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[pt] Óleos brutos altamente parafínicos podem causar problemas operacionais significativos, tais como bloqueio de um oleoduto devido à precipitação e deposição de componentes de parafina durante a produção e transporte de petróleo bruto. O custo de gerenciamento da parafina é enorme e aumenta significativamente com o aumento da produção de petróleo em áreas marítimas profundas. Mas estes custos podem ser significativamente reduzidos se a deposição de parafina em dutos puder ser prevista com precisão. Nesta pesquisa, o fenômeno de deposição foi analisado numericamente. O modelo de deslizamento foi utilizado para prever o fluxo multifásico e a deposição de parafina foi determinada a partir de um modelo de convecção. Este modelo previu com precisão as taxas de deposição de escala de laboratório em regime de fluxo laminar e turbulento. A taxa de deposição de parafina apresentou uma boa concordância com os resultados do software comercial OLGA. A comparação com a produção de petróleo de um poço real foi modelado, e bons resultados foram obtidos no impacto da queda de pressão devido à redução da área seção transversal causada pela deposição de parafina progressiva na parede do tubo. Os resultados deste trabalho mostraram uma boa consistência física e um acordo razoável com os dados experimentais e de campo comparados. / [en] Highly waxy crude oils can cause significant operational problems such as blockage of a pipeline due to the precipitation and deposition of select wax components during the production and transportation of the crude oil. The cost of wax management is enormous and rapidly increasing because of increased oil production in deep sea areas. Wax management costs can be significantly reduced if wax deposition in pipeline can be accurately predicted. In this research, the wax deposition phenomenon was numerically investigated. The drift flux model was employed to predict the multiphase flow and the wax deposition was determined based on a convective model. This model accurately predicted the deposition rates for lab scale under laminar and turbulent flows. The wax deposition rate presented a good agreement with the results of commercial software OLGA. A comparison with an existing oil production well was performed, and good results were obtained in the impact in pressure drop due to cross section area reduction caused by progressive wax deposition on the pipe wall. The results of this work showed a good physical consistency and a reasonable agreement with the compared experimental and field data.
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Imagerie géophysique (électrique et sismique) haute résolution et modélisation du système hydrothermal superficiel de la Solfatare de Pouzzoles, Italie du Sud. Application à l’étude des processus hydrothermaux. / Seismic and electric imagery of the upper hydrothermal system of Solfatara, Phlegrean Fields, Italy. Application to the modeling of hydrothermal system.Gresse, Marceau 12 December 2017 (has links)
Les Champs Phlégréens, situés dans la métropole napolitaine (Italie du sud), forment l’une des plus grandes structures volcaniques au monde. Depuis 1950, ce complexe volcanique manifeste un regain d’activité, qui s’est amplifié au cours de la dernière décennie. Cette accélération s’exprime au travers d’une intensification de la sismicité, de la déformation du sol ainsi qu’une extension de la zone de dégazage. L’ensemble des récentes études s’accorde à dire que le système s’achemine actuellement vers un point critique, sans toutefois pouvoir préciser quand et où pourrait avoir lieu une éventuelle éruption. Cette difficulté à prédire l’état réel du système est principalement associée à la présence d’un système hydrothermal relativement développé. Aux Champs Phlégréens, il est en effet difficile de déconvoluer les signaux provenant du forçage magmatique de ceux résultant de la réponse hydrothermale. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc d’améliorer les connaissances actuelles du système hydrothermal superficiel du volcan de la Solfatara, lieu où se concentre actuellement la reprise d’activité. Pour cela, une approche multidisciplinaire a été menée en deux phases : l’imagerie géophysique du volcan puis la modélisation de son système hydrothermal.La tomographie haute-résolution de résistivité électrique 3-D du cratère a permis de reconnaître les principales formations géologiques et leurs connexions avec les structures et écoulements hydrothermaux. L’interprétation du modèle de résistivité électrique a été réalisée grâce à un ensemble de mesures superficielles complémentaires : flux de CO2, température, potentiel spontané, capacité d’échange cationique et pH du sol. Deux panaches à dominante liquide ont été identifiés : la mare de boue de la Fangaia et la fumerole de Pisciarelli. À la Fangaia, une étude conjointe des modèles de résistivité électrique et de vitesses du sous-sol (obtenues par l’INGV) établit la présence de forts gradients, à la frontière entre panache hydrothermal et zone de dégazage diffus. Au niveau du principal secteur fumerolien, le modèle de résistivité électrique et la localisation des sources acoustiques révèlent clairement l’anatomie d’une zone fumerolienne. Deux conduits séparés, saturés en gaz, alimentent les fumeroles de Bocca Grande et de Bocca Nuova, depuis un même réservoir de gaz situé à ~50 mètres de profondeur. L’intense dégazage diffus produit à proximité de ces fumeroles occasionne la condensation de vapeur. Le modèle de résistivité électrique met en évidence la circulation souterraine de cet important volume d’eau, canalisée à l’intérieur d’une zone fracturée.En utilisant l’ensemble de ces informations structurelles, un modèle thermodynamique des écoulements multiphasiques de la principale zone fumerolienne a été réalisé. Ce modèle reproduit fidèlement les observables des fumeroles : température, flux et rapport CO2/H2O. Il valide l’imagerie géophysique et confirme l’interaction entre la circulation d’eau de condensation et l’un des conduits fumeroliens. Ainsi, cette simulation explique, pour la première fois par un effet d’interaction superficiel, les différentes signatures géochimiques des deux fumeroles : Bocca Nuova et Bocca Grande. L’approche multidisciplinaire, employée dans cette thèse, constitue une nouvelle étape vers une meilleure connaissance des interactions hydrothermales. Celles-ci doivent être prise en compte dans l’objectif de réaliser des modélisations dynamiques précises permettant d’appréhender in fine l’état réel du système volcanique. / The Campi Flegrei caldera is located in the metropolitan area of Naples (Italy), and it is one of the largest volcanic systems on Earth. Since 1950, this volcanic complex shows significant unrest, which accelerated over the last decade with a rise in the seismic activity, ground deformation, and the extent of the degassing area. Recent studies indicate that the volcanic system is potentially moving toward a critical state, although their authors remain unable to point out when and where a possible eruption could take place. The difficulty of predicting the real volcanic state is here mainly related to the hydrothermal system. Indeed, at the Campi Flegrei, it is difficult to separate the magmatic input signal from the hydrothermal response. Hence, the aim of this thesis is to improve our knowledge on the shallow hydrothermal system of the Solfatara volcano, where most of the renewal activity takes place. A multidisciplinary approach has been performed in two steps: first a geophysical imagery of the volcano and second the modeling of its hydrothermal system.The 3-D electrical resistivity tomography of the crater allows to recognize the main geological units, and their connection with hydrothermal fluid flow features. The interpretation of the resistivity model has been realized thanks to numerous soil complementary measurements: CO2 flux, temperature, self-potential, Cation Exchange Capacity and pH. We identify two liquid-dominated plumes: the Fangaia mud pool and the Pisciarelli fumarole. In the Fangaia area, the comparison between electrical resistivity and velocity models reveals strong gradients related to a sharp transition at the border between the hydrothermal plume and the high diffuse degassing region. Combining electrical resistivity model with hydrothermal tremor sources localization reveal the anatomy of the main fumarolic area. Two separated conduits, gas-saturated, feed the two fumaroles Bocca Grande and Bocca Nuova. These conduits originate from the same gas reservoir located 60 m below the surface. The intense degassing activity, produced in the vicinity of fumaroles, creates large amounts of vapor condensation. The resistivity model reveals this condensate circulation, within a fractured area.All these results are incorporated into a multiphase flow model of the main fumarolic area. The simulation accurately reproduces the fumaroles observables: temperature, flux and CO2/H2O ratio. The model validates the geophysical imagery and confirms the interaction between Bocca Nuova fumarolic conduit and the condensate flow. Hence, this simulation explains for the first time the distinct geochemical signature of the two fumaroles due to a shallow water-interaction. The multidisciplinary approach performed in this thesis constitutes a new step toward a better understanding of hydrothermal interactions. Those phenomena have to be taken into account in order to perform dynamic modelling, and thus apprehend the real state of the volcanic system.
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Escoamento multifásico não-isotérmico em riser flexível: modelagem e simulação. / Non-isothermal multiphase flow in flexible riser: modeling and simulation.NASCIMENTO, Genildo Ribeiro do. 05 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-11-05T12:39:57Z
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GENILDO RIBEIRO DO NASCIMENTO - TESE (PPGEP) 2011.pdf: 15030089 bytes, checksum: e81e7db2dc5710f5ef448ea2e4b1e612 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-08-24 / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo teórico sobre escoamento multifásico (gás-óleo pesado-água) em dutos flexíveis que tem uso em diversas aplicações da indústria petrolífera e não petrolífera. As equações governantes são baseadas no modelo multifluido Euleriano-Euleriano não-homogêneo, considerando o escoamento tridimensional em regime permanente laminar e não-isotérmico. As simulações foram efetuadas usando-se o código computacional CFX-3D. Os resultados das distribuições de velocidade, pressão, fração volumétrica e temperatura ao longo do duto são apresentadas e analisadas. Verificou-se que a curvatura do duto e a fração volumétrica das fases presentes têm forte influência na hidrodinâmica do escoamento. Fez-se uma avaliação da região onde pode ocorrer precipitação de parafina e os resultados obtidos são consistentes fisicamente e permitem um melhor conhecimento acerca do escoamento multifásico (água, óleo pesado e gás). / This work presents a theoretical study on multiphase flow (gas-heavy oil-water) in flexible
pipe which is used in many applications of petroleum industry and others industries. The
governing equations are based on Eulerian-Eulerian multifluid model and non-omogeneous, by considering the steady non-isothermal laminar flow. The simulations were performed using the computer code CFX-3D. Results of the velocity, pressure, volume fraction and temperature distributions along the pipeline are presented and analyzed. It was verified that the curvature of the pipe and the volumetric fraction of the phases has large influence in the hydrodynamic of flow. An evaluation of paraffin precipitation and the results are consistent physically and allow a better knowledge of multiphase flow (water, heavy oil, gas).
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Influence de l'évaporation de gouttes multicomposant sur la combustion et des effets diphasiques sur l'allumage d'un foyer aéronautique / Influence of multicomponent droplets vaporization on combustion and multiphase flow effects on the ignition of a aircraft engineBruyat, Anne 17 December 2012 (has links)
La conception de nouveaux moteurs impose de respecter des normes de sécurité concernant les performances d'allumage et de ré-allumage en conditions critiques. Des campagnes d'essais étant onéreuses, les industriels cherchent donc à disposer d'outils numériques fiables. Afin d'améliorer la simulation des écoulements, le caractère multicomposant du carburant doit être pris en compte. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier l'influence de l'évaporation d'un brouillard de gouttes sur un écoulement réactif. Pour cela, une étude de la propagation d'une flamme laminaire 1D est réalisée à l'aide d'un code de calcul multiphysique (CEDRE). Un train continu de gouttes monodisperse est injecté, les gouttes étant mono ou bicomposant. L'influence de la dynamique d'évaporation sur la combustion est étudiée. Deux cinétiques chimiques réduites multicomposant sont comparées. La composition, le diamètre et la richesse initiale des gouttes ont un impact sur la structure de flamme, la vitesse de flamme et la composition des gaz brûlés. Ensuite, l'effet de l'évaporation est étudié en phase d'allumage pour un brouillard de gouttes polydisperses monocomposant avec un modèle de noyau d'allumage local. L’écoulement instationnaire non-réactif dans un secteur de chambre industriel (MERCATO) est calculé avec une approche LES. Le caractère instationnaire, voire périodique, de la phase dispersée est mis en évidence en certains points de l'écoulement. Les résultats, associés au modèle d'allumage et à des critères, sont utilisées pour réaliser une carte de probabilité d'allumage. Des essais de calcul d'allumage complet de la chambre sont réalisés. Les résultats indiquent une surestimation des termes sources liés à l'évaporation de la phase dispersée et à la combustion. / The design of new aircraft engines needs in particular to comply with safety standards for the performance of stabilized combustion and ignition or re-ignition under critical conditions. Experimental campaigns are expensive, so numerical tools are needed. To improve the accuracy of the models used to simulate flow, the multicomponent nature of the fuel must be taken into account, whether it is kerosene or alternative fuel. The objective of this thesis is to study the influence of a droplet mist vaporization on a reactive flow. For this, an academic study of the propagation of a 1D laminar flame is performed using a CFD code {CEDRE). A continuous stream of monodisperse droplets is injected, the droplets being mono or bicomponent. The influence of the dynamics of evaporation on combustion is particularly studied. Two reduced multicomponent chemical kinetics are compared. The composition, the diameter and the initial equivalent ratio of droplets have an impact on the structure of the flame, the flame speed and composition of the burnt gases. A local ignition kernel model is applied to study the influence ofvaporization on ignition in the case of monocomponent, polydisperse droplets. Experimental data are available for a monosector combustion chamber (MERCATO) so the non-reactive unsteady flow is simulated with a LES approach. The unsteady, sometimes periodic, nature of the dispersed phase is highlighted in some points of the flow. A ignition model is applied to instantaneous flow fields and criteria are analysed to realise an ignition probability map which validates the approach. Finally, ignition of a combustion chamber is tested. The results point out an overestimation of source terms related to the evaporation of the dispersed phase and combustion.
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Étude expérimentale du rôle de la phase liquide dans les phénomènes d’instabilités thermo-acoustiques agissant au sein de turbomachines diphasiques / Experimental investigation of the spray implication in thermo-acoustic instabilities occurring in liquid-fuelled turbo-enginesApeloig, Julien 13 September 2013 (has links)
Le travail présenté concerne l'étude des instabilités thermo-acoustiques apparaissant dans une chambre de combustion aéronautique. Le montage expérimental permet de faire varier continument les fréquences de résonances et de passer pour une même condition d'écoulement, d'un régime de combustion stable à un régime instable. La caractérisation complète d'un cas instable comprend une mesure des conditions acoustiques aux limites du banc, une analyse du comportement des phases liquide et évaporée, de celui du dégagement de chaleur instationnaire et une mesure de la fonction de transfert de la flamme. Ces travaux ont mis en évidence trois phénomènes jouant sur l’injection cyclique de carburant liquide. Les temps caractéristiques des différents phénomènes intervenant dans le couplage thermo-acoustique et une distribution spatiale de l'indice de Rayleigh sont présentés. / The purpose of this experimental study was to further our understanding of the fuel spray behavior during combustion instability phenomena in combustion chambers. An aeronautical injection system with dual kerosene lines was mounted on the LOTAR setup, which was equipped with an adjustable exhaust length. Stability maps were generated by varying the global equivalent ratio and the fuel split parameter, for two Inner Exhaust Lengths (IEL). A non-unique multiphase flow condition was found to produce stable and unstable combustion for different IELs. Each configuration was fully characterized. Acoustic boundary conditions were measured using the 2-microphone technique. Different optical techniques were used toanalyze the unsteady behavior of the liquid phase, fuel vapor, and heat release. Moreover, two techniques were exploited to study the Flame Transfer Function using velocity measurement supstream and downstream of the injection device. Altogether, these results highlighted three atomization phenomena occurring during the cycles of thermo-acoustic instabilities. The phase-averaged analysis applied on the different measurements permitted to determine thetime scales associated with each process appearing in the thermo acoustic coupling. This cyclic injection of liquid fuel into the chamber was followed by a vapor phase increase corresponding to a wave of equivalent ratio. The delay between the two phenomena was of10°. In addition, OH* emissions showed a cyclic behavior following these waves. The delay between the wave of equivalent ratio and the unsteady heat release was approximately of 25°.Finally, spatial distribution of the Rayleigh index revealed that the inner recirculation zone contributed to sustain the combustion instability.
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The effect of gas on multi-stage mixed-flow centrifugal pumpsDupoiron, Marine Agnes Nicole January 2018 (has links)
The production from an oil reservoir is a mixture of liquids (oil and water) and gas, and is often maintained by using a pump placed in the well to ensure a continuous flow to the surface. Electrical Submersible Pumps consist of stacked centrifugal pump stages, each comprising a bladed impeller (rotating part) and diffuser (stationary part). In multiphase conditions, the gas tends to accumulate in the impeller, severely reducing the pressure produced by the pump. Radial-flow pumps operate in a plane perpendicular to their rotation axis, while mixed-flow pumps are characterised by a lower meridional angle (generally 40 to 80 degrees), and are generally better at handling gas-liquid mixtures. We first describe the impact of gas on the whole pumping system, from the reservoir to the storage facility, and give context to the subject. The available literature shows that the size of the gas bubbles present in the fluid is critical to the pump performance. A transparent, full-scale pump was built in order to explore the flow features in single and multiphase flows. Laser Doppler Velocimetry and high speed imaging in single phase flow showed a high turbulence level in the wake of the impeller blades, and recirculation cells at low flow rates. In gas-liquid conditions, we demonstrated that the bubble size varies within a pump stage, as break-up occurs at the impeller tip, and coalescence is dominant in the diffuser, especially because of recirculation. The first impeller acted as a mixer, and at moderate to high gas fractions (10 to 30%), the flow patterns at the stage level alternated between bubbly and radially separated flows. Finally, a dispersed-gas model was developed to predict the pressure rise in a mixed-flow pump impeller under gas-liquid conditions. This model based on the forces acting on a single spherical gas bubble, was implemented with a simplified, parametric representation of the flow field in a mixed-flow impeller. In the meridional direction, the Coriolis force opposes the centrifugal force and the adverse pressure gradient. Both forces tend to retain the gas bubble within the impeller. The relative magnitude of the drag force strongly depends on the maximal bubble diameter, which was determined as a function of the flow conditions and used to calculate the gas velocity through the impeller. This method resulted in a better agreement with the experimental data than a one-dimensional two-fluid model where the gas phase follows the same path as the liquid. We used the dispersed-gas model to give quantitative evidence that low blade and meridional angles reduce the gas accumulation and the associated performance degradation.
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Etude expérimentale du transitoire de remplissage des cavités d'injection des organes de combustion du moteur VINCI / Experimental study of the transient filling of the liquid oxygen dome of the VINCI rocket engineHérenger, Nicolas 08 October 2012 (has links)
Sous la direction de SNECMA, un nouveau moteur cryotechnique pour Ariane 5 est en phase de développement. Ce moteur, VINCI, fonctionne à l'oxygène et à l'hydrogène liquides et devra être rallumable en cours de vol. Le transitoire de remplissage d'une cavité intermédiaire par laquelle transite l'oxygène liquide avant d'arriver dans la chambre de combustion s'avère être une étape critique qu'il faut s'efforcer de maîtriser. Cette cavité, appelée dôme LOX, est directement reliée à la chambre de combustion par les injecteurs à oxygène. Des outils numériques sont actuellement en cours de conception : ils permettront à terme de simuler le remplissage de cette cavité dans l'espace. Afin de valider ces outils numériques, un programme expérimental a vu le jour, impliquant SNECMA, le CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) et le LEGI (Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels). Il s'agit de mener à bien des expériences « simples » et reproductibles afin de disposer d'une base de données expérimentales qui servira de cas tests pour les simulations. Un banc d'essais expérimental a été progressivement mis en place et instrumenté au LEGI. Le fluide utilisé en substitution de l'oxygène liquide est de l'eau. On a choisi de respecter une similitude du nombre de Weber entre le cas « réel » et les conditions expérimentales. Ce dernier équivaut au rapport des forces d'inertie sur les forces de tension de surface. Deux campagnes d'essais ont été réalisées, dans lesquelles on s'est centré sur l'étude des aspects hydrodynamique du transitoire de remplissage : variation du débit total et des pressions au cours d'un essai, évaluation du taux de vide dans la cavité, visualisation de l'écoulement dans la cavité et en sortie des injecteurs. L'instrumentation à disposition est constituée d'un débitmètre à effet Coriolis, de capteurs de pression, d'une sonde optique, de caméras rapides et d'un laser pour l'imagerie. La première campagne d'essais a visé le remplissage de la cavité en eau seule. Le paramètre de contrôle principal était la pression génératrice de l'écoulement liquide. Dans la deuxième campagne d'essais on injecte simultanément dans la cavité un écoulement d'eau et un écoulement d'air. Cela se rapproche plus des conditions réelles du transitoire de remplissage, au cours duquel la cavité est balayée par un écoulement d'hélium. Le paramètre de contrôle supplémentaire est le débit de gaz initial. Ces campagnes ont également souligné l'importance du profil d'ouverture de la vanne de l'écoulement liquide sur le transitoire de remplissage de la cavité. Ces campagnes d'essais constituent une première étape dans la compréhension du transitoire de remplissage du dôme LOX. Elles ont permis de visualiser la forme de l'écoulement dans la cavité et en sortie des injecteurs et d'identifier certains phénomènes intervenant dans le remplissage de la cavité. En particulier, nous avons mis en évidence l'existence d'un délai de mise en place de l'écoulement par les injecteurs, qui peut être responsable d'un pic de pression dans la cavité au cours du transitoire. L'influence de la fraction gazeuse sur l'écoulement dans les injecteurs a été soulignée mais reste à quantifier de façon précise. La prochaine étape de l'étude concerne les aspects énergétiques du transitoire de remplissage, notamment les transferts thermiques ayant lieu, dans la réalité, entre l'hélium, l'oxygène et les parois du dôme LOX. / Under the supervision of SNECMA, a new cryotechnic engine is being developed for Ariane 5. This engine, named VINCI, uses liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen as propellant. It must be re-ignitable in flight. The filling transitory phase of an intermediate tank where the liquid oxygen passes through before entering the combustion chamber, has proved to be a very important stage that must be handled. This tank, called LOX dome, is directly linked to the combustion chamber through the oxygen injectors. Numerical tools are currently under development. They will allow to simulate the filling of this tank in the space. In order to validate those numerical tools, an experimental program has been launched. It involves SNECMA, the CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales : National Centre for Spatial Studies) and the LEGI (Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels : Laboratory of Geophysical and Industrial Flows). Simple and repeatable experiments must be run. They will allow to gather experimental data that will further be used as test cases for the simulations. A test bench has been brought into service step by step at the LEGI, as well as scientific instruments. Water is used in place of liquid oxygen. A similarity of flows based on the Weber number has been chosen between the real case and the experiment. The Weber number measures the relative importance of the fluid inertia compared to its surface tension. Two experimental campaigns have been realized, that have focused on the dynamic aspects of the filling transitory phase : variations of the total flow and of the pressures measured during an experiment, evaluation of the void fraction in the tank, flow visualization in the tank and at the outlet of the injectors. The scientific instrumentation used is made of a Coriolis flow-meter, pressure probes, an optical probe, and high speed cameras with a laser for the flow visualization. The first experimental campaign has studied the tank filling with water only. The main control parameter is the reference pressure of the liquid flow. In the second campaign, both liquid and air flows are simultaneously injected in the tank. It aims at reproducing the real conditions of the filling transitory phase, where helium is injected in the tank with the liquid oxygen. The additional control parameter is the initial gas flow. Those campaigns have shown as well the importance of the valve opening that controls the liquid flow. Those campaigns are a first step in the understanding of the filling transitory phase of the LOX dome. They have permitted to visualize the flow in the tank and at the outlet of the injectors and to point out some important phenomena occurring during the tank filling. In particular, they have highlighted the existence of a delay before the flow can develop through the injectors. This delay can be responsible for a pressure peak in the tank during the transitory phase. The influence of the gas fraction on the flow through the injectors has been underlined as well but still must be accurately quantified. The next step of the study concerns the energetics of the filling transitory phase, especially the thermal transfers that occur between the helium, the oxygen and the walls of the tank.
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Simulação do perfil axial de pressão na coluna riser de um leito fluidizado circulante / Simulation of the axial pressure profile in the riser column of a circulating fluidized bedMartins, Camila Almeida 11 December 2015 (has links)
Escoamentos gás-sólido em sistemas de leito fluidizado circulante são muito comuns em processos industriais, sendo objeto de pesquisa nos últimos anos pela sua natureza altamente complexa. O estudo de parâmetros inerentes às características fluidodinâmicas deste escoamento, como por exemplo, do perfil de pressão estática na coluna de fluidização rápida, pode mostrar o caminho para a prevenção de situações não desejadas em processos desenvolvidos na indústria química e de petróleo, bem como na geração de energia elétrica. Apesar da existência de vários trabalhos realizados sobre o assunto, é frequente encontrar divergências nos resultados apontados pelos diversos autores. Assim, visando contribuir com o melhor entendimento do fenômeno de escoamento gás-sólido em regime de fluidização rápida, este estudo teve como objetivo simular o escoamento gás-sólido no interior de uma coluna riser de um sistema de leito fluidizado circulante a frio utilizando fluidodinâmica computacional, procurando determinar o perfil axial de pressão estática sob diferentes condições operacionais. Para tanto, o método dos volumes finitos, por meio do programa computacional comercial ANSYS-FLUENT™ v. 16.0, foi aplicado para a análise fluidodinâmica no interior do riser. Além do perfil de pressão, as simulações determinaram os campos de velocidade do sólido e do gás, bem como, a distribuição da concentração de sólidos, dentre outros parâmetros de interesse. Para a validação do modelo computacional, os resultados obtidos na simulação da queda de pressão axial ao longo da coluna riser foram comparados com dados experimentais obtidos em um sistema piloto que teve a sua geometria reproduzida nas simulações. Os resultados obtidos mostram concordância satisfatória entre os valores das simulações e os dados experimentais disponíveis. / Gas-solid flows in circulating fluidized bed systems are very common in industrial processes, being a research subject in recent years because of its highly complex nature. The study of parameters related to the hydrodynamics characteristics of this flow, such as the static pressure profile along the column in fast fluidization, can show the way to prevent undesired situations found in processes of the chemical and petroleum industry, as well as in boilers for power generation. Despite the existence of several studies conducted on the subject, there are differences in the results pointed out by several authors. Thus, in order to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon of gas-solid flow in fast fluidization regime, this study aimed to model and simulate the gas-solid multiphase flow inside a riser of a circulating fluidized bed by using computational fluid dynamics, in order to determine the axial pressure profile under different operating conditions. Therefore, the finite volume method, through ANSYS-FLUENT™ v.16.0-commercial software was applied to analyze the hydrodynamics of the gas-solid flow inside the riser. In addition to the pressure profile, simulations determined the solid and gas velocity fields, and also the distribution of the solids holdup, among other parameters of interest. To validate the computational model, the results obtained from simulations of the axial pressure drop across the riser column were compared with experimental data obtained in a pilot system, which had its geometry reproduced in the simulations. The results obtained showed good agreement between the values of the simulations and those available from experimental data.
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Simulação do perfil axial de pressão na coluna riser de um leito fluidizado circulante / Simulation of the axial pressure profile in the riser column of a circulating fluidized bedMartins, Camila Almeida 11 December 2015 (has links)
Escoamentos gás-sólido em sistemas de leito fluidizado circulante são muito comuns em processos industriais, sendo objeto de pesquisa nos últimos anos pela sua natureza altamente complexa. O estudo de parâmetros inerentes às características fluidodinâmicas deste escoamento, como por exemplo, do perfil de pressão estática na coluna de fluidização rápida, pode mostrar o caminho para a prevenção de situações não desejadas em processos desenvolvidos na indústria química e de petróleo, bem como na geração de energia elétrica. Apesar da existência de vários trabalhos realizados sobre o assunto, é frequente encontrar divergências nos resultados apontados pelos diversos autores. Assim, visando contribuir com o melhor entendimento do fenômeno de escoamento gás-sólido em regime de fluidização rápida, este estudo teve como objetivo simular o escoamento gás-sólido no interior de uma coluna riser de um sistema de leito fluidizado circulante a frio utilizando fluidodinâmica computacional, procurando determinar o perfil axial de pressão estática sob diferentes condições operacionais. Para tanto, o método dos volumes finitos, por meio do programa computacional comercial ANSYS-FLUENT™ v. 16.0, foi aplicado para a análise fluidodinâmica no interior do riser. Além do perfil de pressão, as simulações determinaram os campos de velocidade do sólido e do gás, bem como, a distribuição da concentração de sólidos, dentre outros parâmetros de interesse. Para a validação do modelo computacional, os resultados obtidos na simulação da queda de pressão axial ao longo da coluna riser foram comparados com dados experimentais obtidos em um sistema piloto que teve a sua geometria reproduzida nas simulações. Os resultados obtidos mostram concordância satisfatória entre os valores das simulações e os dados experimentais disponíveis. / Gas-solid flows in circulating fluidized bed systems are very common in industrial processes, being a research subject in recent years because of its highly complex nature. The study of parameters related to the hydrodynamics characteristics of this flow, such as the static pressure profile along the column in fast fluidization, can show the way to prevent undesired situations found in processes of the chemical and petroleum industry, as well as in boilers for power generation. Despite the existence of several studies conducted on the subject, there are differences in the results pointed out by several authors. Thus, in order to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon of gas-solid flow in fast fluidization regime, this study aimed to model and simulate the gas-solid multiphase flow inside a riser of a circulating fluidized bed by using computational fluid dynamics, in order to determine the axial pressure profile under different operating conditions. Therefore, the finite volume method, through ANSYS-FLUENT™ v.16.0-commercial software was applied to analyze the hydrodynamics of the gas-solid flow inside the riser. In addition to the pressure profile, simulations determined the solid and gas velocity fields, and also the distribution of the solids holdup, among other parameters of interest. To validate the computational model, the results obtained from simulations of the axial pressure drop across the riser column were compared with experimental data obtained in a pilot system, which had its geometry reproduced in the simulations. The results obtained showed good agreement between the values of the simulations and those available from experimental data.
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Simula??o do escoamento multif?sico no interior de bombas de cavidades progressivas met?licasAzevedo, Victor Wagner Freire de 05 November 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-11-05 / The progressing cavity pumping (PCP) is one of the most applied oil lift methods
nowadays in oil extraction due to its ability to pump heavy and high gas fraction flows.
The computational modeling of PCPs appears as a tool to help experiments with the
pump and therefore, obtain precisely the pump operational variables, contributing to
pump s project and field operation otimization in the respectively situation. A
computational model for multiphase flow inside a metallic stator PCP which consider
the relative motion between rotor and stator was developed in the present work. In such
model, the gas-liquid bubbly flow pattern was considered, which is a very common
situation in practice. The Eulerian-Eulerian approach, considering the homogeneous and
inhomogeneous models, was employed and gas was treated taking into account an ideal
gas state. The effects of the different gas volume fractions in pump volumetric
eficiency, pressure distribution, power, slippage flow rate and volumetric flow rate were
analyzed. The results shown that the developed model is capable of reproducing pump
dynamic behaviour under the multiphase flow conditions early performed in
experimental works / O bombeio por cavidades progressivas (BCP) ? um dos m?todos de eleva??o artificial
mais utilizados atualmente pela ind?stria do petr?leo devido ? sua capacidade de atuar
em reservat?rios de ?leos pesados e com elevada fra??o de g?s. A modelagem
computacional de BCPs surge como uma ferramenta para auxiliar os experimentos com
a bomba e assim obter com precis?o as suas vari?veis de opera??o, o que contribui para
a otimiza??o do projeto e da opera??o da bomba na situa??o a qual se encontra. Um
modelo computacional do escoamento multif?sico no interior de uma BCP de estator
met?lico que considera o movimento relativo entre o rotor e o estator foi desenvolvido
no presente trabalho. Em tal modelo, o escoamento g?s-l?quido no padr?o de bolhas foi
considerado, o que ? uma situa??o muito comum na pr?tica. A abordagem Euleriana-
Euleriana, considerando o modelo homog?neo e n?o-homog?neo, foi empregada e o g?s
foi tratado levando em considera??o um estado de gas ideal. Os efeitos das diferentes
fra??es de g?s na efici?ncia da bomba, distribui??o de press?o, pot?ncia, taxa de
escorregamento e vaz?o volum?trica foram analisados. Os resultados mostraram que o
modelo desenvolvido ? capaz de reproduzir o comportamento din?mico da BCP sob as
condi??es de escoamento multif?sico previamente realizados em trabalhos
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