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Synthesis and evaluation of key factors for successful software development projects : An industrial studyIsmail, Aymen, Dedic, Emina January 2018 (has links)
Context: Numerous studies have demonstrated that information technology (IT) projects are more complex than other types of projects and suffer more from budget overruns and frank project failures. The software industry is becoming ever complex, despite efforts to introduce higher-level programming languages and object-oriented programming. In particular, constant specification and requirements changes, which are typical of any software project, make completion and completion on budget difficult. In order to provide quality products and meet customer needs, methods to accommodate this are required. As an alternative to the traditional “waterfall” methods, which required specifications freezing in order to work, agile methods were developed. These methods accommodate changes in all phases of the project. Even with such methods, the ratio of failed to successful projects remains high.Objectives: To determine which factors affect the success of a project using agile methods, and to identify those factors that are priorities for ensuring project success.Method: A literature search was conducted, and a number of interviews were conducted at three different companies. Along with the interviews and the literature research, a technical analysis was also made with the help of Visual Studio and NDepend. After the literature search and the data collection were complete, an evaluation and synthesis of the various factors was done.Result: There are 21 different factors that affect the success of a software project.Conclusion: According to the literature, there are four factors that dominate over the other 17: project management, project scope, time, and budget. According to the interviews conducted, 11 of the 21 factors are critical, and two of them, project management and project scope, were also identified in the literature as critical. As these two were identified in both the literature and the interviews as critical, they should be accorded highest priority, while also taking the other 19 factors into account.
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Kapitalstruktur och CSR : En studie av sambandet mellan skuldsättningsgraden och ESG-betyg i europeiska mjukvaruföretagBerhe, Hermon, Lundell, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsatts undersöker relationen mellan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) och kapitalstruktur i programvaruföretag i Europa. Företag inom programvaruindustrin, på grund av att den är kunskapsintensiv, tenderar att ha en stor mängd immatriella tillgångar i sin tillgångsstruktur. Detta leder till en lägre grad av skuldsättning i branschen, till följd av tillgångarnas osäkra värde och oförmåga att använda dem som säkerhet av långivare. Därför anser detta examensarbete det vara av intresse att undersöka om bättre CSR-prestanda i programvaruföretag har en effekt på skuldsättningsgraden. Studien bidrar till det nuvarande kunskapsfältet inom kapitalstruktur och hållbarhetsforskning genom att tillämpa de klassiska teorierna om kapitalstruktur Trade-off theory, Pecking-order theory och Signling theory för att analysera resultatet i denna studie. Tidigare studier om CSR:s inverkan på kapitalstruktur har haft varierande resultat. Medan vissa forskare har funnit ett negativt samband mellan CSR-prestanda och kapitalstruktur, har andra funnit det motsatta förhållandet. CSR mäts i denna studie genom användingen av Envioronmental Social och Governance-betyg (ESG-betyg) hämtade från Sustainalytics plattform. För att undersöka sambandet mellan skuldsättningsgraden och ESG-betyg genomfördes en multipel regressionsanalys. Resultatet i denna studie finner inte något signifikant samband mellan variablerna ESG-betyg och skuldsättningsgrad. / This thesis investigates the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and capital structure in software firms in Europe. Firms in the software industry, due to being knowledge intensive, tend to have a large amound of intangible assets in their asset strucutre. This leads to a higher degree of indebtedness in the industry, owing to the uncertain value of the assets and the inability to use them as collateral by lenders. Therefor, this thesis deems it of interest to investigate whether better CSR-performance in software firms affects the debt ratio. This study contributes to the current field of knowledge of capital structrue and sustainability research by applying the classical theories of capital structure, the Trade-off theory, Pecking-order theory and Signaling theory and using them to analyze the result in this study. Previous studies on CSR´s impact on capital structure have had varied results. While some scholars have found a negative relationship between CSR-performance and capital structure, others have found the opposite relationship. CSR is measured in this study through the use of Environmental, Social and Governance-ratings (ESG-ratings) derived from Sustainalytivs platform. To investgate the relationship between the debt ratio and ESG-ratins a multiple regression analysis was conducted. The result in this study do not find any significant relationship between the variables ESG-rating and debt ratio.
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