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The influence of mobile payments on the choices and functionings of Micro and Small Enterprise (MSE) entrepreneurs in LesothoHlabeli, Batloung 26 January 2021 (has links)
Background: This study explores the significance of ICT on the capabilities of unbanked MSE entrepreneurs in Lesotho. MSE entrepreneurs are the primary source of income for their families, especially in the context of developing countries. Accordingly, MSEs are fundamental instruments for economic growth, poverty alleviation and source of employment in developing countries. Hence, the country that invests in this business sector is a step closer to accomplishing its MDGs. Purpose: The study explored and empirically assessed the influence of mobile payments among MSE entrepreneurs through a capabilities lens. Given that MSEs are crucial for developing countries, the targeted participants were MSE entrepreneurs from diverse trading industries in Lesotho. Research methodology: The methodology for this study was qualitative. Exploratory and descriptive research methods were used to evaluate the influence of mobile payments on the capabilities of MSE entrepreneurs. This study adopted Kleine's Choice Framework to explore and empirically assess the benefits of mobile payments among MSE entrepreneurs. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and field notes and analysed using thematic analysis. Key Findings: The findings revealed the use of M-Pesa within the MSE sector enabled microentrepreneurs to accomplish their goals. The findings show that M-Pesa leads to the growth of MSEs. Therefore, entrepreneurs in the MSE business sector are capable of providing food, shelter and clothes for their families through income generated from their enterprises. Additionally, MSE entrepreneurs bank, transfer and receive money through accessible and available mobile payment platforms. However, these entrepreneurs face issues such as network failure, withdrawal amount limits and security risks while using mobile payments. Value of the study: The study contributes to the existing ICT4D and mobile payments literature in Lesotho by discussing the influence of mobile payment through the Choice Framework.
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Acceptance of Online and Mobile Payment : A Cross-Country Analysis of Germany, Hungary and SwedenHahn, Isabel, Kodó, Krisztina January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper to fill the research gap of lack ofcross-country studies in Germany, Hungary and Sweden in thecontext of online and mobile payment adaption and usage. Research Questions: The authors of this study aim at answering the followingquestion: What are the main similarities and differences in onlineand mobile payment acceptance in Germany, Hungary andSweden in the age group of 18-35?Theoretical Framework:The theoretical framework presents prevalent theories aboutfactors which are connected to online and mobilepayment. In addition, the Technical Acceptance Model wasused as a base for the conceptual framework developed by theauthors.Methodology: This study includes both qualitative and quantitative primarydata. The conducted survey resulted in 1016 answers; out of these869 answers were eligible. In addition, 150 companies wereasked and 30 qualitative interviews (10 per each country) wereconducted.Analysis: The analysis aimed at investigating how the acceptance of theusage of online and mobile payment differs among Germany,Hungary Sweden. Thereby, the following factors wereinvestigated: (1) perceived ease of use, (2) perceived usefulness,(3) perceived security, (4) perceived risk, (5) social influence, (6)information asymmetry and (7) intention to use. Conclusion: The findings of this cross-country study showed that Germany,Hungary and Sweden show a relatively similar level ofacceptance in online payment. In contrast, the acceptance in thecontext of mobile payment differed greatly. Whereas Swedenshowed a high level of acceptance, Germany and Hungaryshowed a relatively moderate level of acceptance.
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A study on factors influencing the acceptance of mobile payment applications in SwedenWollny, Lisa, Ahrenstedt, Simon, Huang, Jiahao January 2015 (has links)
Mobile payments is a topic that is gaining increased attention in both research and in the media. Trends have been identified that show an increase in the use of both smartphones and mobile applications. At the same time there has been a decrease in cash use, with a move towards alternative cashless means of payment in Sweden. Existing research has focused on this type of trend research and also looking at mobile payments in a general sense. There is a gap in the research where the acceptance of mobile payment applications are receiving very little to no attention. The purpose of this thesis is then to identify the determinants of the acceptance of mobile payment applications. Using existing Technology Acceptance Model research on mobile payments, 13 hypotheses were proposed that all related to various factors of acceptance of mobile payment applications. A questionnaire was constructed to test these hypotheses and distributed using convenience sampling. The hypotheses and questionnaire was used to construct a conceptual model in AMOS, where we subsequently used multiple regression analysis to analyze the gathered data. This resulted in 6 hypotheses being accepted and 7 hypotheses being rejected. The factors that was shown to have a significant effect on the acceptance of mobile payment applications, ranging from largest effect to the least are: attitude towards using mobile payment applications, perceived usefulness of mobile payment applications, the subjective norm of the individual, perceived ease of use of the mobile payment application, perceived credibility of the mobile payment application and perceived compatibility of the mobile payment application.
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Mobile payment analysed from the aspects of Kano modelKodó, Krisztina, Hahn, Isabel January 2017 (has links)
By applying the Kano Model on mobile payment, the paper aims at giving an overview on thebasic, performance and excitement requirements that affect customer satisfaction. In this paper,mobile payment customer requirements are compared to former research conducted onpayment methods in general. Furthermore, each requirement is divided into two parts focusingon Business-to-Customer and Business-to-Business aspects. The findings of the paper werethat while there is still some overlapping between general payment method and mobile paymentmethod requirements, some requirements such as security, fake-proof nature, reputation andreliability of the method has transformed and became more important. Furthermore, due totechnological advancements new customer requirements occur.
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Attitudes towards mobile payment : An empirical study of the consumers’ perception of security, privacy and convenienceLindbäck, Karin, Blommé, Carl January 2011 (has links)
Mobile payment is a new payment method that is being introduced on the Swedish market, but has not yet come to its breakthrough. This thesis investigates the attitude the Swedish consumer has towards mobile payment. Based on previous surveys and theory, three main attributes, security, privacy and convenience, were chosen to represent the attitude of the consumer towards mobile payment. In order to analyze the data obtained from the surveys conducted, the multi-attribute attitude model was used. The model showed that convenience was the most beneficial attribute in mobile payment, followed by security and then privacy. Security was the attribute that the survey participants valued the most when it comes to payment methods, but was also the attribute they thought that mobile payment would lack the most. Therefore security was determined to be the most important aspect when it comes to the success of mobile payment.
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Securing Mobile Payment Protocol based on EMV StandardSifatullah Bhuiyan, Mohammad January 2012 (has links)
This is an era of communication technology. This era has faced a lot of innovation in technology sector. Mobile phones were once used for calling or text messaging only, now slowly becoming competitor of computers. The rapid development of hardware, software and operating system of smartphones made it possible to do multiple tasks through the phones. Nowadays, smart phones have powerful operating systems which provide wide range of applications. Smart phones can be interfaced with external hardware also. The payment industry is about to see a drastic change because of these features. People can now pay through their smartphones; they can use payment cards to pay through it etc. But financial transaction is a very sensitive service and security is very crucial here. For financial services, the major security services such as confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, authorization and non-repudiation must be ensured. There are two major types of payment cards, magnetic-stripe based cards and chip based cards. Chip based card provides better security. Magnetic stripe based cards being static, is easy to counterfeit. But the fact that these magnetic stripe cards are still used in many countries, it is necessary to provide a security solution in order to protect customers from treachery. In this thesis, it has been investigated how to secure the mobile payment based on EMV standard. EMV is a chip based payment card. It has strong security features which made skimming or tampering it very hard. But, Magstripe based payments still remained insecure. This thesis paper aims to secure the transaction when paid with magnetic stripe based cards. Several measures have been taken to ensure that major security services are met. In addition, a prototype was developed and tested to demonstrate the practicality of the designed solution. The research results of this paper show that by transacting through the secured mobile payment protocol, customers can avail payment service more securely than traditional magnetic striped card based payments.
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Utilitarian Mindset across Cultures: The Calculative Strategy for Mobile Payment Adoption in the U.S. and ChinaGao, Bowen 22 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Understanding consumer adoption of mobile payment in India: Extending Meta-UTAUT model with personal innovativeness, anxiety, trust, and grievance redressalPatil, P., Tamilmani, Kuttimani, Rana, Nripendra P., Raghavan, V. 15 May 2020 (has links)
Yes / Mobile payments are the future as we move towards a cashless society. In some markets, cash is already being replaced by digital transactions, but consumers of many developing countries are slower in transition towards digital payments. This study aims to identify major determinants of consumer mobile payment adoption in India the country with second largest mobile subscribers in the world. Existing mobile payments adoption studies have predominantly utilised Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which was primarily developed in organisational context and criticised for having deterministic approach without much consideration for users’ individual characteristics. Therefore, this study adapted meta-UTAUT model with individual difference variable attitude as core construct and extended the model with consumer related constructs such as personal innovativeness, anxiety, trust, and grievance redressal. Empirical examination of the model among 491 Indian consumers revealed performance expectancy, intention to use, and grievance redressal as significant positive predictor of consumer use behaviour towards mobile payment. Moreover, intention to use was significantly influenced by attitude, social influence, and facilitating conditions. The major contribution of this study includes re-affirming the central role of attitude in consumer adoption studies and examining usage behaviour in contrast to most existing studies, which examine only behavioural intention.
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Inovações na intermediação financeira: determinantes dos instrumentos de pagamentos móveis / Innovations in financial intermediation: determinants of mobile payment instrumentsKawamoto, Carlos Tadao 19 March 2019 (has links)
Um fato relacionado ao uso de telefones celulares para realizar transferência de recursos e pagamento de obrigações é o seu crescimento acelerado ao redor do mundo, com potencial econômico inquestionável. Projeções otimistas sugerem a substituição de instrumentos de pagamentos tradicionais como os cheques de papel e os cartões de plástico pelos instrumentos de pagamentos móveis. A despeito da relevância das organizações e setores envolvidos, poucos trabalhos teóricos e empíricos focaram no tema, especialmente para o Brasil, onde a referida inovação ainda não atingiu patamar de penetração equivalente a de outros países. Com esse baixo desempenho como cenário, quais os fatores internos às organizações ou ambientais seriam mais importantes ao desenvolvimento dessas inovações? Objetivando responder essa pergunta, este trabalho realizou um estudo de caso com três iniciativas de inovação em instrumentos de pagamentos móveis tipificadas como de sucesso em seus países, i.e., Alipay da China, M-Pesa do Quênia e Nubank do Brasil. Com base em determinantes potenciais selecionados na literatura, as informações e dados das empresas e de seus ambientes foram capturados, selecionados e analisados. De maneira complementar, realizou-se a triangulação das informações dos casos com os resultados de um questionário enviado a 43 especialistas de organizações privadas e públicas, com dados analisados pelo modelo de equações estruturais. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que, embebidos em um ambiente regulatório não restritivo, três fatores se associaram ao desenvolvimento de instrumentos de pagamentos móveis, todos relacionados a qualidades dos recursos e da gestão das organizações. O primeiro é o de que organizações com características orgânicas, com comunicação aberta e poder descentralizado, em oposição a organizações de estrutura mecanicista, fechadas e burocráticas, estão associadas ao desenvolvimento da oferta de instrumentos de pagamentos móveis. O segundo fator está integrado à oferta de serviços múltiplos e complementares em um mesmo sistema e sugere a disponibilidade conjunta tanto de serviços de pagamentos móveis como os típicos de mobile banking. O terceiro sugere a adoção de rede antecedente como estratégia para entrada e obtenção de massa crítica mínima, em alternativa ao crescimento vegetativo adotado por algumas fintechs. Como contribuição, apesar de os fatores selecionados não serem inéditos e já terem sido discutidos na literatura, eles usualmente são avaliados de maneira individualizada. Nesse sentido, este estudo sugere que os fatores em conjunto e seus inter-relacionamentos se mostraram como relevantes e devem guiar pesquisas futuras. Para pesquisadores e analistas, os fatores selecionados podem servir como guias em avaliações sobre o setor. Para executivos e gestores, os resultados geraram subsídios para suas tomadas de decisões. / One fact related to the use of mobile phones to carry out resource transfer and payment is its accelerated growth around the world, with unquestionable economic potential. Optimistic projections suggest replacing traditional payment instruments such as paper checks and plastic cards with mobile payment instruments. In spite of the relevance of the organizations and sectors involved, few theoretical and empirical studies focused on the theme, especially for Brazil, where the innovation has not yet reached the level of penetration equivalent to that of other countries. With such a low performance scenario, which internal or organizational factors would be most important to the development of these innovations? In order to answer this question, this paper carried out a case study with three innovation initiatives in mobile payment instruments typified as successful in their countries, i.e. Alipay of China, M-Pesa of Kenya and Nubank of Brazil. Based on potential determinants selected in the literature, the information and data of companies and their environments were captured, selected and analyzed. In a complementary way, the triangulation of the information of the cases was carried out with the results of a questionnaire sent to 43 specialists from private and public organizations, with data analyzed by the structural equations model. The results suggest that, embedded in a non-restrictive regulatory environment, three factors were associated with the development of mobile payment instruments, all related to the qualities of resources and the management of organizations. The first is that organizations with organic characteristics, with open communication and decentralized, as opposed to mechanistic, closed and bureaucratic organizations, are associated with the development of mobile payment instruments\' supply. The second factor is integrated with the supply of multiple and complementary services in the same system and suggests the joint availability of both mobile payment and mobile banking services. The third one suggests the adoption of antecedent network as a strategy for entry and obtaining minimum critical mass, as an alternative to the vegetative growth adopted by some fintechs. As a contribution, although the selected factors are not unpublished and have already been discussed in the literature, they are usually evaluated in an individualized way. In this sense, this study suggests that the factors together and their interrelationships have proved to be relevant and should guide future research. For researchers and analysts, the selected factors can serve as guides in industry assessments. For executives and managers, the results generated support for their decisions.
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THE IMPENDING EMERGENCE OF (SOCIAL NETWORK) PAYMENTS : A study of the current situation of the mobile payments industry in Sweden and the challenges within the ecosystem.Heidarian Golsheikh, Morteza January 2017 (has links)
Abstract Payment industry is witnessing a fast transition from cash dominant era, to card payments and recently mobile payments. Sweden as one of the pioneer countries moving towards cashless society, has experienced quite fast transition thanks to it’s widespread internet access coverage and robust card payment infrastructure. During last few years there has been many mobile payment solutions launched to this market. As a result, some challenges and dynamics have emerged within the Swedish payment ecosystem. Different actors employed different strategies to secure and maintain their position within the ecosystem. This study aims to investigate the current status of power control within the ecosystem by using an extracted part of ARA framework to clarify how different established actors are reacting to this transition. What is more, conducted literature review for this study revealed that, there are few studies for the future of the payment industry and how the ecosystem should be responded to the current trend of moving toward mobile payments. As a result, by use of Configuration value for networks, this study managed to fine a gap which is, absence of a “Value Network” role within the ecosystem. The study suggests that concepts of value chain and value shops are no longer answering the demands of the market and thus, recommend the incumbents of the industry to create and fulfill the Value Network role, so that it could be used as a defense strategy against potential future industry disruption.
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