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Design and Simulation of a Planar Crossed-Dipole Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Antenna in the L1 Frequency BandKatragadda, Mahesh January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Linear Equalisers with Dynamic and Automatic Length Selection.Riera-Palou, F., Noras, James M., Cruickshank, D.G.M. January 2001 (has links)
No / A simple method for dynamically adjusting the number of taps of linear equalisers operating in unknown channel conditions is presented. Simulations with various scenarios show that the technique successfully predicts the optimum equaliser length and is capable of adjusting it as the environment changes
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Improving the Robustness of Over-the-Air Synchronization for 5G Networks in a Multipath Environment / Förbättring av robustheten av trådlös synkronisering för 5G-nätverk i en flervägsmiljöErninger, Anders January 2023 (has links)
Synchronization between base stations is a fundamental part of any operating telecommunication system. With 5G and future generations of mobile networks, the data speeds are getting higher, which creates the need for fast and accurate synchronization. In wireless systems, the transmitted signals are affected by the environment. Both moving and stationary objects can cause a transmitted signal to be scattered or reflected, causing the receiver to receive multiple instances of one signal. If a synchronization signal is transmitted from one base station and received in multiple instances by another, it is hard for the receiving base station to know which of the received instances that should be used for calculating the synchronization error between the base stations. In this thesis, multiple different algorithms for selecting a synchronization signal pair between two base stations to be used for calculating time alignment error have been tested. The results have been evaluated based on their accuracy of selecting a correct matching signal pair. It is shown that the proposed algorithms in this thesis all perform significantly better than the method currently in use. Further, the advantages and disadvantages of each of the new algorithms are discussed, and finally new concepts for future studies are suggested. / Synkronisering mellan basstationer är en fundamental del av ett fungerande telekommunikationssystem. Med 5G och framtida generationer av mobila nätverk så ökas datahastigheter, vilket skapar behovet av en snabb och precis synkronisering. I trådlösa system påverkas skickade signaler av dess omgivning. Både stationära och icke-stationära objekt i omgivningen kan splittra eller reflektera signaler, vilket ger upphov till en flervägskanal. Detta gör att en mottagare kan ta emot flera instanser av en skickad signal. Om en synkroniseringssignal skickas från en basstation via en flervägskanal till en mottagande basstation, så kommer mottagaren att ta emot flera instanser av den skickade signalen vid olika tidpunkter. Det kan då vara svårt för mottagaren att avgöra vilken av de mottagna signalerna som ska användas vid beräkning av tidsfelet mellan basstationerna. I detta examensarbete testas ett flertal olika algoritmer för att välja vilket synkroniseringssignalpar som ska användas vid beräkning av tidsfelet mellan två basstationer. Resultatet utvärderas baserat på hur hög precision algoritmen har i att välja ett korrekt matchat synkroniseringssignalpar. Resultatet visar att de algoritmer som presenteras i denna uppsats presterar märkbart bättre än den algoritm som används i systemen just nu. Vidare diskuteras fördelar och nackdelar med de olika algoritmerna och förslag på vidareutveckling av algoritmerna läggs fram.
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Wireless Strain Gauge System in a Multipath EnvironmentTuncay, Orbay 01 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of Bluetooth 5.1 as an Indoor Positioning System / Utvärdering av Bluetooth 5.1 som ettInomhus Lokaliserings SystemAndersson, Philip, Persson, Linus January 2020 (has links)
There is a high demand for Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) due to the wide application possibilities. The main issue for localization by wireless signals in an indoor environment is the multipath propagation problem. Multipath propagation occurs when signals reflects and refract from an object, changing the signals characteristics. Today there is no IPS that can balance the cost, accuracy, and complexity. In January 2019 Bluetooth released a new standard, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.1, which enables the ability to measure the Angle of Arrival (AoA) of an incoming signal. The purpose of this thesis is to mitigate the disturbances caused by multipath propagation by conducting a case study. This was done by designing systems that combine different positioning techniques with sensor fusion and evaluating them based on power efficiency, execution time and precision. Two wireless localization techniques were evaluated, trilateration and triangulation, which are based on Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) and AoA respectively, along with an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). An Extended Kalman Filter EKF was used to fuse the sensor data. The system with the best overall performance uses the AoA signals and a multipath mitigation technique. The system with AoA and IMU had a similar performance but has an overall higher complexity due to the added IMU component. The RSSI system could not satisfy the requirement of precision. / Det finns en stor efterfrågan på inomhus positionssystem (IPS) tack vare de många möjliga tillämpningarna. Det största problemet för inomhuslokalisering med trådlösa signaler i inomhusmiljö är flervägsutbredningsproblemet. Felvägsutbredning inträffar när signaler reflekterar och bryts på ett objekt, och ändrar dess karaktär. Idag finns det inga IPS som kan balansera kostnaden, noggrannhetoch komplexitet. I januari 2019, släppte Bluetooth en ny standard, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.1, som gör det möjligt att mäta ankomstvinkeln (AoA) för en inkommande signal. Syftet med denna avhandling är att minska störningarna orsakade av flervägsutbredning genom att utföra en fallstudie. Detta gjordes genom att designa system som kombinerar olika positioneringstekniker med sensor fusion och utvärdera dessa med avseende på energieffektivitet, exekveringstid och precision. Två trådlösa lokaliseringstekniker utvärderades, trilaterering och triangulering, som är baserade på mottagen signalstyrka indikation RSSI och AoA respektive, tillsammans med en tröghetssensor (IMU). Ett Utökat Kalman-Filter (EKF) användes för att kombinera data. Systemet med den överlag bästa prestandan använder AoA-signaler och en teknik för att dämpa flervägsutredningen. Systemet med AoA och IMU hade liknande prestanda men den totala komplexiteten ökade med att lägga till en IMU komponent. RSSI systemet var inte tillräckligt tillfredsställande med avseende på precisionskraven.
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Počítačový návrh digitálního radioreléového spoje / Computer design of a digital radio linkHavel, Ladislav January 2009 (has links)
The Terrestrial digital radio links are used for transmitting digital information between fixed stations on a line of sight of a radio path. Each digital radio link has many characteristics and parameters for transmission. We require technical parameters in the design of digital radio link such as data rates and capacities. In this design we should take into account most effects of the electromagnetic waves propagation, if we want to meet user technical requirements of the link and if that link may correctly transmit digital signals with minimum errors. Prediction methods for the design of terrestrial line of sight systems are still in progress. Some effects of electromagnetic waves propagation and methods of the digital radio link design depend on natural variability and climate. The goal of this diploma thesis is to investigate methods for the design of terrestrial line of sight links with taking into account of ITU recommendation. Make computer program which implement this investigate methods
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Radio channel modeling for mobile ad hoc wireless networksSng, Sin Hie 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / The radio channel places fundamental limitations on the performance of mobile ad hoc wireless networks. In the mobile radio environment, fading due to multipath delay spread impairs received signals. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a radio channel model and examine the effect of various parameters on channel behavior that is representative of environments in which mobile ad hoc wireless networks operate. The various physical phenomena considered are outdoor environments, fading and multipath propagation, type of terrains, and mobility (Doppler shift). A channel model based on a Tapped Delay Line (TDL) structure was developed and implemented in the MATLAB programming language, and the performance of the time-varying channel was studied by plotting the signal constellations. The simulation results indicate that the number of taps required in the TDL is 8 or less and the carrier frequency did not influence the performance significantly. The Jakes Doppler spectrum should be used in urban environments with high mobility; the Gaussian Doppler spectrum is the choice for low mobility urban environments and for the hilly terrain under both low and high mobility. / Civilian, Singapore Ministry of Defense
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Advanced Signal Processing Methods for GNSS Positioning with NLOS/Multipath Signals / Approches avancées de traitement de signal pour la navigation GNSS en présence des signaux multi-trajets ou sans ligne de vue directe (NLOS)Kbayer, Nabil 09 October 2018 (has links)
Les avancées récentes dans le domaine de navigation par satellites (GNSS) ontconduit à une prolifération des applications de géolocalisation dans les milieux urbains. Pourde tels environnements, les applications GNSS souffrent d’une grande dégradation liée à laréception des signaux satellitaires en lignes indirectes (NLOS) et en multitrajets (MP). Cetravail de thèse propose une méthodologie originale pour l’utilisation constructive des signauxdégradés MP/NLOS, en appliquant des techniques avancées de traitement du signal ou àl’aide d’une assistance d’un simulateur 3D de propagation des signaux GNSS. D’abord, nousavons établi le niveau maximal réalisable sur la précision de positionnement par un systèmeGNSS "Stand-Alone" en présence de conditions MP/NLOS, en étudiant les bornes inférieuressur l’estimation en présence des signaux MP/NLOS. Pour mieux améliorer ce niveau deprécision, nous avons proposé de compenser les erreurs NLOS en utilisant un simulateur 3D dessignaux GNSS afin de prédire les biais MP/NLOS et de les intégrer comme des observationsdans l’estimation de la position, soit par correction des mesures dégradées ou par sélectiond’une position parmi une grille de positions candidates. L’application des approches proposéesdans un environnement urbain profond montre une bonne amélioration des performances depositionnement dans ces conditions. / Recent trends in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) applications inurban environments have led to a proliferation of studies in this field that seek to mitigatethe adverse effect of non-line-of-sight (NLOS). For such harsh urban settings, this dissertationproposes an original methodology for constructive use of degraded MP/NLOS signals, insteadof their elimination, by applying advanced signal processing techniques or by using additionalinformation from a 3D GNSS simulator. First, we studied different signal processing frameworks,namely robust estimation and regularized estimation, to tackle this GNSS problemwithout using an external information. Then, we have established the maximum achievablelevel (lower bounds) of GNSS Stand-Alone positioning accuracy in presence of MP/NLOSconditions. To better enhance this accuracy level, we have proposed to compensate for theMP/NLOS errors using a 3D GNSS signal propagation simulator to predict the biases andintegrate them as observations in the estimation method. This could be either by correctingdegraded measurements or by scoring an array of candidate positions. Besides, new metricson the maximum acceptable errors on MP/NLOS errors predictions, using GNSS simulations,have been established. Experiment results using real GNSS data in a deep urban environmentshow that using these additional information provides good positioning performance enhancement,despite the intensive computational load of 3D GNSS simulation.
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Amélioration de la qualité d'expérience vidéo en combinant streaming adaptif, caching réseau et multipath / Combining in-network caching, HTTP adaptive streaming and multipath to improve video quality of experiencePoliakov, Vitalii 11 December 2018 (has links)
Le trafic vidéo s’est considérablement accru et est prévu de doubler pour représenter 82% du trafic Internet d’ici 2021. Une telle croissance surcharge les fournisseurs de services Internet (ISP), nuisant à la Qualité d’Expérience (QoE) perçue par les utilisateurs. Cette thèse vise à améliorer la QoE des utilisateurs de streaming vidéo sans hypothèse de changement d’infrastructure physique des opérateurs. Pour cela, nous combinons les technologies de caching réseau, de streaming HTTP adaptatif (HAS), et de transport multipath. Nous explorons d’abord l’interaction entre HAS et caching, pour montrer que les algorithmes d’adaptation de qualité vidéo ont besoin de savoir qu’il y a un cache et ce qui y est stocké, et proposons des algorithmes bénéficiant de cette connaissance. Concluant sur la difficulté d’obtenir la connaissance de l’état du cache, nous étudions ensuite un système de distribution vidéo à large échelle, où les caches sont représentés par un réseau de distribution du contenu (CDN). Un CDN déploie des caches à l’intérieur des réseaux des ISP, et dispose de ses propres serveurs externes. L’originalité du problème vient de l’hypothèse que nous faisons que l’utilisateur est simultanément connecté à 2 ISP. Ceci lui permet d’accéder en multipath aux serveurs externes aux ISP (pouvant ainsi accroître le débit mais chargeant plus les ISP), ou streamer le contenu depuis un cache plus proche mais avec un seul chemin. Ce désaccord entre les objectifs du CDN et de l’ISP conduit à des performances sous-optimales. Nous développons un schéma de collaboration entre ISP et CDN qui permet de nous rapprocher de l’optimal dans certains cas, et discutons l’implémentation pratique. / Video traffic volume grew considerably in recent years and is forecasted to reach 82% of the total Internet traffic by 2021, doubling its net volume as compared to today. Such growth overloads Internet Service Providers' networks (ISPs), which negatively impacts users' Quality of Experience (QoE). This thesis attempts to tackle the problem of improving users' video QoE without relying on network upgrades. For this, we have chosen to combine such technologies as in-network caching, HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS), and multipath data transport. We start with exploration of interaction between HAS and caching; we confirm the need of cache-awareness in quality adaptation algorithms and propose such an extension to a state-of-the-art optimisation-based algorithm. Concluding on the difficulty of achieving cache-awareness, we take a step back to study a video delivery system on a large scale, where in-network caches are represented by Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). They deploy caches inside ISPs and dispose of their own outside video servers. As a novelty, we consider users to have a simultaneous connectivity to several ISP networks. This allows video clients either to access outside multipath servers with aggregate bandwidth (which may increase their QoE, but will also bring more traffic into ISP), or stream their content from a closer cache through only single connectivity (bringing less traffic into ISP). This disagreement in ISP and CDN objectives leads to suboptimal system performance. In response to this, we develop a collaboration scheme between two actors, performance of which can approach optimal boundary for certain settings, and discuss its practical implementation.
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MÃtodos estatÃsticos multi-percursos para a identificaÃÃo cega de canais da fonte de aplicaÃÃes Ãs comunicaÃÃes sem fio / High-order statistical methods for blind channel identification and source detection with applications to wireless communicationsCarlos EstevÃo Rolim Fernandes 30 May 2008 (has links)
Laboratoire I3S/CNRS / Os sistemas de telecomunicaÃÃes atuais oferecem servios que demandam taxas de transmissÃo muito elevadas. O problema da identificaÃÃo de canal aparece nesse contexto com um problema da maior importÃncia. O uso de tÃcnicas cegas tem sido de grande interesse na busca por um melhor compromisso entre uma taxas binÃria adequada e a qualidade da informaÃÃo recuperada. Apoiando-se em propriedades especiais dos cumulantes de 4a ordem dos sinais à saÃda do canal, esta tese introduz novas ferramentas de processamento
de sinais com aplicaÃÃes em sistemas de comunicaÃÃo rÃdio-mÃveis. Explorando a estrutura simÃtrica dos cumulantes de saÃda, o problema da identificaÃÃo cega de canais à abordado a partir de um modelo multilinear do tensor de cumulantes 4a ordem, baseado em uma decomposiÃÃo em fatores paralelos (Parafac). No caso SISO, os componentes do novo modelo tensorial apresentam uma estrutura Hankel. No caso de canais MIMO sem memÃria, a redundÃncia dos fatores tensoriais à explorada na estimaÃÃo dos coeficientes dos canal. Neste contexto, novos algoritmos de identificaÃÃo cega de canais sÃo desenvolvidos nesta tese com base em um problema de otimizaÃÃo de mÃnimos quadrados de passo Ãnico (SS-LS). Os
mÃtodos propostos exploram plenamente a estrutura multilinear do tensor de cumulantes bem como suas simetrias e redundÃncias, evitando assim qualquer forma de prÃ-processamento. Com efeito, a abordagem SS-LS induz uma soluÃÃo baseada em um Ãnico procedimento de minimizaÃÃo, sem etapas intermediÃrias, contrariamente ao que ocorre na maior parte dos mÃtodos existentes na literatura. Utilizando apenas os cumulantes de ordem 4 e explorando o conceito
de Arranjo Virtual, trata-se tambÃm o problema da localizaÃÃo de fontes, num contexto multiusuÃrio. Uma contribuÃÃo original consiste em aumentar o nÃmero de sensores virtuais
com base em uma decomposiÃÃo particular do tensor de cumulantes, melhorando assim a resoluÃÃo do arranjo, cuja estrutura à tipicamente obtida quando se usa estatÃsticas de ordem 6. Considera-se ainda a estimaÃÃo dos parÃmetros fÃsicos de um canal de comunicaÃÃo MIMO com muti-percursos. AtravÃs de uma abordagem completamente cega, o canal multi-percurso à primeiramente tratado como um modelo convolutivo e uma nova tÃcnica à proposta para estimar seus coeficientes. Esta tÃcnica nÃo-paramÃtrica generaliza os mÃtodos previamente propostos para os casos SISO e MIMO (sem memÃria). Fazendo uso de um formalismo tensorial para representar o canal de multi-percursos MIMO, seus parÃmetros fÃsicos podem ser obtidos atravÃs de uma tÃcnica combinada de tipo ALS-MUSIC, baseada em um algoritmo de subespaÃo. Por fim, serà considerado o problema da determinaÃÃo de ordem de canais FIR, particularmente no
caso de sistemas MISO. Um procedimento completo à introduzido para a detecÃÃo e estimaÃÃo de canais de comunicaÃÃo MISO seletivos em freqÃÃncia. O novo algoritmo, baseado em uma abordagem de deflaÃÃo, detecta sucessivamente cada fonte de sinal, determina a ordem de seu
canal de transmissÃo individual e estima os coeficientes associados. / Les systÃmes de tÃlÃcommunications modernes exigent des dÃbits de transmission trÃs ÃlevÃs. Dans ce cadre, le problÃme dâidentification de canaux est un enjeu majeur.
Lâutilisation de techniques aveugles est dâun grand intÃrÃt pour avoir le meilleur compromis entre un taux binaire adÃquat et la qualità de lâinformation rÃcupÃrÃe. En utilisant les propriÃtÃs des cumulants dâordre 4 des signaux de sortie du canal, cette thÃse introduit de
nouvelles mÃthodes de traitement du signal tensoriel avec des applications pour les systÃmes de communication radio-mobiles. En utilisant la structure symÃtrique des cumulants de sortie, nous traitons le problÃme de lâidentification aveugle de canaux en introduisant un mod`ele multilinÃaire pour le tenseur des cumulants dâordre 4, basà sur une dÃcomposition de type Parafac. Dans le cas SISO, les composantes du modÃle tensoriel ont une structure de Hankel. Dans le cas de canaux MIMO instantanÃs, la redondance des facteurs tensoriels est exploitÃe pour lâestimation des coefficients du canal.
Dans ce contexte, nous dÃveloppons des algorithmes dâidentification aveugle basÃs sur une minimisation de type moindres carrÃs à pas unique (SS-LS). Les mÃthodes proposÃes exploitent la structure multilinÃaire du tenseur de cumulants aussi bien que les relations de symÃtrie et de
redondance, ce qui permet dâÃviter toute sorte de traitement au prÃalable. En effet, lâapproche
SS-LS induit une solution basÃe sur une seule et unique procÃdure dâoptimisation, sans les Ãtapes intermÃdiaires requises par la majorità des mÃthodes existant dans la littÃrature. En exploitant seulement les cumulants dâordre 4 et le concept de rÃseau virtuel, nous abordons aussi
le problÃme de la localisation de sources dans le cadre dâun rÃseau dâantennes multiutilisateur. Une contribution originale consiste à augmenter le nombre de capteurs virtuels en exploitant un arrangement particulier du tenseur de cumulants, de maniÃre à amÃliorer la rÃsolution du rÃseau, dont la structure Ãquivaut à celle qui est typiquement issue de lâutilisation des statistiques
dâordre 6. Nous traitons par ailleurs le problÃme de lâestimation des paramÃtres physiques dâun canal de communication de type MIMO à trajets multiples. Dans un premier temps, nous considÂerons le canal à trajets multiples comme un modÃle MIMO convolutif et proposons une
nouvelle technique dâestimation des coefficients. Cette technique non-paramÃtrique gÃnÃralise les mÃthodes proposÃes dans les chapitres prÃcÃdents pour les cas SISO et MIMO instantanÃ. En reprÃsentant le canal multi-trajet à lâaide dâun formalisme tensoriel, les paramÃtres physiques sont obtenus en utilisant une technique combinÃe de type ALS-MUSIC, basÃe sur un algorithme de sous-espaces. Enfin, nous considÃrons le problÃme de la dÂetermination dâordre de canaux de type RIF, dans le contexte des systÃmes MISO. Nous introduisons une procÃdure complÃte qui combine la dÃtection des signaux avec lâestimation des canaux de communication MISO sÃlectifs en frÃquence. Ce nouvel algorithme, basà sur une technique de dÃflation, est capable de dÃtecter
successivement les sources, de dÃterminer lâordre de chaque canal de transmission et dâestimer les coefficients associÂes.
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