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Pastoral caregivers in the Nigerian hospital context : a pastoral theological approachAgbiji, Emem Obaji 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the relevance of Pastoral Caregivers (PCGs) in the Nigerian hospital
context from a pastoral theological perspective. It argues that illness is a reality that confronts
all humanity at certain times. It brings untold pain and suffering to the afflicted, physically,
emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. As such, wholeness and health are some of the
most important concerns of Nigerians and the global community as demonstrated by the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of the United Nations (UN). The Nigerian quest for
wholeness is a search for meaning, significance, and purpose in life especially in illness, pain
and suffering. This search involves questions about God’s involvement in suffering. For this
reason, illness comprises a complex reality that defies easy remedy. However, affected
persons often seek remedy in the hospital. But research shows that the medical model, despite
its benefits, has limited capacity to fulfil the human quest for meaning. Also, the Draft Health
Policy for Nigeria (DHPN) (2005:np) and National Strategic Health Development Plan
(NSHDP) 2010-2015 (2010:5) has also stated that the health system of Nigeria is poor and
Nigeria is not “on track towards significant improvement in meeting the health expectation
of its people inclusive of achieving the health MDGs” (NSHDP 2010:10). However, the
NSHDP 2010-2015 (2010:11) has also stated that a purposeful reform of the national
healthcare delivery system is necessary for strengthening the weak and fragile national health
delivery system and improving its performance towards achieving quality caregiving and
quality of life. In line with these Ministry of Health reform plans, this study argues that such
healthcare reforms should necessarily include pastoral caregivers (PCGs) as valuable and a
necessary human resource for health, partnership for health and research. Religion and
spirituality (the domain of pastoral care) have been put forward as best responding to many
people’s quest for meaning. Consequently, this research has employed a practical theological methodology. Within this
methodology a postfoundationalist paradigm according to Park (2010) has been utilised. In
this regard, the structure of the chapters is aligned with the four tasks of practical theology as
proposed by Osmer (2008). It further utilised relevant literature in the fields of theology,
medicine and other social sciences from within Nigeria, Africa and beyond. It has been
argued that the absence of meaningful pastoral care dimension is a significant weakness of
the medical model as practised in Nigeria. It is inconsistent with the promotion of the health
of patients and the community which the Nigerian Code of Medical Ethics (2004) articulates as the goal of medicine in Nigeria. It is also inconsistent with the holistic view of Nigerians
on illness. Additionally, it is not consistent with the National Policy on Private Partnership
for Health in Nigeria (NPPPHN) (2005) declaration that “alternative health providers, whose
practices are of proven value, shall be encouraged and supported as frontline of health care
provision for many people”. As the above Nigerian policies on health suggest – and this is
also the position of this study – illness demands a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to
combat it. This study has established that pastoral care embodies a vision of wholeness which
resonates with the Nigerian holistic view of life whose practices are of proven value.
Therefore, the inclusion of the PCG with a holistic theological approach into Nigerian
hospital care could contribute to holistic and quality care of patients in hospitals. They could
contribute towards the implantation of the NSHDP 2010-2015.
This study is strongly motivated by the fact that human beings are made in the image of God
and deserve love, respect for their values and desires, and dignity especially in the face of
illness and suffering. Therefore, it recommends that hospitals and clinics in Nigeria should of
necessity include PCGs in their hospitals and on their clinical team, as well as provide basic
training for all members of the medical team in the pastoral assessment of patients. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die relevansie van pastorale versorgers (PV’s) in die Nigeriese
hospitaalkonteks vanuit ’n pastoraal-teologiese perspektief. Daar word geargumenteer dat
siekte ’n realiteit is wat die hele mensdom op bepaalde tye affekteer. Dit veroorsaak
ongekende pyn en lyding vir die sieke, hetsy fisies, emosioneel, sielkundig of geestelik.
Gevolglik is heelheid en gesondheid van die belangrikste oorwegings vir Nigeriërs, asook die
globale gemeenskap, soos duidelik blyk uit die Verenigde Nasies se Millenniumontwikkelingsdoelwitte.
Die Nigeriese strewe na heelheid is ’n soeke na betekenis,
belangrikheid en sin in die lewe, veral in tye van siekte, pyn en lyding. Hierdie soeke betrek
ook vrae oor God se rol in lyding. Om hierdie rede behels siekte ’n komplekse realiteit
waarvoor daar geen maklike oplossing is nie. Siekes soek egter oplossings in die hospitaal.
Navorsing bewys desnieteenstaande dat die mediese model, ten spyte van die voordele
daarvan, beperkte kapasiteit het om die menslike soeke na betekenis te vervul. Nigerië se
konsep-gesondheidsbeleid, die Draft Health Policy for Nigeria, of DHPN, (2005) en
strategiese gesondheidsontwikkelingsplan, die National Strategic Health Development Plan,
of NSHDP 2010-2015, (2010:5) stel dit verder dat die gesondheidstelsel in Nigerië swak is en
dat die land nie op koers is na beduidende verbeterings in die voldoening aan die
gesondheidsvereistes van sy mense gedagtig aan die gesondheidsbepalings van die
Millennium-ontwikkelingsdoelwitte nie (NSHDP 2010:10). Die NSHDP 2010-2015
(2010:11) stel dit ook dat ’n doelmatige hervorming van die nasionale
gesondheidsorgvoorsieningstelsel nodig is om die swak en breekbare nasionale
gesondheidsvoorsieningstelsel te versterk en die werking daarvan te verbeter ten einde
gehaltesorg en lewensgehalte te verseker. In lyn met die hervormingsplanne van die
gesondheidsministerie, stel hierdie studie dit dat sodanige gesondheidsorghervormings
noodwendig PV’s moet insluit as waardevolle en noodsaaklike menslike hulpbron vir
gesondheid en vennootskap vir gesondheid en navorsing. Religie en spiritualiteit (die domein
van pastorale sorg) is al gestel as uiters geskikte respons op mense se soeke na betekenis. Gevolglik het die navorsing ’n praktiese teologiese metodologie gebruik. Binne hierdie
metodologie is gebruik gemaak van ’n post-fondamentalistiese paradigma volgens Park
(2010). In hierdie verband is die struktuur van die hoofstukke belyn met die vier take van
praktiese teologie soos voorgestel deur Osmer (2009). Verder word gebruik gemaak van
relevante literatuur in die teologie, mediese wetenskap en sosiale wetenskappe van binne
Nigerië, Afrika en verder. Dit word gestel dat die afwesigheid van ’n betekenisvolle pastoralesorgdimensie ’n beduidende swakheid is van die heersende mediese model wat in
Nigerië geld. Dit is nie in pas met die bevordering van die gesondheid van pasiënte en die
gemeenskap wat gestel word as die doel van die mediese wetenskap in Nigerië volgens die
Nigeriese kode vir mediese etiek (2004) nie. Dit is ook nie in pas met Nigeriërs se holistiese
beskouing van siekte nie. Verder is dit nie in pas met die nasionale beleid oor privaat
gesonheidsvennootskappe in Nigerië, die National Policy on Private Partnership for Health in
Nigeria, of NPPPHN (2005) nie, waarin dit gestel word dat alternatiewe
gesondheidsverskaffers wie se praktyke as waardevol bewys is, aangemoedig en ondersteun
sal word as voorste linie van gesondheidsorgverskaffing aan baie mense. Soos die
bogenoemde Nigeriese beleide oor gesondheid voorhou – en dit is ook die posisie van hierdie
studie – vereis siekte ’n holistiese en multidissiplinêre benadering om dit te beveg. Hierdie
studie het bevestig dat pastorale sorg ’n visie van heelheid vergestalt wat resoneer met die
Nigeriese holistiese siening van die lewe, waarvan die praktyke se waarde reeds bewys is.
Die insluiting van die PV met ’n holistiese teologiese benadering by Nigeriese hospitaalsorg
kan bydra tot holistiese en gehaltesorg vir pasiënte in hospitale. Dit kan bydra tot die
vestiging van die NSHDP 2010-2015.
Die studie word sterk gemotiveer deur die feit dat mense in die beeld van God gemaak is en
liefde, respek vir hulle waardes en behoeftes en waardigheid verdien, veral in die aangesig
van siekte en lyding. Hier word dus voorgestel dat hospitale en klinieke in Nigerië
noodwendig PV’s in hulle hospitale en by hulle kliniese spanne moet insluit, en verder
basiese opleiding in die pastorale assessering van pasiënte vir alle lede van die mediese span
moet verskaf.
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"Male gender role strain" : a pastoral assessmentJun, Dong Chang 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was firstly to investigate Korean males’ gender role strain, its impact on their spirituality and identity, and the relationship between male gender role strain and the issue of power within the Korean context, based on Pleck’s male gender role strain paradigm. Firstly, the empirical study (in-depth interview with the fifteen Korean males within the Cape Town region) found that the majority of males (12 out of 15) experienced anger, shame, anxiety, helplessness, guilt and health problems as related to male gender role strains. Secondly, the research also indicated that their dysfunctional strain seemed to lead them to seek a God who guarantees material well-being, prosperity, and success, while their discrepancy strain seemed to generate an
intense low self-esteem that is associated with a distant, callous and unfair God. Thirdly, this study indicated that the strains in their roles were closely related to the issue of power (12 out of 15). They identified the source of their strain as getting ahead, competition, winning, anxiety about performance, longing for a sense of superiority, a sense of comparison, and their wish to boast about their competency. The second purpose of this study was to examine whether a theological understanding of God’s vulnerability help pastoral care to address the problem of men’s power and psychological struggles
(male gender role strain) - possibly to reframe the notion of power in order to foster spiritual maturity in males. In order to reframe the concept of power from a theological perspective (through reinterpretation of the notion of God’s power), the researcher has selected three interpretations of a theology of the cross
and resurrection (Luther, Moltmann and Louw). Three interpretations of a theology of the cross and resurrection can contribute towards this paradigm shift. The first concerns our human existential predicament of helplessness, while the second is about the theological problem of God’s identity: God’s relationship to the notion of suffering. The third has an implication for pastoral therapy and identity formation.
The research finding is that, if the concept of the pantokrator can be reframed by a pathetic interpretation of the cross, this theological reframing has consequences for the human understanding of power. A reinterpretation of God’s power could bring about a paradigm shift from the notion of power as strength, control, domination and success, to that of power as vulnerability, service and pathos of
other-empowerment. Such a hermeneutics of power can foster spiritual growth and healing in males
by helping them to shift their concerns to serving others, and empowering fellow human beings from pursuing strength and control. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was eerstens om die Koreaanse manlike geslag se spanning te ondersoek, en die impak daarvan op hul spiritualiteit en identiteit, asook die verhouding tussen die rol van die manlike geslag se spanning en die idee van mag binne die Koreaanse konteks, gebaseer op Pleck se rol van die manlike geslag se spanningsparadigma.
Eerstens, die empiriese studie (in-diepte onderhoude met 15 Koreaanse mans in Kaapstad se
omgewing) vind dat die meerderheid mans (12 uit elke 15) ervaar woede, skaamte, angs,
hulpeloosheid, skuld en gesondheidsprobleme wat verband hou met spanning in hul manlike
geslagsrol. Tweedens, die navorsing het ook aangedui dat hul disfunksionele spanning skynbaar
daartoe gelei het om hulle ‘n God te laat soek wat materiële welsyn, welvaart en sukses waarborg,
terwyl hul teenstrydige spanning skynbaar ‘n intense lae selfbeeld genereer wat verband hou met ‘n veraf, gevoellose en onregverdige God. Derdens, hierdie studie het getoon dat die spanninge in hulle rolle ten nouste saamhang met die aspek van mag (12 uit elke 15). Hulle identifiseer die bron van hulle spanning as vooruitgang, kompetisie, oorwinning, angs oor prestasie, die sug na ’n superieure
posisie, die obsessie om altyd te vergelyk en die hubris oor eie vaardighede. Die tweede doel van hierdie studie was om na te vors of ‘n teologiese verstaan van God se weerloosheid vir pastorale versorging sal help om die problem van die manlike magsbeheptheid en sielkundige stress (spanning van die manlike geslagsrol) aan te spreek – moontlik om die begrip van mag te herdefinieer teneinde spirituele volwassenheid in mans te vestig. Om die konsep van mag vanuit ‘n teologiese perspektief te herdefinieer (deur die herinterpretasie van die begrip van God se mag), het die navorser drie interpretasies van ‘n teologie van die kruis en die opstanding (Luther, Moltmann en Louw) gekies. Hierdie drie interpretasies kan bydra tot hierdie
paradigmaskuif. Die eerste gaan oor ons menslike eksistensiële toestand van hulpeloosheid, terwyl die tweede oor die teologiese problem van God se identiteit gaan: God se verhouding tot die begrip van lyding. Die derde het implikasies vir pastorale terapie en identiteitsontwikkeling.
Die bevinding van die navorsing is dat, indien die konsep van die pantokrator herdefinieer kan word deur ‘n patetiese interpretasie van die kruis, dan het teologiese herdefiniëring gevolge vir die menslike verstaan van mag. ‘n Herinterpretasie van God se mag sou ‘n paradigmaskuif kon teweegbring vanuit die begrip van mag as krag, beheer, dominansie en sukses, na ‘n begrip van mag as kwetsbaarheid, diens en die patos van bemagtiging van andere. So ‘n hermeneutiek van mag kan spirituele groei
bevorder en heling vir mans teweegbring deur hulle te help om hul kommer te verplaas na diens aan andere, en om hul medemense te bemagtig in plaas daarvan om krag en beheer na te jaag.
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Heling van die familie : 'n kritiese ondersoek na pastorale dimensies van die liturgieDu Plessis, Johannes Cornelius 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))-University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die een en twintigste eeu word onder andere gekenmerk deur ‘n snel
veranderende samelewing, wat implikasies inhou op makro gebied (filosofies, tegnologies en teologies) sowel as mikro gebied (daar word veral gefokus op die impak van eersgenoemde veranderinge op die gesin / familie struktuur).
Verandering gaan gepaard met spanning en onsekerheid en stel ons voor die uitdaging om óf te groei óf te stagneer. Verandering en die impak daarvan het ook ‘n effek op ons verstaan van die ekklesiologie. Die kerk (spesifiek die NG Kerk waarvan die navorser deel is) bevind haar tans voor groot uitdagings. Aspekte soos Skrifgesag, Kerkeenheid, morele verval, misdaad, geweld,
regstellende aksie, marginalisering van tradisioneel NG Kerk lidmate, emigrasie,
onsekerheid oor teologies-etiese kwessies ensovoorts bring onsekerheid en gevoelens van magteloosheid by baie lidmate. Verskeie strukture in die kerk probeer om die effek van hierdie veranderinge aan te spreek. Die navorser is
egter van mening dat die invloed van verandering op die psige van die gelowige ook sinvol binne die ruimte van die erediens geakkommodeer kan word. Om dit te kan doen word die kreatiewe spanning in die verhouding tussen erediens en
pastoraat ondersoek. Die navorser is van mening dat beide hierdie velde en hulle snypunte in die erediens oor die potensiaal beskik om die onseker gelowige in ‘n dinamiese ontmoeting met God te begelei. Om hierin te slaag bepleit die
navorser onder andere ‘n herwaardering vir die verhouding tussen erediens en pastoraat, aangesien hierdie verhouding om verskeie redes oor die jare verwater het. Daar word ook klem gelê op spesifieke pastorale elemente in die
Gereformeerde liturgie en die helende effek wat dit het op die psige van die mens. ‘n Duidelike omskrywing van wat teologies met laasgenoemde bedoel word, is veral noodsaaklik aangesien die gevaar bestaan dat die pastorale sorg
bloot net kan vervlak, verflou en verval in die nabootsing van die nuutste psigoterapeutiese teorieë. Die studie wil graag ook aantoon dat die ruimte van die erediens oor ‘n korporatief-helende dimensie beskik waar die pastor / liturg in samewerking met die gemeenskap van gelowiges (famila Dei) as “medeterapeute” kan funksioneer en heling van die familie bewerk. / ENGLISH SUMMARY: The twenty-first century can be characterised as an era of rapid social change.
This has undeniable implications on the macro (philosophical, technological and theological) as well as the micro level (the focus will be on the effects of change on the structure of the nuclear and the extended family). Change entails emotions of uncertainty and stress. In transitional times the challenge is twofold, namely either to adapt, or to stagnate / regress. Change also affects our
ecclesiological understanding. The church (specifically the Dutch Reformed Church of which the researcher is a member) is not impervious to the impact of change. At this moment the Dutch Reformed Church faces immediate challenges
embodied in debates on Scriptural authority, church unity, moral deterioration, crime, violence, affirmative action, the marginalizing of traditionally Dutch Reformed congregants, emigration, the deterioration of the nuclear family, uncertainty on certain theological-ethical issues, et cetera. These challenges
heighten feelings of uncertainty and powerlessness in the hearts of congregants. The researcher is of the opinion that the worship service / liturgy can make a valuable contribution in addressing the effects of these challenges on the psyche of congregants. In order to achieve this we need to explore the creative tension between Worship / Liturgy and Pastoral Care. Both these fields of study and their
point of intersection (a new way of life and a new relationship with the Trinity) have the potential of bringing peace to disillusioned and anxious congregants. The creative tension between Worship / Liturgy and Pastoral Care would further
be highlighted through the healing effect of various pastoral elements identified in the Reformed liturgy, on congregants. A thorough description of a theological understanding of “healing” would also be necessary, in order to avoid pastoral care becoming merely a shallow copy of the latest psychotherapeutical theories.
The study also wishes to show that the worship service creates a space consisting of a corporate healing dimension in which the pastor / liturgist joins fellow congregants (familia Dei) to become “co-counselors” as they play out,
communicate and represent elements of healing the family through the liturgy.
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Traditioning and reinterpretation : the quest for a methodology of faith-formationSimpson, Nicolaas Willem, Hendriks, H. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 1999. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study argues that faith formation takes place when the tension between traditioning
and reinterpretation is maintained.
In Chapter 1 the state of affairs pertaining to faith formation is explored. A number of
aspects of the crisis in faith formation in the church and society is stated: The need for
forming values, the changing South African situation, the influence of Modernism and
Post-Modernism, and the significant shift in the influence and membership of mainline
Starting from the various historical positions in the epistemological debate, Chapter 2
seeks an answer to the question: How do we come to reliable knowledge? Groome
ascribes an important function to rationalism and experiential knowledge in the formation
of faith. Three important guidelines for faith formation are distinguished in this chapter:
a) The importance of active remembrance of tradition.
b) The importance of engaging people as agent-subjects-in-relationship.
c) The importance of mystery, art and poetry.
The second question that is of historical importance in the debate on faith formation is:
What is the formative influence of our social context? In Chapter 3 we review the
historical debate on the context of faith formation. Here three more guidelines for faith
formation are formulated:
a) The importance of formation in a relating community
b) The importance of transformation through social reconstruction
c) The importance of immersion through mystery, art and poetry
In Chapter 4 the outcome of the historic debate on faith formation is compared to the
thoughts of Martin Luther and John Calvin on the teaching ministry of the church. The
outcome of this comparison confirms that faith is formed in the tension field between
traditioning and reinterpretation.
In Chapter 5 the insights of the previous chapters lead to a constructive proposal that
stresses the importance of the interdependence of the formative processes and calls for the
facilitation of five faith formation processes. In this chapter the guidelines formulated in
Chapters 2 and 3, the tensions between traditioning and reinterpretation, and teaching methods, are all integrated. This results in five movements. Linked to each of these
movements a recommendation is made with regard to different educational methods. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie betoog dat geloofsvorming plaasvind wanneer die spanning tussen
tradisionalisering en herinterpretasie gehandhaaf word.
In Hoofstuk 1 word die besonderhede wat te doen het met geloofsvorming, ondersoek. 'n
Aantal aspekte wat krisisse in geloofsvorming in die kerk en gemeenskap tot gevolg het,
word genoem: Die behoefte aan waarde-vorming, die veranderende Suid-Afrikaanse
situasie, die invloed van Modernisme en Post-Modernisme, en die betekenisvolle
verandering ten opsigte van die invloed en lidmaatskap van die vernaamste kerke.
Vanuit verskillende historiese perspektiewe in die epistomologiese debat, soek Hoofstuk 2
'n antwoord op die vraag: Hoe verkry ons betroubare kennis? Groome ken aan sowel
rasionalisme as ervaringskennis belangrike funksies toe. Drie belangrike riglyne vir
geloofsvorming word in hierdie hoofstuk onderskei:
a) Die belangrikheid van aktiewe herinnering van die tradisie.
b) Die belangrikheid van die inskakeling van mense as agent-subjekte-in-verhouding.
c) Die belangrikheid van misterie, kuns en poesie.
Die tweede vraag van historiese belang in die debat oor geloofsvorming is: Wat is die
vormende invloed van ons sosiale konteks? In Hoofstuk 3 gee ons 'n oorsig van die
historiese debat oor die konteks van geloofsvorming. Hier word 'n verdere drie riglyne vir
geloofsvorming omskrywe:
a) Die belangrikheid van vorming in 'n gemeenskap gebasseer op verhoudings.
b) Die belangrikheid van transformasie vir sosiale rekonstruksie.
c) Die belangrikheid wat aan verdieping in misterie, kuns en poesie geheg word.
In Hoofstuk 4 word die resultate van die historiese debat oor geloofsvorming vergelyk met
die gedagtes van Martin Luther en Johannes Calvyn oor die kategese van die kerk. Die
resultaat van hierdie vergelyking bevestig dat geloof in die spanningsveld tussen
tradisionalisering en herinterpretasie gevorm word.
In Hoofstuk 5 lei die insig van die vorige hoofstukke tot 'n konstruktiewe voorstel wat die
belangrikheid van interafhanklikheid van die vormende prosesse beklemtoon en die
fasilitering van die vyf vormende prosesse vereis. In hierdie hoofstuk is die riglyne wat in Hoofstuk 2 en 3 geformuleer is, die spanning tussen tradisionalisering en herinterpretasie,
onderrigmetodes, alles tot 'n geheel saamgevoeg. Hiervolgens is daar vyf bewegings. By
elk van hierdie bewegings is 'n aanbeveling oor die verskillende onderwysmetodes gedoen.
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Community-based discipleship : a missional approach to urban African youth, the case of Nairobi, KenyaRangoonwala, Abid 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In response to the declining interest and participation of youth in urban churches in Africa,
with a specific focus on churches in Nairobi, this study investigates a missiologically related
problem of ecclesial praxis that seems to ignore or fail to address the social needs of youth,
particularly concerning the need to belong. The churches in Nairobi, as in other parts of
Africa, have inherited ecclesial praxis that was shaped in the dualistic cultural context of the
Western Enlightenment and the clerical paradigm of Christendom. This dualistic view of
reality has dichotomised the understanding of the gospel by compartmentalising it into a
spiritual sphere while failing to address the social and cultural dimensions of human life.
Consequently, the church hermeneutically understands its primary mission as saving souls
and meeting the spiritual needs of its members through the institution of clergy and laity.
In order to address the problem, the study proposes the praxis of discipleship based on a
community approach that correlates three integrated dimensions of mission (worship,
fellowship, and intentional mission) with a community structure guided by specific urban
context, cultural values and missional theology. This constitutes the thesis of this research
study and also provides a methodological framework for organising the study. In the first
chapter, discipleship is conceptualised in the comprehensive missional understanding of the
church as missionary in its nature and calling, sent by Christ into the world for the redemption
of the world. In that sense, the proposed discipleship community must be understood as
missionary in nature.
The second chapter focuses on understanding the urban context. It examines some of the
urban features of Nairobi that could be typical of other African cities, like rapid urban growth,
high proportion of youth in the population, housing problems, unemployment, increasing
poverty, family disintegration, crime, violence and disease. In that context, the study assessed
the church’s youth ministry by gathering primary empirical data through observation and
personal interviews with youth pastors and leaders. The findings confirmed that most youth
ministries are based on the clerical paradigm and are driven by programmes. Participation by
youth has been found to be low in most churches. Many churches do not seem to address their
real needs. Often the youth ministry is seen as a marginal ministry in the church.
In response to understanding the community from an African cultural perspective, the study
investigated the traditional African community on the basis of literature and by using the
ancestral anamnesis (remembrance of ancestors) as the interpretative framework for analysis. In traditional African society, the community is understood as the heart of the culture, the
stage where the whole of life is dramatised. Even those who live in modern urban contexts
carry with them African community values which have their origin in the traditional African
community. Some of the African community values were measured among the urban youth
through a survey questionnaire; most of the young people regarded these as important in their
lives (Chapter Five). Empirical findings have shown the validity of considering cultural
factors in constructing any kind of model for community-based discipleship.
The importance of community was also validated theologically and missiologically by
demonstrating the normative praxis of discipleship through community structure in the life of
the early church. Theologically, the early church understood itself as the community of
Christ on the basis of the concept of koinonia, a fellowship based on common faith in Christ.
Missiologically, the church perceived itself from its inception as a missionary community sent
into the world to witness to the gospel. The research demonstrated that community was the
means through which the normative praxis of discipleship formation was carried out in the
early church. There was no sense of dichotomy between the spiritual and social dimensions
of the gospel as it is normally understood in today’s church.
The importance of community as a means for the formation of identity and character was
demonstrated through this having been the cultural norm in traditional African society and the
theological norm in the life and praxis of the early church. Through the empirical research,
the study also confirmed the positive perception of community values among the urban youth.
Based on the evidence that was gathered, the study confronts the church in Nairobi and
elsewhere to examine its present praxis critically and consider approaching its youth ministry
from a community perspective in response to the present missiological problem in youth
In order to construct youth ministry on community foundation, the study suggests a model
called the covenant model. It takes the form of a small group existing as a part of the local
church but coming together specifically as a community guided by a discipleship covenant
that integrates three missional dimensions. The group seeks to adapt in its specific urban
context and integrate cultural values that complement the gospel. The covenant model
assumes that the urban context is complex and diverse. It allows each group to develop its
own shape and features, informed by its context, culture and tradition. It calls for diversity in
cultural and contextual expression while maintaining unity as God’s people in Christ. The
early church exemplified it in being one, holy, catholic and apostolic. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In reaksie op die afname in belangstelling en inskakeling van die jeug in stedelike kerklike
aktiwiteite in Afrika, toegespits op gemeentes in Nairobi, wil hierdie studie ’n
missiologiesverwante probleem ondersoek. Die vraag is of die ekklesiologiese praksis daarin
slaag om te beantwoord aan die die jeug se sosiale behoeftes en spesifiek die behoefte aan
gemeenskap, om te behoort aan ‘n sosiale groep. Die kerke in Nairobi, soos in ander dele van
Afrika, het ’n ekklesiologiese praksis geërf wat gevorm is aan die hand van die dualistiese
kulturele konteks van die Westerse Verligting en die geestelike paradigma van die
Christendom. Hierdie dualistiese uitkyk op die werklikheid het ’n tweeledige karakter aan die
evangelie verleen. Aan die een kant is daar ’n spirituele sfeer, aan die ander kant word die
sosiale en kulturele aspekte van menslike bestaan kwalik verdiskonteer. Gevolglik
interpreteer die kerk haar primêre missie hermeneuties as synde die red van siele en die
aanspreek van die spirituele behoeftes van haar lidmate met die gevolg dat lidmate leke bly en
die kerk institusionaliseer.
In ’n poging om hierdie probleem aan te spreek, stel die studie ’n praksis van dissipelskap
gebaseer op ’n gemeenskapsgeoriënteerde benadering voor, waardeur drie geïntegreerde
dimensies van gestuurdheid (aanbidding, gemeenskap van die heiliges en die bewuswording
van gestuurdheid) aan die orde kom. Die gemeenskapsgeoriënteerde benadering se strukturele
ontwikkeling word ontwikkel op grond van die ter sake konteks, kulturele waardes en
missionale teologie. Dit vorm die basis waarop die navorsing van hierdie verhandeling gerig
is, insluitend ’n metodologiese raamwerk vir die aanpak van hierdie studie. In die eerste
hoofstuk word die begrip dissipelskap gedefinieer teen die agtergrond van ‘n omvattende
missionale verstaan van die kerk as synde missionêr in haar aard en roeping. Christus het die
totale verlossing van die wêreld in die oog en die kerk het daarin ‘n wesenlike rol. In dié sin
word die dissipelskapsgemeenskap beskou as wesenlik missionêr.
Die tweede hoofstuk fokus op die verstaan van die stedelike konteks. Daarin word tendense
kenmerkend van Nairobi wat ook ten opsigte van ander Afrika-stede tipies kan wees,
ondersoek. Voorbeelde hiervan is versnellende verstedeliking, pro-rata ’n hoë persentasie jong
mense, behuisingsprobleme, werkloosheid, toenemende armoede, gesinsverbrokkeling,
misdaad, geweld en siekte. Binne dié konteks en aan die hand van empiriese data verkry deur
observasie en persoonlike onderhoude met jeugdiges, pastors en leiers, het die studie die kerk
se jeugbediening ondersoek. Dit het aan die lig gebring dat die jeugbediening basies binne ‘n
predikantskerkparadigma asook programgedrewe funksioneer. Deelname van jongmense in kerklike aktiwiteite is laag. Gemeentes spreek nie die jeug se basiese behoeftes aan nie. Die
jeugediening skyn eerder ‘n terloopse bediening te wees.
Ten einde gemeenskap vanuit ’n kulturele Afrika-perspektief te verstaan, is voorvaderlike
anamnese (terugroeping in die herinnering) as interpretatiewe raamwerk in hierdie studie
aangewend. Dit is gedoen op grond van ’n toepaslike literatuurstudie. Volgens die tradisionele
Afrika-samelewing word die gemeenskap beskou as die hart van die kultuur, die plek waar die
lewe sigself afspeel. Selfs diegene wat hulself in moderne voorstedelike omgewings bevind,
dra die Afrika-gemeenskap se waardes wat hul oorsprong in die tradisionele Afrikagemeenskap
het met hulle saam. Van hierdie waardes is geïdentifiseer deur vraelyste wat
onder die voorstedelike jeug versprei is - die meeste van die jongmense het hierdie waardes
hoog aangeskryf (Hoofstuk vyf). Empiriese bevindinge het getoon dat die inagneming van
kulturele faktore noodsaaklik is vir die skep van ’n model vir ’n gemeenskapsgeoriënteerde
Die belangrike rol van die gemeenskap is ook teologies en missiologies gestaaf aan die hand
van die normatiewe praksis van dissipelskap in die gemeenskapstruktuur van die vroeë kerk.
Teologies het die vroeë kerk haarself beskou as die gemeenskap van Christus op grond van
die begrip koinonia, ’n gemeenskap gebaseer op ‘n gedeelde geloof in Christus, Missiologies
het die kerk haarself van die begin af ervaar as ’n missionêre gemeenskap wat in die wêreld
ingestuur word om die evangelie uit te dra. Navorsing het getoon dat die normatiewe praksis
van dissipelskap in die vroeë kerk binne gemeenskapsverbande uitgedra is. Daar was nie toe
sprake van ’n tweeledigheid tussen die spirituele en sosiale dimensies van die evangelie soos
dit vandag algemeen in die kerk voorkom nie.
Die belangrike rol van die gemeenskap ten opsigte van vorming van die identiteit en karakter
van sy lede is gedemonstreer deurdat dit die kulturele norm in tradisionele Afrika en die
teologiese norm in die lewe en praksis van die vroeë kerk was. Deur empiriese navorsing is
die positiewe gesindheid van die voorstedelike jeug aangaande die gemeenskapswaardes
gestaaf. Op grond van bewyse versamel, konfronteer dié studie die kerk in Nairobi en elders
om die heersende praksis krities te ondersoek en dit ernstig te oorweeg om in die lig van die
heersende missiologiese probleem ten opsigte van die jeugbediening, dié bediening vanuit ’n
gemeenskapsgeoriënteerde perspektief te benader.
Ten einde die jeugbediening op ’n gemeenskapsbasis te vestig, stel hierdie studie ’n model
bekend as die verbondsmodel voor. Dit kom daarop neer dat ’n kleingroep as deel van die
plaaslike gemeente as ’n gemeenskap saamkom, saamgesnoer deur ‘n dissipelskapverbond wat die drie geïntegreerde missionale dimensies van die kerk se roeping verdiskonteer. Die
groep streef daarna om aan te pas in hul bepaalde voorstedelike konteks en om kulturele
waardes wat by die evangelie aansluit, in hul lewenswyse te integreer. Die verbondsmodel
maak voorsiening vir die kompleksiteit en diversiteit van die voorstedelike konteks. Dit laat
elke groep toe om ’n eiesoortigheid op grond van konteks, kultuur en tradisie te ontwikkel.
Dit vereis diversiteit ten opsigte van kulturele en kontekstuele uitdrukking, terwyl die eenheid
as God se mense in Christus gehandhaaf word. Dit is deur die vroeë kerk gedemonstreer in
die funksionering as een, heilige, katolieke en apostoliese kerk.
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Youth ministry in the independent house church movement : a liturgical evaluationWileman, Jonathan Charles 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Young people, teenagers and children are members of various communities. These communities include their families, society, their schools and their churches or, more appropriately, their parents’ church. These various communities impact their lives in significant ways: they provide the frameworks which determine who they are and what they are going to become. Through their interaction within these communities, life is given meaning.
All of these communities operate according to a “liturgy” i.e. an order or style that allows each individual to discover his or her purpose in life. Parents, as the primary community, should provide a healthy and positive environment in which the young life is shaped.
However, this is not the only community in which the young person interacts. The church is another and has an enormous influence and vital responsibility in helping to facilitate this shaping process. If, however, the church does not identify fully with young people and their needs, it will become irrelevant and their young lives will be shaped by other communities of influence that are not necessarily positive.
A new liturgy i.e. “New Wine” is required to be effective with today’s postmodern generation. The institutionalized church faces a very real danger of being complacent and apathetic in terms of “doing church” in a way that is relevant and attractive. The purpose of this dissertation is to propose a different form of faith community i.e. a “New Wineskin”, a wineskin that is elastic and flexible.
Along with the positive nurturing and influence of the family, the church as a new faith community must become creative and authentic if it is to reach postmodern youth. Central to this new liturgy is relationships: relationship with God, with parents, with family, with friends and others. As the Godhead is made up of three “Beings” in relationship with each other, so we have been created to be in relationship firstly with God and then with each other. Thus in a postmodern society, relationships within the family and the church are essential in order to lead young people into a real, authentic and healthy relationship with God.
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Die huishouding van God as helende en bevrydende ruimte in 'n tydperk van liminaliteit : die ontwikkeling van 'n teologiese basisteorieBekker, Christelle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The patriarchal and hetero-normative structures in the church have the potential to
hurt and alienate people. According to the population census of 2001, there has been a
decrease in the number of people belonging to churches within the white and colored
church groups in South Africa. In the Independent African churches the numbers are
growing. These churches can be described as conservative in their understanding of
gender issues and sexual diversity (Jenkins 2002).The church today exists in a liminal
phase as a result of globalization and availability of information, which create an
opportunity for reformation.
According to Castells (2004) the development of a contra-culture identity is the most
consequential way of bringing about change in society, because it does not simply
offer resistance against oppressive structures, but also question the ideologies at the
heart of dominating structures.
Throughout the ages, church structures were developed with reference to the
patriarchal family, of which examples can be found in the letters to Timothy and
Titus. Patriarchy is characterized by the institutionally sanctioned authority of men
over women and their children. The primary relationships within the household
influence all subsequent relationships – also in the church. This conjecture defines
the opportunity for the household to be a key to transformation.
To form an image of the household of God – which can be viewed as ideal for
believers – the life and teachings of Jesus as well as the slavery-images in the New
Testament, should be explored. To interpret this image for the church, the book of
James is used, because James was writing to a community of believers. This
community is not viewed as having been made up out of family members all familiar
with their established positions, but as a family of God, cared for within households.
An interwoven community such as this corresponds with the eco-feministic
understanding of the interdependence of all things.
The theme of friendship with God is dominant in the book of James. Within
friendship relationships, people exist as equal partners – even in the household.
Nobody is requested to relinquish ownership of their bodies – even in marriage. To
every person room for individualization is allowed – even to children, by parents.
Hospitality as central value of friendship invites the stranger to enter into joyful
togetherness and mutual provision of care. Friendship with God brings completion,
and liberates people from envy and competitive actions. People who have been made
whole, can live in simplicity and in this way leave room for all people to have enough
to satisfy their needs, as well as take responsibility for God’s recreation. The key to
living in friendship relationships, is the release of awarded power.
This new understanding of relationships within the church and household, can be
established through the understanding of God as Mother, Lover and Friend, through
“unmaking” and “merrymaking”. As the interpretation of the household as healing
and liberating space, described in the letter of James, find substance in the reality of
ministry, it will offer for all believers, but in particular for the oppressed and
marginalized ones, a home for their faith and a place of healing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die handhawing van patriargale en heteronormatiewe denke binne die gemeenskap
van gelowiges het die potensiaal om mense te verwond en van die kerk te vervreem.
In Suid-Afrika kwyn die getalle van tradisioneel blanke en bruin kerkgroepe volgens
die bevolkingsensus van 2001. Hierteenoor toon Onafhanklike Afrika-kerke groei.
Die groeiende Afrika-kerke word deur Jenkins (2002) beskryf as konserwatief, veral
ten opsigte van gender-vraagstukke en seksuele diversiteit.
Die kerk bestaan vandag as gevolg van globalisasie en inligtingsmatigheid in ’n
liminale fase wat ’n geleentheid bied tot reformasie. Volgens Castells (2004) is die
ontwikkeling van ’n kontra-kultuur identiteit die mees sinvolle wyse om verandering
in die samelewing teweeg te bring, omdat dit nie bloot weerstand bied teen
onderdrukkende strukture nie, maar die ideologie agter die heersende strukture bevra.
Kerklike strukture is deur die eeue aan die hand van die patriargale gesin ontwikkel,
waarvan voorbeelde in onder andere Timoteus en Titus gevind kan word. Patriargie
word gekenmerk deur die institusioneel bekragtigde outoriteit van mans oor vroue en
hul kinders. Die primêre verhoudings in die huishouding beïnvloed alle latere
verhoudings – ook in die kerk. Hierdie gegewe maak dat die huishouding ’n sleutel tot
transformasie kan wees.
Om ’n beeld te vorm van die huishouding van God – wat as ideaal vir gelowiges kan
dien – word daar na die leer en lewe van Jesus en die slawe-beeld in die Nuwe
Testament gekyk. Om hierdie beeld vir die kerk te kan vertolk, is van die boek
Jakobus gebruik gemaak. Die gemeenskap in Jakobus word nie beskou as opgebou uit
gesinseenhede waar elkeen sy of haar plek ken nie, maar as familie van God wat in
huishoudings versorg word.
Die tema van vriendskap met God kom spesifiek op die voorgrond in Jakobus.
Alhoewel eerste-eeuse vriendskapsverhoudings binne die konteks van weldoenerskap
verstaan moet word, bied Jakobus ’n verdere perspektief naamlik dat mense as
volwaardige vennote binne die verhoudinge verstaan kan word – ook in die
huishouding! Niemand gee seggenskap op hul liggame op nie – ook in die huwelik.
Aan elke mens word ruimte gegun om te individualiseer - ook aan kinders deur ouers.
Gasvryheid as sentrale waarde van vriendskap nooi die vreemdeling in tot ’n
vreugdevolle saamwees en wedersydse versorging. Vriendskap met God bring
voltooidheid en bevry mense van afguns en kompeterende optrede. Heel mense kan in
eenvoud leef en op hierdie wyse ruimte laat vir alle mense om genoeg te hê om van te
leef en medeverantwoordelikheid vir God se herskepping te kan neem. Die sleutel tot
die uitleef van vriendskapsverhoudings is die afstaan van toegekende mag.
Hierdie nuwe verstaan van verhoudings binne die kerk en huishouding kan deur die
verstaan van God as Moeder, Geliefde en Vriend deur ontdaning en viering gevestig
word. As hierdie spesifieke interpretasie van Jakobus oor die huishouding van God as
helende en bevrydende ruimte, in ’n bedieningspraktyk gestalte kan vind, sal dit vir
alle gelowiges, maar veral die onderdruktes en gemarginaliseerdes in die samelewing,
’n geloofstuiste en herstelruimte bied.
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The identity of the preacher : a homiletical-critical study in Korean Presbyterian churchKim, Kyoung-Hoan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation deals with the relationship between the problems of the Korean Presbyterian Church and the identity of the Korean Presbyterian preachers. The study offers guidelines for the future by analyzing and evaluating the Korean Presbyterian Church context related to the Korean history according to Thomas Long.s guidelines.
Chapter 1 is a statement of the problems faced by the Korean Presbyterian Church such as the blessing of success rather than the blessing of suffering, false success and a distortion of the preacher.s identity, the idolization of the preacher, secularization during the period of economic growth, and the inheritance of authority, fame, and status. Through an analysis and evaluation of these aspects, we are able to suggest guidelines for the future.
Chapter 2 is the analysis of the Korean context, which shows us that many foreign missionaries dedicated themselves to the Korean people, led the Korean Presbyterian preachers to hold a herald image though theological, social, political, economical, and cultural factors made the Korean Presbyterian preachers choose between three positions, viz. conservative, progressive, and centralist. In addition, this chapter shows that the difference of theological, political, and social opinion, localism, and the problem of WCC joining, and so forth positioned Hyung-Nong Park (1897-1978), Jae-Jun Kim (1901-1987), Sang-Dong Han (1901-1976), and Kyung-Chik Han (1902-2000) at the centre of the split of the Korean Presbyterian Church.
Chapter 3 is the homiletical evaluation of the identity of four Korean Presbyterian preachers according to Thomas Long.s guidelines. This evaluation shows that Hyung-Nong Park and Sang-Dong Han had a herald image, Jae-Jun Kim a pastoral and storytelling image, and Kyung-Chik Han a witness image as regards their respective lives and theological views.
Chapter 4 analyzes and evaluates the identity of contemporary Korean Presbyterian preachers based on 145 Korean Presbyterian preachers. question sheets according to Thomas Long.s guidelines. In addition, the chapter shows that these preachers have a positive idea concerning the relationship between God, the preacher, the Bible, and the congregation and are trying to maintain the merits of the four metaphors.
Chapter 5 offers guidelines for the future, which suggests the role of the Holy Spirit and prayer as an alternative to overcome the Korean Presbyterian Church.s problems such as an identity distortion, idolization, and secularization of the preacher based on a relationship between God, the preacher, the Bible, and the congregation. The Holy Spirit is the greatest Preacher, the co-worker with the preacher and vindicator of the preacher.s authority. Prayer invigorates, strengthens and energizes the preacher. In conclusion, this chapter suggests the acceptance of ¡°the unity of diversity¡±, preachers. sincere, faithful, and devotional life, and the restoration of the power of God.s Word, prayer, and the Holy Spirit as guidelines for the future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif handel oor die verhouding tussen die probleme van die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk en die identiteit van die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse predikers. In die lig van Thomas Long se riglyne, verskaf die studie leidrade vir die toekoms deur middel van . analise en evaluasie van die konteks van die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk in verband met die geskiedenis van Korea.
Hoofstuk 1 vermeld die probleme wat die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk in die gesig staar soos die seen van sukses eerder as die seen van lyding, valse sukses en . verdraaiing van die prediker se identiteit, die verafgoding van die prediker, sekularisasie gedurende die periode van ekonomiese groei en die vererwing van mag, roem en status. Deur middel van . analise en evaluasie is dit vir ons moontlik om riglyne vir die toekoms aan te bied.
Hoofstuk 2 is . analise van die Koreaanse konteks waardeur aangetoon word dat baie buitelandse sendelinge hulself aan die mense van Korea gewy het, die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse predikers gelei het om aan . boodskapper beeld vas te hou alhoewel teologiese, sosiale, politiese, ekonomiese en kulturele faktore die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse predikers laat kies het tussen die konserwatiewe, progressiewe en sentralistiese posisies. Daarbenewens toon die hoofstuk aan dat die verskil in teologiese, politieke en sosiale mening, lokalisme en die probleem van die WCC aansluiting en so meer, Hyung-Nong Park (1897-1978), Jae-Jun Kim (1901-1987), Sang-Dong Han (1901-1976), en Kyung-Chik Han (1902-2000) in die middel van die Koreaanse Presbiteraanse Kerk skeuring geplaas het.
Hoofstuk 3 is . homiletiese evaluasie van die identiteit van vier Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse predikers volgens die riglyne van Thomas Long. Hierdie evaluasie toon aan dat, in terme van hulle onderskeie lewens en teologiese opvattings, die beeld van boodskapper op Hyung-Nong Park en Sang-Dong Han van toepassing was, die beeld van herder op Jae-Jun Kim en beeld van getuie op Kyung-Chik Han betrekking gehad het. Hoofstuk 4 analiseer en evalueer die identeit van hedendaagse Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse predikers gebasseer op 145 Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse prediker vraelyste op grond van Thomas Long se riglyne. Daarbenewens toon die hoofstuk aan dat hierdie predikers . positiewe seining het rakende die verhouding tussen God, die prediker, die Bybel en die gemeente en poog om dit wat wesentlik is aan die vier metafore te behou.
Hoofstuk 5 bied riglyne vir die toekoms aan wat die rol van die Heilige Gees en gebed as alternatiewe voorstel om die probleme van Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk soos identiteitsverdraaiing, verafgoding en sekularisasie van die prediker, in die lig van die verhouding tussen God, die prediker, die Bybel en die gemeente, die hoof te bied. Die Heilige Gees is die grootste Prediker, die medewerker van die prediker en verdediger van die prediker se gesag. Ter afsluiting stel hierdie hoofstuk die aanvaarding van geenheid in verskeidenheid h, predikers se opregte, getroue en toegewyde lewens en die herstel van die krag van God se Woord, gebed en die Heilige Gees as riglyne vir die toekoms voor.
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Lay leadership development in the Reformed Church in ZimbabweRutoro, Rangarirai 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The dissertation explores lay leadership developments in the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe by investigating the leadership history of the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe (RCZ) from 1891 when it was founded in Zimbabwe, to the present.
Chapter 1 introduces the problem statement, i.e. the exclusion of laity and women in the broader church structures, dominated by male clergy. It currently blocks transformation. The hypothesis of this study is that lay leadership is not sufficiently represented in the leadership structures of the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe. Reasons for this can be that the influence of the clerical paradigm model of leadership, or the hierarchical Shona culture structures, adopted by the missionaries of the RCZ are still haunting the leadership of the church. The methodological framework for the study is practical theology, used by Hendriks (2004). Some important working concepts are explained and a short historical background of the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe is laid out.
In Chapter 2 different views on church offices are discussed. Methodologically, the Word of God provides the normative basis from which the problem statement is addressed.
In Chapter 3 some aspects of the historical background of the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe are described. The Shona cultural background and its hierarchical structures are discussed in order to determine how the Shona culture influenced the leadership structures of the church to exclude laity and women.
In Chapter 4 the history of leadership in the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe is explored and the position of the lay people from 1891 to the present is discussed. This is done to determine whether there have been developments in the area of laity inclusion in the broader leadership structures of the church and to prove or disapprove the statement that the broader leadership structures of the church were dominated by male clergy.
Chapter 5 presents the empirical part of the study. Attitudes towards women in the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe are analyzed through qualitative research methods. The data was gathered through interviews that assessed the relation between laity and clergy and men and women in the church. Negative and positive attitudes have been noted from the different groups that were interviewed.
Chapter 6 describes the Zimbabwean situation which influences the church leadership due to the pressure of the political, economic, education and health situation in the country. The influence of modernism and postmodern megatrends towards church leadership styles are discussed. These trends seek participation of every individual member for transformation to take place.
In Chapter 7 the focus is on five strategies to empower lay leadership to participate in all the broader structures of the RCZ. It also focuses on the applicability of lay leadership development in the RCZ.
Finally, the overall summary, conclusion and recommendations are given in Chapter 8. The recommendations need to be considered by the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe in order to strengthen the inclusion of laity and women in the broader structures of the church.
The research proved that lay leadership development is gradually taking place in the RCZ, but empowerment of laity and women is still needed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif is 'n verkennende studie oor ongeskoolde leierskapontwikkelings in die Gereformeerde Kerk in Zimbabwe. Leierskap geskiedenis van die Gereformeerde Kerk in Zimbabwe word ondersoek vanaf 1891 toe dit tot stand gekom het in Zimbabwe tot huidiglik.
Hoofstuk 1 omskryf die probleemstelling, naamlik die uitsluiting van ongeskooldes en vroue in breë kerk strukture wat gedomineer word deur manlike klerke. Huidiglik stuit dit transformasie. Die hipotesis van die studie is dat ongeskoolde leierskap nie voldoende verteenwoordig word in die leierskapstrukture van die Gereformeerde Kerk in Zimbabwe nie. Redes hiervoor kan wees dat die invloed van die klerklike paradigma model van leierskap of die hierargiese Shona kultuur, wat deur die sendelinge van die Gereformeerde Kerk in Zimbabwe aangeneem is, steeds die leierskap van die kerk oorheers. Die metodologiese raamwerk van die studie is praktiese teologie, soos gebruik deur Hendriks (2004). Van die belangrike konsepte word verduidelik en 'n kort historiese oorsig van die Gereformeerde Kerk in Zimbabwe word uiteengesit.
In Hoofstuk 2 word verskillende standpunte van kerkkantore bespreek. Metodologies verskaf die Woord van God die normatiewe basis vanwaar die probleemstelling aangespreek word.
In Hoofstuk 3 word sekere aspekte van die historiese agtergrond van die Gereformeerde Kerk in Zimbabwe beskryf. Die Shona kulturele agtergrond en sy hierargiese strukture word bespreek sodat daar bepaal kan word hoe die Shona kultuur die leierskapstrukture van die kerk beinvloed het om ongeskooldes en vroue uit te sluit.
In Hoofstuk 4 word die geskiedenis van leierskap in die Gereformeerde Kerk in Zimbabwe verken en die posisie van ongeskoolde mense, vanaf 1891 tot huidiglik, word bespreek. Dit word gedoen om te bepaal of daar enige ontwikkelings in die area van die insluiting van ongeskooldes in die breë leierskapstrukture van die kerk was en om te bepaal of die stelling dat die breë leierskapstrukture van die kerk gedomineer is deur manlike klerke waar of onwaar is.
Hoofstuk 5 behels die empiriese deel van die studie. Houdings teenoor vroue in die Gereformeerde Kerk in Zimbabwe word geanaliseer deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes. Die data is versamel deur middel van onderhoude wat die verhouding tussen ongeskooldes en klerklikes en mans en vroue in die kerk assesseer. Negatiewe en positiewe houdings is genotuleer komende vanaf die verskillende groepe wat deelgeneem het aan die onderhoude.
Hoofstuk 6 beskryf die Zimbabwiese situasie wat die kerkleierskap beïnvloed deur middel van die druk wat die politieke, ekonomiese, onderwys en gesondheidsituasie in die land daarop plaas. Die invloed van modernisme en postmodernistiese mega-neigings teenoor kerkleierskap style word bespreek. Hierdie neigings streef na die deelname van elke individuele lid sodat transformasie kan plaasvind.
Hoofstuk 7 fokus op vyf strategieë om ongeskoolde leierskap te bemagtig om deel te neem aan die breë strukture van die RCZ. Dit fokus ook op die toepaslikheid van ongeskoolde leierskapontwikkeling in die Gereformeerde Kerk in Zimbabwe.
Die algehele opsomming, slot en aanbevelings word in Hoofstuk 8 bespreek. Die aanbevelings moet deur die Gereformeerde Kerk in Zimbabwe oorweeg word sodat die insluiting van ongeskooldes en vroue in die breë strukture van die kerk versterk kan word.
Hierdie navorsing bewys dat ongeskoolde leierskap ontwikkeling geleidelik besig is om plaas te vind in die Gereformeerde Kerk in Zimbabwe, maar dat bemagtiging van ongeskooldes en vroue steeds nodig is.
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Meningsvorming in die hoofartikels van die Kerkbode in die Suid-Afrikaanse oorgangsperiode (1994-2003) : 'n interdissiplinere ondersoekDu Toit, Andries Francois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Through the ages, the gospel of Jesus Christ calls on believers to witness to their faith and hope and to be obedient in word and deed to the love commandment of the Holy Trinity. This implies, among others, that the implications of the gospel should be effected in politics, economics and civil life. The shaping of a public meaning on corporate values and general well-being is a necessary result and is generally known as public theology.
One of the communication channels through which the formation of public opinion can be shaped is the mass media. The Kerkbode (Afrikaans for the messenger of the Church) is the official newspaper of the Dutch Reformed Church and in that capacity it is an important public theological instrument of communication.
During the years of change following the first democratic election of 1994 in South Africa, members of the Dutch Reformed Church felt a particular need of leadership and guidance.
The Church leadership had a focused need of effective communication to members and non-members. Due to the loss of “governing members”, the church had to rely on public witness on concept legislation and other matters of public interest. Under the circumstances the importance of the newspaper of the church as a mouthpiece stands to reason.
Because the shaping of opinions is one of the primary functions of a newspaper, the question with the researcher is as follows: whether the theories of opinion-shaping have been used in writing the leading articles of the Kerkbode during the years of change (1994 – 2003). The focus is on the leading article because it is the most important opinion- shaping column in any newspaper.
The research of the leading articles was limited to articles concerned with the “Role of the Church” during the years 1994 – 2003. On completion of an inter-disciplinary study of theories of opinion-shaping from the subjects of Theology, Sociology, Social Psychology and Communication Studies, theories suitable for use in written mass media and in compliance with theological ethical principles were identified. Main principles of these theories were identified and the main articles were then studied in light of these principles.
The conclusion was reached that it might be possible that the principles of identified theories were kept in mind when the articles were written.
In view of the importance of effective opinion-shaping communication in, inter alia, the mass communication of the Church, recommendations were done on the use of main principles of opinion-shaping theories. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die evangelie van Jesus Christus roep gelowiges deur al die eeue op om te getuig van hulle geloof en hoop en om met woord en daad gehoorsaam te wees aan die liefdesgebod van die Drie-enige God. Dit behels onder meer dat die implikasies van die evangelie tot uitdrukking moet kom in die politieke lewe, die ekonomiese werklikhede en die burgerlike lewe waarin Christene deel. Die vorming van 'n openbare mening oor gemeenskaplike waardes en die algemene welsyn is 'n noodsaaklike gevolg daarvan en staan in die omgang as publieke teologie bekend.
Een van die kommunikasiekanale waardeur die vorming van 'n openbare mening gedoen kan word, is die massamedia. Die Kerkbode is die amptelike koerant van die Ned. Geref. Kerk en is as sodanig onder meer 'n belangrike publieke teologiese kommunikasie-instrument.
Gedurende die oorgangsjare ná die demokratisering van Suid-Afrika in 1994 het die lidmate van die Ned. Geref. Kerk 'n besondere behoefte aan leiding gehad. Die kerkleiding het ook 'n toegespitste behoefte aan effektiewe kommunikasie na binne en na buite die kerk gehad. As gevolg van die verlies aan “regerende lidmate”, was die kerk ook aangewese op openbare getuienis oor konsepwetgewing en ander sake van openbare belang. Die belang van die kerk se koerant as spreekbuis, spreek onder dié omstandig-hede vanself.
Omdat die vorming van menings een van die primêre funksies van 'n kerkkoerant is, het die vraag by die navorser ontstaan of daar by die skryf van die hoofartikels van Die Kerkbode in die oorgangsjare (1994 – 2003) van meningsvormingsteorieë gebruik gemaak is. Daar is op die hoofartikels gefokus omdat dit by uitstek die opinievormende kolom van koerante is.
Die bestudering van die hoofartikels is beperk tot artikels wat gerig was op die “Rol van die Kerk” gedurende die jare 1994 – 2003. Nadat 'n interdissiplinêre studie van meningsvormingsteorieë binne die vakgebiede van die Teologie, Sosiologie, Sosiale Sielkunde en Kommunikasiekunde gedoen is, is teorieë geskik vir gebruik in geskrewe massamedia en in ooreenstemming met teologies-etiese eise geïdentifiseer. Kernbeginsels van dié teorieë is daarna geïdentifiseer en die hoofartikels is aan die hand van die geïdentifiseerde kernbeginsels ontleed. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat kern-beginsels van die geprioritiseerde meningsvormingsteorieë moontlik by die skryf van die artikels in ag geneem is.
In die lig van die belang van werklik effektiewe meningsvormende kommunikasie in onder meer die massakommunikasie van die kerk, is aanbevelings gedoen oor die benutting van kernbeginsels van meningsvormingsteorieë.
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