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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kriminalistinis žmogaus plaukų tyrimas:galimybės ir praktika Lietuvoje / Forensic Investigation of Human hairs: Practice and Opportunities in Lithuania

Plankytė, Jurga 25 January 2008 (has links)
Žmogaus plaukas – neatsiejama žmogaus organizmo dalis. Lietuvos kriminalistikos moksle plaukas priskiriamas biologinių objektų grupei, o tiriant įvairius nusikaltimus, neretai tampa puikiu informacijos šaltiniu. Baigiamajame darbe pateikiama trumpa kriminalistinio žmogaus plaukų tyrimo istorinė raida Lietuvos prieškario ir pokario laikotarpiu. Trumpai yra aprašoma žmogaus plauko struktūra. Pateikiami trys pagrindiniai kriminalistiniai plaukų tyrimo metodai: morfologinis, serologinis ir DNR analizės. Aptariamos šių metodų atlikimo galimybės Lietuvoje.Palyginimui pateikiamos naujausios žmogaus plaukų tyrimo metodikos užsienio šalyse (Anglijoje, Vokietijoje, Švedijoje) – žmogaus plauko kutikulės išliejos metodas; botaninės kilmės aplinkos dalelių (žiedadulkių ir sporų) žmogaus plaukų nuoplovose metodas; katageninių ir telogeninių plaukų DNR tyrimai, pasitelkus „LCN sistemą“; geno (MC1R), apsprendžiančio žmogaus plaukų spalvą ir odos tipą, mutacijų tyrimas; narkotinių medžiagų žmogaus galvos ir gaktos plaukuose nustatymo tyrimai. Analizuojama Lietuvos ekspertinių įstaigų 2004-2006 metų veikla, susijusi su kriminalistiniu žmogaus plaukų tyrimu. Aptariami ekspertų-specialistų anketinės apklausos rezultatai. Pateikiama išsami ekspertizės aktų analizė, statistiniai duomenys apie nusikaltimus, kurių aplinkybėms aiškinti buvo tiriami žmogaus plaukai, įrodoma žmogaus plaukų, kaip tyrimo objekto kriminalistikoje, reikšmė, tiriant smurtinius ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Human hair – a part of human body. Lithuanian Forensic Science it presents like the group of biological evidences. Due investigation of the variuos commited crimes, human hair becomes a wide source of important and useful informacion. Noted a short Lithuanian prewar and postwar history of forensic human hair exploration. Shortly described a structure of human hair. There were mentioned three, the main ways of forensic investigation of human hair in Lithuania: morphological, serological exploration and DNA analysis. The procedures and the opportunities of these methods applied in Lithuania, were discussed as well. Described the modern procedures of human hair investigation: a scale cast obtained from shaft of human hair; the exploration of polynomorphs (pollens and spores) in human hair; the DNA analysis of human catagen and telogen hair by Low Copy Number (LCN) method; a single gene (MC1R) extraction for identification of human hair colors from degraded DNR; the human hair analysis for drugs detection in it. Submited a comprehensive assay of activity in Lithuanian Forensic Institutes, which is dealing with forensic human hair investigation. There was offered an importance of human hair exploration in forensic trial. Equally, were presented an inquiry results of Lithuanian forensic experts. Were discussed a generalization of forensic experts reports, shown a statistic of commited crimes, where the human hair was found and took like... [to full text]

Paukščių hemosporidinių parazitų (Haemosporida) morfologinė ir genetinė įvairovė bei specifiškumas nedidelėse Bulgarijos (Brodilovo) ir Rusijos (Kuršių nerijos) teritorijose / Morphological and genetic diversity and specific particularities of bird haemosporidian parasites (Haemosporida) in two selected areas of  Bulgaria (Brodilovo) and Russia (Curonian Spit)

Prontkelevičiūtė, Živilė 07 August 2012 (has links)
Siekiant išsiaiškinti paukščių hemosporidijų rūšinę sudėtį, genetinę įvairovę ir paplitimą bei specifiškumą nedidelėse Bulgarijos (Brodilovo) ir Rusijos (Kuršių nerija) teritorijose, buvo ištirta 50 rūšių žvirblinių (Passeriformes) būrio paukščių, priklausančių 16 šeimų. Paukščių gaudymui buvo naudojami voratinkliniai tinklai ir stacionariosios gaudyklės. Medžiaga buvo renkama ne didesniu nei 20 km spinduliu. Medžiaga buvo tiriama tradiciniais parazitologiniais (mikroskopavimas) ir šiuolaikiniais molekuliniais (PGR, sekvenavimas, filogenetinės analizės sudarymas specialių programų pagalba) metodais. Bulgarijoje identifikuota 10 hemosporidijų rūšių, priklausančių Haemoproteus, Plasmodium ir Leucocytozoon gentims; Kuršių nerijoje nustatyta 11 hemosporidijų rūšių, priklausančių toms pačioms gentims. Bulgarijoje nustatytas žymiai didesnis užsikrėtimo L. sp. parazitais ekstensyvumas. Nustatyta, jog Bulgarijoje iš 28 identifikuotų parazitų genetinių linijų, 20-ties linijų transmisija vyksta šioje teritorijoje, Kuršių nerijoje iš 50 linijų vietinė transmisija vyksta tik 7 rūšių. Išaiškinta, kad hemosporidijos mažiau specifiškos stuburiniam šeimininkui Kuršių nerijoje. Pasitelkus programos MEGA 5.0.5 versiją, nubraižyti filogenetiniai medžiai, atspindintys nustatytų parazitų filogenetinius ryšius. / The aim was to find out what haemosporidian parasites are common in the birds of order Passeriformes in certain teritories of Europe, what are particularities of their disstribution and specificity, data were collected in two selected areas of Bulgaria (Brodilovo) and Russia (Curonian spit). Traditional (microscopy) and modern (PCR, DNA sequencing, construction of phylogenetic trees) methods were used for investigation. The birds were captured by mist nets and large „Rybachyj“ tipe trap. There were collected 50 species of birds, refering to 16 families. The material was collected in areas which do not exceed 20 km. 10 species of Haemoproteus, Plasmodium and Leucocytozoon in Bulgaria were detected. 11 species of the same genus parasites were identified in Russia. High intensity of Leucocytozoon parasitaemia in Bulgaria was detected, while in Russia it was very low. The investigation showed that local transmission of 20 (out of 28 identified) genetic lines of parasites take place in Bulgaria and in Curonian spit only 7 (out of 50 identified) genetic lines are transsmited localy. It was cleared out that haemosporidians are less specific to vertebrate host in Curonian spit. Phylogenetic trees were constructed to ascertain which genetic lines are related with phylogenetic traits.

Re-descriptions of some Southern african Scyphozoa :out with the old and in with the new

Simone Neethling January 2009 (has links)
<p>Two species of Chrysaora are described from the northern Benguela ecosystem: C. fulgida and C. africana. These species can be diagnosed by a combination of morphological features including lappet and tentacle number, shape of lappets, colouration patterns (alive), shape of the proximal portion of radial septa, gastrovascular pouch shape, point of attachment of gonads and the presence or absence of small raised nematocyst warts on the exumbrellar surface. Objective, quantitative statistical analyses coupled with molecular sequence data support the qualitative morphological dissimilarity observed, as these analyses unambiguously diagnose C. fulgida and C. africana as two distinct species. There is a strong superficial resemblance between the C. fulgida material described here and the preserved specimens of C. hysoscella examined at the Natural History Museum, London. Thorough investigation does however allow the separation of these two species. Morphological features found to be dissimilar were the proximal portion of the manubrium, gastrovascular pouch shape and the presence or absence of sperm sacs. Objective, quantitative statistical analyses support these findings. Nuclear sequence variation suggests considerable divergence between the two species but additional molecular work is needed.</p>

3D Segmentation of Cam-Type Pathological Femurs with Morphological Snakes

Telles O'Neill, Gabriel 30 June 2011 (has links)
We introduce a new way to accurately segment the 3D femur from pelvic CT scans. The femur is a difficult target for segmentation due to its proximity to the acetabulum, irregular shape and the varying thickness of its hardened outer shell. Atypical bone morphologies, such as the ones present in hips suffering from Femoral Acetabular Impingements (FAIs) can also provide additional challenges to segmentation. We overcome these difficulties by (a) dividing the femur into the femur head and body regions (b) analysis of the femur-head and neighbouring acetabulum’s composition (c) segmentations with two levels of detail – rough and fine contours. Segmentations of the CT volume are performed iteratively, on a slice-by-slice basis and contours are extracted using the morphological snake algorithm. Our methodology was designed to require little initialization from the user and to deftly handle the large variation in femur shapes, most notably from deformations attributed to cam-type FAIs. Our efforts are to provide physicians with a new tool that creates patient-specific and high-quality 3D femur models while requiring much less time and effort. We tested our methodology on a database of 20 CT volumes acquired at the Ottawa General Hospital during a study into FAIs. We selected 6 CT scans from the database, for a total of 12 femurs, considering wide inter-patient variations. Of the 6 patients, 4 had unilateral cam-type FAIs, 1 had a bilateral cam-type FAI and the last was from a control group. The femurs segmented with our method achieved an average volume overlap error of 2.71 ± 0.44% and an average symmetric surface distance of 0.28 ± 0.04 mm compared against the same, manually segmented femurs. These results are better than all comparable literature and accurate enough to be used to in the creation of patient-specific 3D models.

Towards the Development of an Automatic Diacritizer for the Persian Orthography based on the Xerox Finite State Transducer

Nojoumian, Peyman 12 August 2011 (has links)
Due to the lack of short vowels or diacritics in Persian orthography, many Natural Language Processing applications for this language, including information retrieval, machine translation, text-to-speech, and automatic speech recognition systems need to disambiguate the input first, in order to be able to do further processing. In machine translation, for example, the whole text should be correctly diacritized first so that the correct words, parts of speech and meanings are matched and retrieved from the lexicon. This is primarily because of Persian’s ambiguous orthography. In fact, the core engine of any Persian language processor should utilize a diacritizer and a lexical disambiguator. This dissertation describes the design and implementation of an automatic diacritizer for Persian based on the state-of-the-art Finite State Transducer technology developed at Xerox by Beesley & Karttunen (2003). The result of morphological analysis and generation on a test corpus is shown, including the insertion of diacritics. This study will also look at issues that are raised by phonological and semantic ambiguities as a result of short vowels in Persian being absent in the writing system. It suggests a hybrid model (rule-based & inductive) that is inspired by psycholinguistic experiments on the human mental lexicon for the disambiguation of heterophonic homographs in Persian using frequency and collocation information. A syntactic parser can be developed based on the proposed model to discover Ezafe (the linking short vowel /e/ within a noun phrase) or disambiguate homographs, but its implementation is left for future work.

Gastrointestinės stromos navikų morfologinės charakteristikos ir ligos progresavimo sąsajų tyrimas / Morphological features of gastrointestinal stromal tumours and their relationship to disease progression

Poškienė, Lina 04 September 2014 (has links)
Gastrointestinės stromos tumorai (GIST) – dažniausi mezenchiminės kilmės virškinamojo trakto navikai, kurie pradėti identifikuoti ir diagnozuoti tik per pastaruosius 25 m. GIST, pagal ligos progresavimo reliatyvią riziką, klasifikuojami į rizikos kategorijas, kurių nustatymas 2002 m. Nacionalinių sveikatos institutų sutarimu (NSI) paremtas dviem kintamaisiais: naviko dydžiu ir navikinių ląstelių mitozių skaičiumi 50 DPRL, kurių apimamas plotas įvairių studijų ir rekomendacijų duomenimis varijuoja nuo 5 mm² iki 11,9 mm². Neaišku, kaip netikslus mitozių skaičius įtakoja rizikos kategorijos nustatymą bei jų sąsajas su ligos progresavimu. Nors atliktose didžiausiose GIST studijose teigiama, kad, esant identiškiems morfologiniams požymiams, skrandžio GIST prognozė geresnė, kiti tyrėjai nustatė morfologinius požymius lemiančius geresnę šių navikų prognozę. Esant prieštaringoms nuomonėms, tyrimo metu nustatėme ir palyginome skirtingų lokalizacijų GIST morfologinius požymius ir prognozę. NSI klasifikacijoje buvo pastebėta, kad ligos prognozę įtakoja ir GIST histologinis fenotipas, tačiau tuomet nebuvo pakankamai atliktų studijų, paneigiančių ar patvirtinančių šiuos teiginius, todėl detaliai nagrinėjome skirtingų histologinių fenotipų GIST morfologinius požymius ir jų įtaką ligos prognozei bei kitų morfologinių požymių: naviko dydžio, mitozių skaičiaus, ląstelingumo, branduolių polimorfizmo ir nekrozės sąsajas su ligos prognoze. / Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) – the most common mesenchymal tumours of the gastrointestinal tract which have been identified and diagnosed in the past 25 years. GIST, according to relative risk of disease progression, are classified in risk categories which under the agreement of the National Institutes of Health (2002) were based on two variables: tumour size and mitotic count in 50 HPF, which total area varies from 5 mm² to 11.9 mm². There is no consensus what area is sufficient for the counting of mitoses. Thus, we compare number of GIST tumor cell mitoses in different sized areas and evaluated the impact of mitotic rate changes in determination of risk categories and their relation to the progression of the disease. According to the data of largest GIST study, disease prognosis is also influenced by tumour localization, other researchers found morphological features of these tumours leading to a better prognosis. Thus, we identified and compared the different localizations of GIST morphological features and prognosis. It was observed that disease prognosis is also determined by the tumour histological phenotype, but up till now the controversial results of histological phenotypes relationship to disease prognosis are published. We set morphological features of different GIST histological phenotypes and evaluate their relation to disease progression, evaluate the impact of GIST morphological features to disease prognosis.

Genetic and morphological diversity of natural populations of Carica papaya

Rieger, Jennifer Erin. January 2009 (has links)
Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 24-26).

Numerical modelling of sediment transport, bed morphology and porous obstructions in shallow channels

Creed, Margaret Julia January 2017 (has links)
Many environmental free surface flows involve water and sediment transport. The net changes to the surface level of an erodible bed by sediment entrainment and deposition processes have a feedback effect on the local ow hydrodynamics. Bed morphological change is of great socio-economic and environmental importance in that it affects navigation, flood risk management, water quality, species diversity, and overall river sustainability. This thesis describes a mathematical model of the depth-averaged shallow water-sediment equations based on mass and momentum conservation laws. A 2D numerical model is then presented of the fully coupled, variable-density governing equations, which are solved using a Godunov-type HLLC scheme. Dependent variables are specially selected in the numerical model to handle the presence of the variable-density mixture in the mathematical formulation. The model includes suspended sediment, bedload transport, and bed morphological change. The numerical model is verified against benchmark analytical and semi-analytical solutions for complicated, clear water flows, bedload transport and suspended sediment transport. The well-balanced property of the governing equations is verified for a variable-density dam break flow over a bed step. Simulations of an idealised dam-break flow over an erodible bed, in excellent agreement with previously published results, validate the ability of the model to capture complex water-sediment interactions under rapidly-varying flow conditions and a mobile bed, and validate the eigenstructure of the system of variable-density governing equations. The model is then further validated against laboratory based data for complex 2D partial dam breaks over fixed and mobile beds, respectively. The simulations of 2D dam break flows over mobile beds highlight the sensitivity of the results to the choice of closure relationships for sediment transport. To investigate this further, a parameter study is carried out using a variety of commonly used empirical formulae for suspended sediment transport. The numerical model is also used to inform a theoretical model that predicts the flow through and around a porous obstruction in a shallow channel. This problem is relevant to several practical applications, including flow through aquatic vegetation and the performance of arrays of tidal turbines in a finite-width tidal channel. The theoretical model is used to reinterpret the core flow velocities in laboratory-based data for an array of emergent cylinders in a shallow channel. Comparison with experimental data indicates the maximum obstacle resistance for which the theoretical model is valid. In a final application, the theoretical model examines the optimum arrangement of tidal turbines to generate power in a tidal channel, confirming that natural bed resistance increases the power extraction potential for a partial tidal fence.

Avaliacao clinica e morfologica da acao do laser de Er:YAG frente a hipersensibilidade dentinaria cervical

ROCHA, DALVA M. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:44:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:57:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 07161.pdf: 4310254 bytes, checksum: f0dfb6cd3b3b09bc19f77218f18e63a2 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado Profissionalizante em Lasers em Odontologia) / IPEN/D-MPLO / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares, IPEN/CNEN-SP; Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo

Avaliação do ganho de peso, desempenho, morfometria e características de carcaça de ovinos das raças Santa Inês e Somalis brasileiro, no Estado do Ceará / Performance, morphometric data and characteristics sleeve of sheep of race and santa inês brazilian somalis

Costa, Tatiana Gouveia Pinto January 2007 (has links)
COSTA, Tatiana Gouveia Pinto. Avaliação do ganho de peso, desempenho, morfometria e características de carcaça de ovinos das raças Santa Inês e Somalis brasileiro, no Estado do Ceará. 2007. xiii, 45 f. : Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências, Departamento de Zootecnia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zootecnia. Fortaleza-CE, 2007. / Submitted by Eric Santiago (erichhcl@gmail.com) on 2016-08-09T15:15:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2007_dis_tgpcosta.pdf: 433028 bytes, checksum: acc2f127c4993cc615ee5da64b171ffd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Nádja Goes (nmoraissoares@gmail.com) on 2016-08-09T15:42:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2007_dis_tgpcosta.pdf: 433028 bytes, checksum: acc2f127c4993cc615ee5da64b171ffd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-09T15:42:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007_dis_tgpcosta.pdf: 433028 bytes, checksum: acc2f127c4993cc615ee5da64b171ffd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / The objective present work was to evaluate the weight earnings, the morfometric and the characteristics of carcass of two genotype of lambs fedlot hair, Santa Ines and Somalis. Two experiments were accomplished: I - for weight earnings and morfometric of males and females, in confinement, and II - for evaluation of the characteristics of carcass of the males. In the experiment I, 10 males and 10 females of the race Santa Ines, and 10 males and 06 females of the race Somalis, were used, in a completely randomized design, in factorial outline 2x2 (two races and two sexes), which totaled four treatments. The adopted alimentary handling was the supply of pricked grass-elephant and concentrated (400g/head/day), distributed in the morning and in the afternoon. The experimental period had duration of 60 days, where every fifteen days the animals were heavy and accomplished the following weight measures: withers height (HW), crop height (CH),thorax height (TH), length of the body (LB), thoracic perimeter (TP), width of the thorax (WT), width of the croup (WC), croup length (CL), ileum width (IW) and width isqueum (IW). In the experiment II, a completely randomized design, where nine males Santa Ines and six Somalis were abated when they reached an average of 28 kg of alive weight. The appraised characteristics were, the alive discount weight (DW), hot carcass weigh (HCW), cold carcass weigh (CCW), hot carcass revenues (HCR) and cold (CCR), cooling loss (CL), internal length of the carcass (CLI) and the index of compactness of the carcass (ICC). In the cold carcass they were appraised the revenue of the following commercial cuts: neck, palette, whole loin, leg, chest, rack, rib and flank. There was significant difference (P<0.05) among the races and enter the sexes so much for the corporal weight as for most of the accomplished measures, of the 150 to the 210 days of age, and the race Santa Ines was superior the race Somalis, and the superior males the females. Among the carcass characteristics, the race Somalis presented smaller averages for PR and ML (P<0.05) than Santa Ines. There were not significant differences for the other carcass characteristics, as well as for the revenues of the cuts, among the appraised races. Santa Ines presented larger weights, weight measures, internal length of the carcass and it breaks for cooling than Somalis. With relationship to the revenue of the commercial cuts accomplished in the carcass the races sheeps Santa Ines and Somalis they were similar to each other / O objetivo presente trabalho foi avaliar o ganho de peso, a morfometria e as características de carcaça de dois genótipos de ovinos deslanados, Santa Inês e Somalis. Foram realizados dois experimentos: I – para ganho de peso e morfometria de machos e fêmeas, em confinamento, e II – para avaliação das características de carcaça dos machos. No experimento I, foram utilizados 10 machos e 10 fêmeas da raça Santa Inês, e 10 machos e 06 fêmeas da raça Somalis Brasileiros, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2x2 (duas raças e dois sexos), o qual totalizou quatro tratamentos. O manejo alimentar adotado foi o fornecimento de capim-elefante picado e concentrado (400g/ cabeça/dia), distribuídos pela manhã e à tarde. O período experimental teve duração de 60 dias, onde a cada quinze dias os animais foram pesados e realizadas as seguintes medidas corporais: altura da cernelha (ACE), altura da garupa (AGA), altura do tórax (ATO), comprimento do corpo (CCO), perímetro torácico (PTO), largura do tórax (LTO), largura da garupa (LGA), comprimento da garupa (CGA), largura do ílio (LIL) e largura do ísquio (LIS). No experimento II, foi utilizado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, onde nove machos Santa Inês e seis Somalis foram abatidos quando atingiram uma média de 28 kg de peso vivo. As características avaliadas foram, o peso vivo ao abate (PVA), peso da carcaça quente (PCQ), peso da carcaça fria (PCF), rendimentos de carcaça quente (RCQ) e fria (RCF), perda por resfriamento (PR), comprimento interno da carcaça (ML) e o índice de compacidade da carcaça (ICC). Na carcaça fria foram avaliados o rendimento dos seguintes cortes comerciais: pescoço, paleta, lombo inteiro, perna, peito, carré, costela e fraldinha. Houve diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre as raças e entre os sexos tanto para o peso corporal como para a maioria das medidas realizadas, dos 150 aos 210 dias de idade, sendo que a raça Santa Inês foi superior a raça Somalis, e os machos superiores as fêmeas. Dentre as características de carcaça, a raça Somalis apresentou menores médias para PR e ML (p<0,05) do que a Santa Inês. Não houve diferenças significativas para as demais características de carcaça, como também para os rendimentos dos cortes, entre as raças avaliadas. A Santa Inês apresentou maiores pesos, medidas corporais, comprimento interno da carcaça e quebra por resfriamento do que a Somalis. Quanto ao rendimento dos cortes comerciais realizados na carcaça as raças ovinas Santa Inês e Somalis foram semelhantes entre si.

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