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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vnitrodruhový hnízdní parazitismus: případová studie poláka velkého a vlaštovky obecné / Conspecific brood parasitism: a case study on the common pochard and the barn swallow

Petrželková, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
Presented thesis is mainly concerned with the conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) in birds. CBP is an alternative reproductive strategy when a parasitic female lay egg or eggs to other (host) female's nest of the same species. Then the parasitic female leaves the host's nest and does not provide any energetic investment in a subsequent parental care. Distinguish parasitic eggs or young is problematic because there are no obvious morphological differences. Thus, the use of molecular method is crucial for proper determination of CBP. CBP can be used as 'a best-of-bad-job' when female does not have her own nest or lost her nest for example through predation. Other option is that female can increase her fecundity ('fecundity enhancement' hypothesis) when she lay parasitic egg/eggs and care about her own clutch afterward. Two different model species were studied. The first one was a precocial diving duck - the common pochard (Aythya ferina; Anseriformes; Anatidae). Protein fingerprinting was used for detection of CBP and for distinguishing between eggs of individual females. It was found that the rate of CBP was relatively high in this species (91%, 72%; Chapter 1, 4). Further results indicated that the host clutch size decreased with the number of parasitic eggs in the clutch. The study of individual...

Molekulare Systematik und Evolution der Spezies der Familie Arthrodermataceae (Dermatophyten)

Gräser, Yvonne 03 April 2002 (has links)
Dermatophyten sind keratinophile Pilze, d.h. sie besiedeln und infizieren die Haut und ihre Anhangsgebilde (Haare, Nägel) bei Mensch und Tier. Die derzeit häufigsten durch Dermatophyten hervorgerufenen Infektionen sind die Onychomykose, Tinea pedis, Tinea capitis und Tinea corporis. Da Antimykotika nicht bei alle Erregern von Dermatophytosen gleich wirksam sind, sollte im Vordergrund einer Behandlung zunächst die korrekte Erregerdifferenzierung stehen. Konventionell erfolgt diese Differenzierung über morphologische Merkmale wie Form und Farbe der auf dem Nährmedium gewachsenen Pilzkolonie, charakteristische mikromorphologische Elemente (Konidien) und biochemische Eigenschaften. Diese Merkmale werden jedoch oftmals nicht exprimiert. Damit ist in diesen Fällen keine Speziesdiagnose möglich. Eine zuverlässige Diagnostik sollte zudem das natürliche Klassifizierungssystem direkt reflektieren. Die Studien zur molekularen Biodiversität innerhalb der Dermatophyten sollten deshalb zur Klärung evolutionärer, taxonomischer und populationsgenetischer Zusammenhänge bei den verschiedenen Spezies der Gattungen Arthroderma, Trichophyton, Microsporum und Epidermophyten beitragen und helfen, geeignete DNA-Marker für die Anwendung in der medizinischen Diagnostik zu finden und einzusetzen. Dazu wurden verschiedene Methoden und Zielsequenzen genutzt, wie die Sequezierung der internal transcribed spacer (ITS) Region der ribosomalen DNA, das PCR-Fingerprinting, single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) und amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)-Analyse. Es wurden weit über 200 Stämme, die bisher ca. 100 verschiedenen Taxa zuzuordnen waren, analysiert. Die molekularen Studien zeigen, dass die phylogenetisch ältesten Dermatophytenspezies geophil sind und sich die wärmeliebenden, zoophilen Arten erst später durch Koevolution mit warmblütigen Tieren entwickelt haben. Die anthropophilen scheinen dagegen erst mit Entstehung des Menschen evolviert und demzufolge am jüngsten zu sein. Damit kann man ihre geringe Biodiversität und ihr verändertes pathogenetisches Verhalten erklären. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die molekularen Phylogenie der Spezies besser mit ihrer Ökologie und dem Krankheitsbild als mit morphologischen Eigenschaften übereinstimmt und dass etliche Dermatophytenspezies überklassifiziert sind. Aus diesem Grunde wurde eine neue Systematik vorgeschlagen. Für den Nachweis des häufigsten Erreger, Trichophyton rubrum wurde eine Gensonde entwickelt, die in der medizinischen Diagnostik einsetzbar ist. / Dermatophytes are keratinophilic fungi which colonise and infect skin, hair and nails of man and animals. The most common infections caused by dermatophytes are onychomycosis, tinea pedis, tinea capitis and tinea corporis. Antimycotics may have different spectra of activity even in related dermatophyte species. Therefore a correct species identification is necessary before onset of antifungal therapy. Conventionally, the identification of dermatophytes is performed by the use of morphological features, such as shape and colour of the colony, micromorphological characteristics (conidia) and biochemical properties. However, these characters may not be expressed and then identification down to the species level is frequently impossible. Reliable diagnostics directly reflects the natural system. Studies of biodiversity in dermatophytes should therefore focus on elucidation of the connection of evolution, taxonomy and population genetics of the species of the genera Arthroderma, Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyten and thus contribute to development of stable DNA markers to be applied in routine diagnostics. Several methods and targets were applied such as sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of the ribosomal DNA, PCR fingerprinting, single strand conformation polymor phism (SSCP) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis. More than 200 strains belonging to about 100 dermatophyte taxa were analysed. Phylogenetically, the molecular data show the oldest dermatophyte species to be geophilic and subsequently co-evolved as zoophilic dermatophytes with warm blooded animals. In contrast, the anthropophilic dermatophytes are much younger as they evolved in association with humans. This hypothesis is supported by their low biodiversity and changing pathogenicity. The molecular data show correspondence between phylogeny of species and their ecology and clinical picture, rather than with morphological features. Many dermatophyte species were shown to be overclassified. A new systematic system was proposed. For the identification of Trichophyton rubrum, the most common dermatophyte species, an oligonucleotide probe was developed which is applicable in medical routine diagnostics.

Application de la spectrométrie de masse MALDI-TOF en microbiologie clinique

Seng, Piseth 09 July 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'appliquer la méthode d'identification bactérienne par spectrométrie de masse MALDI-TOF pour une utilisation en routine dans un laboratoire de microbiologie clinique. Dans un 1er temps et de manière prospective, nous avons évalué la performance et le coût-efficacité de l'identification bactérienne de routine par MALDI-TOF par rapport aux techniques conventionnelles d'identification phénotypique. Durant la période des 16 semaines d'étude, nous avons comparé la performance de la technique par MALDI-TOF aux techniques conventionnelles d'identification phénotypique comprenant la coloration de Gram, la galerie API ANA et le Vitek 2. En cas de résultats discordants entre ces deux techniques, l'identification était réalisée par biologie moléculaire. Nous avons montré que le MALDI-TOF est un moyen efficace et rentable pour l'identification des bactéries de routine. Le MALDI-TOF peut être utilisée en 1ère intention dans l'identification bactérienne avant l'ensemble de techniques phénotypiques. Dans un 2ème temps, nous avons évalué rétrospectivement la performance et le coût-efficacité de l'utilisation exclusive de MALDI-TOF en diagnostic bactériologique de routine en comparaison avec les techniques conventionnelles. En analysant les données des 11 dernières années, nous avons montré que le MALDI-TOF est efficace et tout à fait adaptée pour l'identification d'espèce bactérienne en routine. Nous avons également prouvé que MALDI-TOF est un outil puissant pour identifier les espèces bactériennes rarement impliquées dans les infections humaines. Cette technique pourrait être une alternative aux méthodes moléculaires dans le laboratoire clinique. / The objective of this thesis is to apply the method of bacterial identification by MALDI-TOF MS in daily practice in a routine clinical microbiological laboratory. Firstly, we prospectively evaluated the performance and the cost-effective of bacterial identification by MALDI-TOF in comparison with conventional phenotypic identification methods. During a 16-week study, we compared the performance of MALDI-TOF with conventional techniques of identification including Gram staining, API ANA identification strip and automated identification using the Vitek 2. The unmatched identifications between MALDI-TOF and conventional methods were resolved by molecular identification. In this study, we showed that MALDI-TOF was an effective tool and less expensive for the rapid identification of bacterial species in clinical microbiology laboratory. MALDI-TOF can be used in first intention for identification before Gram staining or other phenotypic identification techniques based on physicochemical properties of bacteria. Secondly, we retrospectively evaluated the performance and the cost-effectiveness of the exclusive use of MALDI-TOF in bacteriological diagnosis in comparison with conventional phenotypic identification. 11-year retrospective analysis of data showed that MALDI-TOF was efficient and completely adapted for the routine identification of bacterial species. We also showed that MALDI-TOF had capacity to identify bacterial species that were rarely involved in human diseases. This technique could be an alternative to molecular methods in the clinical laboratory.

Ovlivnění genetické diverzity rákosových porostů strukturou říčních systémů / Impact of river system structure on the genetic diversity of reed populations

Fuxová, Gabriela January 2011 (has links)
Many plant species are closely related to river biotopes or to biotopes influenced by rivers. River systems create important linear corridors in ecosystems and directly or non-directly influence spatial spread of species in these environments. This offer many questions about species spread in this system. We can answer these questions by using molecular methods. Using 10 microsatellite (SSRs) primers, 202 individuals of Phragmites australis from 60 populations were analysed. Those analyses allowed reveal kinship of individuals, obtain information about spatial spread of populations and about spreading of common reed. Phragmites australis creates both - monoclonal and polyclonal - populations. Dependence of rate of clonality on environment was revealed. Populations from river banks are more monoclonal, populations from pond shores are more polyclonal. Populations are isolated. The highest percentage of variability was explained on among-population level. This is common for anemochoric species. Communication between populations is present, more on shorter distances. Evidence for vegetative spread was found on short distance. Generative spread is much more common. Long-distance spreading is mediated by generative diaspores - seeds. This spreading includes within-river spread, among-river spread and spreading...

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