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Fotbollsspelares uppfattningar om ledarskapsbeteende för prestation & tillfredställelse / Preferred and perceived leadership behaviour for satisfaction and performance of athletes in soccerPersson, Jens, Linnaeus, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Svenska Fotbollförbundet vill att idrottsföreningarna i fotboll ska fungera väl och få fler samt rätt utbildade ledare. För att idrottaren ska fortsätta träna och behålla motivationen är det viktigt att ledaren lyssnar till idrottarens behov, kunskap och förväntningar. Det är också viktigt för tränaren att vara medveten om vad idrottaren önskar för ledarskapsbeteende för att skapa tillfredställande upplevelser och optimera spelarnas prestationer. Föreliggande studie undersöker därför vilket ledarskapsbeteende som önskas och uppfattas av fotbollspelare samt diskrepansen mellan önskvärt och uppfattat ledarskapsbeteende och sambandet med tillfredsställelse. Metoden som användes var följande. I studien inkluderades enkäter från 87 manliga (n=49) och kvinnliga (n=38) svenska fotbollsspelare i division tre till sex. Två svenska varianter av Leadership Scale for Sports och tre dimensioner från Athlete Satisfaction Questionnaire. Datan analyserades med icke parametrisk korrelation enligt Spearman`s rho och med deskriptiv analys. Resultatet visade att det mest önskade och uppfattade ledarskapsbeteendet var Positiv återkoppling följt av Träning & instruktion. Huvudresultatet visar att en liten uppmätt skillnad mellan önskvärt och uppfattat av ledarskapsbeteendena Träning & instruktion (r = -,523, p<0.01), Positiv återkoppling (r = -.423, p<0.01) och Socialt stöd (r = -.252, p<0.05), var för sig korrelerar med högt uppmätt värde av tillfredställelse. Det finns en trend mot korrelation mellan diskrepansen för önskvärt och uppfattat Demokratiskt ledarskapsbeteende (r = -.212) och tillfredställelse. Uppmätta skillnader mellan önskvärt Auktoritärt ledarskapsbeteende och uppfattat Auktoritärt ledarskapsbeteende (r = -.004) och tillfredställelse visar inte någon signifikant korrelation. Mer forskning behövs för att öka förståelsen för hur ledare kan vara för att förbättra tillfredsställelsen och prestationen hos fotbollsspelare. Resultatet diskuteras och analyseras mot tidigare forskning och förslag på framtida forskning presenteras. / The study investigates preferred and perceived leadership behaviour by soccer players, as well as the discrepancy between preferred and perceived leadership behaviour and the relationship with satisfaction. The study included surveys of 87 male (n = 49) and female (n = 38) Swedish soccer players in division three to six. Two Swedish versions of the Leadership Scale for Sports and three dimensions of the Athlete Satisfaction Questionnaire was used. The data was analysed with the nonparametric correlation according to Spearman`s rho and descriptive analysis. The most preferred and perceived leadership behaviour was Positive Feedback followed by Training & Instruction. The main result of the study was that a small discrepancy between preferred and perceived leadership behaviours Training & Instruction (r = -, 523, p <0:01), Positive Feedback (r = -.423, p <0:01) and Social Support (r = -.252; p <0.05), respectively correlates athlete Satisfaction. There is a trend towards correlation between discrepancy of preferred and perceived Democratic Leadership behaviour (r = -.212) and athlete Satisfaction. More research is needed to increase understanding of how leaders might be to improve the Satisfaction and Performance to athletes in soccer. The result is discussed and analysed with previous research and suggestions for future research are presented.
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Psihološko blagostanje: provera realnostikonstrukta u okviru multidimenzionog modela Carol RyffRakić Bajić Gorana 05 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Osnovni cilj prikazanog istraživanja je bilo unapredivanje postojecih znanja o<br />psihološkom blagostanju putem ispitivanja multidimenzionalnosti konstrukta i<br />njegovih korelata. Proveravana je struktura multidimenizonog modela Caroll Ryff<br />prema kome psihološko blagostanje obuhvata šest dimenzija: Samoprihvatanje, Svrha<br />života, Licni rast, Ovladavanje okruženjem, Autonomija i Pozitivni odnosi sa<br />drugima, te relacije tih dimenzija sa pretpostavljenim prediktorima i konsekventima.<br />U istraživanju je ucestvovalo 657 odraslih osoba (41,9% muškog i 58,1%<br />ženskog pola) sa teritorije Srbije, uzrasta od 18 do 89 godina. Korišceni su sledeci<br />instrumenti: Upitnik o demografskim karakteristikama konstruisan za potrebe<br />istraživanja, Skale psihološkog blagostanja, Skala zadovoljstva životom, Skala<br />pozitivnog i negativnog afektiviteta (PANAS), Upitnik za procenjivanje partnerske<br />afektivne vezanosti, Bekov inventar anksioznosti, Skala samostišavanja, Skala<br />optimizma – pesimizma i Skala depresivne licnosti.<br />Rezultati sprovedenih analiza nisu potvrdili šestodimenzionalnost modela, ali<br />ukazuju na multidimenzionalnost psihološkog blagostanja, te je predložen<br />trodimenzioni model. Dalja ispitivanja korelata psihološkog blagostanja sprovedena<br />na ekstrahovanom trofaktorskom modelu su pokazala da je psihološko blagostanje<br />znacajan prediktor subjektivnog blagostanja, anksioznosti i subjektivnih procena<br />fizickog zdravlja i materijalne situacije, dok su optimizam, pesimizam, depresivna<br />licnost i uzrast znacajni prediktori psihološkog blagostanja.</p> / <p>The main goal of the presented study was to extend the existing knowledge on the<br />psychological well-being though testing psychological well-being<br />multidimensionality and relationship with its correlates. The six-dimension Carol Ryff<br />model of the psychological well-being was used, which consists of the following<br />dimensions: Self-acceptance, Personal growth, Environmental mastery, Autonomy,<br />Purpose in life and Positive relations with others. Also included was a relationship<br />between psychological well-being and assumed predictors and consequences.<br />The research included 657 adults, aged between 18 to 89 years, from Serbia.<br />The following instruments were used: a questionnaire on socio-demographic<br />characteristics, Scales of Psychological Well-Being, Satisfaction with life scale, The<br />positive and negative affect schedule – PANAS, Experience of Close Relationships<br />Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, the self-silencing scale, Optimism – pessimism scale<br />and Depressive personality scale.<br />The results did not confirm the six-dimension model theory, but did indicate a<br />multidimensional structure of the psychological well-being. The three factor solution<br />was extracted, so the rest of study was conducted with three dimensional<br />psychological model. Analysis showed that psychological well-being is a significant<br />predictor of subjective well-being, anxiety and subjective assessment of physical<br />health and material state. The optimism, pessimism, depressive personality and age<br />are the significant predictors of psychological well-being.<br /> </p>
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Análise de componentes principais em data warehouses / Principal components analysis in data warehousesRossi, Rafael Germano 07 November 2017 (has links)
A técnica de Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA) tem como objetivo principal a descrição da variância e covariância entre um conjunto de variáveis. Essa técnica é utilizada para mitigar redundâncias no conjunto de variáveis e para redução de dimensionalidade em várias aplicações nas áreas científica, tecnológica e administrativa. Por outro lado, o modelo de dados multidimensionais é composto por relações de fato e dimensões (tabelas) que descrevem um evento usando métricas e a relação entre suas dimensões. No entanto, o volume de dados armazenados e a complexidade de suas dimensões geralmente envolvidas neste modelo, especialmente no ambiente de data warehouse, tornam a tarefa de interpretar a correlação entre dimensões muito difícil e às vezes impraticável. Neste trabalho, propomos o desenvolvimento de uma Interface de Programação de Aplicação (API) para a aplicação da PCA no modelo de dados multidimensionais para facilitar a tarefa de caracterização e redução de dimensionalidade, integrando essa técnica com ambientes de Data Warehouses. Para verificar a eficácia desta API, um estudo de caso foi realizado utilizando dados de produção científica e suas citações obtidas das Plataformas Lattes, Web of Science, Google Scholar e Scopus, fornecidas pela Superintendência de Tecnologia da Informação da Universidade de São Paulo. / The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique has as the main goal the description of the variance and covariance between a set of variables. This technique is used to mitigate redundancies in the set of variables and as a mean of achieving dimensional reduction in various applications in the scientific, technological and administrative areas. On the other hand, the multidimensional data model is composed by fact and dimension relations (tables) that describe an event using metrics and the relationship between their dimensions. However, the volume of data stored and the complexity of their dimensions usually involved in this model, specially in data warehouse environment, makes the correlation analyses between dimensions very difficult and sometimes impracticable. In this work, we propose the development of an Application Programming Interface (API) for the application of PCA on multidimensional data model in order to facilitate the characterization task and dimension reduction, integrating the technique with Data Warehouses environments. For verifying the effectiveness of this API, a case study was carried out using the scientific production data obtained from the Lattes Platform, the Web of Science, Google Scholar and Scopus, provided by the IT Superintendence at University of São Paulo.
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Análise de componentes principais em data warehouses / Principal components analysis in data warehousesRafael Germano Rossi 07 November 2017 (has links)
A técnica de Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA) tem como objetivo principal a descrição da variância e covariância entre um conjunto de variáveis. Essa técnica é utilizada para mitigar redundâncias no conjunto de variáveis e para redução de dimensionalidade em várias aplicações nas áreas científica, tecnológica e administrativa. Por outro lado, o modelo de dados multidimensionais é composto por relações de fato e dimensões (tabelas) que descrevem um evento usando métricas e a relação entre suas dimensões. No entanto, o volume de dados armazenados e a complexidade de suas dimensões geralmente envolvidas neste modelo, especialmente no ambiente de data warehouse, tornam a tarefa de interpretar a correlação entre dimensões muito difícil e às vezes impraticável. Neste trabalho, propomos o desenvolvimento de uma Interface de Programação de Aplicação (API) para a aplicação da PCA no modelo de dados multidimensionais para facilitar a tarefa de caracterização e redução de dimensionalidade, integrando essa técnica com ambientes de Data Warehouses. Para verificar a eficácia desta API, um estudo de caso foi realizado utilizando dados de produção científica e suas citações obtidas das Plataformas Lattes, Web of Science, Google Scholar e Scopus, fornecidas pela Superintendência de Tecnologia da Informação da Universidade de São Paulo. / The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique has as the main goal the description of the variance and covariance between a set of variables. This technique is used to mitigate redundancies in the set of variables and as a mean of achieving dimensional reduction in various applications in the scientific, technological and administrative areas. On the other hand, the multidimensional data model is composed by fact and dimension relations (tables) that describe an event using metrics and the relationship between their dimensions. However, the volume of data stored and the complexity of their dimensions usually involved in this model, specially in data warehouse environment, makes the correlation analyses between dimensions very difficult and sometimes impracticable. In this work, we propose the development of an Application Programming Interface (API) for the application of PCA on multidimensional data model in order to facilitate the characterization task and dimension reduction, integrating the technique with Data Warehouses environments. For verifying the effectiveness of this API, a case study was carried out using the scientific production data obtained from the Lattes Platform, the Web of Science, Google Scholar and Scopus, provided by the IT Superintendence at University of São Paulo.
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"Betyder det att han kastas i ruin eller att han inte kunde köpa hundra villor till?" : En receptionsstudie om hur pensionärer uppfattar ekonominyheterAxelson, Sarah, Borgqvist, Maja January 2013 (has links)
Our thesis focus on how retirees perceive Tv4s news casts of economy news where we focused on five different aspects: What is the relationship between the news cast and the viewer and how does the viewer express their understanding of the news cast and the way it is constructed? What are the viewers attitude towards the news content and how do they find the news cast useful for them personally? We choosed retirees as our target group due to their vulnerable economic position in today’s society and TV as an important medium for them due to the digital divide. The study was performed with twelve qualitative interviews and one group interview where six retirees took part. We discovered a big interest for economic news in the target group. The majority had a sympathetic view of the news cast they saw but they also expressed skepticism toward the economy segment and/or news castings. The majority expressed a lack of trust for the journalists and the experts brought in to share observations and make announcements, and the financial business overall. The majority of the interviewees spoke of a hypothetic and/or possible usefulness but no one could express how the news castings affected them personally.
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Asset management data warehouse data modellingMathew, Avin D. January 2008 (has links)
Data are the lifeblood of an organisation, being employed by virtually all business functions within a firm. Data management, therefore, is a critical process in prolonging the life of a company and determining the success of each of an organisation’s business functions. The last decade and a half has seen data warehousing rising in priority within corporate data management as it provides an effective supporting platform for decision support tools. A cross-sectional survey conducted by this research showed that data warehousing is starting to be used within organisations for their engineering asset management, however the industry uptake is slow and has much room for development and improvement. This conclusion is also evidenced by the lack of systematic scholarly research within asset management data warehousing as compared to data warehousing for other business areas. This research is motivated by the lack of dedicated research into asset management data warehousing and attempts to provide original contributions to the area, focussing on data modelling. Integration is a fundamental characteristic of a data warehouse and facilitates the analysis of data from multiple sources. While several integration models exist for asset management, these only cover select areas of asset management. This research presents a novel conceptual data warehousing data model that integrates the numerous asset management data areas. The comprehensive ethnographic modelling methodology involved a diverse set of inputs (including data model patterns, standards, information system data models, and business process models) that described asset management data. Used as an integrated data source, the conceptual data model was verified by more than 20 experts in asset management and validated against four case studies. A large section of asset management data are stored in a relational format due to the maturity and pervasiveness of relational database management systems. Data warehousing offers the alternative approach of structuring data in a dimensional format, which suggests increased data retrieval speeds in addition to reducing analysis complexity for end users. To investigate the benefits of moving asset management data from a relational to multidimensional format, this research presents an innovative relational vs. multidimensional model evaluation procedure. To undertake an equitable comparison, the compared multidimensional are derived from an asset management relational model and as such, this research presents an original multidimensional modelling derivation methodology for asset management relational models. Multidimensional models were derived from the relational models in the asset management data exchange standard, MIMOSA OSA-EAI. The multidimensional and relational models were compared through a series of queries. It was discovered that multidimensional schemas reduced the data size and subsequently data insertion time, decreased the complexity of query conceptualisation, and improved the query execution performance across a range of query types. To facilitate the quicker uptake of these data warehouse multidimensional models within organisations, an alternate modelling methodology was investigated. This research presents an innovative approach of using a case-based reasoning methodology for data warehouse schema design. Using unique case representation and indexing techniques, the system also uses a business vocabulary repository to augment case searching and adaptation. The system was validated through a case-study where multidimensional schema design speed and accuracy was measured. It was found that the case-based reasoning system provided a marginal benefit, with a greater benefits gained when confronted with more difficult scenarios.
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Zobrazování datové kostky / Data Cube VisualizationDittrich, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The topic of the master's thesis is a concept and implementation of the prototype application TOPZ demostrating the data warehouse. All theoretical facts about the data storage space are discussed at first. It is also specified the areas of possible improvements of the data warehouse. The specification of requirements and concept of the demonstration application are described in the following part. Testing the performace of the data warehouse is discussed in last chapter.
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The Relationship between Racial Identity and the Socialization of Black Ph.D. Students at Predominantly White InstitutionsMcGaskey, Ferlin Garbe 01 August 2011 (has links)
Successful graduate student socialization has been characterized as the acceptance and adoption of disciplinary values and beliefs into the students’ identity (Bragg, 1976; Weidman, Twale, & Stein, 2001). Some scholars assert that assimilating the values and beliefs of the discipline may be difficult for Blacks students as their cultural beliefs and values may be incongruent (Antony, 2002; Tierney & Rhoads, 1994). Surprisingly, there appears to be no empirical studies exploring this assertion for Black Ph.D. students. The purpose of this study was to determine if cultural beliefs and values influence the socialization experiences of Black Ph.D. students. Specifically, using racial identity as a theoretical framework, hierarchical regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between racial identity and socialization (as measured by faculty-student interactions, peer-peer interactions, and student’s perceptions of faculty) of Black Ph.D. students at predominantly White institutions (PWIs).
Data were collected from 389 current Ph.D. students and recent completers. Racial identity was assessed using the Multidimensional Inventory of Black Identity (Sellers, Smith, Shelton, Rowley, & Chavous, 1998). After controlling for key demographic variables, results indicated racial identity influenced some aspects of socialization. Specifically, public regard was positively related to faculty-student interaction as well as students’ perception of faculty. Racial centrality and ascribing to a humanist ideology were also positively related to students’ perception of faculty. Finally, ascribing to a nationalist ideology was inversely related to peer-peer interactions.
The findings indicate that cultural beliefs and values do influence the socialization experience. Moreover, the results reveal a potential rationale for the possible differences in socialization among Black Ph.D. students. Specifically, differences in racial identity attitudes and beliefs influence the behavior of students and thus their socialization experience. Overall, the findings suggest that faculty and students in Ph.D. programs at PWI institutions might develop socialization practices that take into consideration cultural differences. Specific recommendations include: forming a mentoring/advising partnership with student to determine the most relevant plan for socialization into the student’s desired roles and using pedagogies and practices such as collaborative learning and wise schooling that are culturally relevant and supportive.
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[pt] No Brasil a teoria da Resposta ao Item (TRI) tem sido
principalmente na produção de índices de proficiência para
alunos que participam
de testes de avaliação educacional em larga escala. No
entanto, seus diferentes
modelos permitem construir indicadores com as mais variadas
finalidades, e este é
o caso dos indicadores de condição sócio econômica. Existem
poucos estudos no
Brasil que abordam técnicas empregadas para a produção de
indicadores da
condição sócio-econômica tendo como base a teoria da
resposta ao item. Neste
trabalho, propõe-se construir outros tipos de indicadores
da classificação sócioeconômica,
além do Critério Brasil, utilizando-se modelos específicos
da Teoria
da Resposta ao Item. Esses indicadores serão comparados,
interpretados, e
comparados com o indicador do Critério Brasil. / [en] The IRT (Item Response Theory) has been used in Brazil
mainly in the
production of proficiency indices related to large scale
educational assessment.
However, the distinct models include in the formulation
allow broader
applications in the construction of indices, as; for
instance, social-economical
index (SEI). These are only a few published studies on
techniques to formulates
SEI specially those using the IRT. In this paper it is
proposed a new formulation
for the SEI in Brazil based on the IRT the obtained index
is compared with the
official one, knows as Critério Brasil.
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Modeling of census data in a multidimensional environmentGünzel, Holger, Lehner, Wolfgang, Eriksen, Stein, Folkedal, Jon 13 June 2023 (has links)
The general aim of the KOSTRA project, initiated by Statistics Norway, is to set up a data reporting chain from the norwegian municipalities to a central database at Statistics Norway. In this paper, we present an innovative data model for supporting a data analysis process consisting of two sequential data production phases using two conceptional database schemes. A first data schema must provide a sound basis for an efficient analysis reflecting a multidimensional view on data. Another schema must cover all structural information, which is essential for supporting the generation of electronic forms as well as for performing consistency checks of the gathered in-formation. The resulting modeling approach provides a seamless solution for both proposed challenges. Based on the relational model, both schemes are powerful to cover the heterogeneity of the data source, handle complex structural information, and to provide a versioning mechanism for long term analysis.
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