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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A mild, efficient and catalyst-free thermoreversible ligation system based on dithiooxalates

Pahnke, Kai, Haworth, Naomi L., Brandt, Josef, Richter, Christian, Schmidt, Friedrich G., Lederer, Albena, Paulmann, Uwe, Coote, Michelle L., Barner-Kowollik, Christopher 16 December 2019 (has links)
We demonstrate a novel and ready to prepare thermoreversible hetero Diels–Alder dilinker on the basis of dithiooxalates, enabling the mild, rapid and catalyst-free linkage of diverse diene species under ambient conditions for applications in the fields of, for example, modular ligation, self-healing or recyclable materials and surface modification amongst others. The linker was studied using quantum chemical calculations, and experimentally in small molecular reactions via UV/Vis spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and NMR as well as in step-growth polymerizations with diene-difunctional building blocks – characterized via (temperature dependent) SEC and HT NMR – as an example for efficient polymer ligation.

Hereditäre kolorektale Karzinome – Überlegung zu präventiven chirurgischen Maßnahmen

Pistorius, Steffen, Schackert, Hans K., Saeger, Hans-Detlev January 2001 (has links)
Hereditary Colorectal Carcinomas – Reflection on Preventive Surgery Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC) accounts for about 5% of all colorectal cancers and is the most frequent familial form; familial adenomatous polyposis coli accounts for about 1%. Prerequisitive for individually tailored surveillance is the identification of the pathogenic germline mutation. In classical FAP, surgical standard is a restorative proctocolectomy while in HNPCC there is no surgical standard other than standard oncological resection due to missing evidence. In HNPCC, prophylactic colectomy before the onset of the first colorectal cancer is not recommended. Main arguments for the extension of the resection in the case of the first colorectal carcinoma in HNPCC are the rate of metachronous colorectal carcinomas of 40–45% in a 10-year interval and rapid tumor progression. In HNPCC, in the case of first colon cancer a subtotal colectomy seems to be indicated. A proctocolectomy or, if indicated, a restorative proctocolectomy may be considered in the case of carcinomas in the lower rectum. These considerations should be evaluated in a prospective clinical trial. Counselling, molecular diagnosis and surgery in patients with hereditary colorectal cancers should only be performed in interdisciplinary centers. / Das «Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer» (HNPCC)-Syndrom bildet mit zirka 5% aller kolorektalen Karzinome die größte Gruppe der familiären Formen; die familiäre adenomatöse Polyposis coli (FAP) macht zirka 1% aus. Voraussetzung für die Indikationsstellung zu individuellen Vorsorgeprogrammen ist die Identifizierung der pathogenen Keimbahnmutation. Bei der klassischen FAP ist die Durchführung einer restaurativen Proktokolektomie die Therapie der Wahl, beim HNPCC-Syndrom gibt es aufgrund fehlender Daten klinischer Studien noch keinen Operationsstandard, der über eine Resektion entsprechend den onkologischen Resektionsprinzipien hinausgeht. Eine prophylaktische Kolektomie vor Manifestation eines kolorektalen Karzinoms bei HNPCC kann bei der gegenwärtigen Datenlage nicht empfohlen werden. Hauptargumente für die Erweiterung des Eingriffs bei manifestem kolorektalem Karzinom bei HNPCC-Patienten sind das Risiko metachroner kolorektaler Karzinome von 40–45% in einem Zeitraum von 10 Jahren und die rasche Tumorprogression. Bei Erstmanifestation eines Kolonkarzinoms erscheint die Durchführung einer subtotalen Kolektomie indiziert. Bei Erstmanifestation des Karzinoms im unteren Rektumdrittel ist die Durchführung einer Proktokolektomie bzw. unter entsprechenden onkologischen und funktionellen Voraussetzungen eine Kolektomie mit Proktomukosektomie und Ileum-Pouch zu erwägen. Die Evaluierung dieser Überlegungen sollte im Rahmen einer prospektiven klinischen Studie erfolgen. Die Beratung, molekulare Diagnostik und chirurgische Therapie von Patienten mit hereditären kolorektalen Karzinomen sollte zunächst nur entsprechenden interdisziplinären Zentren vorbehalten bleiben. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Morphology Control of Copolymer Thin Films by Nanoparticles

Shagolsem, Lenin Singh 11 December 2013 (has links)
Diblock-Copolymers (DBCs), created by covalently joining two chemically distinct polymer blocks, spontaneously form various nanoscale morphologies such as lamellae, cylinders, spheres, etc. due to the chemical incompatibility of its constituent blocks. This effect is called microphase separation in the literature. Because of this self-organizing property DBCs find applications in many areas e.g. in creating selective membranes, and in polymer based modern electronic devices like organic photovoltaics where the internal morphology plays an important role in determining the performance of the device. Many such modern devices are based on thin film technologies and uses copolymer nanocomposites as it exhibits advantageous electrical, optical, and mechanical properties. Also, DBC can direct the spatial distribution of nanoparticles (NPs) in the polymer matrix via microphase separation. Generally, two types of NPs are distinguished with respect to their monomer affinity: selective NPs which prefer one component of DBC, and non-selective NPs which interact equally with both components of DBC. In this work, using molecular dynamics simulations and analytical calculations, we explore the effect of adding both types of NP in the copolymer matrix considering a thin film (or confined) geometry. We consider a cylinder forming DBC melt confined by purely repulsive walls in slit geometry and study the behavior of the system upon adding non-selective NPs. Two models of non-selective interactions between the monomers and NPs are applied, i.e repulsive and weakly attractive interactions (athermal and thermal cases respectively). Spatial distribution of NPs in the copolymer matrix is sensitive to the NP-monomer interaction behavior. We focus on the thermal case and discuss, in particular, the following points: (1) role of diblock and polymer-wall interfaces, (2) spatial distribution of NPs, and (3) NP segregation and uptake behavior by the copolymer film. The uptake of NPs by the copolymer film in the thermal case displays a non-monotonic dependence on temperature which can be explained qualitatively using a mean-field model. In general, addition of non-selective NPs do not affect the copolymer morphology and the NPs are preferentially localized at the interface between microphase domains. Morphological transitions are observed when adding selective NPs to the copolymer matrix. By varying the amount of selective NPs and diblock composition we systematically explore the various structures formed by the nanocomposites under confinement and constructed the corresponding phase diagram in diblock composition and NP concentration. We also discuss the NP induced orientation transition of lamellar structure and study the stability of lamellar phases formed by the nanocomposites. To study the commensurability and wetting transition of horizontally oriented lamellar phase formed by the nanocomposites we have developed a mean field model based on the strong segregation theory. Our model predicts that it is possible to reduce the frustration in a film of fixed thickness by properly tuning the NP-monomer interaction strength. Furthermore, the model predicts a discontinuous transition between the non-wetted phase (where a dense NP layer is present in the polymer-substrate interface) and wetted phase (where the substrate is covered by polymers). Finally, we extend our study to non-equilibrium where we apply a shear flow field to copolymer thin films. Here, we study the flow behavior, lamellae deformation and change of pair-wise interaction energy, and macroscopic response like kinetic friction coefficient and viscosity of the copolymer thin film with and without NPs. / Lösungen von Diblock-Copolymeren (DBC), welche durch die kovalente Bindung zweier chemisch unterschiedlicher linearer Polymerblöcke entstehen, können spontan mikroskopische Strukturen ausbilden, welche je nach dem Grad der chemischen Kompatibiliät der Blöcke beispielsweise lamellen-, zylinder- oder kugelartige Formen zeigen. Dieses Phänomen wird meist als Mikrophasenseparation bezeichnet. Aufgrund dieser selbstorganisierenden Eigenschaft finden DBCs Anwendungen in vielen Bereichen der Forschung und der Industrie. Beispielsweise zur Erzeugung selektiver Membranen oder in moderner polymerbasierter Elektronik, wie organischen Solarzellen, wo die innere Struktur eine wichtige Rolle spielt um die Leistungsfähigkeit zu erhöhen. Viele moderne Geräte basieren auf der Technologie dünner Schichten und nutzen Copolymer-Nanokomposite um elektrische, optische oder mechanische Eigenschaften zu verbessern. In Folge der Mikrophasenseparation kann man mit Hilfe von DBC die räumliche Verteilung von Nanopartikeln (NP) in der Polymermatrix kontrollieren. Man unterscheidet im Allgemeinen zwischen zwei Arten von NP: selektive NP, welche eine der beiden Komponenten der DBC bevorzugen und nicht-selektive NP, welche mit beiden Komponenten gleichartig wechselwirken. In der vorliegenden Arbeit nutzen wir molekulardynamische Simulationen und analytische Rechnungen um den Eigenschaften zu studieren, welche eine Zugabe von selektiven und nicht-selektiven NP auf eine dünnschichtige Copolymermatrix hat. Wir betrachten eine zylinderformende Schmelze aus DBC, welche in einem dünnen Film, zwischen zwei harten Wänden eingeschränkt ist, und untersuchen das Verhalten des Systems unter Zugabe nicht-selektiver NP. Zwei Modelle nicht-selektiver Wechselwirkungen werden angenommen: ausschließlich repulsive (athermische) Wechselwirkungen und schwach anziehende (thermische) Wechselwirkungen. Die räumliche Verteilung der NP ist abhängig von dem jeweiligen Wechselwirkungsverhalten. Wir konzentrieren uns hierbei auf den thermischen Fall und diskutieren speziell folgende Schwerpunkte: (1.) die Rolle der sich ausbildenden Grenzschichten, (2.) die räumliche Verteilung der NP und (3.) die Abscheidung der NP, sowie die Aufnahmefähigkeit derselben durch die Polymermatrix. Im thermische Fall zeigt die Aufnahme der NP durch die Copolymerschicht eine nicht-monotone Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur, was mit Hilfe eines Mean-Field Modells erklärt werden kann. Die Zugabe nicht-selektiver NP hat keinen Einfluss auf die Struktur der Copolymermatrix und die NP werden vorzugsweise an der Grenzschicht der jeweiligen Mikrophasen gefunden. Im Gegensatz dazu kann man durch die Zugabe selektiver NP eine Strukturveränderung in der Copolymermatrix feststellen. Durch Veränderung der Menge der NP und der Zusammensetzung der DBC können wir systematisch unterschiedliche Strukturen des räumlich eingeschränkten Nanokomposits erzeugen und ein entsprechendes Phasendiagram bezüglich der NP Konzentration und der DBC Zusammensetzung erstellen. Wir untersuchen auch die durch NP induzierte Orientierung der Lamellenstruktur und analysieren ihre Stabilität. Um den sogenannten Kommensurabilitäts- und Benetzungsübergang in horizontal orientierten Lamellenstrukturen zu untersuchen haben wir ein Mean-Field Modell entwickelt, welches auf der Annahme der 'starken Segregation' basiert. Unser Modell macht die Vorhersage, dass es möglich ist die Frustration in einem Kompositfilm zu reduzieren, indem man die NP-Monomer-Wechselwirkung entsprechend anpasst. Zusätzlich sagt das Modell einen diskontinuierlichen Übergang zwischen der unbenetzten Phase (Ausbildung einer dichten NP Konzentration an der Polymer-Substrat Grenzschicht) und der benetzten Phase (das Substrat ist ausschließlich vom Polymerkomposit bedeckt) voraus. Abschließend weiten wir unsere Untersuchungen auf Nicht-Gleichgewichtszustände aus und induzieren durch Scherung der Substratwände einen Strömungprofil im Kompositfilm. Dabei analysieren wir das Strömungsverhalten, die Lamellendeformation und die Änderung der paarweisen Wechselwirkungsenergie. Wir untersuchen auch makroskopische Größen, wie den kinetischen Reibungskoeffizienten und die Viskosität, je in An- und Abwesenheit von Nanopartikeln.

Self-assembly and functionality of polymer bottle brushes on surfaces

Raguzin, Ivan 13 April 2015 (has links)
In the past decade there has been a growing interest in one-dimensional (1D) nanostructures, such as nanowires, nanotubes and nanorods, owing to their size-dependent optical and electronic properties and their potential application as building blocks, interconnects and functional components for assembling nanodevices. One of the ways to obtain such architectures is a template-directed synthesis which is practically a straightforward route to 1D nanostructures. In this approach, the template simply serves as a scaffold, within (or around) which a different material is generated in situ and shaped into a nanostructure with its morphology complementary to that of the template. It is generally accepted that template-directed synthesis provides a simple, high-throughput, and cost-effective procedure that also allows the complex topology present on the surface of a template to be duplicated in a single step. In the current work, utilization of the molecular bottle brushes as templates is proposed for the fabrication of conductive nanorods. Their non-spherical macromolecular geometries and lengths up to a few hundred nanometers allow the application of these structures in nanowire synthesis. The variety of molecular bottle brush architectures and their composition enables the adjustment of appropriate conditions for the preparation of conductive materials. Moreover, the ability of the brushes to assemble on a surface under certain conditions provides their usage as building blocks for the preparation of complex conductive networks. Here, the preparation, characterization, and applications of molecular bottle brushes are discussed. Two main goals were pursued. First, to deepen the knowledge in the synthesis of molecular bottle brushes, and to investigate their behavior on the surface. Second, to explore the application of the brushes as templates or building blocks for the formation of conductive nanowires. For the purpose, new ways of molecular brush synthesis by using the “grafting to” approach had to be developed. It was found that the reaction of nucleophilic addition based on pentofluorophenol chemistry and a coupling “click chemistry” reaction can be used to fabricate molecular brushes. Both methods showed efficient results and demonstrated high reactivity of the backbone with the end groups of the side chains. The “click chemistry” approach, however, demonstrated better results considering higher thicknesses of the brushes and, therefore, higher grafting density of the side chains. The “grafting to” together with the “grafting from” methods are very powerful synthetic tools, which can be used in the fabrication of any desired molecular bottle brush architectures. Additionally, complexation of oppositely charged bottle polymer brushes at a single-molecule level using AFM and CryoTEM was experimentally investigated. It was found that polyelectrolyte complexes have “scrambled-egg” morphology, where oppositely charged polymer chains are not oriented parallel to each other but cross each other. Furthermore, molecular bottle brushes were used as templates for the preparation of conductive nanowires. Three approaches for their fabrication were tested. It was found that brushes could easily be covered with various conductive materials, for example conductive polymers or metals. It was showed that for very small, tiny objects as molecular bottle brushes, one can use FIB in order to build up electrodes at its ends. The electrodes could be sputtered with an accuracy of 500 nm and further be used in the determination of the conductivity. The molecular bottle brushes covered with palladium showed the resistance of 50 MΩ, which, regarding the size of the brush, corresponds to a conductivity of one single molecule being ~1 S*cm-1. The obtained conductivity data were in good correlation with the data found in literature. We believe that the molecular bottle brushes have high potential applicability for the building of complex conductive networks. Future refinement of the synthetic methods, combined with improvements in structuring and positioning of objects at the nanoscale, could lead to their implementation in the construction of high-performance electronic devices.

Theoretical description of water splitting on TiO2 and combined Mo2C-graphene based materials

Rodríguez Hernández, Fermín 08 October 2017 (has links)
The electrocatalytic water decomposition has been investigated in this thesis by means of its two half standard reactions: the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). These reactions occur in different locations in a typical electrochemical cell: the anode and the cathode, respectively. Motivated by the lack of understanding about the reaction mechanisms occurring at the anodes and cathodes, we have proposed first: novel representations of typical TiO2 surfaces, based on small cluster systems, which can be used for a quick and more detailed assessment of the OER activities at modified TiO2 surfaces, and secondly we investigated the HER in two sets of model surfaces which represent recently synthesized materials, based on Mo2C and graphene with promising activities toward the HER. We have employed Density Functional Theory (DFT) based methods within both localized and extended basis sets, as implemented in GAMESS and VASP packages, respectively, to examine the structural, electronic and vibrational properties of the proposed models. We propose new reaction mechanisms for the OER on a number of molecular representations of TiO2 electrodes. For each reaction pathway, the free energy profile is computed, at different biases, from the DFT energies, the entropic and the zero-point energy contributions. The mechanisms explored in this thesis are found to be energetically more feasible than alternative reaction pathways considered in previous theoretical works based on molecular representations of the TiO2 surfaces. The representation of the surface of specific, commonly occurring, titanium dioxide crystals (e.g., rutile and anatase) within the small cluster approximation is able to reproduce qualitatively the rutile (110) outperforming of the anatase (001) surface. We subsequently investigate the influence of doping TiO2 surfaces with transition metals (TMs) on the performance of TiO2 -based electrodes for the water splitting electrochemical reaction. Two cluster models of the TM-doped active sites which resemble both the TiO2 anatase (001) and rutile (110) surfaces, respectively, are considered for the evaluation of the water decomposition reaction when a Ti is replaced by a TM atom. A set of TMs spanning from Vanadium to Nickel is considered. The late TMs explored here: Fe, Co and Ni are found to reproduce the observed experimental trends for the overpotentials in TiO2-doped electrodes. In the case of Cr and Mn, the present study predicts an enhancement of the OER activity for the anatase-like clusters while a reduction of this activity is found for the rutile-like ones. The vanadium-doped structures do not show relevant influence in the OER activity compared to pure TiO2-based cluster models. The last part of this work is devoted to the theoretical study of the HER on recently found materials based on the synergistic combination of molybdenum carbide and graphene layers. We propose two major structural models to describe the HER mechanism within the framework of DFT: Mo2C-based clusters adsorbed on carbon nanosheets and the Mo2C (001) surface covered by pure and nitrogen-doped graphene layers. The former system evaluates the influence of Mo2C nanoparticles adsorbed on carbon nanosheets towards the HER. The second one is employed to gain insight about the high HER activity observed in molybdenum carbide anchored on nitrogen-doped porous carbon nanosheets (Mo2C@2D-NPC), recently synthesized. The H-adsorption free energy has been used as a principal descriptor to asses the HER activity at the proposed model active sites. It resembles the value for the best state of the art catalyst for the HER (i.e., platinum at carbon substrate Pt@C) in some of the proposed structural models. Furthermore, a pH-correction is added within a simplified model, to the H-adsorption free energy barrier in every proposed structure. The pH dependence of the H-adsorption free energy barriers allows the assessment of the HER at acidic and alkaline conditions simultaneously. An overall agreement with experimental results is found and further predictions, promoting the development of better HER catalysts, have been done.

Spectroscopic Studies of the Interfaces Between Molecules and Ferromagnetic Substrates

Guo, Jing 14 December 2018 (has links)
Die große Vielfalt an organischen Komplexen, kombiniert mit der Möglichkeit, die chemische Reaktivität und den elektronischen Grundzustand unterschiedlicher Komplexe innerhalb derselben Molekülfamilie abzustimmen, machen solche Materialien für elektronische Anwendungen attraktiv. Auf Grund ihrer langen Spin-Lebensdauer sind Moleküle auch für Spintronik-Anwendungen sehr geeignet. In dieser Arbeit werden die Grenzflächen zwischen organischen Halbleitern und Metallen sowie zwei organischen Halbleitern durch spektroskopische Techniken untersucht. Das erste Kapitel beinhaltet eine allgemeine Einführung zu organischen Halbleitern und Eigenschaften von Grenzflächen. Im experimentellen Teil werden die untersuchten Moleküle und verwendeten Messmethoden detailliert vorgestellt. Der dritte Teil dieser Arbeit zeigt die Auswirkung verschiedener Substrate (Co und Ni) oder Molekülkombinationen (CoPc und FePc) auf die Wechselwirkungs- und Ladungsübertragungskanäle. In dem nachfolgenden Teil werden elektronische Zustände und Wechselwirkungen an Organik-Organik Grenzflächen am Beispiel von VOPc/F16CuPc und F16CoPc/rubren diskutiert. Der letzte Teil dieser Arbeit zeigt, wie die Eigenschaften der Substrate und die Modifikation der Moleküle die molekulare Orientierung beeinflussen können.

Magnetic Properties of Molecular and Nanoscale Magnets

Krupskaya, Yulia 18 August 2011 (has links)
The idea of miniaturizing devices down to the nanoscale where quantum ffeffects become relevant demands a detailed understanding of the interplay between classical and quantum properties. Therefore, characterization of newly produced nanoscale materials is a very important part of the research in this fifield. Studying structural and magnetic properties of nano- and molecular magnets and the interplay between these properties reveals new interesting effects and suggests ways to control and optimize the respective material. The main task of this thesis is investigating the magnetic properties of molecular magnetic clusters and magnetic nanoparticles recently synthesized by several collaborating groups. This thesis contains two main parts focusing on each of these two topics. In the first part the fundamental studies on novel metal-organic molecular complexes is presented. Several newly synthesized magnetic complexes were investigated by means of different experimental techniques, in particular, by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Chapter 1 in this part provides the theoretical background which is necessary for the interpretation of the effects observed in single molecular magnetic clusters. Chapter 2 introduces the experimental techniques applied in the studies. Chapter 3 contains the experimental results and their discussion. Firstly, the magnetic properties of two Ni-based complexes are presented. The complexes possess different ligand structures and arrangements of the Ni-ions in the metal cores. This difffference dramatically affffects the magnetic properties of the molecules such as the ground state and the magnetic anisotropy. Secondly, a detailed study of the Mn2Ni3 single molecular magnet is described. The complex has a bistable magnetic ground state with a high spin value of S = 7 and shows slow relaxation and quantum tunnelling of the magnetization. The third section concentrates on a Mn(III)-based single chain magnet showing ferromagnetic ordering of the Mn-spins and a strong magnetic anisotropy which leads to a hysteretic behavior of the magnetization. The last section describes a detailed study of the static and dynamic magnetic properties of three Mn-dimer molecular complexes by means of static magnetization, continuous wave and pulse electron spin resonance measurements. The results indicate a systematic dependence of the magnetic properties on the nearest ligands surrounding of the Mn ions. The second part of the thesis addresses magnetic properties of nano-scaled magnets such as carbon nanotubes fifilled with magnetic materials and carbon-coated magnetic nanoparticles. These studies are eventually aiming at the possible application of these particles as agents for magnetic hyperthermia. In this respect, their behavior in static and alternating magnetic fifields is investigated and discussed. Moreover, two possible hyperthermia applications of the studied magnetic nanoparticles are presented, which are the combination of a hyperthermia agents with an anticancer drug and the possibility to spatially localize the hyperthermia effffect by applying specially designed static magnetic fifields.

Mutational dynamics and phylogenetic utility of plastid introns and spacers in early branching eudicots

Barniske, Anna-Magdalena 16 December 2009 (has links)
Major progress has been made during the last twenty years towards a better understanding of the evolution of angiosperms. Early molecular-phylogenetic analyses revealed three major groups, with eudicots as well as monocots being monophyletic, arisen from a paraphyletic group of dicotyledonous angiosperms (= basal angiosperms). Consistently, numerous phylogenetic studies based on sequence data have recovered the eudicot-clade and increased confidence in its existence. Furthermore this clade, which contains about 75% of angiosperm species diversity, is characterized by the possession of tricolpate and tricolpate-derived pollen and has thus also been called the tricolpate clade. Based on molecular-phylogenetic investigations several lineages, such as Ranunculales, Proteales (= Proteaceae, Nelumbonaceae, Platanaceae), Sabiaceae, Buxaceae plus Didymelaceae, and Trochodendraceae plus Tetracentraceae were shown as belonging to a early-diverging grade (early-diverging or “basal” eudicots), while larger groups like asterids, Caryophyllales, rosids, Santalales, and Saxifragales were identified as being members of a highly supported core clade, the so called “core eudicots”. Nevertheless, phylogenetic relationships among several lineages of the eudicots remained difficult to resolve. This thesis is mainly concentrated on fully resolving the branching order among the different clades of the early-diverging eudicots as well as on clarifying phylogenetic and systematic conditions within several lineages, based on phylogenetic reconstructions using sequence data of rapidly-evolving and non-coding molecular regions, such as spacers and introns. Commonly, fast-evolving and non-coding DNA was used to infer relationships among species and genera, as practised in chapter 3, due to the assumption of being inapplicable caused by putative high levels of homoplasy through multiple substitutions and frequent microstructural changes resulting in non-alignability. However, during the last few years numerous molecular-phylogenetic studies were able to present well resolved angiosperm trees on the basis of rapidly-evolving and non-coding regions from the large single copy region of the chloroplast genome comparable to multi-gene analyses concerning topology and statistical support. Mutational dynamics in spacers and introns was revealed to follow complex patterns related to structural constraints like the introns secondary structure. Therefore extreme sequence variability was always confirmed to mutational hotspots that could be excluded from calculations. Moreover it became clear that combining these non-coding regions with the fast-evolving matK gene can lead to further resolved and statistical supported trees. Chapter 1 deals with the placement of Sabiales inside the early-diverging eudicot grade, while investigating mutational dynamics as well as the utility of different kinds of non-coding and rapidly-evolving DNA within deep-level phylogenetics. It was done by analyzing a combination of nine regions from the large single copy region of the chloroplast genome, including spacers, the sole group I intron, three group II introns and the coding matK for a sampling of 56 taxa. The presented topology is in mainly congruence with the hypothesis on phylogenetic relationships among early-branching eudicots that was gained through the application of a reduced set of five non-coding and fast-evolving molecular markers, including the plastid petD (petB-petD spacer, petD group II intron) plus the trnL-F (trnL group I intron, trnL-F spacer) region and the matK gene. It showed a grade of Ranunculales, Sabiales, Proteales, Trochodendrales and Buxales. The current study differs in showing Sabiales as sister to Proteales in all phylogenetic analyses, in contrast to a second-branching inside early-diverging eudicots and a Bayesian tree displaying Sabiales branching after Proteales. All three hypotheses were tested concerning their likelihood. None of them was shown as being significantly declinable. Thus, albeit the number of characters and informative sites was doubled in comparision to the five-region investigation, the exact position of the Sabiales remained to be resolved with confidence. However, the advanced analyses of the phylogenetic structure of the three different non-coding partitions in comparison to coding genes resulted in the recognition of a significantly higher mean phylogenetic signal per informative character within spacers and introns than in the frequently applied slowly-evolving rbcL gene. The fast-evolving and well performing matK gene is shown to be nested within the non-coding partitions in this respect. Interestingly, the least constrained spacers displayed considerably less phylogenetic structure than both, the group I intron and the group II introns. Molecular evolution is again shown to follow certain patterns in angiosperms, as indicated by the occurrence of mutational hotspots and their connection to structural and functional constraints. This is especially shown for the group II introns studied where highly dynamic sequence parts were rather found in loops than stems. The aim of chapter 2 was to present a comprehensive reconstruction of the phylogenetic relationships inside the order of Ranunculales, the first-branching clade of the early-diverging eudicots, with an emphasis on the evolution of growth forms within the group. Currently, the order comprises seven families (Ranunculaceae, Berberidaceae, Menispermaceae, Lardizabalaceae, Circaeasteraceae – not included due to lacking plant material, Eupteleaceae, Papaveraceae) containing predominantly herbaceous groups as well as trees and lianescent/shrubby forms. A surprising result that emerged due to the increased use of molecular data within systematics during the last twenty years is the inclusion of the woody Eupteleaceae into Ranunculales. Because of its adaptation to wind pollination it was previously placed next to Hamamelididea. Although phylogenetic hypotheses agreed in the exclusion of Eupteleaceae and the predominantly herbaceous Papaveraceae from a core clade the branching order within early-diverging Ranunculales remained a question to be answered. Thus phylogenetic reconstructions based on molecular data of 50 taxa (including outgroup), applying the well-performing non-coding petD and trnL-F as well as the trnK/matK-psbA region including the coding matK, were carried out. The comprehensive sampling resulted in fully resolved and highly supported phylogenies in both, maximum parsimony and model based approaches, with family relations within the core clade being identical and Euptelea appearing as first branching lineage. However, the relationships among the early-diverging Ranunculales could not be resolved with confidence, a result in line with the finding made in chapter 1. The topology was further resolved as Lardizabalaceae being sister to the remaining members of the order, followed by Menispermaceae, Berberidaceae and Ranunculaceae, the latter sharing a sistergroup relationship. Inside the mainly lianescent Lardizabalaceae the shrubby Decaisnea was clearly depicted as first-branching. The systematic controversial Glaucidium and Hydrastis are shown to be early-diverging members of the Ranunculaceae. A central goal of chapter 3 was to test phylogenetic relationships among the members of the ranunculaceous tribe Anemoneae. Currently it consists of the subtribes Anemoninae including Anemone, Hepatica, Pulsatilla and Knowltonia, and Clematidinae, consisting of Archiclematis, Clematis and Naravelia. Furthermore the position and taxonomic rank of several lineages inside the subtribe Anemoninae were examined. Since recent comprehensive molecular-phylogenetic investigations have been carried out for the members of Clematidinae or Anemoninae, 63 species representing all major lineages of the two subtribes were included into analyses. Calculations were carried out on the basis of molecular data of the nuclear ribosomal ITS1&2 and the plastid atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer region. Phylogenetic reconstructions resulted in the recognition of two distinct clades within the tribe, thus corroborating the formation of the two subtribes. Within the subtribe Anemoninae the traditional genera Knowltonia, Pulsatilla and Hepatica are confidently shown to be nested within the genus Anemone. The preliminary classification of the genus, currently consisting of the two subgenera Anemone and Anemonidium, is complemented by the subgenus Hepatica.

Magnetic properties of Mn, Ni and Fe based metal-organic complexes

Parameswaran, Anupama 03 March 2011 (has links)
This dissertation presents the investigation of magnetic exchange and anisotropy in novel metal-organic complexes containing minimum number of magnetic ions. Such complexes can serve as a model system to understand the exciting magnetic phenomena in such class of materials and also can put forward as candidates for the so called molecular nanomagnets. A direct assessment of the effective magnetic moment and the effective interaction between the metal ions in the complex can be done using magnetization measurements. Here the magnetization studies are performed as a function of temperature and field using a SQUID magnetometer. Yet another powerful tool to characterize and determine the spin levels, the ESR spectroscopic methods, has also been exploited. The study of the dynamical properties of this class of materials was relevant to understand the relaxation mechanism in the low temperatures. For this a new ac susceptometer has been built in house which was another main objective of this dissertation work. The design, fabrication, calibration and automation done on this device is presented in this thesis. The device has been tested using the known molecular magnet Mn12 acetate, and the antiferromagnet Dy2PdSi3. The present work is mainly focused on the magnetic properties of Mn, Ni and Fe based organometallic complexes. The studied Mn dimer with different acceptor and donor ligands exhibit the fine tuning of the electron density at the core of molecular complex by variation in ligands. This in turn shows that the change in peripheral ligands can control the magnetism of the molecule. The influence of the change in Ni-S-Ni bond angle in the magnetic exchange interaction is studied in a Ni(2) dimer and a Ni(2) trimer complex. The Ni dimer complex shows a ferromagnetic interaction (J = -42K) whereas trimer shows an antiferromagnetic interaction (J = 140K). Another Ni based complex bridged via phosphorous has been studied which shows the existence of glassy nature at low temperature. Also a polymeric chain compound based on Fe is studied and presented. All these phosphorous or sulphur bridged complexes are novel materials and these are the first data on these complexes.

Molekulare Analyse des probiotischen Stamms Escherichia coli Nissle 1917

Schmidt, Dorothea 15 May 2009 (has links)
Der probiotische Stamm E. coli Nissle 1917 ist ein Fäkalisolat, das in der Medizin traditionell zur Behandlung verschiedener gastrointestinaler Erkrankungen eingesetzt wird. Durch erfolgversprechende klinische Studien zur Remissionserhaltung bei Colitis ulcerosa, bei denen EcN als therapeutische Alternative zur Standardmedikation eingesetzt wird, ist das Interesse an den Wirkmechanismen von Probiotika stark gestiegen. EcN gehört derzeit zu den am besten untersuchten Probiotika. Einige Wirkmechanismen konnten dadurch schon aufgeklärt werden. So sind vermutlich Strukturkomponenten und stammspezifische Syntheseleistungen an der Ausprägung des probiotischen Phänotyps von EcN beteiligt. Schlüssige Konzepte, die über Gene, Genprodukte und molekulare Mechanismen den probiotischen Effekt von EcN erklären, fehlen bislang. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird das Genom von EcN analysiert und auf der Basis der Genomsequenz mit anderen E. coli-Stämmen verglichen. Mit Hilfe einer Promotor-Reporter-Fusionsbibliothek (Promotorbank) werden intestinal in vivo regulierte Gene identifiziert und dadurch neue Ansätze zur Untersuchung der probiotischen Eigenschaften von EcN geschaffen. Die Grundlage für die molekulare Analyse von EcN ist die manuelle Nachannotation seines sequenzierten Genoms. Die EcN-Sequenz wird mit 13 weiteren annotierten E. coli-Sequenzen verglichen. Nach dieser Analyse kodiert EcN derzeit 121 stammspezifische Gene. Die Genomstruktur ist mit den enthaltenen genomischen Inseln und Prophagen dem Genom des uropathogenen E. coli CFT073 sehr ähnlich. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen kodiert EcN alle in E. coli CFT073 vorhandenen Virulenz- und Fitnessfaktoren, so dass auf der Nukleotidebene die nahe Verwandschaft dieser beiden Stämme bestätigt werden kann. Zudem kann gezeigt werden, dass EcN in artifiziellen Systemen wie der Zellkultur oder gnotobiotischen Mäusen ein pathogenes Potenzial hat, obgleich die Kolonisierungsfähigkeit pathogener Bakterien durch Inkubation mit EcN herabgesetzt wird. Eine wichtige Rolle bei der Besiedlung des Intestinaltrakts und der Immunstimulation von Darmepithelzellen spielt auch die globale Regulation der Genaktivität bei EcN durch den alternativen Sigma-Faktor RpoS, der im Gegensatz zu rpoS-Deletionsmutanten zu einer gesteigerten mRNA-Expression des Tight-junction Proteins ZO-1 führt. Des Weiteren führte die Untersuchung von EcN-Deletionsmutanten zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass einige genomische Inseln für Eigenschaften, die das probiotische Verhalten erklären können, eine Rolle spielen. Durch den Einsatz einer Promotorbank von EcN in konventionellen und gnotobiotischen Mäusen werden erstmalig Sequenzen von intestinal in vivo aktiven Promotoren identifiziert. Der Aufbau eines Promotor-Reportergen-Assays mit dem Biolumineszenz erzeugenden luxCDABE-Operon ermöglichte die Untersuchung ausgewählter Promotoren in vitro. Mit einem In Vivo Imaging System (IVIS) kann in weiteren Experimenten die Aktivität dieser Promotoren in lebenden Mäusen untersucht werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass EcN kein vollkommen harmloser probiotischer Stamm ist. Weitere Informationen über EcN sind dehalb wichtig für eine optimierte Anwendung als Therapeutikum. Die molekulare Analyse ist somit eine unbedingt notwendige Grundlage für weiterführende Untersuchungen der Eigenschaften von EcN, die für seinen probiotischen Charakter verantwortlich sind. / The probiotic E. coli Nissle 1917 is a fecal isolate which is traditionally used for treatment of various gastrointestinal disorders. In clinical trials where EcN was used as therapeutic alternative for remission maintenance of ulcerative colitis compared to standard medication, promising results led to an increased interest in probiotics. Today, EcN is one of the best studied probiotics. Therefore, several mechanisms of action could be enlightened. Structural components and strain-specific products are responsible for its probiotic effects. But conclusive concepts about genes, gene products and molecular mechanisms that really contribute to the probiotic character of EcN have not been offered so far. In order to create new possibilities to elucidate the probiotic traits of EcN the genome is analysed by taking this as a basis for comparison to other E. coli genomes and identification of intestinal in vivo regulated genes using a promoter-trap-library. The sequenced EcN genome is annotated and compared to 13 other so far annotated E. coli genomes. Concerning these analyses EcN encodes 121 strain-specific genes. The genome structure including the genomic islands and prophages is highly homolog to the uropathogenic E. coli CFT073. EcN encodes most of the virulence and fitness factors that are present in E. coli CFT073. Therefore, the close relationship of these two strains is confirmed at nucleotide level. Furthermore, it is shown that in artificial systems like cell culture assays and gnotobiotic mice EcN reveals a pathogenic potential although EcN is able to decrease colonization efficiency of pathogenic bacteria. The alternative sigma factor RpoS that is responsible for global regulation and activity of several genes seems to play an important role during colonization of EcN in the intestine and its immunostimulatory effects on intestinal epithelial cells. Investigation of EcN-deletion mutants lacking genomic islands and prophages lead to the conclusion that some genomic islands may play a role for specific probiotic traits. This is the first time where a promoter-trap-library was used in conventional and gnotobiotic mice for collection of intestinal in vivo active promoters. Constructing and establishing a promoter-reporter gene assay with the bioluminescent luxCDABE operon made the investigation of selected promoters in vitro possible as well as establishing a bioluminescence assay using an In Vivo Imaging System (IVIS) for investigation of promoter activity in living mice. In this research project was shown that EcN is not a completely harmless probiotic. The genome structure and regulatory mechanisms of gene expression are the strain’s molecular traits that lead to probiotic activity and immunostimulatory effects. Therefore, the molecular analyses presented here, together with the complete genome sequence, are a basis for further investigations of mechanisms that are responsible for the probiotic effects of EcN.

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