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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moisture content profiles and surface phenomena during drying of wood

Rosenkilde, Anders January 2002 (has links)
<p>Timber drying is one of the most important processes whenmanufacturing sawn timber products. The drying processinfluences deformations, surface checking, discoloration andhence, the product quality and the manufacturing costs.Research in this field is of great importance for the woodindustry since the industrial drying process always needs to beimproved as market demands increases and new wood products aredeveloped.</p><p>The aim of the present thesis was to investigate themoisture transport behaviour in wood based on measurementsduring drying from fresh condition down to end use moisturecontent. The behaviour near the surface interface has beenspecifically investigated since it is of great importance forthe theoretical description of the drying process. Furthermore,studies based on measurements in the wood surface layer duringdrying are not easy to find in the literature. The reason forthat is probably that it is very difficult to make accuratemoisture measurements with high spatial or temporal resolutionwithout disturbing the drying process.</p><p>Measurements of moisture content profiles in Scots pineheartwood and sapwood during drying have been performed byusing three different methods. The first was a destructivemethod where the wood samples are sliced with a knife intoseveral smaller pieces. The moisture content in each piece wasdetermined with the dry weight method. The second method usedis non-destructive and it utilises a medical CT-scanner thathas been adapted for drying experiments. The samples are driedin-situ the scanner through the whole experiment. TheCT-scanner measures density and the moisture content arecalculated according to existing methods developed by otherscientists. The third method was also non-destructive and itutilises a Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI, technique. Withthis technique the amount of water in the wood sample ismeasured directly even though it has to be calibrated tomoisture content.</p><p>The surface emission factor, S, or surface resistance, 1/S,has been studied by performing sorption experiments with MDF ina narrow moisture content range. The experiment was evaluatedusing a simple diffusion model that includes a surface emissionfactor S. The experimental result was compared with resultscalculated using well established boundary layer theories.</p><p>Measurements of moisture content profiles in the wood bulkshowed an expected Fickian behaviour at moisture contents belowthe fibre saturation point. Above the fibre saturation pointalmost flat moisture profiles were observed. This behaviour wasnot expected and it is not possible to simulate this behaviourwith the existing drying models since they usually assume thatthere is a gradient in the moisture profile over the wholemoisture content range. From the moisture profiles thediffusion coefficients were determined over a moisture contentranging from 8 to 30%. The values for heartwood and sapwood areapproximately equal in radial and tangential direction tograin. Furthermore, the diffusion values in longitudinaldirection are much higher as expected.</p><p>The sorption experiments with MDF gave a greater surfaceresistance compared with the calculation that was based onboundary layer theory. The ratio was three or higher. Thisimplied that there was a greater resistance in the surfacelayer. In addition, this was not well described in theliterature even though a few recent published studiesexist.</p><p>High resolution measurements in the surface layer of woodshowed behaviour similar to that observed in the bulk wood. Theresults showed the very early development of a dry zone closeto the surface interface. In that zone or shell the moisturecontent was below the FSP even though the bulk moisture contentwas far above the FSP. At the end of the experiments themoisture content in the surface layer (0–300 µm)nearly reached the equilibrium moisture content even though thebulk moisture content still was much higher.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Computer tomography, Diffusion, Magneticresonance, Moisture measurements, Moisture profiles, Surfaceemission, Wood drying</p>

Moisture content profiles and surface phenomena during drying of wood

Rosenkilde, Anders January 2002 (has links)
Timber drying is one of the most important processes whenmanufacturing sawn timber products. The drying processinfluences deformations, surface checking, discoloration andhence, the product quality and the manufacturing costs.Research in this field is of great importance for the woodindustry since the industrial drying process always needs to beimproved as market demands increases and new wood products aredeveloped. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate themoisture transport behaviour in wood based on measurementsduring drying from fresh condition down to end use moisturecontent. The behaviour near the surface interface has beenspecifically investigated since it is of great importance forthe theoretical description of the drying process. Furthermore,studies based on measurements in the wood surface layer duringdrying are not easy to find in the literature. The reason forthat is probably that it is very difficult to make accuratemoisture measurements with high spatial or temporal resolutionwithout disturbing the drying process. Measurements of moisture content profiles in Scots pineheartwood and sapwood during drying have been performed byusing three different methods. The first was a destructivemethod where the wood samples are sliced with a knife intoseveral smaller pieces. The moisture content in each piece wasdetermined with the dry weight method. The second method usedis non-destructive and it utilises a medical CT-scanner thathas been adapted for drying experiments. The samples are driedin-situ the scanner through the whole experiment. TheCT-scanner measures density and the moisture content arecalculated according to existing methods developed by otherscientists. The third method was also non-destructive and itutilises a Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI, technique. Withthis technique the amount of water in the wood sample ismeasured directly even though it has to be calibrated tomoisture content. The surface emission factor, S, or surface resistance, 1/S,has been studied by performing sorption experiments with MDF ina narrow moisture content range. The experiment was evaluatedusing a simple diffusion model that includes a surface emissionfactor S. The experimental result was compared with resultscalculated using well established boundary layer theories. Measurements of moisture content profiles in the wood bulkshowed an expected Fickian behaviour at moisture contents belowthe fibre saturation point. Above the fibre saturation pointalmost flat moisture profiles were observed. This behaviour wasnot expected and it is not possible to simulate this behaviourwith the existing drying models since they usually assume thatthere is a gradient in the moisture profile over the wholemoisture content range. From the moisture profiles thediffusion coefficients were determined over a moisture contentranging from 8 to 30%. The values for heartwood and sapwood areapproximately equal in radial and tangential direction tograin. Furthermore, the diffusion values in longitudinaldirection are much higher as expected. The sorption experiments with MDF gave a greater surfaceresistance compared with the calculation that was based onboundary layer theory. The ratio was three or higher. Thisimplied that there was a greater resistance in the surfacelayer. In addition, this was not well described in theliterature even though a few recent published studiesexist. High resolution measurements in the surface layer of woodshowed behaviour similar to that observed in the bulk wood. Theresults showed the very early development of a dry zone closeto the surface interface. In that zone or shell the moisturecontent was below the FSP even though the bulk moisture contentwas far above the FSP. At the end of the experiments themoisture content in the surface layer (0–300 µm)nearly reached the equilibrium moisture content even though thebulk moisture content still was much higher. Keywords:Computer tomography, Diffusion, Magneticresonance, Moisture measurements, Moisture profiles, Surfaceemission, Wood drying / <p>NR 20140805</p>

A Study of Adobe Wall Moisture Profiles and the Resulting Effects on Matched Illumination Waveforms in Through-The-Wall Radar Applications

Price, Steven Ryan 14 August 2015 (has links)
In this dissertation, methods utilizing matched illumination theory to optimally design waveforms for enhanced target detection and identification in the context of through-the-wall radar (TWR) are explored. The accuracy of assumptions made in the waveform design process is evaluated through simulation. Additionally, the moisture profile of an adobe wall is investigated, and it is shown that the moisture profile of the wall will introduce significant variations in the matched illumination waveforms and subsequently, affect the resulting ability of the radar system to correctly identify and detect a target behind the wall. Experimental measurements of adobe wall moisture and corresponding dielectric properties confirms the need for accurate moisture profile information when designing radar waveforms which enhance signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) through use of matched illumination waveforms on the wall/target scenario. Furthermore, an evaluation of the ability to produce an optimal, matched illumination waveform for transmission using simple, common radar systems is undertaken and radar performance is evaluated.

Étude du séchage convectif de boues de station d'épuration - Suivi de la texture par microtomographie à rayons X

Léonard, Angélique 07 February 2003 (has links)
Cette thèse sinscrit dans une dynamique de recherche qui a vu le jour assez récemment dans le domaine du séchage des boues de station dépuration. Conscientes des problèmes de gestion que va entraîner laugmentation des quantités de boue produites suite à lapplication de la législation européenne, différentes équipes de recherche se sont lancées dans létude du séchage des boues. Considérant que lépandage agricole et la valorisation énergétique demeureront les principales filières délimination pour les boues, le séchage constitue, dans les deux cas, une étape essentielle après la déshydratation mécanique. Lambition de ce travail est de contribuer à améliorer les connaissances dans le domaine du séchage convectif des boues et à mieux appréhender les changements de texture qui surviennent au cours du séchage à laide de la microtomograhie à rayons X. Le chapitre I décrit le contexte général dans lequel se situe le travail, cest-à-dire lépuration des eaux usées et la production de boues qui en résulte. La place du séchage dans les différentes filières de valorisation, compte tenu des exigences de la législation européenne, est présentée. Ensuite, un état des connaissances dans le domaine du séchage des boues ainsi quune présentation des technologies de séchage actuellement mises en oeuvre sont effectués. Ce chapitre met en évidence que létat divisé de la matière se situe au cur du travail et pose les objectifs majeurs de la présente étude. Le chapitre II est consacré à la définition des notions essentielles à létude du séchage. Le concept disotherme de sorption à leau est présenté avant de passer en revue les différents types deau que lon trouve dans les boues. Les modes de transport deau pendant le séchage sont ensuite rappelés. La suite du chapitre se concentre sur la manière dont les données de séchage sont exploitées et reprend, brièvement, les progrès effectués en modélisation de la cinétique. La fin du chapitre décrit le retrait qui constitue un phénomène indissociable du séchage des matériaux déformables dont font partie les boues. Lensemble des dispositifs expérimentaux et des méthodes utilisés au long de ce travail sont décrits dans le chapitre III. Les principaux dispositifs expérimentaux sont la cellule de filtration sous pression, le système dextrusion des échantillons, le microsécheur convectif et le microtomographe à rayons X. Les méthodes décrites concernent la caractérisation des boues, la déshydratation des boues, le filtrage des courbes de séchage, lexploitation des coupes tomographiques par analyse dimages et la manière de rassembler les informations issues du séchage et de la microtomographie. Le chapitre IV est consacré au développement dune procédure de conditionnement et de déshydratation permettant dobtenir une boue déshydratée dont la siccité est la plus élevée et la plus reproductible possible. La mise au point de cette procédure permet deffectuer cette étude sur des boues réelles. Les boues sont prélevées après létape dépaississement dans deux stations dépuration gérées par lAIDE, à Retinne et à Embourg. Les gâteaux de boue obtenus sont ensuite caractérisés : les propriétés rhéologiques sont déterminées ainsi que le taux deau liée par lintermédiaire des isothermes de désorption à leau. Des essais de séchage sur des échantillons extrudés à partir du gâteau de filtration montrent que les conditions opératoires de conditionnement et de déshydratation des boues nont pas dinfluence significative sur la cinétique. La procédure de production déchantillons mise au point (conditionnement-filtration-extrusion) est utilisée dans toute la suite du travail. Tout au long du chapitre V, linfluence de trois variables opératoires (la température, la vitesse superficielle et lhumidité absolue de lair) sur le retrait, la cinétique de séchage, la fissuration et le développement de profils dhumidité au cours du séchage dextrudats de chacune des deux boues est étudiée. Pour ce faire, les données issues du microsécheur et du microtomographe sont exploitées conjointement. Une analyse multi-zones permet de relier différents phénomènes observés se produisant de manière simultanée. Le développement de résistances intragranulaires au transfert, lapparition de gradients dhumidité à la paroi et le phénomène de fissuration sont en effet liés. Le chapitre VI aborde une caractérisation plus détaillée de la texture des échantillons, principalement dans leur état séché. À cet effet, des techniques telles la microscopie électronique à balayage, la mesure des isothermes dadsorption-désorption dazote et la porosimétrie au mercure sont utilisées en plus de la microtomographie. Le travail se termine par une conclusion rassemblant lensemble des résultats et par lénoncé de perspectives qui pourraient constituer une suite intéressante à cette étude. This thesis comes within a recent research dynamic in the field of sludge drying, according to European requirements concerning urban wastewater treatment and landfilling of biodegradable materials. Considering landspreading and utilization for energy purposes as the two major issues to eliminate sludges, drying constitutes, in both cases, an essential step after mechanical dewatering. Despite obvious economic, industrial and environmental interests, rather few studies have been devoted to wastewater sludge drying till lately. This work aims to improve the knowledge in the field of sludge drying and to better apprehend the textural changes that occur during drying by using X-ray microtomography. A first part of the work is dedicated to the development of a method allowing the production of sludge samples with a reproducible dryness, in order to realize the study on real sludges. Sludges are collected after secondary settling and thickening in two domestic wastewater treatment plants near university. Conditioning and mechanical dewatering are realized in the laboratory. Filtration cakes are characterized by different techniques : rheology, sorption isotherms, Rheological measurements indicate that, for a same sludge, elastic and viscous modulus only depends on the cake dryness. Drying experiments performed on individual cylindrical extrudates obtained from the cake show that operating conditions used for conditioning (polyelectrolyte dose) and dewatering (filtration pressure drop) have no significant influence on drying kinetics. The next part of the work shows that X-ray microtomography, despite this technique is still few used in chemical engineering, is a choice tool to follow the textural changes of individual samples submitted to convective drying. Contrary to methods traditionally or newly used (caliper, volume displacement methods, NMR,), X-ray microtomography is a non destructive, accurate and easy to use technique. The analysis of the images obtained by microtomography allows quantifying the shrinkage of the sample, the cracks and the moisture gradients at the sample wall at successive drying levels. The study of the influence of three operating variables (temperature, superficial velocity and absolute humidity of air) on the shrinkage, the development of cracks and moisture gradients is performed in a convective microdryer specially designed in the laboratory. Extragranular heat and mass transfer coefficients, intragranular diffusion coefficient and the water evaporation capacity are estimated from experimental data. A multi-zone analysis proposes to relate the different phenomena observed. Moisture gradients are induced by internal diffusional limitations and cause mechanical stresses. Cracks appear when mechanical stress exceeds the breakage level. Results show clearly that the crack extent depends on the value of the moisture gradients. The last part of the work deals with a detailed textural characterization of the dried samples. Several characterization techniques (scanning electron microscopy, mercury porosimetry, analysis of N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms, X-ray microtomography) show that the two sludges considered in the study present very different final textures. 3D images and binary images of cross sections indicate, among others, that the cracks developed during drying have different shapes and configurations. Morphological analysis of these cracks gives some ideas about the way cracks develop and brings to the fore a relation between texture and drying kinetics. Although the presence of cracks is not of the highest importance for the final quality of dried sludges, the methodology developed in this thesis can be applied to a large variety of other soft materials (food, ceramics,) for which crack formation has to be avoided because it impairs the final quality of the dried material. In the future, a fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model will be implemented in a Finite Element code to quantify the evolution of the stress tensor versus the drying level especially at the onset of cracks formation. Results obtained in this thesis will allow validating the model.

Polymermodifizierte Feinbetone - Untersuchungen zum Feuchtetransport

Keil, Allessandra, Raupach, Michael 03 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Untersuchungen zur Dauerhaftigkeit von ARGlasbewehrung im Textilbeton haben gezeigt, dass durch die Alkalität des Betons in Verbindung mit Feuchtigkeit eine Glaskorrosion hervorgerufen wird, die im Laufe der Zeit zu Festigkeitsverlusten des Glases führt. Eine Möglichkeit, die durch die Glaskorrosion verursachten Festigkeitsverluste zu reduzieren, stellt die Polymermodifikation des Betons dar. Durch die Polymerzugabe wird die Wasseraufnahme der Feinbetonmatrix reduziert, dadurch sinkt der Gehalt an gelösten Alkalien im Bereich der Bewehrung. Um den Einfluss verschiedener Feinbetonmatrices auf die Dauerhaftigkeit von Textilbeton beurteilen zu können, sind u. a. zeit- und tiefenabhängige Informationen zur Feuchteverteilung erforderlich, die durch den Einsatz der NMR-Technik gewonnen werden. Der nachfolgende Artikel beschreibt den Feuchtetransport in einer speziell für den Textilbeton entwickelten Feinbetonmatrix sowie den Einfluss verschiedener Modifikationsstoffe auf das Wasseraufnahmeverhalten des Betons. / Durability tests of textile reinforced concrete revealed a loss of strength of the AR-glass reinforcement due to glass corrosion effected by the alkalinity and moisture content of the concrete. In order to reduce this strength loss of AR-glass in cementitious matrices, polymers can be used for concrete modification. The aim of the polymer addition is to reduce the amount of capillary water absorption of the matrix, which reduces the amount of free alkalies closed to the reinforcement. In order to evaluate the effect of the concrete matrix on the durability of TRC, it is necessary to determine the moisture content as functions of time and depth. This data can be obtained by the use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique. This paper deals with the moisture transport in a finegrained concrete matrix especially developed for the use in TRC as well as the influence of polymer addition on the water absorption properties of the concrete matrix.

Polymermodifizierte Feinbetone - Untersuchungen zum Feuchtetransport

Keil, Allessandra, Raupach, Michael January 2011 (has links)
Untersuchungen zur Dauerhaftigkeit von ARGlasbewehrung im Textilbeton haben gezeigt, dass durch die Alkalität des Betons in Verbindung mit Feuchtigkeit eine Glaskorrosion hervorgerufen wird, die im Laufe der Zeit zu Festigkeitsverlusten des Glases führt. Eine Möglichkeit, die durch die Glaskorrosion verursachten Festigkeitsverluste zu reduzieren, stellt die Polymermodifikation des Betons dar. Durch die Polymerzugabe wird die Wasseraufnahme der Feinbetonmatrix reduziert, dadurch sinkt der Gehalt an gelösten Alkalien im Bereich der Bewehrung. Um den Einfluss verschiedener Feinbetonmatrices auf die Dauerhaftigkeit von Textilbeton beurteilen zu können, sind u. a. zeit- und tiefenabhängige Informationen zur Feuchteverteilung erforderlich, die durch den Einsatz der NMR-Technik gewonnen werden. Der nachfolgende Artikel beschreibt den Feuchtetransport in einer speziell für den Textilbeton entwickelten Feinbetonmatrix sowie den Einfluss verschiedener Modifikationsstoffe auf das Wasseraufnahmeverhalten des Betons. / Durability tests of textile reinforced concrete revealed a loss of strength of the AR-glass reinforcement due to glass corrosion effected by the alkalinity and moisture content of the concrete. In order to reduce this strength loss of AR-glass in cementitious matrices, polymers can be used for concrete modification. The aim of the polymer addition is to reduce the amount of capillary water absorption of the matrix, which reduces the amount of free alkalies closed to the reinforcement. In order to evaluate the effect of the concrete matrix on the durability of TRC, it is necessary to determine the moisture content as functions of time and depth. This data can be obtained by the use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique. This paper deals with the moisture transport in a finegrained concrete matrix especially developed for the use in TRC as well as the influence of polymer addition on the water absorption properties of the concrete matrix.

Soil water movement through swelling soils

Ekanayake, Jagath C. January 1990 (has links)
The present work is a contribution to description and understanding of the distribution and movement of water in swelling soils. In order to investigate the moisture distribution in swelling soils a detailed knowledge of volume change properties, flow characteristics and total potential of water in the soil is essential. Therefore, a possible volume change mechanism is first described by dividing the swelling soils into four categories and volume change of a swelling soil is measured under different overburden pressures. The measured and calculated (from volume change data) overburden potential components are used to check the validity of the derivation of a load factor, ∝. Moisture diffusivity in swelling soil under different overburden pressures is measured using Gardner's (1956) outflow method. Behaviour of equilibrium moisture profiles in swelling soils is theoretically explained, solving the differential equation by considering the physical variation of individual soil properties with moisture content and overburden pressure. Using the measured volume change data and moisture potentials under various overburden pressures, the behaviour of possible moisture profiles are described at equilibrium and under steady vertical flows in swelling soils. It is shown that high overburden pressures lead to soil water behaviour quite different from any previously reported.

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