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Zhodnocení exteriéru plemene moravský teplokrevníkBrabcová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with the evaluation exterior of Moravian warm-blooded horse breed. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of statistical five selected effects (year of birth, sex, breed, breeder district headquarters, district headquarters of the owner) for five of the variables, which were points of evaluation "ZZUV" a basic body dimensions measured on the breed MT. The research began by defining comparable basis in the breadth of breeding individuals born between 1980 -- 2009 and registered to 1. 1. 2014 PK MT. It was about 200 breeding mares and 24 stallions. This was followed by the collection of necessary data using Microsoft Excel 2010. This was specifically about gender, year of birth, belonging to the breed, the number of points obtained in "ZZUV" values of body measurements, "PG" %, the highest performance achieved offspring of horses and monitored their color. This data were compiled statistical program continues Unistat 5.1 for Excel using the general linear model with fixed variables (GLM) and statistically significantly affected variables were forwarded to the multiple comparison method of Scheffe effects. All data were then divided into groups and compiled in tables and graphs. They represent the fair value and the percentage achievement on the one hand the whole population, but also compared gender stallions and mares.
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Zjišťování druhového a početního zastoupení střevlíkovitých (Carabidae, Coleoptera) v přírodní rezervaci Mokřad pod TipečkemHálová, Helena January 2014 (has links)
In 2013, a faunistic research of the Carabidae tribe was carried out in the nature reserve of Mokřad pod Tipečkem (Wetland under Tipeček). The object of the nature reserve protection are waterlogged meadows and plant and animal societies typical for this environment. 12 ground traps were placed in the locality in four different areas (always on a mowed post, an unmowed one, the edge of a wood and the edge of a meadow with a wetland). Altogether, there were 34 species recorded with the total number of 328 individuals, among which there are two signifiant species, Leistus rufomarginatus with 3 individuals and Limodromus krynickii (2 individuals). Limodromus krynickii is recorded on the Red list of endangered species in the Czech Republic. In the above mantioned lokality, the most numerous species recorded were Pterostichus nigrita, Pterostichus niger, Abax parallelepipedus and Abax parallelus. Majority of the detected species are adaptace, prefering damp and umbral environment. The outcomes show that the area on the edge of a wood (area 3) is the most multifarious as to species and the number of individuals. On the other hand, areas 1 and 2 are not so multifarious.
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Identifikace potenciálu kulturních a kreativních odvětví pro posílení konkurenceschopnosti regionuHolomková, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The purpose is to identify the potential for the development of a creative economy in the territory of the Local Action Group Moravian Karst, located here especially due to close proximity to Brno and localization of unique natural and cultural heritage. Identifying potential is performed using the method of composite indicator, which links together disparate indicators of openness of the environment, advancement of the region and institutional backing. The result is the order of observed municipalities, ranked by degree of creative potential. Based on these findings the work proposed a set of recommendations Creativity 2021. The fulfillment of the steps indicated in the ideal case will lead to further work with creative potential and to strengthen the competitiveness of the selected region.
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Znečištění vnášené do CHKO Moravský kras povrchovými toky / Pollution entering the Moravian Karst via surface streamsVaculíková, Klára January 2020 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis deals with the water pollution entering the Protected Landscape Area Moravian Karst via surface streams. In order to quantify the extent of the pollution surface streams entering the Moravian Karst were selected. A survey of a region of interest was done. Actual volume flow rate, measurements of physicochemical parameters, water samplings, laboratory analyses of samples were done monthly from April to November 2019. Conductivity, pH, temperature, oxidation-reduction potential, concentration of dissolved oxygen, and oxygen saturation were measured in situ. Afterwards, COD, BOD, phosphate, total phosphorus, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and Kjeldahl nitrogen were determined in the laboratory. Organic nitrogen and total nitrogen were also calculated. The results were evaluated with a respect of Government Decree No. 401/2015 Coll. Material flows were calculated for selected parameters and used as other criterion that evaluate the water pollution of monitoring surface streams. Areas out of the PLA needing an enhanced protection of watercourses were proposed based on quantified pollution. Cooperation with two primary schools in the Moravian Karst supported the research. Pupils and their teachers were trained, and they measured phosphate in surface streams from April to November 2019. The website related to phosphorus in surface water were created and results of phosphate measurement were uploaded there.
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Technologie tvorby GIS cykloturistických stezek / Technology Creation Cycle Path GIS of TrailsOsolsobě, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis was to create a geographic information systém (GIS) for the needs of cycling. The proposed route connects Vyškov and Blansko and allows you to get to know beauties of the Moravian Karst and the Drahanská vrchovina. The whole thesis was created in software ArcGIS for Desktop 10.4.1 from the company Esri. In addition to the actual processing of data from measurement and GIS creation, I have tried various database queries and analytical task over the data. The final GIS was published on the web and is accessible to the public. It allows you to display the characteristics of the route and points of interest without having to turn off individual layers.
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Obnova a nové využití zámku v Moravském Krumlově / The Reconstruction and New Making Use of the Chateau in Moravský KrumlovJochcová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
The study deals with the castle of the Moravský Krumlov and the former stables located nearby. The main purpose of this thesis is the reconstruction of the whole mansion, the renewal of its life on a daily basis and the avoidance of a complete dilapidation of the building. The chateau is being used multifunctionally, emphasis is added to the Slovanská epopej by Alfons Mucha, the artwork which represents the successful historical period from the past. The major part of the building is occupied by a gallery and an exhibition, which brings us to so called artistic incubator, another part of the chateau which was designed to provide sufficient background as well as enough place for acommodation . The castle also offers a hall for holding cultural events and receptions, free time activities centre and several appartments. The building of the stables is being used as a restaurant and an accomodation. The integral part of the whole area is also the courtyard , surrounded by ramparts (walls), where brand new exhibition entitled Příběh epopeje is about to be made.
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Singltrek jako střet vlastníka a uživatele - případová studie Singltrailu Moravský krasProcházková, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with evaluation of perception of forest paths for cycling, known as singletrack, located in the village called Jedovnice. In the first part, the concepts of terms such as tourism, cycletourism and singletrack are explained. The application of marketing tools is examined on the example of the project Singletrail Moravian Karst. The thesis also describes the implementation and results of the individual marketing tools. The results were processed on the basis of a questionnaire survey among visitors of forest trails of Singletrail Moravian Karst for comparison also among students and employees of Mendel University in Brno.
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Charakter proudění a šíření hydraulické odezvy ve vybraných jeskyních Moravského krasu / Flow pattern and hydraulic response propagation in selected caves of Moravian KarstKůrková, Iva January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is divided into two parts. The first one is focused on tracer tests carried out in several karst conduits in the Moravian Karst. Several conduits were tracer repeatedly during different discharges. Flow velocity, flow cross section area, longitudinal dispersivity and Peclet number were plotted against discharge for each studied conduit. Based on this comparison of parameters I deduced characteristics of karst conduits for example presence of phreatic channel or vadose channel or multiple channels. I also focused on comparison of my results with publications dealing with the same subject elsewhere in the world. Second part of the thesis is based on measurements of water stage, dischargeand temperature by pressure transducers at inlet and outlet points of karst conduit logged in 10 minutes interval. The goal was to find a relation between the velocity of hydraulic response propagation and discharge. Unfortunately, results show no correlation because there are probably more parameters influencing the velocity such as ratio of vadose/phreatic segments which may change rapidly during flood events.
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Loajalita k destinaciVlachová, Šárka January 2018 (has links)
Vlachová, Š. Loyalty to the destination. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2018. The thesis deals with loyalty to the Moravian Karst region and its surroundings. In the first part of the work a literary research was made using Czech and foreign secondary sources. In the second part of the thesis a questionnaire survey was conducted, to which 408 respondents answered. Based on the results of this survey, visitors' satisfaction with the destination and their loyalty to it was examined. With the help of regression analysis and IPA analysis, the factors that most affect the satisfaction and loyalty of visitors were identified and recommendations for destination management were formulated based on this information.
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Vliv ČOV na kvalitu vod v jeskynních systémech Moravském krasuPoláček, Marek January 2017 (has links)
Final thesis called Influence of wastewater treatment plant on water quality in caves systems in Moravian karst. In the first part is legislation list of requirements on wastewater treatment plant, description ongoing intensification on basin Jedovnický brook. In the second part are results from consumptions and comparing with similiar thesis, legislation requirements and norm. In the practical part was analyzed: temperature, oxygen, electrolytic conductivity, redox potential, hydrogen exponent, biochemical oxygen consumption, chemical oxygen consumption, nitrates
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