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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maternidade e HIV/AIDS no contexto de uma intervenção psicoeducativa durante a educação

Gonçalves, Tonantzin Ribeiro January 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo investigou a experiência da maternidade e a relação mãe-bebê desde a gestação no contexto do HIV/Aids, até os três meses de vida do bebê. Além disso, examinou as contribuições de uma intervenção psicoeducativa para o enfrentamento da doença, bem como para a adesão à profilaxia da TMI e ao tratamento para HIV/Aids. Participaram quatro gestantes com idades entre 29 e 37 anos, duas mães primíparas e duas multíparas, sendo que duas já sabiam do seu diagnóstico de HIV/Aids antes de engravidarem e duas souberam da infecção nesse último pré-natal atual. Foi utilizado um delineamento de estudo de casos de caráter longitudinal envolvendo entrevistas de avaliação pré e pós-intervenção, nos relatos das mães durante sua participação na PIP-Gestante e na avaliação aos três meses de vida do seu filho/a. Análise de conteúdo qualitativa revelou o sofrimento psicológico das mães vivendo com HIV/Aids diante da possibilidade de que seus filhos fossem infectados e uma vivência persistia mesmo com a adesão rigorosa às recomendações profiláticas e após os primeiros exames dos filhos atestarem resultados negativos. Em especial, a notícia do HIV/Aids durante a gestação esteve associada a uma situação de grande risco psicológico, uma vez que envolvia um imenso esforço de adaptação e sobrecarga emocional potencializadas por envolverem o filho. A culpa, o medo e a incerteza diante do risco de TMI foram os sentimentos mais marcantes relacionados às dificuldades emocionais das mães sobressaindo-se as limitações dos serviços de saúde em acolher e amenizá-los. Os processos psicológicos associados à maternidade e ao enfrentamento do HIV/Aids mostraram-se interligados, tendo como principal objetivo a proteção do filho e da relação mãe-bebê. Nesse contexto, a intervenção realizada apresentou contribuições positivas para o enfrentamento do HIV/Aids, da profilaxia da TMI e do tratamento, melhorando também o bem-estar psicológico das mães. Discute-se a necessidade de se oferecer atendimento psicológico adequado a todas as gestantes vivendo com HIV/Aids, ampliando o apoio dos serviços de saúde a essas mulheres para que possam exercer seu direito a maternidade de modo menos sofrido, garantindo o desenvolvimento emocional dos seus filhos e a sua presença na vida deles. / The present study investigated the experience of motherhood in women living with HIV/Aids and the contributions of a brief psychoeducative intervention during pregnancy to cope with HIV/Aids and adherence to treatment and prophylaxis of mother-to-child transmission (MTCT). Participated in this study four mothers, 29 to 37 years old, among two of them were primiparous. Two mothers got pregnant knowing that they were infected, while two were informed during their current antenatal exams. A collective study-case design was used to examine mother’s accounts during pre-intervention assessment, five intervention sessions, and post-intervention assessments during pregnancy and in the thirtieth month of the baby. Qualitative content analysis revealed the psychological suffering of mothers living with HIV/Aids facing the possibility that their children were infected and it was persisted even with their strict adherence to MTCT prophylaxis and after the first child’s HIV exams resulted negative. Particularly, HIV/Aids diagnosis during pregnancy represented a psychological risky situation, since it required a large strength to adaptation and emotional burden by involving the child. Feelings of guilt, fear and uncertainty with the risk of MTCT were remarkable and revealed not just emotional difficulties of these mothers but also pointed out the health care services fails in recognizing and mitigate them. Psychological processes related to motherhood and HIV/Aids coping showed to be interconnected in order to protect the baby and the motherinfant relationship. In this context, the psychoeducative intervention proved to have positive contributions to coping with HIV/Aids, MTCT prophylaxis and treatment, improving the mothers’ psychological well-being. The need for appropriate psychological support to all pregnant women living with HIV/Aids is discussed. Enlarged health care services should support the right to motherhood to these women, diminishing their psychological burden and ensuring their children’s emotional development.

A experiência da maternidade em mães adotivas

Sonego, Joice Cadore January 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo investigou os sentimentos de mães em relação à maternidade adotiva. Participaram da pesquisa nove mães, cujos filhos haviam sido adotados ainda bebês e tinham em torno de dois anos no período da coleta de dados. Foi realizada uma entrevista semi-estruturada com as participantes, abordando questões referentes ao desenvolvimento do filho e à experiência da maternidade. Os dados foram analisados através da análise de conteúdo qualitativa. As mães demonstraram uma forte idealização tanto em relação à criança quanto à experiência da maternidade adotiva. Chamou a atenção que praticamente todas disseram sentir um amor imediato por seus filhos, logo no primeiro encontro. Além disso, verificaram-se sentimentos ambivalentes por parte das mães no que se refere a esta forma de filiação. Ao mesmo tempo em que o filho adotivo foi visto como sem nenhuma diferença em relação ao filho biológico, foi também retratado “como se fosse um filho”, “especial”, “diferente”. As implicações clínicas desses achados são discutidas. / The present study investigated maternal feelings regarding adoptive motherhood. Nine adoptive mothers who adopted their children when they were infants took part in the study. The children were around two years old when data were collected. A semistructured interview was used, focusing on themes such as their children’s development and the motherhood experience. The data were analyzed through qualitative content analysis. The mothers demonstrated a strong idealization both regarding their children and their motherhood experience. Almost all mothers said they felt an immediate love for their children, when they first met them. Besides the idealization, maternal ambivalent feelings were also observed. At the same time the adoptive child was seen as not being different from a biological child, he/she was also portrayed by mothers “as if” he/she was their child, as well as “special”, “different”. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed.

Os (des)caminhos da maternidade em contexto prisional: um estudo com mulheres reclusas no Estado do Amazonas

Marques, Soraya Fabiane Neves 25 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-11T13:59:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 soraya.pdf: 687779 bytes, checksum: 3d60f9e9117c6893c806ceeb0f26c867 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-25 / A ruptura dos laços entre mães e filhos é muitas vezes conseqüência oculta nas sentenças judiciais que condenam cada vez maior número de mulheres a pena privativa de liberdade em nosso país. A aplicação de tais penas culmina em reflexos que atingem a mulher reclusa, sua família, filhos e a sociedade, daí a importância de suprir lacunas e buscar dados que contribuam para a compreensão do fenômeno e para uma intervenção mais profícua num futuro próximo. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa enveredou pelo desafio de transitar na área de interface entre Psicologia e Justiça, enfocando o objetivo geral de compreender como as mulheres reclusas em estabelecimento penal no Estado do Amazonas entendem o conceito de maternidade, buscando analisar como se apresentam os vínculos com os filhos, no interior do cárcere; e identificar como a maternidade pode repercutir na vivência das mulheres no sistema prisional. Trata-se, pois, de pesquisa fundamentada em abordagem qualitativa, onde participaram 10 (dez) mães que cumprem pena privativa de liberdade, no Estado do Amazonas. Para coleta de dados recorreu-se à análise de documentos e entrevista semi-estruturada. Com amparo na abordagem da Psicologia Sócio-histórica, foi realizado o estudo do material levantado, a partir da Análise dos Núcleos de Significação. Os resultados encontrados apontam que os caminhos da vivência da maternidade em contexto prisional perpassam os descaminhos do Poder Público, que falha em garantir acesso a direitos fundamentais, como educação, saúde e trabalho, perpetuando um ciclo de exclusão social. No interior do cárcere, o exercício da maternidade prossegue com a preocupação com o bem-estar e sustento dos filhos, mas agora acrescido de sentimentos de culpa, vergonha e tristeza por estarem presas. O sonho da liberdade para muitas mulheres apresenta contornos de retomada de antigo pesadelo: como sustentar os filhos depois que cumprirem suas penas e não mais receberem pelo trabalho que executam na prisão? É preciso cuidar, sob pena de violarmos importante compromisso social, para que o discurso científico não colabore para ocultar as desigualdades sociais. Problematizar a realidade nacional e produzir pesquisas que favoreçam seu entendimento é desafio que devemos abraçar para a consecução de políticas públicas mais profícuas e que possam romper os grilhões que nos aprisionam ao processo histórico de exclusão social.

Ice, ice, baby? : a sociological exploration of social egg freezing

Baldwin, Kylie January 2016 (has links)
Social egg freezing is a fertility preservation strategy which enables women to preserve a number of healthy unfertilised eggs for potential future use when faced with the threat of age-related fertility decline. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore how women understand, construct and experience social egg freezing in the context of debates surrounding reproductive ‘choice’ and ‘delayed motherhood’. The study sought to provide insights into how women perceive the risks and benefits of social egg freezing, how it relates to their discourses of parenthood and their future reproductive intentions as well as how the ‘medical’ encounter in egg freezing is experienced. The thesis draws on Layder’s theory of social domains, selectively focusing on the domains of contextual resources, situated activity, and psychobiography to explore the macro and micro level aspects of social egg freezing (Layder 2006). Consistent with this theoretical framework, the study utilised a multi-method approach: a content and critical discourse analysis of UK newspaper articles on egg freezing, a demographic questionnaire, and semi-structured interviews with 31 users of egg freezing technology. ‘Career reasons’ were presented as the dominant motivation for social egg freezing in newspaper reports. Highly gendered messages interwoven with discourses of blame and failure were identified throughout the newspaper sample alongside moralising discourses calling for women to act responsibly towards their fertility. Emotive language and specific lexical choices were central in constructing discourses about motherhood and reproductive timing which largely excluded a consideration of the structural, relational and ideological factors which influence reproductive timing and reproductive ‘choice’. The demographic profile of interview participants was similar to that found in existing quantitative studies of social egg freezing. Participants were predominantly single, highly educated women in professional careers, with an average age of 37 at the time of undergoing egg freezing. Egg freezing was constructed by participants in relation to a particular biological project and sense of self. Motherhood was something they wanted to experience at the ‘right time’ with the ‘right partner’. The right time for motherhood was related to the feeling of ‘being ready’, which was often linked to the acquisition of certain preconditions for parenthood. The ‘right’ partner was constructed as someone who reflected certain cultural ideals often associated with ‘new fatherhood’. The absence of such a partner indicated that it was the wrong time to pursue motherhood and thus led women to pursue social egg freezing. Many participants reported that a particular issue or event had acted as a critical factor leading them to undergo egg freezing. These included the breakdown of a relationship or the diagnosis of a health or fertility related problem, thus blurring the conceptual distinction between medical and social egg freezing. Through the use of Layder’s theory of social domains and concepts of neoliberalism and biomedicalisation, the thesis argues that women’s engagement with this technology is influenced by both macro and micro sociological factors including ideologies of parenthood, an individual’s social location, relationships with intimate partners and men’s fathering intentions. When faced with the ‘risk knowledge’ of their declining ovarian reserve, the female users of this technology can be seen as enacting ‘reproductive responsibility’ commensurate with neoliberal values of responsibility, self-actualisation and self-determined action in pursuit of a particular construction of motherhood. This theorisation provides a challenge to current understandings around delayed motherhood and suggests that women’s use of social egg freezing should not be seen simply as the outcome of women’s ‘choice’, but as a process involving a complex interrelation of discourses which contextualises decision making in the reproductive realm. This research has implications for practitioners, regulators, users and potential users of this technology, as well as for researchers concerned with questions of reproductive choice, delayed motherhood and reproductive timing.

Náhradní mateřství / Surrogacy

Bílková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Surrogacy - abstract This master thesis deals with the phenomenon of surrogate motherhood (surrogacy) and analyses it from the point of view of Czech and British law, especially the Private law. Its main objective is to approximate to the answer to the question whether surrogacy should be entrenched in Czech law and, if so, what should the main features of such legal regulation be. In order to achieve this aim, it, firstly, focuses on the currently valid and effective Czech legislation. It is a well-known fact that, apart from the provision of § 804 of the Czech Civil Code, Czech law does not provide for surrogacy, at all. Surrogacy is, therefore, only partially regulated in some of its aspects, namely assisted reproduction, legal parenthood and adoption. Since the United Kingdom is often mentioned as one of the possible sources of inspiration for the future Czech legal regulation of surrogacy, British law concerning this phenomenon is considered in the following part of this thesis - especially in the light of the extensive case law. In particular, issues such as surrogacy arrangements, assisted reproduction, legal parenthood and transfer of legal parenthood (that is adoption and parental orders) are analysed. These are then subjected to critical assessment. In its last chapter, the thesis returns to the...

Právní problematika náhradního mateřství v České republice / Legal issues of surrogace motherhood in the Czech republic

Bártová, Helena January 2017 (has links)
Surrogate motherhood is considered one of the most disputed and controversial method of assisted reproduction available to childless couples. This contemporary topic assists rising numbers of couples with reproductive disorders. Professional and nonprofessional discourse on the topic of surrogacy has grown in the Czech Republic since 2009. This discussion has contributed to increasing destigmatisation of the parties that make use of the option of surrogate motherhood. As a result, we have first- hand accounts on how the Czech legal system in its current form responded. This diploma thesis presents an overview of the methods of assisted reproduction and their history as well as the legal basis for assisted reproduction in international, European and national law. Furthermore, the thesis touches upon the topic of surrogate motherhood with a view to identifying the risks and dangers of surrogate motherhood both in general and with a focus on the specific legal issues in the Czech Republic. In its conclusion it examines the politico-legal developments regarding surrogate motherhood both on the level of the European Union as well as the Council of Europe. The diploma thesis aims to map the legislation of surrogate motherhood in the Czech legal system including the first contact of the parties, the validity and...

Moments marked : an exploration into the ways in which women are choosing to mark aspects of their rite of passage into motherhood

Thornton, Jill M. January 2016 (has links)
This thesis frames the transition into motherhood as a rite of passage; proposes a new model for the rite of passage into motherhood based on the four seasons; and highlights the importance of contextual and specific ritual actions or sequences to navigate the transition. Qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with ten western women, from a middle class, Christian background, who had all become mothers through childbirth, are examined under three main headings. Firstly, the women’s experiences of their transition are explored using rites of passage theory as a lens. Although significant differences emerge, particularly from a gender perspective, important themes within the women’s experiences are highlighted, including the nature of relationships; the importance of support; journaling; and the telling of birthing stories. The influences of contemporary cultural aspects such as the medicalization of childbirth and myths about motherhood are also taken into account. Secondly, the field of ritual studies is explored in order to provide a framework in which to situate the women’s ritualizing. Existing rituals associated with motherhood are analysed and gaps are identified in existing Christian liturgical resources for this area, specifically for ritual actions or sequences marking motherhood as a rite of passage, and for the expression of birthing stories. A working definition of ritualizing is also established and the research findings are divided according to time frame, exploring the women’s ritualizing before birth, around birth and after birth. Thirdly, spirituality in relation to childbirth and the transition into motherhood is explored and its place within healthcare and theological literature examined. Nicola Slee’s theory on women’s faith development is used to draw out some of the patterns that emerge from the interviewees’ experiences, and the sacramental nature of birthing is considered. The thesis concludes with a critique of implications and associated suggestions for those within a church or healthcare context with responsibility for the pastoral and spiritual care of women during their transition into motherhood.

The body speaks: psychogenic infertility, femininity and life scripts

Damant, Bev 31 October 2008 (has links)
D. Litt. et Phil. / Psychogenic infertility is both a medically and psychologically complex issue for women who have tried for several years to have a baby. Irrespective of etiology, infertility may be a very intense and stressful experience for both partners, affecting their relationship, sexuality, self-esteem, body image and identity. The ‘not knowing’ of psychogenic infertility creates uncertainty and anxiety, and may represent a crisis for many women. Conceiving and raising a child has social and cultural meaning that may precipitate a sense of loss about her female identity if she is not able to have a baby. The study’s exploration of psychogenic infertility entails four aspects: - an investigation of both the overt and covert attitudes of psychogenically infertile women towards dimensions of the feminine role, and an assessment of this quantitative analysis to determine which of the feminine role factors are significant - an analysis of the twenty-one case studies to investigate the life scripts of each woman and how these relate to: her femininity and her acceptance of her feminine role; her sense of motherhood and her motherliness; her own mother-daughter relationship; and to her psychogenic infertility. - a narrative exploration with one woman which incorporates these significant factors together with elements of her life scripts, using an integrated scripts, psychodynamic and narrative approach for the analysis - a storied account of the narrative exploration with one psychogenically infertile woman, in an effort to explore the relationship between femininity and life scripts in the psychogenesis of unexplained female infertility, and to investigate the possible therapeutic value of a therapeutic intervention for women experiencing unexplained infertility, specifically an intervention that would integrate: exploration of life scripts, psychodynamic understanding and narrative re-storying of her infertility. Therapeutic intervention for women experiencing infertility is often focused on the stress experienced and on cognitive-behavioural ways of living with the distress. Literature to date does not indicate a therapeutic framework based on an approach that integrates elements of life scripts, psychodynamic, and narrative therapies to explore how scripts about femininity and motherhood may be unknowingly preventing the women from identifying with her female role of conceiving a baby.

] To Mother

Pfaff-Shalmiyev, Sophia 01 September 2015 (has links)
Four weeks before the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989 an eleven-year-old flees the Soviet Union with her young father. As political refugee determined to eventually settle in the United States they hastily abandon the girl's estranged alcoholic mother, future stepmother, their friends and relatives, their collection of books and all but a handful of family photographs. She eventually attempts to seek out and recover the people, ideas and objects lost on that voyage to America by going back to a much changed Russia and stitching together the scattered and forgotten pieces in between her old and new homes through dream-like snapshots. Two decades after her emigration the author examines the concept of bad luck in one's travels, the significance of the number four, ambivalent attachments, learning to mother from a place of abandonment, the familial legacy of escape and the pursuit of wholeness within inconsolable loss. The un-tellability of the story is considered through the lens of Sappho, Bernadette Mayer, Yoko Ono, Roland Barthes, Doris Lessing, Nico and many other surrogate mothers and fathers brought together as a chorus in a multi-vocal, lyric approach.

Factors influencing the choice of place of child delivery among women in Garissa district, Kenya

Hirsi, Alasa Osman January 2011 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Although the Kenyan government implemented safe motherhood programme two decades ago, available data indicate that prevalence of home delivery is still high among women in Garissa District. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the factors influencing the choice of place of childbirth. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 224 women who delivered babies two years prior to December 2010. Using a statcalc program in Epi Info 3.3.2, with expected frequency of home delivery at 83% +5% and a 95% confidence level, the calculated sample size was 215. Furthermore, with a 95% response rate the adjusted minimum sample size was 226.There were two none-responses hence 224 women were interviewed. Stratified sampling was used. Data were collected using pre-tested structured questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analysis was performed. A binary logistic regression analysis using the Enter method was performed to determine independent predictors for use or non-use of healthcare services for childbirth. The threshold for statistical significance was set at 0.05. Results: The result was presented in text and tables. The study found 67% (n=224) women delivered at home and 33% delivered in hospital. The study found low level of education, poverty, none-attendance of ANC, distance, cost of services, poor quality services, negative attitude towards midwives, experience of previous obstetric complications and decision-making to be significant predictors in home delivery at the bivariate level (p<0.05). The study did not find relationship between age, marital status, religion and place of childbirth (p>0.05). At multivariate level, the following variables were still found to be significant predictors of home delivery: no education OR=8.36 (95% CI; 4.12-17.17), no occupation OR=1.43(95% CI; 1.08–5.49) experience of obstetric complications OR=1.38 (95% CI; 1.15-2.12), none-attendance of antenatal clinic OR=1.11 (95% CI; 1.03–1.51), Rude midwives OR=5.60 (95% CI; 2.66-11.96). Conclusions: high prevalence of home delivery was noted due to lack of education, poverty and inaccessible maternity services hence the need to empower women in education and economy to enhance hospital delivery.

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