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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of warfarin pharmacogenomics on the time it takes to reach stable therapeutic International Normalized Ratio (INR) and on warfarin dose required to maintain stable therapeutic INR in Black African and Mixed Ancestry South Africans: a focus on CYP2C9 and VKORC1

Makambwa, Edson 20 February 2020 (has links)
Warfarin, the most commonly prescribed anticoagulant, is principally metabolized by cytochrome P450 2C9 which functions by inhibiting the Vitamin K epoxide reductase. Genes CYP2C9 and VKORC1 code for these two proteins, respectively. CYP2C9 and VKORC1 exhibit genetic polymorphisms that have been shown to affect warfarin response and favorably facilitate warfarin dosing and improve clinical outcomes. However, none of these studies have involved populations from sub-Saharan Africa where the potential benefit of optimal dosing and reduced complications is greatest. Therefore, the thesis describes a study designed to investigate the role of genetic variations in CYP2C9 and VKORC1 on the time taken to reach a stable therapeutic international normalized ratio (INR) and warfarin dose required to maintain a therapeutic INR. This was a cross-sectional study of patients on warfarin to determine the relationship between genetic polymorphism in CYP2C9 and VKORC1 amongst black and mixed ancestry South Africans and clinical surrogates of warfarin metabolism. Medical records were accessed to determine time to INR and warfarin doses. DNA was extracted from blood samples, and genotyping for polymorphism in CYP2C9 (*2,*3,*8,*11) and VKORC1 (1173C>T, 1639G>A, 3730G>A) was accomplished by PCR-RFLP, Sanger sequencing and iPlex Mass Sequencing. Our results show that the genetic profile of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 differs between Black Africans (BA) and their Mixed Ancestry (MA) counterparts. VKORC1-1639AA genotype was observed at frequencies of 0.11 and 0.01 in the MA and BA, respectively. Time to stable INR was not influenced by CYP2C9 and VKORC1. Furthermore, compared to known genetic polymorphisms in these genes from population out of Africa, both qualitative and quantitative differences were observed. Finally, we found that VKORC1 genetic variation significantly affected the doses of warfarin in MA but had no effect in BA. These results suggest that further research in this area is warranted, and that it will be important to include populations from sub-Saharan Africa in future if the potential to develop personalized algorithms which integrate pharmacogenomics to assist with effective warfarin dosing and prevention of warfarin related complications is to be realized.

Paraoxonase 1 and the risk for cardiovascular disease in a mixed ancestry population of South Africa

Macharia, Muiruri 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Paraoxonase (PON) 1 is a high density lipoprotein (HDL) - bound antioxidant enzyme that was originally discovered and better known for its role in protecting against organophosphate (OP) - induced neurotoxicity. In the past two decades, the enzyme has gained prominence as a protective agent against atherosclerosis on account of increasing evidence that it accounts for many of the anti-atherogenic roles attributed to HDL. PON1 is a polymorphic enzyme displaying a high variability in human populations which is associated with a considerable degree of inter-individual differences in enzyme phenotype that translates to differential risk for OP toxicity and cardiovascular disease (CVD). In a series of studies and analyses, this thesis describes investigations regarding the possible involvement of PON 1 in the risk for CVD in a mixed ancestry population from Bellville, Western Cape, South Africa. This was done by evaluating the distribution of PON1 coding region polymorphisms (Q192R and L55M) and their influence on PON1 phenotype as well as the latter‟s relation to CVD risk factors (oxidative stress, inflammation and atherogenic dyslipidemia) and possible involvement in early CVD assessed by measuring intima media thickness of the carotid artery (CIMT). Since PON1 is increasingly measured in samples that have been stored for varied periods of time, the main study was preceded by a pilot study evaluating the influence of baseline conditions on the stability of PON 1 activity and antioxidant status in human sera stored for up to 12 months. It was shown that baseline glycemic status enhances the degradation of antioxidants in stored samples with indications of also accelerating the decline of PON1 levels and activity. Thus baseline glycemic status should be a factor to be considered in analyses involving stored samples. The Q192R polymorphism was found to be the functional variant influencing both concentration and activity of plasma PON1. Contrary to expectation, the L55M was nonfunctional, possibly due to its unusual distribution in this population where the 55M (83%) allele overwhelmingly predominated over the L55 allele. The R allele was the more frequent (60.4%) of the 192 polymorphism. The R allele has previously been associated with less efficient breakdown of lipid peroxides and a subsequent higher risk for atherosclerotic heart disease while the 55M is recognized as a “low concentration/activity” variant. Thus the predominant PON1 genotype distribution in this population constitutes a risk profile that may relate to increased risk for CVD. The risk for CVD was confirmed to be very high in this population indicated by high prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (48%) and its key components (and CVD risk factors) diabetes (28%), obesity (53%) and high blood pressure (57%). Paraoxonase activity associated inversely with indices of inflammation (high sensitive C- reactive protein [hs-CRP] and leptin) and oxidative stress (oxidized low density lipoprotein [LDL]) and directly with adiponectin and markers of systemic antioxidant status. These findings suggest that low paraoxonase-I activity contributes to increased cardiovascular risk possibly via involvement in early atherogenesis. However, only a modest inverse relation was observed between PON1 phenotype and CIMT thus suggesting that PON1 may not play a major role in early atherosclerosis. Taken together, the findings presented in this thesis demonstrate the presence of a risk PON1 genotypic profile and indication that the enzyme may play a role in the enhanced CVD risk in this population possibly via interactions with inflammation and oxidative stress. However, conclusive evidence for the involvement of PON1 in early CVD was not demonstrated indicating a need to explore the participation of PON1 in later stages of CVD. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Paraoksonase (PON) 1 is 'n antioksidant ensiem wat aan HDL gebind is. Oorspronklik is dit ontdek en het bekend geword as 'n beskermer teen organofosfaat (OF)-gedrewe neurotoksisiteit. In die afgelope twee dekades het die ensiem belangrik geraak as 'n beskermer teen arterosklerose as gevolg van toenemende bewyse dat dit 'n belangrike rol speel in die beskermende effekte van HDL teen arterosklerose. PON1 is 'n polimorfiese ensiem wat groot variasie toon in verskillende populasies. Daar is ook inter-individuele verskille in ensiem fenotipe wat uitloop op 'n differensiele risiko vir OF toksisiteit en kardiovaskulêre hartsiekte (KVH). Hierdie tesis beskryf 'n reeks analises en ondersoeke betreffende die moontlike betrokkenheid van PON1 in die risiko vir KVH in 'n gemengdeafkoms populasie van Bellville, Wes-Kaap, Suid Afrika. Dit was gedoen deur die evaluering van die verspreiding van die PON-1 koderende omgewing polimorfismes (Q192R en L55M), hulle invloed op PON1 fenotipe en laasgenoemde se verhouding tot KVH risikofaktore (oksidatiewe stress, inflammasie en arterogeniese dislipedimie) en moontlike voorkoms in vroeë kardiovaskulêre siekte bepaal deur die meting van die intima media dikte van die karotied slagaar. Aangesien PON1 al hoe meer gemeet word in monsters wat vir verskeie tydperke gestoor word, was die hoofstudie voorafgegaan deur 'n loodsstudie wat die invloed van basislyn kondisies op die stabiliteit van PON1 aktiwiteit en antioksidant status in menslike sera wat vir tot 12 maande gestoor was, bepaal het. Dis is duidelik aangetoon dat basislyn glisemiese status die afbraak van antioksidante in gestoorde monsters verhoog het, asook aanduidings van die afname van PON1 vlakke en aktiwitetit. Basislyn glisemiese status behoort dus ook as 'n faktor ingereken te word in analises van gestoorde monsters. Die Q192R polimorfisme is aangetoon om 'n funksionele variant te wees wat beide die konsentrasie asook die aktiwiteit van PON1 beïnvloed het. Anders as wat verwag is, was die L55M polimorfisme nie-funksioneel, moontlik as gevolg van sy ongewone distribusie in hiedie populasie waar die voorkoms van die 55M (83%) alleel die L55 alleel oorheers het. Die R alleel was die mees algemene (60.4%) van die 192 polimorfisme. Die R alleel is voorheen reeds geassosieer met minder effektiewe afbraak van lipied peroksides en gevolglike hoër voorkoms van arteriosklerotiese hartsiekte, terwyl die 55M erken word as 'n “lae konsentrasie/aktiwiteit” variant. Die oorheersende PON1 genotipe distribusie in hierdie populasie behels dus 'n risikoprofiel wat betrekkking mag hê op verhoogde KVH. Die risiko vir KVH was bevestig om baie hoog te wees in hierdie populasie, soos aangedui deur 'n hoë voorkoms van die metaboliese sindroom (48%) en die sleutelkomponente daarvan (insluitend KVH risikofaktore), diabetes (28%), obesiteit (53%) en hipertensie (57%). Paraoksinase aktiwiteit was omgekeerd geassosieer met indekse van inflammasie (hoë C-reaktiewe proteïen [hs-CRP] en leptien) en oksidatiewe stres (geoksideerde lae digtheid lipoproteïen [LDL], en direk geassosieer met adiponektien en merkers van sistemiese antioksidantstatus. Hierdie bevindings mag aandui dat lae paraoksonase-1 aktiwiteit bydra tot verhoogde kardiovaskulêre risiko, moontlik via betrokkenheid in vroeë arterogenese. Slegs 'n klein omgekeerde verhouding is egter waargeneem tussen die PON1 fenotipe en karotied intima media dikte, wat mag aandui dat PON1 nie 'n beduidende rol speel in vroeë arterosklerose nie. In geheel, die bevindinge voorgedra in hierdie tesis demonstreer die voorkoms van 'n risiko PON1 genotipiese profiel wat 'n aanduiding mag wees dat die ensiem 'n rol mag speel in die verhoogde KVH risiko in hierdie populasie, moontlik deur interaksies met inflammasie en oksidatiewe stress. Afdoende bewys van die betrokkenheid van PON1 in vroeë KVH was egter nie gedemonstreer nie, wat die nodigheid aandui om die deelname van PON1 in latere stadiums van KVH te ondersoek.

A molecular investigation of a mixed ancestry family displaying dementia and movement disorders

Abrahams-Salaam, Fatima 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc (Biomedical Sciences. Molecular Biology and Human Genetics))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / A South African family of Mixed Ancestry presented with a rapidly progressive dementia and a movement disorder which affected a number of individuals across three generations. The initial symptoms included personality changes and tremors that escalated to severe dementia and eventually a completely bedridden state. It was determined that the mean age at onset was in the third decade of life and affected individuals died within 10-15 years after the onset of symptoms. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the genetic cause of the disorder in this family and to further investigate the patho-biology of the disease. Mutations that could possibly cause the observed phenotype in this family were screened for. These included loci implicated in Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Dentatorubral-Pallidoluysian Atrophy, Spinocerebellar ataxias (types 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7), Huntington’s disease-like 2 (HDL2) and several mitochondrial disorders. Single-strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and direct sequencing were used to detect possible mutations while genotyping on an ABI genetic analyser was used to detect disorders caused by repeat expansions. Haplogroup and Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) analyses of the Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA of one affected family member was used to determine the family’s genetic ancestry. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR) and complementary DNA (cDNA) analyses of the Junctophlin-3 (JPH3) gene was performed to provide information on the expression profile of this gene. After the exclusion of several genetic loci it was shown that this family had HDL2. This is a rare disease caused by a CAG/CTG repeat expansion in an alternatively spliced version of the JPH3 gene. HDL2 occurs almost exclusively in individuals of Black African ancestry. The genetic ancestry data suggested that the family member was most likely of South African Mixed Ancestry making this the first reported family of South African Mixed Ancestry with HDL2. A pilot study investigated the repeat distribution amongst three South African sub-populations in order to determine whether there was a bias in the repeat distribution that possibly predisposes Black Africans to develop the disease. The results showed a statistically significant difference (P= 0.0014) in the distribution of the repeats between the Black African and Caucasian cohorts. However, no conclusions could be drawn as to whether Black Africans harboured larger repeats that predisposes them to developing HDL2. The expanded repeat is located in an alternatively spliced version of the JPH3 mRNA. Interestingly, this repeat is not present in the mouse homologue of the gene although the rest of the genomic sequence is highly conserved across the human, mouse and chimpanzee genomes. Using foetal brain cDNA and PCR primers designed to be specific for different JPH3 isoforms, independent confirmation of the presence of two JPH3 mRNA transcripts (the full length and a shorter alternatively spliced version) was provided. In the absence of brain tissue from an HDL2-affected individual, it was investigated whether both JPH3 mRNA transcripts could be detected in lymphocytes. Using RNA isolated from the transformed lymphocytes of two HDL2-affected family members, real-time PCR was attempted. These experiments produced inconclusive results and required further optimisation. Further RT-PCR experiments for JHP3 expression in different tissues (brain and other) obtained from HDL2-affected individuals would be of interest. The present study identified the first Mixed Ancestry family with HDL2. This family will now be able to request genetic counselling and pre-symptomatic testing for all at-risk family members. Aspects of this study provided independent confirmation of characteristics of the mutated gene. More research on HDL2 will be crucial in understanding the pathogenesis of this disease.

Sincretismo religioso brasileiro: um estudo através das veredas de Grande Sertão

Carvalho, Juliana Barros Prata 08 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana Barros Prata Carvalho.pdf: 269444 bytes, checksum: 833c68807ae7d2c953ab89a7549ecae3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-08 / This work is an attempt to understand Brazilian religious syncretism via Grande Sertão: Veredas . Therefore the essay tries to establish a metaphoric parallel between syncretic and religious plurality contained in João Guimarães Rosa s only romance and Brazilian religious syncretism. This essay is focused on the area of Science of Religion but because it uses a romance - which belongs to the field of literature - as a tool it dialogs with that field of study. The bridge between fiction and reality is established as a live link in constant transformation. Both the characters of the book and the Brazilian people are treated here as beings in a process of discovery of their human identity, as a work-in-progress, under the light of the work of Darcy Ribeiro, Gilberto Freyre and other theorists. A fundamental part of such discovery is the way through which individuals try to relate to objects which are thought to have religious transcendence. Such process will be an object of work with emphasis on syncretism. The concepts of racially-mixed ancestry and religion will also be explored. The conclusions reached in this work rather than absolute and conclusive answers to the questions proposed are long, open paths to be covered. The investigation about religious syncretism using Grande Sertão: Veredas as a tool is only possible via metaphor. Additionally the viability of this essay depends on the assumption that the Brazilian population is necessarily mestizo / Este trabalho é uma tentativa de compreensão do sincretismo religioso brasileiro via Grande Sertão: Veredas. Ou seja, a dissertação tenta estabelecer um paralelo metafórico entre a pluralidade sincrética e religiosa contida no único romance de João Guimarães Rosa e o sincretismo religioso brasileiro. Esta dissertação é feita na área de Ciências da Religião, mas, por usar como instrumento um romance, objeto pertencente ao campo da literatura, dialoga com esse campo de conhecimento. A ponte entre ficção e realidade é estabelecida como um vínculo vivo e em constante transformação. Tanto os personagens do livro como o povo brasileiro são tratados aqui como seres em processo de descoberta de sua identidade, como gente em fazimento, à luz de Darcy Ribeiro, Gilberto Freyre e outros teóricos. Parte fundamental dessa descoberta é a maneira pela qual os indivíduos tentam se relacionar com objetos considerados de transcendência religiosa. Essa maneira será trabalhada enfatizando o sincretismo. O conceito de mestiçagem e o conceito de religião também serão explorados. As conclusões obtidas neste trabalho, mais do que uma resposta absoluta e fechada para as indagações feitas, são um caminho extenso e aberto a ser percorrido. A investigação sobre o sincretismo religioso, tendo como instrumento Grande Sertão: Veredas, só é possível via metáfora. Além disso, a viabilidade desta dissertação só é possível levando em conta que o povo brasileiro é obrigatoriamente mestiço

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