrophosphate and polyphos-phate compound groups were most related to lake trophic status, thus indi-cating their involvement in P cycling. This thesis also indicates faster P turn-over in sediment from the brackish environment compared to sediment from the lacustrine environment. </p><p>A comparison of organic P extraction procedures showed that pre-extraction with EDTA, and NaOH as main extractant, was most efficient for total P extraction. Using buffered sodium dithionite (BD) as a pre-extractant and NaOH as main extractant was most efficient for extracting the presuma-bly most labile organic P compound groups, pyrophosphate and polyphos-phate. Furthermore, it was determined that organic P compounds associated with humic substances were more recalcitrant than other P compounds, that the BD step used in traditional P fractionation might extract phosphate monoesters, and that NMR is a statistically valid method for quantification of organic P compounds in sediment extracts.</p>
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