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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informationssamband mellan MPS-system och ekonomisystem i tillverkande företag

Götesdotter, Maria January 1999 (has links)
Ett företag kan göra sina för- och efterkalkyler i MPS-systemet eller i ekonomisystemet. Hur den ekonomiska uppföljningen är fördelad mellan de olika systemen är helt upp till företaget med avseende på företagets olika behov och krav. Den centrala delen av detta examensarbete är de besöksintervjuer som genomförts på fyra utvalda företag. Dessa intervjuer ligger till grund för mitt resultat och analys. Utifrån det insamlade materialet har jag besvarat den frågeställning jag hade: Hur hantering med för- och efterkalkyler sköts samt hur ekonomisk uppföljning är fördelad mellan MPS-system och ekonomisystem. Det resultat och slutsatser som jag kommit fram till finns presenterat i denna rapport. Det visade sig att de undersökta företagen sköter arbetet med förkalkyler noggrant. Arbetet med systematisk efterkalkylering brister dock hos de flesta av de undersökta företagen

Příprava a charakterizace buněčných modelů lysosomálních dědičných onemocnění - mukopolysacharidos / Preparation and characterization of cell models of lysosomal hereditary diseases - Mucopolysaccharidoses

Presová, Gabriela January 2020 (has links)
Mucopolysaccharidoses are a group of diseases that belong to lysosomal storage disorders. A common sign of these monogenic multisystem diseases is a gene mutation leading to a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme participating in glycosaminoglycan degradation. It results to their accumulation in the tissues and organs, where they cause a progressive damage. There is no efficient treatment available for most mucopolysaccharidoses. Moreover, the research is complicated because of the low prevalence and type of affected tissues. Animal models of these human diseases are used for an evaluation of newly developed therapeutic approaches. However, they also have many limitations due to the different pathogenesis and catabolic pathways of the accumulated substrates between humans and animals. Therefore, animal models are replaced by human cell models. In this thesis, the development of four mucopolysaccharidoses human cell models is reported (MPS IIID, MPS IVA, MPS IVB, MPS VI). Corresponding genes (GNS, GALNS, GLB1, ARSB) were inactivated using CRISPR/Cas9 technology, where plasmids containing specific inserts are delivered to the target human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), using electroporation. Isolated clones, which represent iPSC disease models, were characterized by Sanger sequencing, enzyme...

Etude de l'efficacité du transfert du gène de la beta-D-glucuronidase dans le SNC de chiens atteints de mucopolysaccharidose de type VII. / Feasibility of β-D-glucuronidase gene transfer in the CNS of mucopolysaccharidosis type VII affected dogs.

Cubizolle, Aurélie 20 December 2012 (has links)
La mucopolysaccharidose de type VII (MPS VII) est une maladie génétique de surcharge lysosomale provoquée par une déficience en β-D-glucuronidase (β-glu). β-glu est impliquée dans la cascade de dégradation et de recyclage des glycosaminoglycannes (GAGs). Sa déficience provoque une accumulation vésiculaire de GAGs non dégradés engendrant in fine la mort cellulaire. Notre but est de développer et de tester la pertinence des vecteurs adénoviraux canins helper-dépendant (HD-CAV-2) pour traiter la neurodégénération provoquée par la MPS VII dans le cadre d'une thérapie génique dans le SNC de chien. Parce que les vecteurs CAV-2 transduisent préférentiellement les neurones et qu'ils sont transportés de manière rétrograde le long des axones, leurs distributions dans tout le SNC permettraient de délivrer largement la β-glu dans tout le parenchyme cérébral. Nous avons alors étudié la sureté, la durée d'expression, l'efficacité et la possible réversion du phénotype après injections dans le SNC de chiens MPS VII d'un HD-CAV-2 exprimant le gène humain de la GUSB : HD-RIGIE. Des études préliminaires ont montré la faisabilité du transfert des vecteurs HD-CAV-2 dans le SNC, qu'ils induisaient une réponse immunitaire minimale et qu'ils transduisaient préférentiellement, efficacement et largement les neurones.Nous avons produit un HD-RIGIE de qualité pour les injections intracérébrales et nous avons analysé son efficacité sur l'accumulation de GAGs non dégradés. Les injections de HD-RIGIE montrent une augmentation générale de l'activité β-glu dans tout le SNC des chiens MPS VII (sites d'injections et structures éloignées comme le cortex) et ce 1 mois ou 4 mois après les injections. L'analyse de la GFP confirme une distribution globale de HD-RIGIE dans le SNC d'animaux de grande taille. De plus, grâce aux propriétés intrinsèques de la β-glu (transport rétrograde et phénomène de libération/recapture), nous avons observé une diminution générale de l'accumulation vésiculaire neuronale des GAGs non dégradés dans tout le parenchyme cérébral. D'autre part grâce à la stratégie d'isolement et de non vaccination des chiens MPS VII, nous n'observons ni de réponse immunitaire humorale, ni d'aggravation de l'inflammation du parenchyme. / Mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPS VII) is a rare inherited lysosomal storage disease caused by β-D-glucuronidase (β-glu) deficiency. β-glu is involved in the physiological turnover of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Its deficiency causes accumulation of undegraded GAGs inside vesicles leading to cell death. Our goals are to develop and test the clinical relevance of helper-dependant (HD) canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2) vectors to treat neural degeneration caused by MPS VII in a dog model. Because CAV-2 targets preferentially neurons and traffics via axons, the distribution of the transgene throughout the CNS will allow widespread delivery of the missing lysosomal enzyme in these disorders with a minimum number of injections. We tested a HD-CAV-2 vector expressing the human GUS gene in the canine model of MPS VII for their safety, efficacy, duration of expression and possible reversion of the MPS VII induced symptoms.A previous study based on HD-CAV-EGFP vector injections in MPS VII-/- and healthy dogs showed that we are now able to inject HD-CAV-2 in the dog brain, have a minimal induction of the immune response, an efficient transduction of the neurons and an efficient biodistribution of transduced cells. After the production of a suitable vector (HD-RIGIE) for injections in the CNS of MPS VII dogs we analysed its efficiency on GAGS storage in neurons.Injections of HD-RIGIE showed after 1 month or 4 months post injections a widespread increase in general level of β-glu activity, in the sites of injections and in distant areas such as cortex. Analysis of GFP, also permit to observe a widespread biodistribution of the vector. Because of β-glu property of cross-correction we observed a global decreased in GAGs storage in the entire MPS VII brains. Finally, the dogs did not present humoral immune response and no aggravation of inflammation


26 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] A avaliação do aporte continental de hidrocarbonetos para a zona costeira pelos corpos hídricos é de grande importância para melhor compreensão das características regionais quanto à ocupação do solo e do impacto que a urbanização exerce sobre um estuário. As distribuições de hidrocarbonetos alifáticos (n-C12 a n-C40) e hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (46 HPAs) foram investigadas no material particulado em suspensão (MPS) e sedimentos ao longo de onze meses em seis dos principais rios e dois canais da bacia da Baía de Guanabara. O ΣHPAs variou de 27,59 a 11.514 ng L-1 no MPS e de 14,60 a 64.961 ng g-1 para as amostras de sedimento. Foram determinadas a taxa de exportação média dos rios dos rios e canais, indo de 0,03 t ano-1 observada para o rio Suruí a 1,87 t ano-1 observada para o rio Iguaçu; a contribuição de HPAs para o sedimento parte norte da baía na e as principais fontes de hidrocarbonetos. Avaliações de tipologia e estatísticas permitiram demonstrar a proporção da contribuição de fontes petrogênicas e pirolíticas nas diferentes regiões e quantificar estas contribuições. A taxa de exportação de HPAs dos cinco principais rios ao norte da baía equivale a 3 t ano-1, representando 30 porcento do aporte total anual de HPAs nesta área da Baía de Guanabara. O estudo geocronológico mostra a evolução histórica do aporte de HPAs apontando para a transição da predominância das fontes de combustão no passado para fontes petrogênicas nos anos recente e mostrou que dentre os NHPAs avaliados, apenas os compostos 2-nitrofluoranteno, 3-nitrofluoranteno e 7-nitrobenzo(a)antraceno foram observados na região noroeste enquanto 2-nitronaftaleno, 5-nitroacenafteno e 2-nitrofluoreno foram observados ao sul da baía, sugerindo a deposição preferencial de subprodutos de reações atmosféricas. Pela primeira vez foi estimada a massa de HPAs depositada ao longo do tempo no sedimento da Baía de Guanabara e realizado o estudo de NHPAs servindo como base para estudos futuros. / [en] The evaluation of the hydrocarbons continental input by end members is of great importance for a better understanding the regional characteristics in terms of land use and the impact that urbanization has on an estuary. Aliphatic (n-C12 to n-C40) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (46 PAH) were investigated in suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediments for eleven months in six major rivers and two canals in the basin of Guanabara Bay. The ΣPAH ranged 27.59 to 11,514 ng L-1 for SPM and of 14.60 to 64,961 ng g-1 for the sediment samples. PAH flow rates of the most contaminated rivers and channels ranging of 0,03 t year-1 for Suruí river to 1,87 t year-1 to Iguaçu river; the contribution to the PAH sediment load of the receiving bay, and the main sources of hydrocarbons were determined. Typology and statistical evaluation demonstrated contribution of distinct sources in different regions and allowed quantification of these contributions. Total flow rate for the five major rivers to the bay north amounts to 3 tons year-1 and responds for 30 percent of the total PAH annual input into the northern area of the Guanabara Bay. Geochronological study shows the historical evolution of the PAH contribution pointing to the transition from the predominance of combustion sources in the past to petrogenic sources in recent years and showed that among the nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (NPAHs) evaluated only, 2-nitrofluoranthene, 3-nitrofluoranthene and 7-nitrobenzo(a)anthracene compounds were observed in the region NW while 2-nitronaphthalene, 5-nitroacenaphthene and 2-fluoranthene were observed south of the bay, suggesting preferential deposition of atmospheric reactions byproducts. For the first time PAH mass deposited in the bay sediments has been estimated and conducted the study about NPAHs shall serve as base for future studies.

Intégration des questions d'ingénierie de l'interaction homme-machine dans les modèles d'aptitude et maturité de processus logiciel / Integration of human-computer interaction engineering issues into software process capability maturity models

Guidini Gonçalves, Taisa 27 November 2017 (has links)
Les modèles d’aptitude et maturité de processus logiciel (AMPL) sont actuellement largement utilisés dans l’industrie. Pour exécuter les pratiques définies dans ces modèles, des approches d’ingénierie logicielle sont appliquées. On constate également une grande définition en termes de méthodes, techniques, patrons et normes pour l’analyse, la conception, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation de systèmes interactifs, axés sur les questions d’Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM). Néanmoins, il est bien connu que les approches d’IHM ne sont pas largement utilisées dans l’industrie. Afin de profiter de l’utilisation des modèles AMPL, cette thèse propose d’intégrer les questions d’IHM (concepts de conception, mise en œuvre et évaluation de systèmes interactifs) dans le modèle international le plus connu (CMMI-DEV – Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development) et dans le modèle brésilien (MR-MPS-SW – MPS for Software reference model). À cette fin, nous avons travaillé sur (i) l’identification des approches de l’IHM appropriées pour chaque pratique de l’ingénierie préconisée par ces modèles, (ii) l’évaluation et l’amélioration des approches de l’IHM identifiées avec des experts en IHM, (iii) la validation de la proposition dans un environnement académique, et (iv) la réalisation de deux études empiriques sur la perception de la connaissance et l’utilisation des approches de l’IHM dans l’industrie. En conséquence, nous avons obtenu 14 catégories d’approches de l’IHM avec des exemples de méthodes, techniques, patrons et normes propres à réaliser chaque pratique des activités d’ingénierie des deux modèles lors du développement de systèmes interactifs. De plus, l’étude empirique avec l’industrie brésilienne a confirmé statistiquement que les consultants de ces modèles AMPL ne connaissent et n’utilisent pas ou peu les approches de l’IHM, comme ils connaissent et utilisent des approches d’ingénierie logicielle. / Software process capability maturity (SPCM) models are currently widely used in industry. To perform the practices defined in these models, software engineering approaches are applied. We also have experienced a large definition of methods, techniques, patterns, and standards for the analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation of interactive systems focusing on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) issues. Nevertheless, it is well known that HCI approaches are not largely used in industry. In order to take advantage of the widespread use of SPCM models, this thesis proposes to integrate HCI issues (concepts of design, implementation, and evaluation of interactive systems) in the most known international SPCM model (CMMI-DEV – Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development) and in the Brazilian SPCM model (MR-MPS-SW – MPS for Software reference model). To that end, we have worked on (i) the identification of appropriate HCI approaches for each practice of the engineering advocated by these models, (ii) the evaluation and improvement of the identified HCI approaches with HCI experts, (iii) the validation of the proposition in an academic environment, and (iv) the conduction of two empirical studies about the perception of knowledge and use of HCI approaches in the industry. As a result, we got 14 categories of HCI approaches with examples of methods, techniques, patterns, and standards adequate to perform each practice of engineering activities of the both models when developing interactive systems. Moreover, the empirical study, in Brazilian industry, confirmed statistically that consultants of those SPCM models do not know and do not use HCI approaches as well as they know and use software engineering approaches.

Desenvolvimento do método de partículas na representação de corpos flutuantes em ondas altamente não-lineares. / Development of particle method representing floating bodies with highly non-linearwaves.

Tsukamoto, Marcio Michiharu 22 June 2006 (has links)
O método numérico para fluidos incompressíveis desenvolvido no presente estudo é o Moving Particle Semi-Implicit Method (MPS) que enxerga o domínio discretizado em partículas, é baseado em representação lagrangeana e não tem a necessidade de utilização de malhas. O método MPS tem como equações governantes uma forma particular da equação de Navier-Stokes e a equação da continuidade para fluidos incompressíveis e não viscosos. Os métodos de simulação de fluidos mais comumente utilizados são baseados em representação euleriana e utilizam malhas para descrever a geometria do domínio a ser simulado. Devido a essas diferenças, uma das grandes virtudes do método de partículas é a facilidade de investigação de fenômenos altamente não-lineares como o de superfície livre com quebra de ondas, de líquidos no interior de uma embarcação em movimento, de ondas batendo na parte externa do casco de um navio, etc. Em artigos já publicados, resultados de experimentos físicos mostraram boa aderência aos resultados numéricos de simulações realizadas com o método MPS. No presente trabalho, resultados das forças de excitação das simulações com ondas regulares foram comparados com os resultados do programa Wave Analysis MIT (WAMIT) que é um programa consagrado no meio científico. Houve uma boa concordância de resultados entre os dois programas. A otimização do cálculo de vizinhança forneceu uma grande economia de tempo computacional. A maior contribuição deste estudo foi a otimização da função que resolve o sistema linear implementando no código desenvolvido um código paralelizado de uso público existente chamado Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc) que proporcionou um bom ganho de desempenho. / A numerical method called Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method was developed in this study to analyze incompressible fluids. It is a particle method using a lagrangean representation without any grid. The governing equations are the Navier-Stokes equation and continuity equation for incompressible and non-viscous flow. Most of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods are based on eulerian representation and use grids to describe the geometry of the simulated domain. These differences make the MPS method easier to analyze highly nonlinear phenomena as free surface with wave breaking, sloshing, slamming, etc. In previously published articles, results of physical experiments had shown good agreement with the numerical results obtained with MPS method. In the present work, results of exciting forces were compared with the results obtained with a validated program called Wave Analysis MIT (WAMIT). It had a good agreement of results between these two programs. The optimization of the neighborhood calculation function got a good economy of computational time. The greatest contribution of this study was the optimization of the linear system solver. It was made implementing in the developed code a parallelized public code called Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc) that provided a good performance profit.

Desenvolvimento do método de partículas na representação de corpos flutuantes em ondas altamente não-lineares. / Development of particle method representing floating bodies with highly non-linearwaves.

Marcio Michiharu Tsukamoto 22 June 2006 (has links)
O método numérico para fluidos incompressíveis desenvolvido no presente estudo é o Moving Particle Semi-Implicit Method (MPS) que enxerga o domínio discretizado em partículas, é baseado em representação lagrangeana e não tem a necessidade de utilização de malhas. O método MPS tem como equações governantes uma forma particular da equação de Navier-Stokes e a equação da continuidade para fluidos incompressíveis e não viscosos. Os métodos de simulação de fluidos mais comumente utilizados são baseados em representação euleriana e utilizam malhas para descrever a geometria do domínio a ser simulado. Devido a essas diferenças, uma das grandes virtudes do método de partículas é a facilidade de investigação de fenômenos altamente não-lineares como o de superfície livre com quebra de ondas, de líquidos no interior de uma embarcação em movimento, de ondas batendo na parte externa do casco de um navio, etc. Em artigos já publicados, resultados de experimentos físicos mostraram boa aderência aos resultados numéricos de simulações realizadas com o método MPS. No presente trabalho, resultados das forças de excitação das simulações com ondas regulares foram comparados com os resultados do programa Wave Analysis MIT (WAMIT) que é um programa consagrado no meio científico. Houve uma boa concordância de resultados entre os dois programas. A otimização do cálculo de vizinhança forneceu uma grande economia de tempo computacional. A maior contribuição deste estudo foi a otimização da função que resolve o sistema linear implementando no código desenvolvido um código paralelizado de uso público existente chamado Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc) que proporcionou um bom ganho de desempenho. / A numerical method called Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method was developed in this study to analyze incompressible fluids. It is a particle method using a lagrangean representation without any grid. The governing equations are the Navier-Stokes equation and continuity equation for incompressible and non-viscous flow. Most of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods are based on eulerian representation and use grids to describe the geometry of the simulated domain. These differences make the MPS method easier to analyze highly nonlinear phenomena as free surface with wave breaking, sloshing, slamming, etc. In previously published articles, results of physical experiments had shown good agreement with the numerical results obtained with MPS method. In the present work, results of exciting forces were compared with the results obtained with a validated program called Wave Analysis MIT (WAMIT). It had a good agreement of results between these two programs. The optimization of the neighborhood calculation function got a good economy of computational time. The greatest contribution of this study was the optimization of the linear system solver. It was made implementing in the developed code a parallelized public code called Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc) that provided a good performance profit.

Towards a more efficient Supply Chain : A study at Bombardier Rail Control Solutions with a focus on centralizing their Supply Chain

Eriksson, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
To remain competitive in today’s business environment, companies must continuously become more efficient and improve their business. This can be achieved through developing and streamlining a company's Supply Chain.   Bombardier Rail Control Solutions (RCS) has grown mainly through acquisitions, however, the acquisitions have not been integrated in a good way into their existing Supply Chain. This has result in a decentralized Supply Chain where RCS’s different sites are using different ERP systems. The consequence of this has led to an increased manual workload, a lack of visibility between sites and an inefficient Supply Chain.   The goal of this project has been to identify how Bombardier RCS can develop and streamline its Supply Chain by centralizing different parts of it, e.g. ERP systems and different processes. To achieve this, there has been a close collaboration with Bombardier through the project through interviews, meetings, discussions together with studying literature. In addition, presentations have been presented continuously to ensure that the results have followed Bombardier RCS’s goal. RCS’s historical data has also been analyzed.   Based on the above-mentioned methods, several problems have been solved and improvement areas have been identified. Issues that have been solved include centralizing master data and how to centralize processes at Bombardier RCS. Improvement areas include the benefits of centralizing Bombardier RCS Supply Chain and the advantages with a central warehouse. Bombardier RCS should also centralize their entire ERP system to enable global MRP calculations and so on. Furthermore, it has been identified that there is an improvement potential regarding Bombardier RCS's delivery performance, which can be solved by either integrating RCS’s Supply Chain or/and through keeping products on stock.   The conclusion is that Bombardier RCS should centralize their Supply Chain step by step since it is impossible to centralize everything at once. By centralizing the Supply Chain, this can reduce manual workload, create visibility between different sites, contribute to a better delivery performance and streamline the Supply Chain. By doing this, Bombardier RCS can get more competitive, which can contribute to a continued strong market position in the industry. / För att vara konkurrenskraftig i dagens företagsklimat måste företag ständigt förbättras och bli effektivare. Detta kan uppnås bland annat genom att utveckla och effektivisera ett företags värdekedja.   Bombardier Rail Control Soutions (RCS) har växt framförallt genom företagsförvärv, dock har förvärven inte integrerats på ett bra sätt in i den existerande värdekedjan. Detta har resulterat i en decentraliserad värdekedja där RCS:s olika arbetsplatser använder olika ERP system. Konsekvensen av detta har lett till en ökande manuell arbetsbelastning, brist på synlighet mellan siter och en ineffektiv värdekedja.   Målsättningen med det här projektet har varit att identifiera hur Bombardier RCS kan utveckla och effektivisera sin värdekedja genom att centralisera olika delar av den, exempelvis ERP system och olika processer. För att uppnå detta har ett nära samarbete med Bombardier genom projektet varit centralt med intervjuer, möten och diskussioner, tillsammans med en litteraturstudie. Dessutom har presentationer framförts kontinuerligt för att säkerställa att resultaten följt Bombardier RCS:s mål. RCS:s historiska data har också analyserats.   Utifrån ovannämnda metoder har flera problem löst och förbättringsområden har identifierats. Problem som har lösts är bland annat att centralisera RCS:s masterdata och hur man kan centralisera processer hos Bombardier RCS. Förbättringsområden är bland annat fördelarna med att centralisera Bombardier RCS:s värdekedja och vinsterna med ett centrallager. Bombardier RCS bör även centralisera deras ERP-system för att möjliggöra globala MRP-beräkningar och så vidare. Vidare har det identifierats att det finns en  förbättringspotential för Bombardier RCS:s leveransprecision som kan lösas dels med att integrera värdekedjan (med leverantörer) eller/och lagerlägga artiklar.   Slutsatsen är att Bombardier RCS bör centralisera sin värdekedja stegvis eftersom det är omöjligt att centralisera allt på en gång. Genom en centraliserad värdekedja kan det minimera den manuella arbetsbelastningen, skapa visibilitet mellan olika arbetsplatser, bidra till en bättre leveransprecision och effektivisera värdekedjan. Genom att göra detta kommer Bombardier RCS bli mer konkurrenskraftig, vilket kommer bidra till en fortsatt stark marknadsposition i branschen.

Analysis of Head Kinematics in Ice Hockey / Analys av huvudets kinematik i ishockey

Pogosian, David January 2022 (has links)
Ice hockey has been identified as a sport with a high risk for concussions due to it being highly physical. Improvements have been made over the years to improve the protective gear for the players effectively eliminating more severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) however mild concussions (mTBI) are still prevalent to this day. One way of predicting these injuries in the recent years is the usage of finite element (FE) analysis to recreate impacts to study the effects of said head kinematics and strain parameters using validated FE models of the brain. In this thesis, video analysis was done on five cases resulting in a concussion and five cases not resulting in concussion from both the Swedish Hockey League (SHL) and the National Hockey League (NHL) to extract the initial velocities and positioning. The average velocity for the injured player and attacking player was 5.12 m/s and 5.08 m/s respectively for the impacts resulting in a concussion. Additionally, the average velocity for the injured player and attacking player was 4.80 m/s and 5.51 respectively for the impacts not resulting in a concussion. The video analysis methodology was also validated using a dataset from a football game and resulted in an average error of 25.4%. The impacts were recreated using the extracted velocities and initial positions in LS-PrePost with the full body FE model THUMS v.4.02 representing a 50th percentile adult male fitted with a helmet previously developed by master thesis students at KTH. The simulations were ran using LS-DYNA. The head kinematics from the head’s center of gravity and brain strain measured called Maximum Principal Strain (MPS) were extracted. Using the MPS values, the 95th percentile was calculated to then determine the likelihood of concussion. The MPS95 ranged from 0.18 to 0.63 for the cases resulting in a likelihood of concussion of 7.48 to 100%. For the cases not resulting in a concussion, the MPS95 values ranged from 0.20 to 0.45 resulting in likelihood of concussion 11.1 to 80.5%. The head kinematics extracted reported similar outcome in terms of risk of suffering concussions. The varying results can be pointed to the drawbacks in the methodology such as the error of the video analysis and the positioning of FE models. / Ishockey har fastställts som en sport med höga risker för hjärnskakning på grund av dess fysiska natur. Med åren har förbättringar gjorts på skyddsutrustningen vilket har avlägsnat allvarligare hjärnskador (TBI) från sporten, men dessvärre förekommer mildare hjärnskakningar än idag. På senare år har användning av finita element (FE) metoder använts för att återskapa kollisionerna för att förutspå dessa skador. Detta görs genom att använda validerade FE modeller av hjärnan för att analysera kinematiken samt töjningarna. I detta arbete gjordes en videoanalys av fem fall som resulterade i hjärnskakning samt fem fall där kollisionen inte resulterade i en hjärnskakning från både den Svenska Hockey Ligan (SHL) och "National Hockey League" (NHL). Från videoanalysen togs de initiala hastigheterna samt positionerna fram. Den genomsnittliga hastigheten för den skadade spelaren respektive attackerande spelaren var 5.12 m/s och 5.02 m/s för fallen där hjärnskakning hade skett. För fallen där hjärnskakning inte hade skett var hastigheten för den skadade respektive attackerande spelaren var 4.80 m/s samt 5.51 m/s. Videoanalysmetoden validerades genom att utföra videoanalysis på en databas från en fotbollsmatch. Valideringen resulterade i ett genomsnittligt fel på 25.4%. Kollisionerna återskapades genom att använda de extraherade initiala hastigheterna och positionerna i LS-PrePost med FE helkroppsdockan THUMS v.4.02 som representerade en 50:e percentil vuxen man utrustad med en ishockeyhjälm som utvecklats av tidigare masterexamensstudenter på KTH. Simuleringarna gjordes genom LS-DYNA. Huvudkinematiken från huvudets tyngdpunkt samt de maximala principiella töjningarna (MPS) i hjärnan extraherades. Från de extraherade MPS värdena kunde den 95:e percentilen uträknas för att bestämma sannolikheten att hjärnskakning sker. För fallen där hjärnskakning skett, varierade MPS95 värdet mellan 0.18 till 0.63 vilket motsvarar en risk för hjärnskakning på 7.48% respektive 100%. För fallen där hjärnskakning inte hade skett varierade MPS95 värdet från 0.20 till 0.45 vilket motsvarar 11.1% respektive 80% risk för hjärnskakning. Den extraherade huvudkinematikens risk för hjärnskakning överensstämde för det mesta med MPS95 sannolikheterna. De varierande resultaten kan hänvisas till de brister i metoden som exempelvis felet i videoanalysen samt positioneringen av FE modeller.

Beläggning - Ett planeringssystem / Load – A Planning System

Carlson, Mattias, Gynnerstedt, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
<p>Inriktningen på detta examensarbete är kapacitetsbeläggning och uppdragsgivaren är System Andersson som utvecklar, tillverkar och installerar verkstadssystem. Detta arbete är ett led i skapandet av förslag på verkstadssystem som är under utveckling och bakgrunden är att kraven från marknaden har ökat.</p><p>Syftet med arbetet har varit att ge förslag på hur beläggningsdelen i ett alternativt system kan se ut. Som utgångspunkt har ett antal frågeställningar använts. Exempelvis vad som händer om kapaciteten eller planeringen inte håller samt hur kunskapen om planerarens vardag kan användas.</p><p>För att genomföra arbetet har författarna använt sig av litteraturstudie som grundar sig på tidigare kurslitteratur på programmet, intervjuer av personal på System Andersson samt egna idéer.</p><p>System Anderssons kunder är främst små och medelstora svenska tillverkande företag. Det vanligaste är att de arbetar efter principen funktionell verkstad och tillverkning mot order. Inom detta segment, som System Andersson vill fortsätta verka inom, är det viktigt att verkstadssystemet kan ändra operationsföljden och optimera kapacitetsutnyttjandet hos maskinparken och personalen. För att produkten ska bli konkurrenskraftigt måste den även vara anpassad efter de personer som använder sig av det.</p><p>En del av resultatet består av två versioner av beläggningsmodulen,</p><p>Det som är nytt i detta förslag mot tidigare såld version är: fler funktioner, dagsplanering, kapacitetstak och grafiskt planeringsverktyg. Författarna har kommit med idéer i programmet om hur detta skall vara lösbart.</p><p>Programmet ska ur planerarens synvinkel hjälpa till med det dagliga arbete och de problemen som skall lösas innan de uppkommer eller vara smidigare att hantera. Ur System Anderssons synvinkel skall detta kunna användas i marknadsförings- och säljarsyfte när de samtalar med kunder.</p><p><em>Light och <em>Advanced. Den förstnämnda är inriktad mot de små företagen och innehåller därför endast de viktigaste funktionerna för beläggningsplanering, i övrigt är den så avskalad som möjligt. Den sistnämnda versionen, Advanced, är anpassad för de något större företagen och kan därför utföra ett större antal uppgifter. Det ska vara lämpat för en heltidsanställd planerare med allt som det innebär. Som komplement till dessa två versioner har författarna utformat en <em>stämpelklocka och en <em>körplan för att skapa en bättre helhetsbild av beläggningsplaneringen. Stämpelklockan används för att samla in information om tillgänglig personalkapacitet och körplanen för att kommunicera med produktionen och uppdatera den tillgängliga maskinkapaciteten. Författarnas fokus har varit att rita upp de övergripande skisserna och inte programmeringen som ligger bakom. </em></em></em></em></p> / <p>This thesis has been carried out in cooperation with System Andersson that develops, manufactures and installs engineering system. This is a proposal on how a system can be designed because the market has become more demanding.</p><p>This thesis subject is to come with ideas on how a system might look like. As a starting point, a number of questions were made. For example, what happens if the capacity or planning does not agree with the plane, and how does a planner’s normal day look like.</p><p>To carry out the work the authors have used the literature review based on previous literature in their program, interviews of personnel at System Andersson and own ideas.</p><p>System Anderssons customers are mainly small and medium-sized, Swedish manufacturing companies. The most common is that the customers work in a job shop and manufacturing that order. In this segment, that System Andersson will continue to work in, it is important to the engineering system can change the operation sequence and optimize the capacity utilization of machinery and personnel. For the product to be competitive, it must also be designed for the people who use the program.</p><p>Some of the results consist of two versions of the coating module,</p><p>What is new in this proposal to the version they are selling today are: more features, daily planning, capacity planning and graphic. The authors have come up with ideas in the program on how this should be soluble.</p><p>The program is from the scheduler point of view to help with the daily work and solve the problems before they arise or be more flexible to manage. From System Anderssons point of view, this could be used in marketing and promoting their programming when they talk with customers.</p><p><em>Light, and <em>Advanced. The first is targeted to small businesses and therefore contains only the most important functions for the coating design; the remainder is as scaled as possible. The latter version, Advanced, is adapted to the somewhat larger firms and can therefore perform a wider range of tasks. It should be suitable for a full-time planner with all that that implies. In addition to these two versions the authors have designed a <em>time clock and a <em>dispatch list to create a better overall picture of occupancy planning. The time clock is used to collect information on available staff capacity and dispatch list to communicate to the manufacturing and update the available machine capacity. The authors' focus has been to draw up the overall sketches and not the program behind. </em></em></em></em></p>

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