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Intelligent Tourist Information SystemJeleń, Krzysztof January 2008 (has links)
Nowadays people use mobile phones and other mobile devices. Most of us have a small computing device that is always with us. People use it example for calling, as calendar and organizer. Mobile devices with GPS receiver are also used to find paths in navigation. The main disadvantage of those systems is that we have to know places which we want to visit and they usually do not store any usable, valuable information about points of interest except phone numbers and addresses. The main idea of this thesis was to design a system that will run on most of phones and palms and will be helpful when visiting some new places and cities. This system should be able to find a route using user criteria. Those criteria should be simple and natural, like for example: a list of museums, the most famous historical objects, restaurants to visit, constraints to travel by bus and by walking. The system should find a path that fulfils those criteria, show it on screen, show names of objects, some short descriptions and photos of them and possible entrance costs. It should also be able to estimate time needed to travel from one object to the next and if it is possible, advise which bus line or other public means of transport may be used. It should be helpful for people that want to visit a city without having much information about it. Paths that are output of this system are only a proposition for trip. They will not be optimal but can not be counterintuitive and must be acceptable by the user. Read more
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A Study Of Travel Agent System in Mobile Devices Using Travel Agent System and Semantic Web TechnologiesJapala, Pradeep January 2009 (has links)
The thesis work intends to provide the cost implementation method for the travel products from the travel agency to the mobile devices. Mobile devices are now capable of accessing the internet services as their considerable advancements are achieved in the wireless devices. The mobile devices are capable of searching through the web content for extracting the required data. But as the search engines face the problems due to their searching strategies such as keyword based search, semantic web has come into picture. This thesis work explains how semantic web technologies are integrated in the mobile devices for getting the desired products for optimal price. Semantic web is the suitable for the travel agent system as there is exchange of information. The data from the mobile devices is carried through the agents between the travel agency and the devices. This work intends to provide how the semantic web and the multi-agent systems are helpful for searching the desired products of the user (using mobile devices). The agents in the multi-agent system communicate with each other in the travel agent system through the ontologies which are written in the OWL ontology language
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A Mobile Graph-Like Visual Programming LanguageLindgren, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
Visual programming is a programming paradigm commonly used for game scripting, it also has applications in other areas such as for example patcher languages for music and animation and even a few languages for general purpose programming. By using visual programming complex tasks can be made easier by abstracting the code and letting the user express a flow of commands instead. This also gives a better overview of the problem and how the different parts connect. By graphically connecting nodes the program flow will be made clear even for those new to programming. Unfortunately, visual programming is mostly limited to laptops and stationary computer systems. Touch enabled mobile devices which perhaps would be even better suited for a visual programming approach are left with textual programming environments, which doesn’t use the capabilities of the touch screen, and a few non-graph-like visual programming languages, which use interlocked blocks to represent code. To explore how well graph-like visual programming would work on mobile devices a study will be conducted in which a lo-fi design is created and iteratively evaluated and improved using a modified NEVO process. The design will be created and improved based on existing visual programming interfaces and research in the area of visual programming, interaction design and information design, combined with the input from the test subjects. In this work a mobile, visual, graph-like, general purpose programming language has been designed. A lo-fi prototype of the language has been created to display how the language would look on a mobile system if realized. The lo-fi prototype was then tested with a method given by Rettig to give an indication of the systems usability measured by its task completion time compared to the task completion time of a mobile textual system. There is also a qualitative analysis on the responses from the test users. The tests were conducted both on people new to programming as well as people who have been programming for a while. Read more
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Comparison study of cross-platform development tools for iPhone devicesDanielsson, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
Developing applications for mobile devices is nowadays a very large business. However, the process of developing an application can be both very time consuming and costly due to different languages used for different devices. Lately, a lot of tools have been developed to handle the different languages problem going under the name “cross-platform” - so many that it might get hard for the developer to make a choice between the different products. This thesis presents 4 different approaches for programming cross-platform applications: Web based, cross-compiled, interpreted and hybrid solutions. For each category, one product is chosen and is evaluated according to comparison tests suggested in the thesis, including benchmark tests, technical evaluation tests seen from both the developing perspective and the infrastructure perspective and last a functionality evaluation. Other important parameters to think about when developing an application are also presented. At the end of the thesis, a taxonomy of applications is presented in order to give examples when a cross-platform solution is suitable and which cross-platform tool should be used. Finally, there are some important points taken up about what the developer should think about, when choosing a solution according to this thesis as there is no straight forward way to say that one cross-platform solution is the best of them all. / Utvecklandet av mobila applikationer är idag en väldigt stor marknad, men utvecklingsprocessen kan ibland vara både tidskonsumerande och kostsam eftersom de olika mobila enheterna använder olika utvecklingsspråk. Den senaste tiden har många verktyg utvecklats för att hantera detta problem, dessa verktyg ingår i kategorin cross-plattform verktyg. I själva verket är det så många verktyg som har utvecklats att det kan bli svårt för utvecklarna att välja mellan de olika verktygen. Denna uppsats presenterar 4 olika tillvägagångssätt för att programmera cross-plattforms applikationer: web baserade lösningar, hybrid lösningar, översatta lösningar och cross-kompilerade lösningar. För varje kategori väljs sedan en produkt, som skall evalueras enligt ett jämförelsetest som denna uppsats föreslår, detta test inkluderar ett benchmark test, en teknisk evaluering och en funktionsevaluering. Förutom dessa test ges även andra viktiga parametrar gällande cross-plattforms utveckling. I slutet av uppsatsen är en taxonomi av mobila applikationer presenterad vars syfte är att ge exempel när ett cross-plattforms verktyg är passande för en mobil applikation, och även vilket verktyg som är passande. Slutligen tas några viktiga punkter upp som utvecklaren bör tänka på när ett cross-plattforms verktyg skall användas för utveckling, eftersom det inte finns något direkt sätt att säga att ett cross-plattforms verktyg är bättre än ett annat. Read more
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Geografiskt Informationssystem Anpassat För Mobiltelefoner / Geographic Information System Adapted for Use On Mobile DevicesTosteberg, Henrik January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver framtagande av ett koncept för ett geografiskt informationssystem som är anpassat för att köra på moderna mobila enheter ute i fält. Detta sätter krav på systemet vad gäller beräkningskraft, lagringsutrymme samt möjligheten att klara av intermittent datakommunikation. För att ta fram systemet utfördes först en förstudie med databaser och sökmotorer användes för att hitta relevant information och relevanta artiklar som kunde hjälpa till vid framtagningen av systemet. Denna fakta tillsammans med utförda tester och ”trial-and-error”-programmering ledde i slutändan till ett koncept som klarade av de krav som ställdes på systemet. , Det framtagna systemet består av tre huvuddelar, datalagring, server och klient. Systemet bygger på en kombination av redan färdiga lösningar och nyskapade implementationer. Den viktigaste nyheten är att systemet använder sig av en kombination av så kallade tiles samt rå vektordata. De olika sorternas datatyper används beroende på olika parametrar som kan ställas in på och anpassas på serverdelen.
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Wissenshäppchen als Facebook Instant Article – ein durchaus mögliches ZukunftsszenarioFleck, Rika 28 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
„Hast Du Schwierigkeiten, die richtige Ansprache für Millennials zu finden?“ Dann empfiehlt die Onlinemarketingplattform www.onlinemarketing.de sich die perfekte Videowerbung für die Generation Y anzusehen. Im Video sind „hippe, junge Menschen in Zeitlupe“ zu sehen, die fröhlich sind, sich frei fühlen, lachen, bunte Haare haben, gern mit Freunden zusammen sind und Spaß an der Konversation haben, fotografieren, posten, liken und teilen. Natürlich werden im Video die Klischees überzogen und auch aufs Korn genommen. Aber die Kernaussage stimmt mit der Definition der Millennials überein: Sie sind technikaffin, legen Wert auf ihre Selbstverwirklichung und verfolgen eine hohe Leistungsorientierung. Sie studieren und investieren in die Ausbildung. Es ist aber auch die Generation, die mit dem Smartphone groß geworden ist. Sie beziehen nahezu alle Informationen aus dem Internet und halten sich täglich über mehrere Stunden in den sozialen Medien auf. Die Autorin setzt sich in ihrer Dissertation mit dem Thema auseinander, wie diese Generation sich Wissen aneignet. Sie möchte in Experimenten nachweisen, dass die Millennials anders lernen, weil sie aus der Informationsflut selektieren müssen. Sie wollen ihr Wissen möglichst effektiv, auf das Wesentliche reduziert, präsentiert bekommen. Das sind Erfahrungen der Autorin aus der Lehre.
Dieses Paper fasst Hypothesen und Gedanken zusammen, die provokant und als mögliches Zukunftsszenario beschrieben werden. Dabei geht es einerseits um die Distribution. Wo müssen Lehrvideos veröffentlicht werden, dass sie von der lernenden Zielgruppe wahrgenommen und angenommen werden. Auf der anderen Seite geht es auch um den Content selbst und wie er dargestellt wird – strukturell und visuell. Die Autorin zieht dafür Parallelen zum Journalismus sowie zum Marketing. Read more
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Analýza mobilných bežeckých aplikácií / Analysis of mobile running applicationsJunga, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the analysis of mobile running applications. The theoretical part deals with the basic concepts of mobile devices such as smartphone and sporttester and their development and function. The practical part analyzes the mobile running application that are available on the market and their comparison in pursuance of questionnaire survey. Conclusions are made from the questionnaire survey that correspond to another aim of the master thesis. At the end of the work the master thesis deals with a set of recommendations which was established from long-term testing of mobile running applications. The main asset of work is formulate optimal aspects of the running applications and their usage while running as well as own evaluation of tested mobile running applications.
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Nasazení mobilních zařízení v podniku / Deployment of mobile devices in a companyŠimůnek, David January 2015 (has links)
This thesis provides methodological instructions enabling companies to deploy mobile technologies in an enterprise in such a way that all the necessary areas like technology vendors, platform or issue of governance and security are taken into consideration. The key principle of the methodology is to minimize costs and focus on achieving business goals. The thesis is built on usage of theoretical approaches combined with an experience of companies which have already deployed mobile technologies.
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ERP a mobilní technologie v praxi / ERP and mobile technology in practiceIzič, Admir January 2011 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the use of mobile technologies in the follow-up to ERP systems. Goal is to analyze the integration of mobile technologies into the corporate environment. The thesis at first analyses the existing state, reasons for and benefits of use of mobile technologies in the corporate sphere with the use of the research methodology of semi-structured interviews. This part is concluded with the author's evaluation of investigated cases and with identification of other related types of solution in practice. The final part of the thesis is dealt with the case study in a Czech company. This part of the thesis starts with an analysis of the current state of information and communication technologies in the company on the basis of consultations and visits to employee workplaces; subsequently it specifies opportunities for improvement of support of selected corporate processes for which possible solutions are proposed in the final part of the thesis. The thesis brings some still unpublished information with regard to the use of mobile technologies in the business environment.
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Mobilní Business Intelligence / Mobile Business IntelligenceKřižka, Radek January 2012 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) has now become a core part to many businesses due to the benefits it brings -- the ability to access data in a common format from multiple sources and making decisions that help organization to move closer to its goals. Many workers today spend most of their time away from their office and can't easily access corporate data. The use of the Internet on mobile devices has changed the way people consume information. Embracing mobile computing means having the ability to access information anywhere, anytime and as a result consumers can make decisions faster. Thesis is focused on mobile Business Intelligence and the aim is to provide o comprehensive overview of this area, examine market trends, define critical success factors for implementation projects, and introduce mobile BI platform QlikView. Furthermore it explains the differences between traditional and mobile BI, explores benefits and drawbacks of these tools and the challenges that must be addressed. The reader will learn what types of employees and tasks are suited for mobile BI programs and outlined critical success factors might be valuable information for any company planning implementation of mobile BI tools. Read more
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