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Localização de canais afetando o desempenho de controladores preditivos baseados em modelosClaro, Érica Rejane Pereira January 2016 (has links)
O escopo desta dissertação é o desenvolvimento de um método para detectar os modelos da matriz dinâmica que estejam degradando o desempenho de controladores preditivos baseados em modelos. O método proposto se baseia na análise de correlação cruzada entre o erro nominal do controlador em malha fechada e a uma estimativa da contribuição de cada canal para o cálculo da saída, filtrada pela função de sensibilidade do controlador. Esse método pode ser empregado na auditoria de controladores com variáveis controladas em setpoints e/ou com variáveis que operem entre faixas, como é usual de se encontrar na indústria. Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados da aplicação bem sucedida do método no sistema de quatro tanques (JOHANSSON, 2000), para o qual três cenários foram avaliados. No primeiro cenário, o método localizou corretamente discrepâncias de ganho e de dinâmica de modelos de um controlador preditivo baseado em modelos (Model-based Predictive Controller, ou controlador MPC). No segundo, o método foi utilizado para avaliar a influência de uma variável externa para melhorar o desempenho de um controlador afetado por distúrbios não medidos. No terceiro cenário, o método localizou canais com modelos nulos que deveriam ser incluídos na matriz de controle de um controlador MPC de estrutura descentralizada. Os resultados deste estudo de caso foram comparados com aqueles obtidos pelo método proposto por BADWE, GUDI e PATWARDHAN (2009), constatando-se que o método proposto é mais robusto que o método usado na comparação, não demandando ajustes de parâmetros por parte do usuário para fornecer bons resultados. A dissertação inclui também um estudo de caso da aplicação industrial do método na auditoria de desempenho de um controlador preditivo linear de estrutura descentralizada, com doze variáveis controladas, oito manipuladas e quatro distúrbios não medidos, aplicado a um sistema de fracionamento de propeno e propano em uma indústria petroquímica. A auditoria permitiu reduzir o escopo de revisão do controlador a dezenove canais da matriz, sendo que quatorze destes correspondiam a canais com modelos nulos que deveriam ser incluídos na matriz. A eficácia do método foi comprovada repetindo-se a avaliação da qualidade de modelo para todas as variáveis controladas. / The scope of this dissertation is the development of a method to detect the models of the dynamic matrix that are affecting the performance of model-based predictive controllers. The proposed method is based on the cross correlation analysis between the nominal controller error and an estimate of the contribution of each channel to the controller output, filtered by the controller nominal sensitivity function. The method can be used in the performance assessment of controllers employing variables controlled at the setpoint and/or those controlled within ranges. This dissertation presents the results of the successful application of the method to the quadruple-tank process (JOHANSSON, 2000), for which three scenarios were evaluated. In the first scenario, the method correctly located gain and dynamic mismatches on a model-based predictive controller (MPC controller). In the second one, the method was used to evaluate the influence of an external variable to improve the performance of a controller affected by unmeasured disturbances. In the third scenario, the method located null models that should be included in the dynamic matrix of a decentralized MPC controller. The results of the three scenarios were compared with the ones obtained through the method proposed by BADWE, GUDI e PATWARDHAN (2009). The proposed method was considered more robust than the reference one for not requiring parameters estimation performed by the user to provide good results. This dissertation also includes a case study about the application of the method on the performance assessment of an industrial linear predictive controller of decentralized structure. The controller has twelve controlled variables, eight manipulated variables, and four unmeasured disturbances and is applied to a propylene-propane fractionation system of a petrochemical industry. The performance assessment allowed reducing the scope of the controller revision to nineteen channels of the models matrix, fourteen of which were null models that should be included in the controller. The efficacy of the proposed method was confirmed by repeating the model quality evaluation for all the controlled variables.
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Identificação do modelo do processo em malha fechada com controlador MPC. / Model identification in closed loop in a process with a MPC control.Rodrigo Cáo Pires 13 April 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para a re-identificação do modelo usado em controladores preditivos (MPC) desenvolvidos em uma estrutura em duas camadas: uma camada estática que calcula os targets para as variáveis manipuladas e uma dinâmica que implementa os targets para as entradas. Espera-se que esse procedimento de reidenticação seja acionado sempre que for observada uma significativa degradação do modelo de controle do processo. Neste trabalho assume-se que a re-identicação do modelo deve ser realizada em malha fechada. No método aqui proposto, admite-se que o código fonte do programa do controlador preditivo não está disponível, e conseqüentemente, o método proposto não deve requerer qualquer modificação no código fonte. No método aqui proposto, o sinal de excitação é introduzido através dos coeficientes da função objetivo da camada estática que calcula os targets para as entradas. O método proposto é testado por simulação em dois processos diferentes. O primeiro processo é uma coluna de destilação para a qual estão disponíveis vários modelos lineares obtidos em diferentes condições operacionais. O segundo processo aqui estudado é um reator químico não linear que deve ser representado localmente por um modelo linear. / This work aims at the development of a methodology to the re-identification of the model to be used in a MPC, which is developed in a two layers structure: a target calculation layer and a dynamic layer where the targets to the inputs are implemented. It is expected that the reidentification procedure should be started whenever it is observed a significant degradation of the process model. Here, it is assumed that the model re-identification is to be performed in closed-loop. In the method proposed here, it is assumed that the source code of the MPC controller is not available, and consequently, the proposed method should not require any modification the source code. In the method proposed here, the excitation signal is introduced through the coefficients of the objective function of the target calculation layer. The proposed method is tested by simulation in two different processes. The first one is a distillation column where several linear models obtained at different operating conditions are available. The second process studied here is a nonlinear chemical reactor that is locally represented by a linear model.
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Casamento de padrão em strings privados, com aplicação em consultas seguras a banco de dadosMedeiros Vanderlei, Igor January 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006 / A computação segura entre múltiplos participantes (MPC) é uma área de convergência entre
estudos de criptografia e de sistemas distribuídos. Na MPC, assim como na computação distribuída,
dois ou mais participantes colaboram na resolução de uma determinada tarefa. Esta
tarefa a ser resolvida pode ser modelada através de uma função f (x1, ...,xn), onde cada entrada
xi pertence a um participante diferente, e ao final da execução do protocolo, cada participante
obterá apenas a sua saída pré-determinada e as entradas xi permanecerão secretas. Por exemplo,
considere um conjunto de pessoas que deseja descobrir quem é o mais rico, entretanto
nenhum deles quer revelar qual é o montante da sua fortuna (este problema é conhecido como
o problema dos milionários e foi discutido pela primeira vez por Yao [Yao82]).
Diversos estudos teóricos e práticos já foram realizados por pesquisadores da área e muitos
avanços já foram dados em direção à resolução dos problemas MPC. De um lado se encontram
os pesquisadores teóricos, que buscam esquemas genéricos capazes de solucionar qualquer problema
computável, do outro lado, os pesquisadores práticos, na busca de soluções específicas
para cada categoria de problema.
Os estudos teóricos já conseguiram provar que existem soluções genéricas para qualquer
problema computável, entretanto essas soluções requerem um enorme custo computacional, o
que torna o seu uso inviável.
Por atacar cada categoria de problema isoladamente, as pesquisas práticas conseguem produzir
soluções viáveis, pois estudam as características inerentes a cada categoria, e se beneficiam
destas características de forma a reduzir o custo computacional do protocolo.
A proposta deste trabalho é desenvolver uma solução viável ao problema do substring MPC,
e, para tanto, será utilizada uma abordagem prática. Considere dois participantes E e R que
possuem os strings secretos SE e SR, respectivamente; o protocolo de substring MPC permite
que o participante R descubra se o string SR é ou não substring de SE, sem que R tenha acesso ao string SE, nem E tenha acesso ao string SR.
Finalmente, o protocolo de substring MPC será utilizado para a construção de um protocolo
de consulta a banco de dados seguro, capaz de realizar consultas do tipo "SELECT * FROM
funcionarios WHERE nome LIKE %joão% ", sem revelar ao servidor de banco de dados qual
é o valor que está sendo procurado
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Protocolos para computação segura entre dois participantes para álgebra linear e estatísticade Barros Costa Rêgo Amazonas Pontual, Murillo January 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005 / A aplicação mais recorrente da Criptografia é a sua utilização quando duas partes desejam
trocar informações secretas de forma privada, porém com o surgimento das grandes redes de
computadores, outras formas e técnicas surgiram, entre elas o aparecimento da Computação
Segura entre Múltiplos Participantes (MPC).
A MPC consiste de duas ou mais partes, onde cada uma possui um conjunto de dados
secretos e deseja computar uma determinada função f , que recebe como entrada as informações
secretas de cada parte. Ao final do protocolo, cada participante obterá apenas o resultado da
função f , não sendo reveladas as entradas secretas. Um exemplo real seria um paciente que
possui o seu código genético seqüenciado e gostaria de fazer uma consulta em um banco de
dados de DNAs relacionados a doenças de um hospital. Todavia, nem o doente quer que o
hospital conheça seu DNA ou seu estado de saúde, nem o hospital quer mostrar todo o seu
banco de DNAs para esse paciente. Esse e outros tipos de problema podem ser solucionados
utilizando-se em especial a MPC.
Apesar de existirem soluções genéricas para a modelagem de Protocolos Seguros entre
Múltiplos Participantes, essas se mostram inviáveis na prática devido ao seu alto custo computacional.
É nesse contexto que se situa o presente trabalho. Foram desenvolvidos vários protocolos
eficientes entre dois participantes em duas subáreas específicas da Computação Científica
Segura, particularmente na Álgebra Linear Privada e na Estatística Privada. Entre os
problemas resolvidos podem-se destacar: o cálculo de determinantes, autovalores, autovetores,
média, média geométrica, média harmônica, curtose, variância e muitos outros.
No futuro, cada protocolo apresentado poderá servir de bloco para a implementação de
novas aplicações, tais como mineração de dados segura, votação na internet, computação segura
entre múltiplos bancos de dados, etc...
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Studies on crystallization of lactose in permeates and the use of modified milk protein concentrate in high-protein dairy beveragesPandalaneni, Karthik January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Food Science Institute / Jayendra K. Amamcharla / Lactose is commercially produced from whey, whey permeate, or milk permeate as α-lactose monohydrate in crystalline form. Focused Beam Reflectance Measurement (FBRM) as a potential tool for in situ monitoring of lactose crystallization at concentrations relevant to the dairy industry was evaluated. Applicability of FBRM at supersaturated lactose concentrations 50%, 55%, and 60% (w/w) was reported in comparison with Brix values obtained from a Refractometer during isothermal crystallization at temperatures 20ºC and 30ºC. FBRM technique was shown to be a valuable tool for monitoring chord length distributions during lactose crystallization. In a different study, the influence of cooling rate during crystallization of lactose in concentrated permeates was studied. Three cooling rates accounting for approximately 17, 11, and 9 h were applied during lactose crystallization to evaluate the lactose crystal yield and quality of lactose crystals. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) found in lactose crystal yield, mean particle size obtained at the end of crystallization. This study suggested that increasing the cooling rate during lactose crystallization within the range explained in this study can save approximately 8 h of crystallization time. These studies evaluated FBRM as a potential tool to monitor lactose crystal chord lengths and counts. Also, process improvements were suggested to increase the productivity of lactose crystallization process by reducing the crystallization time.
In chapters 5 and 6, calcium-reduced milk protein concentrates (MPCs) were used as an ingredient to improve the stability of high-protein dairy beverages. Heat stability increased significantly (P>0.05) in 8% protein solutions made from 20% calcium-reduced MPC. A significant increase in heat stability was observed in beverages formulated with 20% calcium-reduced MPC in the absence of chelating agent. In another study, it was evident that the dairy beverage formulation with 20% calcium-reduced MPC showed no sedimentation and age gelation indicating an improved storage stability. These studies confirmed that 20% calcium reduced MPC contributed towards improved heat stability and storage stability of the high-protein beverages.
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Jämförelse och utvärdering av bedömningsmaterial inom kommunikationspartnerträning vid afasi : Bedömning av inter- och intrabedömarreliabilitetSöderman, Jenny, Wiborg, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Approximately 10 000 individuals in Sweden are diagnosed with aphasia every year, which can result in severe communication difficulties. Conversation partner training (CPT) is a treatment that aims to help the person with aphasia and their communication partner to have a functional communication. CPT has shown to be an efficient treatment and is recommended in the Swedish national stroke rehabilitation guidelines. The present study examines the inter- and intra-rater reliability of five different CPT assessment materials with intraclass correlation (ICC) for CPT in aphasia. The assessment materials evaluated and compared in this study were Measure of skill in supported conversation (MSC), Measure of participation in conversation (MPC) and the Swedish adaptations Measure of interaction in conversation (MIC/MIK), Stöd i konversation (SiK) and Deltagande i konversation (DiK). The study also examines if assessment training increases the inter-rater reliability, and also if there is any correlation between the type and severity of aphasia and inter-rater reliability. Fourteen dyads participated in the study. The analyses are based on 10 minutes long video clips where the dyads are having a conversation on an optional topic. The results indicated that the assessment materials with the highest inter-rater reliability were SiK and DiK (ICC > 0.65, p < 0,001) and the assessment material with highest intra-rater reliability was MSC for assessor number one (0.91, p < 0.001) and MIC for assessor number two (0.83, p < 0.001). The results also imply that there are no significant differences in inter-rater reliability between assessments before and after assessment training. Correlation between type of aphasia and inter-rater reliability was found in SiK (r = 0.65 p = 0.013). No correlation was found for the variable severity of aphasia and inter-rater reliability. Varje år drabbas ca 10 000 personer av afasi i Sverige, vilket kan medföra stora kommunikativa svårigheter. Kommunikationspartnerträning (KPT) är en behandling som hjälper den drabbade och dennes samtalspartner att kommunicera på ett funktionellt sätt. Studier visar att KPT är en effektiv behandlingsmetod och i Socialstyrelsens reviderade nationella strokeriktlinjer rekommenderas denna metod. Föreliggande studie undersöker inter- och intrabedömarreliabiliteten med intraclass correlation (ICC) för fem olika bedömningsmaterial för KPT vid afasi. Bedömningsmaterialen som jämförts och utvärderats är Measure of skill in supported conversation (MSC), Measure of participation in conversation (MPC), och de svenska anpassningarna Mått på interaktion i kommunikation (MiK) och Stöd i konversation (SiK) respektive Deltagande i konversation (DiK). Studien utforskar också om samstämmighetsträning förbättrar interbedömarreliabiliteten samt om det finns något samband mellan typ och grad av afasi och interbedömarreliabilitet. Fjorton dyader deltog i studien. Analysen genomfördes utifrån filmklipp på cirka 10 minuter där deltagarna samtalade om valfritt ämne. Resultaten visade att SiK och DiK hade högst interbedömarreliabilitet (ICC > 0,65, p < 0,001). Bedömningsmaterialet med högst intrabedömarreliabilitet var MSC för bedömare 1 (0,91, p < 0,001), och MIK för bedömare 2 (0,83 p < 0,001). Resultaten i föreliggande studie visade inga signifikanta skillnader i interbedömarreliabilitet mellan testning före respektive efter träning av samstämmighet. Korrelation mellan typ av afasi och interbedömarreliabilitet kunde påvisas för SiK (r = 0,65 p = 0,013). Korrelation mellan grad av afasi och interbedömarreliabilitet kunde ej påvisas.
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Manufacturing Planning And Control In Batch Manufacturing Organisations In India - An Exploratory StudyChetty, B S 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Regulatory level model predictive controlSha'Aban, Yusuf January 2015 (has links)
The need to save energy, cut costs, and increase profit margin in process manufactureincreases continually. There is also a global drive to reduce energy use and cut down co2 emission and combat climate change. These in turn have led to more stringent requirements on process control performance. Hence, the requirements for modern systems are often not achievable using classical control techniques. Therefore, advanced control strategies are often required to ensure optimal process performance. Despite these challenges, PID has continued to be the dominant industrial control scheme. However, for systems with complex dynamics and/or high performance requirements, PID control may not be sufficient. Therefore, a significant number of industrial control loops are not performing optimally and more advanced control than PID may be required in order to achieve optimal performance. MPC is one of the advanced control schemes that has had a significant impact in the industry. Despite the benefits associated with the implementation of MPC, the technology has remained a niche application in process manufacture. This thesis seeks to address these issues by developing ways that could lead to widespread application of MPC. In the first part of this thesis, a study was carried out to understand the characteristics of processes that would benefit from the application of MPC at the regulatory control level even in the single-input single-output (SISO) case. This is a departure from the common practice in which MPC is applied at the supervisory control layer delivering set points to PID controllers at the regulatory control layer. Both numerical simulation and industrial studies were used to show and quantify benefits of MPC for SISO applications at the regulatory control layer. Some issues that have led to the limited application of MPC include the cost and human efforts associated with modelling and controller design. And to achieve high process performance, accurate models are required. To address this issue, in the second part of this thesis, a novel technique for designing MPC from routine plant data – routine data MPC (RMPC) is proposed. The proposed technique was successfully implemented on process models. This technique would reduce the high human cost associated with MPC deployment, which could make it a widespread rather than niche application in the process manufacturing industry.
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Path Following Model Predictive Control for Center-Articulated VehiclesVallinder, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
Increased safety and productivity are driving factors for the trend in the mining industry where equipment and machines increasingly get automated. An example is the load-haul-dump vehicle, which is a machine that is used for transport of ore in underground mines. The cyclic load-haul-dump process is well suited for automation and automated loaders are commercially available today. Recent advances in autonomous driving have raised questions if there are efficiency gains that can be made by improving the path following algorithms that are used in the control. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the usage of model predictive control for path following for center-articulated mining vehicles. Two path following nonlinear model predictive controllers are designed and implemented. One controller is based on an error dynamics model, formulated as a regulation problem and implemented with the open source NMPC-library GRAMPC. The second controller is based on a kinematic model, formulated as a reference tracking NMPC problem and implemented using the embedded-MPC software tool FORCESPRO. The controllers are simulated on the same hardware that is used in real load-haul-dump vehicles, in a simulation environment provided by Epiroc Rock Drills AB. The results from the simulations show that both controllers can successfully follow a path, with a similar level of path error and less aggressive control actions compared to the current path following controller. The implemented controllers perform the control computations within a range of milliseconds on the embedded hardware, which is fast enough for real-time operation of the load-haul-dump vehicle.
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Model-Predictive Control of Gas Exchange in a Gasoline EngineJajji, George January 2021 (has links)
The process to induct air into engine cylinders, via the air inlet system and cylin-der port valves, is referred to as the "gas-exchange". Control is achieved by theturbo-charger, the intake throttle plate and the variable valve timing (VVT) sys-tem. These actuation systems traditionally use separate control with indepen-dent SISO feedback. There are however physical couplings that affect the con-trol performance. This thesis work looks at MPC control methods for a robustcontrol strategy. MPC methods are typically used for systems with slow dynam-ics, due to computational limits. But new advances in CPU performance shouldallow for real-time implementations for engine control. / <p>Redan framlagt exjobbet</p>
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