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Experimental acceleration Measurements and Finite Elements ModelingAlnimairi, Ibrahim, Arrabi, Salim January 2021 (has links)
Heavy crushing machines under their production shifts, creates various levels of vibration, noise and dynamic forces which can be transferred to other parts of the industrial unit. Such kind of factors applies continuous forces on machine parts which can cause gradual fatigue, creep and eventually failure of machine. In this thesis work we are studying Jaw crusher machine from Sandvik company, since the company has a high focus on safety and quality, this thesis is aiming to estimate the dynamic foundation loads that are transmitted to substructure of the jaw crusher. The thesis is based on estimating power spectral density transmissibility matrix-single value decomposition (PSDTM-SVD), between jaw crusher foot (CRF), side wall (SW) and substructure (SS) in x, y, z positions to identify model parameters including damped eigenfrequencies and mode shapes. This research has concluded that it is possible to estimate the transmitted load force by finding the relation between displacement transmissibility and force transmissibility by employing (PSDTM-SVD) method. In fact (PSDTM-SVD) is a sufficient method to estimate the damped eigenfrequencies and mode shapes during operation. Nevertheless, it is majorly important to have good coherence between measured data, in this case data that have been conducted in Y direction had a good coherence of 0.9.
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Dynamic Testing for a Steel Truss Bridge for the Long Term Bridge Performance ProgramSantos, Cody Joshua 01 May 2011 (has links)
Under the direction of the Federal Highway Administration the Long Term Bridge Performance Program (LTBP) selected Minnesota Bridge number 5718 as a pilot bridge for evaluation. This program focuses on the monitoring of bridges for a 20-year period to understand the structural behavior over time due to the various loads and weathering. In monitoring this bridge a better understanding can be acquired for the maintenance issues related to the nation's deteriorating bridge infrastructure.
Bridge Number 5718, which is located just outside of Sandstone Minnesota, is a steel truss bridge that spans the Kettle River. Constant monitoring of the bridge along with periodic testing of the bridge will allow for the collection of data over a 20-year period. The focus of this work is to establish a baseline for the bridges characteristics through nondestructive dynamic testing. Later tests will be compared to these results and changes can then be tracked.
In order to perform the required testing, two electromagnetic shakers were used to produce the excitation. The bridge was also outfitted with an array of velocity transducers to allow for the response to be recorded. The data was then used to extract the resonant frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios. A modal assurance criterion was also performed to solidify the findings. These parameters define the structural identity of the bridge. Through performing these tests the database that is being collected under the Long Term Bridge Performance Program will be used to better the overall health and safety of the nation's bridges.
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Dynamická analýza železniční mostní konstrukce / Dynamic analysis of railway bridgeMojrová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The content of work is to determine modal characteristics of bridge construction over the Dyje river near Břeclav. That is done in ANSYS software and AxisVM software. These characteristics are compared with results from dynamic loading test and they are compared between themselves. In thesis is also an assessment of response to static traffic loads because of decision about dynamic analysis necessity. Then there is a simulation of dynamic traffic loads and results of this simulation are compared with results of dynamic analysis which was done by the project. The aim is to do a few static and dynamic tasks and compare results with the real dynamic test and with calculated results and to determinate the effect on certain variables.
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Υπολογισμός ηλεκτρομαγνητικών δυνάμεων και μελέτη των επιπτώσεών τους σε μια ασύγχρονη μηχανήΚούλλουρος, Ζαννέτος 12 June 2013 (has links)
Σκοπός της διπλωματικής αυτής εργασίας ήταν η μελέτη των ηλεκτρομαγνητικών
δυνάμεων που δημιουργούνται μέσα σε μια ασύγχρονη ηλεκτρική μηχανή, ειδικότερα
των ακτινικών δυνάμεων, καθώς και η μηχανική συμπεριφορά της μηχανής λόγω των
δυνάμεων αυτών. Χρησιμοποιήθηκε ένας τριφασικός ασύγχρονος κινητήρας
βραχυκυκλωμένου δρομέα, ισχύος 4 kW, συνδεσμολογίας τριγώνου. Η προσομοίωση
και η μελέτη έγινε με τη χρήση του προγράμματος Opera 2-D της εταιρείας Vector
Fields, το οποίο χρησιμοποιεί τη μέθοδο των πεπερασμένων στοιχείων για την επίλυση
των μερικών διαφορικών εξισώσεων που περιγράφουν τη ηλεκτρομαγνητική
λειτουργία της μηχανής.
Πρώτα γίνεται η ηλεκτρομαγνητική ανάλυση των μοντέλων της μηχανής στη
μόνιμη κατάσταση. Μετά χρησιμοποιώντας τα μοντέλα αυτά, υπολογίστηκαν οι
ηλεκτρομαγνητικές πιέσεις που ασκούνται σε δόντια του δρομέα και του στάτη και η
συνολική ακτινική και εφαπτομενική δύναμη που ασκείται πάνω στον δρομέα.
Όταν οι ιδιοσυχνότητες ταλάντωσης της μηχανής είναι κοντά στις συχνότητες
που υπάρχουν στο φάσμα συχνοτήτων της ακτινικής δύναμης, δημιουργείται
συντονισμός και προκαλεί θορύβους και ταλαντώσεις στη μηχανή. Για να αποφευχθούν
τέτοιου είδους θόρυβοι και ταλαντώσεις υπολογίζονται τα πλάτη και οι συχνότητες της
ακτινικής δύναμης καθώς και οι ιδιοσυχνότητες της μηχανής.
Οι ίδιες μετρήσεις έγιναν και σε μοντέλο μηχανής με μια σπασμένη μπάρα του
κλωβού. Απεικονίσθηκαν οι ακτινικές δυνάμεις και συγκρίθηκαν με αυτές του υγιούς
μοντέλου στο πεδίο του χώρου, του χρόνου και της συχνότητας. Επίσης παρουσιάζεται
μια μέθοδος για την ανίχνευση «υπογραφών» ηλεκτρικών σφαλμάτων, μέσω ανάλυσης
Fourier της ακτινικής ηλεκτρομαγνητικής δύναμης και πίεσης. Τα αποτελέσματα
δείχνουν πως η ηλεκτρομαγνητική δύναμη είναι μια καλή παράμετρος με τη χρήση της
οποίας μπορεί να ανιχνευτεί το σφάλμα της σπασμένης μπάρας. / The aim of this thesis was to study the electromagnetic forces generated in an asynchronous electric machine, especially the radial forces and the mechanical behavior of the machine due to these forces. A three-phase squirrel cage asynchronous motor, 4 kW power, was used. The simulation and the study was performed using the program Opera 2-D of Vector Fields, which uses the finite element method to solve partial differential equations describing the operation of the electromagnetic machine.
First of all, the electromagnetic analysis of models of the machine in steady state was performed. Using these models, the electromagnetic pressure on teeth of the rotor and stator was calculated and the total radial and tangential force exerted on the rotor was estimated.
When the natural frequencies of oscillation of the machine are close to the frequencies of the radial force, coordination is generated and causes noise and vibrations in the machine. To avoid such noises and vibrations, the amplitudes and frequencies of the radial force and the natural frequencies of the machine must be calculated.
The same measurements were made on a model engine with a broken bar. The radial forces were plotted and compared with those of the healthy model, in the field of space, time and frequency. Also, a method for the detection of "signatures" electrical fault, through Fourier analysis of the radial electromagnetic force and pressure is disclosed. The results showed that the electromagnetic force is a good parameter to use for the detection of the broken bar fault.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this work, it is developed a study of the transverse vibrations of a system composed
by two parallel strings of equal length, coupled by a viscoelastic element. The frequencies
and mode shapes are obtained using modal analysis and a block matrix formulation for
the system. The mode shapes are written by the dynamic basis, composed by the solution
of a second order problem with impulsive initial conditions, and its first derivative. In the
undamped case, different cases of the problem are considered by varying the parameters
of the strings. The orthogonality of the mode shapes and the impulse response matrix are
used to solve the undamped forced case. In the damped case, it is considered again the
matrix formulation and use dynamic basis, and we present an uncoupled problem from
simplifications of the system parameters. The damped forced vibrations are studied using
the adjoint modal method, from which there is an orthogonality between the mode shapes
of the original system and the mode shapes of the adjoint system associated, allowing the
uncoupling and solvability of the system. The forced response is determined by using the
matrix fundamental response. / Neste trabalho é realizado um estudo sobre as vibrações transversais de um sistema formado
por duas cordas paralelas, de mesmo comprimento, acopladas através de um elemento viscoelástico do tipo Winkler. As frequêencias e os modos de vibração são obtidos
utilizando-se a análise modal e uma formulação matricial em blocos para o sistema. Os modos de vibração são escritos através da base dinâmica, composta pela solução de um
problema de segunda ordem com condições iniciais impulsivas, e sua primeira derivada. No caso não amortecido são considerados diferentes casos para o problema, variando-se os parãmetros das cordas. A ortogonalidade dos modos e a resposta impulso matricial são usadas para resolver o caso forçado sem amortecimento. No caso amortecido, é apresentado
um problema desacoplado a partir de simplificações nos parâmetros do sistema. As vibrações forçadas com amortecimento são estudadas usando-se o método modal adjunto, a partir do qual, existe uma ortogonalidade entre os modos de vibração do sistema original e os modos de vibração do sistema adjunto, possibilitando o desacoplamento e resolução
do sistema. A resposta forçada é determinada usando a resposta fundamental matricial.
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Vibrace rovinných desek / Flat Plates VibrationsZajac, Roman January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on vibration of the planar plates. It includes the computational and experimental approaches used to determine the mode shapes and frequencies (eigenvalues) of planar plates. This paper compares the analytical, numerical and experimental results of the modal analysis specifically the free-standing rectangular planar plate. The work also encompasses forced oscillation with harmonious excitement as a continuation of the obtained results from modal analysis.
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Kmitání stlačitelné tekutiny ve válcové oblasti / Oscillation of the compressible fluid in the cylindrical spaceSmolík, Adam January 2016 (has links)
The thesis includes two main parts. The first part comprises the theoretical analysis, i.e. literary research. It has been focused on questions regarding compressive pulsation and possible damping elements. The second part focuses on the formation of mathematical model of transition of matrix gas accumulator, the hydraulic set formation by the transition matrix method, the deduction of innate and constrained values and the compressible liquid mode shapes in cylindrical space.
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Návrh a posouzení ocelové konstrukce / Design of Steel StructureSvoboda, Radek January 2017 (has links)
Topic of the master’s thesis is design and assessment of steel construction of the industrial building used to glass sand treatment. The building has the top view dimensions 12,0 x 12,0 m and roof ridge height 15,6 m. Disposition if the individual elements was designed according to conditions of the technology and production process. The thesis focus on creating of computational model and assessment to ultimate and serviceability limit states of individual elements. Further thesis contains of design and optimisation of some joints.
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Dynamic Analysis of the Skyway Bridge : Assessment and Application of Design GuidelinesThufvesson, Eric, Andersson, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
In recent years the design of pedestrian bridges has become more slender. As a result the bridges has lower natural frequencies and are more prone to excessive vibrations when subjected to dynamic loads induced by pedestrians. Akademiska Hus are building such a bridge at Nya Karolinska Solna where the bridge will span over Solnavägenconnecting the hospital building, U2, and the research facility BioMedicum. Due to practical reasons, it is not possible to connect one of the bridge ends mechanicallyto the building which increases the risk for lateral modes in the sensitivefrequency range of 0-2.5 Hz. The increased risk of lateral modes of vibrations within the sensitive frequency range as well uncertainties when determining the dynamic response led to this thesis. This thesis covers a frequency analysis of the previously mention bridge and an evaluation of the dynamic response under pedestrian loading by implementation of several design guidelines. A literature review was conducted with the aim of giving a deeper knowledge of human induced vibrations and the relevant guidelines for modelling of pedestrian loading. Furthermore, a parametric study was conducted for parameters which might be prone to uncertainties in data. The investigated parameters were the Young’s modulus for concrete and the surrounding fill materialas well as the stiffness of the connection to BioMedicum. The parametric study yielded a frequency range of 2.20-2.93 Hz for the first lateral mode and 5.96-6.67 Hz for the first vertical mode of vibration. By including nonstructural mass the lower limit for the frequencies were lowered to 2.05 and 5.59 Hzin the first lateral and vertical mode respectively. The parametric study also showed that the largest impact on the natural frequencies were obtained by manipulating the parameters for the supports, both for BioMedicum and the substructure. The implementation of the guidelines resulted in a lateral acceleration between 0.05 and0.599 m/s2. No evaluation was conducted for the dynamic response in the vertical direction due to a natural frequency of 5.59 Hz, which is higher than the evaluation criteria stated in Eurocode 0. The results showed that the design of the Skyway bridge is dynamically sound with regard to pedestrian loading and no remedial actions are necessary.
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Dynamic Strain Measurement Based Damage Identification for Structural Health MonitoringElbadawy, Mohamed Mohamed Zeinelabdin Mohamed 27 November 2018 (has links)
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a non-destructive evaluation tool that assesses the functionality of structural systems that are used in the civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering practices. A much desirable objective of a SHM system is to provide a continuous monitoring service at a minimal cost with ability to identify problems even in inaccessible structural components. In this dissertation, several such approaches that utilize the measured dynamic response of structural systems are presented to detect, locate, and quantify the damages that are likely to occur in structures. In this study, the structural damage is identified as a reduction in the stiffness characteristics of the structural elements. The primary focus of this study is on the utilization of measured dynamic strains for damage identification in the framed structures which are composed of interconnected beam elements. Although linear accelerations, being more convenient to measure, are commonly used in most SHM practices, herein the strains being more sensitive to elemental damage are considered. Two different approaches are investigated and proposed to identify the structural element stiffness properties. Both approaches are mode-based, requiring first the identification of system modes from the measured strain responses followed by the identification of the element stiffness coefficients. The first approach utilizes the Eigen equation of the finite element model of the structure, while the second approach utilizes the changes caused by the damage in the structural curvature flexibilities. To reduce size of the system which is primarily determined by the number of sensors deployed for the dynamic data collection, measurement sensitivity-based sensor selection criterion is observed to be effective and thus used. The mean square values of the measurements with respect to the stiffness coefficients of the structural elements are used as the effective measures of the measurement sensitivities at different sensor locations. Numerical simulations are used to evaluate the proposed identification approaches as well as to validate the sensitivity-based optimal sensor deployment approach. / Ph. D. / All modern societies depend heavily on civil infrastructure systems such as transportation systems, power generation and transmission systems, and data communication systems for their day-to-day activities and survival. It has become extremely important that these systems are constantly watched and maintained to ensure their functionality. All these infrastructure systems utilize structural systems of different forms such as buildings, bridges, airplanes, data communication towers, etc. that carry the service and environmental loads that are imposed on them. These structural systems deteriorate over time because of natural material degradation. They can also get damaged due to excessive load demands and unknown construction deficiencies. It is necessary that condition of these structural systems is known at all times to maintain their functionality and to avoid sudden breakdowns and associated ensuing problems. This condition assessment of structural systems, now commonly known as structural health monitoring, is commonly done by visual onsite inspections manually performed at pre-decided time intervals such as on monthly and yearly basis. The length of this inspection time interval usually depends on the relative importance of the structure towards the functionality of the larger infrastructure system. This manual inspection can be highly time and resource consuming, and often ineffective in catching structural defects that are inaccessible and those that occur in between the scheduled inspection times and dates. However, the development of new sensors, new instrumentation techniques, and large data transfer and processing methods now make it possible to do this structural health monitoring on a continuous basis. The primary objective of this study is to utilize the measured dynamic or time varying strains on structural components such as beams, columns and other structural members to detect the location and level of a damage in one or more structural elements before they become serious. This detection can be done on a continuous basis by analyzing the available strain response data. This approach is expected to be especially helpful in alerting the owner of a structure by identifying the iv occurrence of a damage, if any, immediately after an unanticipated occurrence of a natural event such as a strong earthquake or a damaging wind storm.
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