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Leveraging Software-Defined Radio for a Scalable Wide-band Wireless Channel Measurement SystemJamison, James 01 January 2018 (has links)
Wireless channel characterization is important for determining both the requirements for a wireless system and its resulting reliability. Wireless systems are becoming ever more pervasive and thus are expected to operate in increasingly more cluttered environments. While these devices may be fixed in location, the channel is still far from ideal due to multipath. Under such conditions, it is desirable to have a means of taking wireless channel measurements in a low-cost and distributed manner, which is not always possible using typical channel measurement equipment.
This thesis leverages a software-defined radio (SDR) platform to perform wideband wireless channel measurements. Specifically, the system can measure the scalar frequency response of a wireless channel in a distributed manner and provides measurements with an average mean-squared error of 0.018 % σ and a median error not exceeding 0.631 dB when compared to measurements taken with a vector network analyzer. This accuracy holds true in a highly multipath environment, with a measurement range of ~40 dB. The system is also capable of scaling to multiple wireless links which will be measured simultaneously (up to three links are demonstrated). After validating the measurement system, a measurement campaign is undertook using the system in a highly multipath environment to demonstrate a possible application of the system.
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UWB and WLAN Coexistence: a Comparison of Interference Reduction TechniquesKajale, Nikhil Vijay 01 April 2005 (has links)
Ultra Wideband (UWB) is an emerging technology for use in the indoor wireless personal area networks and ad hoc networks. The more common form of UWB which uses sub-nanosecond pulses without any form of carrier signal is considered in this research. UWB signals have a large bandwidth with allocated frequency spectrum from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz and maximum power restricted to -41dBm/MHz. The IEEE 802.11a is a popular standard for high data rate wireless local area networks (WLANs). The operating frequency of the IEEE 802.11a WLAN is 5 GHz which is right inside the allocated UWB frequency spectrum.
One of the main obstacles facing the implementation of UWB devices is the challenge of reducing interference caused by UWB to other systems and vice versa. The potential operating areas/frequencies of the IEEE 802.11a WLAN and UWB systems overlap and therefore the problem of UWB interference to the IEEE 802.11a WLANs and vice versa becomes significant.
In this research we have focused on studying the effect of UWB interference on IEEE 802.11a WLANs. The different UWB parameters that affect the interference caused by UWB to IEEE 802.11a WLAN have been considered for determining their effect on the performance of the IEEE 802.11a WLAN. The effect of UWB multipath on the performance of the IEEE 802.11a WLAN has been observed. The UWB parameters have also been compared based on their effect on the performance of the IEEE 802.11a system in the presence of UWB multipath. Additionally, two different interference mitigation techniques that reduce UWB interference to the IEEE 802.11a WLANs have been studied.
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Low order channel estimation for CDMA systemsAbd El-Sallam, Amar January 2005 (has links)
New approaches and algorithms are developed for the identification and estimation of low order models that represent multipath channel effects in Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) communication systems. Based on these parsimonious channel models, low complexity receivers such as RAKE receivers are considered to exploit these propagation effects and enhance the system performance. We consider the scenario where multipath is frequency selective slowly fading and where the channel components including delays and attenuation coefficients are assumed to be constant over one or few signalling intervals. We model the channel as a long FIR-like filter (or a tapped delay line filter) with the number of taps related to the ratio between the channel delay-spread and the chip duration. Due to the high data rate of new CDMA systems, the channel length in terms of the chip duration will be very large. With classical channel estimation techniques this will result in poor estimates of many of the channel parameters where most of them are zero leading to a reduction in the system performance. Unlike classical techniques which estimate directly the channel response given the number of taps or given an estimate of the channel length, the proposed techniques in this work will firstly identify the significant multipath parameters using model selection techniques, then estimate these identified parameters. Statistical tests are proposed to determine whether or not each individual parameter is significant. A low complexity RAKE receiver is then considered based on estimates of these identified parameters only. The level of significance with which we will make this assertion will be controlled based on statistical tests such as multiple hypothesis tests. Frequency and time domain based approaches and model selection techniques are proposed to achieve the above proposed objectives. / The frequency domain approach for parsimonious channel estimation results in an efficient implementation of RAKE receivers in DS-CDMA systems. In this approach, we consider a training based strategy and estimate the channel delays and attenuation using the averaged periodogram and modified time delay estimation techniques. We then use model selection techniques such as the sphericity test and multiple hypotheses tests based on F-Statistics to identify the model order and select the significant channel paths. Simulations show that for a pre-defined level of significance, the proposed technique correctly identifies the significant channel parameters and the parsimonious RAKE receiver shows improved statistical as well as computational performance over classical methods. The time domain approach is based on the Bootstrap which is appropriate for the case when the distribution of the test statistics required by the multiple hypothesis tests is unknown. In this approach we also use short training data and model the channel response as an FIR filter with unknown length. Model parameters are then estimated using low complexity algorithms in the time domain. Based on these estimates, bootstrap based multiple hypotheses tests are applied to identify the non-zero coefficients of the FIR filter. Simulation results demonstrate the power of this technique for RAKE receivers in unknown noise environments. Finally we propose adaptive blind channel estimation algorithms for CDMA systems. Using only the spreading code of the user of interest and the received data sequence, four different adaptive blind estimation algorithms are proposed to estimate the impulse response of frequency selective and frequency non-selective fading channels. Also the idea is based on minimum variance receiver techniques. Tracking of a frequency selective varying fading channel is also considered. / A blind based hierarchical MDL model selection method is also proposed to select non-zero parameters of the channel response. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms perform better than previously proposed algorithms. They have lower complexity and have a faster convergence rate. The proposed algorithms can also be applied to the design of adaptive blind channel estimation based RAKE receivers.
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Behavior Modeling of a Digital Video Broadcasting System and the Evaluation of its Equalization MethodsJian, Wang, Yan, Xie January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, a single carrier ATSC DTV baseband transmitter, part of the receiver(including channel estimator and channel equalizer), were modeled. Since multi-pathinduced ISI (inter symbol interference) is the most significant impact on theperformance of single carrier DTV reception, modeling and implementation of singlecarrier channel estimator and channel equalizer have been the focus of the thesis. Westarted with the investigation of channel estimation methods. Afterwards, severalchannel estimators and equalizers were modeled and the performance of each channelequalization methods in different scenarios was evaluated. Our results show that thefrequency domain equalizer can achieve low computing cost and handle long delaypaths. Another important issue to be considered in block equalization is Inter-BlockInterference (IBI). The impact of IBI was investigated via behavior modeling. In lastpart of our thesis, two methods for IBI cancellation are compared and the proposal forhardware implementation was given.</p>
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Multipath Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Hybrid Between Source Routing and Diffusion TechniquesEbada, Mohamed 18 April 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, an investigation of the performance of multipath routing in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is performed. The communication in the network under study is to take place from individual nodes to the sink node. The investigation involved multipath finding methods in WSN. Also, it involves investigating the weight assignment, traffic splitting and route selection methods for the different paths discovered by each node in the WSN. Also, a comparison between Hybrid Routing Protocol, Source Routing Protocol and Diffusion Routing Protocol is performed. A simple traffic routing algorithm for each routing protocol has been developed to conceptualize how the network traffic is routed on a set of active paths. The investigation of the Hybrid, Source and Diffusion Routing Protocol involved using multiple paths simultaneously to transmit messages that belong to the same flow by using a weight assigned to each path and transmit each message as a whole. Finally, the power consumption and the QoS in terms of message delays for a WSN were investigated and compared between different protocols.
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Overlay Neighborhoods for Distributed Publish/Subscribe SystemsSherafat Kazemzadeh, Reza 07 January 2013 (has links)
The Publish/Subscribe (pub/sub) model has been widely applied in a variety of application scenarios which demand loose-coupling and asynchronous communication between a large number of information sources and sinks. In this model, clients are granted the flexibility to specify their interests at a high level and rely on the pub/sub middleware for delivery of their publications of interest. This increased flexibility and ease of use on the client side results in substantial complexity on part of the pub/sub middleware implementation. Furthermore, for several reasons including improved scalability, availability and avoiding a single point of failure, the pub/sub middleware is commonly composed of a set of collaborating message routers, a.k.a. brokers. The distributed nature of this design further introduces new challenges in ensuring end-to-end reliability as well as efficiency of operation. These challenges are largely unique to the pub/sub model and hence absent in both point-to-point or multicast protocols. This thesis develops solutions that ensure the dependable operation of the pub/sub system by exploiting the notion of overlay neighborhoods in a formal manner. More specifically, brokers maintain information about their neighbors within a configurable distance in the pub/sub overlay and exploit this knowledge to construct alternative forwarding paths or make smart forwarding decisions that improves efficiency, bandwidth utilization and delivery delay, all at the same time. Furthermore, in the face of failures overlay neighborhoods enable fast reconstruction of forwarding paths in the system without compromising its reliability and availability. Finally, as an added benefit of overlay neighborhoods, this thesis develops large-scale algorithms that bring the advantages of the pub/sub model to the domain of file sharing and bulk content dissemination applications. Experimental evaluation results with deployments as large as 1000 nodes illustrate that the pub/sub system scales well and outperforms the traditional BitTorrent protocol in terms of content dissemination delay.
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Multipath Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Hybrid Between Source Routing and Diffusion TechniquesEbada, Mohamed 18 April 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, an investigation of the performance of multipath routing in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is performed. The communication in the network under study is to take place from individual nodes to the sink node. The investigation involved multipath finding methods in WSN. Also, it involves investigating the weight assignment, traffic splitting and route selection methods for the different paths discovered by each node in the WSN. Also, a comparison between Hybrid Routing Protocol, Source Routing Protocol and Diffusion Routing Protocol is performed. A simple traffic routing algorithm for each routing protocol has been developed to conceptualize how the network traffic is routed on a set of active paths. The investigation of the Hybrid, Source and Diffusion Routing Protocol involved using multiple paths simultaneously to transmit messages that belong to the same flow by using a weight assigned to each path and transmit each message as a whole. Finally, the power consumption and the QoS in terms of message delays for a WSN were investigated and compared between different protocols.
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Multi-Route Coding in Wireless Multi-Hop NetworksOkada, Hiraku, Nakagawa, Nobuyuki, Wada, Tadahiro, Yamazato, Takaya, Katayama, Masaaki 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Antenna arrays for multipath and interference mitigation in GNSS receiversSeco Granados, Gonzalo 01 December 2000 (has links)
Esta tesis aborda la sincronización de una o varias réplicas de una señal conocida recibidas en un entorno con propagación multicamino e interferencias direccionales. Uno de los hilos conductores de este trabajo es la aplicación sistemática del principio de máxima verosimilitud (ML) junto con un modelo de señal en el cual las armas espaciales no tienen estructura, y en cual el ruido es Gaussiano y presenta una matriz de correlación desconocida. Esta última suposición es fundamental a la hora de obtener estimadores capaces de atenuar las señales interferentes que presentan algún tipo de estructura, y esto se consigue sin necesidad de recurrir a la estimación de ciertos parámetros de dichas señales. Por otra parte, la suposición de que las armas espaciales carecen de estructura tiene ventajas desde un punto de vista práctico, al mismo tiempo que simplifica la estimación del resto de parámetros ya que las estimaciones de estas firmas se pueden calcular de forma cerrada. Esto constituye un primer paso hacia la eliminación de las búsquedas en múltiples dimensiones, que es otro de los objetivos perseguidos en este trabajo.En la primera parte de la tesis se deduce la solución de máxima verosimilitud para el problema general de estimación de retardos cuando el ruido tiene correlación espacial desconocida. Se demuestra que el criterio resultante para los retardos es consistente y asintóticamente eficiente, pero también es altamente no-lineal debido a la presencia del determinante de una matriz y no permite, por tanto, el uso de procedimientos sencillos de optimización. Asimismo, se demuestra y se argumenta intuitivamente que el criterio _ optimo ML se puede aproximar por una función de coste más sencilla que es asintóticamente equivalente. A diferencia de otros problemas de estimación, en el caso tratado aquí, el primer término del desarrollo de Taylor del estimador ML no conserva la eficiencia asintótica. La característica esencial de la nueva función de coste es que depende linealmente de la matriz de proyección sobre el subespacio de las señales y, por lo tanto, admite ser minimizada mediante el algoritmo IQML, que es eficiente desde el punto de vista computacional. Además, la existencia de métodos de inicialización sencillos y robustos a las interferencias, los cuales se basan en el uso de una matriz de pesos igual a la identidad y posiblemente también en el algoritmo ESPRIT, hace que el esquema de estimación propuesto pueda ser viable para un diseño práctico. La nueva función de coste se puede aplicar de la misma manera a la estimación del retardo en un canal FIR. En este caso, el algoritmo IQML se puede modificar de forma que, en cada iteración, la estimación del retardo se obtiene a partir de las raíces de un polinomio cuyo orden es igual a la longitud del canal.El objetivo perseguido por los estimadores presentados en la segunda parte de la tesis es aprovechar una particularidad de los sistemas GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), que consiste en que la dirección de llegada de la señal directa puede ser conocida a priori. Basándose en esta información adicional y suponiendo que el array está calibrado, se propone un modelo simplificado, aunque al mismo tiempo aproximado, para la señal recibida. En este modelo todas las señales excepto la señal directa se engloban en un término con correlación espacial desconocida. Se analizan los estimadores ML del retardo y de la fase de portadora de la señal directa. El sesgo producido por las componentes multicamino al utilizar estos estimadores se reduce de forma muy importante con respecto al sesgo que sufren otros métodos. De hecho, el error cuadrático medio de los estimadores propuestos es en muchas ocasiones muy próximo o incluso inferior al mínimo error que se puede alcanzar con modelos más detallados del canal multicamino. Asimismo, se presentan dos algoritmos de estimación del retardo basados en el cálculo de las raíces de un polinomio. Se demuestra también que las estimaciones ML se pueden obtener a partir de la señal de salida de un conformador de haz híbrido. Debido a que el propio conformador depende de las estimaciones del retardo y de la amplitud de la señal directa, el uso de un algoritmo iterativo surge de forma natural. La formulación mediante el conformador híbrido proporciona una interpretación alternativa interesante de la estimación ML, y podrá ser apropiada para una realización práctica. Finalmente, se demuestra analíticamente y numéricamente que el estimador propuesto para el retardo es robusto frente a errores en el valor nominal del vector de enfoque de la señal directa, y se presenta una manera de extender el margen tolerable de errores de apuntamiento.En la última parte de la tesis se trata la sincronización de un usuario deseado que transmite una secuencia de entrenamiento conocida en un sistema de comunicaciones DS-CDMA.El modelo de señal utilizado agrupa el ruido, y la interferencia externa y de acceso múltiple en un término de ruido equivalente que presenta una matriz de correlación espacio-temporal desconocida. Partiendo de este modelo, se deduce un estimador del retardo que es una aproximación para un numero grande de muestras del estimador ML exacto y que es apropiado para canales con desvanecimientos lentos y noselectivos en frecuencia. El estimador propuesto es una técnica de un solo usuario y es resistente al efecto near-far. Su importancia radica en el hecho de que aprovecha la estructura de las señales en el dominio temporal y espacial, lo que contrasta con otros métodos existentes que, a pesar de utilizar un array de antenas, sólo utilizan la estructura de las señales en uno de los dos dominios. En un sistema de comunicaciones móviles, el usuario deseado está interferido por un número generalmente elevado de señales de otros usuarios y por posibles interferencias externas. En concordancia con este hecho, los resultados numéricos han mostrado que el uso conjunto de todos los grados de libertad espacio-temporales es indispensable para la correcta adquisición y seguimiento del retardo en sistemas con una carga elevada de usuarios y/o en presencia de interferencias externas. / The thesis deals with the synchronization of one or several replicas of a known signal received in a scenario with multipath propagation and directional interference. A connecting theme along this work is the systematic application of the maximum likelihood (ML) principle together with a signal model in which the spatial signatures are unstructured and the noise term is Gaussian with an unknown correlation matrix. This last assumption is key in obtaining estimators that are capable of mitigating the disturbing signals that exhibit certain structure. On the other hand, the assumption of unstructured spatial signatures is interesting from a practical standpoint and facilitates the estimation. The elimination of the multidimensional searches required by many estimators is one of the main objectives of the thesis.In the first part of the thesis, the maximum likelihood solution to the general time delay estimation problem for the case of noise with unknown spatial correlation is derived. The resulting criterion for the delays is shown to be consistent and asymptotically efficient; but it is highly non-linear, and does not lead to simple optimization procedures. It is shown that the optimal ML criterion can be approximated by an asymptotically equivalent cost function. The cost function depends linearly on the projection matrix onto the subspace spanned by the signals, and hence it can be minimized using the IQML algorithm. The existence of simple initialization schemes based on identity weightings or ESPRIT makes the approach viable for practical implementation. The proposed cost function can be applied to the estimation of the delay in a FIR channel. In this case, each iteration of IQML comes down to rooting a polynomial.The goal of the estimators presented in the second part of the thesis is to take advantage of one particularity of the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) systems, such as GPS and GLONASS, consisting in that the direction-of-arrival of the line-of-sight signal may be known a priori. A simplified and approximate model for the received signal is proposed. The ML estimators of the time delay and carrier phase of the direct signal largely reduce the bias produced by multipath components. Their RMSE is in many situations very close to or even better than the best possible performance attainable with more detailed models of the multipath channel. It is also shown that the ML estimates can be obtained from the output signal of a hybrid beamformer. In the last part of the thesis, the synchronization of a desired user transmitting a known training sequence in a DS-CDMA communication system is addressed. Multiple-access interference, external interference and noise are assumed to have unknown space-time correlation. A large-sample ML code-timing estimator that operates in frequency-nonselective, slowly fading channels is derived. It is a single-user and near-far resistant method. It is shown that the use of all spatial and temporal degrees of freedom is indispensable for the correct acquisition and tracking of the synchronization parameters in heavily loaded systems and/or in the presence of external interference.
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Behavior Modeling of a Digital Video Broadcasting System and the Evaluation of its Equalization MethodsJian, Wang, Yan, Xie January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, a single carrier ATSC DTV baseband transmitter, part of the receiver(including channel estimator and channel equalizer), were modeled. Since multi-pathinduced ISI (inter symbol interference) is the most significant impact on theperformance of single carrier DTV reception, modeling and implementation of singlecarrier channel estimator and channel equalizer have been the focus of the thesis. Westarted with the investigation of channel estimation methods. Afterwards, severalchannel estimators and equalizers were modeled and the performance of each channelequalization methods in different scenarios was evaluated. Our results show that thefrequency domain equalizer can achieve low computing cost and handle long delaypaths. Another important issue to be considered in block equalization is Inter-BlockInterference (IBI). The impact of IBI was investigated via behavior modeling. In lastpart of our thesis, two methods for IBI cancellation are compared and the proposal forhardware implementation was given.
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