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Analýza a řešení střetů rekreace a ochrany přírody v CHKO Moravský krasMazalová, Šárka January 2014 (has links)
Šárka Mazalová: Analysis and resolution of conflicts between recreation and conservation in Moravian Karst PLA This thesis is focused on the analysis of the impacts of recreation and tourism on conservation in Moravian Karts PLA and description of the major conflicts. The first part is a literature review related the general definition recreation, tourism and approach to the assessment of recreation conflicts are defined too. Another part is devoted to a description of the specific study area, including identification of priorities for recreation and tourism and significant phenomena of nature conservation. The thesis describes the largest leisure activities and their impact on nature conservation. The practical part of the work reported major conflicts between recreation and nature conservation with respect to the load space due to high number of visitors.
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Diverzita a bioindikační využití střevlíkovitých a drabčíkovitých (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Staphylinidae) na antropogenně různě ovlivněných travnatých biotopech Moravského krasuKlašková, Jana January 2005 (has links)
Angl. resumé
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Sledování jakosti vod v CHKO Moravský krasŠlofová, Hana January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Pastva ovcí v Moravském krasuHandlová, Soňa January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Cestovní ruch a rekreační potenciál jako faktor regionálního rozvoje v Moravském krasuDostálová, Darina January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Vzdělávací a výchovná funkce CHKO Moravský krasRačanová, Dana January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Uplatnění tisu obecného (Taxus baccata L.) v lesníh porostech na území CHKO Moravský KrasTrněný, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
Thema of the thesis is to analyse actual state and predict future application of english yew (Taxus baccata L.) in forest sites at chosen parts of PLA Moravský kras. Structure of parent stand and natural regeneration is analyzed on locations of interest Habrůvecká tůň, Lažánky, Sloup and Macocha. There was measured height, dbh, height of the crown, projection of the crown and space situations were drawned for mature individuals. In case of natural regeneration every individual was measured for height, distance from assumed parent tree, age and damage by game. At locations of interest were analysed 82 mature individuals. Height ranges from 1,7 to 13,4 m and dbh ranges from 4,1 to 33,7 cm. Natural regeneration containing 260 individuals was found near 35 mature yews and 58% was younger than 5 years. Damage by browsing was observed at 51 individuals, respectively 19,6 % of population. Mostly, trees older than 5 years are damaged. Damage is often repetitive. Only two individuals from natural regeneration are higher than 1m. From research is apparent negative influence of game on natural regeneration. Future of yew population in PLA Moravský Kras is conditioned to elimination of negative influence of game, which can be achieved by lowering numbers of game or suitable protection of trees.
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Analýza chráněné krajinné oblasti Moravský kras jako významné přírodní atraktivity České republikySvobodová, Hana January 2006 (has links)
Charakteristika území Moravského krasu. Zpřístupněné jeskyně, propast Macocha. Historické, kulturní, církevní a technické památky. Materiláně technická základna Moravského krasu. Ochrana životního prostředí a speleoterapie. Průzkum povědomosti občanů ČR o CHKO Moravský kras. Swot analýza Moravského krasu
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Návrh naučné stezky v území obce Ostrov u MacochyVečeřa, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses recreation, relaxation and spending of free time in CHKO Moravsky kras, particularly in the Ostrov u Macochy community. In the area of the community there are many natural attractions, significant architectural objects and interesting tourist attractions. On the basis of field surveys of the territory and sociological surveys a 8,3 km long nature trail was designed on which 11 information boards are situated. The method of marking the trail, layout of the individual information panels, supporting infrastructure and possible sources of funding is addressed in the thesis. The nature trail was designed in compliance with the interest of the community, nature conservation bodies but also the users. All the materials and proposals can be used as the basis for implementation of the nature trail or structure serving for recreation in the community.
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Význam ohrožených druhů rostlin lesních biotopů ŠLP Křtiny pro místní komunityTáborská, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
My thesis deals with some endangered species in the Training Forest Enterprise Křtiny and Moravian Karst, design certification of local forest nurseries logo regional product for sale, and also the importance for the local community. The work is focused on identifying endangered species of Training Forest Enterprise Křtiny, which are grown by the locals on their land in selected communities. Study deals with legislative restrictions in the management of endangered plant species. It explains the concept of the term "non-wood forest products", and its relevance to the forestry and biodiversity. In the work described conducted a field survey in which was collected seeds of selected endangered in the Moravian Karst for school forest enterprise Křtiny. Seeds were sown in a cold frame of Botanical garden and arboretum of Mendel University in Brno and made them germination tests. The last section describes the idea of certifing some forest nursery in the area of the Moravian Karst, giving the logo "MORAVSKÝ KRAS regional product." This tree nursery could selected endangered species grown and sold in order to increase the number of these plants in nature and the preservation of biodiversity.
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