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Paired pulse basis functions and triangular patch modeling for the method of moments calculation of electromagnetic scattering from three-dimensional, arbitrarily-shaped bodiesMackenzie, Anne I., Rao, S. M. January 2008 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Auburn University,2008. / Abstract. Vita. Includes bibliographic references (p.83-85).
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Generalized method of moments exponential distribution familyLai, Yanzhao. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of North Carolina Wilmington, 2009. / Title from PDF title page (February 17, 2010) Includes bibliographical references
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Solute Transport Across Scales : Time Series Analyses of Water Quality Responses to Quantify Retention and Attenuation Mechanisms in WatershedsRiml, Joakim January 2014 (has links)
The intra-continental movement of waterborne contaminants is governed by the distribution of solute load in the landscape along with the characteristics and distribution of the hydrological pathways that transport the solutes. An understanding of the processes affecting the transport and fate of the contaminants is crucial for assessments of solute concentrations and their environmental effect on downstream recipients. Elevated concentration of nutrients and the presence of anthropogenic substances, such as pharmaceutical residues, are two examples of the current problems related to hydrological transport. The overall objective of this thesis is to increase the mechanistic understanding of the governing hydrological transport processes and their links to geomorphological and biogeochemical retention and attenuation processes. Specifically, this study aims to quantify the processes governing the transport and fate of waterborne contaminants on the point, stream reach, and watershed scales by evaluating time series obtained from stream tracer tests and water quality monitoring data. The process quantification was achieved by deriving formal expressions for the key transport characteristics, such as the central temporal moments of a unit solute response function and the spectral scaling function for time series of solute responses, which attributes the solute response in the Laplace and Fourier domains to the governing processes and spatial regions within the watershed. The results demonstrate that in addition to the hydrological and biogeochemical processes, the distribution of the load in the landscape and the geomorphological properties in terms of the distribution of transport pathway distances have defined effects on the solute response. Furthermore, the spatial variability between and along the transport pathways significantly affect the solute response. The results indicate that environments with high retention and attenuation intensity, such as stream-reaches with pronounced hyporheic zones, may often dominate the solute flux in the watershed effluent, especially for reactive solutes. The mechanistic-based framework along with the evaluation methodologies presented within this study describes how the results can be generalized in terms of model parameters that reflect the hydrology, geomorphology and biogeochemistry in the studied area. This procedure is demonstrated by the parameterization of a compartment-in-series model for phosphorous transport. / <p>QC 20140826</p>
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Large eddy simulation of TiO₂ nanoparticle evolution in turbulent flamesSung, Yonduck 03 February 2012 (has links)
Flame based synthesis is a major manufacturing process of commercially valuable nanoparticles for large-scale production. However, this important industrial process has been advanced mostly by trial-and-error based evolutionary studies owing to the fact that it involves tightly coupled multiphysics flow phenomena. For large scale synthesis of nanoparticles, different physical and chemical processes exist, including turbulence, fuel combustion, precursor oxidation, and nanoparticle dynamics exist. A reliable and predictive computational model based on fundamental physics and chemistry can provide tremendous insight. Development of such comprehensive computational models faces challenges as they must provide accurate descriptions not only of the individual physical processes but also of the strongly coupled, nonlinear interactions among them.
In this work, a multiscale computational model for flame synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles in a turbulent flame reactor is presented. The model is based on the large-eddy simulation (LES) methodology and incorporates detailed gas phase combustion and precursor oxidation chemistry as well as a comprehensive nanoparticle evolution model. A flamelet-based model is used to model turbulence-chemistry interactions. In particular, the transformation of TiCl4 to the solid primary nucleating TiO2 nanoparticles is represented us- ing an unsteady kinetic model considering 30 species and 70 reactions in order to accurately describe the critical nanoparticle nucleation process. The evolution of the TiO2 number density function is tracked using the quadrature method of moments (QMOM) for univariate particle number density function and conditional quadrature method of moments (CQMOM) for bivariate density distribution function. For validation purposes, the detailed computational model is compared against experimental data obtained from a canonical flame- based titania synthesis configuration, and reasonable agreement is obtained. / text
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Contributions to High–Dimensional Analysis under Kolmogorov ConditionPielaszkiewicz, Jolanta Maria January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is about high–dimensional problems considered under the so{called Kolmogorov condition. Hence, we consider research questions related to random matrices with p rows (corresponding to the parameters) and n columns (corresponding to the sample size), where p > n, assuming that the ratio <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csmall%5Cfrac%7Bp%7D%7Bn%7D" /> converges when the number of parameters and the sample size increase. We focus on the eigenvalue distribution of the considered matrices, since it is a well–known information–carrying object. The spectral distribution with compact support is fully characterized by its moments, i.e., by the normalized expectation of the trace of powers of the matrices. Moreover, such an expectation can be seen as a free moment in the non–commutative space of random matrices of size p x p equipped with the functional <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csmall%20%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bp%7DE%5BTr%5C%7B%5Ccdot%5C%7D%5D" />. Here, the connections with free probability theory arise. In the relation to that eld we investigate the closed form of the asymptotic spectral distribution for the sum of the quadratic forms. Moreover, we put a free cumulant–moment relation formula that is based on the summation over partitions of the number. This formula is an alternative to the free cumulant{moment relation given through non{crossing partitions ofthe set. Furthermore, we investigate the normalized <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csmall%20E%5B%5Cprod_%7Bi=1%7D%5Ek%20Tr%5C%7BW%5E%7Bm_i%7D%5C%7D%5D" /> and derive, using the dierentiation with respect to some symmetric matrix, a recursive formula for that expectation. That allows us to re–establish moments of the Marcenko–Pastur distribution, and hence the recursive relation for the Catalan numbers. In this thesis we also prove that the <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csmall%20%5Cprod_%7Bi=1%7D%5Ek%20Tr%5C%7BW%5E%7Bm_i%7D%5C%7D" />, where <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csmall%20W%5Csim%5Cmathcal%7BW%7D_p(I_p,n)" />, is a consistent estimator of the <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csmall%20E%5B%5Cprod_%7Bi=1%7D%5Ek%20Tr%5C%7BW%5E%7Bm_i%7D%5C%7D%5D" />. We consider <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csmall%20Y_t=%5Csqrt%7Bnp%7D%5Cbig(%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bp%7DTr%5Cbig%5C%7B%5Cbig(%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bn%7DW%5Cbig)%5Et%5Cbig%5C%7D-m%5E%7B(t)%7D_1%20(n,p)%5Cbig)," />, where <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csmall%20m%5E%7B(t)%7D_1%20(n,p)=E%5Cbig%5B%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bp%7DTr%5Cbig%5C%7B%5Cbig(%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bn%7DW%5Cbig)%5Et%5Cbig%5C%7D%5Cbig%5D" />, which is proven to be normally distributed. Moreover, we propose, based on these random variables, a test for the identity of the covariance matrix using a goodness{of{t approach. The test performs very well regarding the power of the test compared to some presented alternatives for both the high–dimensional data (p > n) and the multivariate data (p ≤ n).
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Novel and Efficient Numerical Analysis of Packaging Interconnects in Layered MediaZhu, Zhaohui January 2005 (has links)
Technology trends toward lower power, higher speed and higher density devices have pushed the package performance to its limits. The high frequency effects e.g., crosstalk and signal distortion, may cause high bit error rates or malfunctioning of the circuit. Therefore, the successful release of a new product requires constant attention to the high frequency effects through the whole design process. Full-wave electromagnetic tools must be used for this purpose. Unfortunately, currently available full-wave tools require excessive computational resources to simulate large-scale interconnect structures.A prototype version of the Full-Wave Layered-Interconnect Simulator (UA-FWLIS), which employs the Method of Moments (MoM) technique, was developed in response to this design need. Instead of using standard numerical integration techniques, the MoM reaction elements were analytically evaluated, thereby greatly improving the computational efficiency of the simulator. However, the expansion and testing functions that are employed in the prototype simulator involve filamentary functions across the wire. Thus, many problems cannot be handled correctly. Therefore, a fundamental extension is made in this dissertation to incorporate rectangular-based, finite-width expansion and testing functions into the simulator. The critical mathematical issues and theoretical issues that were met during the extension are straightened out. The breakthroughs that were accomplished in this dissertation lay the foundation for future extensions. A new bend-cell expansion function is also introduced, thus allowing the simulator to handle bends on the interconnects with fewer unknowns. In addition, the Incomplete Lipschitz-Hankel integrals, which are used in the analytical solution, are studied. Two new series expansions were also developed to improve the computational efficiency and accuracy.
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Makt och förändring / Critical moments from a power perspectiveLundberg, David, Petersson, Magnus January 2005 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förändringar kan ses som ett naturligt inslag i dagens samhälle. Vi argumenterar för att organisationer verkar i en föränderlig miljö och studerar vilka effekter en extern alternativt intern påverkan får på en organisation i förändring. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att identifiera kritiska moment som har varit avgörande för organisationers förändringsarbete samt bidra med ytterligare kunskap om förändringsprocesser genom att studera det kritiska momentet och dess effekter ur ett Foucaultianskt maktperspektiv. Genomförande: Empirisk data har samlats in genom intervjuer genomförda på Posten, Utrikesdepartementet och Systembolaget Resultat: Organisationen stannar upp och reflekterar gällande det framtida förändringsarbetet i samband med ett kritiskt moment. Kritiska momentet ger en dynamik som medför mindre förändringar än vad som ursprungligen planerats. Effekterna av det kritiska momentet styrs av det nät av maktrelationer som finns i organisationen. Det kritiska momentet skapar nya strategier som i sin tur förändrar maktrelationerna. Det nät av maktrelationer som existerar i organisationen expanderar, i form av kunskap, i och med det kritiska momentet. / Background: Changes are natural in the society. We argue that organizations of today practice in a turbulent environment that changes every day. Furthermore we are studying which effects a internal or external effect will have on a organization in change. Purpose: The purpose with the thesis are to identify critical moments that has been important for companies that goes through organizational changes. We also contribute with knowledge around the process of change through the study of the critical moment from an Foucaultian perspective. Research method: An empirical study has been performed based on interviews with employees at Posten, Utrikesdepartementet and Systembolaget. Results: Organizations freeze and reflects regarding the coming process of change when they reach a critical moment. Critical moments brings a dynamic that leads to less changes then originally planned. The effects of the critical moment is controlled by the net of power relations that exists in the organization. The critical moment creates new strategies that changes the power relations. The power relations net that exists in the organization expands through knowledge with the critical moment.
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Significance of transport dynamics on concentration statistics and expected mass fraction based risk assessment in the subsurfaceSrzic, Veljko January 2013 (has links)
This thesis relies on a Langrangian framework used for conservative tracer transport simulations through 2-D heterogeneous porous media. Conducted numerical simulations enable large sets of concentration values in both spatial and temporal domains. In addition to the advection, which acts on all scales, an additional mechanism considered is local scale dispersion (LSD), accounting for both mechanical dispersion and molecular diffusion. The ratio between these two mechanisms is quantified by the Peclet (Pe) number. In its base, the thesis gives answers to contaminant concentration features when influenced by: i) different log-conductivity variance; ii) log-conductivity structures defined by the same global variogram but with different log conductivity patterns cor-related; and iii) for a wide range of Peclet values. Results conducted by Monte Carlo (MC) analysis show a complex interplay between the aforementioned pa-rameters, indicating the influence of aquifer properties to temporal LSD evolu-tion. A stochastic characterization of the concentration scalar is done through moment analysis: mean, coefficient of variation (CVC), skewness and kurtosis as well as through the concentration probability density function (PDF). A re-markable collapse of higher order to second-order concentration moments leads to the conclusion that only two concentration moments are required for an accurate description of concentration fluctuations. This explicitly holds for the pure advection case, while in the case of LSD presence the Moment Deriv-ing Function (MDF) is involved to ensure the moment collapse validity. Fur-thermore, the expected mass fraction (EMF) concept is applied in groundwater transport. In its origin, EMF is function of the concentration but with lower number of realizations needed for its determination, compared to the one point PDF. From practical point of view, EMF excludes meandering effect and incorporates information about exposure time for each non-zero concentration value present. Also, it is shown that EMF is able to clearly reflect the effects of aquifer heterogeneity and structure as well as the Pe value. To demonstrate the uniqueness of the moment collapse feature and ability of the Beta distribution to account for the concentration frequencies even in real cases, Macrodisper-sion Experiment (MADE1) data sets are used. / <p>QC 20131104</p>
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Priklausomų normaliųjų dydžių ekstremumų momentai / Moments of extremes of normally distributed valuesBurauskaitė, Agnė 09 June 2005 (has links)
Gaussian distribution is the most applied in practice and because of that reason there is a great amount of studies done in this area. In this report we look at Gaussian distribution from a point of view of extreme value theory. More concretely, moments of maximum of normally distributed values are discussed.
There are methods to calculate moments of extremes of independent identically distributed normal values, values with different variances and asymptotical results.
In this work a case of dependant variables is analyzed and aim is to look for results in similar cases that is done for independent variables. Continuing Bachelor’s work formula for moment calculation of maximum of two dependent normal variables with all different parameters is presented. Also there is a proof of formula for calculation of odd order moments of three dependent variable maximum. This result is generalized for random variable vectors of any length. There is a theorem stated, according to which moments of length n vector maximum could be expressed by same order moments of shorter vectors. Unfortunately, because of requirements for numbers n and m, no recursion method could be applied.
Using computer, maximum of various length random vectors with dependent components is simulated and average is analyzed. In experiments relation between mean values of dependent and independent variable maximums is observed. This relation is stated in a form of a formula and proved for vectors of any length. In this... [to full text]
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An Empirical Study of the Causes and Consequences of Mergers in the Canadian Cable Television IndustryBYRNE, DAVID P R 13 December 2010 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays that study mergers and consolidation in the Canadian cable television industry. The first essay provides a historical overview of regulatory and technical change in the industry, and presents the dataset that I constructed for this study. The basic pattern of interest in the data is regional consolidation, where dominant cable companies grow over time by acquiring the cablesystems of small cable operators. I perform a reduced-form empirical analysis that formally studies the determinants of mergers, and the effect that acquisitions have on cable bundles offered to consumers. The remaining essays develop and estimate structural econometric models to further study the determinants and welfare consequences of mergers in the industry. The second essay estimates an empirical analogue of the Farrell and Scotchmer (1988) coalition- formation game. I use the estimated model to measure the equilibrium impact that economies of scale and agglomeration has on firms’ acquisition incentives. I also study the impact entry and merger subsidies have on consolidation and long-run market structure. The final chapter estimates a variant of the Rochet and Stole (2002) model of multi-product monopoly with endogenous quality and prices. Using the estimated model I compute the impact mergers have on welfare. I find that both consumer and producer surplus rise with acquisitions. I also show that accounting for changes both in prices and products (i.e., cable bundle quality) is important for measuring the welfare impact of mergers. / Thesis (Ph.D, Economics) -- Queen's University, 2010-12-09 14:39:15.431
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