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Monitoring pohybů skalních bloků / Monitoring of Rock Blocks MovementsNezvalová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with monitoring of rock blocks movements near sinking stream Bílá voda situated near the village Holštejn in Moravian Karst. The thesis follows up results, which were gained in years 2004-2011. The aim of thesis is survey of the 16th stage in summer 2012 and 17th stage in autumn 2012, following processing of surveying data and evaluation of space movements. Achieved results are compared mutually and they are analysed towards results of previous periods. The final results are documented numerically and graphicallyl.
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Plži, stromy, pH, podloží a epifytické lišejníky / Gastropods, trees, pH, subsoil and epiphytic lichensPelant, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Epiphytic lichens are under considerable grazing pressure due to invertebrate lichenivores, mostly gastropods. Preferences of tree-climbing gastropods affect vertical distribution of lichens, their habitat preferences and whole area of distribution. Higher grazing pressure is expected on sites with basic subsoil and sufficient sources of calcium, where the abundance of gastropods is higher. Most of researches about the topic of grazing pressure were therefore conducted on such sites, although this hypothesis has never been formally tested. Epiphytic communities are also affected by pH and other properties specific to its photophyte. Nevertheless, it is not known, if the same applies for grazing gastropods and how is the grazing pressure affected by tree species. I have addressed these questions in my thesis. I set an 80-days-long field transplantation experiment in the mixed forest of Moravský kras (South Moravia, Czech Republic). Glass fiber meshes with lichen thalli were placed on sixty trunks of three tree species (Carpinus betulus - hornbeam, Abies alba - fir, Fagus sylvatica - common beech) on both calcareous (limestone) and acidic (granodiorite) sites. Abundance and diversity of gastropods were measured. Determined grazing pressure was higher than pressure detected by other authors and was...
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Srovnání lidových písní českého a moravského regionu a jejich využití v hodinách hudební výchovy / A comparison of the Folk Song in the Bohemian and Moravian Region and its Application in Music ClassesDvořáková, Alena January 2019 (has links)
The master's thesis follows up on the bachelor's thesis called The Folk Song in the Pilsen Region as a Part of the Regional Culture. Primarily, the theoretical part of the thesis aims to compare and contrast two distinct regions, specifically the Pilsen region and the Wallachian region. It focuses on the characteristics of their folk culture including folk architecture, folk costume, folk customs and most importantly folk songs. The thesis deals both with their characteristics typical of Bohemian and Moravian regions in general and their characteristics typical of the Pilsen and the Wallachian regions. The thesis further focuses on folklore festivals, folklore ensembles and folk song collectors associated with these regions. The practical goal of the thesis is the application of Pilsen and Wallachian folk songs in Music classes at upper primary school (or in the corresponding grades of multi-year gymnasium) in the form of a play with folk songs from both regions and arousing pupils' interest in folk songs. The appendix includes pictures and photographs associated with the folklore of the Pilsen and Wallachian regions as well as examples of Wallachian folk songs that can be used as a song-book in Music classes.
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Vybraná část stavebně technologického projektu Moravský zemský archiv v Brně - Bohunicích / Selected part of the constructional technology project of Moravian regional archive in Brno - BohuniceHaltof, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
The aim of a master's thesis is to work out a constructional technology project of Moravian regional archive in Brno. The building consists of two parts. First one, the administrative part, is formed by steel main structure and the second one, the depot, which will be used for storage of archivals is formed by reinforced concrete monolithic skeleton. The whole construction is based on bored reinforced concrete piles and located in the undeveloped area at sloping terrain. This thesis will include a progress of realization this object, design machine group, technological rule of the selected phase, financial and timetable plan of realization.
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The goal of this diploma thesis was area between the city parts Malomerice and Obrany. After the construction of mill drive, an artificial island was created there. Industrial site with textile factories was established in 1912, however it does not fulfil its original purpose anymore and it is fairly damaged today. My intention was to clear the island and bring back its original form - park, unique place in nature where people acknowledge proximity of the river and cultural activities as well. I designed textile museum in the former factory building. It is accompanied by pavilion of Contemporary textile and fashion and also engineering exhibition. One of the components is an artificial canal for canoeists.
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Obnova a nové využití zámku v Moravském Krumlově / The Reconstruction and New Making Use of the Chateau in Moravský KrumlovNováková, Adela January 2013 (has links)
The theme of my dissertation is to create the architectural study of a new utilization of the Chateau Moravský Krumlov. The Chateau will be newly used as a Hotel, there will be placed a congress and concert Hall, Cafe, Restaurant, offices, 2 room for rent, Wine bar in the basement, exixting Gallery space will be maintained for presentation of artworks and art symposiums. Object of a former chateau Stables will be used as a Fitness studio, Gyms, a Bowling room, as a place for relaxing and sports activities. Under the main courtyard, in the area between the Chateau and Stables, the two-story underground parking will be placed, and will be accessible from the street Zámecká. The new utilization honor, respect and tries to sensitively use original, historical, architectural and technical relations of the Chateau and intervene in them only minimally.
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Výzkum nenasycené zóny v severní části Moravského krasu / Study of vadose zone in northern part of Moravian KarstGregorová, Anita January 2012 (has links)
This study is focused on the flow through the uppermost part of the unsaturated zone in karstified areas. The information about distribution of transit times and chemical reactions taking place in the unsaturated zone is based on isotopic and chemical composition of cave dripwaters, precipitations and water caught by gravitation lysimeters. The water balance was calculated using measurements of intensity of dripwaters and amounts of water caught by lysimeters and rain gauges. The velocity of a hydraulic shockwave between monitored objects was also estimated according to the delay between significant precipitation event and dripwater intensity increase. The field study took place in the Němcova 1 cave in the northern part of Moravian Karst, near the village Suchdol. It was carried out during the hydrological year 2010/2011. The cave is about 13 m under the surface. The information about composition of overlaying rock above the cave was obtained using geoelectrical and electromagnetic measurements. Studied geological environment is built of 0.5 - 1.5 m of soil, 0.5 - 3.5 m of epikarst and a layer of massive limestone as thick as 10 m. About 70 to 90 % of dripwaters have residence time over 4 years. The distribution of transit time of younger water can be described using the exponencial model (well...
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Dětská léčebna se speleoterapií Ostrov u Macochy / Sanatorium with Speleotherapy for Childern Ostrov u MacochyVitoulová, Alena January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis has been prepared as an architectural study on the completion of the Children's Hospital Ostrov u Macochy using the method of speleotherapy (in the Imperial cave). The new building respects the valuable natural surroundings (CHKO Moravian karst) and the existing sloping terrain, which adapts. Resort spa is designed as a single interconnected complex of three operations - building the house, primary school and the hospital itself. The complex includes: services to visitors, restaurant, pension, clinic, primary school, administration, children accommodation, dining, hospital and sports. The structural system of the object is combined. The idea of urban and architectural solutions is the simplicity of shapes, respecting the existing landscape, copy the shape of the terrain, functionality and aptness plan.
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Dětská léčebna Ostrov u Macochy / Childern´s Sanatorium Ostrov u MacochySkládaná, Jana January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design of an architectural study of a new building of a children's hospital with speleotherapy. The building is situated in the village of Ostrov u Macochy, which is located in the Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area. The main goal was to integrate the building into the surrounding terrain as much as possible. From this was derived both the formation of the object itself and the choice of materials used. The design includes two mutually separated buildings – a treatment center and a covered parking lot. The hospital building consists of three interconnected pavilions of various functions. The individual parts of the building are arranged in such a way as to achieve the best possible operational connections. Thanks to the pavilion layout, the adjacent outdoor space was subdivided, creating two play areas for children of different ages. To achieve maximum fusion of the buildings with the surroundings, the buildings were partially embedded into the terrain, covered with terrain wave, and the surrounding landscaping was carried out to the smallest possible extent.
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Dětská léčebna Ostrov u Macochy / Childern´s Sanatorium Ostrov u MacochyHorenský, Dominik January 2020 (has links)
The point od this master thesis is to propose a new Sanatorium with speleotherapy for children as an architectural concept. The building site is located on the northeast hill of township Ostrov u Macochy near the main entarnce to the cave, which is crucial for correct rehabilitation and treatment of the children. Sanatorium building contains everything needed for seasonal stay of the children – accomodation, school cafeteria with kitchen, medical space, rehabilitation with small wellness and one pool, cloakroom with equipment neccesary for the cave trip, administration part, common leisure spaces, spacious outside playgrounds and lastly all technical and technological things needed to keep the sanatorium running. In the surroundings of the building are couple of newly build family houses and the rest are meadows and forest.
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