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Traffic induced vibrations on a portal frame railway bridge : Comparison of theory and measurementsLlorens García, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
The effect of different vertical support stiffness of a frame railway bridge is investigated in this study. Due to the dynamic loads of the high speed trains that run over the railway bridges, the response of these structures is far from the static effects. The frame bridge chosen for this study is the Rössjö bridge, located on the Bothnia Line, the first high speed railway built in Sweden. Using a theoretical model of this bridge, the eigenfrequencies of the structure and the vertical accelerations of the deck are evaluated. Not only different vertical support stiffness, but also different trains and train speeds are studied. Finally, some real in-situ measurements are compared with the results from the theoretical model.
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Modellering av rörliga laster : Jämförelse av resultat från influenslinje- och influensytametod från FEM-program / Modeling of Moving Loads : Comparison of FEM Programs Results from the Influence Line and Influence Surface Method.Satof, Mostafa, Al-asadi, Hasanain Hasse Hasson January 2019 (has links)
At present, the usage of FEM-programs becomes wider for loads effect calculation of bridges. Even though the calculation in all FEM-programs works following the same procedure, it differs when it comes to moving loads where we can identify two different approaches, ILM and ISM (influence line and influence surface method). ISM is used in FEM-programs that are most adapted for bridges where moving loads have great influence, while ILM is used in FEM-programs where moving loads are less important as house constructions. The aim is to evaluate the use of ILM programs (eg FEM-Design) when managing of moving loads in bridge and facilities contexts. This is achieved by comparing the results obtained from ILM programs with the results obtained from IYM programs. In addition, it will be checked how FEM-Design envelops the max and min values regarding (most adverse, conditional summation and unconditional summation). The comparison between those two methods was carried out using two different FEM programs based on different methods. Work carried out using FEM-Design (ILM program) and Brigade/Standard (ISM program). A platform bridge has been modeled and analyzed in both programs and a comparison between the results of both models has been performed. This comparison aims to investigate how ILM and ISM works when calculating moving loads and its influence in a bridge plate and in what way these two methods differ. to achieve comparable results between the programs, we examined different parameters and conditions. The thesis has shown which factors influenced the difference av results between FEM-Design and Brigade, and which summation methods that FEM-Design uses. / I dagsläget blir användning av FEM-program ännu bredare för lasteffektsberäkning och analys av brokonstruktioner. Trots att beräkningen sker i princip enligt samma process i alla FEM-program skiljer den sig när det handlar om rörliga laster. När det gäller beräkning av rörliga laster identifieras två olika metoder: ILM och IYM (influenslinje- och influensytametod). Influensytametod används i de FEM-program som är anpassade framförallt för brokonstruktioner där rörliga laster har stor påverkan, medan influenslinjemetod används i FEM-program där rörliga laster har mindre betydelse t.ex. huskonstruktioner. Målet är att utvärdera användning av ILM-program (t.ex. FEM-Design) vid hantering av rörliga laster i bro- och anläggningssammanhang. Detta uppnås genom att jämföra resultaten man får från ILM-program med resultaten som fås från IYM-program. Dessutom skall det kontrolleras hur FEM-Design utvärdera max- och minvärdena med hänsyn till mest ogynsamma, vilkorlig summering och ovilkoriga summering. Jämförelsen mellan de två metoderna har utförts med hjälp av två olika FEM-program som är baserade på de olika metoderna: FEM-Design 18 (ILM-program) och Brigade/standard 4.3 (IYM-program). En plattbro (en enkel bro) har modellerats och analyserats i båda programmen och en jämförelse mellan resultaten från båda modellerna har utförts. Denna jämförelse ämnar undersöka hur influenslinje- och influensytametoden fungerar vid beräkning av rörliga laster och dess påverkan i en brobaneplatta, och på vilket sätt dessa två metoder skiljer sig åt. För att uppnå jämförbara resultat mellan programmen undersöktes/studerades olika parametrar och förutsättningar. Examensarbetet har visat vilka faktorer som påverkat skillnaden av resultat mellan FEM-Design och Brigade, och vilka summeringsmetoder som FEM-Design använder.
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Transient response of pavement structures under moving wheel loads using the ALE methodologyAnantheswar, Atul, Wollny, Ines, Kaliske, Michael 16 January 2025 (has links)
The dynamic response of long structures (e.g., pavements) subjected to moving loads is generally difficult to simulate using conventional methods like the finite element method in the Lagrangian setting. This is because the entire length of the structure in the path of the moving load would need to be discretized, and in turn would require large meshes. Additionally, if improvement in quality of results through the use of finer mesh sizes is sought, the entire region of the mesh in the load path would require refinement. As a direct result, long simulation run-times can be expected when using conventional methods. To overcome these drawbacks, and improve the efficiency of the finite element simulations, the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) approach can be used to simulate pavement structures, provided longitudinal homogeneity is assumed. This contribution uses an extension of the quasi-static ALE framework to the transient domain, enabling the study of the dynamic response of pavement structures subjected to moving loads. In this work, some case studies are considered to highlight the capabilities of this dynamic ALE framework.
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Response of cable-stayed and suspension bridges to moving vehicles : Analysis methods and practical modeling techniquesKaroumi, Raid January 1998 (has links)
This thesis presents a state-of-the-art-review and twodifferent approaches for solving the moving load problem ofcable-stayed and suspension bridges. The first approach uses a simplified analysis method tostudy the dynamic response of simple cable-stayed bridgemodels. The bridge is idealized as a Bernoulli-Euler beam onelastic supports with varying support stiffness. To solve theequation of motion of the bridge, the finite difference methodand the mode superposition technique are used. The second approach is based on the nonlinear finite elementmethod and is used to study the response of more realisticcable-stayed and suspension bridge models considering exactcable behavior and nonlinear geometric effects. The cables aremodeled using a two-node catenary cable element derived using"exact" analytical expressions for the elastic catenary. Twomethods for evaluating the dynamic response are presented. Thefirst for evaluating the linear traffic load response using themode superposition technique and the deformed dead load tangentstiffness matrix, and the second for the nonlinear traffic loadresponse using the Newton-Newmark algorithm. The implemented programs have been verified by comparinganalysis results with those found in the literature and withresults obtained using a commercial finite element code.Several numerical examples are presented including one for theGreat Belt suspension bridge in Denmark. Parametric studieshave been conducted to investigate the effect of, among others,bridge damping, bridge-vehicle interaction, cables vibration,road surface roughness, vehicle speed, and tuned mass dampers.From the numerical study, it was concluded that road surfaceroughness has great influence on the dynamic response andshould always be considered. It was also found that utilizingthe dead load tangent stiffness matrix, linear dynamic trafficload analysis give sufficiently accurate results from theengineering point of view. / QC 20100511
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Dálniční vícepolový most / Multi-span highway bridgeDoležal, Lukáš January 2022 (has links)
The subject of diploma thesis is designing multi-span highway bridge over Řepovský potok valley, dirt roads and biocorridor. Three variants of bridge were designed and one of them – box girder 10 span bridge, has been chosen. Bridge deck is made from cast in place post tension prestressed beam. Load-bearing structure is concreting step by step on fixed and moving support. Total length of bridge is 560 m. The analysis of structure was projected on several computational models. They have been made in software Midas Civil and SCIA Engineer 18.1. The assessments of ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state were made in all steps of building in longitudinal and cross direction. In the analysis in longitudinal direction is included the time dependent analysis. Structural design was made in software MS Excel according to valid standards. Finally, drawing documentation and visualization were made.
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