Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tamarin"" "subject:"xamarin""
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PaddelAppenClaes, Barthelson January 2015 (has links)
Mobila lösningar blir allt vanligare och appar kan utvecklas för att hjälpa mobilanvändare med det mesta. Att utveckla appar är populärt och kan göras i en mängd olika språk och utvecklingsmiljöer, och projektet har haft som mål att både utveckla en användbar app och utvärdera en sådan utvecklingsmiljö. PaddelAppen som utvecklats i projektet fyller ett tomrum genom att vara en resurs för paddelintresserade. Samtidigt har utvecklingsarbetet resulterat i en utvärdering av utveck-lingsmiljön Xamarin, som använts tillsammans med Visual Studio för att plattformsobe-roende utveckla appen för både Android och Windows Phone.
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Community-based management of hypertension in Nepal (COBMIN)Khanal, Arjun January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computing and Information Sciences / Daniel A. Andresen / In COBMIN project, we explore two popular software architectural pattern to implement WHO (World Health Organization) STEPS Instrument for Non-Communication Diseases Risk Factor Surveillance for Nepal. COBMIN web application implements Model-View-Controller(MVC) pattern, which divides the application into three interconnected parts - model, view, and controller. Similarly, COBMIN mobile application utilizes one of the most popular Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) software architectural pattern which isolates the development of graphical user interface from the business logic and data models. We implement above-mentioned pattern using new .Net Core technologies and a cross-platform mobile development API Xamarin.Forms.
The COBMIN project comprises of a web application, a web API, and a mobile application to facilitate community-based management of hypertension in Nepal. The primary purpose of the web application is to manage demographic, behavioral, and physical information of the members of the community who are part of the study group. The mobile application is used to expedite the process of data acquisition from the members. The Web API defines request-response message system for mobile client application employing the central data storage.
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Mobil diabetesapplikation / Mobile Diabetes ApplicationPERSSON SANDQVIST, NIKLAS, KATARDZIC, ADNAN January 2014 (has links)
This report is about the development of a prototype of a mobile application and a web application that will help diabetes patients in their own treatment and ease diabetes nurses work with their diabetes patients. The mobile application is a digital version of a diabetes diary used by the Örebro County Council primary care to ease in diabetes treatments. The report also covers tests with users which were conducted on potential users to get some sort of feedback from groups other than customer and colleagues. Tests with users showed that there was an interest in a mobile application and it was a highly appreciated project. The web application ease diabetes nurses in their work with their diabetes patients in the way that the web application can display graphs of the patient's blood glucose level. / Rapporten handlar om utvecklingen av en prototyp för en mobilapplikation och en tillhörande webbapplikation som ska hjälpa diabetiker i deras självbehandling respektive underlätta diabetessköterskors arbete med sina diabetespatienter. Mobilapplikationen är en digital version av en diabetesdagboken som används av Örebro läns landstings primärvård för att underlätta i diabetesbehandlingar. Rapporten täcker även användartester som utfördes på potentiella användare för att få någon form av feedback från andra grupper än kund och medarbetare. Användartesterna visade på att det fanns ett intresse för en mobilapplikation och att det var ett mycket uppskattat projekt. Webbapplikationen underlättar för diabetessköterskorna i deras arbete med sina diabetespatienter på det sättet att webbapplikationen kan visa grafer över patienters blodsockervärde.
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Cross-Platform, Parallel Development in Xamarin : Design and Implementation of the Platform for Building Extensible, Cross-platform GUI Applications Based on Plug-in Framework in XamarinWaclawek, Mariusz January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes research of plug-in frameworks, their application and benefits and also a way to develop cross-platform GUI applications in Xamarin with Xamarin.Forms. It describes also the limitations that mobile systems set on plug-in frameworks. The result of the thesis is a basic and extensible platform for building GUI applications based on the MVVM design pattern with modularity and extensibility of MEF 2.0.
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Migrering av existerande mobilaapplikationer till Xamarin FormsHård af Segerstad, Gustaf, Conner, Victor January 2015 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker för- och nackdelar med att migrera existerande mobilaapplikationer till Xamarins crossplatform ramverk Xamarin Forms. Metoden somanvänts för att samla in data är inom ramen för forskningsparadigmet Design Science.En prototyp har utvecklats med syftet att undersöka vad som är möjligt att migrera tillXamarin Forms. Prototyputvecklingen har dokumenterats i loggböcker som sedananalyserats som kvalitativ data. Två intervjuer har även genomförts med andraxamarinutvecklare med syftet att nå en djupare förståelse för ämnet. Studien harproducerat ett flödesschema för när ett beslut om att migrera en existerande applikationtill Xamarin Forms bör tas. Vid beslut om migration har vi även formulerat ett antalriktlinjer som bör efterföljas för att uppnå bra resultat. Flödesschemat och riktlinjerna ärbaserade på resultaten från analysen av loggböckerna och intervjuerna. / This study investigates the pros and cons of migraiting existing mobile applications toXamarins crossplatform framework Xamarin Forms. The method that is being used tocollect data is within the scope of the research paradigm Design Science. A prototype ofan existing mobile application has been developed in order to research the possibilitiesof migraiting existing applications to Xamarin Forms. The development process of theprototype has been documented in journals which later were to be analyzed asqualitative data. Two interviews have been done with other Xamarin developers in orderto get a deeper understanding of the subject. This study produced a flowchart that is tobe used when deciding about a migration of an existing mobile application aswell asguidelines for the migration itself. The flowchart and guidelines are based on analyzingthe data from our journals aswell as our interviews with other developers.
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Mobile SIF-application : Cross-platform development of a Xamarin application utilizing data from a SharePoint intranet solution / Mobil SIF-applikation : Utveckling av en Xamarin-applikation åt en SharePoint-baserad intranätslösningBerglind, Raymond, Larsson, Louise January 2016 (has links)
Xamarin, a cross-platform development framework, was used in this project for the development of a proof-of-concept mobile client application for an existing intranet solution. The intranet consists of Microsoft SharePoint components and is a pre-assembled product produced by the requestor of this project; Sogeti. To fetch the intranet’s data, a web API was implemented as an intermediary between the mobile application and the intranet. The Xamarin application targets three different mobile platforms including iOS, Android and Universal Windows Platform, and since Xamarin allows for shared logic between different operating systems, this approach was adopted to the greatest extent possible. However, during the development of the project several problems were encountered that prompted platform-specific implementations. For example, the user authentication process needed to be implemented in a platform-specific manner in the client application and some parts of the graphical user interface needed to be adapted to each individual platform as well. Even though the development of the applications was not completely finished, four out of seven of the original requirements set forth by Sogeti at the beginning of the project were achieved. These fulfilled requirements include, among other functionality, the implementation of displaying news articles and attention messages from a user’s specific intranet solution. Overall, the project was found to be successful, especially with regard to evaluating how well Xamarin and cross-platform development works with these kinds of mobile applications.
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Applikationsutveckling baserad på mobilkamerande-Wall Larsson, Pernilla January 2014 (has links)
Mobile application demands a lot of attending to the program code. There are lots of different development platforms that can be used for development. Not only for the specific operating system there are also lots of different cross-platforms that should minimize the amount of program code. This report is comparing the way of creating an android application in the cross platform Xamarin versus in the platform Eclipse using the Android plugin. It contains a part about the architecture of Android and its functions. The report will show the aspects of why Eclipse feels like the more technical and economic platform. The company SysPartner in Mjärdevi has recently started to develop some mobile applications that uses the mobile phone like a scanner. In order for the phone to read text from a picture it needs to be in high quality and sharp. Sometimes it can be hard to take a good picture and therefore this work involves looking into the possibilities to support the user to capture a better picture. / Mobil applikationsutveckling kräver mycket underhåll av programkod och det finns många olika korsplattformar som kan användas för att försöka minimera mängden kod. I detta arbete jämförs sättet att utveckla i korsplattformen Xamarin med ramverket Eclipse. Fokus ligger på operativsystemet Andorid och teorier kring hur Android är uppbyggt och fungerar. Eclipse känns både ur ett tekniskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv mer tilltalande att använda än Xamarin. Alla de aspekter som gör Eclipse bättre kommer att redovisas. Företaget SysPartner i Mjärdevi har börjat med applikationsutveckling vilken fokuserar på att använda mobiltelefonens kamera likt arbetssättet med en skanner. För att det ska vara möjligt att läsa av text mm krävs en viss kvalité på bilderna. Att ta bra fotografier med en mobilkamera kan ibland vara svårt speciellt om användaren inte är så bra på att fotografera. Rapporten kommer därför innehålla en undersökning kring hur mobiltelefonens kamera fungerar och vilka möjligheter det finns att hjälpa användaren att ta en relativt bra bild.
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SmartBand Alert : Ett armband för säkerhetAlmgren, David, Alshammari, Hussam January 2017 (has links)
Safety is a topic that is frequently discussed and spoken of in today’s society. An enhanced security for each individual is something many strive for in various industries. One of these is how to make the public feel more secure when the person in question, for example, is out walking late at night. The goal of this bachelors thesis is thus to describe and explain the product that has been developed to get ordinary people to feel more secure wherever they are. The chosen solution for this issue was hence to develop the product SmartBand Alert which consists of two parts. A bracelet and an application for IOS and Android. This bracelet should, by certain connectivity cooperate with the user’s phone to notify family members and/or others when the person thinks or knows that he or she is in danger. These persons will be notified with information about the person who has activated the alarm to simply and easily take the necessary actions to help the person. The product is designed to be used by anyone regardless of gender, age, and other characteristics individuals may hold.
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Cross-platform Frameworks Comparison : Android Applications in a Cross-platform Environment, Xamarin Vs Flutter / En Jämförelse av Cross-platform Ramverk : Android Applikationer i en Cross-plattform Miljö, Xamarin Jämfört med FlutterRasmusson Wright, Ylva, Hedlund, Simon January 2021 (has links)
Good performance is important for an application to run smoothly for the end user, but good tools and documentation are just as important for a developer in order tobe able to create good applications in the shortest amount of time. This paper is comparing the cross-platform frameworks Flutter and Xamarin to find the respective strengths of the frameworks and which one is the better option and in what aspect, the newer Flutter or the well established Xamarin. We did this by studying related works to the topic as well as building applications in each framework with methods to test the performance of the applications, all the while trying out the tools and documentation of each framework. Our initial hypothes is was that Xamarin as a mature framework would perform better on average and it would also have more well developed tools. However we instead found Xamarin severely lacking compared to the newer Flutter framework and were at best equal or just slightly better. Flutter outperformed Xamarin in CPU performance, at times 3 times better than Xamarin, Flutter’s application size being almost half of the Xamarin application and the Flutter application load times were also faster. The tools were for most parts equal but the results of the documentations were split, with Xamarin having better component documentation with code examples for the components and Flutter having inconsistencies in documentation structure. However the Xamarin documentation was severely lacking in updated documentation and confusing instructions at places. The only things Xamarin performed better on were the number of lines in the codeas well as being marginally better performing at the RAM capacity test. The conclusion would be that Flutter is a well performing framework that continues to develop while Xamarin feels stagnant and most of its development seems to have slowed down over the last two years
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Migration av appar till Windows Phone 8 / Migration of apps for Windows Phone 8Johansson, Peter January 2013 (has links)
Fler människor börjar använda olika mobila operativsystem i mobiltelefonen samt appar som enbart fungerar på plattformen. Det leder till att app-leverantörer måste utveckla varje app till varje specifik plattform vilket är dyrt. De vanligaste operativsystemen som används idag är Android samt IOS men hösten 2012 släpptes Windows Phone 8 vilket innebär ytterligare en plattform att ta hänsyn till. I sammarbete med företaget Sogeti Jönköping fokuserar studien på att hitta en metod som gör det möjligt att migrera appar mellan plattformar och till Windows Phone 8. Studien innefattar också att identifiera för och nackdelar med olika app-typer genom en litteraturstudie och intervjuer samt att testa om migrationsmetoderna fungerar praktisk genom en implementation. Resultatet har påvisat att det finns två stycken olika metoder för migration vilket är PhoneGap och Xamarin. Genom implementationstester har Xamarin visat sig vara mest lämplig att använda i ett framtida större app-projekt. / More people are starting to use different mobile operating systems in their mobile phones and apps that only work on the specific platform. This leads to app-developers must develop each app on each specific platform which is expensive. The most common operating systems today are Android and iOS, but during fall of 2012 Windows Phone 8 was released, which means yet another platform to consider. In cooperation with the company Sogeti Jönköping this study focuses on finding a method that makes it possible to migrate applications between platforms and Windows Phone 8. The study also includes identifying the pros and cons of different app-types through a literature review and interviews, as well as testing whether the migration methods work through a practical implementation. The results have shown that there are two different solutions to migration which is PhoneGap and Xamarin. Through implementation tests Xamarin was the most suitable for future app-projects.
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