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CMA BLIND EQUALIZER FOR AERONAUTICAL TELEMETRYXingwen, Ding, Wantao, Zhai, Hongyu, Chang, Ming, Chen 11 1900 (has links)
In aeronautical telemetry, the multipath interference usually causes significant performance
degradation. As the bit rate of telemetry systems increases, the impairments of multipath
interference are more serious. The constant modulus algorithm (CMA) blind equalizer is effective
to mitigate the impairments of multipath interference. The CMA adapts the equalizer coefficients
to minimize the deviation of the signal envelope from a constant level. This paper presents the
performances of the CMA blind equalizer applied for PCM-FM, PCM-BPSK, SOQPSK-TG and
ARTM CPM in aeronautical telemetry.
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Noise and Multipath Characteristics of Power Line Communication ChannelsÇelebi, Hasan Basri 30 March 2010 (has links)
With the recent developments in technology, information and communication technologies (ICTs) are becoming more widespread and one of the basic building blocks of every humans life. The increasing demand in broadband communication calls for new technologies. Power line communication (PLC) is one of the potential candidates for next generation ICTs. Although communication through power lines has been investigated for a long time, PLC systems were never taken into account seriously because of its harsh communication medium. However, with the development of more robust data transmission schemes, communication over the power lines is becoming a strong alternative technology because of the existence of the infrastructure and the ubiquity of the network.
In order to establish reliable communication systems operating on power line networks (PLNs), characteristics of power line channels have to be investigated very carefully. Unpredictable characteristics of PLNs seriously affect the performance of communication systems. Similar to the other communication channels, PLC environment is affected by noise, attenuation, and multipath type of channel distortions. The level of noise in PLNs is much higher than any other type of communication networks. Furthermore, the frequency dependent attenuation characteristics of power lines and multipath stemming from impedance mismatches are the other distortion factors which have to be investigated in order to establish a reliable PLC system.
In this thesis, we focus on modeling of noise, frequency dependent attenuation, and multipath characteristics of power line channels within the frequency range between 30kHz and 30MHz.
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Multipath Routing with Load Balancing in Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksGroleau, Romain January 2005 (has links)
In recent years, routing research concerning wired networks has focused on minimizing the maximum utilization of the links which is equivalent to reducing the number of bottlenecks while supporting the same traffic demands. This can be achieved using multipath routing with load balancing instead of single path routing using of routing optimizers. However, in the domain of ad hoc networks multipath routing has not been investigated in depth. We would like to develop an analogy between wired and wireless networks, but before that we need to identify the major differences between these two in the case of multipath routing. First, in order to increase the network throughput, the multiple paths have to be independent so they don't share the same bottlenecks. Then, due to radio propagation properties the link capacity is not constant. So using the maximum utilization metric for wireless networks is not suitable. Based on the research done in wired networks, which has shown that using multiple paths with load balancing policies between sourcedestination pairs can minimize the maximum utilization of the links, we investigate if this is applicable to ad hoc networks. This paper proposes a multipath routing algorithm with a load balancing policy. The results obtained from an indoor 802.11g network highlight two major points. The maximum throughput is not achieved with multipath routing, but with single path routing. However, the results on the delivery ratio are encouraging, indeed we observe a real improvement thanks to our multipath routing algorithm. / På senare år har routning forskningen angående trådnätverken focusen på att minska den maximala användingen av länkar vilket motsvarar än reducering av flaskhalsar medan man stöder samma trafikkrav. Det här kan åstadkommas genom att av multiväg routning med lasta balansering I stället för använder enkelvägrouting med routing optimizers. Emellertid har inom ad hoc nätverken multiväg routning har inte blivit undersökts på djupet. Vi skulle vilja utveckla en analogy emellan trådnätverk och trådlösnätverken.men främföre det behöver identifiera de store differenserna mellan dessa två vid multiväg routning. För det första måste de flerfaldiga vägarna vara oberoende för att öka nätverkens throughput så de inte delar samma flaskhalsar. Sedan är länkkapaciteten inte constant på grund av radiospridningsegenskaperna. Så den maximal användningsmetric för trådlös nätverken passar inte. Den här arbetetet föreslår en multiväg routning algoritm med lasta balanseringen. Resultaten få från en indoor 802.11g nätverk framhåller ger två store meningen. Den maximala throughput är inte åstadkoms med multiväg routing, men med enkelväg routning. Emellertid är resultaten på den leveransförhållande uppmuntrande; vi observera en verklig förbättring tack vare vår multiväg routning algoritmen.
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A three-phase user study evaluating the integration of a generalized playback bar for a branched video player / En användarstudie i tre delar som evaluerar integreringen av en generaliserad uppspelningsvisare för förgrenade videorBäckström, Madeleine, Hallonqvist, Linn January 2019 (has links)
When watching interactive branched video, the viewer is given the opportunity to tailor the storyline of the video playback. This type of video puts the users in control of their viewing experiences and provides content creators with great flexibility how to personalize the viewing experience for individual viewers. When it comes to regular linear videos, the concept of having a playback bar visually presenting the playback is a well established implementation used for most (if not all) video players, but for interactive branched videos, that is not the case. Instead, most branched video implementations are typically custom-made on a per-video basis (e.g., see custom-made Netflix and BBC movies) and do not use a playback bar. With the goal to fill this void, a branched video player with a generalized playback bar that visualizes the tree-like video structure was developed in 2018 by students of the Information Technology program at Linköping University and will be made public with a publication in the near future. Within the preparatory work prior to making this branched video player public, this project included a three-phase user study, where we evaluated the playback bar and its implemented features and compared the video player with alternative designs. With this thesis, we highlight the value of a branched video playback bar and provide interesting insights into how it, and other design customization features, may best be integrated into a branched video player. Furthermore, we present an improved version of the video player in which the new implementations are based on, and motivated by, the results from the user study. Finally, we describe how further investigations may be done to evaluate the improved version of the video player.
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Nouvelles approches pour les communications multichemins / Novel approaches for multipath communicationsCoudron, Matthieu 12 December 2016 (has links)
La dépendance des différentes infrastructures vis-à-vis du réseau Internet va croissant. D’abord la convergence des médias mais bientôt l’Internet des objets ou les véhicules autonomes peut-être vont contribuer à augmenter la criticité d’Internet. Il est donc important de résoudre les problèmes liés à l’infrastructure actuelle, en terme de passage à l’échelle, de confidentialité ou bien de fiabilité. Les communications multichemins font partie des possibilités pour attaquer ce défi. Pour autant la transition vers ces technologies n’est pas sans difficulté. En effet certains équipements bloquent les protocoles inconnus, empêchant ainsi l’émergence de nouvelles technologies. C’est un phénomène en partie responsable de l’ossification d’internet. D’autres considérations techniques limitent l’intérêt de recourir à des technologies multichemins dans certains cas, puisque celles-ci peuvent alors présenter des performances moindres que les technologies monochemins. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous proposons des réponses à certains de ces cas afin de maximiser le spectre d’application des technologies multichemins, en particulier du protocole Multipath TCP (MPTCP). Plus précisémement, après une revue détaillée du domaine des communications multichemins, nous proposons une réponse au problème de découverte des chemins. De plus, motivés par l’intuition que les ordonnanceurs peuvent s’appuyer sur les latences unidirectionelles, afin de lutter contre l’arrivé de paquets dans le désordre, nous proposons une technique qui ne modifie que l’envoyeur de données pour estimer cette métrique. En outre, nous proposons un outil qui maximise le débit tout en prenant en compte des politiques utilisateur par exemple pour forcer l’envoi d’une partie du trafic sur un chemin peu performant mais qui va coûter moins cher à l’utilisateur. Finalement, nous développons et évaluons un modèle de MPTCP. / The criticity of the Internet keeps increasing with a very high number of services depending on its infrastructure. The Internet is expected to support services with an increasing tangible impact on the physical world such as the Internet of Things (IoT) or autonomous vehicles. It is thus important to address the current infrastructure shortcomings in terms of scalability, confidentiality and reliability. Multipath communications are one possible solution to address this challenge. The transition towards multipath technologies is not obvious, there are several challenges ahead. Some network devices block unknown protocols, thus preventing the emergence of new technologies, which plays a part in what is often referred to as the ossification of the Internet. Moreover, due to technical reasons, there are cases for which multipath technologies perform worse than their single path counterpart. In this thesis, we are interested in addressing some of these cases and limit their impact, so that multipath communications perform better than single path communications as often as possible. More specifically, we propose enhancements to Multipath TCP (MPTCP). After a detailed survey of multipath communications across all layers, we propose an answer as to the question of how many paths to use and how to ensure proper forwarding. Moreover, motivated by the intuition that packet arrival disorder can be mitigated by the knowledge of one way latencies, we propose a latency estimator with sender-side modifications only. Furthermore, as throughput maximization is in general solved regardless of the interface cost or user preferences, we elaborate a framework capable of presenting more complex strategies if for instance the user wants to enforce throughput even on less efficient paths. Finally, we develop and present a complete simulation model of MPTCP.
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Multipath Mitigation and TOA Estimation for LTE-Sidelink PositioningDaffron, Isaac 09 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Cramer Rao Lower Bound and Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Multipath Propagation of GPS SignalsKapadia, Sharvari 11 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Contour Guided Dissemination In Regular Multihop Networked SystemsMamidisetty, Kranthi Kumar 10 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Factors That Affect the Global Positioning System and Global Navigation Satellite System in an Urban and Forested Environment.Ritchie, Douglas Allen 05 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy in real time measurements acquired from GPS and GLONASS satellite observations using RTK techniques in an urban and forested environment. To determine this accuracy, 2 data sets of 3-dimensional coordinates were created and compared at 14 stations situated at East Tennessee State University. One data set included coordinates determined by conventional land survey methods; the second was solved by RTK GPS/GLONASS. Once the magnitude of any deviation in the coordinate positions was determined, the contributions to the accuracies from cycle slips, multipath, satellite availability, PDOP, and fixed or float solutions were evaluated. Three points in the urban environment varied from the conventional data set. Multipath was assumed to be the major bias in these points. Seven points in the forested environment varied from the conventional data set. The use of float solutions and high PDOP may have caused this bias.
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Extraction of Loudspeaker- and room impulse responses under overlapping conditionsGustafsson, Felix January 2022 (has links)
A loudspeaker is often considered to be a Linear Time Invariant (LTI) system, which can be completely categorized by its impulse response. What sets loudspeakers apart from other LTI-systems is the acoustical aspect including echoes, which makes it a lot harder to take accurate noise free measurements compared to other LTI-systems such as a simple RC circuit. There are two main challenges regarding loudspeaker measurement, the first is high frequency reflections of surrounding surfaces and the second is low frequency modal resonances in the room stemming from the initial echoes. A straightforward way of dealing with this issue is simply truncating the measured impulse response before the arrival of the first high frequency reflection. This is however not without its problems as this will result in high uncertainty for low frequency content of the measurement. The longer time until the first reflection is measured, the better the measurement. The ideal measurement would be a noise free environment with infinite distance towards the nearest reflective surface. This is of course not possible in practice, but this ideal environment can be simulated by using an anechoic chamber. This thesis investigates the possibility of creating pseudo anechoic measurements in a general room using optimization with information extracted from measurement data in combination with linear time-varying (LTV) filtering. Algorithms for extracting information such as time delay between reflections as well as compensation for distortion in the reflections have been developed. This information is later used to minimize a cost function in order to obtain an estimation of the loudspeakers' impulse response using multiple measurements. The resulting estimation is then filtered using the LTV filter in order to obtain the pseudo anechoic impulse response. This thesis investigates two different loudspeakers in two ordinary rooms as well as in an anechoic chamber, and evaluates the performance of the developed methods. The overall results seem promising, but due to some inconsistencies of the measurements taken in the anechoic chamber that changes the direct wave of the loudspeakers, the developed methods are unable to achieve a true anechoic impulse response. It is concluded that to be able to achieve true pseudo anechoic results, measurements in rooms must better resemble the ones taken inside the anechoic chamber. This in combination with tuning the hyper parameters of the LTV filter looks promising to achieve pseudo anechoic impulse responses with high correlation to the true anechoic measurements.
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