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Gestão da qualidade total e a industria brasileira de minerio de ferro : limites e possibilidadesBoeira, Jorge Luis Ferreira 04 April 1999 (has links)
Orientador: Iran Ferreira Machado / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-24T22:30:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Boeira_JorgeLuisFerreira_M.pdf: 8177138 bytes, checksum: d64451252bad672136b91790e29f2924 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 1999 / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar os limites e as possibilidades de sucesso da Gestão da Qualidade Total nas principais companhias exportadoras do setor de minério de ferro, responsáveis por cerca de 95% do valor da produção brasileira desse bem mineral. Para a análise das dificuldades e da estratégia utilizada para a implantação de programas de qualidade utilizou-se uma metodologia que envolveu pesquisa documental e bibliográfica e, ainda, entrevistas com quadros gerenciais ligados à área de qualidade daquelas empresas (CVRD, MBR, Samitri, Samarco, Ferteco e CSN). Na parte de revisão bibliográfica, indica-se o papel ativo da organização governo enquanto indutor de transformações no âmbito produtivo, a evolução do pensamento gerencial, o papel primordial dos recursos minerais para a sociedade e as características distintivas da mineração. Aponta-se, também, as especificidades da indústria de mineração de ferro no mundo, em termos da sua estrutura de oferta e demanda, da competitividade de custos, de seus produtos e mercados. O aspecto do transporte transoceânico que caracteriza o comércio internacional dessa indústria e a questão dos efeitos dos preços relativos (taxa real de câmbio) entre os principais produtores e exportadores também são objeto de reflexão neste trabalho. A partir da análise documental e das entrevistas, verificamos uma série de melhorias possibilitadas pela implementação da Gestão da Qualidade Total nas empresas estudadas: redução de níveis verticais e horizontais, maior participação nas decisões pelos operadores, intensificação das formas de comunicação interna, redução dos conflitos entre áreas, reforço na educação formal e no treinamento, aumento da produtividade, redução dos acidentes e de estoques, atendimento às especificações de clientes, bem como o desenvolvimento de fornecedores. Os limites, por sua vez, são impostos pela demanda da indústria siderúrgica, pela natureza das jazidas, por políticas públicas punitivas e pela crença de que um certificado possa garantir a perpetuidade dessas empresas num mercado altamente competitivo. O nível de informação nesse mercado nos aponta para a convergência dos produtores de classe mundial em reforçar sua competitividade natural para uma competitividade conquistada. A corrida para certificação de Sistemas da Qualidade, realizada na década de 90, e a tendência para integrar diversos sistemas gerenciais para a melhoria da qualidade e da produtividade mediante programas de Qualidade Total, são sinais de que somente mudanças tecnológicas não serão capazes de garantir fatias de mercado para aqueles produtores. Esse posicionamento e a conquista de mercado se dará, cada vez mais, mediante mudanças no relacionamento com clientes/fornecedores e na melhor gestão do processo produtivo / Abstract: The aim of this research is to verify the limitations and possibilities of success for Total Quality Management in the major iron ore exporting companies that account for ca. 95% (in value) of total production in Brasil. For the analysis of difficulties and strategy utilized for the establishment of quality programs, the author used a methodology encompassing bibliographical research and also interviews of managers dealing with quality matters at the leading companies (CVRD, MBR, Samitri, Samarco, Ferteco, and CSN). In the bibliographical review, the role of govemment as an inducer of changes in the production environrnent, the evolution of managerial thinking, the significance of minerais resources to societal needs, and the unique peculiarities of mining are emphasized. Also, the specific features of the world iron ore industry, relative to its suply and demand structure, the cost, product and market competitiveness are pointed out. In addition, the aspects of transoceanic shipping that characterize the international trade of iron ore, and the issue of relative prices (actual exchange rate) among the majors producers and exporters are focused in this research. From the analysis of literature and interviews, it was possible to detect a suit of improvements made possible through the implementation of Total Quality Management in the companies studied, e.g.: reduction of vertical and horizontal management levels; greater participation in the decison-making process by operators; forms of intemal communication more intensive; minimization of conflicts betwen areas; strengthening in the formal education and training; increase in productivity; reduction of accident indices and inventories; compliance with client's specifications; and the development of suppliers. The limitations, on the other hand, are imposed by the steel industry demand, by the very nature of iron ore deposits, by punitive public policies and by the belief that a certificate might guarantee the perpetuity of those companies in a highly competitive market. The information levei in this market leads to the convergence of the world class producers in strengthening their natural competitiveness towards a won competitiveness. The race to obtain certification in Quality Systems, ocurred in the 90's, and the trend to integrate several managerial systems aiming improve quality and productivity through Total Quality programs, are indications that only technological changes will not be capable to guarantee market shares to those producers. A privileged position and the winning of markets will happen even more frequently by changes in the relationship with clients and supliers, and by a better management of production processes / Mestrado / Administração e Politica de Recursos Minerais / Mestre em Geociências
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Elementos para estudo de viabililade de projetos de explotação de agua mineralRosa, Fabio Villiger Thomaz da 04 September 1999 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Augusto Milani Martins / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-24T22:33:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Rosa_FabioVilligerThomazda_M.pdf: 6426174 bytes, checksum: 06cea55b714478b5b2a24bc6362fa640 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 1999 / Resumo: A ação medicinal das águas minerais sobre a saúde humana é conhecida desde a Grécia Antiga, enquanto os estudos dos principais elementos relacionados ao aproveitamento dessas águas - potencial hidromineral, política e mercado - são raros. Este trabalho apresenta uma discussão desses elementos, procurando relacioná-los a projetos de explotação no âmbito do Estado de São Paulo, tendo como principal objetivo subsidiar as decisões de pequenos investidores. Admite-se que o potencial hidromineral no território paulista é grande, estando a qualidade das águas subterrâneas nos treze sistemas aqüíferos identificados, entretanto, sujeita à vulnerabilidade natural intrínseca e à ação antrópica, especialmente em áreas próximas aos centros urbanos. No âmbito da política de águas minerais percebe-se contradições, pois, na medida em que o Governo promove o aprimoramento da legislação específica, também permite a concorrência de produtos que contrariam vários princípios dessa legislação. O mercado paulista de águas minerais apresenta um perfil oligopolista, com tendência à pulverização. O ingresso de companhias cervejeiras e de refrigerantes nesse mercado é o fato atual mais relevante, com implicações tanto na oferta de tipos de água engarrafada quanto nas estratégias utilizadas para a distribuição dos produtos. O vasto mercado consumidor representado pela Grande São Paulo ainda tem condições de absorver futuros movimentos de expansão da indústria, mas vale salientar o índice de crescimento da produção verificado nas regiões administrativas situadas na porção oeste do Estado, que tem sido superior ao daquelas situadas na porção leste, tradicionais produtoras. Assim, a posição relativa entre esses índices reflete um maior potencial de mercado na porção oeste, que depende da comprovação do potencial hidromineral das regiões administrativas correspondentes para se consolidar / Abstract: The medicinal properties of the mineral water to the human health have been known since the Old Greece, while the studies on subjects such as hydromineral potential, governrnent policy and market behaviour, related to the explotation ofthis resource are rare. This work presents an evaluation ofthese components, regarding mining projects in the State of São Paulo, with the objective of supportting decisions of small investors. The hydromineral potential in São Paulo State is considered great, however the quality of the ground water on its 13 acquifers is subject to natural vulnerability and that of human action, especia1ly near the big cities. In relation to the mineral water policy, some contradictions are perceived as the Brazilian Governrnent promotes a strict specific legislation and at the same time allows the ingress of water other than natural mineral water into the market in ways which affect the principIe of this legislation. The São Paulo State mineral water market is oligopolist with tendency to pulverization of the market shares of large companies among small ones. The ingress of the beer and of the non alcoholic beverages industries on the mineral water market is the most relevant aspect nowadays and with consequences not only on the amount of the types of bottled water but also for the strategies utilized for the distribution of the products. In São Paulo State, the large consumer market represented by the Great São Paulo area can still absorb the movements of the industry expansion, but it is worthy to emphasize that the leveI of production growth verified in the administrative regions located on the west side ofthe state have been higher than that observed on east, the tradicional producer. Thus, the relative position of these levels of production reflect the higher market potential of the west, which depends .on verifying the hydromineral potential ofthe correspondent administrative regions to consolidate / Mestrado / Administração e Politica de Recursos Minerais / Mestre em Administração e Politica de Recursos Minerais
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A natureza juridica da compensação financeira mineral - CFEMLacerda, Carlos Alberto de Melo 25 July 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Hildebrando Herrmann / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-25T21:58:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Lacerda_CarlosAlbertodeMelo_M.pdf: 4256646 bytes, checksum: 46c69e0f2c985bb6b4da164a20e6089f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2000 / Resumo: A Constituição Federal de 1988 assegurou aos Estados, ao Distrito Federal, aos Municípios e a órgãos da administração direta da União Federa! o direito a uma participação no resultado da exploração econômica (i) do petróleo e gás natural, (ii) de recursos hídricos para geração de energia elétrica e (iii) de recursos minerais, ou uma compensação financeira por estas explorações econômicas. E coube a Lei n° 7.990, de 1989, que foi alterada pela Lei n° 8.001. de 1990, regular as diretrizes e as regras a serem observadas e cumpridas pelos concessionários, com fulcro no instituto da compensação financeira, Apesar de a compensação financeira abordar três setores distintos da economia brasileira, o nosso trabalho buscará identificar a natureza jurídica da compensação financeira mineral, mais conhecida como CFEM. É que desde a origem a da CFEM, a doutrina vem divergindo quanto a sua natureza jurídica. Para alguns a CFEM é indiscutível emente um tributo, enquanto que para outros a sua natureza é financeira e não tributária. A Justiça ainda não deu a palavra final sobre a natureza jurídica da CFEM. Diante dessas condicionantes, o nosso trabalho irá abordar: as bases do direito minerário; as posições doutrinárias que propugnam ser a CFEM um tributo, nas espécies de imposto ou contribuição de intervenção no domínio econômico dos aspectos do direito financeiro quanto à tipologia de receita pública; para finalmente identificar as características que fundamentam ser financeira, e não tributária, a natureza jurídica da CFEM / Abstract: Federal Union direct administration agencies the right to either a share in the results of economic exploitation of (I) oil and natural gas, (11) water resources for electric energy-generation, and (in) mineral resources, or a financial compesantion for such economic exploitation. Act no. 7.900 of 1989, as amended by Act no. 8.001 of 1990, laid down the guidelines and rules to be observed and complied with by concessionaires, on the basis of the financial compesantion precept. Despite the fact that financial compesantion comprises three distinct sectors of Brazilian economics, our work will try to identify the legal nature of the mineral financial compesantion, more commonly known as CFEM (financial compesantion for mineral exploitation). Since CFEM was created, doctrine has been diverging as to its legal nature. For some, CFEM is unquestionably a tax, whereas for others it; has a financial rather than a taxation nature. Justice as yet has not given its final word on CFEM legal nature. In view of such situation, our work will cover: the grounds for mineral law; the doctrinary positions which determine that CFEM is a tax, within the kinds of taxes or contributions relating to intervention in economic domain; the aspects of financial law as regards the typifying of public revenue; and lastly to identify the characteristics which justify the assertion that CFEM has a financial and not a tax nature from a legal standpoint / Mestrado / Administração e Politica de Recursos Minerais / Mestre em Geociências
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A politica da agua mineral : uma proposta de integração para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Mineral water policy : an integration propose to Rio de Janeiro State, BrazilCaetano, Lucio Carramillo 28 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T03:31:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Caetano_LucioCarramillo_D.pdf: 5044683 bytes, checksum: 412a0660e3f44ef06c81163d34ffb15a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Os conflitos, hoje, existentes para a inserção da água mineral, na gestão integrada de recursos hídricos, são oriundos de modelos de gestão formulados em momentos diferentes da história política brasileira. A legislação de água mineral (Código de Águas Minerais de 1945 e Código de Mineração de 1967) foi criada em regimes autoritários e centralizadores, enquanto que a legislação de recursos hídricos (Constituição Federal, de 1988 e a Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos, de 1997) possui um caráter democrático, descentralizador e participativo. Esta constatação provém de uma análise de todo um registro histórico da evolução política, que foi baseado nas Constituições Federais e nas legislações voltadas para os recursos minerais e para a água. Foi analisada também a evolução do conceito de água mineral que se inicia como um medicamento, passando a commodity, na atualidade. A participação da União, em diversas etapas do processo burocrático, desencadeia uma série de pré-requisitos entre diplomas da União, do Estado e do Município que geram a superposição de poderes culminando com entraves na condução processual, muitas vezes, dificultando todo um investimento no setor industrial de água mineral, o que causa sérios prejuízos às empresas. Apesar de toda a burocracia, estudos importantes, como os de disponibilidade hídrica de uma região, não são considerados, o que pode acarretar danos à comunidade local. No estado do Rio de Janeiro, os conflitos existentes entre a utilização da água como recurso mineral e hídrico, refletem um retrato da situação no Brasil. Neste Estado, ainda hoje, são constatadas por esta pesquisa, 20 (vinte) etapas necessárias para a legalização de uma indústria de água mineral, no contexto Federal, Estadual e Municipal, incapazes de solucionar os conflitos. A presente proposta, baseada na Constituição Federal de 1988, reduz em 10 (dez) etapas este trâmite burocrático, resultado da descentralização e retirada das sobreposições de poder. Ao Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral cabe, nessa proposta, estabelecer diretrizes gerais da política da água mineral brasileira / Abstract:
Nowadays conflicts for the insertion of mineral water in the management of water resource are originated in management models formulated at different moments of the Brazilian political history. The mineral water legislation (Mineral Water Code, 1945 and Mining Code, 1967) was created into authoritarian and centralizing regimes, while the legislation of water resource possesses a democratic, decentralizing and multi-participative character. This verification comes from an overall analysis of the historical registration of the policy evolution, which was based on the Federal Constitution and the Legislation regarding both mineral and water resources. Also, the evolution of the mineral water concept was analyzed. It begins as a medicine and turns out to be a commodity. The participation of the Federal government in several stages of the bureaucratic process attracts a series of pre-requirements among the Federal, the State and the Municipal diplomas generating the overlap of powers, which culminate with impediments in the procedural conduction. It often hinders an entire investment in the mineral water industry, causing serious damages to the companies. In spite of all the bureaucracy, important studies, such as the water availability of a region is not taken into consideration, what can result in damages to the local community. The existent conflicts in the State of Rio de Janeiro between the use of the water as mineral and water resource reflect a picture of the situation in Brazil. In this State there were evidenced twenty necessary stages among the three governmental levels for the legalization of an industry of mineral water, yet unable of solving the conflicts. The present proposal, based in the Federal Constitution of 1988, reduces to ten stages this bureaucratic proceeding, result of the decentralization and the elimination of overlapping powers. It is up to the National Department of Mineral Production, in this proposal, to establish general guidelines of the Brazilian mineral water policy / Doutorado / Administração e Politica de Recursos Minerais / Doutor em Ciências
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Estudio de Conciliaciones de Leyes de Mineral entre la Mina y la Planta de ProcesamientoCalderón Soto, Cristian Guillermo January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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The role of outsourcing in the project house - mining house relationshipDe Villiers, Tielman J. 18 November 2008 (has links)
M.Phil. / The relationship between the Mining House / Owner and Project House can be spectacularly successful for both partners (and has resulted in the emergence of a few successful new project houses and plant operation companies all over the world), but can also be disastrous for both parties, if managed incorrectly. The main requirement for a successful relationship between a Mining- and Project House is that there must be something in it for both parties. This is not only measured in customer perception of value for money (Mining House) and profits by the Project House, but is also affected by mutual respect, the working relationship and the perception that both can profit from the relationship by the following activities: • Procurement of goods and services. • Providing assistance in absorbing and adopting process technologies. • Addressing environmental concerns like Environment Impact Assessment, HAZOP studies as well as disaster management plans. • A project management team who can ensure proper control and timely reporting to the financial institutions, ensuring there are no cost and time overruns. • Provide due diligence in order to assign proper value to the assets, business portfolios, brand equity, technology/product, etc. • For retrofits, revamps, technical/ energy audits, upgrading the processes / quality of product through minimal investment routes. • In ensuring all aspects of quality management right from the concept to commissioning stage, involving corporate commitment to the quality management process enabling the companies to follow good manufacturing practices. • To provide knowledge management services i.e. depth of knowledge rather than the breadth. Until recently, most Mining Houses locked outsourcing in the back room - using it to pass off unimportant functions and processes to competent specialists so that managers could focus on more critical activities and core business. This is all changing as outsourcing is increasingly making its way into executives' strategic toolkits. In other research studies [5; C; K; N] three types of outsourcing relationships have been identified namely conventional, collaborative and (business) transformational outsourcing. Mining Houses can use conventional outsourcing to generate cost efficiencies in support processes. Collaborative outsourcing is used both to upgrade business processes and to provide flexibility to respond to changing business needs. Business transformation outsourcing holds a higher standard and is a comprehensive approach to create both new capabilities and to use them to achieve a clear strategic objective.
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An integrated project team strategy in the South African mining and mineral commodity industryDe Villiers, Tielman J. 18 November 2008 (has links)
D.Ing. / An integrated project team strategy (IPTS) does not start with a detailed list of performance measures, but with the appropriate mindset of what is in the interest of the project. The purpose of IPTS is to unite the core project participants (the 20% of project participants responsible for 80% of the impact on the project success) with a common goal, so that they focus on what is in the interest of the project and not on their company’s interest or local optimisation. Like a tripod, Integrated Project Team Strategies (IPTS) is based on three core principles - a common project incentive scheme, well-defined project success criteria and project control systems and procedures that focus on the project’s needs and do not entice local optimisation. The first leg of IPTS is that all the core project participants share in a common project incentive scheme, therefore their actions are focussed on the same target because it determines the size of their bonuses and incentives. Project success criteria are the second leg and represents the common project target. However, determining priorities in a project strategy is regularly done incorrectly with negative impact, therefore the project success and failure criteria must be well defined for all three areas namely project management, product and relationship success. This is essential for measuring the project success because it forms the basis for reporting progress the project wellbeing during the implementation phase as well as the “successful” outcome at project closure Traditional project control systems and metrics, which were used to measure the progress of the project, tend to measure progress in isolation because they do not consider the overall need of the project. Local optimisation in terms of for instance tons steel erected per hour occurs because that is how managers on the project are assessed, however, that is not in the interest of the project. Although conventional project strategies do not exclude integrated team performance evaluation, all their systems and procedures are based on the performance of a single project participant or division of a participant, thereby creating the ideal breeding ground for local optimization and moves the focus away from the overall project. When looking at some of the latest business publications like that of Eliyahu M. Goldratt (“The Goal”, “It is not luck” and the “Critical Chain”[9]) it is clear that IPTS biggest advantage is to eliminate local optimization encouraged by the more conventional project controls strategies. Because the way people are measured has such a big impact on their behaviour, project control systems and metrics are the third leg of the IPTS tripod. For these reasons, IPTS is a completely new game, which relies on deep commitment to provide a broad flexible framework for doing whatever is required in the current context to ensure project success. It is not about what happened since the deal was struck, nor who is actually responsible for it, but about the success of the project because all participants will reap the benefits of a successful project. In a sense, the demand emphasis for IPTS is shifting from a purely financial to a more strategic approach. In so doing, it is prompting more and more clients and managers into systematic re-examinations of their business models’ structures, efficiency and effectiveness for factors such as local optimization. Often stereotypically conservative and with a cultural bias for control, most clients and service providers in the South African mining and mineral commodity industry have been late and reluctant to let go of their control and associated local optimisation. However, the array of challenges confronting the industry makes control for control’s sake a costly indulgence, which cannot be afforded any longer Not only does IPTS have the ability to change lose-lose relationships to win-win relationships, but most importantly it has the ability to unite all the core project participants in a single integrated project team focusing on the same goals. A number of typical IPTS cases have been developed as part of the research and are included in this thesis as guidelines for the implementation of the research results. These cases were also evaluated practically by testing it during interviews with industry practitioners.
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A preliminary appraisal of the mineral potential of Venda based on a reconnaissance geochemical soil sampling survey and literature reviewWilson, Michael George Carey January 1990 (has links)
A reconnaissance soil sampling survey was carried out over Venda by Cycad (Pty) Ltd and the samples were analysed for 36 elements using XRF techniques, by Anglo American Research Laboratories in Johanuesburg. The data resulting from this survey forms the basis for the present interpretive study. Initially the sample positions were co-ordinated, then the geological, soil and sample types were allocated to each point. Twelve lithological groupings were chosen which incorporated most of the available data, retained significant geological characteristics and consisted of statistically significant sample populations. Statistical manipulation was undertaken for each of the lithological groups. Using a final population of 5768 samples, means were determined and anomalous values were identified using a threshold of mean plus two standard deviations. Due to time and budgetary constraints, 24 of the 36 elements were chosen for statisical manipulation and fourteen of these, with particular economic significance, were chosen for plotting, wherever significant numbers of anomalies were present. The element overlays were plotted so as to coincide with 18 of the 25, 1:50 000 topographic sheets covering Venda , the remaining 7 having inadequate sample coverage to yield meaningful contours. In this way a total of 175 element overlay sheets were plotted, each showing contoured element levels, with selected anomalous values. The treatment of the vast body of information made available by the Cycad sampling programme has thus been selective and has continually been aimed at highlighting and concentrating attention on the areas of greatest indicated mineralization potential, rather than on specific anomalies. In this regard it is felt that the present study has been successful, in spite of limited sample coverage in some areas. Combining the results of this study with a modern tectonically-based appraisal of mineralization potential and a knowledge of the local geology and previously known mineralization gleaned from an extensive literature review, the following types of mineralization are considered to have the highest potential in Venda: i) Nickel-copper-platinum mineralization as well as magnesite, in the olivine dolerite sills which intrude the base of the Karoo Sequence in Northern Venda. ii) Coal in the basal Karoo Sequence sediments in a broad zone from Jazz 715 MS in the west, and along the Klein Tshipise fault from Amonda 159 MT to the Mutale Copper Fields then east of these to the Kruger National Park. Where intrusives invade these lower Karoo sed iments the potential exists for amorphous graphite. iii) Hydrothermal copper and possibly gold and silver concentrations, in Nzhelele and Sibasa Formation rocks, particularly those associated with faults known to have been active in post-Soutpansberg times. iv) Sediment-hosted massive sulphide deposits (Cu-Pb -Zn) close to basin margin faults, near intersections with cross cutting faults that have resulted in localized basin formation. These are most likely in the Soutpansberg sediments. v) Martle, flake-graphite and late stage skarn mineralization (including lead, zinc, gold and tungsten), in calcareous rocks of the Gumbu Formation.
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A theological framework for the sustainable development of energy and mineral resources in KoreaChung, Kahp-Chin 23 October 2010 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to provide Korean churches with a theological framework to solve the current environmental impact of energy and mineral development in Korea. But this is merely a microcosm of what is happening in securing energy and mineral resources throughout the world, because we cannot imagine one day of our lives without energy and mineral resources in current civilized societies, just as we cannot exist without pure blood. In effect, the key question is whether there are Christian insights and theological perspectives which can help prevent complex and dynamic environmental impacts from mining activities and nuclear plants in the environmental crisis. In this thesis a variety of development and consumption trends of energy and mineral resources in the world as well as Korea has firstly been analyzed to comprehensively grasp their environmental impacts as well as their economic contributions in current civilized societies in chapters 2, 3 and 4. Secondly, this thesis looks at the controversial concept of sustainable development set up by the Brundtland Commission. The thesis goes on to discuss two controversial views of a traditional finite world paradigm and market resource allocation paradigm to examine the ideology and practice of economic growth. The thesis moves on to discuss fundamental roots of environmental degradation and the biblical proposition for sustainable development in order to redefine its concept. This thesis finally suggests "biblical sustainable development in accordance with the will of God" as a practical matrix to set up a theological framework for sustainable development of energy and mineral resources in the environmental crisis. Additionally, biblical sustainable development in the mining context is also discussed as a basic tool to develop a new scheme for ecological integrity in mining activities in chapter 6. Thirdly, through looking at theological perspectives and Christian insights, the thesis arranges a theological framework for biblical sustainable development of energy and mineral resources as the rudiments of an environmental ethic grounded in the Bible and as a criterion to capture theological and ethical reflections on the environmental impacts from nuclear plants and mining activities in Korea. Additionally, practical guidelines for biblical sustainable development is suggested to lead this world into the biblical sustainable society based on the theological perspectives for energy and mineral resources in chapter 7. Fourthly, in order to clearly identify the challenging tasks of Korean churches, this thesis evaluates the environmental initiatives of Korean churches based on the factual analysis of the environmental impacts from mining activities and nuclear plants and environmental activities of Korean churches and NGOs in chapters 4 and 5, and then suggests practical guidelines for individuals and churches based on the theological framework for biblical sustainable development in accordance with the will of God in chapter 8. Finally, through evaluating the Korean energy regime and mining policy, directions for the Korean government is also suggested in order to bring their environmental initiatives more in accordance with the will of God in chapter 8. The Church is arguably the most powerful institution in the world and can literally move mountains because it has its power from our Lord God. This power has to be utilized not only in Korea but in the whole world in order that humanity can save this planet before it is too late. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Science of Religion and Missiology / unrestricted
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Using Surficial Geochemical Methods to Detect Anomalies of Ore Indicator Metals in a Peat Bog at McIlvenna Bay, Saskatchewan, Canada, as a Method for Blind VMS Deposit ExplorationDunbar, Alyssa C. January 2017 (has links)
Surficial geochemistry, particularly selective leach technology, has proven effective in revealing anomalous concentrations of ore indicator metals overlying zones of buried mineralization. This study focuses on the buried Zn-Cu-Au-Ag VMS deposit at McIlvenna Bay in the Flin Flon Greenstone Belt to determine whether the peat swamp at the surface contains any anomalies of ore indicator metals using simple surficial geochemical techniques. Three selective leaches were performed, ammonium acetate pH 5.0, hydroxylamine, and sodium pyrophosphate. The hydroxylamine leach, which selects for metals in the reducible phase often associated with Mn and Fe oxides, has the clearest anomaly for multiple metals observed simultaneously, at the greatest magnitude. The pyrophosphate leach, which selects for metals that are oxidizable, often associated with organics showed a clear anomaly only for Cu, despite the abundance of organic matter and its great affinity for binding metals, likely because the organic-metal complexes formed in this system are easily exchangeable and highly soluble, not allowing for the formation of clear anomalies. The use of selective leach technology on surficial soil or peat has shown to be effective for delineating ore indicator metal anomalies, giving surface projections of buried mineralization in various types of systems, as long as the dynamics of the system are well understood in order to determine the phase the metals are associated with.
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